Application For Admission and Residence As A Start-Up' Working On A Self-Employed Basis
Application For Admission and Residence As A Start-Up' Working On A Self-Employed Basis
Application For Admission and Residence As A Start-Up' Working On A Self-Employed Basis
on a self-employed basis
Please note! If you have received a printed version of this information form, please check out the digital version,
including direct links, on
With this form, you apply for admission and residence in the Netherlands as a ‘start-up’ working on a self-employed
basis. You can only use this form if you are a foreign national staying outside the Netherlands. You submit the
application to the Dutch embassy or consulate in the country of origin or the country of continuous residence.* Please
check to find out whether and how you can make an appointment for this.
* In case there is no Dutch consulate or embassy in your country of origin or permanent residence, please turn to the
nearest Dutch representation.
If you give your consent to communication by e-mail (see section ‘7 Declaration of consent’), the embassy or consulate
employee will provide you with a file password. This password will be written in the box at the top of this page. It is
very important that you keep your password safe and it is strongly recommended that you keep a copy of this
application form for your records.
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1 Your personal details Write in block letters
1.1 V-number
First names
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1.11 Home address Street
1.13 E-mail
Date of issue
Valid until
Issued by
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2 Details of the facilitator
2.5 E-mail
Please enclose an authorisation if the representative is acting on your behalf. If the authorised representative is
a lawyer, no authorisation needs to be submitted.
First names
3.2 Nationality
3.5 E-mail
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4 Declaration of intent to undergo a TB test
In order to obtain a residence permit, you must be prepared to undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test in the
Netherlands and - if necessary -treatment. If you are granted a residence permit, you will actually have to
undergo a TB test within three months after having received your residence permit.
When you are in the Netherlands, you should make a TB test appointment with the Municipal Health Service
(GGD) in the area where you live or will be living (for further information visit the website
Should it become clear after the issue of a residence permit that - despite signing the declaration of intent -
you failed to undergo a TB test within the period of three months, this may result in a cancellation of the
permit that was granted.
Please note! The obligation to undergo the test does not apply if you are a national of one of the countries
listed in the appendix ‘Exemption from the obligation to undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test’.
I hereby declare that I am prepared to cooperate in a tuberculosis test and any treatment. I am aware of
the fact that I must undergo a TB test within three months after the residence permit has been received.
If I fail to do so, this might have consequences for my right of residence in the Netherlands.
I do not need to undergo a TB test because I am a national of one of the countries listed in the appendix
‘Exemption from the obligation to undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test’.
5 Means of evidence
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• The signed agreement between you and your facilitator. The agreement has been signed by both of you.
Your facilitator must be authorised to sign the agreement. The agreement in any case includes information
the nature of the facilitation. The facilitation must be tailor-made. This means that the facilitator is able
to facilitate you to get your idea to a business.
the conditions of the agreement. These may not adversely affect or prevent a healthy development of
your business. It may not concern a ‘unconscionable contract’.
the facilitator’s interest in the start-up company. The facilitator may not have a majority interest in the
start-up company.
• Evidence of means of support
If you are (partially) financing the means of support yourself:
a copy of a Dutch bank account that is in your name or your company’s name, showing the balance
that is available; or
a statement from the foreign bank where you have your account, detailing the amount (monthly) which
is paid into the account in the Netherlands in your name or your company’s name;
If your facilitator is (partially) financing the means of support:
a contract between you and your facilitator, detailing the financial resources that will be provided to
If the means of support are being (partially) financed by a third financier:
an original statement from the bank that shows the amount that will be paid each month to your
personal Dutch bank account, during your period in the Netherlands; or
an original statement from the financier, which states the monthly amount that will be paid to your
personal Dutch bank account during your period in the Netherlands; and
a copy of your financier’s passport; and
a recent bank statement or bank specification which shows your financier’s bank balance.
• Evidence on the reliability and expertise of the facilitator.
Please note! If, in the year before you submit your application, the RVO gave a positive recommendation
with respect to the facilitator, you need not produce any evidence on the reliability and expertise of the
facilitator. In that case, the RVO will assume that the facilitator is reliable and an expert.
I declare the RVO has given a positive recommendation in the year before I submitted my application.
If the RVO has not given a positive recommendation before or gave a positive recommendation more than
one year ago, enclose with your application:
As many means of evidence as possible showing the expertise of the facilitator:
o The facilitator offers you a tailor-made package of facilities. A tailor-made package means that the
facilitator is able to facilitate the start-up entrepreneur in developing the idea into a business. This
depends on the facilitation required by the start-up entrepreneur. The facilitator may, for example,
assist in the business operations, marketing, conducting of research and search for investors in
order to set up the innovative company. The agreement between you and your facilitator must
include arrangements in this respect.
o The facilitator is experienced. Experience means at least 2 years’ experience with facilitating
innovative start-up entrepreneurs. At least 2 persons should be able to facilitate you. They can do
this either jointly or alone with an equivalent substitute. You can demonstrate this by means of, for
example, a business plan, examples of previously facilitated start-up entrepreneurs, references and
CVs. If several persons act as facilitator, information about all facilitators will be required.
