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Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

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The document discusses Oracle Fusion Applications troubleshooting guide including administrative troubleshooting information.

The document discusses Oracle Fusion Applications components, licenses, trademarks and copyright information.

The document mentions steps like checking logs to identify issues, stopping all processes, deleting directories and dropping/recreating schemas to recover from pasteConfig errors.

Oracle® Fusion Applications

Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

11g Release 5 (11.1.5)

August 2012
Provides administrative troubleshooting information.
Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide, 11g Release 5 (11.1.5)


Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Deborah Steiner (lead), Don Biasotti, Shelly Butcher, Sue Highmoor, Mark Kennedy,
Amy Lodato, David Lang, Stefanie Rhone, Leslie Studdard, John Williams

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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xv
Audience..................................................................................................................................................... xv
Documentation Accessibility ................................................................................................................... xv
Related Documents ................................................................................................................................... xv
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... xv

What's New in This Guide ..................................................................................................................... xvii

New and Changed Features for 11g Release 5 (11.1.5) ....................................................................... xvii
Other Significant Changes in this Document for 11g Release 5 (11.1.5)........................................... xvii

1 Introduction to Troubleshooting
1.1 Where to Find Detailed Troubleshooting Information ..................................................... 1-1
1.2 Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.1 Process for Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem Using Cloud Control .. 1-3
1.2.2 General Process for Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem ....................... 1-6
1.3 Resolving Common Oracle Fusion Applications Problems ............................................ 1-10
1.3.1 File Uploads Fail ...................................................................................................... 1-11
1.3.2 Search Is Not Available for an Oracle Fusion Application ....................................... 1-11

2 Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business

Intelligence Publisher
2.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle BI EE and Oracle BI Publisher ........................... 2-1
2.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting .............................................................................. 2-2
2.2.1 Oracle BI Technologies ............................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Logging ...................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Data Warehouse Enabled Profile Option ................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI EE ......................................................................... 2-4
2.3.1 Oracle BI Presentation Services Fails to Start ............................................................. 2-4
2.3.2 The BI Server Is Not Running .................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.3 Cannot Log In to Oracle Business Intelligence as a User With the BISystem Role ..... 2-5
2.3.4 The "My Account" Link Does Not Display in Presentation Services .......................... 2-7
2.3.5 Oracle Business Intelligence Requests Stop Responding ........................................... 2-8
2.4 Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI Publisher .............................................................. 2-9
2.4.1 Oracle BI Publisher Reports Are Missing from the Presentation Services Shared
Folders ....................................................................................................................... 2-9

2.4.2 Oracle BI Publisher Reports Are Missing from the Oracle BI Publisher Server Shared
Folders ..................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.5 Problems and Solutions for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications ......................... 2-12
2.5.1 Revenue Amount Columns Show No Data or Show Data with Currency Symbol
Missing in CRM Reports .......................................................................................... 2-13

3 Troubleshooting Oracle Data Integrator

3.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting ODI .............................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Getting Started with Logging Basics for Oracle Data Integrator ...................................... 3-2
3.2.1 Viewing and Configuring ODI Agent Logs ............................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Viewing Session Logs for ODI ................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Resolving Common Problems .......................................................................................... 3-5
3.3.1 ODI Process Is Taking a Long Time to Complete Job Request ................................... 3-5
3.3.2 A Coherence Node Connected to ODI Is Using UDP Multicasting for Cluster
Discovery Instead of WKA ........................................................................................ 3-6

4 Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework

4.1 Problems and Solutions .................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Missing Parameters for Search Engine Instance ........................................................ 4-2
4.1.2 Cannot Create Search Engine Instance ...................................................................... 4-2
4.1.3 Searchable Object Not Listed in Fusion Applications Control for ECSF .................... 4-2
4.1.4 Searchable Object Deployment Fails .......................................................................... 4-3
4.1.5 Searchable Object Undeployment Fails ..................................................................... 4-3
4.1.6 Search Category Deployment Fails ............................................................................ 4-4
4.1.7 Cannot Start, Undeploy, or Delete the Index Schedule .............................................. 4-4
4.1.8 Crawl Fails ................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.1.9 Invalid Channel Feed Type Error .............................................................................. 4-4
4.1.10 ECSF Query Error ...................................................................................................... 4-5
4.1.11 FND-6603 Error ......................................................................................................... 4-5
4.2 Diagnosing Enterprise Crawl and Search Problems ......................................................... 4-6
4.2.1 Diagnosing ECSF Command Line Administration Utility Issues .............................. 4-6
4.2.2 Diagnosing Fusion Applications Control for ECSF Issues ......................................... 4-6
4.2.3 Diagnosing Failures During Deploy/Undeploy Operations for Search Categories .. 4-6

5 Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management

5.1 Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services ............................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 Getting Started with Logging Basics for Foundation Services ................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Web Traffic Snooping ................................................................................................ 5-2
5.1.3 EPM Registry ............................................................................................................. 5-3 EPM Registry Initialization Fails ......................................................................... 5-3 Connection to Essbase Server Fails ...................................................................... 5-4 Host and Ports Do Not Match ............................................................................. 5-4
5.1.4 Hyperion Security Username/Password Authentication Fails during Enterprise
Scheduler Services Essbase Cube Creation in the Domain ........................................ 5-6
5.1.5 EPM Workspace ........................................................................................................ 5-6 Debugging ........................................................................................................... 5-6 Startup ................................................................................................................. 5-7

iv Microsoft Internet Explorer Truncated Menus .................................................... 5-8
5.1.6 Allocation Manager ................................................................................................... 5-8 Essbase Applications Are Not Listed Under the Essbase Node .......................... 5-8 Business Rules Cannot be Deployed to General Ledger ...................................... 5-9
5.1.7 Smart View ................................................................................................................ 5-9 Re-enabling Smart View in Microsoft Office Applications .................................. 5-9 Enabling Advanced Logging ............................................................................... 5-9 Timeout Errors .................................................................................................. 5-10 Shared Connections Panel Does Not Display Server Names ............................. 5-10
5.2 Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting ............................................................ 5-11
5.2.1 Setting Up Data Sources and Debugging Setup and Connectivity Issues ................ 5-11 Unable to Connect to Essbase Cube ................................................................... 5-11 Error While Creating Database Connection ...................................................... 5-11 Cannot Set Up a Database Connection .............................................................. 5-12
5.2.2 Issues with Workspace (Access Privileges, Preferences, Change And Manage Database
Connections) ............................................................................................................ 5-12 Error When Running a Report ........................................................................... 5-12
5.2.3 Common Administrative Tasks and How to Debug Issues ..................................... 5-13 Log File Output Management and Diagnosis of Log Issues .............................. 5-13 Setting Up Financial Reporting TCP Ports for Firewall Environments and
Debugging Issues Around It ............................................................................. 5-14 Supporting PDF Print/Troubleshooting Financial Reporting Print Server Issues ....
............................................................................................................................ 5-15 Getting Error Application HReports Is not Defined .......................................... 5-16 Permission Errors .............................................................................................. 5-16 All the Jobs Fail .................................................................................................. 5-16
5.3 Problems and Solutions for Hyperion Provider Services ............................................... 5-17
5.3.1 Provider Services Server Not Running .................................................................... 5-17
5.3.2 Provider Services Version Information .................................................................... 5-18
5.3.3 Maximum Numbers of Rows Exceeded in Smart View ........................................... 5-18
5.3.4 Monitoring Provider Sessions .................................................................................. 5-18
5.3.5 Monitoring Active-Active Essbase Clusters ............................................................. 5-19
5.3.6 Enabling and Disabling Active-Active Essbase Cluster Components ...................... 5-19
5.4 Problems and Solutions for Essbase ............................................................................... 5-19
5.4.1 Getting Started with Logging Basics for Essbase ..................................................... 5-20
5.4.2 Essbase Agent Startup Fails with Error .................................................................... 5-21
5.4.3 Essbase Agent Startup Fails Due to serviceinstanceref ref="audit" Entry in
jps-config-jse.xml ..................................................................................................... 5-22
5.4.4 Essbase Agent Startup Fails with an Error While Loading Shared Libraries ........... 5-23
5.4.5 opmnctl Commands Fail to Execute ........................................................................ 5-24
5.4.6 An Application Stops Responding ........................................................................... 5-25
5.4.7 An Essbase Application Will Not Start .................................................................... 5-25
5.4.8 ASO Database Corruption Error .............................................................................. 5-26
5.4.9 Essbase Login Credentials Are Unknown When Essbase Is Included in the Oracle
Business Intelligence Installation ............................................................................. 5-26
5.4.10 Cannot Stop an Application Process ........................................................................ 5-26
5.4.11 Changing the Essbase Ports (High-Availability Mode) ............................................ 5-27
5.4.12 Changing the Essbase Ports (Non-High-Availability Mode) ................................... 5-28

5.4.13 Data Load Fails with the "Load Buffer Does Not Exist" Error ................................. 5-28
5.4.14 Data Load Fails with Resource Usage Error ............................................................ 5-28
5.4.15 Essbase Fails to Start in Cluster Mode ..................................................................... 5-29
5.4.16 Essbase Login Failed Due to Invalid Credentials ..................................................... 5-30
5.4.17 Failed to Open a File on UNIX ................................................................................. 5-31
5.4.18 GL Writeback Fails with "Accounting Date Conversion" Error ............................... 5-32
5.4.19 GL Writeback Fails with "Group ID Node" Error ................................................... 5-32
5.4.20 GL Writeback Fails with "Not a Valid GL Application" Error ................................. 5-33
5.4.21 GL Writeback Fails with "SQL Database Connection" Error .................................... 5-33
5.4.22 Network Timeout .................................................................................................... 5-34
5.4.23 OPMN Fails to Start Essbase in High-Availability Mode ........................................ 5-34
5.4.24 Restructure Failure .................................................................................................. 5-34
5.4.25 Security File Is Corrupt ............................................................................................ 5-35
5.4.26 Status of Essbase Agent Connection ........................................................................ 5-36
5.4.27 Unable to Write File During Data Load or Building Aggregate Views .................... 5-36

6 Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler

6.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler ......................................... 6-1
6.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Jobs ......................... 6-2
6.3 Problems and Solutions .................................................................................................... 6-3
6.3.1 Oracle BI Publisher Job Remains In RUNNING State ................................................ 6-3
6.3.2 Oracle BI Publisher Job States Mismatch with Oracle Enterprise Scheduler States ... 6-3
6.3.3 Job Never Executes and Goes into ERROR State Immediately .................................. 6-7
6.3.4 Job Completes, but Goes into a WARNING state ...................................................... 6-7
6.3.5 Metadata Access Denied Error When Accessing Job Metadata ................................ 6-8
6.3.6 Insufficient Privilege Error on Request Error ............................................................. 6-9
6.3.7 Empty Process List in Schedule New Process Dialog .............................................. 6-10
6.3.8 Slow Display of Job Definition List of Values in Schedule New Process Dialog ...... 6-11

7 Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence

7.1 Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Query Problems ............. 7-1
7.1.1 Enabling the NQQuery.log File ................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.2 Presentation Services Request Query ......................................................................... 7-2
7.1.3 Query Trace ............................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.1.4 Physical Query ........................................................................................................... 7-4
7.1.5 Using AdminServer-diagnostic.log File to Troubleshoot Oracle WebLogic Server ... 7-5
7.1.6 Using View Data to Check the Datasource Connectivity ........................................... 7-5

8 Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

8.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management ...................................... 8-1
8.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management ............................... 8-2
8.2.1 Verifying Oracle Internet Directory Identity Stores Can Perform Look Ups ............. 8-2
8.2.2 Verifying the Security Providers in the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain ................ 8-3
8.2.3 Using Selective Tracing to Troubleshoot Inaccessible Functionality .......................... 8-5
8.3 Problems and Solutions .................................................................................................... 8-9
8.3.1 Problems and Solutions for Missing or Incorrect Data ............................................ 8-10

vi LDAP Changes Not Reconciled in Oracle Identity Manager ............................. 8-10 Data is Missing After Migrating or Patching the Policy Store .......................... 8-11 Administrator Search for Database Resources Returns No Results ................... 8-12 Data is Missing or Incorrect in a Portlet ............................................................ 8-13
8.3.2 Problems and Solutions for Accessing Functionality ............................................... 8-14 Inappropriate User Access After Enterprise Role Membership Removal .......... 8-14 Newly Created User Does Not Have Correct Access to Oracle Fusion Applications
............................................................................................................................ 8-15 After Logging Out, Access to a Secured Resource is Granted Without Logging in ..
............................................................................................................................ 8-17 Authenticated User Gets Unexpected Page when Accessing a Different Secured
Resource ............................................................................................................ 8-18 Support Representative Cannot Impersonate an Oracle Fusion Applications User .
............................................................................................................................ 8-18 Unauthenticated User Gets Error Page when Accessing a Secured Resource ... 8-19
8.3.3 Problems and Solutions for Managing Users ........................................................... 8-21 Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Requests to Assign Roles to Users
Fail ..................................................................................................................... 8-21 SPML Calls Initiated from an Oracle Fusion Application Are Not Processed ... 8-22 Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management-Oracle Identity
Manager SPML Requests ................................................................................... 8-23
8.3.4 Problems and Solutions for Managing Roles ........................................................... 8-24 Cannot See the Function Security Policies for an External Role ........................ 8-24 Cannot See the Data Security Policies for a Data Role ...................................... 8-27 Problems Mapping an Application Role to an External Role ........................... 8-28 Cannot See Application Role Hierarchies .......................................................... 8-29 Attempts to Add an Application Role to a Hierarchy Appear to Have No Effect ....
............................................................................................................................ 8-30 Cannot Create Valid Data Roles Using Data Role Template ............................. 8-30
8.3.5 Problems and Solutions for Managing Keystores and Certificates .......................... 8-33 Key or Credential Store Error After an Application Invokes Web Service ........ 8-33 Trust Certificate Error After Application Invokes Web Service ......................... 8-34
8.3.6 Problems and Solutions for Identity Propagation Using SAML .............................. 8-35
8.3.7 Problems and Solutions for Logging in to Secured Resources ................................. 8-36 Incorrect Language Appears After Logging in to a Secured Resource .............. 8-36 Login Page Unexpectedly Reappears (No Single Sign-On) ............................... 8-36 Cannot Access Forgotten Password Functionality from Login Page ................. 8-38
8.4 Additional Information for Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management .................. 8-39

9 Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository

9.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting MDS Repository ........................................................... 9-1
9.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle Metadata Repository
........................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.1 WLST Commands ...................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.2 MBean Properties in Fusion Applications Control ..................................................... 9-3
9.2.3 Logging ...................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.3 Applications Performing Slowly Due to MDS Repository ............................................... 9-6
9.4 Diagnosing Exceptions with Oracle Metadata Repository ............................................... 9-8

10 Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite
10.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite ....................................................... 10-2
10.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle SOA Suite .......... 10-2
10.3 Runtime Diagnostics ...................................................................................................... 10-7
10.3.1 Correlating Application Issues to the SOA Composite IDs ..................................... 10-7
10.3.2 Business Event Subscriptions Are Not Firing .......................................................... 10-8
10.3.3 Long Delays After an Event is Published and Before a Subscriber is Triggered .... 10-14
10.3.4 Events Are Consumed by Multiple Revisions of the Same Composites ................ 10-20
10.3.5 Rolled Back OAOO Event Delivery Messages Are Displayed in the Log Files ...... 10-20
10.3.6 Application Transaction Does Not Complete and the Underlying Composite Is Stuck
in a Running State .................................................................................................. 10-20
10.3.7 BPEL Process Received No Response from an ADF Asynchronous Service .......... 10-23
10.3.8 Business Event Is Picked Up Twice (Or More) By SOA Server .............................. 10-25
10.3.9 Long Running, Synchronous Calls To Remote Web Services Error Out or
Asynchronous Transactions Return with an Error after a Long Time ................... 10-25
10.3.10 Some Messages Are Lost Between EDN and Composites or Composites Across
Clusters .................................................................................................................. 10-27
10.3.11 Some Composites Are Being Retried Multiple Times on Failure ........................... 10-29
10.3.12 Some Fusion Applications Control Features Are Missing the No Recover Button or
Export Composite Capability ................................................................................ 10-29
10.3.13 Automatic Recovery of BPEL Instances is Not Recovering A Specific Instance ..... 10-30
10.3.14 SOA Runtime Fails with a "Cannot read WSDL" Error .......................................... 10-31
10.3.15 Uploading a Composite for Oracle Support Services ............................................ 10-31
10.3.16 Confirming SOA Component Configuration Properties for Oracle Support Services ....
................................................................................................................................ 10-32
10.4 Security and Oracle WSM Policy Manager Configuration ........................................... 10-32
10.5 Human Workflow ........................................................................................................ 10-32
10.5.1 Recovering Human Task Instances Stuck in the Alerted State .............................. 10-33
10.5.2 Worklist: Notifications and Approvals Region Contains No Data ........................ 10-34
10.5.3 Task Detail Page is Not Available .......................................................................... 10-35
10.5.4 Task Chooses an Incorrect User If a Number of Rules Are Defined or Errors with
"Ruleset returned lists with different list builder" ................................................. 10-36
10.5.5 Document Is Stuck in Pending Approval and Logs Show Error "Unable to walk
hierarchy for user user_name" ................................................................................ 10-37
10.5.6 Task History: Cannot Remove or Move a Participant After Yourself ................... 10-39
10.5.7 Hierarchy List Builders Display an Error Due to Security Configuration Issues and
Log Report Errors in Authentication or Authorization with HCM Services .......... 10-40
10.5.8 HCM Services are Timing Out or Getting Stuck .................................................... 10-41
10.5.9 Error/Warning Reported in Retrieving the Position for a User ............................. 10-41
10.5.10 Users See No Approvals in the Inbox when Using Position Hierarchy ................. 10-41
10.5.11 Task Escalation Does Not Follow Job Level, Supervisory, or Position Hierarchies 10-42
10.5.12 User Is Not Allowed to Perform an Action on a Human Workflow Task ............. 10-42
10.5.13 Email Notification Is Not Being Sent Out .............................................................. 10-42
10.5.14 Notifications Sent Are Not Actionable ................................................................... 10-42
10.5.15 Actionable Notifications Are Sent But No Action is Taken After Responding ...... 10-43
10.5.16 After LDAP Configuration with Oracle WebLogic Server, Users Appear in the
Console, But a "No Role found matching the criteria" Error Appears ................... 10-43
10.5.17 Only a Subset of Users in LDAP Can Log In to Oracle BPM Worklist ................... 10-43

10.5.18 "Unknown Macro" Exception Appears when Myrealm Is Passed as a Parameter to the
Identity Context To Identity Service APIs .............................................................. 10-43
10.5.19 Add Participant Button in Oracle BPM Worklist Is Disabled ................................. 10-43
10.5.20 Task Modifications Made in a Runtime Tool Are Not Appearing for the Task ..... 10-43
10.5.21 How Can I Set Commonly Used Human Workflow Configuration Parameters? .. 10-43
10.5.22 How Do I Set Human Workflow Configuration Parameters Not Available in the
Fusion Applications Control Properties Pages? ..................................................... 10-44
10.5.23 System MBean Browser Does Not Reflect My Changes After Editing the Human
Workflow Config MBeans ...................................................................................... 10-44
10.5.24 Human Workflow Services Are Not Locating Resource Bundles or Classes Located at
the Workflow Customizations Class Path URL ..................................................... 10-44
10.5.25 How Do I Manually Set the URL for Displaying Task Details for a Particular Human
Workflow Task Component? ................................................................................ 10-44
10.5.26 How to Test the Health of the Installed Server ...................................................... 10-44
10.5.27 User Authentication Error (in this example, the user is FMW_USERID and
identityContext is jazn.com) .................................................................................. 10-44
10.5.28 Error During Import of Task Payload Mapped Attribute Mappings ..................... 10-44
10.5.29 Error During Rule Migration ................................................................................. 10-44
10.5.30 When Defining a Rule Based on the Approval Group List Builder During Runtime, a
Message Says the Group Does Not Exist ............................................................... 10-45
10.6 Patching and Deployment ............................................................................................ 10-45
10.7 Performance ................................................................................................................. 10-45
10.7.1 SOA Transactions are Failing and Logs Indicate the SOA Database is Running Out of
Space ...................................................................................................................... 10-45
10.7.2 Slow Application Performance Such as Longer Time to Serve Pages or Finish
Transactions ........................................................................................................... 10-46
10.7.3 Slow Fusion Applications Control Performance .................................................... 10-49
10.8 Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 10-49
10.8.1 JVM is Suspended If Any In-use Log Directories are Deleted ............................... 10-50
10.8.2 Server Start Script Does Not Work for Scale-Out (Postprovisioning) Servers ........ 10-50
10.8.3 SOA Server Does Not Start ................................................................................... 10-50
10.8.4 SOA Server Is Not Responding To Administrative Commands ............................ 10-51
10.8.5 Undeploying a Composite Left in an Inconsistent State Due to a Failed Patch ...... 10-52
10.8.6 Increased Load Observed on RAC Instances when Using Multiple Oracle RAC
Servers ................................................................................................................... 10-52
10.8.7 List of SOA Composite State Values ...................................................................... 10-53
10.8.8 Log Files Have Been Deleted or Are Missing ......................................................... 10-54
10.9 Custom Development (Extensibility) ........................................................................... 10-54
10.9.1 Unable to Use Layered Customization on Specific Artifacts .................................. 10-55
10.9.2 New or Deleted Artifacts Do Not Appear as a Layered Customization ................ 10-56
10.9.3 Warnings Regarding xml:id when Building or Deploying a Customized Composite ....
................................................................................................................................ 10-56
10.9.4 Distributed Queue Topic Messages Are Retrieved Multiple Times by Subscribers ........
................................................................................................................................ 10-57
10.9.5 Internal Key is Displayed Instead of a Translated String ....................................... 10-57
10.9.6 BPEL Activity Errors and the Log Shows Error
"com.oracle.bpel.entity.dataprovider.EntityVarMgrException:zero Item" ............ 10-59
10.9.7 BPEL Activity Errors and Log Shows Error "XPath variable or expression
<expression> is empty" .......................................................................................... 10-59

10.9.8 Unavailable Composite Errors Occurring Even Though the Target Service Is Up and
Running ................................................................................................................. 10-60
10.9.9 High-Volume Cross Reference (XREF_DATA) Table Impacts Performance and
Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 10-60
10.9.10 Access Denied Error While Invoking an Oracle ADF BC Service from BPEL ........ 10-61
10.9.11 Clicking Manage Approvals Page Gives a "SOA server may be down" or "No data to
display" Error ........................................................................................................ 10-62
10.9.12 Synchronous Service Invocation Errors Due to WS-Addressing ........................... 10-62
10.9.13 Deploying Human Workflow Application Throws "Unable to resolve
'TaskQueryService'" Error ...................................................................................... 10-67
10.9.14 "Invalid Subject" Error Thrown with Human Workflow API or Notification ........ 10-68
10.9.15 Task is Assigned to the Group/Role When It Is Expected to Go to Every User in the
Group/Role Individually ...................................................................................... 10-68
10.9.16 Task Completes Without Any Assignment Occurring .......................................... 10-69
10.9.17 Parallel Assignees Must Approve or Reject the Task Even Though the Parallel
Completion Criteria is Met .................................................................................... 10-69
10.9.18 All Added Adhoc Participants Disappear After a Page Refresh ............................ 10-69
10.9.19 Future Approvers Are Not Visible in the History Table ........................................ 10-69
10.9.20 Message Appears in the History Table About a Correlation ID Not Being Passed or
Any Exception Related to the Correlation ID ........................................................ 10-69
10.9.21 Edit Toolbar Is Disabled or Not Shown ................................................................. 10-69
10.9.22 oracle.jrf.UnknownPlatformException Error When Customizing an Oracle Mediator ..
................................................................................................................................ 10-69
10.9.23 java.lang.NullPointerException When Customizing an Oracle Mediator ............. 10-70
10.9.24 JDeveloper Compilation Error in a SOA Project with SOA MDS Service Location 10-70

11 Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content

11.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content ........................................ 11-1
11.2 Attachments ................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2.1 Attachment File Is Too Large ................................................................................... 11-2
11.3 Integration ...................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.3.1 Content Server Web Service Is Unavailable ............................................................. 11-3
11.3.2 Content Server Connection Failure .......................................................................... 11-3
11.3.3 Clicking Attachments Link Results in a 404 Error ................................................... 11-5
11.3.4 Authorization Failure .............................................................................................. 11-6 Task 1: Check Oracle Fusion Applications Client .............................................. 11-6 Misunderstood Headers or No Namespace URL Error .............................. 11-6 Invalid Security Error ................................................................................. 11-7 Unable to Generate Digital Signature Error ................................................ 11-8 Task 2: Check Oracle Content Server Setup .................................................... 11-10 Public Certificate Map Error ..................................................................... 11-11 Legacy Signing Request Error ................................................................... 11-11 Request Expiry Time Reached Error ......................................................... 11-12 Unable to Base64 Decode Received Signature Error ................................. 11-12 Unable to Verify Signature Error .............................................................. 11-12
11.3.5 Application Access Denied .................................................................................... 11-13
11.3.6 CredentialAccessPermission Denied ..................................................................... 11-13

12 Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal
12.1 Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets .................................................. 12-1
12.1.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting WebCenter Portal Portlets ................................... 12-2
12.1.2 Portlet Displays a Portlet Consumer Error ............................................................... 12-4
12.1.3 Portlet Displays a Portlet Timeout ........................................................................... 12-5
12.1.4 Portlet Displays a Remote Portlet Communication Error ........................................ 12-7
12.1.5 Portlet Displays a Remote Portlet Error ................................................................... 12-8
12.1.6 Diagnosing WebCenter Portal Portlet Problems .................................................... 12-10 Using Diagnostic Tools .................................................................................... 12-10 Identify the Portlet Instance ...................................................................... 12-10 Examine the Portlet Consumer Test Page ................................................. 12-12 Examine the Producer Test Page ............................................................... 12-16 Configuring the Portlet Logging File ............................................................... 12-20
12.2 Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal's Composer ......................................... 12-21
12.2.1 Unable to Edit a Component in Composer's Edit Mode ........................................ 12-21
12.2.2 Unable to Personalize Some Components ............................................................. 12-22
12.2.3 Able to Edit a Component in Composer's Edit Mode ............................................ 12-22
12.2.4 Implicit Personalizations Do Not Stick .................................................................. 12-23
12.2.5 Cannot Rearrange Components on Child Components Pane ................................ 12-23
12.3 Problems and Solutions for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces ..................................... 12-24
12.3.1 Documents Service Is Not Available When Content Server Is Not Running ......... 12-24
12.3.2 Workflows Do Not Work ....................................................................................... 12-24
12.3.3 List of Spaces Does Not Show Any Spaces ............................................................ 12-25
12.3.4 Creating a Space Throws an Error or Warning ...................................................... 12-25
12.4 Problems and Solutions for Activity Stream ................................................................. 12-27
12.4.1 Business Object Activities Do Not Appear for Some Users .................................... 12-27
12.4.2 Business Object Activities Cannot Be Published .................................................... 12-27
12.4.3 New Activities Do Not Appear for Some Users ..................................................... 12-28
12.4.4 Rendering of the Activity Stream View Is Very Slow ............................................ 12-28
12.4.5 Cannot See Activities from Some Spaces ............................................................... 12-28
12.5 Problems and Solutions for Search in WebCenter Portal .............................................. 12-29
12.5.1 No Search Results Found ....................................................................................... 12-29
12.5.2 Search Results Do Not Include Secured Resources ................................................ 12-29
12.5.3 Search Results Do Not Include Documents ........................................................... 12-30
12.5.4 Search Results Do Not Include Discussions and Announcements ......................... 12-31
12.5.5 Search Results Do Not Include Recently Added Resources ................................... 12-31
12.5.6 Search Results Do Not Reflect Authorization Changes .......................................... 12-32
12.5.7 Search Results Do Not Include Resources Available to Wide Audience ................ 12-32
12.6 Problems and Solutions for the Tags Service ................................................................ 12-32
12.6.1 Tag Center Results Do Not Appear When Tag Is Clicked ..................................... 12-32
12.6.2 Tagging Button Does Not Display on Page ............................................................ 12-33
12.6.3 Clicking a Tagged Resource Does Not Go to the Correct Page .............................. 12-33
12.7 Problems and Solutions for the Instant Messaging and Presence Service ................... 12-33
12.7.1 Presence Icon Not Seen In WebCenter Portal Applications ................................... 12-34
12.7.2 Presence Icon Always Shows User as Offline ........................................................ 12-34
12.7.3 Presence Icon in Framework Applications Always Shows User as Offline ............ 12-35
12.7.4 Presence Updates Not Seen .................................................................................... 12-35

12.7.5 Issues with Context Menu Options ........................................................................ 12-35
12.7.6 Chat Toolbox Not Available .................................................................................. 12-36
12.7.7 Online User Is Offline in Chat Toolbox .................................................................. 12-36
12.7.8 User Does Not See Connections In Chat Toolbox .................................................. 12-37
12.7.9 User Is Shown as Offline In Other Users' Connections Lists .................................. 12-37
12.7.10 Chat Tab Does Not Clear Messages When Closed and Reopened ......................... 12-37
12.7.11 User Is Not Seen as Offline After Logging Out ...................................................... 12-37
12.7.12 Invitation Flag Does Not Reflect Correct Invitation Count .................................... 12-38
12.8 Problems and Solutions for the Discussions Service .................................................... 12-38
12.8.1 User Is Not Authorized / Service Not Configured ................................................ 12-38
12.8.2 User Is Not Authorized Message for Member of a Group that Has Access ........... 12-39
12.8.3 Unable to Log In to the Discussions Administration Console ............................... 12-40
12.8.4 SOAP Fault Exceptions Seen in Announcements Region ...................................... 12-40
12.8.5 Discussions Server Displays a Form-Based Login Instead of SSO Login Screen .... 12-40
12.8.6 Service Not Provisioned During Space Creation ................................................... 12-41
12.9 Problems and Solutions for the Documents Service ..................................................... 12-41
12.9.1 Documents Service Unavailable ............................................................................ 12-41
12.9.2 Granting Permissions Errors in Documents When Creating a Space ..................... 12-43
12.9.3 User Appears to Not Have the Correct Capabilities in the Documents Page for His
Role ........................................................................................................................ 12-43
12.9.4 Documents Connection Not Working after Switching to Global Policy Attachment .....
................................................................................................................................ 12-44

13 Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications

Across Environments
13.1 Getting Started with Logging Basics .............................................................................. 13-1
13.2 Avoiding Issues with Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across
Environments ................................................................................................................. 13-2
13.2.1 Oracle Inventory Verification .................................................................................. 13-2
13.2.2 Java Issues ................................................................................................................ 13-3
13.2.3 Running Commands from the Wrong Directory ..................................................... 13-3
13.2.4 Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Migration Failed During pasteconfig ........... 13-3
13.2.5 Oracle Platform Security Services JPS Root fusionappspolicies Not Created In Oracle
Identity Management Delta Movement ................................................................... 13-3
13.2.6 Move Plan Validation Error ..................................................................................... 13-3
13.2.7 pasteConfig for Oracle Internet Directory Is Failing ................................................ 13-4
13.2.8 pasteBinary May Incorrectly Calculate Free Disk Space .......................................... 13-4
13.2.9 Node Manager Movement Operations .................................................................... 13-4
13.3 Problems and Solutions ................................................................................................. 13-4
13.3.1 Running Fusion Applications Role Category Seeding Task Returns Exception ...... 13-5
13.3.2 pasteBinary Returns Permission Errors ................................................................... 13-5
13.3.3 pasteBinary Returns Error for Middleware Home Directory ................................... 13-6
13.3.4 pasteBinary Fails With deriveNewWLSProperties Error ......................................... 13-6
13.3.5 copyConfig Fails When Checking Oracle Homes ................................................... 13-6
13.3.6 copyConfig Takes Too Long to Complete ............................................................... 13-6
13.3.7 copyConfig Fails With CLONE-20408 Error ............................................................ 13-7
13.3.8 copyConfig Fails with MaxMessageSizeExceededException .................................. 13-7
13.3.9 Cannot Run pasteConfig for Node Manager After Initial Failure ........................... 13-7

13.3.10 Copy or Paste Fails with a DiskQuotaExceeded Error ............................................. 13-8
13.3.11 Exceptions Are Raised for Oracle SES During pasteConfig .................................... 13-8
13.3.12 SOA-infra Application Is in Failed State ................................................................ 13-10
13.3.13 No Oracle Fusion Applications Targets Display in Oracle Enterprise Manager .... 13-10
13.3.14 OutOfMemory (Heap Size) Error while Unpacking the Domain in pasteConfig .. 13-10
13.3.15 OutOfMemory Error with pasteConfig while Starting the Administration Server or
Managed Server ..................................................................................................... 13-11
13.3.16 wf_client_config.xml Refers to Files in the Source Environment ........................... 13-11
13.3.17 PolicyManagerValidator Fails to Preload .............................................................. 13-11
13.3.18 Issues While Running pasteConfig ........................................................................ 13-12
13.3.19 Cluster Validation Fails .......................................................................................... 13-12
13.3.20 Cannot Enable the SSL Connection Type After Node Manager Movement .......... 13-12
13.3.21 Cannot Retrieve Documents from Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging Viewer .. 13-12
13.3.22 OHS Component Will Not Start After pasteConfig ............................................... 13-13
13.3.23 Application Scope Data Sources Are Not Copied ................................................. 13-13
13.3.24 Java Runtime Environment Was Not Found During Cloning Operations ............ 13-13
13.4 Diagnosing Problems ................................................................................................... 13-14
13.4.1 Diagnosing Issues with Oracle Metadata Repository Export and Import ............. 13-14
13.5 Recovering from pasteConfig Errors ............................................................................ 13-15

14 Additional Troubleshooting Information

14.1 Using My Oracle Support for Additional Troubleshooting Information ........................ 14-1


This guide describes how to troubleshoot the Oracle Fusion Applications environment.
It is meant to be a companion of Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

This document is intended for administrators of the Oracle Fusion Applications

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are
hearing impaired.

Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Fusion Applications
documentation set:
■ Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator and Implementor Roadmap
■ Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.

Convention Meaning
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

What's New in This Guide

The following topics introduce the new and changed features of Oracle Fusion
Applications and other significant changes that are described in this guide, and
provides pointers to additional information.

New and Changed Features for 11g Release 5 (11.1.5)

Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 5 (11.1.5) does not contain any new and
changed features for this document.

Other Significant Changes in this Document for 11g Release 5 (11.1.5)

For 11g Release 5 (11.1.5), this guide has been updated in several ways. Following are
the sections that have been added or changed.
■ Added a section describing the troubleshooting process (roadmap) for Oracle
Fusion Applications. See Section 1.2.
■ Added a section to troubleshoot the Worklist: Notifications and Approvals region
in the Welcome dashboard on the Oracle Fusion Applications home page. See
Section 10.5.2.
■ Added a chapter for troubleshooting Oracle Data Integrator in an Oracle Fusion
Applications. See Chapter 3.

Introduction to Troubleshooting

This chapter provides a summary of Oracle Fusion Applications information.

This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 1.1, "Where to Find Detailed Troubleshooting Information"
■ Section 1.2, "Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting"
■ Section 1.3, "Resolving Common Oracle Fusion Applications Problems"
In addition to the tasks in this guide, refer to the following documentation for tasks
that you may need to perform, depending on your business needs:
■ "Provisioned Oracle Fusion Applications Home Directories" section in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide for information on the Oracle Fusion
Applications directory structure referenced throughout this guide.
■ "Managing Oracle Fusion Applications Log Files and Diagnostic Tests" chapter in
the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide for information about using log
settings, log files, and diagnostic tests to monitor normal operations for Oracle
Fusion Applications, and for information about how log files and diagnostic tests
are related to each other.
■ Oracle Fusion Applications Common User Guide in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Help for information about using log settings, log files, and diagnostic tests to
monitor normal operations for Oracle Fusion Applications, and for information
about how log files and diagnostic tests are related to each other

1.1 Where to Find Detailed Troubleshooting Information

Table 1–1 provides information on where to find troubleshooting information for your
Oracle Fusion Applications environment.

Introduction to Troubleshooting 1-1

Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

Table 1–1 Troubleshooting Documentation Resources

Troubleshooting Area Documentation
Oracle Fusion applications Section 1.3, "Resolving Common Oracle Fusion Applications Problems"
Installation The following sections in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide:
■ "Troubleshooting Tips for Database Installations"
■ "Troubleshooting the Provisioning Process"
Patching The following section in the "Patch Monitoring and Troubleshooting"
chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Guide:
■ "Monitoring and Troubleshooting Patches"
■ "Troubleshooting RUP Installer Sessions"
■ "Troubleshooting Language Pack Installer Sessions"
Performance, scalability, reliability "Troubleshooting Performance, Scalability, Reliability" chapter in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Performance and Tuning Guide
Component Areas
Oracle Business Intelligence Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher:
Chapter 2, "Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher"
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management: Chapter 5, "Troubleshooting
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management"
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence: Chapter 7, "Troubleshooting
Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence"
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Data Warehouse Administration
Console: "Troubleshooting DAC" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's
Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console
Oracle Data Integrator Chapter 3, "Troubleshooting Oracle Data Integrator"
Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Chapter 4, "Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search
Framework Framework"
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Chapter 6, "Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler"
Oracle Identity Management Chapter 8, "Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management"
Oracle Metadata Repository Chapter 9, "Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository"
Oracle SOA Suite Chapter 10, "Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite"
Oracle WebCenter Content Chapter 11, "Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content"
Oracle WebCenter Portal Chapter 12, "Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal"

1.2 Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

From time to time, you may receive a user complaint or an automatically generated
incident notification about a problem with a particular Oracle Fusion application. For
any problem that does not have an immediate and obvious solution, you can diagnose
and resolve the problem more effectively by becoming familiar with incident
functionality and by using a systematic process for troubleshooting.
While any problem may have unique features, the information that you gather
systematically is likely to be useful during the troubleshooting process. The
recommended process varies somewhat depending on whether or not your Oracle
Fusion Applications environment includes Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.
This section contains the following topics:

1-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

■ Process for Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem Using Cloud Control
■ General Process for Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem

1.2.1 Process for Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem Using Cloud Control
If your Oracle Fusion Applications environment includes Cloud Control, you can use
the Problem Analysis and Analyze Logs options in Cloud Control to help you focus
your investigation on the log messages and metrics that are most likely to help you
determine the cause of the problem. You can also use Problem Analysis to make quick
assessments of the health of your system, when no problems have been reported. For
more information about using Problem Analysis for general monitoring, see the
"Monitoring the Oracle Fusion Applications Middle Tier" chapter in Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide.
To help diagnose and address a problem in an Oracle Fusion Applications
environment that includes Cloud Control, use the process steps described in Table 1–2:

Table 1–2 Tasks for Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Using Cloud Control
Task Description Documentation
Prerequisite Before you diagnose a problem, Oracle Fusion Applications release
familiarize yourself with the known notes
issues for Oracle Fusion
Applications with the Oracle Fusion
Applications release notes.
1 - Note error If an Oracle Fusion application user Not applicable
message reports an error message to you,
details make a note of any specific
information that the error message
may have provided, such as
Incident ID, Server Domain, Server
Instance, or Application Name.
2 - Use If there is an alert for a particular For information about using the
Problem metric, then use the Problem Problem Analysis option, see the
Analysis to get Analysis option in Cloud Control to "Working with Cloud Control Problem
details about scan performance metric charts, Analysis and the Analyze Logs
specific target status tables, and relevant log Options" section in the Oracle Fusion
metrics portions for indications of problem Applications Administrator's Guide.
3 - Make sure If no incident was generated, create For information about creating an
there is an an incident manually. Using incident manually, see the "Creating
incident record incidents for all problems helps you Incidents Manually Using Support
associated organize the information that you Workbench" section in the Oracle Fusion
with the error gather during the troubleshooting Applications Administrator's Guide)
or problem process.
4 - Perform If the cause of the problem is still For information about performing
relevant uncertain, manually perform any Oracle Fusion Middleware dumps, see
diagnostic relevant diagnostic dumps, the "Working with Diagnostic Dumps"
dumps assigning the dump results to the section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
incident you created. Administrator's Guide.

Introduction to Troubleshooting 1-3

Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

Table 1–2 (Cont.) Tasks for Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Using Cloud
Task Description Documentation
5 - Examine Examine any incident information For more information about working
dumps, that has been collected, such as any with QuickTrace dumps, see the
diagnostic test QuickTrace dumps or diagnostic "Working with Automatically Created
results, and test results that are associated with QuickTrace Dumps" section in the
other incident the incident, whether those dumps Oracle Fusion Applications
information and test results were collected Administrator's Guide.
automatically or manually.
For more information about viewing
You can view the results of incident details from Support
diagnostic tests that are associated Workbench, see the "Viewing Incidents
with an incident either from the Using Support Workbench" section in
Incident Detail page in Support the Oracle Fusion Applications
Workbench or from the Diagnostic Administrator's Guide.
For more information about using the
Diagnostic Dashboard to view
diagnostic test results, see the "Using
the Diagnostic Dashboard to View the
Results of Diagnostic Tests" section in
the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.
6 - Review log If the cause of the problem is still For more information about locating log
file entries uncertain, view recent information files for Oracle Fusion Applications, see
in the standard log files for any of the "Typical Log File Locations" section
the following that may be relevant: in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.
Oracle Fusion Applications
For more information about locating log
Oracle Fusion Middleware
files for Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Business Intelligence components, see the "Log File Location"
table in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service
Administrator's Guide.
Oracle Service-Oriented
For more information about locating log
Architecture (SOA) Suite
files for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, see
the "Managing Logging for Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler," "Managing Log
File Space Usage for C Applications," or
"Correlating Log Messages for Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler Jobs" sections in
Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.

1-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

Table 1–2 (Cont.) Tasks for Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Using Cloud
Task Description Documentation
7 - Associate If you want to run more diagnostic For information about obtaining or
additional tests for the relevant Oracle Fusion granting access to the Diagnostic
diagnostic test application or attach the results of Dashboard, see the "Controlling Access
results with such manually-run diagnostic tests to Diagnostic Testing Functionality"
the incident to the incident, navigate from Cloud section in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Control to the Diagnostic Administrator's Guide.
Dashboard to perform those tasks.
For information about navigating from
Cloud Control to the Diagnostic
Dashboard, see the "Navigating to the
Diagnostic Dashboard from Cloud
Control" section in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide.
For information about using the
Diagnostic Dashboard to run diagnostic
tests, see the "Using Diagnostic Tests to
Monitor Normal System Health" section
in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.
For information about the individual
diagnostic tests that are provided with
this release, see the Oracle Fusion
Applications Common User Guide in
Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
For information about adding
diagnostic test results to an incident, see
the "Sending Diagnostic Test Results to
Oracle Support" section in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Administrator's

Introduction to Troubleshooting 1-5

Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

Table 1–2 (Cont.) Tasks for Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Using Cloud
Task Description Documentation
8 - Adjust log If necessary, change the setting that For more information about logging
settings to governs the amount of information more information from an Oracle
gather more to be logged, try to replicate the Fusion application that uses standard
information problem, and inspect the newly logging mechanisms, see the "Assisting
and attempt to logged information. Users in Gathering Data Using
replicate the Troubleshooting Options" and "Using
The steps for increasing the amount
problem Profile Options to Configure Standard
of information to be logged may
Log Settings" sections in Oracle Fusion
vary depending on the application
Applications Administrator's Guide.
For more information about logging
For most Oracle Fusion
more information from an Oracle
applications, standardized logging
Fusion application or component that
mechanisms place information in
uses nonstandard logging mechanisms,
log files that you can view from
see the "Using Additional Settings to
Fusion Applications Control. You
Configure Logs for Selected
can increase the amount of
Components" section in the Oracle
information to be gathered for a
Fusion Applications Administrator's
particular user or for a whole site.
If the problem occurred in an
application that uses nonstandard
mechanisms for logging, such as
certain Oracle Fusion Incentive
Compensation batch jobs, certain
Oracle Fusion General Ledger batch
jobs, or the AutoInvoice portion of
the Oracle Fusion Receivables
application, then you may need to
turn on a logging facility that is
normally disabled and specify the
kind of information you want to
9 - Search My If the cause of the problem is still For more information about using My
Oracle Support uncertain, click My Oracle Support Oracle Support, see Section 14.1.
for related Knowledge in the Problem Details
information or Incident Details page and log in
and solutions to the My Oracle Support
knowledge base to search for
related information and solutions.
10 - File a If you have not succeeded in For more information, see the
service request resolving the problem, use Support "Packaging Incidents Using Support
with Oracle Workbench to package the problem Workbench" section in the Oracle Fusion
Support, or incident along with all related Applications Administrator's Guide and
including all dump files and diagnostic reports the topic "Problem Details Page" in the
relevant and then send the package to Oracle Cloud Control online help.
information Support as a Service Request.

