Shall Conform To Those Specified in
Shall Conform To Those Specified in
Shall Conform To Those Specified in
DN is the nominal diameter of the fitting in tnillimetres and f is the cauling space of the joint in millimetres
is equal to 9.00 + 0.003 DN.
NOTE - The jointing tolerances applicable lo joints other than lead joints shall be as specified by their manufacturer
and shall be within the tolerances specified above.
10.2 The maximum or minimum jointing space result- may be accepted provided they comply in every other
ing from these tolerances is such that the jointing of the respect with the requirement of this standard.
pipes and fittings is not adversely affected. 12 COATING
10.3 Tolerances on Thickness 12.1 After inspection and hydrostatic test, each fitting
The tolerances on the wall thickness and flange thick- shall be coated as follows.
ness of fittings are limited as follows: 12.2 Coating shall not be applied to any fitting unless
Diniension Tolerance, mm its surface is clean, dry and free from NSt.
Wall thickness - (2 + 0.05 e) 12.3 Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser
and the manufacturer all fittings shall be coated exter-
Flange thickness A (3 t 0.05 b)
nally and internally with the same material by dipping
where in a tar or suitable base bath. The fittings may be either
preheated before dipping or the bath may be uniformly
e = the standard thickness of the wall in millimetrcs, and
heated. Alternatively, if mutually agreed behveen the
b = the standard thickness of the flange in millimetres. purchaser and the manufacturer, the fittings may be