As many means of evidence as possible showing that the facilitator is reliable. The facilitator must be
financially sound. In any case, the facilitator has not been granted a moratorium, has not been declared
insolvent. He has a healthy solvency and liquidity ratio (no negative shareholders’ equity). For the
facilitator must support you for at least 1 year. You can demonstrate this by means of, for example,
recent financial statements (the RVO can inspect the financial statements of organisations that have a
filing obligation with the Chamber of Commerce), agreements with or guarantees by financiers, audit
opinions, bank statements and/or substantiated financial prognoses.
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6 Payment of fees
Before your application can be assessed, you must pay a fee. The fee for an application for admission and
residence in the Netherlands as a ‘start-up’ working on a self-employed basis, submitted on or after 1 January
2021, is € 342. This amount has to be paid by all applicants, except for citizens of Turkey, San Marino and
Israel. The fee for citizens of Turkey is € 69. The application is free of charge for citizens of San Marino and
Israel. You can also find this information on
Please transfer the fee for the application to the bank account of the IND referred to below. Please quote the
V-number, which you will receive from the Dutch embassy/consulate where you apply, as your payment
Bank ING
Account number
Name Min. van Justitie en Veiligheid 601/IND LEGES Storting Bank
IBAN number NL31INGB0705005356
Address Postbus 85449
Postcode 2508 CC
City Den Haag
You must transfer the fee within three weeks after the date on top of this form (filled in by the Netherlands
embassy/consulate). Your application will only be assessed when the whole amount has been received by the
IND. Please check whether your bank deducts a fee from the amount being transferred. If the assessment of
your application shows that you do not qualify for a residence permit in the Netherlands, you will not receive a
7 Declaration of consent
The IND will assess and decide on your application. If you wish communication with the IND to take place by e-
mail (instead of by post), you must consent to this first.
I agree that communication with the IND will take place by e-mail. I want the email address I provided
above to be used for this (section 1.13). I access this email address on a regular basis.
I do not agree that communication with the IND will take place by e-mail. I want correspondence to be
sent to the address I provided above (section 1.11).
If you give your consent to communication by e-mail, the IND will send the decision on your application to your
e-mail address. The message will be encrypted using the file password you received from the embassy or
consulate employee. You can open the encrypted document in the email with this password. Therefore, it is
very important that you keep your password safe and it is strongly recommended that you keep a copy of this
application form for your records.
Please note! The IND accepts no responsibility for any email messages that fail to reach you or are delayed.
The IND cannot guarantee the reliability of sending or receiving messages by email, or the confidentiality and
integrity of email correspondence sent over the internet.
After receipt of your application, your documents and fee, the IND will assess your application. You will be
contacted by the IND if your payment or your documents are not received. You will also be informed once the
assessment of your application has been finalised. If your application is granted, you will also receive
information about the follow-up procedure.
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9 MVV and residence permit
In case your application is granted you will receive an MVV (entry visa) from the Dutch embassy/consulate.
When your application is granted you can make an appointment to collect your MVV via The IND aims to have your residence permit ready within a few weeks following
your arrival in the Netherlands. The IND will send you a letter indicating when you can collect your residence
permit. For this, you have to make an appointment online at the IND desk stated in the letter.
9.2 Please indicate below where you will collect the residence permit:
You can also collect your residence permit at an expat center: (Some expat centers charge a fee for this service
and some expat centers require an appointment to collect the residence permit)
You need your birth certificate (legalised and translated if necessary, please check for registering
in the Personal Records Database (BRP) at your local municipality after arriving in the Netherlands. This is a
mandatory procedure. When you are registered in the BRP, you will automatically obtain a citizen service
number (BSN), unless you already have this.
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11 Signing
Signing this form will bring you rights and obligations. If you do not know what these rights and obligations
are, then visit the website
I declare I have completed this form truthfully. I know that the personal details supplied will be processed in
connection with the Aliens Act 2000 and will be passed on to authorities that need these personal details
for that purpose. I will pass on any changes to my situation, which will affect my right of residence, within
4 weeks to the IND with the ‘Notification form for family members and relatives’. I am aware that if I do not
do this, it may affect my right of residence as foreign national. I know that I may incur an administrative fine.
I know what my rights and obligations are.
11.2 Name
11.4 Signature
Sign and send the completed form, the appendices and the requested documents to the IND in the Netherlands
by post. Never send any original documents. You must send clearly readable and full copies of the original
documents. Do not use any staples or paperclips. Do not send any USB sticks, CD’s, DVDs and suchlike. Put all
the documents in a sufficiently stamped envelope. Send this to the following address:
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