1.2.2 General Process for Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem

To help diagnose and address a problem in an Oracle Fusion Applications
environment that does not include Cloud Control, use the process steps described in
Table 1–3:

1-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

Note: All Oracle Fusion Applications customers can use the

Automatic Diagnostic Repository Command Interpreter (adrci) to
work with incidents. However, if your Oracle Fusion Applications
environment includes Cloud Control, it is recommended that you use
Support Workbench to work with incidents, as it provides more
convenient ways to perform operations that otherwise require
knowledge of specific (adrci) commands.

Table 1–3 Tasks for Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Without Cloud Control
Task Description Documentation
Prerequisite Before you diagnose a problem, Oracle Fusion
familiarize yourself with the known Applications release notes
issues for Oracle Fusion
Applications with the Oracle Fusion
Applications release notes.
1 - Note error message If an Oracle Fusion application user Not applicable
details reports an error message to you,
make a note of any specific
information that the error message
may have provided, such as
Incident ID, Server Domain, Server
Instance, and Application Name.
2 - Search for any applicable Check whether the specific error For information about
error message message you are troubleshooting is Oracle Fusion Middleware
documentation documented. error messages, see the
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Error Messages Reference.
For information about
error messages that are
specifically related to
Oracle Fusion
Applications, see any of
the later chapters of this
book that relate to the
problem you are
3 - Make sure there is an If no incident was generated For information about
incident record associated automatically, use Oracle WebLogic creating an incident
with the error or problem Scripting Tool (WLST) to create an manually, see the
incident manually. "Creating an Incident
Manually" section in the
Using incidents for all problems
Oracle Fusion Middleware
helps you organize the information
Administrator's Guide.)
that you gather during the
troubleshooting process.
4 - Perform any additional If the cause of the problem is For information about
relevant diagnostic dumps uncertain, manually perform any performing Oracle Fusion
and assign the results to the relevant diagnostic dumps, Middleware dumps, see
incident assigning the dump results to the the "Working with
incident you created. Diagnostic Dumps"
section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's

Introduction to Troubleshooting 1-7

Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

Table 1–3 (Cont.) Tasks for Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Without Cloud
Task Description Documentation
5 - Examine dumps, Examine any information that was For more information
diagnostic test results, and collected and stored in the incident about incident directory
other incident information directory, such as QuickTrace locations, see the section
dumps, Oracle Fusion Middleware "Managing Oracle Fusion
dumps, and the results of any Applications Problems
Oracle Fusion Applications and Incidents" in the
diagnostic tests that may have been Oracle Fusion Applications
run, whether the tests and dumps Administrator's Guide.
were run automatically or were
For more information
created manually.
about how to work with
QuickTrace dumps, see the
section"Working with
Automatically Created
QuickTrace Dumps" in the
Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.
6 - Review log file entries If the cause of the problem is still For more information
uncertain, view recent information about locating log files for
in the log files for any of the Oracle Fusion
following that may be relevant: Applications, see the
section "Typical Log File
Oracle Fusion Applications
Locations" in Oracle Fusion
Oracle Fusion Middleware Applications Administrator's
components Guide.
For more information
about locating log files for
Oracle Fusion Middleware
components, see the "Log
File Location" table in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide.
For more information
about locating log files for
Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler, see the
"Managing Logging for
Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler," "Managing
Log File Space Usage for C
Applications," or
"Correlating Log Messages
for Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler Jobs" sections in
the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's

1-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Basic Tasks for Troubleshooting

Table 1–3 (Cont.) Tasks for Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Without Cloud
Task Description Documentation
7 - Associate additional Using the Diagnostic Dashboard, For information about
diagnostic test results with search for and run any additional obtaining or granting
the incident diagnostic tests that are related to access to the Diagnostic
the Oracle Fusion application Dashboard, see the
feature in which the problem "Controlling Access to
occurred, inspect the results, and Diagnostic Testing
manually associate the results with Functionality" section in
the incident. the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's
For information about
navigating to the
Diagnostic Dashboard, see
the "Navigating to the
Diagnostic Dashboard
from an Oracle Fusion
Application" section in the
Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.
For information about
using the Diagnostic
Dashboard to run
diagnostic tests, see the
"Using Diagnostic Tests to
Monitor Normal System
Health" section in the
Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.
For information about the
individual diagnostic tests
that are provided with this
release, see the Oracle
Fusion Applications
Common User Guide in
Oracle Fusion
Applications Help.
For information about
adding diagnostic test
results to an incident, see
the "Sending Diagnostic
Test Results to Oracle
Support" section in the
Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.

Introduction to Troubleshooting 1-9

Resolving Common Oracle Fusion Applications Problems

Table 1–3 (Cont.) Tasks for Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Without Cloud
Task Description Documentation
8 - Adjust log settings to If necessary, change the setting thatFor more information
gather more information governs the amount of information about logging more
and attempt to replicate the to be logged, try to replicate the information from an
problem problem, and inspect the newly Oracle Fusion application
logged information. that uses standard logging
mechanisms, see the
The steps for increasing the amount
"Assisting Users in
of information to be logged may
Gathering Data Using
vary depending on the application
Troubleshooting Options"
and "Using Profile Options
For most Oracle Fusion to Configure Standard Log
applications, standardized logging Settings" sections in the
mechanisms place information in Oracle Fusion Applications
log files that you can view from Administrator's Guide.
Fusion Applications Control. You
For more information
can increase the amount of
about logging more
information to be gathered for a
information from an
particular user or for a whole site.
Oracle Fusion application
If the problem occurred in an or component that uses
application that uses nonstandard nonstandard logging
mechanisms for logging, such as mechanisms, see the
certain Oracle Fusion Incentive "Using Additional Settings
Compensation batch jobs, certain to Configure Logs for
Oracle Fusion General Ledger batch Selected Components"
jobs, or the AutoInvoice portion of section in the Oracle Fusion
the Oracle Fusion Receivables Applications Administrator's
application, then you may need to Guide.
turn on a logging facility that is
normally disabled and specify the
kind of information you want to
9 - Search My Oracle If the cause of the problem is still For more information
Support for related uncertain, search the My Oracle about using My Oracle
information and solutions Support knowledge base for related Support, see Section 14.1.
information and solutions.
10 - File a service request If you have not succeeded in For more information
with Oracle Support, resolving the problem, use the about adding files to an
including all relevant Automatic Diagnostic Repository incident and packaging
information Command Interpreter (adrci) to the incident into a zip file,
package the problem or incident see the "Packaging an
along with all related dump files Incident" section in the
and diagnostic reports, and then Oracle Fusion Middleware
send the package to Oracle Support Administrator's Guide.
as a Service Request.

1.3 Resolving Common Oracle Fusion Applications Problems

The following resources provide common Oracle Fusion applications issues users may
■ "Troubleshooting Customizations" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Extensibility Guide
■ "Troubleshooting UI Shell Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Developer's Guide
This section describes additional application-specific errors you can resolve for end
■ Section 1.3.1, "File Uploads Fail"

1-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Resolving Common Oracle Fusion Applications Problems

■ Section 1.3.2, "Search Is Not Available for an Oracle Fusion Application"

1.3.1 File Uploads Fail

When the end user attempts to upload a file that is too large, the application displays
the following message:
Warning: The file upload failed.
The file could not be uploaded because it is too large.

Replace the entire org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.UploadedFileProcessor
class with the <uploaded-file-processor> element in the trinidad-config.xml
configuration files. see the "What You May Need to Know About Temporary File
Storage" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web User Interface Developer's Guide for
Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

1.3.2 Search Is Not Available for an Oracle Fusion Application

The Search area in the global area of an Oracle Fusion application does not display

To resolve this problem, perform the procedure in the "Enable the Oracle Fusion
Applications Search UI" section of the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

Introduction to Troubleshooting 1-11

Resolving Common Oracle Fusion Applications Problems

1-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher and explains
how to solve them.
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Section 2.1, "Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle BI EE and Oracle BI
■ Section 2.2, "Getting Started with Troubleshooting"
■ Section 2.3, "Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI EE"
■ Section 2.4, "Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI Publisher"
■ Section 2.5, "Problems and Solutions for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications"
Some procedures in this chapter reference content in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
guides. These guides describe using Fusion Middleware Control. These procedures
also apply to Fusion Applications Control.
In addition to this chapter, review the Oracle Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference
for information about the error messages you may encounter.

2.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle BI EE and Oracle BI Publisher

This section provides guidelines and a process for using the information in this
chapter. Using the following guidelines and process will focus and minimize the time
you spend resolving problems.
This chapter addresses troubleshooting issues found in Oracle BI EE and Oracle BI
Publisher. For information about troubleshooting issues in other areas of Oracle
Business Intelligence, see the following chapters:
■ Chapter 5, "Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management."
■ Chapter 7, "Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence."

When using the information in this chapter, Oracle recommends:
■ If the troubleshooting procedure requires you to modify a file (for example,
config.xml), then be sure to back up the file before you modify it.
■ After performing any of the solution procedures in this chapter, immediately retry
the failed task that led you to this troubleshooting information. If the task still fails

Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 2-1
Getting Started with Troubleshooting

when you retry it, perform a different solution procedure in this chapter and then
try the failed task again. Repeat this process until you resolve the problem.
■ Making notes about the solution procedures you perform, symptoms you
encounter, and data you collect while troubleshooting. Examples of information
that you should collect include:
– Screenshots of the error or behavior.
– The user ID that you used when the error or issue occurred.
– The steps that you used to perform the task.
– From where you accessed an Oracle BI object or functionality. For example,
embedded analytics, the reporting pane, reports and analytics work area,
integrated search, BI Composer, or Oracle BI Presentation Services.
If you cannot resolve the problem using the information in this chapter and you
must log a service request, the notes you make will expedite the process of solving
the problem.

Follow the process outlined in Table 2–1 when using the information in this chapter. If
the information in a particular section does not resolve your problem, proceed to the
next step in this process.

Table 2–1 Process for Using the Information in this Chapter

Step Section to Use Purpose
1 Section 2.3 Perform problem-specific troubleshooting procedures for Oracle BI
EE, Oracle BI Publisher, and Oracle Business Intelligence
Section 2.4
Applications. These sections describe:
Section 2.5
■ Possible causes of the problems
■ Solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes
2 Section 14.1 Use My Oracle Support to get additional troubleshooting information
about Oracle Fusion Applications, Oracle BI EE, or Oracle BI
Publisher. My Oracle Support provides access to several useful
troubleshooting resources, including Knowledge Base articles and
Community Forums and Discussions.
3 Section 14.1 Log a service request if the information in this chapter and My Oracle
Support does not resolve your problem. You can log a service request
using My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

2.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting

Use the following information to determine where to begin troubleshooting your
Oracle BI EE or Oracle BI Publisher issue.
■ Section 2.2.1, "Oracle BI Technologies"
■ Section 2.2.2, "Logging"
■ Section 2.2.3, "Data Warehouse Enabled Profile Option"

2.2.1 Oracle BI Technologies

To properly troubleshoot an Oracle BI issue, you must identify in the Oracle Fusion
application user interface which underlying Oracle BI technologies are being used.
When identifying these technologies, consider the following:

2-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Troubleshooting

■ Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is also an Oracle Business Intelligence

technology and can be referred to as real-time, current-state, or transactional
business intelligence. Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence objects analyze
very recent data such as today's data or this week's data. This chapter does not
address Oracle Fusion Online Transactional Business Intelligence troubleshooting
issues. For information about troubleshooting these issues, see Chapter 7.
■ Oracle Fusion Financials also uses Financial Reporting technology.
■ Some analyses use Essbase, Real Time Decisions, or Oracle BI Publisher reports.

2.2.2 Logging
The Oracle BI Log files provide information to help you diagnose and fix issues. For
example, the Oracle BI query log nqquery.log helps you identify problems with the
datasource and connectivity set-up such as, transactional database, warehouse
database, Financial Reporting datasource, or Essbase datasource, and the datasource
objects such as table names and column names.
To view the log files, go to Fusion Applications Control, expand the Business
Intelligence domain, and click coreapplication. The Oracle BI log information
displays in the Diagnostics tab. For more information about using the log files to
troubleshoot Oracle BI issues, see the Fusion Applications Control online help or
"Managing Log Files and Diagnostic Data" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide.

2.2.3 Data Warehouse Enabled Profile Option

Note: The Data Warehouse Enabled Profile option only applies to

users who have implemented Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship

When troubleshooting, you should note whether the Data Warehouse Enabled profile
was set to Yes, No, or NA. For information about how to check this profile's value, see
the Oracle Fusion Applications documentation.
The Data Warehouse Enabled Profile option indicates whether the Oracle Fusion
Customer Relationship Management implementation uses a Data Warehouse (Yes) or
employs a 'No Warehouse' solution (No) and therefore tries to retrieve data from the
transactional (OTBI) database. For more information, see Table 2–2.

Table 2–2 Warehouse Enablement Settings

Setting Means that...
Yes Real-Time Subject Area is serviced by OTBI source.
Common Subject Area is serviced by data warehouse source.
No Real-Time Subject Area is serviced by OTBI source.
Common Subject Area is serviced by OTBI source.
Some measures are not available.
Some measures return zero.

Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 2-3
Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI EE

2.3 Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI EE

This section describes common problems and solutions. It contains the following
■ Section 2.3.1, "Oracle BI Presentation Services Fails to Start"
■ Section 2.3.2, "The BI Server Is Not Running"
■ Section 2.3.3, "Cannot Log In to Oracle Business Intelligence as a User With the
BISystem Role"
■ Section 2.3.4, "The "My Account" Link Does Not Display in Presentation Services"
■ Section 2.3.5, "Oracle Business Intelligence Requests Stop Responding"

2.3.1 Oracle BI Presentation Services Fails to Start

In most cases, Presentation Services fails because the BI Server is not running. Note
that if you are using a script to start services and the services fail to start, you should
manually stop and then restart all services, making sure that one service has
completed before you start the next service.

The BI Server may not be running.

To determine if the BI Server is running:
1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.
2. Open the Business Intelligence node and select coreapplication.
3. Click the Capacity Management page, and then click the Availability tab.
4. Under BI Server, locate coreapplication_obis1 and check its status.
5. If you discover that the BI Server is not running, use the Oracle BI log files to
determine the cause of this issue. For more information about checking the Oracle
BI log files, see Section 2.3.2.

2.3.2 The BI Server Is Not Running

For additional information about this issue, see the "Managing Oracle Business
Intelligence" and "Diagnosing and Resolving Issues in Oracle Business Intelligence"
chapters in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

The Cluster Controller might not be communicating with the BI Server and the BI
Server log might contain information describing why it cannot communicate.

To check the Cluster Controller log files in Fusion Applications Control:
1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.
2. Open the Business Intelligence node and select coreapplication.
3. Click the Diagnostics tab, and then click the Log Messages subtab.

2-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI EE

4. Go to the View/Search Log Files section and click Cluster Controller Log. The
Log Messages page displays.
5. Search for an entry similar to the following entry:
[2011-02-28T12:54:51.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [NOTIFICATION:1] []
[ecid: 004bLSdkE549Xb9LJe_Aif0000Zg000000] [tid: b7f686c0] nqsserver:
Clustered Oracle BI Server started. Version:
[2011-02-28T12:54:52.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [NOTIFICATION:1]
[] [] [ecid: 004bLSdkE549Xb9LJe_Aif0000Zg000000] [tid: 66f6ba0] [43071]
A connection with Cluster Controller somemachine.example.com:7001 was

Note that if this entry does not exist, then the Cluster Controller is not
communicating correctly with the BI Server. If the Cluster Controller is not
communicating with the BI Server, then go to the following "To check the BI Server
log file in Fusion Applications Control" procedure.
To check the BI Server log file in Fusion Applications Control:
1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.
2. Open the Business Intelligence node and select coreapplication.
3. Click the Diagnostics tab, and then click the Log Messages subtab.
4. Go to the View/Search Log Files section and click BI Server Log. The Log
Messages page displays.
5. Search for an entry similar to the following entry:
[2011-01-31T20:47:38.000-08:00] [OBIPS] [ERROR:10] []
[saw.security.odbcuserpopulationimpl.initialize] [ecid: ] [tid: ]
Odbc driver returned an error (SQLDriverConnectW).
State: HY000. Code: 10058.
[NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058]
A general error has occurred.
[nQSError: 73006] Cannot obtain Oracle BI Servers from either
the primary Cluster Controller (somemachine.example.com)
or the secondary Cluster Controller () specified for the
clustered DSN. (HY000)[[File:odbcuserpoploaderimpl.cpp Line:282
[2011-01-31T20:47:38.000-08:00] [OBIPS] [ERROR:16] []
[saw.security.odbcuserpopulationimpl.initialize] [ecid: ]
[tid: ] Unable to create a system user connection to BI Server during start up.
Trying again.

2.3.3 Cannot Log In to Oracle Business Intelligence as a User With the BISystem Role
When logging in to Oracle Business Intelligence as a user with the BISystem role, a
message displays stating that you have entered an invalid user name or password.

Problem 1
A user ID with the BISystem role may be locked. The system can lock this user ID if an
administrator makes multiple attempts to log in with the incorrect password.

Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 2-5
Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI EE

Solution 1
Ask the Oracle Internet Directory administrator to go to the Oracle Internet Directory
and check the user ID. If this user ID is locked, the administrator must unlock it.

Problem 2
The password of the user ID with the BISystem role may not be synchronized with the
credential store.

Solution 2
To confirm that the password is correct:
1. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.
2. Go to Domain Structure and click Security Realms, and select myrealm. The
Settings for myrealm page displays.
3. Click the Users and Groups tab, and then the Users subtab.
4. In the Users table, locate and select the user that has the BISystem role assigned to
it. The settings page displays.
5. Click the Passwords tab and reset the user password. Click Save.
6. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.
7. Open the WebLogic Domain node and right-click BIDomain.
8. Select Security, and then select Credentials.
9. Select oracle.bi.system and the select system.user.
10. Edit the password to match the user password that you set in Oracle WebLogic
11. Restart the Oracle BI Administration Server, Oracle Managed Server, and Oracle
Process Manager and Notification Server. For detailed instructions on how to
restart these servers, see the "Starting and Stopping Business Intelligence" chapter
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Problem 3
The problem may be that the Oracle Internet Directory password is incorrect.

Solution 3
To check and correct the Oracle Internet Directory password:
1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.
2. Open the Business Intelligence node and select coreapplication.
3. Click the Diagnostics tab, and then click the Log Messages subtab.
4. Go to the View/Search Log Files section and click Log Viewer to search all log
files. The Log Messages page displays.
5. Go to the Search section and expand the Selected Targets section.
6. In the Selected Targets table, locate AdminServer and click the corresponding
View list of target files button.
7. Search for Oracle Internet Directory errors. If the error is due to the wrong
password, you will find an error such as the following error:

2-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI EE

<Feb 15, 2011 12:31:10 PM PST> <Error> <Console> <BEA-240003> <Console

encountered the following error weblogic.security.providers.authentication.
LDAPAtnDelegateException: [Security:090294]could not get connection


at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAtnDelegate.

at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAtnDelegate.

at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.

at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.

... 110 more

Caused by: netscape.ldap.LDAPException: error result (49); Invalid


8. To correct this issue, log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

9. Go to Domain Structure, click Security Realms, and select myrealm.
10. Select the Users and Groups tab, and then select the Users subtab.

11. Select the user ID. The settings for the user ID display.

12. Click the Passwords subtab and reset the user's password to the correct password.
If you are not sure of the password, see the Oracle Internet Directory

2.3.4 The "My Account" Link Does Not Display in Presentation Services
In the Global Header of Presentation Services, the My Account option is missing.
Normally the user can select the Signed In As list and the My Account option displays.

The problem may be a global user ID (GUID) refresh issue that requires you to recover
the catalog.

Note: For more information, see "Refreshing User GUIDs" in Oracle

Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition.

To recover the catalog:
1. Start a command prompt.
2. Enter the following commands:

Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 2-7
Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI EE

3. Open the instanceconfig.xml file.

Note: Before you modify instanceconfig.xml, make a copy of the

file for back up purposes. Before you modify the instanceconfig.xml,
it is critical that you understand how to properly modify this file. For
more information, see the "Configuring the Oracle Business
Intelligence System" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System
Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

4. Locate the <catalog> element and add the following:


5. Save instanceconfig.xml.
6. Stop and restart Presentation Services.
7. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.
8. Open the Business Intelligence node and select coreapplication.
9. Select the Capacity Management tab, and then select the Availability subtab.
10. Under BI Presentation Services, select coreapplication_obips1.

11. Click the Stop Selected button and confirm that coreapplicataion_obips1
12. Re-select coreapplication_obips1.

13. Click the Start Selected button and confirm that coreapplication_obips1 started.

14. Open instanceconfig.xml.

15. Remove the following:


Note: You must perform this step to ensure that your system is

16. Save instanceconfig.xml.

17. Stop and restart the BI Server.

2.3.5 Oracle Business Intelligence Requests Stop Responding

Oracle Fusion Applications pages that integrate Oracle Business Intelligence charts,
reports, and dashboards must be authenticated by Oracle Business Intelligence
Presentation Services. If the authentication is slow, these Oracle Fusion Applications
pages may stop responding. The SyncLogonTimeoutSecs timeout parameter helps in
timing out the Oracle Business Intelligence request so that the Oracle Fusion
Applications page can return quickly.

2-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI Publisher

To locate the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services server properties to
modify in Fusion Applications Control:
1. From the navigation pane, expand the BIDomain farm and select WebLogic
2. Click BIDomain to display the WebLogic Domain page.
3. From the WebLogic Domain menu, choose System MBean Browser.
4. In the System MBean Browser page, expand Application Defined MBeans.
5. Expand Application Defined MBeans, oracle.biee.admin, Domain: BIDomain,
6. Click BIDomain.BIInstance.PresentationServerConfiguration.

7. In the Application Defined MBeans: BIDomain.....PresentationServerConfiguration

page, click the SyncLogonTimeoutSecs attribute.
8. Change the value from 900 to 60 in the Value field and click Apply.

2.4 Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI Publisher

This section describes common problems and solutions. It contains the following
■ Section 2.4.1, "Oracle BI Publisher Reports Are Missing from the Presentation
Services Shared Folders"
■ Section 2.4.2, "Oracle BI Publisher Reports Are Missing from the Oracle BI
Publisher Server Shared Folders"

2.4.1 Oracle BI Publisher Reports Are Missing from the Presentation Services Shared
When users log in to Presentation Services and access the Oracle BI Presentation
Catalog to browse the shared folders for their reports, the shared folders do not
contain any reports.

Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 2-9
Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI Publisher

The reports might not exist on the file system.

To confirm that the items exist on the file system:
1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.
2. Open the Business Intelligence node and select coreapplication.
3. Click the Deployment tab, and then click the Repository subtab.
4. Go to the BI Presentation Catalog section of the page and note the catalog path.
5. Use OS commands or a file explorer to navigate to the catalog path.
6. Browse the catalog for reports. Depending upon the outcome of this step, you may
do one of the following:
■ If the reports do not exist in the catalog, it is probably because of a GUID
refresh issue. See the following "To refresh the GUIDs:" procedure.
■ If the reports are not in the catalog, then it may be that you recently completed
an unsuccessful catalog merge. Note that even if the last statement of the
merge indicated success, the merge still might not have completed
successfully. If you suspect that your catalog merge was not successful, then
repeat the catalog merge. For more information about merging catalogs, see
"Replicating Oracle BI Presentation Catalogs" in Oracle Fusion Middleware
System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
To refresh the GUIDs:

Note: For more information, see "Refreshing User GUIDs" in Oracle

Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition.

1. Start a command prompt.

2. Enter the following command:
cd <Oracle_bi_Instance>/config/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/

3. Open NQSconfig.ini and set the FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS

parameter to YES, as follows:

Note: Before you modify NQSconfig.ini, make a copy of the file for
back up purposes.

4. Save and close NQSconfig.ini.

5. Repeat the previous two steps and set the FMW_UPDATE_ROLE_AND_USER_REF_GUIDS
parameter in NQSConfig.ini back to NO.

Note: You must perform this step to ensure that your system is

2-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Oracle BI Publisher

6. Restart the BI Server. For detailed instructions on how to perform this task, see the
"Starting and Stopping Business Intelligence" chapter in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise

2.4.2 Oracle BI Publisher Reports Are Missing from the Oracle BI Publisher Server
Shared Folders
When users log in to Oracle BI Publisher and access the shared folders containing their
reports, they see no reports. This problem can occur even though users can locate their
reports in the Presentation Services Catalog's shared folders.

Problem 1
The user may not have the proper privileges to view the report.

Solution 1
To access Presentation Services and check the privileges required to access reports:
1. Log in to Presentation Services as a user with administrator privileges.
2. Go to the Global Header and click the Signed In As list.
3. Click My Account. The My Account page displays.
4. Click the Roles and Catalog Groups tab and note the roles and groups in this
page. Click OK to exit this page.
5. Go to the Global Header and click Sign Out to log out of Presentation Services.
6. Log back into BI Presentation Services using the log in credentials of the user who
cannot view the reports in the Oracle BI Publisher Server shared folders.
7. Access the user's privileges using the previous steps.
8. If the user does not have the proper privileges, log in to Presentation Services as a
user with administrator privileges and navigate to the Manage Privileges page to
assign the proper privileges to the user.
For more information, see the "Setting Presentation Services Privileges for
Application Roles" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Problem 2
An error may have occurred when Oracle BI Publisher connected to Presentation

Solution 2
By default Oracle BI Publisher connects to Presentation Services using the
BISystemUser account that is stored in the credential store. However, it is possible for
users to override this.
To override the BISystemUser account:
1. Open the xmlp-server-config.xml file in the following directory:

2. Confirm that the SAW_USERNAME and SAW_PASSWORD properties are not set. Note that
if these properties have been set, it will cause an error. Before you change these
properties, ask your administrator why they have been set.

Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 2-11
Problems and Solutions for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

3. To un-set these properties, set their values to "".

Note: Before you modify xmlp-server-config.xml, make a copy of

the file for back up purposes.

4. Restart the WebLogic domain. For more information, see "Starting and Stopping a
Product Family Oracle WebLogic Server Domain" in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.

Problem 3
The catalog may be corrupted.

Solution 3
To check if the catalog is corrupted:
1. Log in to Presentation Services as a user with administrator privileges.
2. Go to the Global Header and click Catalog. The Catalog page displays.
3. In the Search pane, enter the following search criteria:
■ In the Name field, type *.
■ In the Location field, click the list and choose All.
■ In the Type field, click the list and choose Data Model.
4. Click Search. If the search results include the Shared Folder, then the catalog is
corrupt. Note that if the Shared Folder is included in your search results, Oracle BI
Enterprise Edition has classified it as a data model rather than a folder. Perform
the following "To fix the corrupted catalog" procedure to fix the catalog.
To fix the corrupted catalog:
1. Open Catalog Manager and open the catalog in offline mode.
2. Navigate to Shared Folders.
3. Right-click the object in the Name column and select Properties.
4. Set the following properties to null:
■ bip:DisplayName
■ Caption
■ compositeSignature
■ objectName
5. Save your changes.

2.5 Problems and Solutions for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

This section describes common problems and solutions for Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications. It contains the following topic:
■ Section 2.5.1, "Revenue Amount Columns Show No Data or Show Data with
Currency Symbol Missing in CRM Reports"

2-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

2.5.1 Revenue Amount Columns Show No Data or Show Data with Currency Symbol
Missing in CRM Reports

While creating or displaying an Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) analysis with a currency amount column, the analysis either displays the entire
column as blank or displays the amount with the currency symbol missing.

To confirm that the column contains values and the currency symbol:
1. Log in to Presentation Services as an end user.
2. Go to the Global Header and click the Signed In As list.
3. Click My Account. The My Account page displays.
4. In the Preferences tab, from the Currency drop-down menu, select CRM
Currency and confirm the account's currency preference.
5. Click OK to exit the My Account page.
6. If Steps 1 through 6 do not resolve the problem, check that the Amount column's
data format is set to Custom format with the following as its format
[$:currencyTagColumn="Use the BI Currency column in the subject area"]

For example, to set this in an analysis created from the Sales - CRM Pipeline
subject area, it would be,
[$:currencyTagColumn="Sales - CRM Pipeline"."Currency"."Common Currency Code"]

The data format of the Amount column is set by going to the Criteria tab and
clicking on the amount column's 'Column Properties'.
7. As an optional verification step, look for the logical SQL of the report by clicking
on the Advanced tab. The logical SQL should begin with:

Troubleshooting Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 2-13
Problems and Solutions for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

2-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle Data Integrator

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) and explains how to solve them.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 3.1, "Introduction to Troubleshooting ODI"
■ Section 3.2, "Getting Started with Logging Basics for Oracle Data Integrator"
■ Section 3.3, "Resolving Common Problems"
In addition to this chapter, review the Oracle Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference
for information about the error messages you may encounter.

3.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting ODI

This section provides guidelines and a process for using the information in this
chapter. Using the following guidelines and process will focus and minimize the time
you spend resolving problems.

When using the information in this chapter, Oracle recommends:
■ After performing any of the solution procedures in this chapter, immediately
retrying the failed task that led you to this troubleshooting information. If the task
still fails when you retry it, perform a different solution procedure in this chapter
and then try the failed task again. Repeat this process until you resolve the
■ Making notes about the solution procedures you perform, symptoms you see, and
data you collect while troubleshooting. If you cannot resolve the problem using
the information in this chapter and you must log a service request, the notes you
make will expedite the process of solving the problem.

Follow the process outlined in Table 3–1 when using the information in this chapter. If
the information in a particular section does not resolve your problem, proceed to the
next step in this process.

Table 3–1 Process for Using the Information in this Chapter

Step Section to Use Purpose
1 Section 3.2 Get started troubleshooting ODI using log files.

Troubleshooting Oracle Data Integrator 3-1

Getting Started with Logging Basics for Oracle Data Integrator

Table 3–1 (Cont.) Process for Using the Information in this Chapter
Step Section to Use Purpose
2 Section 3.3 Perform problem-specific troubleshooting procedures for ODI. This
section describes:
■ Possible causes of the problems
■ Solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes
3 Section 14.1 Use My Oracle Support to get additional troubleshooting information
about Oracle Fusion Applications or ODI. My Oracle Support
provides access to several useful troubleshooting resources, including
Knowledge Base articles and Community Forums and Discussions.
4 Section 14.1 Log a service request if the information in this chapter and My Oracle
Support does not resolve your problem. You can log a service request
using My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

3.2 Getting Started with Logging Basics for Oracle Data Integrator
Use the following logging tools to troubleshoot ODI issues:
■ Section 3.2.1, "Viewing and Configuring ODI Agent Logs"
■ Section 3.2.2, "Viewing Session Logs for ODI"

3.2.1 Viewing and Configuring ODI Agent Logs

The ODI agents are deployed to a Managed Server. You can view the aggregate session
events for the agent.
To view the logs for the ODI agent with Fusion Applications Control:
1. Log into Fusion Applications Control.
2. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, Application Deployments,
oraclediagent (ODICluster).
3. Select oraclediagent (odi_server_name).
The Application Deployment page displays.
4. From the Application Deployment menu, choose Logs > View Log Messages.
The Log Messages page contains all of the latest ODI agent log messages. Click the
messages to get more information and download the corresponding log file. For
more information about viewing logs, see the "Viewing Log Files and Their
Messages Using Fusion Middleware Control" chapter in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide.
Note the session name and time or session ID from the log.
If the problem still cannot be solved, increase the log level of the system to debug the
transactions. To simplify troubleshooting, it is recommended that you enable the
following parent loggers at the TRACE32 (FINEST) level.
To change logger levels, perform the following steps in Fusion Applications Control:
1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, Application Deployments,
oraclediagent (ODICluster).
2. Select oraclediagent (odi_server_name).
The Application Deployment page displays.
3. Choose Logs > Log Configuration.

3-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Logging Basics for Oracle Data Integrator

4. In the Logger Name column, expand the oracle and then oracle.odi to display the
5. In the Oracle Diagnostic Logging Level (Java Level) column, change the logging
level to TRACE:32 for selected ODI loggers.
The change should take effect within a few minutes. Note that in a production
system, setting the trace at a fine-grained level can result in a large amount of
output that must be diagnosed. You can alternately use selective tracing that
provides a way to get a detailed, on-disk trace selectively (for example, by user
name, thereby eliminating trace output for other users).
6. To activate selective tracing, right-click the domain under WebLogic Domain and
choose Logs > Selective Tracing.
Note that Selecting Tracing does not display as an option when you right-click an
Administration Server or Managed Server and choose Logs.
7. From the Option Name list, choose the type of selective trace (for example, based
on user name), and start the trace.
8. When the problem has been reproduced, disable the trace and view the output to
narrow down the issue.
For more information on selective tracing, see the "Configuring and Using
Selective Tracing" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.
9. Review the error logs (from Fusion Applications Control) for more information on
the error.
Cross layer, server, and family functionality can be correlated through the
execution context ID (ECID) (for example, you can look up the composite instance
for a given expense report by correlating all the log entries with the ECID
associated with that expense report transaction). For more information, see the
"Correlating Messages Across Log Files and Components" section of Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide.

3.2.2 Viewing Session Logs for ODI

To view a specific session log file:
1. Log into Fusion Applications Control.
2. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, and then ODI.
The Master Repository page displays.
4. From the Agents section, from the Running column ( ), click the number for
the agent with the session to search the sessions, for example,
The Search Sessions page displays.
5. On the Search Sessions page, in the Sessions section, locate the session number
corresponding to the job. Notice that while the session has a value in the Begin
Date column, it does not have a value in the End Date column.
6. Click the session number corresponding to the job.
You are prompted to log in to the ODI Console.
7. From the Repository list, choose Work Repository.

Troubleshooting Oracle Data Integrator 3-3

Getting Started with Logging Basics for Oracle Data Integrator

8. Enter the credentials, and then click Sign In.

9. On the Session page, in the Execution Statistics section, note the values for the
Session ID and Session Name in the Definition section, and the time of session in
the Execution Statistics section.
10. Expand the Relationships and view the steps in the Session Steps tab.

11. For a step that did not successfully complete, click the link in the Step Name
column to perform a deeper analysis.
12. On the Step page, expand the Relationships and view the tasks for the step in the
Session Tasks tab.

13. For a step that did not successfully complete, click the link in the Step Name
column to perform a deeper analysis.
14. On the Session Task Detail page, review the Message field in the Execution
Statistics section and the Target Command command in the Target Details section
for errors.

3-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Resolving Common Problems

3.3 Resolving Common Problems

This section describes common problems and solutions. For each problem and
solution, use the example that fits best. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 3.3.1, "ODI Process Is Taking a Long Time to Complete Job Request"
■ Section 3.3.2, "A Coherence Node Connected to ODI Is Using UDP Multicasting
for Cluster Discovery Instead of WKA"

3.3.1 ODI Process Is Taking a Long Time to Complete Job Request

An ODI job request was started and is running far past the point at which it should
have completed. You can determine by this viewing the session log to determine if
there is end date. See the Section 3.2.2, Steps 1 to 5 to determine if a session has an end

It is likely that the job is still running due to a job step stalling or failing to complete.

Troubleshooting Oracle Data Integrator 3-5

Resolving Common Problems

Check the ODI Agent log files and the ODI Console session log files for error
messages. These messages provide information that could help you find the reason the
job is not completing.
To resolve this issue:
1. View the ODI agent log file. See Section 3.2.1.
2. View the ODI session log. See Section 3.2.2.
If you find no error messages in the log files, the problem is likely due to environment
issues outside of ODI.

3.3.2 A Coherence Node Connected to ODI Is Using UDP Multicasting for Cluster
Discovery Instead of WKA

The Coherence node is operating in UDP Multicasting for cluster discovery instead of
WKA, overriding the ODI server start settings indicated in the WebLogic Server
Administration Console.
The Coherence log file contains diagnostic information that can confirm this issue. In
some cases, there is a tangosol.coherence.log setting that is overriding the logging
settings for odi_server1 in the WebLogic Server Administration console. You must
disable the override to view the Coherence log. You can do this by editing the
setDomainEnv.sh script (UNIX) or the setDomainEnv.cmd script (Windows).
To disable the logging override and view the output of the Coherence logs:
1. Navigate to the setDomainEnv script, located at this path:
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bin

2. Open the script in a text editor. The EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES section of the file will
look similar to this:
-Dsoa.archives.dir=${SOA_ORACLE_HOME}/soa -Dsoa.oracle.home=${SOA_ORACLE_HOME}

3. Remove -Dtangosol.coherence.log=jdk and save the script.

4. Delete the old coherence.log file.
5. Restart the domain. Coherence log messages will now properly be output to the
coherence.log file.
For more information about restarting domains in Oracle Fusion Applications, see
the "Starting and Stopping a Product Family Oracle WebLogic Server Domain"
section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
The Coherence log file displays the following output:

3-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Resolving Common Problems

Oracle Coherence Version Build 19111

Grid Edition: Development mode
Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

2012-05-10 05:52:38.686/54.656 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=[ACTIVE]

ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
member=n/a): Loaded cache configuration from
2012-05-10 05:52:39.557/55.527 Oracle Coherence GE <D4> (thread=[ACTIVE]
ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
member=n/a): TCMP bound to / using SystemSocketProvider
2012-05-10 05:52:43.062/59.032 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=Cluster,
member=n/a): Created a new cluster "cluster:0x000" with Member(Id=1,
Timestamp=2012-05-10 05:52:39.592, Address=, MachineId=53980,
Location=site:example.com,machine:machine_name,process:997, Role=WeblogicServer,
Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=24, SocketCount=24)
2012-05-10 05:52:43.107/59.077 Oracle Coherence GE <Info> (thread=[ACTIVE]
ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',
member=n/a): Started cluster Name=cluster:0x000

Group{Address=, Port=9063, TTL=4}

The Group{Address=, Port=9063, TTL=4} line indicates that UDP

Multicasting is being used for cluster discovery instead of WKA. If WKA were being
used, the log file would contain the following lines:
WKA{Address=, Port=9066}

The SOA Coherence override file, tangosol-coherence-override.xml, takes
precedence over the ODI Coherence override file and the server start settings in the
WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Solution 1
If the ODI Server was started with Node Manager, you must add the WKA properties
to the Server Start settings for the ODI server in the WebLogic Server Administration
Console and restart the ODI server to enable WKA cluster discovery.
To configure WKA settings for ODI in the WebLogic Administration Console:
1. Follow the procedure outlined in the "Configure Coherence for the Cluster" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide.
2. Restart the ODI server.
For more information about restarting servers using the WebLogic Server
Administration Console, see "Start Managed Servers from the Administration
Console" and "Shutdown servers in a cluster" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

Solution 2
If the ODI server was started with the command prompt, you must add the WKA
properties to the startManagedWebLogic.sh script (UNIX) or the
startManagedWebLogic.cmd script (Windows) and restart the ODI server to enable
WKA cluster discovery.

Troubleshooting Oracle Data Integrator 3-7

Resolving Common Problems

To configure WKA settings for ODI in the startManagedWebLogic script:

1. From the command prompt, navigate to the location of the startManagedWebLogic
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bin

2. Using a text editor, add the following lines to the script:

-Doracle.odi.coherence.wka1=machine1 -Doracle.odi.coherence.wka1.port=9088
-Doracle.odi.coherence.wka2=machine2 -Doracle.odi.coherence.wka2.port=9088

where machine1 and machine2 are the hostnames of the two machines in the

Note: Use 9088 as the Coherence port if it is unused on the machine.

Otherwise, choose another port to configure as the Coherence port.

3. Restart the ODI server using the fastartstop utility.

For more information about restarting servers using the fastartstop utility, see
the "Stopping the Administration Servers and Managed Servers" and the "Starting
the Administration Servers and Manages Servers" sections in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide.

3-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Crawl and

Search Framework

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework (ECSF) and explains how to solve
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Section 4.1, "Problems and Solutions"
■ Section 4.2, "Diagnosing Enterprise Crawl and Search Problems"
Some procedures in this chapter reference content in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
guides. These guides describe using Fusion Middleware Control. These procedures
also apply to Fusion Applications Control.
In addition to this chapter, review the Oracle Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference
for information about the error messages you may encounter.

4.1 Problems and Solutions

This section describes common problems and solutions. It contains the following
■ Section 4.1.1, "Missing Parameters for Search Engine Instance"
■ Section 4.1.2, "Cannot Create Search Engine Instance"
■ Section 4.1.3, "Searchable Object Not Listed in Fusion Applications Control for
■ Section 4.1.4, "Searchable Object Deployment Fails"
■ Section 4.1.5, "Searchable Object Undeployment Fails"
■ Section 4.1.6, "Search Category Deployment Fails"
■ Section 4.1.7, "Cannot Start, Undeploy, or Delete the Index Schedule"
■ Section 4.1.8, "Crawl Fails"
■ Section 4.1.9, "Invalid Channel Feed Type Error"
■ Section 4.1.10, "ECSF Query Error"
■ Section 4.1.11, "FND-6603 Error"

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework 4-1

Problems and Solutions

4.1.1 Missing Parameters for Search Engine Instance

You do not see any parameters for the search engine instance you created.

Seed data is not set up on your Oracle Fusion Applications database.

Execute the ECSF_SEED_DATA.sql script against your Oracle Fusion Applications

4.1.2 Cannot Create Search Engine Instance

You are unable to create a search engine instance record.

An existing search engine instance record is present.

1. Execute the following SQL statement:


2. Delete the row that contains null values for all fields except the ID and Name
fields, and commit the deletion.
3. Recreate the search engine instance. See the "Creating Search Engine Instances"
section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

4.1.3 Searchable Object Not Listed in Fusion Applications Control for ECSF
Your searchable object is not listed in the table of the Add a Searchable Object to
Selected Engine Instance dialog.
Following are two possible causes and solutions for this issue:

The searchable object is not in the Oracle Fusion Applications database. You can check
by executing the following SQL statement against your Oracle Fusion Applications

Register the searchable object in the Oracle Fusion Applications database. For
information, see "Task 2, Register the Searchable Objects" in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide.

The searchable object has already been associated with an engine instance. This is
evident when a value exists in the SEI_ID column.

Disassociate the searchable object from the current engine instance. For information,
see "Task 3, Disassociate the Searchable Objects from Search Engine Instances" in the
Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

4-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

You can identify the engine instance with which the searchable object is associated by
executing the following SQL statement:
select * from ECSF_ENGINE_INSTANCE where ID = sei_id_value_of_your_
Alternatively, you can browse through the engine instances in Fusion Applications
Control for ECSF.

4.1.4 Searchable Object Deployment Fails

Your attempt to deploy a searchable object using Fusion Applications Control for ECSF
Following are two possible causes and solutions for this issue:

The ECSF application, which is deployed to Oracle WebLogic Server, does not contain
the search metadata file.

Make sure the ECSF application contains the search metadata file, and redeploy it to
Oracle WebLogic Server. For information, see the "Deploying and Crawling Searchable
Objects" chapter in Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's Guide.

The ECSF_RUNTIME_URL search engine instance parameter is not set, or is set incorrectly.

To resolve this issue, ensure the ECSF_RUNTIME_URL parameter is set correctly by
checking the following:





4.1.5 Searchable Object Undeployment Fails

Your attempt to undeploy a searchable object from an engine instance fails.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework 4-3

Problems and Solutions

The searchable object you are trying to undeploy does not exist in the Oracle SES data

Make sure the searchable object you are trying to undeploy is deployed to an engine
instance, as indicated when the DEPLOYED flag is set to TRUE, or the Deployed column is
checked in Fusion Applications Control for ECSF.

4.1.6 Search Category Deployment Fails

Your attempt to deploy the search category to the engine instance fails.

There are no deployed searchable objects associated with the search category.

Make sure you associate searchable objects with the search category before you
attempt to deploy the search category. For information, see "Task 3 Associate
Searchable Objects with the Search Categories" in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.

4.1.7 Cannot Start, Undeploy, or Delete the Index Schedule

You cannot start, undeploy, or delete the index schedule.

The index schedule is in ERROR_MANUAL_RECOVERY state, which results from restarting
the database.

You must recover the stuck ESS request. For information, see the "Stuck Scheduling
Requests" section in Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide.

4.1.8 Crawl Fails

You can view the data in feeds, but you receive an error when you attempt to crawl the
data into the search engine.

You did not specify a search plug-in for your searchable object, so the default security
plug-in is being used. The default security plug-in requires you to select a secure

Select a secure attribute when you define searchable attributes. For information, see
the "Creating Searchable Objects" chapter in Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's

4.1.9 Invalid Channel Feed Type Error

You receive the following error during a scheduled crawl:

4-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Error: Invalid Channel Feed type "error".

When the crawl was scheduled to start, the crawl state of the searchable object was
CRAWLING. ECSF allows a searchable object to be crawled by only one process at a time.
If you are certain that the searchable object is not being crawled, then the last crawl
was abnormally terminated, and the ECSF metadata was not properly updated to
indicate that the crawl had concluded.

