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Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks: Student's Book & Workbook 1

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Percorsi flessibili

Cross-curricular options
Portfolio & exams
CD-ROM con video clips

Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks

G. Gerngross C. Holzmann P. Lewis-Jones

Student’s Book & Workbook 1

MORE! Student’s Book 1
Module 1
Unit 1 Nice to meet you! Page 10
Grammar Subject pronouns | singular I / You / He / She / It
Present simple of be | singular, affirmative
Possessive adjectives | singular my / your / his / her
Functions Greeting people Saying hello/introducing others Asking about age
Vocabulary Numbers 1-25 Favourite foods British cities
Pronunciation /I/ and /i:/
Skills Reading – short texts about a boy and a girl
Listening – interviews
Speaking – asking about favourite food
Portfolio Writing – about yourself

Unit 2 They’re my favourite animals Page 19

Grammar Subject pronouns | plural We / You / They
Present simple of be | plural, affirmative
Possessive adjectives | plural our / your / their
Plural nouns
Functions Talking about words Counting
Vocabulary Animals
Pronunciation /z/ in plural nouns
Skills Reading & listening – The wide-mouth frog
Speaking – acting out a dialogue
Portfolio Writing – about a friend
A Song 4 U More! More! More!
MORE Culture 1 The United Kingdom Geography
Check your Progress 1
Watch episode 1 of KIDS IN THE UK, Meeting up

Module 2
Unit 3 What’s the matter? Page 30
Grammar Present simple of be | negative, questions and short answers
Questions with Who …?
Functions Saying the days of the week Asking how people feel Talking about possession
Vocabulary Days of the week Feelings
Pronunciation Days of the week (stress and schwa)
Skills Reading – Max is happy
Speaking – about feelings
Portfolio Writing – about how you feel during the week
A Song 4 U Sunday is for me


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Unit 4 What colour is it? Page 39
Grammar Imperatives | affirmative and negative
Questions with Who…?/ Where…?/ Why…? / What…? / What colour…?
Functions Asking and saying where things are Asking about colours Giving instructions
Vocabulary Colours Prepositions of place
Pronunciation /@/ in unstressed final syllables
Skills Listening – an action story
Speaking – asking and answering about pictures
Portfolio Writing – about your favourite things
MORE Culture 2 School in England
Check your Progress 2
Watch episode 2 of KIDS IN THE UK, The Homework

Module 3
Unit 5 There’s a DVD player in it Page 50
Grammar There is / There are
Possessive ’s
Functions Spelling Talking about rooms and furniture
Vocabulary The alphabet Furniture Rooms in a house
Pronunciation The alphabet
Skills Reading – a dialogue about a monster with six eyes
Listening – a radio advertisement for a zoo
Speaking – a dialogue
Portfolio Writing – about your ideal room
A Song 4 U Alphabet stars

Unit 6 He’s got fair hair Page 59

Grammar Have got
Indefinite article | a / an
Functions Talking about nationality Describing people Talking about possessions
Vocabulary Parts of the body
Pronunciation Initial /h/
Skills Reading – descriptions
Listening – identifying descriptions of people
Speaking – about teenagers and their possible nationality
Portfolio Writing – a description of yourself or a friend
MORE Culture 3 Multicultural Britain
Check your Progress 3
Watch episode 3 of KIDS IN THE UK, The New Boy


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Module 4
Unit 7 Would you like cabbage, too? Page 70
Grammar Present simple | affirmative
Spelling | 3rd person singular
Adverbs of frequency | always / usually / often / sometimes / never
Functions Making and replying to polite offers Making and replying to polite requests
Vocabulary Food
Pronunciation Question intonation
Skills Reading – Kids around the world
Listening – dinner queue conversation + action story
Speaking – talking about eating habits
Portfolio Writing – about your eating habits

Unit 8 They don’t understand me Page 79

Grammar Present simple | negative, questions and short answers
Object pronouns
Functions Asking and telling the time Talking about daily activities and routines
Vocabulary Interests Daily activities
Skills Reading – a day in the life of Christina and Suresh
Listening – about an unusual pet
Speaking – interview classmates about daily routines
Portfolio Writing – about a day in your life
A Song 4 U The master of Time
MORE Culture 4 School breakfast clubs
Check your Progress 4
Watch episode 4 of KIDS IN THE UK, The Salt

