Cars Analysis
Cars Analysis
Cars Analysis
good cause it is funny car vroom vroom. Yeah that's cool or something but then
you have the most recent films which I think does cars at it's best generally
surpassing the first cars film as the second one kind of acts as a main title spin-off
due to "the over usage of the humour based around spy activity."
Moving on the idea of cars puts LIGHTNING MCQUEEN in the same
position as that old dude from the first film the old blue one and that's pretty cool.
Honestly, also animation good also plot good but loses humour as it takes a very
modern attempt. That doesn't really work well unfortunately because that was one
of the few things the series had going for it. It ruins a certain magic of the film.
However even though it does that it actually rounds up the franchise pretty
well and also has a really good arc for the plot seeing how he wins his first piston
cup in the first film. Seeing the old generation fade away and starts a new
generation second film starts with him taking a career similar to that of Hudsons
(figured out his name that's cool) and ends with him ending his career like Hudson.
Overall, the plot works really well and the humour plays a lot of ideas really
well. However, each film could never stand on their own without the other three
which is very unusual as Disney and it's partner companies generally do well at
making good films inside of a franchise e.g. MARVEL. I find it odd that that does
not work out for it.
Nonetheless, my opinion on the three films is that they are all equal I will
say too that the third one has by far the best concept but the execution could have
been better. I feel to also as well that there should have been more racing vroom
vroom fast car go burr because that is what all the films advertised you know. It
does not do that enough you know.
Overall concept is good and most people enjoy it that's cool but if it had
refined everything just a bit more it would have been a better franchise even if it is
already good you know you know you know what's up pussy cat but yeah nah a
good franchise.
Now I need to complain about planes fucking bad film god awful butchers
the ideas from the cars franchise so bad bad omg awful it's cars but planes and also
very typical plot that is good what cars does plot wise it tries to be unique yeah
planes throws that to hell reaches for it and shoves it in a toilet of diarrhoea bad
film sorry planes enthusiasts go fly to heaven or something very dumb tbh and fire
and rescue don't get me started but just as bad as planes