Manually start the crawl to reset the state of the crawl and enable the searchable object
to be crawled. For information, see "Task 5, Start the Index Schedules" in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

4.1.10 ECSF Query Error

You receive the following error when you click on a facet value:
unexpected ECSF Query Error: oracle.ecsf.SearchException: Field
'facet_attribute' cannot be used for this query because it has not been
indexed in on the search engine

You deployed the searchable object to the Oracle SES instance, so it became available
for search and the facet tree was rendered with its facet values. However, the crawl
had either failed or no documents were indexed, so Oracle SES does not contain the
searchable attribute.

Determine why the crawl failed, undeploy the searchable object, and then redeploy it
to the Oracle SES instance to generate a new index.
A crawl can fail for many reasons, such as running out of Oracle Database space,
Oracle SES issues, Oracle Enterprise Scheduler issues, and so on.

4.1.11 FND-6603 Error

You receive the FND-6603 error that halts search functionality.

The search categories could not be fetched, or results could not be obtained from all
the selected search categories. There may be other causes for the error.

You can change the server startup parameters to increase the web service timeout
value to 5 minutes (500,000 milliseconds). For information, see the "How to Set the
System Parameter for Web Service" section in Oracle Fusion Applications Developer's
You can also undeploy the categories that are failing to load. For information, see "Task
1 Undeploy the Search Categories" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Crawl and Search Framework 4-5

Diagnosing Enterprise Crawl and Search Problems

4.2 Diagnosing Enterprise Crawl and Search Problems

This section describes general approaches for diagnosing ECSF problems. It contains
the following topics:
■ Section 4.2.1, "Diagnosing ECSF Command Line Administration Utility Issues"
■ Section 4.2.2, "Diagnosing Fusion Applications Control for ECSF Issues"
■ Section 4.2.3, "Diagnosing Failures During Deploy/Undeploy Operations for
Search Categories"

4.2.1 Diagnosing ECSF Command Line Administration Utility Issues

To diagnose issues related to ECSF Command Line Administration Utility, you can
check the log file (ecsfCmdLineAdminLog.txt) located in the log subdirectory where
runCmdLineAdmin.sh or runCmdLineAdmin.bat file is executed.

4.2.2 Diagnosing Fusion Applications Control for ECSF Issues

To diagnose issues related to Fusion Applications Control for ECSF, you can also check
for error messages in the log files located in DOMAIN_HOME/sysman/log.
If the parameters for the selected search engine instance are not configured correctly, a
window with error messages appears. The error message contains three entries: a
summary of the error, the specific error message from the runtime server, and the
detailed stack trace information. The messages in the first and the second entries are
internationalized (that is, they are translated to the language of the selected locale).

4.2.3 Diagnosing Failures During Deploy/Undeploy Operations for Search Categories

If you experience failures while deploying or undeploying search categories, check for
the following:
■ The database connection is successful.
■ The searchable object is available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository.
■ The associated searchable objects are deployed.
■ The deployed object is available in Oracle SES.

4-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

5Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management and explains how to solve them.
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Section 5.1, "Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services"
■ Section 5.2, "Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting"
■ Section 5.3, "Problems and Solutions for Hyperion Provider Services"
■ Section 5.4, "Problems and Solutions for Essbase"

5.1 Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

This section describes some common problems and solutions for Foundation Services.
It contains the following topics:
■ Section 5.1.1, "Getting Started with Logging Basics for Foundation Services"
■ Section 5.1.2, "Web Traffic Snooping"
■ Section 5.1.3, "EPM Registry"
■ Section 5.1.4, "Hyperion Security Username/Password Authentication Fails
during Enterprise Scheduler Services Essbase Cube Creation in the Domain"
■ Section 5.1.5, "EPM Workspace"
■ Section 5.1.6, "Allocation Manager"
■ Section 5.1.7, "Smart View"

5.1.1 Getting Started with Logging Basics for Foundation Services

Log files are the best tools for analyzing what might be wrong with the system
configuration. The logging configuration file, the defaults it ships with, and
instructions for changing change those defaults will help with the analysis.
■ Configuration: The logging.xml file in the following directories contains the
loggers and their default levels:
(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs

The DOMAIN_HOME is named BIDomain.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-1

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

■ Output: The default locations of the loggers are rooted in the following directories:
(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs

These files include:

■ /registry/registry.log
■ /css/css.log
■ /workspace/Framework.log
■ /workspace/workspace.log
■ /financialreporting/fr.log
■ CalcManager.log
■ Loggers: Increase or decrease the levels of these loggers:
■ oracle.EPMCSS
■ oracle.bi.bifndnepm.epmreg
■ oracle.bi.bifndnepm.bpmui
■ oracle.bi.bifndnepm.workspace
■ oracle.EPMFR
■ oracle.EPMAnnotations
■ oracle.EPMJCR
■ oracle.EPMADM
■ oracle.bi.bifndnepm.calcmgr
To change logger levels, perform the following steps:
a. Go to Fusion Applications Control.
b. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Domain.
c. Right-click a Managed Server from within the domain (each server's log levels
can be independently set).
d. Choose Logs > Log Configuration.
e. In the Logger Name column, expand the oracle runtime loggers to display
f. Change the logging level as appropriate.

5.1.2 Web Traffic Snooping

Some components are not operating correctly, or appear to have some minor issues.
This is a broad category, but snooping the web traffic can help development resolve
some issues by looking for irregular status, content, and redirection, and just
providing the flow of calls up to the problem area.

1. Connect to http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2 and install version 2.
Launch Fiddler through one of these methods:

5-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

■ Start Menu: Programs > Fiddler2

■ Microsoft Internet Explorer: Tools > Fiddler2
■ Mozilla Firefox: Tools > Monitor With Fiddler > Launch Fiddler Now
Ensure Do not use Fiddler is not selected.
2. Connect to the starting URL and continue normally until the problem occurs.
3. When the problem occurs, in Fiddler, choose File > Save > All Sessions.
4. Enter a name for the session archive (.saz) file.

Note: Be aware that the file may contain sensitive information, such
as user ID and password information. Therefore, manage the file

5.1.3 EPM Registry

This section describes common problems and solutions for EPM Registry. It contains
the following topics:
■ EPM Registry Initialization Fails
■ Connection to Essbase Server Fails
■ Host and Ports Do Not Match EPM Registry Initialization Fails

The EPM Registry initialization fails in the BIDomain domain. Oracle Fusion General
Ledger and Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (CRM) code running
within the FinancialsDomain and CRMDomain domains, respectively, has direct
integration with the EPM Registry API and consumes EPM Security Component,
which also tightly integrates with the EPM Registry API. When EPM Registry
initialization fails, it greatly impacts communication with downstream EPM products
in the BI domain.

To resolve this problem:
1. Login to Oracle WebLogic Server Console as the Oracle WebLogic Server
administrative user.
2. From Domain Structure portlet, navigate to Services > Data Sources and select
EPMSystemRegistry Datasource from the available list of datasources.
3. Click on the Connection Pool tab and confirm that the correct information is
available for URL property.
4. Click on the Targets tab and confirm that the data source is targeted to all of the
required Oracle WebLogic Servers and clusters running in the Financials domain.
5. Click on the Monitoring tab and confirm that the data source for all of the targeted
Oracle WebLogic Servers and clusters is in Running state. Optionally, try clicking
Test Data Source button to test the data source for a given server.
6. If, in Step 5, the data source was not in the Running state, click the Control tab
and attempt to start the data source using the Start button.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-3

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

7. If any errors were encountered during Step 5 or 6, consider restarting the Oracle
WebLogic Server domain. Connection to Essbase Server Fails

An error is returned when connecting to Essbase Server from the Fusion Applications
domain, using the Essbase Cluster lookup URL that is built using the host and port
information retrieved for Essbase_FA_Cluster, from EPM Registry using the Registry

To resolve this issue, perform the following validations with appropriate actions:
1. Verify that the host and port values for the LOGICAL_WEB_APP component in EPM
System Registry, where webAppType is PROVIDER_SERVICES_WEB_APP, exactly
matches the host and port that the APS Web application is running on in the BI
domain. Follow these steps:
a. Run the EPM Registry Editor utility using the following command:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/config/foundation/
registry.sh view LOGICAL_WEB_APP | tee -a logical_webapp_report.txt
CONFIG\BIInstance\config\foundation\\epmsys_registry.bat view
LOGICAL_WEB_APP > logical_webapp_report.txt

b. In the logical_webapp_report.txt file that is generated as a result of Step 1,

search for the following string:

c. For the COMPONENT containing the matching string, verify that HOST/port/SSL_
PORT exactly match what the APS Web application is actually running on in the
BI domain. If any of these values are different in the Essbase cluster lookup
URL, they should be appropriately updated in EPM Registry for the given
Logical Webapp Component. This solution is discussed in Section
d. Confirm that the APS Web application is in an Active state in the BI domain,
by logging into the BI Administration Server console and reviewing the
deployment profile of APS.
2. If verification of Step 1 successfully passes, verify the Oracle Access Manager
protection policies and confirm that the Essbase cluster lookup URL is excluded
from those policies Host and Ports Do Not Match

If the host or port for Logical Web App components in the EPM Registry do not
exactly match the actual host and port that EPM Web applications are running on in
the BIDomain domain, there may be connection or launch issues for EPM Web
applications from within the Fusion user interface. In this case, you must update the
host and port for Logical Web App components in EPM Registry.

To resolve the issue:

5-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

1. Execute the following command so that respective component IDs are available in
the file for later use.
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/config/foundation/
registry.sh view LOGICAL_WEB_APP | tee -a logical_webapp_report.txt
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\config\foundation\\epmsys_
registry.bat view LOGICAL_WEB_APP > logical_webapp_report.txt

The EPM Registry Dump (.html report) that is created by running epmsys_
registry.sh and epmsys_registry.bat does not include the component IDs that
are required to update the host and port properties for individual components.
After successfully executing this command, the logical_webapp_report.txt file
now contains exported data for five Logical Web App components - something
similar to:
NAME - Default
ID - a01b453873d1e7b5S7b70c01f12e34faed1bS7fdc
HOST - hostname
HYPERION HOME - /scratch/aime1/work/mw8747/Oracle_BI1
webAppType = CALC_WEBAPP
context = calcmgr

The ID highlighted above in bold will be available for COMPONENT - [1-5]; this is
what you will be required to use in subsequent steps.
2. For the individual ID of COMPONENT - [1-5], execute the following EPM
Registry update command:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/config/foundation/
registry.sh updateproperty \#ID/@port port
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\config\foundation\\epmsys_
registry.bat updateproperty #ID/@port port

For example:
./epmsys_registry.sh updateproperty
\#a01b453873d1e7b5S7b70c01f12e34faed1bS7fdc/@port 16050

3. Validate that you have successfully updated the host and port for Logical Web
App components:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/config/foundation/
registry.sh view LOGICAL_WEB_APP | tee -a logical_webapp_update_report.txt
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\config\foundation\\epmsys_
registry.bat view LOGICAL_WEB_APP > logical_webapp_report.tx

4. After these updates, restart the BIDomain, CRMDomain and FinancialsDomain

domains, so that new changes take effect. See "Starting and Stopping a Product
Family Oracle WebLogic Server Domain" in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-5

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

5.1.4 Hyperion Security Username/Password Authentication Fails during Enterprise

Scheduler Services Essbase Cube Creation in the Domain

The following error about Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Essbase Cube creation in the
BIDomain domain is returned because of a Hyperion security username and password
authentication failure:
EPMCSS-00301: Failed to authenticate user. Invalid credentials. Enter valid

To resolve this issue, verify that the password stored in credential store for Application
Identity (App ID) used by the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job to connect to Essbase
exactly matches the password for the given Application Identity in the underlying
LDAP Identity Store:
1. Identify which App ID is used by the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job in the given
domain, to connect to an Essbase single cluster.
The following application identities are used for the respective domains:
■ Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management: FUSION_APPS_CRM_ADF_
■ Oracle Fusion Projects: FUSION_APPS_PRJ_ESS_APPID
■ Oracle Fusion General Ledger: FUSION_APPS_GL_ESSBASE_APPID
2. Run the WLST listCred script with the appropriate map and key. See the section
"listCred" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.
3. The password obtained in Step 2 can then be used to compare the existing
password for the given App ID in the underlying LDAP ID Store, using the
following command line ldapcompare:
ldapcompare -h hostname -p port -D "bind_user_dn" -w bind_user_password -a
userpassword -v appid_password_from_credstore -b "appid_dn"

If Step 3 does not run with positive results, it implies that the credential store
password and the LDAP store password failed the comparison test. In this case,
passwords in credential store and LDAP ID Store should be synchronized.

5.1.5 EPM Workspace

This section describes common problems and solutions for EPM Workspace. It
contains the following topics:
■ Debugging
■ Startup
■ Microsoft Internet Explorer Truncated Menus Debugging

Errors occur with certain functionality.

5-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

1. Check the status of Workspace by entering this URL:

This URL displays a summary of any fatal errors that prevent Workspace from
running, and a list of integrated products.
2. Enable the client debugging feature by selecting Navigate > Administer >
Workspace Server Settings and selecting Client Debug Enabled.
All users who log on after selecting this option will be affected. The URLs that can
be accessed include the following:

The first URL shows information about the system including metadata from
integrated products (for example, menus, preferences panels, and so on); the
second URL shows information about the current user, including groups, effective
roles, and Workspace menu items as interpreted and filtered for the current user. Startup

The http://server_name:19000/workspace/ URL fails to respond or an error occurs.

Workspace initialization happens at the first request, not at server startup. If
initialization fails, it is reattempted at every subsequent request. Any error during
initialization is logged in the workspace.log file. The error message displays a page
that replaces the normal Workspace Log on screen. Finally, the error is reported in the
status report servlet, /workspace/status. Only the log files include Exception stack
traces. The following tasks must successfully complete in order before Workspace
allows log ons, and can be matched up in the workspace.log file:
1. Parse and validate the file /conf/WSProducts.xml in the Workspace Web
2. Initialize the Shared Services Registry:
a. Connect to the Shared Services Registry.
b. Find the unique WORKSPACE component in the Shared Services Registry.
c. Find the unique Workspace LOGICAL_WEB_APP component in the Shared
Services Registry.
d. View the Workspace configuration properties from LOGICAL_WEB_APP.
e. Find at least one WEB_SERVER component that is a child of WORKSPACE.
3. Update LOGICAL_WEB_APP with host and port information from the Oracle
WebLogic Server MBean.
4. Update LOGICAL_WEB_APP with any missing configuration properties.
5. Initialize Shared Services.
6. Scan the Shared Services Registry for integrated products, and match every
discovered product with a configuration file from the following resources:

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-7

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

■ /conf/WSProducts.xml (Workspace)
■ WorkspaceConfig file attribute of LOGICAL_WEB_APP (all other products) Microsoft Internet Explorer Truncated Menus

Menu lists appear truncated in either height or width.

To resolve this issue:
1. From Microsoft Internet Explorer, choose Tools > Internet Options > Security >
CustomLevel > Miscellaneous.
2. For Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints, select

5.1.6 Allocation Manager

This section describes common problems and solutions for Allocation Manager. It
contains the following topics:
■ Essbase Applications Are Not Listed Under the Essbase Node
■ Business Rules Cannot be Deployed to General Ledger Essbase Applications Are Not Listed Under the Essbase Node

No Essbase applications are listed under the Essbase node.

This could be due to any of the following:
■ You are not provisioned to work with Allocation Manager. You must have at least
one of the following access privileges to work with Allocation Manager:
– Create General Ledger Allocation Rules
– Administer Allocation Rules
– Generate General Ledger Allocation Rules.
■ The Essbase cluster name is not Essbase_FA_Cluster. If the Essbase server is not
under this cluster, it is ignored by Allocation Manager.
■ The stripe ID for General Ledger is different than the stripe ID for Workspace, so
different security may be applied when Allocation Manager communicates with
Essbase. Check the Allocation Manager log file to ensure that the stripe ID (or the
application ID) for Allocation Manager is the same as the stripe ID for General
■ The Essbase application contains an empty Comment field. Each Essbase
application must contain at least one character in the Comment field, or it is
ignored by Allocation Manager.
■ The application is not an Essbase aggregate storage application; only Essbase
aggregate storage applications may be used with General Ledger.

5-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services Business Rules Cannot be Deployed to General Ledger

Business rules cannot be deployed from Allocation Manager to General Ledger. You
receive the error message:

In the EPM registry, ensure that the WSDLLOCATION property is defined for Allocation
Manager. The WSDLLOCATION property contains the General Ledger web services URL.

5.1.7 Smart View

This section describes common problems and solutions for Smart View. It contains the
following topics:
■ Re-enabling Smart View in Microsoft Office Applications
■ Enabling Advanced Logging
■ Timeout Errors
■ Shared Connections Panel Does Not Display Server Names Re-enabling Smart View in Microsoft Office Applications

Smart View may become disabled in Microsoft Office applications.

Smart View is a COM add-in, which Microsoft Office applications can disable. To
re-enable Smart View, follow instructions in Excel Help for re-enabling COM add-ins. Enabling Advanced Logging

Smart View collects and records events, errors, and other information in a log file,
typically SmartViewLogs.log. When you experience performance or other issues, you
can enable the logging in this file of additional information about profiling and
requests and responses between Smart View and the server. This additional
information can help Oracle Support to troubleshoot your issues.

To enable additional troubleshooting information:
1. Close all Microsoft Office applications.
2. Select Start, and then Run.
3. Enter regedit and click OK to open the registry.
4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hyperion
5. Right click Options, select New, and then String Value.
6. Name the new string value Profile.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-9

Problems and Solutions for Foundation Services

7. Double-click Profile to open Edit String.

8. From Edit String, under Value Data, enter one of the following values:
■ 0: Logging is not enabled. Initialized value bEnableProfiling is set to false.
■ 1: Profile entries are logged when an event completes. This setting provides
little information about abrupt terminations, but performance is better than
with 2.
■ 2: Profile entries are logged immediately. Use this setting to determine the
function in which a termination occurred. This setting provides the most
detailed information but has the greatest negative impact on performance.
9. Close the registry.
10. Restart Excel.

11. From the Smart View ribbon, select Options.

12. Go to the Advanced page and ensure that Route Messages to File is selected. The
log file, typically SmartViewLogs.log, will now begin recording profiling and
request/response information between Smart View and the server in addition to
the other information it records.

Note: To improve performance, when you no longer need to log

profiling and request/response information, delete the Profile entry
that you created in the registry. Timeout Errors

If the server takes longer to process a Smart View operation than the timeout value set
on the client computer, users may receive a connection timeout error, or zero values
may be displayed for Smart View functions.

Increase the timeout limit for Smart View client computers. Smart View uses Win-Inet
APIs to communicate with the provider. These are the same modules that Internet
Explorer uses. To increase the timeout value for a Windows client computer:
1. In the Windows registry of the client computer, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_
2. Set the following values:
"ServerInfoTimeout"=dword:0002BF20 Shared Connections Panel Does Not Display Server Names

The Shared Connections panel of the Smart View Panel displays no server names.
This typically happens when your applications are not properly registered during
installation and configuration.

5-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting

Review the information in the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management
System Installation and Configuration Guide to ensure that applications and servers are
properly configured.

5.2 Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting

This section describes common problems and solutions for Financial Reporting. It
contains the following topics:
■ Section 5.2.1, "Setting Up Data Sources and Debugging Setup and Connectivity
■ Section 5.2.2, "Issues with Workspace (Access Privileges, Preferences, Change And
Manage Database Connections)"
■ Section 5.2.3, "Common Administrative Tasks and How to Debug Issues"

5.2.1 Setting Up Data Sources and Debugging Setup and Connectivity Issues
This section describes common problems and solutions for setting up data sources and
debugging setup and connectivity issues:
■ Section, "Unable to Connect to Essbase Cube"
■ Section, "Error While Creating Database Connection"
■ Section, "Cannot Set Up a Database Connection" Unable to Connect to Essbase Cube

You are unable to connect to an Essbase cube.

Verify that the Essbase Server name and port are correct. Verify the user credentials
used to make the connection are correct and the User has at least read rights to the
cube. Error While Creating Database Connection

An error occurred while creating a database connection.

Check the Financial Reporting log file. If the log file has the following error, a Catalog
GUID refresh is required.
"Caused by: javax.jcr.LoginException: access denied for user to path

For more information, see "Regenerating User GUIDs" in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-11

Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting Cannot Set Up a Database Connection

You are unable to set up a database connection.

When you create a database connection, it is appended to the list in the Database
Manager dialog box.
To add a database connection:
1. In Workspace, select Tools, then Database Connection Manager.
2. Click New.
3. In Database Connection Name, enter a name for the database connection.
4. Select a data source type of Essbase.
5. In Server, add the Essbase Server Name and Port Number.
6. Re-enter the User ID and Password.
7. To add application and database names, click the magnifying glass, and make
your selections.

Note: The Application Lookup button displays a tree view of the

applications and corresponding databases; the applications are listed
as parents and the databases are listed as children. You can search on
an application or database. For data sources that are not associated
with a database, only applications are listed.

8. Click OK.
The database connection profile is appended to the list in Database Connection
Manager dialog box.

5.2.2 Issues with Workspace (Access Privileges, Preferences, Change And Manage
Database Connections)
This section describes common problems and solutions for setting up data sources and
debugging setup and connectivity issues:
■ Section, "Error When Running a Report"
■ Section, "Log File Output Management and Diagnosis of Log Issues"
■ Section, "Setting Up Financial Reporting TCP Ports for Firewall
Environments and Debugging Issues Around It" Error When Running a Report

When running a report, following error is displayed:
Error 1012:Report contains an invalid grid. The following dimensions could not be
found: <i>xxx</i>

5-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting

This error may occur if the database was recently changed on the report. To resolve the
issue, open and save the report that has mismatched dimensions. This causes the
dimensions that existed in the old database connection but not in the new database
connection to be removed. The dimension and its members that existed in the rows
and columns are removed from the grid. If, as a result of the removal, no dimension
exists in the row or column, you need to add a valid dimension to the cleared row or
column in order for the report to run. Dimensions that exist in the new database
connection but not in the old one, are added to the POV.

5.2.3 Common Administrative Tasks and How to Debug Issues

This section describes common problems and solutions for setting up data sources and
debugging setup and connectivity issues:
■ Section, "Log File Output Management and Diagnosis of Log Issues"
■ Section, "Setting Up Financial Reporting TCP Ports for Firewall
Environments and Debugging Issues Around It"
■ Section, "Supporting PDF Print/Troubleshooting Financial Reporting Print
Server Issues"
■ Section, "Getting Error Application HReports Is not Defined"
■ Section, "Permission Errors"
■ Section, "All the Jobs Fail" Log File Output Management and Diagnosis of Log Issues

Financial Reporting cannot be accessed from Workspace.

1. Check if the Financial Reporting web application is running. In Internet browser,
enter protocol://server:port/hr/status.jsp. If the web application is running,
the following message is displayed:
The Oracle© Hyperion Financial Reporting, Fusion Edition Web application is

2. View the Financial Reporting log file fr.log from the following directories to see if
there are any com.sun.xml.ws.wsdl.parser related errors:
(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs/financialreporting
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs\finsncialreporting

In this case, it is possible that analytics web application is not running. If fr.log
contains multiple instances of Caused by: javax.jcr.LoginException: access
denied for user to path /users/userid, then a Catalog GUID refresh is
For more information, see "Regenerating User GUIDs" in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-13

Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting Setting Up Financial Reporting TCP Ports for Firewall Environments and
Debugging Issues Around It

Unable to connect to Financial Reporting through a firewall from the Financial
Reporting Studio.

By default, Financial Reporting components communicate with each other through
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) on dynamically assigned Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) ports. To communicate through a firewall, you must specify the port
for each Financial Reporting component separated by the firewall in the JConsole.exe
file, and then open the necessary ports in your firewall. In addition, you may need to
open ports for the Reports Server RDBMs, for data sources that you report against, and
for LDAP/NTMLM for external authentication. The Print Server defaults to 8297. This
can be changed by modifying the PrintServers property in FR Mbeans and restarting.
Once connected, all RMI Services can use anonymous ports by default for
communication. Alternatively a range of ports can be configured for communication
by setting RMIPortRangeLower and RMIPortRangeUpper within the Financial Reporting
configuration. You can change the port assignments to use in a firewall environment
for servers in the Financial Reporting Mbeans called RMIPortRangeUpper and
To locate the Financial Reporting MBeans properties to modify in Fusion Applications
1. From the navigation pane, expand the BIDomain farm, Application Deployments,
and then Internal Applications.
2. Expand FinancialReporting(11.1.1)(bi_cluster_name).
3. Right-click FinancialReporting(11.1.1)(bi_server_name) and choose System
MBean Browser.
4. In the System MBean Browser page, expand Application Defined MBeans.
5. Expand Application Defined MBeans, com.hyperion, Server:bi_server_name.

6. Expand Financial Reporting.

7. Click Financial Reporting.
8. In the Application Defined MBeans: Financial Reporting page, scroll down to
PrintServers, RMIPortRangeUpper, and RMIPortRangeLower.
9. Click on each attribute and add a value in the Value field and click Apply.

5-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting Supporting PDF Print/Troubleshooting Financial Reporting Print Server


Financial Reporting Print server is not working.

To resolve this issue:
1. Ensure that the Financial Reporting Print Server service has been created and
2. Verify 32-bit Ghostscript is installed by running. From the Start menu, choose All
Programs > Ghostscript.
3. Examine the FRPrintLogging.log file in the install_
orting directory.
4. Verify that the PrintServers property in Financial Reporting MBeans now shows
the Financial Reporting Print Server computer and port number. The default port
is 8297. This may show multiple financial Reporting Print Servers if more than one
have been configured.
To locate the PrintServers property to modify in Fusion Applications Control:
a. From the navigation pane, expand the BIDomain farm, Application
Deployments, and then Internal Applications.
b. Expand FinancialReporting(11.1.1)(bi_cluster_name).
c. Right-click FinancialReporting(11.1.1)(bi_server_name) and choose System
MBean Browser.
d. In the System MBean Browser page, expand Application Defined MBeans.
e. Expand Application Defined MBeans, com.hyperion, Server:bi_server_name.

f. Expand Financial Reporting.

g. Click Financial Reporting.
h. In the Application Defined MBeans: Financial Reporting page, scroll down to
i. Click on the attribute and check the value in the Value field.
j. If necessary, adjust the value and click Apply.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-15

Problems and Solutions for Financial Reporting

5. Verify that the Financial Reporting Print Server server name and port can be
reached from the Financial Reporting web application server machines. Use
telnet to connect to the Financial Reporting Print Server. Getting Error Application HReports Is not Defined

When the Batch Scheduler is opened, the following error displays:
application HReports is not defined

This may happen if the fressclient.ear application is not started in the General
Ledger's Oracle Enterprise Scheduler domain.

From the Oracle WebLogic Server Console for the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler domain,
perform the following to steps:
1. Navigate to Deployments and select fressclient.
2. Select Start, then Servicing all Requests. Permission Errors

When the Batch Scheduler is opened, or at the time of job submission, permission
errors are shown. This may happen if the user is not granted the
oracle.as.scheduler.security.MetadataPermission permission.

Check if the user has oracle.as.scheduler.security.MetadataPermission
permission in the fscm stripe using Fusion Applications Control. All the Jobs Fail

All the jobs fail.

This may happen if the Essbase server is not running.
To check if the Essbase server is running and restart (if needed):
1. Determine the current status:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl status
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin/opmnctl status

OPMN generates a list of the running components and processes. The following
message indicates that the Essbase Server (essbaseserver1) is already running:
Processes in Instance: BIInstance
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
essbaseserver1 | Essbase | 27879 | Alive

5-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Hyperion Provider Services

coreapplication_obiccs1 | OracleBIClusterCo~ | 10828 | Alive

coreapplication_obisch1 | OracleBIScheduler~ | 18308 | Alive
coreapplication_obijh1 | OracleBIJavaHostC~ | 18337 | Alive
coreapplication_obips1 | OracleBIPresentat~ | 26455 | Alive
coreapplication_obis1 | OracleBIServerCom~ | 21716 | Alive

2. Restart the Essbase server:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl restartproc
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin\opmnctl restartproc

For example
APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl restartproc

5.3 Problems and Solutions for Hyperion Provider Services

This section describes common problems and solutions for Oracle Hyperion Provider
Services. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 5.3.1, "Provider Services Server Not Running"
■ Section 5.3.2, "Provider Services Version Information"
■ Section 5.3.3, "Maximum Numbers of Rows Exceeded in Smart View"
■ Section 5.3.4, "Monitoring Provider Sessions"
■ Section 5.3.5, "Monitoring Active-Active Essbase Clusters"
■ Enabling and Disabling Active-Active Essbase Cluster Components

5.3.1 Provider Services Server Not Running

Provider Services appears not to be functional. You may need to determine whether
Provider Services is running.

To determine whether Provider Services is running:
1. Launch a web browser.
2. Enter the connection URL for the corresponding products:
■ Smart View Provider: https://Provider_Services_server:Provider_
■ Java API: https://Provider_Services_server:Provider_Services_
If an HTTP error is returned, the Provider Services server is not running.
3. You may need to find out if you are connecting to the right port.
If you are running Provider Services with Oracle Access Manager, then the default
Provider Services port number is 9704. If you are not running Provider Services
with Oracle Access Manager, then the default Provider Services port number is

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-17

Problems and Solutions for Hyperion Provider Services

4. To start the Provider Services server, use the following script from the fusionapps
Middleware directory:
(UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/bi_foundation_domain_
(Windows) FA_MW_HOME\user_projects\domains\bi_foundation_dmain_

5.3.2 Provider Services Version Information

Provider Services version information is not provided in a user interface.

You can find the Provider Services version information in the following locations:
■ Operating system console window that is displayed when the Provider Services
server is running
■ Provider Services log files

5.3.3 Maximum Numbers of Rows Exceeded in Smart View

In Excel, a Maximum numbers of rows [5000] Exceeded error is returned if there are
more than 5,000 rows on the Smart View grid. By default, the maximum number of
rows is set to 5000 and the maximum number of columns to 256. In Excel 2003, you
cannot exceed these limits. However, in Excel 2007 and 2010, there are no limits on the
number of rows or columns, and you can change the default settings.

To change maximum row and column settings in Excel 2007 or 2010:
1. Launch Excel.
2. From the Smart View ribbon, select Open, and then Smart View Panel.
3. In the Smart View Panel, click Edit Provider Services to open the Provider
Services server preferences dialog box.
4. Change the settings for Number of Rows and Number of Columns as needed.
Enter 0 to remove any limits to the number of rows or columns.

5.3.4 Monitoring Provider Sessions

You may need to monitor the number of sessions on a Provider Services server.

To monitor Provider Services server sessions, from Administration Services Console:
1. From Enterprise View or a custom view, under the Provider Services node, select
a provider.
2. Under the provider node, select Action, and then Sessions.

5-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

5.3.5 Monitoring Active-Active Essbase Clusters

You may need to monitor active-active Essbase clusters.

To monitor Provider Services server sessions, from Administration Services Console:
1. From Enterprise View or a custom view, under the Provider Services node, select
a provider.
2. Under the provider node, expand Essbase Clusters and select the active-active
Essbase cluster node you want to monitor.
3. Choose Action, and then edit the active-active Essbase cluster.

5.3.6 Enabling and Disabling Active-Active Essbase Cluster Components

You may need to enable or disable individual active-active Essbase cluster

To enable or disable an active-active Essbase cluster component, follow the steps in the
Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System High Availability and Disaster
Recovery Guide.

5.4 Problems and Solutions for Essbase

This section describes common problems and solutions. It contains the following
■ Getting Started with Logging Basics for Essbase
■ Essbase Agent Startup Fails with Error
■ Essbase Agent Startup Fails Due to serviceinstanceref ref="audit" Entry in
■ Essbase Agent Startup Fails with an Error While Loading Shared Libraries
■ opmnctl Commands Fail to Execute
■ An Application Stops Responding
■ Section 5.4.7, "An Essbase Application Will Not Start"
■ Section 5.4.8, "ASO Database Corruption Error"
■ Section 5.4.9, "Essbase Login Credentials Are Unknown When Essbase Is Included
in the Oracle Business Intelligence Installation"
■ Section 5.4.10, "Cannot Stop an Application Process"
■ Section 5.4.11, "Changing the Essbase Ports (High-Availability Mode)"
■ Section 5.4.12, "Changing the Essbase Ports (Non-High-Availability Mode)"
■ Section 5.4.13, "Data Load Fails with the "Load Buffer Does Not Exist" Error"
■ Section 5.4.14, "Data Load Fails with Resource Usage Error"

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-19

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

■ Section 5.4.15, "Essbase Fails to Start in Cluster Mode"

■ Section 5.4.16, "Essbase Login Failed Due to Invalid Credentials"
■ Section 5.4.17, "Failed to Open a File on UNIX"
■ Section 5.4.18, "GL Writeback Fails with "Accounting Date Conversion" Error"
■ Section 5.4.19, "GL Writeback Fails with "Group ID Node" Error"
■ Section 5.4.20, "GL Writeback Fails with "Not a Valid GL Application" Error"
■ Section 5.4.21, "GL Writeback Fails with "SQL Database Connection" Error"
■ Section 5.4.22, "Network Timeout"
■ Section 5.4.23, "OPMN Fails to Start Essbase in High-Availability Mode"
■ Section 5.4.24, "Restructure Failure"
■ Section 5.4.25, "Security File Is Corrupt"
■ Section 5.4.26, "Status of Essbase Agent Connection"
■ Section 5.4.27, "Unable to Write File During Data Load or Building Aggregate

5.4.1 Getting Started with Logging Basics for Essbase

Log files are the best tools for analyzing what might be wrong with the system
configuration. The logging configuration file, the defaults it ships with, and
instructions for changing change those defaults will help with the analysis.
■ Essbase log files
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

■ Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) logs

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

■ Lease Manager logs

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

■ Shared Services logs

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

■ OPMN logs

5-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn/opmn.log
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\diagnostics\logs\OPMN\opmn\opmn.log

■ Essbase ping log


■ OPMN debug log

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn/debug.log
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\diagnostics\logs\OPMN\opmn\debug.log

Note: The system will generate the OPMN debug log only if DEBUG
mode is turned on in opmn.xml.

■ OPMN console log

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn/console*.log

Note: The system will generate the OPMN console log only if DEBUG
mode is turned on in opmn.xml.

5.4.2 Essbase Agent Startup Fails with Error

The Essbase Agent startup fails with the following error:
Fatal Error: FUSIONAPPID not specified in the cfg file

To modify essbase.cfg and restart the Essbase server:
1. Locate the essbase.cfg file in the following directories:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/Essbase/essbaseserver_name/bin
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\Essbase\essbaseserver_name\bin

2. Make sure that the following entry is present in essbase.cfg:


3. Restart the Essbase server.

To restart the Essbase server using opmnctl:
a. Determine the current status:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl status
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin/opmnctl status

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-21

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

OPMN generates a list of the running components and processes. The

following message indicates that the Essbase Server (essbaseserver1) is
already running:
Processes in Instance: BIInstance
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
essbaseserver1 | Essbase | 27879 | Alive
coreapplication_obiccs1 | OracleBIClusterCo~ | 10828 | Alive
coreapplication_obisch1 | OracleBIScheduler~ | 18308 | Alive
coreapplication_obijh1 | OracleBIJavaHostC~ | 18337 | Alive
coreapplication_obips1 | OracleBIPresentat~ | 26455 | Alive
coreapplication_obis1 | OracleBIServerCom~ | 21716 | Alive

b. Restart the Essbase server:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl restartproc
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin\opmnctl restartproc

For example
APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl restartproc

To start Essbase server using Fusion Applications Control:

a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Domain for
the BIDomain domain.
b. Expand Essbase Servers, and then select the Essbase server.
c. From the Essbase Server menu, choose Administration, then Ports
d. Select the Listen port, and then click Edit.
e. Change the port number, and then click OK.
f. From the Essbase Server menu, choose Control, then Restart.

5.4.3 Essbase Agent Startup Fails Due to serviceinstanceref ref="audit" Entry in


The Essbase Agent startup fails with the following error:
1051223 - Single Sign On function call [css_init] failed with error [CSS Error:
CSS method invocation error: getInstance: Failed to get CSSSystem instance,
please check SharedServices_Security_Client.log for more information

To modify essbase.cfg and restart the Essbase server:
1. Locate the essbase.cfg file in the following directories:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/Essbase/essbaseserver_name/bin
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\Essbase\essbaseserver_name\bin

5-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

2. Make sure that the following entry is commented out using XML style comments
in the essbase.cfg file. For example, <!-- -->:
serviceinstanceref ref="audit"
3. Restart the Essbase server.
To restart the Essbase server using opmnctl:
a. Determine the current status:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl status
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin/opmnctl status

OPMN generates a list of the running components and processes. The

following message indicates that the Essbase Server (essbaseserver1) is
already running:
Processes in Instance: BIInstance
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
essbaseserver1 | Essbase | 27879 | Alive
coreapplication_obiccs1 | OracleBIClusterCo~ | 10828 | Alive
coreapplication_obisch1 | OracleBIScheduler~ | 18308 | Alive
coreapplication_obijh1 | OracleBIJavaHostC~ | 18337 | Alive
coreapplication_obips1 | OracleBIPresentat~ | 26455 | Alive
coreapplication_obis1 | OracleBIServerCom~ | 21716 | Alive

b. Restart the Essbase server:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl restartproc
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin\opmnctl restartproc

For example
APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl restartproc

To start the Essbase server using Fusion Applications Control:

a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Domain for
the BIDomain domain.
b. Expand Essbase Servers, and then select the Essbase server.
c. From the Essbase Server menu, choose Administration, then Ports
d. Select the Listen port, and then click Edit.
e. Change the port number, and then click OK.
f. From the Essbase Server menu, choose Control, then Restart.

5.4.4 Essbase Agent Startup Fails with an Error While Loading Shared Libraries

The Essbase Agent startup fails with the following error:
Error while loading shared libraries: libARicu24.so: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-23

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

To modify opmn.xml file and restart the Essbase server:
1. Locate the opmn.xml file in the following directories:
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\config\OPMN\opmn

2. Update the following ODBC-related entries in opmn.xml:

<variable append="true" id="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="$ORACLE_

<variable id="ODBCINI" value="$ORACLE_HOME/common/ODBC/Merant/6.0/odbc.ini"/>

<variable id="ODBCINST" value="$ORACLE_


3. Restart the Essbase server:

a. Determine the current status:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl status
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin/opmnctl status

OPMN generates a list of the running components and processes. The

following message indicates that the Essbase Server (essbaseserver1) is
currently running:
Processes in Instance: BIInstance
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
essbaseserver1 | Essbase | 27879 | Alive
coreapplication_obiccs1 | OracleBIClusterCo~ | 10828 | Alive
coreapplication_obisch1 | OracleBIScheduler~ | 18308 | Alive
coreapplication_obijh1 | OracleBIJavaHostC~ | 18337 | Alive
coreapplication_obips1 | OracleBIPresentat~ | 26455 | Alive
coreapplication_obis1 | OracleBIServerCom~ | 21716 | Alive

b. Restart the Essbase server:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl restartproc
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin\opmnctl restartproc

For example
APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl restartproc

5.4.5 opmnctl Commands Fail to Execute

A communication error occurs when attempting to issue commands using the opmnctl
command line for OPMN.
For example:

5-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

opmnctl status RCV: No such file or directory Communication error with the
OPMN server local port. Check the OPMN log files opmnctl status: opmn is
not running.

To modify opmn.xml:
1. Edit opmn.xml to assign a different local and a remote port to OPMN, or just a
remote port to OPMN. The currently assigned ports may already be used by
another process. See the following example:
<notification-server interface="any"> <ipaddr remote="<hostname>"/>
<port local="6711" remote="6712"/>
2. Restart OPMN and try the opmnctl command again.

5.4.6 An Application Stops Responding

An Essbase application stops responding or shuts down abnormally.

To determine why the application is not responding:
1. Check the Essbase.log file for the following error message:
2. Check the Essbase.log file for the following message:
Exception error log [log00001.xcp] is being created...
3. If either of the above messages are found, contact Technical Support.
Note that if you find the log00001.xcp file, save it. Oracle Support will need this
file to troubleshoot the issue.
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

5.4.7 An Essbase Application Will Not Start

An application does not respond after being started, or an error message like the
following is displayed in the Essbase log file:
Network Error 10048 : Unable to Bind Host Server Socket On Port 4213

A port conflict may be occurring. Correct the port-related entries in opmn.xml.
Update the Essbase port range in opmn.xml to match the port specified in the
configuration file:
<port id="essbase-port-range" range="32768-33768"/>

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-25

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

5.4.8 ASO Database Corruption Error

During an operation on an Essbase aggregate storage database, the following error is
Persistent data does not match the outline. There is no member in
dimension [Abc] for member number [12345]. Data is corrupted.

To clear the database and reload it from the original sources or from a saved exported
1. Save the list of current aggregate views.
2. Clear all data in the database.
3. Reload the data from original sources or from a backup.
4. Rebuild the aggregate views using the list specified.

5.4.9 Essbase Login Credentials Are Unknown When Essbase Is Included in the Oracle
Business Intelligence Installation

You do not know the Essbase login credentials when Essbase is included in the Oracle
Business Intelligence installation.

Use the Weblogic default user name and password to log in to Essbase. The default
user name and password are weblogic and welcome1.

5.4.10 Cannot Stop an Application Process

An Essbase application process cannot be shut down.

To check the application log for active processing:
1. Access the application log. Note the following locations:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

2. Check the application log and look for the following message:
3. If you see the proceeding message, wait a few minutes to allow the application to
self-terminate. The application may be doing cleanup tasks associated with the
shutdown process.

5-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

4. If you see the following message, the application is still processing user requests.
Wait for user requests or any other operation that is still in progress to terminate,
and then try shutting down the application.
Cannot unload database dbname while user username is performing database
operation. Wait for the user to complete the operation, or ask the user to
abort it. Log out all users and then unload the database. Cannot unload
database dbname when it is still in use

5. If you need to terminate the application, perform the following steps:

a. If you need to terminate the application even when there are user requests in
progress on the database, you can run the following sequence MaxL
statements to forcefully terminate user requests:
#Display active sessions to see current requests display session on
application appname
#Disallow new connections to the application alter application appname
disable connects;
#Force logout of all, and terminate requests alter system logout session on
database appname.dbname force;

b. After forcefully logging out all users, wait for a few minutes, and then use the
following MaxL statement to check if any user requests are still running:
#Display active sessions display session on application <appname>;

c. If there are no requests running, attempt to stop the application process.

5.4.11 Changing the Essbase Ports (High-Availability Mode)

The Essbase port numbers need to be changed when Essbase is installed in
high-availability mode.

To run the Essbase failover automation script to change the Essbase port:
1. Go to the following location:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/essbase_ha
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin\essbase_ha

2. Look for the %SHARED_FOLDER% location specified in the file essfoenv.properties.

3. Edit the %SHARED_FOLDER%\EssFoConfig.properties file or %SHARED_
FOLDER%/EssFoConfig.properties file.
4. Look for SYSTEM_AGENT_PORTNUMBER(1|2), and change the port number. There are
two Essbase instances, so make sure to change the one that you need.
5. Execute essfoconfig.sh (UNIX) or essfoconfig.bat (Windows) without any
parameter. The Help prints so you can see a list of options for parameters.
6. Execute the following command:
essfoconfig.sh update prpName

where prpName is the port number property in Step 4.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-27

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

For example, the following command updates the agent port of the first Essbase
essfoconfig.sh update SYSTEM_AGENT_PORTNUMBER1

5.4.12 Changing the Essbase Ports (Non-High-Availability Mode)

The Essbase port numbers need to be changed when Essbase is installed in
non-high-availability mode.

Go to Fusion Applications Control and change the Essbase port.
1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Domain for the
BIDomain domain.
2. Expand Essbase Servers, and then select the Essbase server.
3. From the Essbase Server menu, choose Administration, then Ports
4. Select the Listen port, and then click Edit.
5. Change the port number, and then click OK.
6. Restart Essbase server. From the Essbase Server menu, choose Control, then

5.4.13 Data Load Fails with the "Load Buffer Does Not Exist" Error

Following a data load failure to a specified load buffer, the following error displays for
subsequent loads to the same load buffer:
Data load buffer [123] does not exist.