Module 5
Unit 9 How much are those trousers? Page 90
Grammar Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns | this/that/these/those
Countable and uncountable nouns
How much…? / How many…?
some / any
Functions Talking about prices Talking about clothes Shopping
Vocabulary Clothes Prices
Pronunciation voiced ‘th’ in demonstratives
Skills Reading – The horse can count
Listening – conversation in a sports shop
Speaking – talking about clothes
Portfolio Writing – about clothes you like to wear
A Song 4 U Priscilla Pink and Bobby Black


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Unit 10 He likes telling jokes Page 99
Grammar Can for ability
Can for permission
Like / love / hate (doing)
Functions Asking for permission Talking about family Talking about abilities
Vocabulary Family members
Skills Reading – The Boehmer family
Listening – someone talking about their family
Portfolio Writing – a poem
A Song 4 U Heaven
MORE Culture 5 Spend, spend, spend
Check your Progress 5
Watch episode 5 of KIDS IN THE UK, The Shirt

Module 6
Unit 11 I’m doing some homework Page 110
Grammar Present continuous
Forming words with -ing
Functions Talking on the phone Talking about birthdays
Vocabulary Ordinal numbers Months of the year
Skills Reading – Mario’s birthday
Listening – A knock at the window
Speaking – phone conversations
Portfolio Writing – a postcard
A Song 4 U Mr Muddle is never right!

Unit 12 Do you like reading? Page 119

Grammar Articles
Present simple vs. present continuous
Functions Invitations Talking about your free time
Vocabulary Computers Free-time activities
Pronunciation ‘the’
Skills Reading – Strange! Fast forward percorsi flessibili
Listening – interviews about pets
Speaking – about pets
A Song 4 U A summer holiday CD1 Units 1-7

MORE Culture 6 Free-time activities CD2 Units 8-12

Check your Progress 6 DVD

Watch episode 6 of KIDS IN THE UK, The Paper Round TRINITY exam

Workbook 1 - page 129 Grammar Review - page 202 Word List - page 215 KET exam

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Befor e you begin
Vocabulary | the classroom
1 Abbina i nomi agli oggetti nell’illustrazione accanto.
___ teacher
___ student
___ desk 2
___ rucksack 3
___ board
___ chair
___ book
___ pencil
___ paper
___ ruler
___ exercise book
___ pen
___ rubber
___ pencil case
___ computer 1
___ dictionary


2 Abbina le frasi inglesi con le traduzioni italiane.

1 I don’t understand. 2 Can you repeat that, please?

a ___ Può ripeterlo, per favore? b ___ Non capisco.


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14 10


3 What’s the homework, please? 4 Can you spell pen, please?

c ___ Può fare lo spelling di pen, per favore? d ___ Quali sono i compiti, per favore?


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Module 1 Units1 & 2
Sono già in grado di
μ pronunciare alcuni tra i più comuni nomi inglesi
μ salutare in inglese

Conosco già
μ alcuni vocaboli inglesi di uso quotidiano
μ alcuni numeri in inglese

What do you know?

Assegna i nomi o le espressioni alla categoria
corrispondente. Sei in grado di aggiungere altre
parole per ogni categoria?
greeting someone Mike, Steve, Jane, …
English names one, two, three, …
numbers in English Hi, Dave.

In questo modulo imparerò a:
A presentarmi e a presentare altre persone
A chiedere a una persona come sta
A parlare dei miei cibi preferiti
A chiedere il significato di parole inglesi
A parlare di me stesso e di altri

A subject pronouns
A present simple of be
A possessive adjectives Introducing
A plural nouns
A more numbers
A food (1)
A animals and pets


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Module 1 Nice to meet you!