This error may occur when data loads initialize a load buffer and load multiple data
files to it before committing it to the cube. If an error occurs that causes one of the
steps to fail, then the load buffer is automatically destroyed, causing all subsequent
steps to fail with the previous error.
Use one of the following methods to correct this error:
■ Determine the cause of the original data load error and try to resolve it.
■ Set the Essbase data load options to indicate that the data load should not be
aborted on error; instead, have data load errors written or appended to the log file

5.4.14 Data Load Fails with Resource Usage Error

Upon attempting to load data into an Essbase aggregate storage database, the
following error displays:

5-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

Specified load buffer resource usage [100] is above currently available

value [0].

Other ongoing data load operations have reserved part of the cache for their load
buffers. Use one of the following methods to correct this error:
■ Reduce the resource usage for this data load, and try again. If you are using MaxL,
you must explicitly create the load buffer, using the optional resource_usage
argument. For example:
alter database AsoSamp.Sample initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 1
resource_usage .5;
■ Wait for other operations to finish.
■ To see what reservations have been made to the cache resources, run the following
MaxL statement:
query database "app"."db" list load_buffers;
For more information about the query database, alter database, and other
MaxL statements, see the Oracle Essbase Technical Reference.

5.4.15 Essbase Fails to Start in Cluster Mode

Essbase does not start when it is in cluster mode and Oracle Business Intelligence
domain is installed with a non-domain-qualified host name.

The error occurs when the Essbase host specified in the cluster configuration
properties file, EssFOConfig.properties, is domain-qualified, but is not in the EPM
Registry, leading to a mismatch.
For more information about viewing the EPM Registry, see the "Viewing the
Components in the Shared Services Registry," section in the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise
Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.
To check if there is an Essbase host name qualification mismatch:
1. Use the following command to return all the Essbase clusters that were configured
in the registry:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/config/foundation/11.1.2/epmsys_
registry.sh view CLUSTER
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\config\foundation\11.1.2\epmsys_
registry.bat view CLUSTER

2. Drill into the specific Essbase Server instance underneath this cluster, and view
that node to see the host name:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/config/foundation/11.1.2/epmsys_
registry.sh view #Essbase_Server_GUID
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\config\foundation\11.1.2\epmsys_
registry.bat view #Essbase_Server_GUID

Note that GUID is the global unique ID of an Essbase Server instance as returned
from the full viewing of the EPM Registry.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-29

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

3. Access the EPM registry and confirm that the host in the cluster configuration
properties file displays exactly how Essbase is configured in the EPM Registry.
4. Restart Essbase.

5.4.16 Essbase Login Failed Due to Invalid Credentials

When the user attempts to log in to Essbase, the login attempt fails. The problem may
be an authentication failure. When the Essbase login fails due to an authentication
problem, it reports the following errors:
ERROR - 103 - Unexpected Essbase error 1051440.
ERROR - 1051440 - Essbase user [bi-001] Authentication Fails against the Shared
Services Server with Error [EPMCSS-1009004: Failed to read data from the policy

To determine login failure problems by gathering detailed error messages:
1. Locate the essbase.cfg file in the following directories:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/Essbase/essbaseserver_name/bin
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\Essbase\essbaseserver_name\bin

2. Using a text editor, add the following text on its own line:
For more information about this and other essbase.cfg configuration settings,
see the Oracle Essbase Technical Reference.
3. Stop and restart the Essbase server. For detailed procedures, see "Starting and
Stopping Essbase Server" in the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.
4. Use the following paths to access the Essbase.log file, which contains any error
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

5. In the same path where Essbase.log is found, see the SharedServices_Security_

Client.log to locate security-related error messages.
To gather debug-level error messages:

Note: Keep the debug statistics available for diagnostic purposes, in

case you need to contact Technical Support.

1. Locate the essbase.cfg file in the following directories:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/Essbase/essbaseserver_name/bin
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\Essbase\essbaseserver_name\bin

2. Using a text editor, add the following text on its own line:

5-30 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

For more information about this and other essbase.cfg configuration settings, see
Oracle Essbase Technical Reference.
3. Stop and restart the Essbase server. For detailed procedures, see the "Starting and
Stopping Essbase Server" section in Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.
4. Use the following paths to access the Essbase.log file, which contains any error
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

To check for and correct BI domain login errors:

See Table 5–1 to identify if you have a debug login failure problem. Go to each file
listed in the table and search for the corresponding error message. If one or both of
your files contain errors, use the following procedure to correct them.

Table 5–1 File Names and Error Messages

File Name Error Message
AdminServer.out <oracle.epm.oem.essbase.mbeans.EssbaseServerRegistratio
<BEA-000000> <Child MBean registration failed due to
some reason Not able to get Credential Store Factory
from EM java.lang.Exception: Not able to get Credential
Store Factory from EM
BIDomain.log Exception while retrieving data from Essbase Cannot
connect to olap service.
Cannot connect to Essbase Server.
Error:EssbaseError(1051293): Login fails due to invalid
login credentials com.essbase.api.base.EssException:
Cannot connect to olap service.
Cannot connect to Essbase Server. Error:Essbase

To add a valid Essbase user name to the credential store from Fusion Applications
Control, perform the following:
1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Domain for the
BIDomain domain.
2. Right-click BIDomain and click Security.
3. Click Credentials. The Credentials page displays.
4. In the Credential table, expand essbaseserver.
5. Select the Essbase server and click the Edit the selected credential key button. The
Edit Key page displays.
6. Verify that the user name and password are correct.

5.4.17 Failed to Open a File on UNIX

The following error occurs on a UNIX platform:

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-31

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

Failed to open file [filename]: a system file error occurred. Please see
application log for details.

To open a file on UNIX:
1. Confirm that the specified file exists.
2. If the file exists, increase the maximum number of open file descriptors. To do this,
consult the UNIX operating system's documentation for the ulimit command.

5.4.18 GL Writeback Fails with "Accounting Date Conversion" Error

GL writeback fails with the following error:
The accounting date conversion failed for %s to %s in the ACCOUNTING_DATE
column. Unable to proceed with GL export.

This error may occur when GL writeback cannot format the date string in the way that
GL tables expect.
To fix this issue, make sure that the <DATE_FORMAT> tag in the cubeMap.xml file has date
format represented in one of the following acceptable formats, and that it matches
with the date value stored in the accounting date alias table of the outline. The
following are the acceptable date formats:
mon dd yyyy
Month dd yyyy
dd Month yy
dd mon yy
Month dd, yy
mon dd, yy
dd Month yyyy
dd mon yyyy
Day, Month dd, yyyy

5.4.19 GL Writeback Fails with "Group ID Node" Error

GL writeback fails with the following error:
The group id node has active GL operations in state [<state_name>]. Use the
appropriate API call in sequence. Unable to proceed with [api name] call.

5-32 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

This error may occur if more than one user tries to use the GL writeback-related API
calls with the same group ID. To fix this issue, ensure that all users using GL writeback
operations are using different group IDs.

5.4.20 GL Writeback Fails with "Not a Valid GL Application" Error

GL writeback fails with the following error:
This application is not a valid GL application for Essbase.

The error may occur if the cubeMap.xml file is either not present in the app/ db
directory, or is not parsed properly. For the GL writeback to work properly, the
cubeMap.xml file must be present and contain the required information to be parsed
To confirm that cubeMap.xml was parsed correctly:
1. Ensure that cubeMap.xml file exists in the app/ db directory and contains the
correct information.
2. To ensure that cubeMap.xml was found and parsed successfully, check the Essbase
application log for the following entry:
Parsing of cubeMap.xml file succeeded
If the parsing of cubeMap.xml fails, verify that the file exists in the app/ db
directory and that it contains the appropriate information.

5.4.21 GL Writeback Fails with "SQL Database Connection" Error

GL writeback fails with the following error:
Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more

The error may occur if the SQL drivers are not set up correctly.
To confirm that the SQL drivers are set up correctly:
1. Ensure that the ODBC Merant drivers path in odbcinst.ini is correct.
2. Ensure that the ODBCINST variable in opmn.xml is pointing to the correct
odbcinst.ini file.
3. Ensure that an Oracle GL target database is running. For the GL writeback to
work, a GL system is required, with cubeMap.xml correctly set up with the GL
system information as follows:
<HOST>somemachine.company.com</HOST> <PORT>port</PORT> <SID>SID</SID>

4. Ensure that Essbase.cfg contains driver descriptors information in the following

format, so that Essbase can connect to drivers in the odbcinst.ini:
BPM_Oracle_DriverDescriptor "DataDirect 6.0 Oracle Wire Protocol"

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-33

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

5.4.22 Network Timeout

When performing an operation against an Essbase cube, one of the following errors
■ Network error [12345]: Cannot Send Data
■ Network error [12345]: Cannot Receive Data

■ The error may indicate that Essbase has terminated abnormally. If an xcp file is
found in the following location, save it and contact Oracle Support:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/diagnostics/logs/Essbase/essbaseserver_

■ In essbase.cfg, increase the network timeout parameters using the settings

NETDELAY and NETRETRYCOUNT. For more information, see "Essbase.cfg
Configuration Settings" in Oracle Essbase Technical Reference.

5.4.23 OPMN Fails to Start Essbase in High-Availability Mode

OPMN fails to start Essbase in high-availability mode.

For Essbase clustering to work, all Essbase failover cluster data must be on shared
storage with the ARBORPATH variables set correctly.
To confirm that Essbase can start in high-availability mode:
1. Ensure that OPMN is started by a network or domain user.
2. Ensure that ARBORPATHs are specified as mapped drives, and not as UNC paths.

5.4.24 Restructure Failure

Problem 1
During a dimension build or outline restructure, error code 1130203 occurs.

Solution 1
The error indicates that not enough memory was available to perform the operation.
Use one of the following methods to correct this error:
■ Increase the amount of virtual memory available to the operating system.
■ If Essbase is running on a 32-bit platform, keep in mind that the maximum
memory available to Essbase is between 2 GB and 4 GB, regardless of how much
RAM is installed on the machine. Because Essbase loads both the old and new
outlines in memory during the restructure, there is a restriction on the largest
outline that can be modified on such a machine. For example, if the platform only
allows 2 GB of memory to be used by a process, and an Essbase application

5-34 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

process is already using 200 MB memory, then the maximum-size outline that can
be modified is 900 MB. Switching to a 64-bit installation of Essbase will lift this

Problem 2
During dimension build or outline restructure, outline validation fails with one of the
following errors:
■ There were errors validating the outline. Please check the error file.
■ Outline has errors

Solution 2
Review the application log or the error file (if available) to see what specific errors are
causing the validation error.

Problem 3
During dimension build or outline restructure, one of the following errors occurs:
■ Cannot write the new outline file during the restructuring of [%s]
■ Error writing outline change log file for database [%s]

Solution 3
Check the application log for other errors. If none are found, check to see if the file
system is full. Remember that making a change to an Essbase outline requires at least
as much free space as the existing outline.

5.4.25 Security File Is Corrupt

The Console.log displays the following error:
Fatal Error: Invalid item index in security file

The Essbase security file, essbase.sec, is invalid. Use one of the following methods to
correct this error:
■ Restart Essbase using the latest backup security file by copying essbase_
timestamp.bak to essbase.sec. Both files are located in the following directories
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/Essbase/essbaseserver_name/bin
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\Essbase\essbaseserver_name\bin

For more information, see "Managing the Essbase Security File" in Oracle Essbase
Database Administrator's Guide.
■ Open the essbase.cfg file and set the ENABLESWITCHTOBACKUPFILE setting to TRUE.
This setting allows Essbase to automatically use a backup security file. The
essbase.cfg file is located in the following directories:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/Essbase/essbaseserver_name/bin
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\Essbase\essbaseserver_name\bin

If you edit Essbase.cfg, restart Essbase to enable the change.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Performance Management 5-35

Problems and Solutions for Essbase

For more information, see "Essbase.cfg Configuration Settings" in Oracle Essbase

Technical Reference.

5.4.26 Status of Essbase Agent Connection

The Administrator does not know if Essbase is running.

Use the following OPMN command to determine if the Essbase agent is running:
(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/BIInstance/bin/opmnctl status
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\BIInstance\bin/opmnctl status

To start Essbase server using Fusion Applications Control:

1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Domain for the
BIDomain domain.
2. Expand Essbase Servers, and then select the Essbase server to see if it is running.
3. If it is not running, From the Essbase Server menu, choose Control, then Restart.

5.4.27 Unable to Write File During Data Load or Building Aggregate Views

When attempting to load data into an Essbase aggregate storage database or while
building aggregate views, the following error is displayed:
Failed to extend file [<path>/ess0001.dat]: a system file error occurred.
Please see application log for details.

This error indicates that the file system is out of space. Essbase can require significant
temporary disk storage while performing a data load or aggregate view build. The
"default" tablespace is the location where cube data is stored. The "temp" tablespace is
where Essbase writes temporary data while building the cube. By default, both
tablespaces are on the disk drive where Essbase is installed.
During the operation, the space required by the temp tablespace is at least as big as the
resulting change in the database size, so the total free space required is at least twice as
big as the resulting change to the database size. For example, loading a database that is
1GB will require at least 2GB of free space. Building 10GB worth of aggregate views
will require at least 20GB of free space. Note that after the operation is complete, the
files created in the temp tablespace are deleted.
Use one of the following methods to correct this error:
■ To correct this error, use MaxL statements to view or change the tablespace
■ If the tablespace locations do not have enough free space, consider moving one or
both tablespaces to different disk drives, or limit the size of the existing file
locations and add new locations on other disk drives. Note that you cannot
remove a tablespace location that already contains data.

5-36 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

6Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler and explains how to solve them.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 6.1, "Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler"
■ Section 6.2, "Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
■ Section 6.3, "Problems and Solutions"
To gain insight into the log details generated by Oracle Fusion applications, see the
"Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Using Incidents, Logs, QuickTrace, and
Diagnostic Tests" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide. Also,
review the Oracle Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference for information about the
error messages you may encounter.

6.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler

This section provides guidelines and a process for using the information in this
chapter. Using the following guidelines and process will focus and minimize the time
you spend resolving problems.

When using the information in this chapter, Oracle recommends:
■ After performing any of the solution procedures in this chapter, immediately
retrying the failed task that led you to this troubleshooting information. If the task
still fails when you retry it, perform a different solution procedure in this chapter
and then try the failed task again. Repeat this process until you resolve the
■ Making notes about the solution procedures you perform, symptoms you see, and
data you collect while troubleshooting. If you cannot resolve the problem using
the information in this chapter and you must log a service request, the notes you
make will expedite the process of solving the problem.

Follow the process outlined in Table 6–1 when using the information in this chapter. If
the information in a particular section does not resolve your problem, proceed to the
next step in this process.

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler 6-1

Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Jobs

Table 6–1 Process for Using the Information in this Chapter

Step Section to Use Purpose
1 Section 6.2 Get started troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler jobs.
2 Section 6.3 Perform problem-specific troubleshooting procedures. This section
■ Possible causes of the problems
■ Solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes
3 Section 14.1 Use My Oracle Support to get additional troubleshooting information
about Oracle Fusion Applications or Oracle Enterprise Scheduler. My
Oracle Support provides access to several useful troubleshooting
resources, including Knowledge Base articles and Community
Forums and Discussions.
4 Section 14.1 Log a service request if the information in this chapter and My Oracle
Support does not resolve your problem. You can log a service request
using My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

6.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler

You may want to troubleshoot the following typical issues that can arise when running
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler jobs.
■ Asynchronous jobs remain in running state indefinitely.
■ An asynchronous job hangs or crashes.
■ Oracle Enterprise Scheduler is down when the remote scheduled job completes or
there are network problems such that Oracle Enterprise Scheduler does not receive
the completion status from the remote job.
■ A scheduled job is ready to execute, but does not execute.
■ A scheduled job is placed in manual error recovery state where troubleshooting is
■ Oracle Enterprise Scheduler is throwing errors.
■ A scheduled job ends in error.
For troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler, use the standard Oracle WebLogic
Server system log. For information about viewing job request logs, see "Managing
Logging for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler" in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide. For more information about troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler, see the "Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler" chapter in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.

Troubleshooting Asynchronous Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Jobs

When viewed in Fusion Applications Control, a given Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher job includes a direct URL pointing to the Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher server on the Job Details page. Once the Oracle Business Intelligence
Publisher job starts running on the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher server, the
scheduled job request attains the property value bip.status_url. This property value
holds the URL of the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher server which is used to
diagnose Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report execution. For more
information about viewing job request details, see "Viewing Job Request Details"

6-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Enterprise
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher jobs are supported only in Oracle Fusion

6.3 Problems and Solutions

This section describes common problems and solutions for Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 6.3.1, "Oracle BI Publisher Job Remains In RUNNING State"
■ Section 6.3.2, "Oracle BI Publisher Job States Mismatch with Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler States"
■ Section 6.3.3, "Job Never Executes and Goes into ERROR State Immediately"
■ Section 6.3.4, "Job Completes, but Goes into a WARNING state"
■ Section 6.3.5, "Metadata Access Denied Error When Accessing Job Metadata"
■ Section 6.3.6, "Insufficient Privilege Error on Request Error"
■ Section 6.3.7, "Empty Process List in Schedule New Process Dialog"
■ Section 6.3.8, "Slow Display of Job Definition List of Values in Schedule New
Process Dialog"
In addition to the recommended solutions, consider reviewing the section "Tuning
Oracle Enterprise Scheduling Service System Performance" in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler for tuning tips.

6.3.1 Oracle BI Publisher Job Remains In RUNNING State

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher jobs run on separate computers. In these cases,
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler depends on the remote job sending a completion status at
end of processing that defines the job outcome. However this message may never get
generated due to various reasons. It is required to troubleshoot the native job
implementation to resolve.

To resolve this issue, you must troubleshoot the native job. See Section 6.3.2 for more

6.3.2 Oracle BI Publisher Job States Mismatch with Oracle Enterprise Scheduler States

Under normal circumstances, the Oracle BI Publisher server state should match the
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job state. However, in case of any BI Publisher job errors,
server issues or other network issues, the Oracle BI Publisher server state may not
match the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job state.

It is important to understand that the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler runtime invokes the
Oracle BI Publisher web service asynchronously and then needs to wait for it to

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler 6-3

Problems and Solutions

successfully complete to update the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job status. Therefore,
between the initial web service invocation, there could be various things that could go
wrong. The table below lists the typical job life cycle, the potential failure points, and
the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler and Oracle BI Publisher state values seen at each of
those states. Use the table below to debug any state mismatch between the Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler job and the Oracle BI Publisher server:

Expected ESS Expected Oracle

Processing Step/Error Server Request State BI Publisher State Description
1. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Oracle RUNNING None
request is in the RUNNING state, calls Enterprise
Oracle BI Publisher job Scheduler
2. Oracle BI Publisher Oracle Oracle RUNNING None
Enterprise Scheduler job begins to Enterprise
execute. Scheduler
3. Oracle BI Publisher Oracle RUNNING None
Enterprise Scheduler job invokes
Oracle BI Publisher web service.
3a. Error calling the web service, for Oracle ERROR_MANUAL_ Could be None or An error message is seen in the
example, the Oracle BI Enterprise RECOVERY RUNNING, Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
Publisherserver is down or crashes Scheduler depending on server log and with Oracle
while processing the web service. where the crash Enterprise Scheduler request in
occurs Fusion Applications Control.
Oracle BI Publisher job state
depends on why the web
service failed. This requires
manual recovery.
4. Oracle BI Publisher web service Oracle BI RUNNING RUNNING
creates "BIP Job ID" with RUNNING Publisher
status, enqueues to JMS, and
5. Oracle BI Publisher Oracle Oracle RUNNING RUNNING
Enterprise Scheduler job finishes Enterprise
after web service processing. Scheduler
5a. Error in the Oracle BI Publisher ERROR_MANUAL_ RUNNING Error message seen in the
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job RECOVERY Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
before returning. server log and with Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler request in
Fusion Applications Control.
Oracle BI Publisher job is
running, but Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler job that invoked it
has failed. This needs manual
recovery because the Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler job cannot
be in a terminal SUCCESS or
ERROR state while the Oracle BI
Publisher job is RUNNING.
5b. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler ERROR_MANUAL_ Could be None or Error message seen in the
server crash anywhere during RECOVERY RUNNING, Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
Oracle BI Publisher Oracle depending on server log and with Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler job execution where the crash Enterprise Scheduler request in
(crash during Oracle BI Publisher occurs Fusion Applications Control. It
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job is not known if the web service
executable call between Steps 2-5). has been invoked or not, so
manual intervention is
6. Oracle BI Publisher server begins Oracle BI RUNNING RUNNING
processing the Oracle BI Publisher Publisher
6a. Oracle BI Publisher server crashes RUNNING to ERROR RUNNING (before
during processing and restarts (See steps 11 restart) to ERROR
through 13) (after restart)

6-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Expected ESS Expected Oracle

Processing Step/Error Server Request State BI Publisher State Description
6b. Job is taking a long time to run RUNNING RUNNING Oracle BI Publisher "request job
history" UI should show which
stage of processing the job is in.
When Oracle BI Publisher
server restarts, it will mark the
Oracle BI Publisher state as
ERROR and then notify Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler that the
job had an error.
Oracle BI Publisher report is
7. Oracle BI Publisher job completes Oracle BI RUNNING SUCCESS
successfully, Oracle BI Publisher sets Publisher
the Oracle BI Publisher job to
SUCCESS and commits
8. Oracle BI Publisher invokes Oracle Oracle BI RUNNING SUCCESS
Enterprise Scheduler web service to Publisher
notify Oracle Enterprise Schedulerof
job completion.
8a. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Oracle BI See Steps 9 SUCCESS Fusion Applications Control
server is down while Oracle BI Publisher through 10. should show that the Oracle
Publisher makes web service call to Enterprise Scheduler server is
notify Oracle Enterprise Scheduler of down. Service invocation
job completion, other Oracle should be routed successfully to
Enterprise Scheduler servers in the another Oracle Enterprise
cluster are running. Scheduler server in the cluster.
8b. All Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Oracle BI RUNNING SUCCESS Can detect this case after the
servers are down while Oracle BI Publisher Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
Publisher makes web service call to servers are restarted and the
notify Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Oracle BI Publisher request is
of job completion. SUCCESS while the Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler request is
RUNNING (or timed out). Job will
remain RUNNING and
administrator has to cancel and
recover request in Fusion
Applications Control.
9. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler calls Oracle COMPLETED SUCCESS
job post-processor. Enterprise
9a. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job Oracle WARNING SUCCESS Error message seen in the
post-processor has an error. Enterprise Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
Scheduler server log and with ESS request
in Fusion Applications Control.
10. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Oracle SUCCESS SUCCESS
completes the request after Enterprise
post-processing finishes successfully Scheduler
Oracle BI Publisher report has error. Error message seen in the
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
server log and with Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler request in
Fusion Applications Control as
well as in Oracle BI Publisher
console for the job.
11. Oracle BI Publisher job completes Oracle BI RUNNING ERROR
with error, Oracle BI Publisher sets Publisher
the Oracle BI Publisher job to ERROR
and commits
12. Oracle BI Publisher invokes Oracle BI RUNNING ERROR
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler web Publisher
service to notify Oracle Enterprise
Scheduler of job completion

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler 6-5

Problems and Solutions

Expected ESS Expected Oracle

Processing Step/Error Server Request State BI Publisher State Description
12a. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Oracle BI RUNNING ERROR See Steps 8a and 8b. Oracle BI
server is down while Oracle BI Publisher Publisher retries delivery of the
Publisher makes web service call to status update in all cases if
notify Oracle Enterprise Scheduler of Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
job completion, other Oracle web service invocation fails
Enterprise Scheduler servers in the
cluster are running.
13. Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Oracle ERROR ERROR
updates request status in the Oracle Enterprise
Database to ERROR Scheduler
Request is cancelled. Note: The timing refers to when
the AsyncCancellable method
is invoked, not when cancel is
initiated. The states in this
section assume that if the
Oracle BI Publisher runs, it runs
successfully unless canceled.
For more details on Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler
cancellation, see the "Cancelling
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Job
Requests" section in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler.
14. Request in RUNNING state canceled CANCELLING to None Process phase prior to
prior to Oracle BI Publisher Oracle CANCELLED ExecuteInitiate. Should
Enterprise Scheduler job execution. automatically transition from
15. Request canceled during Oracle CANCELLING to None Oracle BI Publisher Oracle
BI Publisher Oracle Enterprise CANCELLED Enterprise Scheduler job should
Scheduler job execution before prevent Oracle BI Publisher job
Oracle BI Publisher job begins. from being initiated by having
checkpoints in the execute
method. On return, request
should transition to CANCELLED.
16. Request canceled during Oracle CANCELLING to RUNNING to Oracle BI Publisher Oracle
BI Publisher Oracle Enterprise CANCELLED CANCELLED Enterprise Scheduler job
Scheduler job execution after Oracle execute method can ignore
BI Publisher job initiated. cancel. Cancel() method
should attempt to cancel Oracle
BI Publisher job. Oracle BI
Publisher job returns status
(CANCELLED or other). Request
ends up in CANCELLED state.
17. Request canceled while Oracle BI CANCELLING to RUNNING to Cancel() method should
Publisher job is running. CANCELLED CANCELLED attempt to cancel Oracle BI
Publisher job. Oracle BI
Publisher job returns status
(CANCELLED or other). Request
ends up in CANCELLED state.
18. Request canceled after Oracle BI CANCELLING to SUCCESS Cancel() method should
Publisher job, before callback CANCELLED attempt to cancel Oracle BI
received (when is Oracle BI Publisher Publisher job. Oracle BI
state set to SUCCESS.) Publisher job returns status
(CANCELLED or other). Request
ends up in CANCELLED state.
19. Request canceled after callback CANCELLING to SUCCESS
received, before post-processor CANCELLED
20. Request canceled while SUCCESS SUCCESS Once post-processing is begun,
post-processor is running the cancel operation has no
21. Request canceled after SUCCESS SUCCESS

6-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

6.3.3 Job Never Executes and Goes into ERROR State Immediately

When the user submits a spawn job, it goes into ERROR state immediately.

To resolve this problem, verify that the RequestFileDirectory directory is created and
set up on the server. This directory can be located anywhere. The Oracle WebLogic
Server writes and reads from it, so the Oracle Fusion Middleware administration
account server can access this directory. If this directory does not exist, all jobs will
move to ERROR state. The directory is a shared file system shared across the Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler cluster.
To find the RequestFileDirectory value in the Fusion Applications Control:
1. Search the logs to diagnose any specific issues found. See the section "Viewing and
Searching Log Files" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.
2. Verify that RequestFileDirectory directory is created:
a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, WebLogic Domain, and select the
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler server.
b. From the WebLogic Server menu, choose System MBean Browser.
c. In the System MBean Browser page, expand Application Defined MBeans.
d. Expand oracle.adf.share.connections, Server: ess_server_name, Application:
ESSAPP, ADFConnections, ADFConnections, EssConnection.

e. Click EssConnection1.
f. In the Application Defined MBeans: EssConnection:EssConnection1 page,
view the attribute value for RequestFileDirectory.

6.3.4 Job Completes, but Goes into a WARNING state

Oracle Enterprise Scheduler tries to upload log/output files to Oracle WebCenter
Content. If upload fails, the request will be marked to WARNING state.

To resolve this problem, use Fusion Applications Control:

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler 6-7

Problems and Solutions

1. Check that the Oracle WebCenter Content Content Server is up and running.
Oracle WebCenter Content is located in the CommonDomain domain in the Oracle
Fusion Setup product family.
a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, Content Management, and then
Content Server.
b. Select the Oracle Universal Content Management - Content Server
application for the appropriate Managed Server.
c. In the home page, in the Scheduler Components section, ensure the Request
Processor has a status of Started.
If it is not running, start it. See "Starting and Stopping a Request Processor or
Dispatcher" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle
Enterprise Scheduler.
d. In the Scheduling Service home page, in the General section, ensure the
Content Server has a state of Active.
e. If the state is not Active, from the UCM menu, choose Control > Start.
2. Search and view log records for issues related to Oracle WebCenter Content or
attachments. See the "Viewing and Searching Log Files" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide.
3. Check the attachments configuration for the job hosting application is correct:
a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, Application Deployments.
b. Expand domain_nameEssApp, and then select domain_nameEssApp.
The Application Deployment page displays.
c. From the Application Deployment menu, choose WebCenter > Service
The WebCenter Service Configuration page displays.
d. Click Content Repository.
e. In the Manage Content Repository Connection sections, click Edit to view and
modify the entry for the FusionAppsContentRepository connection.

6.3.5 Metadata Access Denied Error When Accessing Job Metadata

When accessing job metadata, users receive a metadata access denied error in the
Standard Report Submission, when there is an attempt to submit a job.

To resolve this problem,
1. Determine the application role that is supposed to have metadata permissions for
the job. See the "Mapping External Roles to an Application Role" section in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide
(Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).
2. From Fusion Applications Control, perform the following steps to verify the
a. In the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Server Domain.

6-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

b. Select the domain.

c. From the WebLogic Domain menu, choose Security > Application Policies.
The Application Policies page displays.
d. In the Search section, choose the application or application stripe to search,
enter the data to match (a principal name or a permission name or both), and
click the blue Search application security grants icon. In the results table at
the bottom of the page, search the grants for the application role and see if the
permissions are granted. If
e. Add the permissions, as described in the "Managing Application Policies"
section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.
f. Determine the enterprise role that is supposed to map to the application role.
See the "Mapping External Roles to an Application Role" section in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide
(Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).
3. From the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, perform the following
to steps to determine the enterprise role of the user.
a. From the left pane, from Domain Structure, select Security Realms.
b. On the Summary of Security Realms page select the name of the realm.
c. On the Settings for Real Name page, click the Users and Groups tab to check
the user's group.
If you do not find the user, add the user to the group, as described in Step 4.
4. Add the user to the group:
a. In the Users table, select the user you want to add to a group.
b. On the Settings for User Name page select Groups.
c. Select a group or groups from the Available list box:
- To locate a group in a large list, type the first few characters of the name.
- To select multiple groups, Ctrl-click each group.
- To add a user to a group, click the right arrow to move the selection to the
Chosen list box.
- To remove a user from a group, select the group in the Chosen list box and
click the left arrow.
d. Click Save.

6.3.6 Insufficient Privilege Error on Request Error

The following error is reported:
User name does not have sufficient privilege to do name operation on request

To resolve this problem,

Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler 6-9

Problems and Solutions

1. Check who submitted the request. A user should be able to operate on the requests
submitted. If the login user is not the request submitter, go to Step 2.
2. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to check if the submitter is assigned
privileges on the request. See the "Locating Policies Associated with a Database
Resource" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy
Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition). When using
Oracle Authorization Policy Manager, in the Search area of the Manage Database
Resources and Policies tab, search for the ESS_REQUEST_HISTORY database
3. Search the policies for the application role that is expected to receive the grants.
See "Searching Database Resources" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications
4. If the policy or condition is missing, use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to
add them. See the "Managing Database Resource Conditions" chapter in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle
Fusion Applications Edition).
5. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to check if the submitter is assigned
privileges on the request. See the "Searching Database Resources" chapter in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide
(Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

6.3.7 Empty Process List in Schedule New Process Dialog

When an application user logs into an Oracle Fusion application to schedule a new
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job by using the following procedure and finding no
value for the process:
1. Click the Navigator link.
2. Choose Tools > Scheduled Processes.
3. In the Scheduled Processes page, in the Search Results section, click Schedule
New Process.
4. In the Schedule New Process dialog, click the arrow button next to the Process
Name list and find no values.
This issue is usually the result of a permissions problem.

To resolve this problem,
1. Check who submitted the request. A user should be able to operate on the requests
submitted. If the login user is not the request submitter, go to Step 2.
2. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to check if the submitter is assigned
privileges on the request. See the "Locating Policies Associated with a Database
Resource" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy
Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition). When using
Oracle Authorization Policy Manager, in the Search area of the Manage Database
Resources and Policies tab, search for the ESS_REQUEST_HISTORY database

6-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

3. Search the policies for the application role that is expected to receive the grants.
See the "Searching Database Resources" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications
4. If the policy or condition is missing, use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to
add them. See the "Managing Database Resource Conditions" chapter in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle
Fusion Applications Edition).
5. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to check if the submitter is assigned
privileges on the request. See "Searching Database Resources" chapter in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle
Fusion Applications Edition).

6.3.8 Slow Display of Job Definition List of Values in Schedule New Process Dialog

When an application user logs into an Oracle Fusion application to schedule a new
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job by using the following procedure and finding slow
performance in the list of values.
1. Click the Navigator link.
2. Choose Tools > Scheduled Processes.
3. In the Scheduled Processes page, in the Search Results section, click Schedule
New Process.
4. In the Schedule New Process dialog, click the arrow button next to the Process
Name list and discover the performance is unacceptably slow.

To resolve this issue, update the MDS table statistics for the query optimizer to use
optimal query plans:
1. Generate Oracle Enterprise Scheduler MDS schema statistics:
ownname =>'FUSION_MDS',

2. Flush the shared pool:


Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Scheduler 6-11

Problems and Solutions

6-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Transactional

Business Intelligence

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence and explains how to solve them.
This chapter includes the following topic:
■ Section 7.1, "Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Query

7.1 Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Query

This section describes how you to use the NQQuery.log file and the
AdminServer-diagnostic.log file to diagnose Oracle Transactional Business
Intelligence query issues such as ODBC errors, ORA-errors, other database errors, and
query performance issues.
The NQQuery.log file is useful for any analysis that uses the BI Server to query the
datasource. The NQQuery.log records the logical SQL sent by the Oracle BI
Presentation layer to the BI Server layer and the physical or ANSI SQL sent by the BI
Server to the datasource.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 7.1.1, "Enabling the NQQuery.log File"
■ Section 7.1.2, "Presentation Services Request Query"
■ Section 7.1.3, "Query Trace"
■ Section 7.1.4, "Physical Query"
■ Section 7.1.5, "Using AdminServer-diagnostic.log File to Troubleshoot Oracle
WebLogic Server"
■ Section 7.1.6, "Using View Data to Check the Datasource Connectivity"

7.1.1 Enabling the NQQuery.log File

You can enable the NQQuery.log file to diagnose issues that you encounter in Oracle
Transactional Business Intelligence queries. Use one of the following methods to
enable the NQQuery.log file.
■ You can enable query logging from the Oracle BI Administration Tool. For
information and procedures about enabling the query log file, see "Managing the

Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence 7-1

Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Query Problems

Query Log" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
■ You can enable the LogLevel system session variable for the repository by
accessing the repository and setting the LogLevel system variable to 7. For
information and procedures about setting this variable, see "About System Session
Variables" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's
Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle Fusion Applications
■ If you have administrator permissions, you can log into Presentation Services,
access the analysis that you want to troubleshoot, and temporarily change its
logging level to 2. This will turn on logging for the analysis even when logging is
turned off for all analyses. For more information, see "Setting the Query Logging
Level" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business
Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
If you use this method to enable the NQQuery.log file, look for the following:
– An error like "no log found." An error like this indicates that there is a known
error. Look in the NQQuery.log file, which contains additional logging.
– The timestamp to help you locate the log entry.
– The logical SQL as shown in the error message. This is the SQL sent by
Presentation Services to the BI Server layer.
– The physical SQL related to the above mentioned logical SQL. Search for
physical. The physical SQL is the SQL sent by BI Server through ODBC to the
– For any more detailed errors.
Note that the NQQuery.log file is visible (but not searchable) in the Fusion Applications
Control Log Viewer.
After enabling query logging, if the BI Server caching is enabled, you must clear the
cache before re-executing the analysis so that the NQQuery.log file will contain the
correct information. Use the following procedure to perform this task.
To clear the BI Server cache:
1. Log into Presentation Services as an administrator.
2. In the Global Header, click Administration. The Administration page displays.
3. Click Manage Sessions. The Manage Sessions page displays.
4. Scroll to the Cursor Cache section of the page and click the Close All Cursors

7.1.2 Presentation Services Request Query

The request query executed from Presentation Services will be shown in the
NQQuery.log file as follows:
RqList 0 as c1 GB, Dim - Procurement Item.Category Name as c2 GB, Dim
- Procurement Item.Item Description as c3 GB, # of PO Lines:[DAggr(Fact -
Purchasing - Order.# of PO Lines by [ Dim - Procurement Item.Category Name, Dim
- Procurement Item.Item Description] )] as c4 GBOrderBy: c1 asc, c2 asc, c3 asc

This query trace explains how a measure is calculated. It also shows the logical table
source used to render the data. The query should use the logical table sources having

7-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Query Problems

priority 5 for the requests executed from the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
Real Time Subject Areas.

7.1.3 Query Trace

The query trace shows the view object, its view criteria, and its view links that are
used to execute the request. See the following:
<ADFQuery mode="SQLBypass" queryid="14604-3902"
<ViewCriteriaRow conjunction="VC_CONJ_AND">
<Predicate operator="OPER_EQ"/>
<ViewCriteriaRow conjunction="VC_CONJ_AND" negated="true">

Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence 7-3

Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Query Problems

<Predicate operator="OPER_EQ"/>

You or the administrator can review the query trace to check that the desired View
Objects (VOs) and View Links are executed. The execution of the view objects and
view must be based on the Logical model code to render the measure or attributes
executed in the request.

7.1.4 Physical Query

The SQL Bypass database should be set up in the repository to send the physical query
to the database directly, rather than through the Application Development Framework
(ADF) Server. The NQQuery.log file shows the physical query sent to the database if
the SQL Bypass database is enabled. See the following excerpt from the log file:
SAWITH0 AS (select T744257.C501728333 as c1,
T744257.C281594243 as c2,
T744257.C469784899 as c3,
T744257.C168071223 as c4
(SELECT V110617254.CATEGORY_NAME AS C501728333, V110617254.
AS C281594243, V278099157.TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE263 AS C469784899,
V278099157.PO_LINE_ID AS C168071223, V110617254.ITEM_NUMBER AS
C348883104, V278099157.CO_SEQUENCE AS C78750419, V278099157.CO_
PurchasingDocumentHeaderP0, V278099157.VERSION_ID AS PKA_
PurchasingDocumentVersion0 FROM (SELECT PurchasingDocumentLine.PO_LINE_ID,
PurchasingDocumentHeader.PO_HEADER_ID AS PO_HEADER_ID1,
(DECODE(PurchasingDocumentLine.ITEM_ID, NULL,
(PurchasingDocumentLine.ITEM_DESCRIPTION || '[' || CategoryTranslation.
CATEGORY_NAME || ']'),(PurchasingDocumentLine.VENDOR_PRODUCT_NUM || '[' ||
PurchasingDocumentHeader.VENDOR_ID || ']')),TO_CHAR(PurchasingDocumentLine.
PO_HEADERS_ALL PurchasingDocumentHeader, PO_VERSIONS PurchasingDocumentVersion
WHERE (PurchasingDocumentLine.PO_HEADER_ID = PurchasingDocumentHeader.
PO_HEADER_ID AND PurchasingDocumentHeader.PO_HEADER_ID =
PurchasingDocumentVersion.PO_HEADER_ID) AND ( (
(UPPER(PurchasingDocumentHeader.TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE) = UPPER('STANDARD') ) ) ))
_NAME||']'),(PL.VENDOR_PRODUCT_NUM || '[' || PH.VENDOR_ID ||']')), TO
V110617254.ITEM_NUMBER( + ) AND ( ( (V278099157.CO_SEQUENCE = 0 ) ) AND

7-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Query Problems

( NOT ( (V278099157.CO_CANCELED_FLAG = 'Y' ) ) ) )) T744257),

SAWITH1 AS (select D1.c1 as c2, D1.c2 as c3,
case when D1.c3 = 'STANDARD' then D1.c4 end as c4
SAWITH0 D1), SAWITH2 AS (select D1.c2 as c2, D1.c3 as c3,
D1.c4 as c4,
D1.c3 DESC, D1.c4 DESC) as c5from SAWITH1 D1),SAWITH3 AS (select
count(distinct case D1.c5 when 1 then D1.c4 else NULL end )
as c1, D1.c2 as c2, D1.c3 as c3from SAWITH2 D1
group by D1.c2, D1.c3)
select distinct 0 as c1, D1.c2 as c2, D1.c3 as c3, D1.c1 as c4 from
order by c2, c3

Use this physical SQL to diagnose which tables, columns joins, and filters are being
used by the BI Server to gather data. Table names are aliased (for example, T744257).
Search for the table alias in the RPD to find the actual table name. Run the SQL to
check whether it works in SQL*Plus.
For performance issues, look for filter columns that are not indexed, and known
database performance causes such as NOT IN clauses. Also use Oracle Database
Control for performance advice.
The NQQuery.log file also indicates the user who executed the analysis, the timestamp,
and the OBI Connection Object used for the analysis. From the Connection Object
name, you can refer back to the Oracle BI repository to find the set up properties of the
connection, such as whether it uses a native connection or ODBC.
The Oracle BI NQQuery.log file contains detailed BI Server errors, so it is
recommended to check this log file. You can access this log file with the Fusion
Application Control. The NQQuery.log file shows queries executed at the time of
starting the BI Server service. Be sure to check this log for any query failures.

7.1.5 Using AdminServer-diagnostic.log File to Troubleshoot Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle BI EE gets the view object physical query from the Oracle ADF Server. This
query involves the view object query and the security predicate associated to it. You or
the administrator need to research the WebLogic Server log file if you suspect an issue
in the view object query. You will find this information in the
AdminServer-diagnostic.log file. This file is located in the WebLogic Server domain
associated to Oracle JDeveloper 11g.
The AdminServer-diagnostic.log file shows the user name, view object, attributes,
the view link source and destination entities, and the view criteria for view objects
(including security view criteria). In this file you will find the roles associated to the
user and the security predicate associated to the roles and users in the roles. This file
also shows the composite view object API called for the view object, along with view
links and view criteria.

7.1.6 Using View Data to Check the Datasource Connectivity

The BI Server uses the properties in the connection pool object, which is located in the
Oracle BI repository. Use the following procedure to confirm that your connectivity is
set up correctly.
To confirm that your connectivity is set up correctly:

Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence 7-5

Diagnosing Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Query Problems

Note: This procedure uses the ADF BC Datasource as an example.

1. In the Physical layer of the Administration Tool, expand the database object for the
ADF Business Component data source.
2. Right-click a physical table and click View Data.
3. Check that the appropriate data displays. Note that if you have just imported, you
may need to check in the new objects before you perform this test.

7-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

Use this chapter to troubleshoot runtime Oracle Fusion Applications problems that
may have originated in the Oracle Identity Management and security integration layer.
That is: Your Oracle Fusion Applications deployment was operating properly, but
stopped doing so, and the cause appears to be related to identity or security
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 8.1, "Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management"
■ Section 8.2, "Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management"
■ Section 8.3, "Problems and Solutions"
■ Section 8.4, "Additional Information for Troubleshooting Oracle Identity
Some procedures in this chapter reference content in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
guides. These guides describe using Fusion Middleware Control. These procedures
also apply to Fusion Applications Control.
In addition to this chapter, review the Oracle Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference
for information about the error messages you may encounter.

8.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

This section provides guidelines and a process for using the information in this
chapter. Using the following guidelines and process will focus and minimize the time
you spend resolving problems.

When using the information in this chapter, Oracle recommends:
■ Reviewing the various terms and implementations of roles within Oracle Fusion
Applications and Oracle Identity Management. For example, a duty role in the
context of Oracle Fusion Applications equates to an application role in the context
of Oracle Identity Management. See the "Configuring Roles" and "Equivalent
Terminology" sections in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
■ After performing any of the solution procedures in this chapter, immediately
retrying the failed task that led you to this troubleshooting information. If the task
still fails when you retry it, perform a different solution procedure in this chapter
and then try the failed task again. Repeat this process until you resolve the

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-1

Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

■ Making notes about the solution procedures you perform, symptoms you see, and
data you collect while troubleshooting. If you cannot resolve the problem using
the information in this chapter and you must log a service request, the notes you
make will expedite the process of solving the problem.

Follow the process outlined in Table 8–1 when using the information in this chapter. If
the information in a particular section does not resolve your problem, proceed to the
next step in this process.

Table 8–1 Process for Using the Information in this Chapter

Step Section to Use Purpose
1 Section 8.2 Get started troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management. The
procedures in this section quickly address a wide variety of problems.
2 Section 8.3 Perform problem-specific troubleshooting procedures. This section
■ Symptoms of specific Oracle Fusion Applications runtime
problems that may have originated in the Oracle Identity
Management and security integration layer
■ Possible causes of the problems
■ Solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes
3 Section 8.4 Get Oracle Identity Management component-specific troubleshooting
information. Use this section if you have isolated your problem to a
specific Oracle Identity Management component or want to learn
more about a component.
4 Section 14.1 Use My Oracle Support to get additional troubleshooting information
about Oracle Fusion Applications or Oracle Identity Management.
My Oracle Support provides access to several useful troubleshooting
resources, including Knowledge Base articles and Community
Forums and Discussions.
5 Section 14.1 Log a service request if the information in this chapter and My Oracle
Support does not resolve your problem. You can log a service request
using My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

8.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

Start troubleshooting by performing the procedures in this section, as they quickly
address a wide variety of problems. If the procedures in this section do not resolve
your problem, proceed to Section 8.3.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 8.2.1, "Verifying Oracle Internet Directory Identity Stores Can Perform
Look Ups"
■ Section 8.2.2, "Verifying the Security Providers in the Oracle WebLogic Server
■ Section 8.2.3, "Using Selective Tracing to Troubleshoot Inaccessible Functionality"

8.2.1 Verifying Oracle Internet Directory Identity Stores Can Perform Look Ups
When using Oracle Internet Directory as the identity store, it must be configured to
index the displayName attribute. If Oracle Internet Directory is not configured to index
the displayName attribute, operations that require looking up users and roles in the
identity store will fail.

8-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

To verify an Oracle Internet Directory identity store is configured to index the

displayName attribute:
1. Invoke Oracle Directory Services Manager and connect to the Oracle Internet
Directory identity store instance. Refer to the "Invoking Oracle Directory Services
Manager" and "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
sections in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet
Directory for more information.
2. Click Schema on the Oracle Directory Services Manager task selection bar.
3. Expand the Attributes area of the navigation panel, enter displayName in the
search field, and click the Go (>) button to search for the displayName attribute.
4. Click the displayName attribute in the search results. The configuration details for
the displayName attribute appear in the main screen.
5. Verify the Indexed option is selected (checked) in the configuration details.
If the Indexed option is not selected, click the attribute will be
cataloged/decataloged button below the search field in the navigation tree.
Refer to the "Adding an Index to an Existing Attribute by Using Oracle Directory
Services Manager" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for
Oracle Internet Directory for more information.

8.2.2 Verifying the Security Providers in the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain
Small configuration errors in the security providers for the Oracle WebLogic Server
domain, such as in the Identity Asserters and Authenticators, frequently are the cause
of runtime problems. Use the information in this section to quickly verify a few key
security provider settings, including:
■ The order of providers, which determines the authentication sequence.
■ JAAS Control Flags, which determine how the authentication sequence uses the
■ Connection, cache, and user and group lookup settings for the identity store's
LDAP Authenticator.
To verify configuration settings for the security providers in the Oracle WebLogic
Server domain:
1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console by referring to the
"Starting the Administration Console" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Introduction to Oracle WebLogic Server document.
2. Click Security Realms in the Domain Structure area on the left side of the
Administration Console Home Page. The Summary of Security Realms screen
3. Click the name of the appropriate security realm in the Realms table. The Settings
for REALM_NAME screen appears.
4. Click the Providers > Authentication tabs. The configured providers appear in the
Authentication Providers table.

Verifying the Order of Providers

The security providers must be configured in the following order, where number 1 in
the following list is at the top of the Authentication Providers table:
1. Oracle Access Manager Identity Asserter

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-3

Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

2. LDAP Authenticator for the identity store: Either the Oracle Internet Directory
Authenticator or Oracle Virtual Directory Authenticator, depending on the LDAP
server used as the identity store.
If needed, you can reorder the security providers by performing the following steps
from the Settings for REALM_NAME screen:
1. Click Reorder.
2. Select a provider and use the arrow buttons to move it up or down in the order.
3. Click OK.

Verifying JAAS Control Flags

The JAAS Control Flags for the security providers must be set as shown in Table 8–2.
Perform the following steps to view, and if needed, edit the JAAS Control Flags.
From the Settings for REALM_NAME screen:
1. Click the provider name in the Authentication Providers table.
2. Click the Configuration > Common tabs.
3. Examine the Control Flag setting and adjust it as needed.
4. Click Save.

Table 8–2 Required JAAS Control Flags for Security Providers

Security Provider Required JAAS Control Flag
Oracle Access Manager Identity Asserter Required
LDAP Authenticator for the identity store: Sufficient
■ Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator
■ Oracle Virtual Directory Authenticator

Verifying Settings for the Identity Store's LDAP Authenticator

Table 8–3 lists settings for the identity store's LDAP Authenticator that you should
verify. Perform the following steps on either the Oracle Internet Directory
Authenticator or the Oracle Virtual Directory Authenticator, depending on the LDAP
server you are using for the identity store.
From the Settings for REALM_NAME screen:
1. Click the appropriate authenticator in the Authentication Providers table.
2. Click the Configuration > Provider Specific tabs.
3. Examine the settings and adjust as needed.
4. Click Save.

Note: You can get more information about each of the settings listed
in Table 8–3 by clicking More Info... next to each setting in the Oracle
WebLogic Server Administration Console.

8-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

Table 8–3 Settings to Verify in the Identity Store's LDAP Authenticator

Setting Verification to Perform
Connection settings Double-check all to ensure accuracy. Pay particular
attention to the Host value, which can contain
misspelled strings.
User Name Attribute Regardless of which attribute is set, the same attribute
must be used to specify the user name in the All Users
Filter and User From Name Filter settings.
All Users Filter and User From The user name attribute used in both of these settings
Name Filter must be the attribute configured for the User Name
Attribute setting.
Use Retrieved User Name as Must be enabled (checked).
Static Group Name Attribute Regardless of which attribute is set, the same attribute
must be used to specify the group name in the All
Groups Filter and Group From Name Filter settings.
All Groups Filter and Group From The attribute used to specify the group name in these
Name Filter two settings must be the same attribute configured for
the Static Group Name Attribute setting.
Cache Enabled If enabled, examine the value of the Cache TTL setting.
Cache TTL Examine to ensure an appropriate value is set. If you
perform an operation that fails, wait for the amount of
time specified by the Cache TTL to elapse and then
retry the failed operation. This will ensure the
authenticator's cache has been refreshed and any recent
configuration changes have been activated.

8.2.3 Using Selective Tracing to Troubleshoot Inaccessible Functionality

When Oracle Fusion Applications users cannot access a particular functionality, for
example, they attempt to log in to an application and are denied access or see an
unexpected view of the application, often it is because they are not authorized to
access that functionality. In these situations, you can use the Selective Tracing feature
in Fusion Applications Control to collect data specific to the user and request, then
collaborate with the security administrator to compare it against the configured
To use Selective Tracing to troubleshoot inaccessible functionality:
1. Update the domain's environment setup script by performing one of the following
steps that is appropriate to your environment:
On UNIX systems, add the text shown in the following example to the bottom of
the DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh file:

On Windows systems, add the text shown in the following example to the bottom
of the DOMAIN_HOME\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd file:
set JAVA_

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-5

Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management


2. Log in to Fusion Applications Control by referring to the "Starting Fusion

Applications Control" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide
for more information.
3. Navigate to the appropriate domain, then select Logs > Selective Tracing from the
domain menu. The Selective Tracing page appears.
4. Click the Tracing Options tab, configure the following settings, and click Start
Tracing to generate the selective trace:
■ Option Name: Select User Name from the list and enter the name of the user
that cannot access functionality.

Note: While this procedure describes troubleshooting inaccessible

functionality by selective tracing on a user name, you can also use the
other options in the Option Names list for troubleshooting purposes.

■ Level: Select TRACE:32 (FINEST).

■ Description: Enter a description that will help you identify the trace results,
such as: USER_NAME cannot access functionality.
■ Duration: Enter the number of minutes the selective trace will run.
■ Trace ID: Select Generate a New Unique Trace ID. Optionally, you can select
Use a Custom Trace ID and enter an ID, but note that Fusion Middleware
Control does not verify the uniqueness of Custom Trace ID strings.
■ Loggers: Oracle recommends enabling the following loggers for
troubleshooting inaccessible functionality:

Note: To quickly locate a specific logger, enter the logger name or a

string in the logger name in the field above the list of loggers and
press return.

– oracle.jps.authorization
– oracle.jps.common
– oracle.security.jps.az.internal.runtime.policy.AbstractPolicyImpl
– oracle.security.jps.internal.policystore.JavaPolicyProvider
– oracle.security.jps.internal.policystore.ldap.BulkAuthorizer
– oracle.security.jps.trace.logger
– oracle.security.jps.util.JpsAuth

Note: Refer to the "Debugging the Authorization Process" section in

the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide for information
about system properties you can enable for extremely fine grained
authorization debugging.

8-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

5. Instruct the user that cannot access functionality to try and access it again. Now
that you have enabled Selective Tracing for that user, you will collect data specific
to that user and the request.
6. Access the results from the selective trace by clicking the Active Traces And
Tracing History tab and selecting the trace from either the Active Traces or
Tracing History table. If the number of minutes that you specified in the Duration
option has elapsed, the trace will be in the Tracing History table. If you provided a
description for the selective trace, look for it in the Description column.
7. Provide the trace results to the Security Administrator.

Note: Typically, the Security Administrator performs the remaining

steps in this procedure.

8. Locate the Failed ProtectionDomain string and its corresponding resourceName=,

resourceType=, and Principal= strings in the trace results. These strings will
provide information about the user and the inaccessible resource. As shown in the
following example, the user named user1 was denied access to the resource
named ResourceNameX:
PolicyContext: [JeeScenarioApp]
Resource/Target: [resourceType=TaskFlowResourceType,resourceName=ResourceNameX]
Permission Class: [oracle.security.jps.ResourcePermission]
Result: [FAILED]
Evaluator: [ACC]

@c7cee9finder:weblogic.utils.classloaders.CodeGenClassFinder@a05da2 annotation:

Principals=total 5 of principals(
1. weblogic.security.principal.WLSUserImpl
2. JpsPrincipal:
GUID=null DN=null
3. JpsPrincipal:
oracle.security.jps.service.policystore.ApplicationRole "basic_role1"
GUID=734342D04A2811E0AF671B4A95E1598C DN=cn=basic_
4. JpsPrincipal:
oracle.security.jps.service.policystore.ApplicationRole "myrole2"
5. JpsPrincipal:
"anonymous-role" GUID=null


Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-7

Getting Started with Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

context=SYSTEM,mapName=default,keyName=* read,write)

Context:SYSTEM Context Name:null Actions:getConfiguredApplications)

Context:APPLICATION Context Name:* Actions:getApplicationPolicy)

Context:SYSTEM Context Name:null Actions:*)

Context:APPLICATION Context Name:* Actions:*)
(java.io.FilePermission file2.txt read)
(java.io.FilePermission file2.txt write)
(java.io.FilePermission file1.txt read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator
java.vm.specification.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url
java.vm.specification.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor
(java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
java.specification.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)

9. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to search for configured security

policies that contain the resource and resource type listed in the trace results (look
for resourceName= and resourceType=). In the example shown in Step 8, you
would search for configured security polices that contain the resource named
ResourceNameX that is of the type TaskFlowResourceType.
Refer to "Searching for Security Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications
Edition) for more information on how to use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager
to search for policies based on resources.

Note: After identifying the relevant security policies using the

"Finding Application Policies that Match Entitlements or Resources"
procedure, you will be able to identify the principals and actions
granted in each of those configured security policies.

8-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

10. Compare the security policies identified by the search in Step 9 against the
relevant Failed ProtectionDomain strings in the trace results. Specifically, for each
of the security policies, compare the granted actions and principals as follows:
a. Ensure the action granted in the security policies is the same action listed for
the Failed ProtectionDomain string in the trace results. In Example , you
would ensure the security policy is granting the read action (identified by
Action:[read] in the trace).
If the action for the Failed ProtectionDomain string is granted in the
configured security policy, proceed to Step b.
If the action for the Failed ProtectionDomain string is not granted in the
security policy, compare the action against all security policies identified by
the search in Step 9.
b. Ensure the principals granted in the security policies are the same principals
listed for the Failed ProtectionDomain string (identified by Principals=).
If the principals configured in the security policy are application roles or
external roles and they are not listed in the Failed ProtectionDomain string,
use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to determine if the roles are mapped
to the relevant user.

Note: Be sure to consult your organization's security policies and the

Oracle Fusion Applications security reference manuals before altering
any aspect of the configured security policies, as it is possible the user
is intentionally unauthorized to access the particular functionality.
You can access the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference
manuals in the Oracle Fusion Applications Technology
Documentation Library.

If both the actions and principals granted in the security polices are consistent
with the authorization request (as identified in the trace), examine Oracle Platform
Security Services' cache refresh setting by referring to the problem and solution
described in Section of this chapter.

8.3 Problems and Solutions

Use the information in this section if the solution procedures in Section 8.2 did not
resolve your problem. This section describes symptoms of specific Oracle Fusion
Applications runtime problems that may have originated in the Oracle Identity
Management and security integration layer, possible causes of the problems, and
solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes.
For problems that contain multiple possible causes, the most probable cause and its
corresponding solution are listed first. If multiple possible causes are listed, perform
the first solution procedure and then retry the failed task. If the problem persists after
retrying the failed task, perform the second solution procedure in the topic and then
try the failed task again. Repeat this process while proceeding down the list of solution
procedures until the problem is resolved.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 8.3.1, "Problems and Solutions for Missing or Incorrect Data"
■ Section 8.3.2, "Problems and Solutions for Accessing Functionality"

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-9

Problems and Solutions

■ Section 8.3.3, "Problems and Solutions for Managing Users"

■ Section 8.3.4, "Problems and Solutions for Managing Roles"
■ Section 8.3.5, "Problems and Solutions for Managing Keystores and Certificates"
■ Section 8.3.6, "Problems and Solutions for Identity Propagation Using SAML"
■ Section 8.3.7, "Problems and Solutions for Logging in to Secured Resources"

Notes: When looking in this section for the problem you

encountered, be sure to examine all topics, as many problems fit into
multiple topics. For example, while the problem of not being able to
see application role hierarchies resides in the topic about managing
roles, it could also reside in the topic about missing or incorrect data.

8.3.1 Problems and Solutions for Missing or Incorrect Data

This section describes problems and solutions related to missing or incorrect data. This
section contains the following topics:
■ LDAP Changes Not Reconciled in Oracle Identity Manager
■ Data is Missing After Migrating or Patching the Policy Store
■ Administrator Search for Database Resources Returns No Results
■ Data is Missing or Incorrect in a Portlet LDAP Changes Not Reconciled in Oracle Identity Manager

LDAP changes to an Oracle Internet Directory identity store are not getting reconciled
into Oracle Identity Manager.

The problem may be the Oracle Internet Directory identity store is not configured to
generate change logs.

To verify change log generation is enabled for an Oracle Internet Directory identity

Note: If you have multiple Oracle Internet Directory identity store

instances, perform this procedure on all of them.

1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control by referring to the "Starting Fusion

Applications Control" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide
for more information.
2. Navigate to the appropriate Oracle Internet Directory instance. In the Target
Navigation Pane, expand the Domain > Identity and Access entries. Alternatively,
from the domain home page, expand the Fusion Middleware > Identity and
Access entries. Oracle Internet Directory instances are listed in both locations. To
view the full name of a instance, move the mouse over the instance name.
3. Verify change log generation is enabled. If change log generation is disabled, you
must enable it. Refer to the "Enabling or Disabling Change Log Generation by

8-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Using Fusion Middleware Control" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware

Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory. Data is Missing After Migrating or Patching the Policy Store

After migrating or patching the Oracle Platform Security Services policy store, data
that was once available is now missing. This issue may be encountered after the policy
store is:
■ Migrated from the baseline ("out-of-the-box") jazn-data.xml file policy store to an
Oracle Internet Directory instance.
■ Migrated from one environment to another, such as moving from a test
environment to a production environment.
■ Patched using Oracle Authorization Policy Manager.

The problem may be the application role GUIDs in the Oracle Fusion Data Security
repository are not identical to their corresponding application role GUIDs in the
Oracle Platform Security Services policy store.

Run the oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dataSecurity.util.DSDataMigrator java
program to reconcile the application role GUIDs from the Oracle Platform Security
Services policy store (which is the "source of truth" repository) to the Oracle Fusion
Data Security repository.
Backing Up the fnd_grants Table in the Oracle Fusion Data Security Repository
The DSDataMigrator program modifies only the fnd_grants table, which is Virtual
Private Database (VPD) enabled. Before running the program, as sys user, back up the
existing fnd_grants table in the Oracle Fusion Data Security repository. For example:
$sqlplus sys as sysdba
create table FUSION.FND_GRANTS_OLD as select * from FUSION.FND_GRANTS;

Running the DSDataMigrator Program

To run the oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dataSecurity.util.DSDataMigrator java
program, the following JAR files must be added to the classpath:

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-11

Problems and Solutions

Note: If the classpath is set in the shell, you can run the program
from the command line using only the necessary arguments.

The syntax to run the DSDataMigrator java program is:

java -classpath $CLASSPATH \
-Doracle.security.jps.config=Path_to_jps-config-jse.xml_file \
oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dataSecurity.util.DSDataMigrator \
-dsdburl URL_to_Oracle_Fusion_Data_Security_repository \
-dsdbuser user_name_for_Oracle_Fusion_Data_Security_repository \
-silentMode [true | false] -forceProcessAllRows [true | false] \
-policyStripe [crm | fscm | hcm]

Note: To see usage instructions, execute the following command:

java oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dataSecurity.util.DSDataMigrator

The DSDataMigrator program supports the following parameters:
■ oracle.security.jps.config: Identifies the path to the jps-config-jse.xml file
that the DSDataMigrator program will use. For example:

Note: The jps-config-jse.xml file must have credentials for both the
identity store and policy store—not just the policy store.

■ FND_DS_GUID_RECON_LOG_DIR: Identifies the output directory for the program's log.

For example: -DFND_DS_GUID_RECON_LOG_DIR=/tmp
The DSDataMigrator program supports the following arguments:
■ silentMode: Set to true if you do not want exceptions to be raised when an entry is
not found in the Oracle Platform Security Services policy store.
■ forceProcessAllRows: Set to true if you want to process all the rows in the
policies table. By default, only rows where compile_flag=Y are processed.
■ policyStripe: Identifies the policy stripe to process. Valid values are: crm, fscm,
and hcm. If the policyStripe argument is not specified, all policy stripes and
identity store data security role policies are processed.
■ idStoreOnly: Set to true if you want to process only data security policies made to
enterprise roles. If idStoreOnly is set to true, the policyStripe argument is
ignored. Administrator Search for Database Resources Returns No Results

A user with administrator privileges uses Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to
search for database resources, but the search does not find any.

8-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

The problem may be data security policies that govern data security administration do
not exist in the Oracle Fusion Data Security repository.

To troubleshoot this issue:
1. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to verify the following application roles
are mapped to the external roles of the user performing the search. Refer to
"Managing Policies and Policy Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications
Edition) for more information.

■ If the application roles are mapped to the external roles of the user
performing the search, go to Step 2.
■ If the application roles are not mapped to the external roles of the
user performing the search, use Oracle Authorization Policy
Manager to map them to the user's external roles and then go to
Step 2.

2. Determine whether data security policies that govern data security administration
exist in the Oracle Fusion Data Security repository. Log in to Oracle Authorization
Policy Manager as a user with the Application Developer external role and search
for the following roles. Ensure that data security policies for the roles exist on the
FND_OBJECTS object and that the policies have not expired.
If the policies do not exist in the Oracle Fusion Data Security repository, use Oracle
Fusion Functional Setup Manager to upload the Applications Core data security
seed data to the Oracle Fusion Data Security repository. See the "Using Oracle
Fusion Functional Setup Manager" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide for more information about using Oracle Fusion Functional
Setup Manager. Data is Missing or Incorrect in a Portlet

After logging in to an Oracle Fusion Applications portlet, the data the user expects to
see is missing or incorrect.

The problem may be:

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-13

Problems and Solutions

■ The application user session was not propagated to the portlet.

■ The application user session was not created using the portlet's application stripe
and Applications Core did not compute the application roles for the portlet's
application stripe.

To troubleshoot this situation:
1. Log out of the portlet, and then log in again.
2. Execute the following diagnostic tests. See the "Searching for Diagnostic Tests by
Name or by Categorization Tag" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Administrator's Guide for more information about running diagnostic tests.
■ Data Security Configuration
■ Data Security Configuration with Application User Session Prerequisite
■ Data Security Run Time
■ Data Security Run Time with Application User Session Prerequisite

8.3.2 Problems and Solutions for Accessing Functionality

This section describes problems and solutions related to accessing functionality. This
section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Inappropriate User Access After Enterprise Role Membership
■ Section, "Newly Created User Does Not Have Correct Access to Oracle
Fusion Applications"
■ Section, "After Logging Out, Access to a Secured Resource is Granted
Without Logging in"
■ Section, "Authenticated User Gets Unexpected Page when Accessing a
Different Secured Resource"
■ Section, "Support Representative Cannot Impersonate an Oracle Fusion
Applications User"
■ Section, "Unauthenticated User Gets Error Page when Accessing a Secured
Resource" Inappropriate User Access After Enterprise Role Membership Removal

After removing an enterprise role's membership to an application role using Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager, access to the application is still being granted.

Oracle Platform Security Services optimizes the authorization process by caching
security artifacts. When an application policy (or some other security artifact) is
modified, the change becomes effective depending on where the application and the
tool used to modified the artifact (Oracle Authorization Policy Manager in this case)
are running.
If the application and the tool (Oracle Authorization Policy Manager) are running on
different hosts or in different domains, the change becomes effective after the policy
store cache is refreshed. The frequency of the cache refresh is determined by the value
of the Refresh Polling Time (secs) parameter in Fusion Middleware Control.

8-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Depending on the configuration, access to the application may have been granted
(despite the removal of the enterprise role membership to the application role) because
the Oracle Platform Security Services cache was not refreshed before the application
was accessed.
Refer to the "Caching and Refreshing the Cache" and "An Example" sections in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide for more information about
authorization behavior relating to the Oracle Platform Security Services cache.

To examine the refresh interval for Oracle Platform Security Services' cache:
1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control by referring to the "Starting Fusion
Applications Control" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide
for more information.
2. Click the name of the appropriate domain in the target navigation pane on the left
side of the screen.
3. Select Security > Security Provider Configuration from the domain menu at the
top of the screen. The Security Provider Configuration screen appears.
4. Select the Policy Store Credential Store Keystore entry in the Security Stores
table and click Edit. The Edit Security Provider Configuration screen appears.
5. Examine the value set for the Refresh Polling Time (secs) parameter.
6. Wait for the amount of time specified by the Refresh Polling Time (secs)
parameter to elapse, then retry the use case. This will ensure that the policy store
cache has been refreshed and any recent changes to policies are effective. Newly Created User Does Not Have Correct Access to Oracle Fusion
After creating a new user and external role using Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management, then granting duty roles to that user using Oracle Authorization Policy
Manager, the user cannot log in and perform its granted duties.

The problem may be:
■ The user does not exist in the identity store.
■ The user to external role membership does not exist in the identity store.
■ The Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator's cache or Oracle Platform Security
Services' cache has not yet been refreshed.
■ Oracle Identity Manager and Oracle Authorization Policy Manager are not
configured to use the same identity store or their connection settings to identity
store are incorrect.

Solution 1
To verify the user exists in the identity store, use Oracle Directory Services Manager to
examine the container in the identity store where users are stored, such as
Refer to the following for more information about examining identity store containers.

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-15

Problems and Solutions

If Oracle Internet Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory using this
1. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
2. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
3. "Displaying Entries by Using Oracle Directory Services Manager"
If Oracle Virtual Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory using this
1. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
2. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
3. "Viewing Oracle Virtual Directory Entries"

Solution 2
To verify the user to external role membership exists in the identity store:
1. Verify the user exists in the identity store. Use Oracle Directory Services Manager
to examine the container in the identity store where users are stored, such as
2. Verify the external role exists in the identity store. Use Oracle Directory Services
Manager to examine the container where enterprise roles are stored, such as
3. Verify the user is a member of the external role. Use Oracle Directory Services
Manager to confirm uniqueMember is an attribute of the external role.
4. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to verify the external role is mapped to
the appropriate application role. Perform a simple search on the application role,
open it, and click the External Role Mapping tab. Refer to "Managing Policies and
Policy Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager
Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition) for more information.

Solution 3
To troubleshoot the Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator's cache and Oracle
Platform Security Services' cache:
1. Examine the Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator's cache settings by referring
to Section 8.2.2.
2. Examine Oracle Platform Security Services' cache refresh setting by referring to the
problem and solution described in Section of this chapter.

Note: Wait for the caches to be refreshed before retrying any failed
task or operation.

Solution 4
To verify Oracle Identity Manager and Oracle Authorization Policy Manager are
configured to use the same identity store and their connection settings to identity store
are correct:
1. Identify the identity store that Oracle Identity Manager is using by performing the
following steps:

8-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

a. Log in to the Advanced view of the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative

and User Console. You can access the Advanced view by entering a URL
similar to the following into a web browser:

b. Click Manage IT Resource. The Manage IT Resource screen appears.

c. Enter Directory Server in the IT Resource Name field or select Directory
Server from the IT Resource Type list and click Search. The search results
appear at the bottom of the screen.
d. Click the Directory Server link in the search results. The configuration details
for the identity store appear. Examine and make a note of the connection
settings to the identity store.
2. Identify the identity store that Oracle Authorization Policy Manager is using by
examining the connection settings configured for the LDAP Authenticators in the
Oracle WebLogic Server domain. To examine the LDAP Authenticators'
configuration, refer to Section 8.2.2. After Logging Out, Access to a Secured Resource is Granted Without

Logging in
After logging out of a resource secured by Oracle Access Manager and then
attempting to access a different secured resource, access is granted without a login
page appearing.

Note: Oracle Platform Security Services manages logouts for Oracle

Fusion Applications by providing the configured logout URL
(typically the Oracle Access Manager logout URL) to Oracle
Application Development Framework for redirection. Oracle Access
Manager then sets the session status to logged out.

The problem may be:
■ Oracle Access Manager's user session was not removed during logout.
■ Oracle Platform Security Services is not configured with the correct Oracle Access
Manager logout URL.

Solution 1
Perform either of the following steps to determine whether Oracle Access Manager's
user session was removed during logout:
■ Examine the cookies in the user's browser. Oracle Access Manager's OAM_ID session
cookie should not be present, as it gets deleted from the browser upon logout.
■ Use the Oracle Access Manager Administration Console's Session Management
functionality to examine the active sessions. Search on the user to see if any of its
sessions are active.
Refer to the "Logging In to the Oracle Access Manager 11g Administration
Console" and "Managing Active User Sessions" sections in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Security
Token Service.

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-17

Problems and Solutions

Solution 2
To verify Oracle Platform Security Services is configured with the correct Oracle
Access Manager logout URL:
1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control by referring to the "Starting Fusion
Applications Control" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide
for more information.
2. Select the appropriate domain from the target navigation pane or the content pane.
3. Select Security > Security Provider Configuration from the domain menu. The
Security Provider Configuration page appears.
4. Expand the Single Sign-On Provider area if it is not already expanded and click
the Configure button. The Single Sign-On Provider page appears.
5. Select the Configure Single Sign-on option. All settings on the Single Sign-On
Provider page are invisible until you select the Configure Single Sign-on option.
6. Examine the value set in the Logout URL field. Authenticated User Gets Unexpected Page when Accessing a Different

Secured Resource
After successfully logging in to and working on a resource secured by Oracle Access
Manager and then attempting to access a different secured resource, an unexpected
page, such as Not Authorized, blank (empty), corrupted, or 500 error, appears.

The problem may be Oracle Access Manager's ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID cookies are not
in the user's browser. The ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID cookies are encrypted, single
sign-on, session-based cookies generated by the Oracle Access Manager Access Server
when a user authenticates successfully.

To verify Oracle Access Manager's ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID cookies are in the user's
1. Display the cookies in the user's browser.
2. Locate Oracle Access Manager's ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID session cookies.
If the ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID cookies are not in the user's browser:
■ Examine the browser's security settings, as they may be too high and preventing
cookies from being accepted
■ Add the Oracle Fusion application's domain to the browser's exception list Support Representative Cannot Impersonate an Oracle Fusion Applications

A Support (Help Desk) representative attempts to log in to a resource secured by
Oracle Access Manager and impersonate an Oracle Fusion Applications user, but
cannot do so.

The problem may be the user that the Support representative is attempting to
impersonate has not granted the privilege to be impersonated or the privilege has

8-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

To verify that the user has granted the privilege to be impersonated and that the
privilege is active:
1. Use Oracle Directory Services Manager to locate the account of the user to be
impersonated in the identity store. Look in the container where users are stored,
such as cn=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com.
Refer to the following for more information about examining identity store
If Oracle Internet Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory using
this sequence:
a. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
b. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
c. "Displaying Entries by Using Oracle Directory Services Manager"
If Oracle Virtual Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory using
this sequence:
a. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
b. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
c. "Viewing Oracle Virtual Directory Entries"
2. Verify the user has granted the privilege to be impersonated by examining the
user's account for the orclImpersonationGrantee attribute.
■ If the user's account does not have the orclImpersonationGrantee attribute,
the user has not granted the privilege to be impersonated.
■ If the user's account has the orclImpersonationGrantee attribute, ensure the
privilege has not expired. The orclImpersonationGrantee attribute will be in
a format such as:

– EEA958988E344BF49740CF00DF9B0421 is the GUID of the impersonator.

– 20110124170000Z is the date on which impersonation can begin
– 20110124180000Z is the expiration date for the impersonation privilege

Note: The date strings in the orclImpersonationGrantee attribute

use the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) standard and are of the
form: yyyyMMddHHmmss'Z' Unauthenticated User Gets Error Page when Accessing a Secured

While attempting to access a resource secured by Oracle Access Manager, an
unauthenticated user gets an error page instead of the login page.

The problem may be:

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-19

Problems and Solutions

■ The Oracle HTTP Server Web servers front-ending the Oracle Fusion application
are not running.
■ The Managed Servers where Oracle Access Manager is deployed or the requisite
Oracle Access Manager services are not running.

Solution 1
To verify the Oracle HTTP Server Web servers front-ending the Oracle Fusion
application are running:
1. Connect to a page provided by Oracle Identity Manager. If Oracle Identity
Manager is front-ended by Oracle HTTP Server or a load balancer, use the
following URL:

If Oracle Identity Manager is not front-ended by Oracle HTTP Server or a load

balancer, use the following URL:

2. Connect to any public page provided by an Oracle Fusion application through

Oracle HTTP Server. For example:

If you cannot access a page in an Oracle HTTP Server front-ending configuration, use
Fusion Applications Control to examine the WebLogic Host and WebLogic Port
settings for the Oracle HTTP Server's mod_wl_ohs module. Refer to the "Configuring
the mod_wl_ohs Module" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide
for Oracle HTTP Server for more information.

Solution 2
To verify the Managed Servers where Oracle Access Manager is deployed and the
requisite Oracle Access Manager services are running:
1. Verify the Managed Servers where Oracle Access Manager is deployed are
running by performing the following steps:
a. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console by referring to
the "Starting the Administration Console" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Introduction to Oracle WebLogic Server document.
b. Click Servers in the Environment section on the Home page. The Summary of
Servers page appears.
c. Click the Configuration tab. A table containing a summary of each server in
the domain appears.
d. Examine the State and Health columns for the Managed Servers where Oracle
Access Manager is deployed.
2. Verify the HTTP port is open by attempting to connect to it. If Oracle Access
Manager is front-ended by Oracle HTTP Server or a load balancer, enter the
following URL into a web browser:

If Oracle Access Manager is not front-ended, enter the following URL into a web

8-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

3. Verify Oracle Access Manager authentication is functioning properly by accessing

any resource secured by Oracle Access Manager. For example, log in to the Oracle
Access Manager Administration Console by referring to the "Logging In to the
Oracle Access Manager 11g Administration Console" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Security
Token Service.

8.3.3 Problems and Solutions for Managing Users

This section describes problems and solutions related to managing users. This section
contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Requests to Assign
Roles to Users Fail"
■ Section, "SPML Calls Initiated from an Oracle Fusion Application Are Not
■ Section, "Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management-Oracle Identity Manager SPML Requests" Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management Requests to Assign Roles to

Users Fail
Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management makes a request to assign a role to a user,
but the role assignment fails.

The problem may be the user exists in Oracle Identity Manager, but does not exist in
the Oracle Internet Directory identity store.

To troubleshoot this situation:
1. Verify the user does not exist in Oracle Internet Directory by using Oracle
Directory Services Manager to examine the container where users are stored, such
as cn=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com.
Refer to the "Displaying Entries by Using Oracle Directory Services Manager" or
"Searching for Entries by Using Oracle Directory Services Manager" sections in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory for more

■ If the user does not exist in Oracle Internet Directory, continue this
■ If the user exists in Oracle Internet Directory, perform the steps in
Section to get information about why the role assignment

2. Execute the LDAP User Create and Update Reconciliation scheduled job in Oracle
Identity Manager. After the job executes, the user account will be removed from
Oracle Identity Manager and requests from Oracle HCM for the user will not be

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-21

Problems and Solutions

Refer to the "Managing Scheduled Tasks" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about the LDAP
User Create and Update Reconciliation scheduled job and how to execute it. SPML Calls Initiated from an Oracle Fusion Application Are Not Processed
An Oracle Fusion application invokes an event that initiates an SPML call, for
example, Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management sends an SPML request to add a
user, but the call fails.

The problem may be the Oracle Fusion application's composite that invokes the SPML
service is using incompatible Oracle Web Services Manager (Oracle WSM) client and
server security policies. The client and server security policies must be compatible for
calls to succeed.

To verify Oracle Identity Manager is using the correct Oracle WSM server and client
security policies:
1. Verify Oracle Identity Manager is using the correct Oracle WSM server security
policy by performing the following steps:
a. Log in to Fusion Applications Control on the Oracle WebLogic Server where
Oracle Identity Manager is installed. Refer to the "Starting Fusion Applications
Control" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for more
b. Expand the Application Deployments entry in the navigation tree and click
spml-xsd. The spml-xsd details page appears.
c. Select Web Services from the Application Deployment list. The Web Services
tab appears.
d. Click SPMLServiceProviderSoap. The details for the web service appear.
e. Click the OWSM Policies tab.
f. Verify the following policy is listed as a Directly Attached Policy:
2. Verify the Oracle Fusion application is using the correct Oracle WSM client
security policy by performing the following steps:
a. Log in to Fusion Applications Control on the Oracle WebLogic Server where
the Oracle Fusion application is running.
b. Expand the SOA entry in the navigation tree and all of its child entries until
the list of configured composites appear and then click the name of the
appropriate composite. The details of the composite appear.
c. Click the Policies tab.
d. Verify the following policy is attached to the composite's end points:

8-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management-Oracle Identity

Manager SPML Requests
To collect information about SPML requests between Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management and Oracle Identity Manager:
1. Identify the ID number of the request you want to investigate. After an Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management application performs an operation that sends
an SPML request to Oracle Identity Manager, Oracle Identity Manager creates a
unique ID for that specific request and returns it to the application. From the
application, identify the request ID.
2. Use the Advanced view of the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User
Console to see general information about the request, such as its status.
a. Log in to the Advanced view of the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative
and User Console by entering a URL similar to the following into a web

b. Click the Administration tab, then click Requests.

c. Search for the request by entering the request ID in the search field and
clicking Search.
d. Click the request ID in the search results. Information about the request
e. Examine the status of the request. If the status is Request Failed, a hyperlink to
additional information about the failed request is provided. Click the Request
Failed link to see more information.
Refer to the "Searching and Tracking Requests" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for more information.

Note: To see more detailed information about the request, proceed to

the next step in this procedure.

3. Use the Oracle Identity Manager Diagnostic Dashboard's Orchestration Status test
to see information such as which Oracle Identity Manager event handlers handled
the request and its status at each event handler.
a. Log in to the Oracle Identity Manager Diagnostic Dashboard.
Refer to the "Working with the Diagnostic Dashboard" section in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for more
b. Run the Request Diagnostic Information test on the request ID. The test will
return and Orchestration ID.
c. Run the Orchestration Status test on the Orchestration ID. Detailed
information about the request appears.

Note: To see the most information available about the request,

proceed to the next step in this procedure.

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-23

Problems and Solutions

4. Use Fusion Middleware Control to view the Oracle Identity Manager diagnostic
logs. Examine the log files to see the most detailed information about the SPML
request. Refer to the "Managing Log Files and Diagnostic Data" chapter in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for more information.

8.3.4 Problems and Solutions for Managing Roles

This section describes problems and solutions related to managing roles. This section
contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Cannot See the Function Security Policies for an External Role"
■ Section, "Cannot See the Data Security Policies for a Data Role"
■ Section, "Problems Mapping an Application Role to an External Role"
■ Section, "Cannot See Application Role Hierarchies"
■ Section, "Attempts to Add an Application Role to a Hierarchy Appear to
Have No Effect"
■ Section, "Cannot Create Valid Data Roles Using Data Role Template" Cannot See the Function Security Policies for an External Role
The function security polices for a particular external role cannot be seen using Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager.

The problem may be:
■ If Oracle Internet Directory is being used as the identity store, it is not configured
to index the displayName attribute. If Oracle Internet Directory is not indexing the
displayName attribute, Oracle Authorization Policy Manager cannot retrieve the
role during a search.
■ The Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator in the Oracle WebLogic Server
domain is not configured with the correct connection settings to the Oracle
Internet Directory instance.
■ The external role has not been provisioned into the identity store.
■ If the administrator attempting to identify the function security polices is
configured as a Delegated Administrator, the Delegated Administrator role does
not have access to the appropriate application stripe.
■ The policy store does not have the correct application stripes.
■ The external role is not mapped to the correct application roles.
■ The external role is mapped to an application role that does not have policy
attached to it.

Solution 1
To verify an Oracle Internet Directory identity store is configured to index the
displayName attribute, refer to Section 8.2.1.

Solution 2
To verify the Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator in the Oracle WebLogic Server
domain is configured with the correct connection settings to the Oracle Internet
Directory instance, refer to Section 8.2.2.

8-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Solution 3
To verify the external role was provisioned into the identity store, use Oracle Directory
Services Manager to examine the container in the identity store where external roles
are stored, such as: cn=groups,dc=mycompany,dc=com.

■ If the external role does not exist in the identity store, use Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management to add it to the identity store.
■ If the external role exists in the identity store, verify the security
providers in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain are configured in
the correct order and with the correct JAAS Control Flags by
referring to Section 8.2.2.

Refer to the following for more information about examining identity store containers.
If Oracle Internet Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory using this
1. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
2. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
3. "Displaying Entries by Using Oracle Directory Services Manager"
If Oracle Virtual Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory using this
1. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
2. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
3. "Viewing Oracle Virtual Directory Entries"

Solution 4
If the administrator attempting to identify the function security polices is configured
as a Delegated Administrator, verify the Delegated Administrator role has access to
the appropriate application stripe by referring to "Delegating With Administrator
Roles" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager
Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

Solution 5
To verify the policy store has the correct application stripes:
1. Identify the application stripes that were loaded into the policy store after the
Oracle Fusion Applications environment was provisioned by referring to the
Oracle Fusion Applications security reference manuals. You can access the Oracle
Fusion Applications security reference manuals in the Oracle Fusion Applications
Technology Documentation Library.
2. Verify the application stripes identified in Step 1 exist in the policy store by
performing the following steps:
a. Log in to Oracle Authorization Policy Manager as a security administrator
with the APMAdmin application role, which will allow you to see all application
stripes in the policy store.

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-25

Problems and Solutions

b. Examine the Browse tab of the Navigation Panel, which lists all policy stripes
in the policy store (because you are logged in as a security administrator with
the APMAdmin application role).
Refer to "Using the Navigation Panel" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications
Edition) for more information about viewing application stripes in the policy
store using the Navigation Panel.

Solution 6
To verify the external role is mapped to the correct application roles:
1. Verify the application stripe that the application role is expected to be in exists in
the policy store by performing the following steps:
a. Determine which application stripe the application role is expected to be in by
referring to the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference manuals. You
can access the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference manuals in the
Oracle Fusion Applications Technology Documentation Library.
b. Log in to Oracle Authorization Policy Manager as a security administrator
with the APMAdmin application role, which will allow you to see all application
stripes in the policy store.
c. Examine the Browse tab of the Navigation Panel, which lists all policy stripes
in the policy store (because you are logged in as a security administrator with
the APMAdmin application role). Verify the application stripe identified in Step a
exists in the policy store.
Refer to "Using the Navigation Panel" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications
Edition) for more information about viewing application stripes in the policy
store using the Navigation Panel.
2. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to identify the application roles
currently mapped to the external role.
Refer to "Managing Policies and Policy Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications
Edition) for more information.
3. Compare the application roles identified in Step 2 to the application roles listed for
the external role in the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference manuals.
If any application roles listed in the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference
manuals are not mapped to the external role, use Oracle Authorization Policy
Manager to see if they exist in the policy store. Refer to "Searching for Security
Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager
Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition) for more information.
If the application roles exist in the policy store, use Oracle Authorization Policy
Manager to map them to the external role by referring to "Managing Policies and
Policy Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager
Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).
If the application roles do not exist in the policy store, use Oracle Authorization
Policy Manager to create them by referring to "Creating an Application Role" in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's
Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition). After creating the application roles, map
them to the external role.

8-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Solution 7
To verify the external role is mapped to an application role that has policy attached to
it, refer to "Searching for Security Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition). Cannot See the Data Security Policies for a Data Role
Data security polices for a particular data role cannot be seen in Oracle Authorization
Policy Manager.

The problem may be:
■ The Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator in the Oracle WebLogic Server
domain is not configured with the correct connection settings to the Oracle
Internet Directory instance.
■ If Oracle Internet Directory is being used as the identity store, it is not configured
to index the displayName attribute. If Oracle Internet Directory is not indexing the
displayName attribute, Oracle Authorization Policy Manager cannot retrieve the
role during a search.
■ The user searching for the data security policies does not have the privileges to do
■ The data role does not exist in the identity store.
■ Data role templates did not create data security policies for the data role.
■ The data security role GUIDs in the Oracle Fusion Data Security repository and
the Oracle Platform Security Services policy store are not synchronized.

Solution 1
To verify the Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator in the Oracle WebLogic Server
domain is configured with the correct connection settings to the Oracle Internet
Directory instance, refer to Section 8.2.2.

Solution 2
To verify an Oracle Internet Directory identity store is configured to index the
displayName attribute, refer to Section 8.2.1.

Solution 3
To verify the user searching for the data security policies has the privileges to do so,
perform the solution described in Section

Solution 4
To verify the data role exists in the identity store, use Oracle Directory Services
Manager to examine the container in the identity store where data roles are stored,
such as cn=groups,dc=mycompany,dc=com. If the role does not exist in the identity
store, an administrator should add it.
Refer to the following for more information about examining identity store containers.
If Oracle Internet Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory using this
1. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-27

Problems and Solutions

2. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"

3. "Displaying Entries by Using Oracle Directory Services Manager"
If Oracle Virtual Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory using this
1. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
2. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
3. "Viewing Oracle Virtual Directory Entries"

Solution 5
To verify data role templates created data security policies for the data role:
1. Use Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to perform a simple search for the data
role using External Role as the object type. Refer to the "Finding Artifacts with a
Simple Search" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy
Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition) for more
2. Select the data role in the search results and click the View button. Details about
the data role appear.
3. Click the Find Global Policies button. The Data Security Policies table appears
and lists the data security policies attached to the data role. Examine the entries in
the table to ensure the data role template created the appropriate data security

Solution 6
To reconcile the data security role GUIDs in the Oracle Fusion Data Security repository
and the Oracle Platform Security Services policy store, run the
oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.dataSecurity.util.DSDataMigrator java program to
reconcile the GUIDs. Refer to the solution in Section for information about
using this program. Problems Mapping an Application Role to an External Role

While attempting to map an application role to an external role using Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager, issues such as the following are encountered:
■ Either the external role or application role cannot be seen in Oracle Authorization
Policy Manager.
■ The mapping succeeds in Oracle Authorization Policy Manager, but is activated
after a delay.

The problem may be:
■ If Oracle Internet Directory is being used as the identity store, it is not configured
to index the displayName attribute. If Oracle Internet Directory is not indexing the
displayName attribute, Oracle Authorization Policy Manager cannot retrieve the
roles during a search.
■ The security providers for the Oracle WebLogic Server domain are configured
incorrectly. Specifically, the order of providers, JAAS Control Flags, or connection
settings to the Oracle Internet Directory instance may be incorrect.

8-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

■ If the mapping succeeds in Oracle Authorization Policy Manager, but is activated

after a delay, the cache refresh settings for the Oracle Internet Directory
Authenticator or for Oracle Platform Security Services may need to be adjusted.

Solution 1
To verify an Oracle Internet Directory identity store is configured to index the
displayName attribute, refer to Section 8.2.1.

Solution 2
To troubleshoot the configuration of the security providers for the Oracle WebLogic
Server domain, perform the steps in Section 8.2.2 and examine the:
■ Order of providers
■ JAAS Control Flags
■ Connection settings to the Oracle Internet Directory instance

Solution 3
If the mapping is activated after a delay, to troubleshoot the cache refresh settings for
the Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator and for Oracle Platform Security Services:
1. Examine the Oracle Internet Directory Authenticator's cache settings by referring
to Section 8.2.2.
2. Examine Oracle Platform Security Services' cache refresh setting by referring to the
problem and solution described in Section of this chapter.