1 Ascolta e leggi.
Nadia Hi Steve. Nadia Hello, Bess. Oh, you’re a
Dictionary Steve Hello Nadia. How are you? nice dog!
I’m scared. Sono Nadia I’m fine, thanks. And you? Mrs Jones And what’s your name?
spaventato. / Ho paura.
friendly amichevole
Steve I’m OK. Oh, look! Dogs! I’m Nadia Oh, sorry! My name’s Nadia,
new nuovo (appena scared of dogs. and this is Steve.
arrivato) Nadia What’s his name? Mrs Jones Hello Steve. Hello
More Talk! Mrs Jones Baron. He’s friendly. Nadia. I’m Mrs Jones. I’m
Look! Guarda!
Nice to meet you! Nadia And what’s his name? new here.
Lieto di conoscerti! / Mrs Jones She’s a girl. Her name’s Steve Nice to meet you,
Bess. Mrs Jones.

10 | UNIT 1

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2 Scrivi i nomi sotto le immagini.
Mrs Jones

1 Bess

3 Inserisci i nomi negli spazi. 4

1 ............................... is fine.
2 ............................... is scared of dogs.
3 ............................... is friendly.
4 ............................... is a nice dog.
5 ............................... is new here.

Get talking | saying hello / introducing others

4 Ascolta e completa i dialoghi.

Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2

Andy Hi, Julia.

Jenny Hi, Dave. How 1.............. you? 1
.............. are you?
Dave Hello, Jenny. 2.............. fine,
Julia I’m fine, thanks,
thanks. And you?
Andy. And 2..............?
Jenny Great, thanks.
Andy I’m OK, thanks.
Dave Good! Sorry, 3.............. late!
Julia, this 3.............. Tom.
Tom Hello, Julia.
Jenny Bye, Dave!
Julia Hi, Tom. Nice to 4.............. you.
Tom You too.

5 In coppia interpreta i dialoghi dell’esercizio 4.

UNIT 1 | 11

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Function Focus
Vocabulary | numbers
1 Ascolta e scrivi i numeri negli spazi.
fifteen one two three four five ................... seven

................... nine ten eleven ................... thirteen fourteen

................... sixteen ................... eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one

2 Ascolta e scrivi l’età.

Sonia What’s your name? Sonia Oh, I’m 2.............. What’s his name?
Jackie I’m Jackie. Jackie Mike.
Sonia How old are you? Sonia How old is he?
Jackie I’m 1.............. Jackie He’s 3..............

Get talking | asking about age

3 Guarda le immagini per due minuti e cerca di ricordare nomi ed età.
Poi chiudi il libro e, in coppia, fa’ domande e rispondi.


A How old is
Mike / Tom? 12 17 15
B He’s twelve.
A That’s right.
/ That’s wrong JACKIE ERICA TOM
– he’s .....................
16 11 14

12 | UNIT 1

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Subject pronouns | singular
I io
You tu, lei (formale)
* Ilrivolge
pronome you significa ‘tu’ e ‘lei’ nell’uso formale (quando cioè ci si
ad una persona con il ‘lei’).
He egli, lui
She ella, lei
* He si usa quando si parla di persone di sesso maschile; she si usa quando
si parla di persone di sesso femminile.
It esso, essa
* Itanche
è neutro e si usa in riferimento ad animali e cose. Si possono usare
he e she quando si parla di animali domestici.

1 Traduci in inglese i pronomi personali soggetto.

1 Egli, lui .................... 3 Ella, lei ....................
2 Tu, lei (formale) .................... 4 Io ....................

2 Scrivi il pronome appropriato.

1 he 2 ............. 3 .............

4 ............. 5 .............

Present simple of be | singular, affirmative

I am I’m
You are
* Ilhaverbo be, al singolare,
tre forme. You’re
He He’s
She is
It | * Parlando si usano quasi
sempre le forme contratte.

UNIT 1 | 13

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... MORE Grammar
3 Riscrivi usando la forma contratta.
1 I am Italian. I’m Italian. 4 He is scared. ...........................................
2 She is nice. ........................................... 5 You are friendly. ...........................................
3 It is late. ...........................................

4 Inserisci la forma contratta corretta: ’m, ’re, o ’s.

1 Mark is my 2 Hello. I........ 3 It....... a dog. 4 This is Nadia. 5 Hello Tom!

friend. He....... Fergus. She....... nice! You....... late!