Note: Wait for the caches to be refreshed before reattempting a failed

task or operation. Cannot See Application Role Hierarchies

Attempts to view application role hierarchies using Oracle Authorization Policy
Manager fail.

The problem may be:
■ The identity store's LDAP Authenticator in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain is
configured to use the wrong identity store.
■ The administrator is attempting to view the application role hierarchy from the
incorrect application role in the Oracle Authorization Policy Manager interface.
■ Role hierarchies are not defined.

Solution 1
To verify the identity store's LDAP Authenticator in the Oracle WebLogic Server
domain is configured to use the correct identity store, refer to Section 8.2.2 and
examine the connection settings configured for the identity store's LDAP

Solution 2
To verify the correct application role is being used to display the application role
hierarchy, in the Oracle Authorization Policy Manager interface, ensure attempts to
display the role hierarchy are based on the correct application role. Application roles

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-29

Problems and Solutions

frequently have similar names, such as roles that are qualified by region. Double-check
that the intended application role is being used to display the role hierarchy.

Solution 3
To verify role hierarchies are defined, refer to "Managing Policies and Policy Objects"
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's
Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition). Attempts to Add an Application Role to a Hierarchy Appear to Have No

After using Oracle Authorization Policy Manager to add an application role to a
hierarchy, no changes can be seen in the hierarchy.

The problem may be:
■ The application role already exists as a member of the hierarchy.
■ The incorrect application role was added to the hierarchy, or the correct
application role was added to the incorrect hierarchy.

To verify the application role hierarchy:
1. Display the application role hierarchy the role was intended for. Refer to
"Managing Policies and Policy Objects" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle Fusion Applications
Edition) for information about viewing the application role hierarchy.
2. Ensure that the application role does not already exist in the hierarchy.
3. Ensure that when the application role was added to the hierarchy, the intended
application role and the intended hierarchy were used. It is possible the intended
application role was added to the incorrect hierarchy, or the incorrect application
role was added to the intended hierarchy.
Refer to the "Permission Inheritance and the Role Hierarchy" section in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide for information about rules for application
role hierarchies. Cannot Create Valid Data Roles Using Data Role Template
While attempting to create a data role using a data role template in Oracle
Authorization Policy Manager, issues such as the following are encountered:
■ The data role is not created
■ The data role is created with a null displayName and description

The problem may be:
■ The SQL query used in the Dimension tab of the template is invalid or returns no
■ The Oracle Authorization Policy Manager application ID used by the data role
template does not have sufficient privileges to create the data role in the intended
identity store container.

8-30 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

■ A general issue in the identity store, such as the instance is not running.

Solution 1
To troubleshoot the SQL query used in the Dimension tab of the template:
1. Review the SQL query and ensure the intended string was entered correctly.
2. Review the SQL query and ensure it does not contain special characters such as ","
(comma) that are unsupported by the identity store. Role names must be
comprised of only alphanumeric characters.
3. Verify the database table referenced in the SQL query contains data (is not empty).

Solution 2
To troubleshoot the privileges of the Oracle Authorization Policy Manager application
ID used by the data role template, perform the following steps on the identity store:
1. Verify the cn=fusion_apps_apm_rgx_appid user exists in the cn=appidusers
Refer to the following for more information about examining identity store
If Oracle Internet Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory using
this sequence:
a. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
b. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
c. "Displaying Entries by Using Oracle Directory Services Manager"
If Oracle Virtual Directory is the identity store, refer to the following sections in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory using
this sequence:
a. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
b. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
c. "Viewing Oracle Virtual Directory Entries"
2. Verify the cn=fusion_apps_apm_rgx_appid group exists in the cn=appidgroups
3. Identify all groups that the fusion_apps_apm_rgx_appid group is a member of,
and then verify those groups have write permission to the container where
enterprise roles are stored, such as cn=groups.

Note: If using Oracle Virtual Directory as the identity store, you

must verify the groups' permissions in both Oracle Virtual Directory
and the back-end (source) repositories.

4. If using Oracle Virtual Directory as the identity store, verify that the ACLs for
Oracle Virtual Directory and its back-end (source) data repositories are configured
To focus the ACL verification, perform the following steps:
a. Temporarily disable access control checking in Oracle Virtual Directory using
Fusion Middleware Control. To disable access control checking, deselect

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-31

Problems and Solutions

(disable) the Enable Access Control Check option on Oracle Virtual

Directory's Server Properties page.
Refer to the "Configuring Oracle Virtual Directory Server Properties Using
Fusion Middleware Control" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory for more information.
b. Perform the steps to create the data role using a data role template.
– If you can create the data role when Oracle Virtual Directory access control
checking is disabled, the Oracle Virtual Directory ACLs are configured
To isolate the error in the Oracle Virtual Directory ACLs, re-enable access
control checking in Oracle Virtual Directory, set its logging to TRACE mes-
sage type at level 32, try creating the data role using a data role template,
and then examine Oracle Virtual Directory's log, which will now contain
the result of each ACL test.
Refer to the "Setting the Level of Information Written to Log Files" section
and the "Managing Log Files and Diagnostic Data" chapter in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for more information about Ora-
cle Virtual Directory logging.
– If you cannot create the data role when Oracle Virtual Directory access
control checking is disabled, the error is not in the Oracle Virtual Directory
ACLs and you should examine the ACLs in the back-end (source) data
repositories by referring to their documentation.

Solution 3
To troubleshoot the identity store:
■ If using Oracle Internet Directory as the identity store:
1. Verify Oracle Internet Directory is running.
You can view the status of Oracle Internet Directory using Fusion Applications
Control. After logging in to Fusion Applications Control, navigate to the Farm
home page and examine the Identity and Access components within the
Fusion Middleware section of the content pane.
Refer to the "Navigating within Fusion Applications Control" section in the
Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide for more information.
2. Verify Oracle Internet Directory is configured to index the displayName
attribute by referring to Section 8.2.1.
■ If using Oracle Virtual Directory as the identity store:
1. Verify Oracle Virtual Directory is running.
You can view the status of Oracle Virtual Directory using Fusion Applications
Control. After logging in to Fusion Applications Control, navigate to the Farm
home page and view the Identity and Access components within the Fusion
Middleware section of the content pane.
Refer to the "Navigating within Fusion Applications Control" section in the
Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide for more information.
2. Verify the connectivity between Oracle Virtual Directory and its back-end
(source) data repositories. Use Oracle Directory Services Manager's Client
View Data Browser to view the directory tree. If Oracle Virtual Directory is not

8-32 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

connected to a back-end repository, a message will appear when the Data

Browser attempts to connect it.
Refer to the following sections (in the listed sequence) in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory for more
information about using Oracle Directory Services Manager's Client View
Data Browser:
a. "Invoking Oracle Directory Services Manager"
b. "Connecting to the Server from Oracle Directory Services Manager"
c. "Viewing Oracle Virtual Directory Entries"

8.3.5 Problems and Solutions for Managing Keystores and Certificates

This section describes problems and solutions for managing keystores and certificates.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Key or Credential Store Error After an Application Invokes Web
■ Section, "Trust Certificate Error After Application Invokes Web Service" Key or Credential Store Error After an Application Invokes Web Service
After an Oracle Fusion application invokes a web service, a key store or credential
store error such as the following appears:
■ WSM-00056: The key orakey is not retrieved
■ WSM-00256: The property "Keystore Sign Alias" is not set

The problem may be:
■ The alias for the signature key or encryption key in the Oracle WSM keystore
configuration does not exist in the Oracle WSM keystore file.
■ The signature key, encryption key, or Oracle WSM keystore file password is not
synchronized in the keystore file and the keystore configuration for Oracle WSM.
That is, at least one of the passwords does not have identical values in both

Solution 1
To verify the alias for the signature key and encryption key in the Oracle WSM
keystore configuration exist in the Oracle WSM keystore file:
1. Use Fusion Middleware Control to identify the alias for the signature key and
encryption key in the Oracle WSM keystore configuration. Perform the procedure
in the "Configuring Keystores for Message Protection" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web Services.
2. Verify the aliases identified in Step 1 exist in the Oracle WSM keystore file. Use the
keytool -list command on the Oracle WSM keystore file to view its aliases.
Refer to the keytool - Key and Certificate Management Tool document on the Java SE
Technical Documentation Web site for more information about using keytool. You
can access this document by searching for it on the Search Java SE Technical
Documentation Web page at:

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-33

Problems and Solutions

■ Ensure each alias is synchronized in both locations. If they are not, you can
edit the alias in the Oracle WSM keystore configuration by performing the
procedure in the "Configuring Keystores for Message Protection" section in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web Services.
You can edit the alias in the Oracle WSM keystore file using the keytool
-changealias command.

Note: Before you edit an alias, be sure that doing so will not affect
any other web service.

■ If the alias for the signature key or encryption key does not exist in the Oracle
WSM keystore file, add it by referring to the "Generating Private Keys and
Creating the Java Keystore" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and
Administrator's Guide for Web Services.

Solution 2
To ensure that the signature key, encryption key, and Oracle WSM keystore file
passwords are each synchronized in the keystore file and the keystore configuration
for Oracle WSM:
1. Use keytool to reset the passwords in the Oracle WSM keystore file. Because the
passwords are not visible, resetting them is the only method to ensure that they
have identical respective values in both locations.
■ Use the keytool -storepasswd command to reset the Oracle WSM keystore
file password.
■ Use the keytool -keypasswd command to reset the signature key password
and encryption key password.
2. Use Fusion Middleware Control to reset the passwords in the Oracle WSM
keystore configuration to the same respective values you set in Step 1. Refer to the
"Configuring Keystores for Message Protection" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web Services for more information. Trust Certificate Error After Application Invokes Web Service

After an Oracle Fusion application invokes a web service, a trust certificate error such
as the following appears:
WSM-00138: The path to the certificate is invalid due to exception

The problem may be, if the web service is advertising its certificate in the Web Services
Description Language (WSDL), the client is not configured correctly to trust that
certificate or its issuer.

To verify the client is configured to trust the web service's certificate advertised in the
WSDL or its issuer:
1. Verify the client keystore has either the public certificate of the web service or the
public certificate of its issuer. Use the keytool –list command to identify the
certificates in the client keystore. If either of the public certificates are missing from
the client keystore, use the keytool –importcert command to add them.

8-34 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Refer to the keytool - Key and Certificate Management Tool document on the Java SE
Technical Documentation Web site for more information about using keytool. You
can access this document by searching for it on the Search Java SE Technical
Documentation Web page at:
2. Verify the value for the keystore.recipient.alias override property of the client
Oracle WSM policy is identical to the alias of the trusted public certificate in the
Oracle WSM keystore file. Refer to the "Attaching Web Service Policies Permitting
Overrides" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's
Guide for Web Services for more information.

8.3.6 Problems and Solutions for Identity Propagation Using SAML

After an Oracle Fusion application attempts to propagate a user's identity by calling a
different Oracle Fusion application using Oracle SOA, InvalidSecurityToken-,
FailedAuthentication-, or SAML assertion issuer-related errors appear.

The problem may be:
■ The SAML issuer name for the SAML token is not configured or is configured
■ The subject.precendence configuration override is set incorrectly.

Solution 1
To troubleshoot the SAML issuer name configuration, verify the SAML Issuer Name
the client is using is among the issuers configured on the Oracle WebLogic Server
domain by performing the steps in the "Adding an Additional SAML Assertion Issuer
Name" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for
Web Services.
If the SAML Issuer Name that the client is using is not configured as an issuer in the
Oracle WebLogic Server domain, Oracle recommends changing the issuer name on the
client by updating its saml.issuer.name override to one of the issuers configured on the
Oracle WebLogic Server domain.
If you cannot change the issuer name on the client, you can add its issuer name to the
Oracle WebLogic Server domain by performing the steps in the "Adding an Additional
SAML Assertion Issuer Name" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and
Administrator's Guide for Web Services.

Solution 2
To troubleshoot the subject.precendence configuration override:
1. Set the subject.precedence override value in your current client policy to false to
change the identity to a different user. By default, the subject.precendence override
is set to true.
2. Set the appropriate Credential Store Framework key override on the client policy
that contains the user name and password of the user you want to send to the
service. If an entry for this user does not exist in the Credential Store Framework,
you must add it. Refer to the "Adding Keys and User Credentials to the Credential
Store" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for
Web Services for more information.

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-35

Problems and Solutions

3. Ensure the appropriate Web Services Identity Permission is set for the client
application by performing the steps in the "Configuring SAML Web Service
Clients for Identity Switching" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and
Administrator's Guide for Web Services.

8.3.7 Problems and Solutions for Logging in to Secured Resources

This section describes problems and solutions for logging in to secured resources. This
section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Incorrect Language Appears After Logging in to a Secured
■ Section, "Login Page Unexpectedly Reappears (No Single Sign-On)"
■ Section, "Cannot Access Forgotten Password Functionality from Login
Page" Incorrect Language Appears After Logging in to a Secured Resource

While attempting to access a resource secured by Oracle Access Manager, a user
changes the language preference on the login page. After logging in successfully, the
secured resource appears in a language different from what the user selected on the
login page.

The problem may be Oracle Access Manager's ORA_FUSION_PREFS cookie is not in the
user's browser. The ORA_FUSION_PREFS cookie determines which language the secured
resource appears in. After the user chooses a language preference on the login page
and gets authenticated, Oracle Access Manager sends the ORA_FUSION_PREFS cookie to
the user's browser.

Examine the cookies in the user's browser and try to locate the ORA_FUSION_PREFS
cookie. If the ORA_FUSION_PREFS cookie is not in the user's browser:
■ Examine the browser's security settings, as they may be too high and preventing
cookies from being accepted.
■ Add the Oracle Fusion application's domain to the browser's exception list. Login Page Unexpectedly Reappears (No Single Sign-On)

After successfully logging in to a resource secured by Oracle Access Manager, a login
page unexpectedly reappears. Regardless if the reappearing login page is for Oracle
Access Manager or Oracle Fusion Applications, a user may not expect to see it in a
single sign-on environment.

The problem may be:
■ If the login page reappeared after attempting to access a different secured
resource, the authentication level of the authentication scheme securing the
subsequently accessed resource is greater (higher) than the authentication level of
the authentication scheme securing the resource that was accessed first. In this
situation, the reappearing login page is expected behavior.
■ The Oracle Access Manager server's Idle Timeout or Session Lifetime
configuration parameters are set to a value that is too small. The Idle Timeout

8-36 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

parameter specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that a user's authentication

session remains valid without accessing a resource secured by Oracle Access
Manager. The Session Lifetime parameter specifies the amount of time, in minutes,
that a user's authentication session remains valid. For both parameters, the smaller
the value, the more frequently users must re-authenticate.
■ Oracle Access Manager's ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID cookies are not in the user's
browser. The ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID cookies are encrypted, single sign-on,
session-based cookies generated by the Oracle Access Manager Access Server
when a user authenticates successfully.

Solution 1
To examine the authentication levels of the authentication schemes securing the
1. Log in to the Oracle Access Manager Administration Console by referring to the
"Logging In to the Oracle Access Manager 11g Administration Console" section in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager with
Oracle Security Token Service.
2. Identify the authentication policies securing the resources and the authentication
schemes configured for those policies. You can reduce the number of policies to
examine by first looking at the policies for the Host Identifier that the Webgate is
Refer to the "Searching for an Authentication Policy" and "Viewing or Editing an
Authentication Policy" sections in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's
Guide for Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Security Token Service for more
3. Identify the authentication levels for each authentication scheme. Refer to the
"Viewing or Editing a Authentication Scheme" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Security
Token Service.

Note: If the authentication level for the subsequently accessed

resource is greater than that of the first accessed resource, the
reappearing login page is the expected behavior.

Solution 2
To verify the settings for the Idle Timeout and Session Lifetime configuration
1. Log in to the Oracle Access Manager Administration Console by referring to the
"Logging In to the Oracle Access Manager 11g Administration Console" section in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Manager with
Oracle Security Token Service.
2. Verify the values configured for the Idle Timeout and Session Lifetime
configuration parameters by referring to the "Configuring User Session Lifecycle
Settings" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle
Access Manager with Oracle Security Token Service.

Solution 3
To verify Oracle Access Manager's ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID cookies are in the user's

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-37

Problems and Solutions

1. Display the cookies in the user's browser.

2. Locate Oracle Access Manager's ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID session cookies.
If the ObSSOCookie and OAM_ID cookies are not in the user's browser:
■ Examine the browser's security settings, as they may be too high and preventing
cookies from being accepted.
■ Add the Oracle Fusion application's domain to the browser's exception list. Cannot Access Forgotten Password Functionality from Login Page

While attempting to access a resource secured by Oracle Access Manager, the
Forgotten Password feature is inaccessible from the login page.

The problem may be:
■ Network issues are preventing a connection to Oracle Identity Manager.
■ Oracle Access Manager's configuration to Oracle Identity Manager's lost password
functionality is incorrect.

Solution 1
To test connectivity to Oracle Identity Manager, from the system hosting the
Administration Server where Oracle Access Manager is deployed, ping the system
hosting the Managed Server where Oracle Identity Manager is deployed.

Solution 2
To verify Oracle Access Manager's configuration to Oracle Identity Manager's lost
password functionality:
1. Use a text editor to open the following file on the Administration Server for the
domain where Oracle Access Manager is deployed:

2. Locate the <Setting Name="IdentityManagement" Type="htf:map"> entry.

3. Examine the ServerConfiguration settings similar to those shown in Example 8–1
and verify the following values:

Example 8–1 ServerConfiguration Settings Within IdentityManagement Entry

<Setting Name="ServerConfiguration" Type="htf:map">
<Setting Name="OIM-SERVER-1" Type="htf:map">
<Setting Name="Host" Type="xsd:string">OIM_HOST</Setting>
<Setting Name="Port" Type="xsd:integer">OIM_PORT</Setting>
<Setting Name="SecureMode" Type="xsd:boolean">true|false</Setting>

■ OIM-SERVER-1: Must be identical value of the same setting in the

IdentityServiceProviderConfiguration entry described in Step 4.
■ If Oracle Identity Manager is front-ended by Oracle HTTP Server or a load
– OIM_HOST: Fully-qualified host name of Oracle HTTP Server or load

8-38 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Additional Information for Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

– OIM_PORT: The port for the Oracle HTTP Server or load balancer.
– SecureMode: Set to true for connecting to Oracle Identity Manager over
HTTPS, set to false for connecting over HTTP.
■ If Oracle Identity Manager is not front-ended:
– OIM_HOST: Fully-qualified host name of the Managed Server where
Oracle Identity Manager is deployed.
– OIM_PORT: The port for the Managed Server where Oracle Identity
Manager is deployed.
– SecureMode: Set to true for connecting to Oracle Identity Manager over
HTTPS, set to false for connecting over HTTP.
4. Examine the IdentityServiceProviderConfiguration settings similar to those
shown in Example 8–2 and verify the following values:

Example 8–2 IdentityServiceProviderConfiguration Settings Within IdentityManagement Entry

<Setting Name="IdentityServiceProviderConfiguration" Type="htf:map">
<Setting Name="IdentityManagementServer" Type="xsd:string">OIM-SERVER-1</Setting>
<Setting Name="DateFormatPattern" Type="xsd:string">yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'</Setting>
<Setting Name="PasswordExpiredURL" Type="xsd:string">/admin/faces/pages/pwdmgmt.jspx</Setting>
<Setting Name="ChallengeSetupNotDoneURL" Type="xsd:string">/admin/faces/pages/pwdmgmt.jspx</Setting>
<Setting Name="ForcedPasswordChangeURL" Type="xsd:string">/admin/faces/pages/pwdmgmt.jspx</Setting>
<Setting Name="AccountLockedURL" Type="xsd:string">/admin/faces/pages/accountlocked.jspx</Setting>
■ OIM-SERVER-1: Must be identical value of the same setting in the
ServerConfiguration entry described in Step 3.
■ Confirm the following URL Settings are configured with the values shown in
Example 8–2:
– PasswordExpiredURL
– ChallengeSetupNotDoneURL
– ForcedPasswordChangeURL
– AccountLockedURL

8.4 Additional Information for Troubleshooting Oracle Identity

The following is a list of Oracle Identity Management documents that provide
additional information and will help you troubleshoot. Use these documents if you
have isolated your problem to a specific Oracle Identity Management component or to
learn more about a specific component.

Note: A few of the documents in the following list do not contain

explicit troubleshooting information, but are a source of information
that will help you during troubleshooting.

■ "Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Middleware" appendix of the Oracle Fusion

Middleware Administrator's Guide
■ "Troubleshooting Security in Oracle Fusion Middleware" appendix in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management 8-39

Additional Information for Troubleshooting Oracle Identity Management

■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity Management
(Oracle Fusion Applications Edition)
■ "Troubleshooting Oracle Internet Directory" appendix of the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory
■ "Troubleshooting Oracle Virtual Directory" appendix of the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual Directory
■ "Troubleshooting Oracle Authorization Policy Manager" appendix in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Oracle Authorization Policy Manager Administrator's Guide (Oracle
Fusion Applications Edition)
■ "Troubleshooting" appendix in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide
for Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Security Token Service
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and Administrator's Guide for Web Services

8-40 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle Metadata Repository (MDS Repository) and explains how to solve them. This
chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 9.1, "Introduction to Troubleshooting MDS Repository"
■ Section 9.2, "Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle
Metadata Repository"
■ Section 9.3, "Applications Performing Slowly Due to MDS Repository"
■ Section 9.4, "Diagnosing Exceptions with Oracle Metadata Repository"
Some procedures in this chapter reference content in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
guides. These guides describe using Fusion Middleware Control. These procedures
also apply to Fusion Applications Control.

9.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting MDS Repository

This section provides guidelines and a process for using the information in this
chapter. Using the following guidelines and process will focus and minimize the time
you spend resolving problems.

When using the information in this chapter, Oracle recommends:
■ After performing any of the solution procedures in this chapter, immediately
retrying the failed task that led you to this troubleshooting information. If the task
still fails when you retry it, perform a different solution procedure in this chapter
and then try the failed task again. Repeat this process until you resolve the
■ Making notes about the solution procedures you perform, symptoms you see, and
data you collect while troubleshooting. If you cannot resolve the problem using
the information in this chapter and you must log a service request, the notes you
make will expedite the process of solving the problem.

Follow the process outlined in Table 9–1 when using the information in this chapter. If
the information in a particular section does not resolve your problem, proceed to the
next step in this process.

Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository 9-1

Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle Metadata Repository

Table 9–1 Process for Using the Information in this Chapter

Step Section to Use Purpose
1 Section 9.2 Get started troubleshooting the MDS Repository. The procedure in
this section quickly addresses a wide variety of problems.
2 Section 9.3 Perform problem-specific troubleshooting procedures. These sections
through describe:
Section 9.4
■ Possible causes of the problems
■ Solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes
3 Section 14.1 Use My Oracle Support to get additional troubleshooting information
about Oracle Fusion Applications or Oracle SOA Suite. My Oracle
Support provides access to several useful troubleshooting resources,
including Knowledge Base articles and Community Forums and
4 Section 14.1 Log a service request if the information in this chapter and My Oracle
Support does not resolve your problem. You can log a service request
using My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

9.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle
Metadata Repository
For general instructions on managing the metadata for Oracle Fusion Middleware
components in the Oracle Metadata Repository, see the "Managing the Metadata
Repository" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.
Use the following tools to troubleshoot Oracle Metadata Repository issues:
■ Section 9.2.1, "WLST Commands"
■ Section 9.2.2, "MBean Properties in Fusion Applications Control"
■ Section 9.2.3, "Logging"

9.2.1 WLST Commands

Use the MDS Repository commands described in the "Metadata Services (MDS)
Custom WLST Commands" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting
Tool Command Reference.
Use the following script from the Oracle WebLogic Server domain home directory,
which is based on WLST commands:
1. From the fusionapps Middleware subdirectory, start the WLST:
(UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh
(Windows) FA_MW_HOME\oracle_common\common/bin\wlst.cmd

where DOMAIN_HOME is located in the following locations:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/instance/domains/host/domain_name
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\instance\domains\host\domain_name

2. Connect to Oracle WebLogic Server.

3. Use WLST commands for the MDS Repository. For example:
■ deleteMetadata, exportMetdata, importMetadata, and purgeMetadata to
manage application metadata
■ registerMetadataDBRepository to register a database-based MDS repository.

9-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle Metadata Repository

■ importMAR to import an application MAR

Use the force=true argument to force the import of all document. If you do
not use the with force argument, only documents that have changed will be
■ createMetadataLabel, deleteMetadataLabel, listMetadataLabels,
promoteMetadataLabel, and purgeMetadataLabels to manage labels

9.2.2 MBean Properties in Fusion Applications Control

Modify configuration and runtime MBean properties:
■ Modify the AutoPurgeTimeToLive and MaximumCacheSize configuration MBean
property in Fusion Applications Control. See the "Changing MDS Configuration
Attributes for Deployed Applications" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide.
■ Modify the clearCache runtime MBean property in Fusion Applications Control:
a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then Application
b. Click the application that uses MDS Repository.
c. In the Java EE Application home page, from the Application Deployment
menu, choose MDS Configuration.
The MDS Configuration page displays the page.
d. In the Advanced Configuration section, click Runtime MBean Browser.
e. In the System MBean Browser page, expand Application Defined MBeans.
The System MBean Browser displays Application Defined MBeans >
oracle.mds.lcm > Server: Managed Server > Application: Application Name >
MDSAppRuntime > MDSAppRuntime and displays the Application
Defined MBeans: MDSAppRuntime:MDSAppRuntime page.
f. Click the Operations tab.

Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository 9-3

Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle Metadata Repository

g. Click the clearCache.

h. Click Invoke.

9.2.3 Logging
View the logs. Right-click the domain under WebLogic Domain and choose View Log
Messages. For more information, see the "Viewing Log Files and Their Messages
Using Fusion Middleware Control" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide.
1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, WebLogic Domain, Managed_Server.
2. Choose Logs > View Log Messages.
If the problem still cannot be solved, increase the log level of the system to debug the
transactions. To simplify troubleshooting, it is recommended that you enable the
following parent loggers at the TRACE32 (FINEST) level.
To change logger levels, perform the following steps:
1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm > WebLogic Domain > Managed_
2. Choose Logs > Log Configuration.
3. In the Logger Name column, expand the oracle and then oracle.mds to display the
4. In the Oracle Diagnostic Logging Level (Java Level) column, change the logging
level to TRACE:32.
- oracle.mds.query for detailed diagnostics for SQL statements, bind variables,
and timing information about MDS database queries
- oracle.mds.custmerge for detailed diagnostics when applying MDS
customization instructions

9-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle Metadata Repository

- oracle.mds.jsp for trace JSP integration with MDS

- oracle.mds.dbstore for detailed logging about all operations done at the
persistence level for the database-based MDS repository
- oracle.mds.sandbox for debug level information for all the sandbox
operations.Use this logger when troubleshooting creation of a sandbox, managing
the sandbox metadata, applying a sandbox or any other sandbox lifecycle-related
operations. Use this logger in conjunction with the oracle.mds.dbstore tracer
- oracle.mds.coretxn for detailed logging for MDSTransaction methods.
MDSTransaction is an internal class which is associated with an MDSSession that is
being used to make changes to metadata. Enabling this tracer includes diagnostics
to help verification that the same MDSSession is not being used by multiple threads
which while not illegal is unusual and can cause problems if done incorrectly.
- oracle.mds.pdcache for trace-document cache access and invalidation. Shows
labels being used for lookups and versions being returned from the cache.
- oracle.mds.remotechange for detailed tracing for remote notifications, polling
thread and synchronous polling on flushChanges(). This logger can be useful to
check that remote notifications, for example, configuration is correct and changes
are being distributed.
- oracle.mds.corecache to trace core cache access and invalidation.
- oracle.mds.jsf for MDSFaceletsHelper diagnostics for Facelets integration with
- oracle.mds.rename for detailed diagnostics for listing dependency references
during rename operation.
- oracle.mds.custupdate for detailed diagnostics for change events handling and
optimization, and creation of MDS customization instructions during update of
MDS customizations.
- oracle.mds.custmerge for detailed diagnostics when applying MDS
customization instructions
- oracle.mds.mnfe for tracing of MetadataNotFoundException and isStale()
The change should take effect within a few minutes. Note that in a production
system, setting the trace at a fine-grained level can result in a large amount of
output that must be diagnosed. You can alternately use selective tracing that
provides a way to get a detailed, on-disk trace selectively (for example, by user
name, thereby eliminating trace output for other users).
5. To activate selective tracing, right-click the domain under WebLogic Domain and
choose Logs > Selective Tracing.
Note that Selecting Tracing does not display as an option when you right-click an
Administration Server or Managed Server and choose Logs.
6. From the Option Name list, choose the type of selective trace (for example, based
on user name), and start the trace.
7. When the problem has been reproduced, disable the trace and view the output to
narrow down the issue.
For more information on selective tracing, see the "Configuring and Using
Selective Tracing" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository 9-5

Applications Performing Slowly Due to MDS Repository

8. Review the error logs (from Fusion Applications Control) for more information on
the error.
Cross layer, server, and family functionality can be correlated through the
execution context ID (ECID) (for example, you can look up the composite instance
for a given expense report by correlating all the log entries with the ECID
associated with that expense report transaction). For more information, see the
"Correlating Messages Across Log Files and Components" section of Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide.

9.3 Applications Performing Slowly Due to MDS Repository

If the application is performing slowly, there could be an issue with the MDS

Solution 1
To check the MDS Repository performance and adjust the cache size:
1. Check performance metrics for cache performance.
a. Navigate to the application's home page by expanding the farm, then
Application Deployments. Then, select an application.
The application's home page is displayed.
b. From the Application Deployment menu, choose Performance Summary.
The Performance Summary page displays.
c. Click Show Metric Palette.
d. Expand MDS Metrics and select IOs Per Metadata Object Get and IOs Per
MO Content Get.
e. Monitor the performance of these metrics. Typically, values close to 1 indicate
poor cache performance.
2. Modify the MaximumCacheSize configuration MBean property to -1. See the
"Changing MDS Configuration Attributes for Deployed Applications" section in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

Solution 2
To resolve this problem from the MDS Repository database:
1. Capture an Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) report. See the "Gathering
Database Statistics Using the Automatic Workload Repository" section in the
Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide.
2. Check if any specific MDS SQL is taking too long. Analyze log (if needed with
oracle.mds logger set to FINER) an or DMS data from DMSSpy.
3. Regather the Oracle Database statistics by executing the GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS
procedure in the DBMS_STATS PL/SQL package from SQL as follows:
ownname => schema_owner,
estimate_ percent => dbms_stats.auto_sample_size,
method_opt => 'for all columns size auto',
cascade => true);

9-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Applications Performing Slowly Due to MDS Repository

ownname =>'schema_Owner',
tabname =>'MDS_PATHS',

where schema_owner is the name of the schema, typically, FUSION_MDS.

For information about the GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure, see "GATHER_
SCHEMA_STATS Procedures" in the Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types
4. If performance does not improve after collecting statistics, then flush the shared
pool to clear the execution plan for the database and generate a new query plan
with the following SQL command:

5. If you notice continuous growth in metadata in Oracle Database tables, it could be

the purge not executed or labels are preventing metadata from being purged.
a. Use these queries to identify which of the above is the cause.
To determine how many versions can be purged in soa-infra:
SELECT count( * ) FROM mds_paths path, mds_txn_locks, mds_partitions WHERE
path_low_cn <= lock_txn_cn AND path_low_cn > 0
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT label_cn from mds_labels
WHERE path.path_low_cn <= label_cn
AND (path.path_high_cn > label_cn OR path.path_high_cn IS
AND label_partition_id = path.path_partition_id)
AND path_high_cn IS NOT NULL
AND path_partition_id = lock_partition_id
and path_partition_id = partition_id
AND partition_name = 'soa-infra'

To determine how many versions are held by labels:

select label_name, label_cn, (SELECT count( * )
FROM mds_paths path, mds_partitions
WHERE path_high_cn IS NOT NULL
and path_low_cn <= label_cn
AND path_low_cn > 0
and path_high_cn > label_cn
AND path_partition_id = partition_id
and partition_name=:B1) versHeld, txn_time from mds_labels, mds_
transactions, mds_partitions
where label_partition_id=txn_partition_id
and label_partition_id=partition_id
and partition_name=:B1 order by versHeld desc

To determine partition-wise statistics of tip and non-tip, purgeable versions:

select docs.*, labels.count_labels, can_be_purged,
round(100*(can_be_purged/docs.total)) pct_can_be_purged from
(select partition_name, count(*) total, sum(decode(PATH_HIGH_CN, null, 1,
0)) tip,
sum(decode(PATH_HIGH_CN, null, 0, 1)) non_tip,
round(100*(sum(decode(PATH_HIGH_CN, null, 0, 1))/count(*))) percent_non_

Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository 9-7

Diagnosing Exceptions with Oracle Metadata Repository


and path_type = 'DOCUMENT'
group by partition_name)
(select PARTITION_name, count(label_name) count_labels
where p.partition_id = l.label_partition_id(+)
group by PARTITION_name, partition_id)
(SELECT partition_name, count (*) can_be_purged
WHERE partition_id = path_partition_id
and path_low_cn <= lock_txn_cn AND path_low_cn > 0
WHERE path.path_low_cn <= label_cn
AND (path.path_high_cn > label_cn OR path.path_high_cn IS
AND label_partition_id = path.path_partition_id)
AND path_high_cn IS NOT NULL
AND path_partition_id = lock_partition_id
and path_type = 'DOCUMENT'
GROUP BY partition_name )
WHERE docs.partition_name = labels.partition_name
AND docs.partition_name = can_purge.partition_name(+)
order by total

b. Execute purgeMetadata to cleanup the content. You may need to reclaim the
space manually in some cases. See the "Tuning Database Repository" section of
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning Guide.
c. If large portion of non-tip versions are held by labels, consider removing those
(older) labels using purgeMetadataLabels and re-run purgeMetadata.

9.4 Diagnosing Exceptions with Oracle Metadata Repository

Problem 1
The following error code is seen in the diagnostic.log file:
MDS-01273: The operation on the resource {0} failed because source metadata store
mapped to the namespace {1} is read only.

For example:
ReadOnlyStoreException: MDS-01273:
@ The operation on the resource
/oracle/apps/cdm/foundation/parties/flex/orgContactNew/test.xsd failed because
@ metadata store mapped to the namespace / BASE DEFAULT is read only
Ensure that adf-config.xml contains a mapping that covers the resource and is
mapped to DBMEtadataStore

The diagnostic.log file is stored in the following directories:

(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs/server-name-diagnostic.log
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs\server-name-diagnostic.log

9-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Diagnosing Exceptions with Oracle Metadata Repository

This error occurs because the resource is not mapped in adf-config.xml. When it is
not mapped, it defaults to ClasspathStore, which is read-only.

Solution 1
To resolve this problem:
1. Check persistence configuration in adf-config.xml. Specifically, check the
repository pointing to the namespace should have its metadata-store-class set to
oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore. For example:
<namespace path="/oracle/apps/cdm/foundation/parties/flex/orgContact"
<metadata-store-usage id="globalStore-by-adfconfigfilter"
default-cust-store="true" deploy-target="true">
<metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore">
<property name="repository-name" value="mds-ApplicationMDSDB"/>
<property name="partition-name" value="FAGlobal"/>
<property name="jndi-datasource" value="jdbc/mds/mds-ApplicationMDSDBDS"/>

2. In the adf-config.xml or the customization document, ensure the

read-only-mode element is set to true.

Problem 2
The following error code is seen in the diagnostic.log file:
MDS-00013: no metadata found for metadata object "{0}"

For example:
file:oracle.mds.core.MetadataNotFoundException: MDS-00013: no metadata found
formetadata object "</a/b/document.xml>

The diagnostic.log file is stored in the following directories:

(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs/server-name-diagnostic.log
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs\server-name-diagnostic.log

Solution 2
To resolve this problem:
1. Check if the namespace to store mappings in adf-config.xml mapping this MO to
an Oracle Database store. For example:

Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository 9-9

Diagnosing Exceptions with Oracle Metadata Repository

<namespace path="/oracle/apps/cdm/foundation/parties/flex/orgContact"
<metadata-store-usage id="globalStore-by-adfconfigfilter"
default-cust-store="true" deploy-target="true">
<metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore">
<property name="repository-name" value="mds-ApplicationMDSDB"/>
<property name="partition-name" value="FAGlobal"/>
<property name="jndi-datasource" value="jdbc/mds/mds-ApplicationMDSDBDS"/>

2. Based on the mapping, perform the appropriate action

■ If it is mapped to a database store, use the exportMetadata command to check
if the metadata document is present in the MDS Repository partition. For
more information about this command, see the "exportMetadata" section of
the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.
■ If it is not mapped, then the document must be in classpath. You may need to
bounce the server.
3. Set TRACE log level for logger oracle.mds.mnfe. See Section 9.2.3.

Problem 3
The following error code is seen in the diagnostic.log file:
MDS-01330: unable to load MDS configuration document

Typically, there will be nested exceptions that describe the actual reason for failure. For
MDSConfigurationException : parseADFConfigurationMDS-0133

This error occurs because the application configuration has an Oracle Metadata
Repository repository stub, but Oracle Metadata Repository repository is not specified
at deployment time.
This error can also occur when the repository is configured incorrectly or if the Oracle
Database is down. For example:
MDSConfigurationException encountered in parseADFConfigurationMDS-01330: unable to
load MDS configuration document
MDS-01329: unable to load element "persistence-config"
MDS-01370: MetadataStore configuration for metadata-store-usage "OWSM_TargetRepos"
is invalid.
MDS-01377: Unable to get database connection from data source configured with JNDI
name "jdbc/mds/owsm".
0:weblogic.common.ResourceException: Could not create pool connection

The diagnostic.log file is stored in the following directories:

(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs/server-name-diagnostic.log
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs\server-name-diagnostic.log

9-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Diagnosing Exceptions with Oracle Metadata Repository

Solution 3
To resolve this problem, from Fusion Applications Control:
1. Check the MDS Configuration page for the application.
2. Fix configuration and re-deploy the application.
See the "Changing MDS Configuration Attributes for Deployed Applications" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

Problem 4
During runtime, an exception stack displays with a concurrent modification exception:

This error occurs during runtime, when working with objects using JEDI or
customizing using Page Composer. Essentially, the same document at the same layer is
being customized by multiple users.

Solution 4
Resolve the concurrency.

Troubleshooting Oracle Metadata Repository 9-11

Diagnosing Exceptions with Oracle Metadata Repository

9-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle SOA Suite and explains how to solve them.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 10.1, "Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite"
■ Section 10.2, "Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle
SOA Suite"
■ Section 10.3, "Runtime Diagnostics"
■ Section 10.4, "Security and Oracle WSM Policy Manager Configuration"
■ Section 10.5, "Human Workflow"
■ Section 10.6, "Patching and Deployment"
■ Section 10.7, "Performance"
■ Section 10.8, "Maintenance"
■ Section 10.9, "Custom Development (Extensibility)"
Some procedures in this chapter reference content in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
guides. These guides describe using Fusion Middleware Control. These procedures
also apply to Fusion Applications Control.
To gain insight into the log details generated by Oracle Fusion applications, see the
"Troubleshooting Oracle Fusion Applications Using Incidents, Logs, QuickTrace, and
Diagnostic Tests" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide. Also,
review the Oracle Fusion Middleware Error Messages Reference for information about the
error messages you may encounter.

Note: Some sections of this chapter describe how to set properties in

the System MBean Browser of Fusion Applications Control. Some
MBean properties are applicable to Oracle WebLogic Server and
others are applicable to the SOA Infrastructure. Oracle WebLogic
Server Mbeans are properties that impact the Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) server level process that runs on the operating system. Example
properties include the port on which the server is listening, and so on.
These properties are agnostic to the type of application running on
that server. SOA Infrastructure level Mbeans are properties that
impact the SOA Infrastructure application running on the same Oracle
WebLogic Server. Example properties include audit levels, transaction
retries, and so on.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-1

Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite

10.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite

This section provides guidelines and a process for using the information in this
chapter. Using the following guidelines and process will focus and minimize the time
you spend resolving problems.

When using the information in this chapter, Oracle recommends:
■ After performing any of the solution procedures in this chapter, immediately
retrying the failed task that led you to this troubleshooting information. If the task
still fails when you retry it, perform a different solution procedure in this chapter
and then try the failed task again. Repeat this process until you resolve the
■ Making notes about the solution procedures you perform, symptoms you see, and
data you collect while troubleshooting. If you cannot resolve the problem using
the information in this chapter and you must log a service request, the notes you
make will expedite the process of solving the problem.

Follow the process outlined in Table 10–1 when using the information in this chapter.
If the information in a particular section does not resolve your problem, proceed to the
next step in this process.

Table 10–1 Process for Using the Information in this Chapter

Step Section to Use Purpose
1 Section 10.2 Get started troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite. The procedure in this
section quickly addresses a wide variety of problems.
2 Section 10.3 Perform problem-specific troubleshooting procedures. These sections
through describe:
Section 10.9
■ Possible causes of the problems
■ Solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes
3 Section 14.1 Use My Oracle Support to get additional troubleshooting information
about Oracle Fusion Applications or Oracle SOA Suite. My Oracle
Support provides access to several useful troubleshooting resources,
including Knowledge Base articles and Community Forums and
4 Section 14.1 Log a service request if the information in this chapter and My Oracle
Support does not resolve your problem. You can log a service request
using My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

10.2 Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle
SOA Suite
SOA troubleshooting must be performed in the following scenarios:
1. The Oracle Fusion application transaction flow has an error and it has been
identified as an error in SOA (or you want to check if it is a SOA-related error).
2. The Oracle Fusion application transaction flow has not completed and is taking
longer than it should and it has been identified as stuck in SOA (or you want to
check if it is stuck in SOA).

10-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle SOA Suite

3. The Oracle Fusion application transaction flow is not working as expected, and the
wrong data is passed.
The recommended approach to troubleshooting SOA issues is as follows:
1. Check the server and composite status log in Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console and check if the SOA server is up and running
successfully (that is, not in a failed state).
a. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.
b. In the Domain Structure, click Deployments.
c. In the Name column of the Deployments section, find soa-infra.
d. Check that the State column is set to Active and the Health column is set to
e. Click soa-infra > Monitoring tab.
f. Expand to ensure that all components have Health set to OK.
g. Note the server name on which SOA is deployed.
h. Go to the Domain Structure and click Environment > Servers to verify that
the State column is set to RUNNING and the Health column is set to OK.
i. Note the Listen Port column value, as this is the SOA runtime port.
2. Check if any Oracle Fusion application incident was created for the problem
For information about Oracle Fusion application incident processing, see the
"Process for Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem" section in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
3. Check whether the event was delivered to the SOA cluster by checking the log
messages in Fusion Applications Control.
This requires the oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event logger to be set to
TRACE:32 (FINEST). There are potentially many types of exceptions that can
appear in the log messages on the client side that raised the event. For example:
■ If a Java class is not in the class path, then a ClassNotFoundException may
■ If the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) for the context or
connection factory is not configured properly, then a NamingException or
FabricException may appear.
■ If the event payload XML that you create is invalid or contains invalid
characters, you may receive a FabricException indicating that enqueueing of
the event fails at the PL/SQL API with invalid characters, and so on.
For information about enabling this log and troubleshooting business events, see
Section 10.3.2.
4. Check the composite instance flow. If the event was fired, then find your
composite instance based on the application data.
See Section 10.3.1 for primary key mapping to the composite instance ID.
5. Review the composite instance flow and fault details. If the instance is in error and
it is recoverable, attempt recovery using the Recovery tab of the BPEL process
service engine in Fusion Applications Control.
6. View the logs.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-3

Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle SOA Suite

If the problem still cannot be solved, increase the log level of the system to debug
the transactions. See the list of loggers and log levels in the "Troubleshooting
Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite" appendix of Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management
Suite. To simplify troubleshooting, it is recommended that you enable the
following parent loggers at the TRACE32 (FINEST) level in Fusion Applications
■ oracle.soa
■ oracle.fabric
■ oracle.integration
The oracle.wsm logger can remain set to the ERROR level where it logs the
required error messages. The oracle.apps logger should be set to ALL. To change
logger levels, perform the following steps:
a. Go to Fusion Applications Control.
b. In the navigation pane, select WebLogic Domain.
c. Right-click a Managed Server from within the domain (each server's log levels
can be independently set).
d. Choose Logs > Log Configuration.
e. In the Logger Name column, expand the oracle runtime loggers to display
loggers such as oracle.soa.
f. Change the logging level to TRACE:32. The change should take effect within a
few minutes.

Note that in a production system, setting the trace at a fine-grained level can
result in a large amount of output that must be diagnosed. You can alternately
use selective tracing that provides a way to get a detailed, on-disk trace

10-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle SOA Suite

selectively (for example, by user name, thereby eliminating trace output for
other users).
g. To activate selective tracing, right-click the domain under WebLogic Domain
and choose Logs > Selective Tracing.
Note that Selecting Tracing does not display as an option when you
right-click an Administration Server or Managed Server and choose Logs.
h. From the Option Name list, choose the type of selective trace (for example,
based on user name), and start the trace.
i. When the problem has been reproduced, disable the trace and view the output
to narrow down the issue.
For more information on selective tracing, see the "Configuring and Using
Selective Tracing" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.
j. Review the error logs (from Fusion Applications Control) for more
information on the error.
Cross layer, server, and family functionality can be correlated through the
execution context ID (ECID) (for example, you can look up the composite
instance for a given expense report by correlating all the log entries with the
ECID associated with that expense report transaction). For more information,
see the "Correlating Messages Across Log Files and Components" section of
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.
7. Check for incorrect configurations and any networking issues, especially around
potentially incorrect settings of the following:
■ External load balancers
■ Oracle HTTP Server
■ Virtual host/IP address
■ Oracle WebLogic Server front-end URL
■ SSL host name verification settings
For more details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for
Oracle SOA Suite.
8. Verify that custom applications have been deployed on the correct servers using
the correct configuration plan during deployment.
For more details, see the "Customizing SOA Composite Applications for the Target
Environment" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA
9. Contact Oracle Support Services.
If the error still cannot be resolved, file a ticket with Oracle Support Services and
provide the logs and information shown in Table 10–2.

Table 10–2 SOA Log Information for Oracle Support Services

Log Description
Application diagnostic log View the following log:

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-5

Getting Started with Troubleshooting and Logging Basics for Oracle SOA Suite

Table 10–2 (Cont.) SOA Log Information for Oracle Support Services
Log Description
Server diagnostic log View the following log:
For example, soa_server1-diagnostic.log, if server_name is
This is where the log output is available. By default, only the last
100 MB of the diagnostic logs are retained.
Server log View the following log:
For example, soa_server1.log, if server_name is soa_server1.
Server console output <stdout> is also helpful, especially for deployment or patching
Server thread dump Enter the following at the operating system command prompt:
kill -3 managed_server_process_ID
You can also use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration
1. In the navigation tree of Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console, select Environment > Servers.
2. In the table, select the server.
3. Select the Monitoring tab.
4. Select the Threads tab.
5. Click Dump Thread Stacks.
The output is in the console logs.
OPatch thread dump kill -3 opatch_client_process_ID
OWSM message log The following log captures all SOAP messages on the wire.
This log is not enabled by default. To enable this log:
1. Go to Fusion Applications Control > Weblogic Domain >
Web Services > Policies.
2. Choose the security level for which to enable logging.
3. Edit the policy to enable the log assertion.

For more information about setting logging levels for SOA components, see the
"Setting Logging Levels for Troubleshooting" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process
Management Suite.
10. Send Oracle Support Services information about the error packaged with
Automatic Diagnostic Repository-based incident processing.
For information about how to investigate, report, and, in some cases, resolve a
problem, see the "Investigating, Reporting, and Solving a Problem" section of
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

10-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

10.3 Runtime Diagnostics

This section contains the following topics that describe common problems and
solutions for Oracle SOA Suite runtime:
■ Section 10.3.1, "Correlating Application Issues to the SOA Composite IDs"
■ Section 10.3.2, "Business Event Subscriptions Are Not Firing"
■ Section 10.3.3, "Long Delays After an Event is Published and Before a Subscriber is
■ Section 10.3.4, "Events Are Consumed by Multiple Revisions of the Same
■ Section 10.3.5, "Rolled Back OAOO Event Delivery Messages Are Displayed in the
Log Files"
■ Section 10.3.6, "Application Transaction Does Not Complete and the Underlying
Composite Is Stuck in a Running State"
■ Section 10.3.7, "BPEL Process Received No Response from an ADF Asynchronous
■ Section 10.3.8, "Business Event Is Picked Up Twice (Or More) By SOA Server"
■ Section 10.3.9, "Long Running, Synchronous Calls To Remote Web Services Error
Out or Asynchronous Transactions Return with an Error after a Long Time"
■ Section 10.3.10, "Some Messages Are Lost Between EDN and Composites or
Composites Across Clusters"
■ Section 10.3.11, "Some Composites Are Being Retried Multiple Times on Failure"
■ Section 10.3.12, "Some Fusion Applications Control Features Are Missing the No
Recover Button or Export Composite Capability"
■ Section 10.3.13, "Automatic Recovery of BPEL Instances is Not Recovering A
Specific Instance"
■ Section 10.3.14, "SOA Runtime Fails with a "Cannot read WSDL" Error"
■ Section 10.3.15, "Uploading a Composite for Oracle Support Services"
■ Section 10.3.16, "Confirming SOA Component Configuration Properties for Oracle
Support Services"

10.3.1 Correlating Application Issues to the SOA Composite IDs

How does an administrator translate an issue faced in the application to a composite
instance in Fusion Applications Control for debugging purposes? For example, a
purchase order transaction is stuck in processing for days and the administrator wants
to see what the composite instance is doing. How does the administrator map the
purchase order ID to the composite instance ID?

Oracle Fusion Applications modules write context-specific and business
user-identifiable keys to the log files. This includes primary keys for any of the logical
entities processed by the composite. After the primary key and other context
information is included in the log messages, the administrator can search for that
context (for example, purchase order ID) in the log file and derive the composite

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-7

Runtime Diagnostics

instance ID and ECID. From there, they can diagnose the issue in Fusion Applications
Control. Usually, the primary key information is written to the logs in case of any
error/incident/message level.
Cross layer, server, and family functionality are all designed to be correlated through
the ECID. For example, you can look up the composite instance for a given expense
report by correlating all the log entries with the ECID associated with that expense
report transaction.
During a specific time interval, you may create several hundred instances., This is a
fairly common use case. If there is no error, or if the application has not implemented a
BPEL process with sensor logging (should not be common), then instead of searching
for the primary key, perform one of the following tasks:
■ Try using the approximate timestamp of the transaction.
■ Inspect the input payload of the audit trail flow (until you find the right one) to
identify the right composite.
Any extensions/customizations are also expected to log the same context-specific
keys. You can set AF_LOG and AF_LOG_MODULE properly (such as setting log channel
levels) to specify finer-grained logging from a particular family/logical business area

10.3.2 Business Event Subscriptions Are Not Firing

When a business event is published, the business event subscription defined in the
composite does not fire and a composite instance is not created.
This can occur, for example, with an ADF application invoking a SOA composite.

To resolve this problem.
1. Enable EDN logging in Fusion Applications Control. The following server loggers
specific to EDN are available for selection:
■ oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event
■ oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq
■ oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.jms
Note that oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.jms only appears if EDN is
running in EDN-JMS mode instead of the default EDN-DB mode.
You can set the server loggers to one of the following levels:
You can alternately use selective tracing to get detailed, on-disk trace selectively
(for example, by user name, thereby eliminating trace output for other users). See
Section 10.2 for details.
Detailed logging goes into SOA server's diagnostic.log file configured in Fusion
Applications Control. To set the log level for the loggers:
a. Go to the navigation pane.

10-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

b. Right-click soa-infra.
c. Choose Logs > Log Configuration.
d. Expand oracle.integration > oracle.integration.platform >
oracle.integration.platform.blocks >
e. Set the loggers described in step 1 to an appropriate logging level.
The following sample shows a portion of a server log file:
[2011-03-22T11:52:37.038-07:00] [soa_server1] [TRACE] [SOA-31010]
[oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq] [tid:
weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@96bab0] [userId:
<anonymous>] [ecid:
[APP: soa-infra] [composite_name: MediatorPubSub] [component_name:
PublishEvent] [component_instance_id: 8E0411C054B511E0AF455DABE1395E7B] [SRC_
METHOD: fineDequeuedEvent] [composite_instance_id: 90087] Dequeued event,
Subject: null [source type "J"]:[[


[2011-03-22T11:52:37.042-07:00] [soa_server1] [TRACE] [SOA-31011]
[oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq] [tid:
weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@96bab0] [userId:
<anonymous>] [ecid:
[APP: soa-infra] [composite_name: MediatorPubSub] [component_name:
PublishEvent] [component_instance_id: 8E0411C054B511E0AF455DABE1395E7B] [SRC_
METHOD: fineFilterResults] [composite_instance_id: 90087] Filter [XPath Filter:
/be:business-event/be:content/ns1:singleString = 'PO123'] for subscriber
58454bff-3b36-4e29-a883-949085d85719/SubsEvent" returned true
. . .
. . .

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-9

Runtime Diagnostics

For more information about setting logging levels for Oracle SOA Suite, see the
"Setting Logging Levels for Troubleshooting" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process
Management Suite.
2. Check whether the event publication is being delivered to the SOA cluster.
One way to do this is to use the log messages in Fusion Applications Control. The
log messages include information about the incoming events and the event subject
and payload. Before you can view the event information in the log messages, you
must first set the oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event logger to TRACE:32
(FINEST), as described in step 1, and then raise the event again. To search for the
event-related messages:
a. Right-click soa-infra, and choose Logs > View Log Messages.
b. Specify the date range.
c. In the Message Types section, select the Notification and Trace checkboxes.
d. To search for all events delivered to the SOA cluster, specify Message contains
Dequeued event as the search criteria, and click Search.
The subject associated with the event is displayed in the Message field and the
business event namespace and local name, payload, ECID, and message
details are displayed in the Supplemental Detail field.
e. To search for a particular event by event name, click Add Fields.
f. Select Supplemental Detail, and click Add.
g. Specify that Supplemental Detail contains either the event namespace or
event local name as the search criteria.
h. Click Search.
i. Use additional information such as the time interval or data in the payload to
identify the specific event message of interest.
The log message is generally a good way to identify whether the issue is with
the publisher or subscriber. For example, if the subject is missing or the
fmw-context is missing, it typically means there is an issue with the publisher.
If the information reported in the log message is correct, then it typically
means there is a problem with the subscriber.
If you see the Dequeued event log message for your business event, then go to
step 9.
If you do not see the Dequeued event log message, there may be issues with
the following:

For This Issue... See...

EDN is in paused mode and temporarily stopped delivering events to its Step 3
Events are stuck in the advanced queue. Step 4
More than one SOA cluster is pointing to the same advanced queue. Step 5
There are internal SOA issues in the database layer. Step 6
The data source is configured to point to the wrong SOAINFRA schema. Step 7
There are issues with the Java, SOA, or PL/SQL code raising the event. Step 8

10-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

3. When patches are applied to the SOA cluster, EDN is automatically placed in
paused mode to prevent delivery of events during patching. After patching is
complete, EDN exits paused mode and resumes event processing. When a patch
fails, EDN may remain in paused mode to prevent event subscriptions from firing
after the failure. Follow these steps to identify if EDN is in paused mode, and
restart it:
a. From the navigation pane, expand SOA and right-click soa-infra.
b. Choose Administration > System MBean Browser.
c. Go to Application Defined MBeans > oracle.as.soainfra.config > Server:
SOA_cluster_name > EDNConfig > edn.
d. In the Attributes column, locate the Paused property.
e. If Paused is set to true, the listener threads are decreased to zero, which
temporarily stops event delivery.
f. To restart event delivery, select false.
g. Click Apply.
4. At times, the message may be stuck in the advanced queue in different stages of
delivery. Check the count of (potentially stuck) events currently in the following
queue tables:
■ EDN_EVENT_QUEUE_TABLE: Every event published is temporarily enqueued into
this table (for edn_event_queue).
■ EDN_OAOO_DELIVERY_TABLE: Only events with a one-and-only-one (OAOO)
delivery target(s) are temporarily enqueued into this table (for edn_oaoo_
You can also check the count in the edn-db-log. The total number of messages in
top of the page.
a. Navigate to the following URL to see the total number of messages at the top
of the page:

You do not need to enable the edn-db-log to view these messages.

5. There may be more than one SOA cluster pointing to the same SOAINFRA schema.
This is highly unlikely in a provisioned environment, but for environments that
are created by developers, it may be an issue. In this case, the expected SOA
runtime environment may not be receiving the events properly. It is expected that
only one SOA runtime environment listens for business events on a SOAINFRA
schema. Use the following query to identify the list of SOA runtime environments
subscribing to business events from a SOAINFRA schema. Have only the required
SOA runtime environment up, which points to the SOAINFRA schema, and shut
down the others.
a. Navigate to the edn-db-log to see log messages that display each SOA cluster
that is connecting to the EDN advanced queue:

You do not need to enable the edn-db-log to view these messages. The
messages continue to be displayed in the edn-db-log until the next time you
click the Clear link. Here is a sample message that you see in the edn-db-log:

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-11

Runtime Diagnostics

Starting EDN bus. Timestamp=Wed Feb 23 10:11:26 PST 2011.

Parameters: platform="weblogic", cluster="", server="soa_server1",
domain="fusion_domain", admin server="AdminServer", host="adc2180440".

b. Alternatively, you can run the following select statement against the
SOAINFRA schema. For example, use FIN_FUSION_SOAINFRA for the SOA cluster
in the Financials domain.
select * from V$SESSION where username like 'family_FUSION_SOAINFRA';

6. Verify that the event is properly being enqueued and dequeued by the underlying
EDN PL/SQL procedures. You can do this using the edn-db-log that displays all
events, including their namespace, names, payload, and subject, which are
enqueued and dequeued by the PL/SQL EDN procedures.
a. Navigate to the following URL:

b. Click the Enable link.

c. Raise the business event again.
d. Click the Refresh link.

■ You must have the administrator privilege to enable/disable the
■ You must always disable the edn-db-log after debugging to
disable logging. This prevents excessive database growth in the
EDN database log table. If the edn-db-log remains enabled, then
debugging messages related to events that are
published/enqueued into the database and subscribed
to/dequeued from the database continue to be persisted into
certain EDN database log tables. This causes the table to grow

7. The EDNSource and EDNLocalTxSource data sources may be pointing to a different

database than the EDNDataSource and EDNLocalTxDataSource data source
connections of the SOA server. Ensure that these four data source connections on
ADF and the SOA server are pointing to the same database schema.
Check or set the data sources in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration
a. In the Domain Structure, select Services > Data Sources.
b. In the Name column of the table, select data_source_name.
The connection pool and driver name are only available for generic data
sources, and not for multidata sources.
c. Select the Connection Pool tab.
d. In the Driver Class Name field, set the data source.
For more information, see the "Configuring the SOA Infrastructure" chapter in the
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

10-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

8. Check the log files in Fusion Applications Control for the code that raises the event
to see if there were failures in raising the event or failures in the code that
prevented the event from being raised.
For ADF, check the log files. Look for the ECID corresponding to the business key
(for example, purchase order).
To enable event-related log messages in the server running the ADF application
that raises the event, set the log level for the
oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event logger to TRACE (32) on that server.
9. By the time you reach this step, you have confirmed that the business event is
properly delivered to the SOA cluster. To identify whether any composite
instances were created, perform the following steps:
a. Because the ECID is different for a subscription with a guaranteed consistency
level and a subscription with an OAOO level defined for the same event, you
must first identify the consistency level for the event subscription. To do this,
right click soa-infra, choose Business Events, and click the Subscriptions tab.
Find the composite that subscribes to the business event in the Components
Subscriptions table and get the value from the Consistency Level column.
b. If the value is set to Guaranteed, then get the ECID from the Dequeued event
log message.
c. If the value is set to One And Only One, then search for the log message with
Message contains Dequeued OAOO event as criteria and use the ECID from
that message.
d. Locate the composite instance by right-clicking soa-infra, selecting the
Instances tab, entering the ECID in the search criteria, and clicking Search.
If you see composite instances, then continue to step 12.
If you do not see any composite instances, this may be due to the following issues:
■ There are issues with the subscription logic in the composite, possibly a
mismatch in the event namespace or event name or error in the filter logic. See
step 10.
■ There may be a SOA issue. See Step 11.
10. If a filter is being used, there may be an issue with the filter logic. Use Fusion
Applications Control to review the event subscriptions and filters defined for the
composite and the payload content.
a. Log in to Fusion Applications Control in the domain where the composite
with the subscription is deployed.
b. Navigate to domain_name > SOA.
c. Right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name), and choose Business Events.
d. Click the Subscriptions tab.
e. Review the information in the Event Name, Namespace, and XPath Filter
columns of the Component Subscriptions table.
Alternatively, you can also check the SOA server diagnostic.log file for
filter-related logging. You must set the log level to at least TRACE:1 (FINE) for the
oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq logger. The following is an example
log message that has the following statement pattern: Filter [XPath Filter: ….]
for subscriber "…" returned true/false.
[2011-03-22T11:52:36.976-07:00] [soa_server1] [TRACE] [SOA-31011]

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-13

Runtime Diagnostics

[oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq] [tid:
[ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid:
5fc0ca821d51e919:3d214296:12ebaa2c996:-8000-00000000000c2b83,0:1] [SRC_
[WEBSERVICE_PORT.name: execute_pt] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_name:
MediatorPubSub] [component_name: PublishEvent] [component_instance_id:
8E0411C054B511E0AF455DABE1395E7B] [J2EE_MODULE.name: fabric] [SRC_METHOD:
fineFilterResults] [WEBSERVICE.name: PublishEvent_ep] [J2EE_APP.name:
soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 90087] Filter [XPath Filter:
/be:business-event/be:content/ns1:singleString = 'PO123'] for subscriber
58454bff-3b36-4e29-a883-949085d85719/SubsEvent" returned true

11. Check the SOA diagnostic log for stack traces related to the issue. For example, the
SOA instance may have been rolled back due to an error.
12. By the time you reach this step, you have confirmed that the business event has
been delivered to the SOA cluster and a composite instance has been created.
However, you may be encountering issues with the composite components:
■ If you see a composite instance, but not a BPEL instance, check if the BPEL
process can be executed independently by a client, as opposed to the event
■ If you see a composite instance, but not a BPEL instance, this symptom may
indicate a stuck thread on a service call. In this scenario, the BPEL process
service engine is hung on a service call and has not created the audit trail. To
verify the behavior, take three thread dumps approximately 30 seconds apart
on all servers in the cluster. See Table 10–2 for more information on taking
thread dumps. If the same thread shows it is stuck after the three thread
dumps (that is, after 1.5 minutes), the thread is stuck. In this case, wait for the
call to time out, which then enables you to recover the instance.
■ If the audit trail shows the following message:
Invoked 1-way operation "initiate" on target service service_name

There may be an issue with an incorrect driver type for the data sources. Note
that the driver XA configuration should already be created by the
SOA/provisioning template. If the driver type is changed or is not set
properly, routing from Oracle Mediator does not occur. Instead, it tries to route
and fails several times. This can be confirmed by instances in Fusion
Applications Control. As per Oracle Fusion Applications standards, the
SOADataSource and EDNDataSource data sources should use the XA driver
type; that is:
– EDNDataSource: oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource
– SOADataSource: oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource

10.3.3 Long Delays After an Event is Published and Before a Subscriber is Triggered

After a business event is published, there is a long delay (minutes, hours, or even
days) before the event subscriber is triggered and its composite instance is created.
This can occur, for example, with an ADF application invoking a SOA composite.

10-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

To resolve this problem, perform the following steps.
1. Enable EDN logging in Fusion Applications Control. The following server loggers
specific to EDN are available for selection:
■ oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event
■ oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq
■ oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.jms
Note that oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.jms only appears if EDN is
running in EDN-JMS mode, instead of the default EDN-DB mode.
2. Set the server loggers to one of the following levels:
You can alternately use selective tracing to selectively get a detailed, on-disk trace
(for example, by user name, thereby eliminating trace output for other users). See
Section 10.2 for details.
Detailed logging goes into the server's diagnostic.log file configured in Fusion
Applications Control.
3. Set the log level for the loggers.
a. Go to the navigation pane.
b. Right-click soa-infra.
c. Select Logs > Log Configuration.
d. Expand oracle.integration > oracle.integration.platform >
oracle.integration.platform.blocks >
e. Set the loggers described in step 1 to an appropriate logging level.
The following sample shows a portion of a server log file:
[2011-03-22T11:52:37.038-07:00] [soa_server1] [TRACE] [SOA-31010]
[oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq] [tid:
weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@96bab0] [userId:
<anonymous>] [ecid:
[APP: soa-infra] [composite_name: MediatorPubSub] [component_name:
PublishEvent] [component_instance_id: 8E0411C054B511E0AF455DABE1395E7B]
METHOD: fineDequeuedEvent] [composite_instance_id: 90087] Dequeued event,
Subject: null [source type "J"]:[[

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-15

Runtime Diagnostics

[2011-03-22T11:52:37.042-07:00] [soa_server1] [TRACE] [SOA-31011]
[oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq] [tid:
weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@96bab0] [userId:
<anonymous>] [ecid:
[APP: soa-infra] [composite_name: MediatorPubSub] [component_name:
PublishEvent] [component_instance_id: 8E0411C054B511E0AF455DABE1395E7B]
METHOD: fineFilterResults] [composite_instance_id: 90087] Filter [XPath
/be:business-event/be:content/ns1:singleString = 'PO123'] for subscriber
58454bff-3b36-4e29-a883-949085d85719/SubsEvent" returned true
. . .
. . .

For more information about setting logging levels for Oracle SOA Suite, see
the "Setting Logging Levels for Troubleshooting" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business
Process Management Suite.
4. Find out when the event is published, dequeued, and sent to the subscriber by
Use the Java logging in step 1 to identify the timestamps of event publishing,
dequeuing, and sending to the subscriber. From these timestamps, you can
identify if the delay is on the publishing side or the EDN delivery side.
To search for the event-related messages in the log messages.
a. Right-click soa-infra.
b. Select Logs > View Log Messages.
c. Specify the date range.
d. To search for all events delivered to the SOA cluster, specify Message contains
Dequeued event as the search criteria, and click Search.
The subject associated with the event is displayed in the Message field and the
business event namespace and local name, payload, ECID, and message
details are displayed in the Supplemental Detail field.
e. To search for a particular event by event name, click Add Fields.
f. Select Supplemental Detail, and click Add.

10-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

g. Specify that Supplemental Detail contains either the event namespace or the
event local name as the search criteria.
h. Click Search.
i. Use additional information such as the time interval or data in the payload to
identify the specific event message of interest.
The following sample shows a portion of a server log file containing
information about event publishing with a timestamp of
[2011-03-22T11:52:36.968-07:00] [soa_server1] [TRACE] [SOA-31000]
[oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq] [tid:
[ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid:
5fc0ca821d51e919:3d214296:12ebaa2c996:-8000-00000000000c2b83,0:1] [SRC_
[WEBSERVICE_PORT.name: execute_pt] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_name:
MediatorPubSub] [component_name: PublishEvent] [component_instance_id:
8E0411C054B511E0AF455DABE1395E7B] [J2EE_MODULE.name: fabric] [SRC_METHOD:
fineEventPublished] [WEBSERVICE.name: PublishEvent_ep] [J2EE_APP.name:
soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 90087] Received event: Subject: null
Sender: default/MediatorPubSub!2.0*soa_
<business-event xmlns:ns="http://schemas.oracle.com/events/edl/MyEventDefn"



The following sample shows a portion of a server log file containing

information about an event dequeued by EDN with a timestamp of
[2011-03-22T11:52:37.038-07:00] [soa_server1] [TRACE] [SOA-31010]
[oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq] [tid:
weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@96bab0] [userId:
<anonymous>] [ecid:
[APP: soa-infra] [composite_name: MediatorPubSub] [component_name:
PublishEvent] [component_instance_id: 8E0411C054B511E0AF455DABE1395E7B]
[SRC_METHOD: fineDequeuedEvent] [composite_instance_id: 90087] Dequeued
event, Subject: null [source type "J"]:[[

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-17

Runtime Diagnostics

<business-event xmlns:ns="http://schemas.oracle.com/events/edl/MyEventDefn"



The following sample shows a portion of a server log file containing

information of an event sent to a subscriber by EDN with a timestamp of
[2011-03-22T11:52:37.150-07:00] [soa_server1] [TRACE] [SOA-31033]
[oracle.integration.platform.blocks.event.saq] [tid:
weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener@b402db] [userId:
<anonymous>] [ecid:
[APP: soa-infra] [SRC_METHOD: fineSentOAOOEvent] Sent OAOO event [QName:
"{http://schemas.oracle.com/events/edl/MyEventDefn}MyEvent" to target:
<business-event xmlns:ns="http://schemas.oracle.com/events/edl/MyEventDefn"


5. If the delay comes from the event publishing side, then check the following:

10-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

a. If you use the remote EDN API to publish events from, for example, an ADF
component to the SOA server, and you use the following event connection
factory lookup code:
BusinessEventConnectionFactory BusinessEventConnectionFactorySupport.
findRelevantBusinessEventConnectionFactory(boolean forceRetry)

You may need to set the forceRetry parameter to true to cache the
BusinessEventConnectionFactory object after it is found, and avoid forced
retries of JNDI lookups that can cause a significant delay.
b. If you publish multiple events with a loop statement in a batch fashion, you
may need to move the above event connection factory lookup outside the loop
to avoid a lookup per event.
6. If the delay comes from event dequeuing after the event is published, then check
the following:

Ensure That... Description

The SOA server is up running, and To examine the configuration of the EDNConfig
EDN has been configured with the MBean in Fusion Applications Control:
correct amount of dequeuer threads
1. Go to the navigation pane.
through an EDNConfig MBean.
2. Right-click soa-infra.
3. Select SOA Infrastructure > Administration >
System MBean Browser.
4. Expand Application Defined MBeans >
oracle.as.soainfra.config > Server: soa_server-x
> EDNConfig > edn.
5. Ensure that the NumberOfThreads attribute (for
EDN dequeuer threads) is set to an appropriate
number (the default is 3).
Set the number of EDN dequeuer threads (the default
is 3) to a value that matches the number of events
published. If there are a large number of events
published, then you may need to increase this
number to avoid a bottleneck of events dequeuing.
Note that the EDN dequeuer threads come from a
thread pool that is provided by the SOA server and
shared with other SOA processes. Therefore, when
you increase the number of EDN dequeuer threads,
you may potentially impact server performance for
other SOA functionality.
The backing store of EDN is For example, if the backing store of EDN is Oracle
functioning properly. AQ, and there are a significant amount of dead events
stuck in the AQ that are not cleared, then event
dequeuing by EDN may slow down significantly.

7. If the delay comes from event consumption by its subscriber after the event is
dequeued, then check the following:
a. Ensure that all the event subscribing components such as Oracle Mediator or a
BPEL process can consume and process the event within the expected time
frame. If not, investigate why there is a delay.
b. If the event delivery is configured with an OAOO delivery guarantee, then
EDN delivers the event to its subscriber in a global transaction context with
built-in retry logics, should the transaction fail to commit. Retries may delay

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-19

Runtime Diagnostics

overall event processing. If the transaction fails to commit, ensure that you
research the root cause of transaction failure.

10.3.4 Events Are Consumed by Multiple Revisions of the Same Composites

Events are consumed by multiple revisions of the same composites.

By design, different composites can subscribe to the same event. However, it is an
error if multiple revisions of the same composite subscribe to the same event. This
occurs when you have multiple active versions of the composite that may be a result of
a patch failure.
Perform the following steps to identify whether there are multiple, active revisions of
the same composite and to retire the composite revision that should not be active:
1. Go to Fusion Applications Control.
2. Click SOA > soa-infra.
In the Deployed Composites section of the Dashboard tab, you see a list of
deployed composite names, revisions, and modes (for example, active).
3. Identify composites with the same name and with an active mode, but with
different revisions.
4. Click the composite revision that should not be active.
5. Click the Retire button.

10.3.5 Rolled Back OAOO Event Delivery Messages Are Displayed in the Log Files

If the Java debug level is set to TRACE:16 (FINER) or a lower value, you may see log
messages such as the following:
Began XA for OAOO
Rolled back XA for OAOO

These are normal messages of OAOO event delivery when there are no events waiting
to be delivered. These are not error conditions. You can turn off these messages by
setting the Java logging level to TRACE:1 (FINE) or a higher value.

10.3.6 Application Transaction Does Not Complete and the Underlying Composite Is
Stuck in a Running State

An application transaction is not completing. For example, a purchase order status
may remain processing. Checking the composite instance shows that the composite is
stuck in the running state. In this case, the component is probably not running.
Instead, it has likely faulted and may need recovery.
Faults may occur for various reasons:

10-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

■ A BPEL activity faulted with an error (for example, a business error, security
authorization error, or some other error).
■ A BPEL activity invoked an external web service that was unavailable.
■ A BPEL activity has already been terminated by the administrator using Fusion
Applications Control.
■ A BPEL activity invoked an asynchronous ADF service and the message is stuck in
the AQ/JMS queue.
■ A BPEL activity invoked an asynchronous ADF service, but because SOA was
unavailable, the callback message did not arrive.
■ A BPEL activity invoked a synchronous ADF service, which is taking a long time
(or is hanging).
■ A network error occurred.

1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.

2. In the navigator pane, go to domain_name > SOA.

3. Click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
4. Click the Instances tab.
5. Search for the composite instance, and click the instance ID.
The Flow Trace page appears.
If the instance is not visible (and the Audit Level is not set to Off in the SOA
Infrastructure Common Properties page), this implies that the message is stuck
outside of SOA. Check the ADF log (if invoked through an ADF service) to find
out if it is stuck in the AQ/JMS queue.
If the message has reached Oracle Mediator, but not instantiated the BPEL flow,
the BPEL instance may have been rolled back from the start due to an error.
If the BPEL flow exists, the Faults section of the Flow Trace page typically shows
the faulted service that can trace the root cause.
6. In the Trace section, click the BPEL process.
7. Expand the BPEL audit trail to see the exact point at which the service faulted.
This information is also available in the Faults tab of the BPEL flow trace. It also
indicates whether the fault can be recovered.
8. Click the View Raw XML link.
The same information is also available through this link, where you can see the
error. For example:
<message>Faulted while invoking operation "modifyUserRoles" on provider
"UserService". </message><details>
<tns:message>JBO-27023: Failed to validate all rows in a
<message>The transaction was rolled back. The work performed for bpel instance
"451042" was rolled back to the previous dehydration point, but the audit
trail has been saved.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-21

Runtime Diagnostics

You can recover the instance from the recovery console by resubmitting the
callback message or activity for execution.</message

Since the instance was rolled back to its previous dehydration point, the status
remains as Running.
9. In the Audit Trail and Faults tabs, make a note of the following:
■ Composite name (for example, HcmUsersSpmlComposite)
■ Component (for example, UpdateGuid BPEL process)
■ BPEL instance ID (for example, bpel:451042)
This is all used in the recovery of the instance, if it is recoverable. Note that the
audit trail window may mark the error as a nonrecoverable business fault, but the
recoverability of the message can be found in the Recovery tab of the BPEL
process service engine.
10. To attempt to recover the instance, right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name), and
choose Service Engines > BPEL.
11. Click the Recovery tab.

12. From the Type list, select Activity.

13. Specify the composite and component names captured in step 9, and click Search.

14. Find the specific BPEL instance ID. You can recover faults marked as Recoverable.

15. Check the other recovery options in the Type list (for example, Invoke and
Callback), if they exist.

Note: You can also search for recoverable messages from the Faults
and Rejected Messages tab of the SOA Infrastructure by clicking the
message and selecting the appropriate action from the Recovery
Actions list.

16. If the instance is not marked as recoverable, then reinvoking the service is not
allowed (most probably because it is not idempotent). In some cases, you may
need to provide diagnostic information to Oracle Support Services to resolve
issues with nonrecoverable, nonidempotent transactions.
17. If the BPEL activity has invoked an asynchronous ADF service and the message is
stuck in the AQ JMS queue, you can view the server.log and
server-diagnostic.log files to see the logging of the message metadata logged
by the JRF web services infrastructure.
In addition, the ADF diagnostic logs are also available to debug, if needed.
a. Use the ECID field to correlate and track ADF service logging corresponding
with the SOA composite that invoked it.
b. When viewing the log in Fusion Applications Control, click the Broaden
Target Scope dropdown list and select the farm_name/domain_name (Oracle
WebLogic Domain) to view messages across the domain.
c. In the Log Messages page for the Oracle WebLogic Server domain, in the
Selected Targets section, ensure that the search includes the ECID field with
the value noted in step a and the Component Name field is set to adf-bc.

10-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

d. Search and view log records for the Oracle Application Development
Framework (Oracle ADF) Business Component (BC) and the ECID and note
any issues.
For a specific ECID, you find several root instances (top level clients). You
must drill down to the appropriate instance to find a specific fault.
e. Observe if the Oracle ADF Business Components completed successfully or
completed with an error. See the "Viewing and Searching Log Files" section in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.
For more details on diagnosing Oracle ADF-BC asynchronous web service
calls, see Section 10.3.7.
See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite for the various ways to recover transactions and
■ "Managing SOA Composite Application Instances" chapter to recover from the
SOA composite application page in Fusion Applications Control.
■ "Managing BPEL Process Service Components and Engines" chapter to recover
from the BPEL process service component and BPEL process service engine
message recovery pages.

10.3.7 BPEL Process Received No Response from an ADF Asynchronous Service

A BPEL activity has invoked an asynchronous ADF service and not received a
response. The message may be stuck in the request or response queues.

1. Check if the reply address is valid, the server is running, and the name of the
server and port match with the server on which the BPEL process is running.
2. Verify that the policy on the callback receive activity matches with the policy
advertised in the WSDL for the response port type/binding.
3. Look at the server-name_diagnostic.log file and check for all status messages of
the request.
a. Go to Fusion Applications Control.
b. Right-click soa-infra.
c. Choose Logs > View Log Messages.
d. Click Target Log Files.
e. Select the server diagnostic file to view, and click View Log File.
For more information about the different types of loggers to set, see the
"Setting Logging Levels for Troubleshooting" section of Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business
Process Management Suite.
Note that every log contains the message ID and other details, such as ECID,
that can help isolate it from other messages. After you find the message ID
(that is, MessageID: urn:uuid:ac1a4a81-39df-45b1-a741-e16e752d5d33),
search for the same ID in the log file. You should see messages such as the
following for each successful asynchronous operation.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-23

Runtime Diagnostics

If the following log is not available, this means the asynchronous operation
was never called on this server:
[2010-12-17T12:27:13.537-08:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] []
[tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>]
[ecid: 0000Inq0wfa76EWLHyo2yf1D2wUW000000,0:1]
[WEBSERVICE_PORT.name: AsyncEjbPort] [APP: AsyncEjb] [J2EE_MODULE.name:
AsyncEjb-ejb] [WEBSERVICE.name: AsyncEjbService] [J2EE_APP.name: AsyncEjb]
*[MessageID: urn:uuid:ac1a4a81-39df-45b1-a741-e16e752d5d33] Sending message
to JMS queue*
"oracle.j2ee.ws.server.async.NonDefaultRequestQueue" for async processing
of service "1d7551aa-73d9-4624-ad52-c15e35b5b25dRequest"

If the following log is not available, this means the asynchronous operation
was never called on this server:
[2010-12-17T12:27:13.783-08:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] []
[tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>]
[ecid: 0000Inq0wfa76EWLHyo2yf1D2wUW000000,0:1]
[WEBSERVICE_PORT.name: AsyncEjbPort] [APP: AsyncEjb] [J2EE_MODULE.name:
AsyncEjb-ejb] [WEBSERVICE.name: AsyncEjbService] [J2EE_APP.name: AsyncEjb]
*[MessageID: urn:uuid:ac1a4a81-39df-45b1-a741-e16e752d5d33] An asynchronous
request message is received*
and successfully recorded for service "AsyncEjbService" with a replyTo
address as

[2010-12-17T12:27:13.986-08:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] []

[tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)'] [userId: weblogic]
[ecid: 0000Inq0wfa76EWLHyo2yf1D2wUW000000,0] [APP: AsyncEjb]
*[MessageID: urn:uuid:ac1a4a81-39df-45b1-a741-e16e752d5d33]
Startedasynchronous request processing for the service*
"AsyncEjbService" with the message selector
"1d7551aa-73d9-4624-ad52-c15e35b5b25dRequest". Transaction enabled: "true"

[2010-12-17T12:27:14.296-08:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] []

[tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)'] [userId: weblogic]
[ecid: 0000Inq0wfa76EWLHyo2yf1D2wUW000000,0] [APP: AsyncEjb]
*[MessageID: urn:uuid:ac1a4a81-39df-45b1-a741-e16e752d5d33] Completed
asynchronous request processing. A response will be sent to the client.*

[2010-12-17T12:27:14.312-08:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] []

[tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)'] [userId: weblogic]
[ecid: 0000Inq0wfa76EWLHyo2yf1D2wUW000000,0] [APP: AsyncEjb]
*[MessageID: urn:uuid:ac1a4a81-39df-45b1-a741-e16e752d5d33]
Startedasynchronous response processing for the service*
"AsyncEjbService" with the message selector

[2010-12-17T12:27:15.018-08:00] [AdminServer] [NOTIFICATION] []


10-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

[tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default

(self-tuning)'] [userId: weblogic]
[ecid: 77e271e3-afd5-48e8-a83d-9b326860f3f2-0000000000000018,0] [APP:
AsyncEjb] *[MessageID: urn:uuid:ac1a4a81-39df-45b1-a741-e16e752d5d33]
Completed asynchronous response processing successfully. Client must have
received the response by now.*

To monitor the traffic to the asynchronous ADF web services, monitor the Oracle
AQ queues that are used for each family. The queue names for each family are
shown in the following table:

Family AQ Name
Oracle Fusion Customer CRM_AsyncWS_Request and CRM_AsyncWS_Response
Relationship Management Product
Oracle Fusion Human Capital HCM_AsyncWS_Request and HCM_AsyncWS_Response
Management Product
Oracle Fusion Financials Product FIN_AsyncWS_Request and Fin_AsyncWS_Response
Oracle Fusion Procurement PRC_AsyncWS_Request and PRC_AsyncWS_Response
Oracle Fusion Project Product PRJ_AsyncWS_Request and PRJ_AsyncWS_Response
Oracle Fusion Supply Chain SCM_AsyncWS_Request and SCM_AsyncWS_Response
Management Product
Oracle Fusion Setup Product COMMON_AsyncWS_Request and COMMON_AsyncWS_Response
IC IC_AsyncWS_Request and IC_AsyncWS_Response

10.3.8 Business Event Is Picked Up Twice (Or More) By SOA Server

Business events are raised from Fusion J2EE applications and are picked up more than
once. Expected behavior is that they should be picked up only once.

If a patch fails, it may be possible for two versions of a given composite to be active
(that is, the older version has not been retired). When multiple versions of a composite
are active, they all become subscribers and the event is picked up more than once. This
should not happen under normal scenarios. Reapply the patch and ensure that the
deployed composite only has one active version.

10.3.9 Long Running, Synchronous Calls To Remote Web Services Error Out or
Asynchronous Transactions Return with an Error after a Long Time

Long running synchronous calls to remote web services end with JTA transaction
rolled-back errors. When executing a transaction making an asynchronous call (for
example, to the SOA server), the application returns with an error. Server logs show
JTA transaction timeouts, which can cause this behavior.

Check the JTA transaction timeout in Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-25

Runtime Diagnostics

1. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

2. In the Domain Structure, select Services > JTA to check the timeout value.
If the transaction is always timing out beyond 30 seconds and is a custom
composite synchronous client invocation, then you may need to revisit the design
approach. It may be best for the external web service to be invoked as an
asynchronous transaction.
Increasing the JTA for supporting long running synchronous transactions is
simply an interim mechanism.
For information on changing the JTA transaction timeout setting, see the
"Resolving Connection Timeouts" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management
3. If synchronous client invocations to Oracle Fusion Applications code take a long
time, check for any performance issues with the system and try to resolve them.
4. Check for appropriate values for the syncMaxWaitTime property and BPEL's EJB
transaction timeout settings in relation to the JTA timeout settings and only then
increase the value of the JTA timeout, if needed.
For information on viewing and changing the syncMaxWaitTime property, see the
"Configuring BPEL Process Service Engine Properties" section of Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process
Management Suite.
5. To view and change the BPEL EJB transaction timeout settings, perform the
following steps:
a. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.
b. In the Domain Structure, click Deployments.
c. Expand soa-infra > EJBs.
d. Update the following EJBs:
- BPELActivityManagerBean
- BPELDeliveryBean
- BPELDispatcherBean
- BPELEngineBean
- BPELFinderBean
- BPELInstanceManagerBean
- BPELProcessManagerBean
- BPELSensorValuesBean
- BPELServerManagerBean
e. Click Save.
f. Restart Oracle WebLogic Server.
6. For asynchronous transactions, check the values for both the BPEL EJB transaction
timeout and the JTA transaction timeout and adjust as needed.

10-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

10.3.10 Some Messages Are Lost Between EDN and Composites or Composites
Across Clusters

Messages primarily get lost for the following reasons:
1. The EDN message was not delivered.
2. The target asynchronous service did not respond.
3. The message was roll backed (though it was not lost; you still see it in Fusion
Applications Control).

This issue typically requires you to identify where the messages are supposed to be
and to diagnose the path.
■ If the calling component is an ADF web service invoking a SOA composite, then
check for any client errors in the ADF logs.
■ Because ADF invokes SOA composites using EDN, check the JMS/AQ and XA
data source configurations to ensure that events are being fired. For more
information about EDN issues, see Section 10.3.2.
■ Check if the Oracle WSM Policy Manager security configurations allow the client
to invoke the SOA composite.
■ Verify that the transaction is not transient (nonpersistent).
Oracle BPEL Process Manager uses the dehydration store database to maintain
long-running, asynchronous processes and their current state information in a
database while they wait for asynchronous callbacks. Storing the process in a
database preserves the process and prevents any loss of state or reliability if a
system shuts down or a network problem occurs. There are two types of processes
in Oracle BPEL Process Manager. These processes impact the dehydration store
database in different ways.
– Transient processes: This process type does not incur any intermediate
dehydration points during process execution. If there are unhandled faults or
there is system downtime during process execution, the instances of a
transient process do not leave a trace in the system. Instances of transient
processes cannot be saved in-flight (whether they complete normally or
abnormally). Transient processes are typically short-lived, request-response
style processes. The synchronous process you design in JDeveloper is an
example of a transient process.
– Durable processes: This process type incurs one or more dehydration points in
the database during execution because of the following activities:
* Receive activity
* OnMessage branch of a pick activity
* OnAlarm branch of a pick activity
* Wait activity
Instances of durable processes can be saved in-flight (whether they complete
normally or abnormally). These processes are typically long-living and
initiated through a one-way invocation. Because of out-of-memory and system
downtime issues, durable processes cannot be memory-optimized.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-27

Runtime Diagnostics

■ If a composite instance is not visible in Fusion Applications Control and the SOA
Infrastructure is running, check that the Audit Level is not set to Off in the SOA
Infrastructure Common Properties page. This can be checked in Fusion
Applications Control:
1. Right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
2. Choose SOA Administration > Common Properties.
■ Check the ADF logs to see if there was a bad/malformed message or incorrect
SOAP headers (if invoking from an external web service). The transaction may
have rolled back before being dehydrated due to an internal error. Again, the SOA
logs can identify the cause of this issue.
■ If the composite instance is available, check the
bpel.config.oneWayDeliveryPolicy BPEL property value. You can check the value
in Fusion Applications Control:
1. In the navigation pane, expand soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
2. Expand the partition, and select the composite.
The Dashboard page for the composite is displayed.
3. In the upper right corner, click the Show XML Definition icon.
The contents of composite.xml for that composite are displayed.
If this is set to async.cache, you may lose messages. Set it to async.persist for
reliable messages. This is typically specified in the BPEL process service
component section of the composite.xml file, so this can be set for custom
composites. If the value is not set in composite.xml, the value for
oneWayDeliveryPolicy in the System MBean Browser in Fusion Applications
Control is used. The following values are possible:
– async.persist: Messages are persisted in the database hash map.
– async.cache: Messages are stored in memory.
– sync: Direct invocation occurs on the same thread.
For more information about these settings, see the "Deployment Descriptor
Properties" appendix and the "Transaction and Fault Propagation Semantics in
BPEL Processes" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for
Oracle SOA Suite.
For information about setting the oneWayDeliveryPolicy property in the System
MBean Browser, see the "Configuring BPEL Process Service Engine Properties"
section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.
It is also possible that the transaction has invoked a target asynchronous service
that has not responded back. In this case, the composite instance flow shows the
call to the target asynchronous service.
■ Check if the instance has rolled back and the message is in recovery.
1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control.
2. Right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name), and choose Service Engines >
3. Click the Recovery tab.