Possessive adjectives | singular

My name’s Nadia.
What’s his name?
* Ricorda che his significa ‘suo’, ‘sua’, ‘suoi’, ‘sue’ riferito a un
possessore di sesso maschile; her ha lo stesso significato di his ma è
Her name’s Bess. riferito a un possessore di sesso femminile.
What’s your name? Ricorda che your è aggettivo possessivo di seconda persona singolare
* e significa ‘tuo’, ‘tua’, ‘tuoi’, ‘tue’ oltre che, nell’uso formale (quando,
cioè, ci si rivolge ad una persona con il ‘lei’), ‘suo’, ‘sua’, ‘suoi’, ‘sue’.

5 Leggi gli esempi e completa la tabella.

Subject pronoun I you he she

1 2 3
Possessive adjective my .............. .............. ..............

6 Inserisci my, your, his, o her negli spazi vuoti.

1 ................ name’s Wayne Rooney. 2 Hi! I’m Steve. What’s ................ 3 ................ name’s Jennifer
name? Lopez.

14 | UNIT 1

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... MORE Grammar for Communication
Get talking | greetings
7 Abbina le espressioni alle immagini. Poi ascolta e scrivi le espressioni.
1 08:00 1 2 Good evening.
Good morning, Mrs Jones.
Goodbye, Mum.
Good morning, Luke.
Good afternoon, Mrs Jones.
Good night, Luke.
Good night, Mum.
Good afternoon, Luke.
Goodbye, Luke.

1 ..................................................................
2 ..................................................................
2 08:00 3 3 16:00
4 5 6

3 .................................................................. 5 ..................................................................
4 .................................................................. 6 ..................................................................
4 21:00 5 22:30 8
7 9

7 .................................................................. 8 ..................................................................
9 ..................................................................
UNIT 1 | 15

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1 Ascolta e scrivi i numeri. Poi scrivi la parola appropriata sotto ogni immagine.

hot dogs
ice cream

............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .................................

2 Ascolta e interpreta.

What’s your favourite food?

It’s apples.

3 Ascolta l’intervista e completa il dialogo.
Interviewer What’s 1............... name?
Girl Kirsty.
Interviewer Where are 2............... from?
Girl I’m from London.
Interviewer How old 3............... you?
Girl I’m thirteen.
Interviewer What’s 4............... favourite food?
Girl Hamburgers.
Interviewer What’s 5............... favourite number?
Girl ............... seven.

16 | UNIT 1

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... MORE Skills
Reading Hello, I’m Lizika and I come from Budapest,
4 Leggi e completa. in Hungary. I’m 15 years old and 15 is my
favourite number, too! My favourite food is
Hi, my name’s Michael and I’m chicken – it’s great! My pets are Peter, my
from Manchester. I’m 14. My hamster, and Piri, my dog.
dog’s name is Leo and my cat’s
name is Suzy. They’re nice. My favourite
food is fruit and my favourite number is 10.

1 Michael is fourteen. 5 Michael’s favourite ........................ is ten.

2 ........................ is fifteen. 6 Lizika’s favourite food is ........................
3 Michael is from ........................ 7 Leo is a ........................
4 ........................ is from Hungary. 8 Peter is a ........................

5 Ascolta le interviste e completa la tabella.

City Age Favourite Favourite

food number
Alice York 12 pizza 17
Glasgow Hannah

Cardiff London

UNIT 1 | 17

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... MORE Skills

Sounds right /I/ and /i:/

6a Ascolta e ripeti. b Ascolta e ripeti.
11 12
1 he she meet cream fourteen 1 His name’s Steve. He’s fourteen.
2 it his fish six chicken 2 Meet his dog – she’s six!

7 Scrivi le domande.
Girl ....................................................... ? Girl ......................................................... ?
Boy Robbie. Boy Spaghetti. I love spaghetti.
Girl ....................................................... ? Girl ......................................................... ?
Boy I’m from London. Boy It’s 11.
Girl ....................................................... ?
Boy I’m twelve.

Writing foryour Portfolio

8 Leggi cosa ha scritto Owen e scrivi
un testo su di te per il tuo Portfolio.
This is me. My name’s Owen. I’m
twelve. I’m from Cambridge.
My favourite food is steak. My
favourite number is 13.

MORE Get it, Fido! Lazy dog. Good dog! Come back, Fido!

Hi, what’s
your name?

18 | UNIT 1

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