10-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

This may occur if any external references receiving the message are not reachable
(for example, an external web service, enterprise applications such as Siebel, and
so on).

10.3.11 Some Composites Are Being Retried Multiple Times on Failure

When a BPEL process flow errors out, it is retried with all its invocations. This is
undesirable in some cases.

The property GlobalTxMaxRetry (default value is 3) specifies how many retries are
performed if an error is identified as a retriable one. For example, after several web
service invocations, if dehydration fails due to a data source error, then this is
identified as a retriable error and all activities from the prior dehydration state are
retried. If the activities being retried are not idempotent (that is, their state can change
with each retry and is not guaranteed to give the same behavior), then multiple retries
can be problematic.
To rectify this, customize the composite by specifically marking the nonidempotent
activities with idempotentset set to false in the partner link settings section of the
composite.xml file to prevent retries.
<property name="bpel.partnerLink.partner_link_name.idempotent">false</property>

You cannot set the idempotentset property in Fusion Applications Control.

For more information about Oracle SOA Suite customizations in JDeveloper, see the
"Customizing and Extending SOA Components" chapter in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Extensibility Guide.
You can also set GlobalTxMaxRetry to 0 in the Systems MBean Browser.
1. Right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
2. Choose SOA Administration > Common Properties.
3. Click More SOA Infra Advanced Configuration Properties.
4. Click GlobalTxMaxRetry.
5. In the Value field, enter an appropriate value.
6. Click Apply.
For information about the idempotent property, see the "BPEL Properties Set Inside a
Composite" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning Guide.

10.3.12 Some Fusion Applications Control Features Are Missing the No Recover
Button or Export Composite Capability

Fusion Applications Control is missing features needed for diagnostics and recovery.
For example, the Recovery tab for the BPEL process service engine shows a BPEL
instance as recoverable along with instructions to click the Recover button. However,
there is no Recover button available. In addition, the ability to export a composite is
not available.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-29

Runtime Diagnostics

Check that you are logged in as a user with administrator privileges and are not
logged in as a read-only user. Read-only users do not see administrative features such
as the Recover button or the ability to export composites.
See the "Oracle Enterprise Manager Roles" appendix of Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.3.13 Automatic Recovery of BPEL Instances is Not Recovering A Specific Instance

BPEL processes have an automatic recovery feature that attempts to automatically
recover activities that are recoverable such as unresolved invoke/callback messages,
activities not completed over a provided threshold time, and so on. However, the
automatic recovery feature only tries to recover a few instances and only retries a fixed
number of times. If some instances are not being automatically recovered, they are
likely not being picked up because of the configuration of the automatic recovery

■ Set the maximum number of messages to automatically recover.
By default, the automatic recovery feature of Oracle BPEL Process Manager
processes fifty messages to submit for each recovery attempt. This is controlled by
the maxMessageRaiseSize property.
1. In the navigation pane, right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
2. Choose SOA Administration > BPEL Properties > More BPEL Configuration
Properties > RecoveryConfig.
3. Expand both RecurringScheduleConfig > maxMessageRaiseSize and
StartupScheduleConfig > maxMessageRaiseSize.
The default value is 50 for each. A negative value causes all messages selected
from the database to be submitted for recovery. A value of 0 causes no
messages to be selected from the database (effectively disabling recovery). To
recover more than fifty messages, set the property value to that value. Use this
property to limit the impact of recovery on the server.
■ Set the maximum number of automatic recovery attempts on a given message.
You can also configure the number of automatic recovery attempts to submit in the
same recoverable instance. The value you provide specifies the maximum number
of times that invoke and callback messages are recovered. If the value is 0 (the
default value), it recovers all messages. After the number of recovery attempts on
a message exceeds the specified value, a message is marked as nonrecoverable.
Follow these steps to configure automatic recovery attempts for invoke and
callback messages in Fusion Applications Control.
1. In the navigation pane, right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
2. Choose SOA Administration > BPEL Properties > More BPEL Configuration
3. Select MaxRecoverAttempt, and enter a value in the Value field.
4. Click Apply.

10-30 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Runtime Diagnostics

It may not be desirable in all cases to use automatic recovery. If services are
not idempotent, then corruption can occur. Moreover, the automatic recovery
restores the composite to the last save point that can be immediately after an
asynchronous invoke, wait, and so on. Therefore, it is important to understand
the process behavior and what it does next before performing mass recoveries.
Attempt mass automatic recovery only after the root cause of the composite
failures has been fixed (for example, a service that was unavailable is now
available, a database running out of space was fixed, and so on). Automatic
recovery can also trigger an unexpected load during failure scenarios. This
causes more threads to block on a remote server that can induce hangs in the
SOA server in a cascading fashion.
For more information, see Section 10.3.11 and the "Configuring Automatic
Recovery for Oracle BPEL Process Manager" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business
Process Management Suite.

10.3.14 SOA Runtime Fails with a "Cannot read WSDL" Error

The following error is displayed if either the endpoint is not available for a reference
or a composite is deployed with an incorrect deployment plan file.
oracle.fabric.common.FabricException: Cannot read WSDL

1. Ensure that the endpoint for the reference is up and running.
The WSDL or endpoint is stated in the error. The service can then be looked up
from Fusion Applications Control to check if it is active. After the service is active
and the endpoint is reachable, search for the SOA instance and retry through the
Recovery tab for the BPEL process service engine in Fusion Applications Control.
2. For extensions/customizations, ensure that the correct URL is updated in the
deployment configuration plan.
For information about deployment plans, including examples of using sca_
extractPlan to extract plans, see the "Customizing Your Application for the Target
Environment Prior to Deployment" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's
Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and the "Customizing SOA Composites with
JDeveloper" section of Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide.

10.3.15 Uploading a Composite for Oracle Support Services

Oracle Support Services has requested you to upload your composite to review the
flow and associated configuration files.

1. Log in to Fusion Applications Control as a user with administrator privileges, and
not as a read-only user.
2. In the navigation pane, expand soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
3. Expand the partition in which the composite is located (for example, default).
4. Right-click the composite and choose Export.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-31

Security and Oracle WSM Policy Manager Configuration

5. Accept the default selections, and save the resulting JAR file.
6. Provide the JAR file to Oracle Support Services so that it can be imported for
review in JDeveloper by selecting File > Import.

10.3.16 Confirming SOA Component Configuration Properties for Oracle Support


Oracle Support Services has requested you to confirm configuration properties of
various SOA components.

1. In the navigation pane, right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).

2. Choose Administration > MDS Configuration > Export.

3. Upload the resulting file to Oracle Support Services for review.

10.4 Security and Oracle WSM Policy Manager Configuration

For information about troubleshooting Oracle WSM Policy Manager, see the
"Diagnosing Problems" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and
Administrator's Guide for Web Services.

10.5 Human Workflow

This section contains the following topics that describe common problems and
solutions for human workflow:
■ Section 10.5.1, "Recovering Human Task Instances Stuck in the Alerted State"
■ Section 10.5.2, "Worklist: Notifications and Approvals Region Contains No Data"
■ Section 10.5.3, "Task Detail Page is Not Available"
■ Section 10.5.4, "Task Chooses an Incorrect User If a Number of Rules Are Defined
or Errors with "Ruleset returned lists with different list builder""
■ Section 10.5.5, "Document Is Stuck in Pending Approval and Logs Show Error
"Unable to walk hierarchy for user user_name""
■ Section 10.5.6, "Task History: Cannot Remove or Move a Participant After
■ Section 10.5.7, "Hierarchy List Builders Display an Error Due to Security
Configuration Issues and Log Report Errors in Authentication or Authorization
with HCM Services"
■ Section 10.5.8, "HCM Services are Timing Out or Getting Stuck"
■ Section 10.5.9, "Error/Warning Reported in Retrieving the Position for a User"
■ Section 10.5.10, "Users See No Approvals in the Inbox when Using Position
■ Section 10.5.11, "Task Escalation Does Not Follow Job Level, Supervisory, or
Position Hierarchies"

10-32 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Human Workflow

■ Section 10.5.12, "User Is Not Allowed to Perform an Action on a Human Workflow

■ Section 10.5.13, "Email Notification Is Not Being Sent Out"
■ Section 10.5.14, "Notifications Sent Are Not Actionable"
■ Section 10.5.15, "Actionable Notifications Are Sent But No Action is Taken After
■ Section 10.5.16, "After LDAP Configuration with Oracle WebLogic Server, Users
Appear in the Console, But a "No Role found matching the criteria" Error
■ Section 10.5.17, "Only a Subset of Users in LDAP Can Log In to Oracle BPM
■ Section 10.5.18, ""Unknown Macro" Exception Appears when Myrealm Is Passed
as a Parameter to the Identity Context To Identity Service APIs"
■ Section 10.5.19, "Add Participant Button in Oracle BPM Worklist Is Disabled"
■ Section 10.5.20, "Task Modifications Made in a Runtime Tool Are Not Appearing
for the Task"
■ Section 10.5.21, "How Can I Set Commonly Used Human Workflow Configuration
■ Section 10.5.22, "How Do I Set Human Workflow Configuration Parameters Not
Available in the Fusion Applications Control Properties Pages?"
■ Section 10.5.23, "System MBean Browser Does Not Reflect My Changes After
Editing the Human Workflow Config MBeans"
■ Section 10.5.24, "Human Workflow Services Are Not Locating Resource Bundles or
Classes Located at the Workflow Customizations Class Path URL"
■ Section 10.5.25, "How Do I Manually Set the URL for Displaying Task Details for a
Particular Human Workflow Task Component?"
■ Section 10.5.26, "How to Test the Health of the Installed Server"
■ Section 10.5.27, "User Authentication Error (in this example, the user is FMW_
USERID and identityContext is jazn.com)"
■ Section 10.5.28, "Error During Import of Task Payload Mapped Attribute
■ Section 10.5.29, "Error During Rule Migration"
■ Section 10.5.30, "When Defining a Rule Based on the Approval Group List Builder
During Runtime, a Message Says the Group Does Not Exist"

10.5.1 Recovering Human Task Instances Stuck in the Alerted State

If a human task instance fails due to a business error, the task status stays in the
alerted state.

This can happen if, for example, the following occurs:
■ The assigned user does not exist.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-33

Human Workflow

■ The manager is not defined.

■ A rule does not return assignees.
In these cases, the task is set to alerted and is assigned to the process owner or the
error assignee (if defined in the task metadata).
The administrator or process owner must go to Oracle BPM Worklist and reassign
these tasks to the correct users for the workflow to continue forward.

10.5.2 Worklist: Notifications and Approvals Region Contains No Data

If the Worklist: Notifications and Approvals region in the Welcome dashboard on the
Oracle Fusion Applications home page does not contain data, it is likely the
connection from Oracle BPM Worklist to the SOA Managed Server is timing out.

1. Ensure the SOA Managed Servers are running in the CommonDomain domain with
Fusion Applications Control:
a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, WebLogic Domain,
CommonDomain, FS_SOACluster.
b. Click FS_SOACluster to display the Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster Home
c. In the Servers section, view the Status column of the SOA Managed Server, for
example, soa_server1.
If the Managed Server is not running, restart it. See the "Start the
Administration Servers and Managed Servers" section in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Administrator's Guide.
2. Locate the HomePageServer_n-Diagnostic.log diagnostic log files on the
CommonDomain domain. This log file is typically stored in the following locations:
(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs/HomePageServer_n-Diagnostic.log
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs\HomePageServer_n-Diagnostic.log

These log files may be stored in a different location if you reconfigured the log file.
3. Review the the HomePageServer_n-Diagnostic.log diagnostic log for the
following exception:
[HomePageServer_1] [ERROR] []
[oracle.soa.services.workflow.worklist] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '24'
for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: username]
[ecid: ecidvalue] [APP: HomePageApp#V2.0] [URI:
/homePage/faces/AtkHomePageWelcome] TimeoutException occurred for
oracle.bpel.services.common.concurrent.TimeoutException: Execution timeout
service : FederetedWorklistService

4. Modify default timeout interval in the profile:

a. Log in to the Setup UI application.
b. From the Administration menu in the work area, choose Setup and
The Overview page displays.

10-34 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Human Workflow

c. Click the All Tasks tab.

d. In the Name field, enter Profiles and click Search.
e. In the Search Results table, in the Manage Administrator Profile Values
table, click the Go to Task.

From the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, in the Profile Display
Name field, enter Welcome Dashboard Worklist Timeout Interval, and then
click Search.
f. In the Search Results table, select ATK_HOME_PAGE_WORKLIST_
g. In the ATK_HOME_PAGE_WORKLIST_TIMEOUT: Profile Values table,
modify the Profile Value field.
Increase the default timeout of 5 seconds to a larger value such as 10 seconds.
A larger timeout value increases the amount of time that home page server
waits for response from background SOA web services for all users and it
might adversely impact home page performance when there are many
concurrent users. Increasing this value should be a temporary change until
you can find the root cause for the delay in SOA federated worklist response
h. Click Save.
i. Run a session, and check that the Worklist: Notifications and Approvals
region in the Welcome dashboard on the Oracle Fusion Applications home
page contain data.

10.5.3 Task Detail Page is Not Available

When you click the human task in Oracle BPM Worklist, the following message is
Task detail is not available

This problem typically occurs during the deployment of the ADF J2EE application
containing the task details page definition. As a result, the URI for the details page is
not registered with the SOA cluster.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-35

Human Workflow

To confirm whether the task details page was registered in Fusion Applications
1. Log in to the domain where the composite with the subscription is deployed.
2. In the navigation pane, right-click SOA > soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
3. Choose Service Engines > Human Workflow.
4. In the Components section, click the appropriate task.
5. Click the Administration tab to see a URI for the task details page.
If there is no URI displayed, then check the log files for any errors during
A possible problem may be incorrect entries in the wf_client_config.xml file. The
wf_client_config.xml file resides in the exploded EAR file's APP-INF/classes
directory. For example:

The file contains the cluster URL information for the local SOA runtime of that
particular Oracle WebLogic Server domain. If the cluster name is wrong or that
cluster does not exist in the domain, then a problem exists with the deployment
and configuration of the environment.
As a workaround, you can directly enter the task details page URI in Fusion
Applications Control. See the "Managing the URI of the Human Task Service
Component Task Details Application" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management
Suite. For the values, enter the following:

Field Value
Application worklist
Host Name Your server host name for SOA
HTTP Port Your HTTP server port used for SOA if SSL is disabled.
HTTPS Port Your HTTPS server port used for SOA if SSL is enabled.
URI For example, for financials:

10.5.4 Task Chooses an Incorrect User If a Number of Rules Are Defined or Errors with
"Ruleset returned lists with different list builder"

At runtime, when a human workflow task tries to fetch the list of users, it errors with
the following message:
Ruleset returned lists with different list builder

This can be seen in the Task Detail Comments field. Alternately, it may select a user or
approver, which may not seem to be the correct or expected one. This is primarily
caused by having overlapping rules with different list builders. When participants of a

10-36 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Human Workflow

task are specified using business rules, it is expected that business rules return list
builders of the same type.
Moreover, only one rule from a ruleset should be applicable for a transaction. In case a
number of rules are true, the actions associated with the applicable rule with the
highest priority get executed. If multiple applicable rules have the same priority, then
the first rule in the list is picked and its actions are executed.

To resolve this issue, avoid writing overlapping rules. Constraints from different list
builders are different and cannot be mixed. If more than one rule gets triggered with a
different list builder, this error occurs. Moreover, only one set of constraints is
Check that all rules in the ruleset have priorities defined so that multiple rules with the
same priority are not applicable for the same transaction. For more details, see the
"Using Approval Management" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Modeling and
Implementation Guide for Oracle Business Process Management.

10.5.5 Document Is Stuck in Pending Approval and Logs Show Error "Unable to walk
hierarchy for user user_name"

The document is stuck pending approval and the logs show the following error:
"Unable to walk hierarchy for user username'

This occurs when the hierarchy for the given user has not been set up correctly. For
example, assume you have approval rules set up so that the rule getting fired uses the
supervisory hierarchy and you expect it to route to USER01 > USER02 > USER03 > . . .
> USER10 (ten level hierarchy). If the supervisory/management hierarchy of USER01
has not been set up, then the approval task throws an error stating the inability to go
through the hierarchy for USER01.

Since the user level hierarchy does not exist for the user_name, verify the Human
Capital Management (HCM) setup by manually running the HCM service to which
workflow-identity-config.xml is pointing. If it does not return any result, then
configure the correct hierarchy for the user in HCM.
Run the HCM service, select the fetchManager(s) API (for supervisory), and provide
the following payload, where
<ns2:Id>DD7A1614BBFAA0F0A4511ACD96D2C88D</ns2:Id> is the GUID of the user
whose manager you are trying to find. The supervisory hierarchy and position
hierarchy services can be found under HcmCore. The name is
HierarchyProviderService. The corresponding WSDLs are as follows:
■ Supervisory hierarchy:

■ Position hierarchy:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-37

Human Workflow

<wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1"

The following example shows the workflow-identity-config.xml file used in a

development environment:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<ISConfiguration xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/pcbpel/identityservice/isconfig">
<configuration realmName="myrealm">
<provider name="JpsProvider" providerType="JPS" service="Identity">
<property name="jpsContextName" value="default"/>
<property name="IdentityServiceExtension" value="HCMIdentityServiceExtension"/>
<property name="caseSensitive" value="false"/>
<property name="caseSensitiveGroups" value="true"/>
<serviceExtension name="HCMIdentityServiceExtension">
der" type="supervisoryHierarchyProvider">
<initializationParameter name="wsdlUrl"
<initializationParameter name="csf-key-name" value="FUSION_APPS_AMX_APPID-KEY"/>
<initializationParameter name="http-read-timeout" value="30000"/>
<initializationParameter name="securityPolicyName" value="oracle/wss_username_
der" type="jobLevelHierarchyProvider">
<initializationParameter name="wsdlUrl"
<initializationParameter name="csf-key-name" value="FUSION_APPS_AMX_APPID-KEY"/>

10-38 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Human Workflow

<initializationParameter name="http-read-timeout" value="30000"/>

<initializationParameter name="securityPolicyName" value="oracle/wss_username_
chyProvider" type="positionHierarchyProvider">
<initializationParameter name="wsdlUrl"
<initializationParameter name="csf-key-name" value="FUSION_APPS_AMX_APPID-KEY"/>
<initializationParameter name="http-read-timeout" value="30000"/>
<initializationParameter name="securityPolicyName" value="oracle/wss_username_
ceProvider" type="positionLookupProvider">
<initializationParameter name="wsdlUrl"
<initializationParameter name="csf-key-name" value="FUSION_APPS_AMX_APPID-KEY"/>
<initializationParameter name="http-read-timeout" value="30000"/>
<initializationParameter name="securityPolicyName" value="oracle/wss_username_
Provider" type="positionDisplayNameProvider">
<initializationParameter name="wsdlUrl"
<initializationParameter name="csf-key-name" value="FUSION_APPS_AMX_APPID-KEY"/>
<initializationParameter name="http-read-timeout" value="30000"/>
<initializationParameter name="securityPolicyName" value="oracle/wss_username_

The workflow-identity-config.xml file is in the MDS repository. For information

about how to export the workflow-identity-config.xml file from MDS, see
Section 10.5.7.

10.5.6 Task History: Cannot Remove or Move a Participant After Yourself

You cannot remove or move a participant that was added through future participant
editing. This is because the participant was anchored to you and you are the current

This feature is not supported.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-39

Human Workflow

10.5.7 Hierarchy List Builders Display an Error Due to Security Configuration Issues
and Log Report Errors in Authentication or Authorization with HCM Services

Hierarchy list builders (for example, supervisory, job-level, and position) used in rules
are not working as expected and are throwing security configuration-related errors.
For example:
SOAPFaultException: FailedAuthorization

Hierarchy services are protected services using Oracle Web Services Manager policies
(for example, supervisory, job-level, and position services). Elevated privileges are
used for authentication. These privileges must be configured in Fusion Applications
Control and in configuration files.

To resolve this problem:
1. Check the MDS store to see if workflow-identity-config.xml and
workflow-config.xml are set up with the correct information (pointing to HCM
services and the JAZN name).
1. Run the following script to connect to the WLST shell on Linux operating
systems. There is no equivalent script on Windows operating systems.

2. Run connect(). This takes you to the prompt as shown in the following
wls:/offline> connect()
Please enter your username [weblogic] :weblogic
Please enter your password [weblogic] :
Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001]

3. Run the following command after connecting:

Location on

The file is stored in the soa/configuration/default directory in the location

given in the toLocation attribute. After verifying, you can upload the file with
the following command.
server1',fromLocation='any Location on

2. Verify that the csf-keys are specified as initialization parameters.

a. Ensure that the csf-key-name value is FUSION_APPS_AMX_APPID-KEY in
workflow-identity-config.xml, as described in Section 10.5.5.
3. Check in Fusion Applications Control that the keys defined for the services have
the correct values for authentication.
a. Run the following script to connect to the WLST shell:

10-40 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Human Workflow

wls:/offline> connect()
Please enter your username [weblogic] :weblogic
Please enter your password [weblogic] :
Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001]

b. Run the following command after connecting:

listCred(map="oracle.wsm.security", key="FUSION_APPS_AMX_APPID-KEY")

Output similar to the following is displayed:

Description : HCM Hierarchy Service, expiry
Date : null]

10.5.8 HCM Services are Timing Out or Getting Stuck

Hierarchy services sometimes get overloaded and do not respond (for example,
supervisory, job-level, and position services).

Check that the workflow-identity-config.xml file for the problematic service has
correct timeout settings defined as initialization parameters. The timeout parameter is
http-read-timeout. For an example of the configuration file, see Section 10.5.5. Note
that increasing the timeout may cause errors, such as other timeouts and only puts
more load on an already overloaded server.

10.5.9 Error/Warning Reported in Retrieving the Position for a User

Not all LDAP users are defined as people within Oracle Fusion HCM. For example,
users may be defined in LDAP for Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management that are
not defined as people with positions in Oracle Fusion HCM. Therefore, the position
lookup can generate a message that the user does not have positions.

This is a tolerated condition and the warning can be ignored if the user name specified
in the warning is not an HCM user. If this is an HCM user, the problem is on the HCM
side. Add a position to these users in the HCM application.

10.5.10 Users See No Approvals in the Inbox when Using Position Hierarchy

This issue may be noticed by organizations using position hierarchy such as
governments and universities. After users log in, they do not see any approvals in
their inbox. This is caused by a failure to look up the position. This can be caused by
network issues when accessing the HCM services. Sometimes due to load balancing or
network setup, HCM services may not be accessible and Oracle BPM Worklist has
errors such as the following:

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-41

Human Workflow

WSDL port is not accessible

Could not find the host

1. Check the network setup and ensure that the HCM services are accessible and
WSDL ports can be accessed in the browser. Tools like ping and traceroute can
also diagnose the problem.
2. If the services are not available, bring up the services and retry.
3. Restart the HCM server and SOA server. For information, see the following
■ "Starting Managed Servers with the java weblogic.Server Command" section
in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle
WebLogic Server
■ "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers Using Fusion Middleware Control"
section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide
■ "Start and Stop Servers" and various startup and shutdown procedures of the
Cluster section in the Administration Console Online Help

10.5.11 Task Escalation Does Not Follow Job Level, Supervisory, or Position

This feature is not supported. Escalation does not follow the job level, supervisory, or
position hierarchies.

Build your own custom plug-in. For more details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware
Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

10.5.12 User Is Not Allowed to Perform an Action on a Human Workflow Task

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task Action Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.13 Email Notification Is Not Being Sent Out

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Notification Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.
For additional details about configuring email driver properties, see the "Configuring
Email Notifications for Oracle Fusion Applications" section in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Post-Installation Guide.

10.5.14 Notifications Sent Are Not Actionable

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Notification Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle

10-42 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Human Workflow

Business Process Management Suite. This section describes how to make the task
actionable in the Human Task Editor during design time.
In addition, if notifications are sent, but are not actionable, the administrator may have
configured the notification to be nonactionable through Oracle BPM Worklist. To make
notifications actionable, select the Make notification actionable checkbox under the
Event Driven subtab of the Task Configuration tab.
For additional details, see the "Configuring Email Notifications for Oracle Fusion
Applications" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide.

10.5.15 Actionable Notifications Are Sent But No Action is Taken After Responding
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Notification Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.16 After LDAP Configuration with Oracle WebLogic Server, Users Appear in the
Console, But a "No Role found matching the criteria" Error Appears
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Identity Service Issues"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.17 Only a Subset of Users in LDAP Can Log In to Oracle BPM Worklist
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Identity Service Issues"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.18 "Unknown Macro" Exception Appears when Myrealm Is Passed as a Parameter

to the Identity Context To Identity Service APIs
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Identity Service Issues"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.19 Add Participant Button in Oracle BPM Worklist Is Disabled

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task History Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.20 Task Modifications Made in a Runtime Tool Are Not Appearing for the Task
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Design Time at Runtime
Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA
Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.21 How Can I Set Commonly Used Human Workflow Configuration Parameters?
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Human Workflow
Service/System MBean Browser Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-43

Human Workflow

10.5.22 How Do I Set Human Workflow Configuration Parameters Not Available in the
Fusion Applications Control Properties Pages?
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Human Workflow
Service/System MBean Browser Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.23 System MBean Browser Does Not Reflect My Changes After Editing the Human
Workflow Config MBeans
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Human Workflow
Service/System MBean Browser Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.24 Human Workflow Services Are Not Locating Resource Bundles or Classes
Located at the Workflow Customizations Class Path URL
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Human Workflow
Service/System MBean Browser Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.25 How Do I Manually Set the URL for Displaying Task Details for a Particular
Human Workflow Task Component?
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Human Workflow
Service/System MBean Browser Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.26 How to Test the Health of the Installed Server

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Test-to-Production Issues"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.27 User Authentication Error (in this example, the user is FMW_USERID and
identityContext is jazn.com)
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Test-to-Production Issues"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.28 Error During Import of Task Payload Mapped Attribute Mappings

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Test-to-Production Issues"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.5.29 Error During Rule Migration

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Test-to-Production Issues"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10-44 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


10.5.30 When Defining a Rule Based on the Approval Group List Builder During
Runtime, a Message Says the Group Does Not Exist
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "AMX Extension Issues"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.6 Patching and Deployment

For troubleshooting information about patching and deployment issues, see the
"Troubleshooting Patching Sessions for SOA Composites" section in the Oracle Fusion
Applications Patching Guide.

10.7 Performance
This section contains the following topics that describe common problems and
solutions for Oracle SOA Suite performance:
■ Section 10.7.1, "SOA Transactions are Failing and Logs Indicate the SOA Database
is Running Out of Space"
■ Section 10.7.2, "Slow Application Performance Such as Longer Time to Serve Pages
or Finish Transactions"
■ Section 10.7.3, "Slow Fusion Applications Control Performance"

10.7.1 SOA Transactions are Failing and Logs Indicate the SOA Database is Running
Out of Space

SOA transactions are failing and logs indicate that the database is running out of
space. The problem may occur with the SOA dehydration store or MDS store running
out of space due to a high volume of transactions. In the latter example, you see errors
such as the following:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01653: unable to extend table SH_MDS.CUBE_INSTANCE by
16 in tablespace FUSION_TS_TOOLS

This indicates that the tablespace is full and the database cannot extend it.

1. Purge the SOA dehydration store tables periodically, taking into account the
appropriate record retention policies and ensuring that the applications have no
dependencies on runtime data.
The purge should be followed by commands to coalesce the space. For the purging
strategy to work, it is important to understand how long to retain the data in the
database. Factors that drive the retention policy include the following:
■ Legal requirements
■ Line of business requirements
■ Overall company policy on retention of data
The longer the retention policy, the greater the volume of data that must be stored
and, correspondingly, the higher the disk capacity requirements.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-45


For details on creating a purging strategy, see the "Managing Database Growth"
chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.
2. Ensure that the database hardware has sufficient resources to handle the demands
of Oracle Database partitioning prior to configuring your tables for partitioning.
For the SOA dehydration store, database partitioning using range partitioning and
hash partitioning is an optimal solution. Partitioning by definition means storing
data in multiple tables to reduce bigger data sets into smaller, more manageable
data sets. Partitioning strategies play a large role in easing maintenance overheads
(dropping and pruning the partition) and improving performance. Partitioning
should at least be done for tables having high activity. This plays a large role in
balancing disk I/O and preventing hot disks. One important requirement that you
must meet prior to configuring your tables for partitioning is to ensure that the
database hardware has sufficient resources to handle the demands of Oracle
Database partitioning. If preproduction testing has indicated that the installation is
large, Oracle expects that you have sized your environment (CPU, memory, and
disk space) correctly to take advantage of the partitioning features.
3. Tune database parameters for memory, tablespace, and partitions to get maximum
performance. For more information, see the "Tuning Database Parameters" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning Guide.
4. For other tablespaces running out of space, use the following query to check for
free tablespace:
SELECT Total.tablespace_name "Tablespace Name", Free_space, (total_space-Free_
space) Used_space, total_space, round((Free_space*100/total_space),2) "Free %"
FROM (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes/1024/1024) Free_Space from sys.dba_
free_space group by tablespace_name) Free,
(select tablespace_name, sum(bytes/1024/1024) TOTAL_SPACE from sys.dba_data_
files group by tablespace_name) Total
WHERE Free.Tablespace_name = Total.tablespace_name AND Total.tablespace_name =

5. To increase tablespace settings, use the administrator account. For example:

alter tablespace tablespace_name add datafile 'datafile_name' size 500m
autoextend on;

For more details, see the "Resolving Message Failure Caused by Too Many Open Files"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and
Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.7.2 Slow Application Performance Such as Longer Time to Serve Pages or Finish

You observe slow application performance and/or memory trashing. For example, it
may take longer to load and serve pages or to complete composite transactions.
Response time may seem slower compared to normal behavior.
There are various reasons for slow performance. It may be due to a large number of
servers running on the same host, or there may be a large number of
records/sessions/locking at the database. Thread contention can also be a reason for
poor performance.

10-46 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


Note: All configuration changes in Fusion Applications Control may

be unavailable due to this problem.

1. Check the CPU utilization to see if it is saturated due to a heavy load or an
excessive number of processes in relation to CPU capacity.
If CPU utilization is at 100% during normal load hours (the target should be
70-80%), you have no capacity to handle a peak load and the hardware resources
are insufficient. Add scale-out servers to handle the additional load.
2. Check applications using Fusion Applications Control to report on performance.
Check the performance of ADF services and the invoke/response times in the
BPEL process audit trail to identify if the issue is in Oracle Fusion Applications.
3. To maximize performance, it is recommended that you not set the logging level
higher than the default INFO level.
For debugging purposes, you must set the logging level to the FINEST level.
However, after issues are resolved, reset the logging level to the default level for
best performance. It is also recommended that you set Audit Level to Production
in the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page. This can be set in Fusion
Applications Control as follows:
a. Right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
b. Choose SOA Administration > Common Properties.
c. Set Audit Level to Production.
4. Purge periodically based on retention requirements to maintain the service level
agreements (SLAs).
To identify the tables where data growth may lead to performance issues, see the
"Tables Impacted By Instance Data Growth" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Performance and Tuning Guide.
For information about the use of the purge scripts, see the "Managing Database
Growth" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle
SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.
5. Check the memory/IO/paging/swapping/CPU usage load statistics using Top or
Glance or another monitoring tool.
6. Optimize the JVM to avoid full garbage collection or out-of-memory errors.
Frequent garbage collection can be either due to higher memory usage or memory
a. Ensure that the sum of the maximum heap size of all the JVMs running on
your system does not exceed the amount of available physical RAM to avoid
operating system level paging activity.
b. Use the JRockit mission control memory profiling tools to get thread dumps
and memory snapshots, which helps Oracle Support Services debug any code
7. Optimize threads to avoid contention. Get a thread dump to investigate and
submit it to Oracle Support Services.
8. Check the JVM and thread dumps for methods invoking the database to identify if
database performance is a bottleneck.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-47


9. Run database Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) snapshots to identify causes

of database performance issues.
10. Ensure that database statistics are updated at regular intervals and other tunable
parameters for memory, tablespace, and partitions are used effectively to obtain
maximum performance.
Here are some common tuning recommendations. For more information, see the
"Tune Database Parameters" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance
and Tuning Guide.
■ Put indexes and tables in as physically separate disk areas if possible.
■ Never put rollback segments with data or index segments.
■ Separate highly active tables and indexes into their own tablespaces.
■ Partition high activity tables and indexes to help balance disk I/O and prevent
hot disks.
■ Have processes in place to generate database table statistics at regular
11. Tune database tables to control the high watermark (HWM) contention of large
objects. Tune database advanced queues (AQ) to control high watermark (HWM)
contention and ensure consistent performance of producing and consuming
messages from AQ.
Specifically, the AQs to be aware of are as follows:

Family AQ Queue Name

CRM CRM_AsyncWS_Request and CRM_AsyncWS_Response
HCM HCM_AsyncWS_Request and HCM_AsyncWS_Response
FIN FIN_AsyncWS_Request and Fin_AsyncWS_Response
PRC PRC_AsyncWS_Request and PRC_AsyncWS_Response
PRJ PRJ_AsyncWS_Request and PRJ_AsyncWS_Response
SCM SCM_AsyncWS_Request and SCM_AsyncWS_Response
COMMON COMMON_AsyncWS_Request and COMMON_AsyncWS_Response
IC IC_AsyncWS_Request and IC_AsyncWS_Response
Event Subscriptions

12. Tune the BPEL and EDN thread counts to ensure optimal settings (for example,
the Dispatcher Invoke Threads and Dispatcher Engine Threads properties on the
BPEL Service Engine Properties page in Fusion Applications Control). If the thread
configuration is too high, the servers run out of memory. If they are too low, the
messages start backing up.
13. Tune the BPEL properties to reduce overhead (for example, disable the
ValidateXML and StatsLastN (statistics gathering batch size) properties on the
BPEL Service Engine Properties page in Fusion Applications Control) if they are
not needed.
14. In case of integration with packaged applications (for example, Siebel), check if the
issue lies with the legacy applications.

10-48 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


For more information about performance tuning the various components, see the "Top
Performance Areas" chapter and the "SOA Suite Components" part in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Performance and Tuning Guide.
For information about setting properties on the BPEL Service Engine Properties page,
see the "Configuring BPEL Process Service Engine Properties" section in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process
Management Suite.

10.7.3 Slow Fusion Applications Control Performance

Fusion Applications Control pages are loading very slowly.

To improve Fusion Applications Control page load times on pages with instance and
fault metrics, set the SOA Infrastructure Display Data Counts properties.
1. Right-click soa-infra (SOA_cluster_name).
2. Choose SOA Administration > Common Properties.
3. In the Display Data Counts section, deselect the Disable fetching of instance and
fault count metrics checkbox.
4. Reduce the Duration Details value.
5. Click Apply.
In addition to setting this property, it is also useful to scope queries by time where
available (for example, only show items occurring in the last hour).
For more information, see the "Optimizing the Loading of Pages with Instance and
Fault Metrics" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle
SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.8 Maintenance
This section contains the following topics that describe common problems and
solutions for Oracle SOA Suite maintenance:
■ Section 10.8.1, "JVM is Suspended If Any In-use Log Directories are Deleted"
■ Section 10.8.2, "Server Start Script Does Not Work for Scale-Out (Postprovisioning)
■ Section 10.8.3, "SOA Server Does Not Start"
■ Section 10.8.4, "SOA Server Is Not Responding To Administrative Commands"
■ Section 10.8.5, "Undeploying a Composite Left in an Inconsistent State Due to a
Failed Patch"
■ Section 10.8.6, "Increased Load Observed on RAC Instances when Using Multiple
Oracle RAC Servers"
■ Section 10.8.7, "List of SOA Composite State Values"
■ Section 10.8.8, "Log Files Have Been Deleted or Are Missing"

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-49


10.8.1 JVM is Suspended If Any In-use Log Directories are Deleted

JRockit writes log information (called flight recorder files) under /tmp when using
JRockit Mission Control. When it rotates to a new flight recorder file, the JVM is
suspended until it completes. If the old directories in use under /tmp are deleted (for
example, a cleanup or custom maintenance script to run to clear /tmp when it is close
to full to avoid server downtime), the domain may go into a suspended state because
the JVM may wait for a directory that no longer exists.

1. Change any cleanup scripts/procedures to first shut down the domain cleanly.

2. Perform a cleanup of /tmp.

3. Restart the domain.
To recover existing, suspended JVMs without restarting them, you must recreate the
directories that the JVM was trying to use.

10.8.2 Server Start Script Does Not Work for Scale-Out (Postprovisioning) Servers

Scale-out servers, created after provisioning, cannot be started using back-end
commands. The script start_fusion_Allservers.sh only starts servers that are
created during provisioning time.

To start scale-out servers, use Fusion Applications Control. See the "Starting and
Stopping an Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster Using Fusion Applications Control"
section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

10.8.3 SOA Server Does Not Start

The SOA server (soa_infra) does not start.

There can be various reasons for server startup issues. A discovery-based approach to
find the root cause is required. Check the server and diagnostic logs as a first attempt
to diagnose the issue. In addition, check the following:
1. Check if the database is not available or there are not enough connections
available. Some failures with SOA runtime can result from database
outage/connectivity issues. Perform the following steps:
a. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.
b. In the Domain Structure, view the status by selecting Services > Data Sources
> SOADatasource > Monitoring > Testing to test the data source. You can
also check this from a SQL prompt.
2. Check the list of ports used for port conflicts.

10-50 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


3. Check if the MDS repository is unable to load shared documents (incorrect MDS
configuration or the database that holds the MDS schema is not reachable).
4. Check the Coherence configuration if using a SOA cluster (use of unicast versus
This issue only applies after provisioning is complete. Clustering of SOA servers
may fail if there are port conflicts (used by Coherence). For example, one SOA
server may be picking up the deployment, but the other server is not. In some
cases, this may only present the following error:
[soa_server1] [ERROR] [] [Coherence] [tid: Logger@352821903]
[ecid: 46f620208907e045:63f295ec:12dd091ec2e:-8000-0000000000000003,1:27187]
[APP: soa-infra] 2011-01-28 23:06:19.463/414.816 Oracle Coherence GE
<Error> (thread=[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default
(self-tuning)', member=n/a):
Error while starting cluster: com.tangosol.net.RequestTimeoutException: Timeout
during service start: ServiceInfo(Id=0, Name=Cluster, Type=Cluster[[...

In this example, Coherence timeouts are prominently available. However,

sometimes it presents itself with an unrelated error, such as the following:
Error creating bean with name 'SensorManager' defined in ServletContext

The root cause of this is still primarily related to Coherence configuration.

5. Check if both the Administration Server and Managed Server ports are open and
6. Check if Managed Server startup failed because the Administration Server is not
7. Check network issues (for example, IP routing filtering/rules that may be causing
8. Check Oracle WebLogic Server LDAP security corruption.
The Managed Server may report that policies for the application System MBeans
Browser already exist or do not exist.
For more information, see the "Setting the Frontend URL for the Administration
Console and Setting Redirection Preferences" section and the "Setting the Frontend
HTTP Host and Port" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment
Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

10.8.4 SOA Server Is Not Responding To Administrative Commands

The SOA server (soa_infra) is not responding to administrative commands. This
problem can be due to your environment using a load balancer, and the default
listener address or channel is local-only. Therefore, the connection cannot be made
from the external client or server.

To resolve this problem, perform the following steps from the Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console:
1. Ensure that the listener address is correctly defined and accessible.
a. From the Domain Structure, expand Environment and select Servers.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-51


b. From the Servers table, click AdminServer(admin).

c. From the Settings for AdminServer page, click the Protocols tab.
d. Click the HTTP subtab.
e. Set the Frontend Host property to the load balancer address.
2. Similarly, set the Frontend HTTP Host and Frontend HTTP Port properties for the
SOA cluster:
a. From the Domain Structure, expand Environment and select Clusters.
b. From the Clusters table, click domain_SOACluster
c. From the Settings for the domain_SOACluster page, click the HTTP subtab.
d. Set the Frontend Host property to the load balancer address.
e. Change the Frontend HTTP Host and Frontend HTTP Port properties.
For more information, see the "Setting the Frontend URL for the Administration
Console and Setting Redirection Preferences" section and the "Setting the Frontend
HTTP Host and Port" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment
Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

10.8.5 Undeploying a Composite Left in an Inconsistent State Due to a Failed Patch

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Troubleshooting SOA
Composite Deployment Failures" section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Patching

10.8.6 Increased Load Observed on RAC Instances when Using Multiple Oracle RAC

An increased load is seen on Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) instances
when using multiple Oracle RAC servers.

Use a multidata source against Oracle RAC instances using load balancing rather than
failover. This ensures that the load is evenly distributed rather than all load staying on
one node until it fails over, at which point all the connections are failed over to the
other node.
Ensure that you set the Connection Test Frequency Seconds property at the multidata
source level to a nonzero value. A value that is too low means more load on the
listeners/RAC instances when multiple servers attempt to reconnect at the same time.
For more information about configuring JDBC multidata sources, see Oracle Fusion
Middleware Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Note: The Oracle Fusion Applications default configuration for the

these settings has been tuned for best performance. Only change these
settings when the configuration has not been set out-of-the-box by
Oracle Fusion Applications.

10-52 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


10.8.7 List of SOA Composite State Values

Get a list of all composite state values from the *_SOAINFRA.COMPOSITE_INSTANCE state
table (for diagnosis).

Table 10–3 shows the composite state values.

Table 10–3 Composite State Values

State Description
0 Running
1 Completed
2 Running with faults
3 Completed with faults
4 Running with recovery required
5 Completed with recovery required
6 Running with faults and recovery required
7 Completed with faults and recovery required
8 Running with suspended
9 Completed with suspended
10 Running with faults and suspended
11 Completed with faults and suspended
12 Running with recovery required and suspended
13 Completed with recovery required and suspended
14 Running with faults, recovery required, and suspended
15 Completed with faults, recovery required, and suspended
16 Running with terminated
17 Completed with terminated
18 Running with faults and terminated
19 Completed with faults and terminated
20 Running with recovery required and terminated
21 Completed with recovery required and terminated
22 Running with faults, recovery required, and terminated
23 Completed with faults, recovery required, and terminated
24 Running with suspended and terminated
25 Completed with suspended and terminated
26 Running with faulted, suspended, and terminated
27 Completed with faulted, suspended, and terminated
28 Running with recovery required, suspended, and terminated
29 Completed with recovery required, suspended, and terminated

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-53

Custom Development (Extensibility)

Table 10–3 (Cont.) Composite State Values

State Description
30 Running with faulted, recovery required, suspended, and
31 Completed with faulted, recovery required, suspended, and
32 Unknown
64 State

10.8.8 Log Files Have Been Deleted or Are Missing

The SOA log files are getting deleted. This is typically due to the retention policy set in
Fusion Applications Control.

Change the retention policy for the odl-handler to the appropriate value in Fusion
Applications Control:
1. Right-click soa-infra.
2. Choose Logs > Log Configuration.

10.9 Custom Development (Extensibility)

This section contains the following topics that describe common problems and
solutions for Oracle SOA Suite runtime:
■ Section 10.9.1, "Unable to Use Layered Customization on Specific Artifacts"
■ Section 10.9.2, "New or Deleted Artifacts Do Not Appear as a Layered
■ Section 10.9.3, "Warnings Regarding xml:id when Building or Deploying a
Customized Composite"
■ Section 10.9.4, "Distributed Queue Topic Messages Are Retrieved Multiple Times
by Subscribers"
■ Section 10.9.5, "Internal Key is Displayed Instead of a Translated String"
■ Section 10.9.6, "BPEL Activity Errors and the Log Shows Error
"com.oracle.bpel.entity.dataprovider.EntityVarMgrException:zero Item""
■ Section 10.9.7, "BPEL Activity Errors and Log Shows Error "XPath variable or
expression <expression> is empty""
■ Section 10.9.8, "Unavailable Composite Errors Occurring Even Though the Target
Service Is Up and Running"
■ Section 10.9.9, "High-Volume Cross Reference (XREF_DATA) Table Impacts
Performance and Maintenance"
■ Section 10.9.10, "Access Denied Error While Invoking an Oracle ADF BC Service
from BPEL"
■ Section 10.9.11, "Clicking Manage Approvals Page Gives a "SOA server may be
down" or "No data to display" Error"

10-54 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

■ Section 10.9.12, "Synchronous Service Invocation Errors Due to WS-Addressing"

■ Section 10.9.13, "Deploying Human Workflow Application Throws "Unable to
resolve 'TaskQueryService'" Error"
■ Section 10.9.14, ""Invalid Subject" Error Thrown with Human Workflow API or
■ Section 10.9.15, "Task is Assigned to the Group/Role When It Is Expected to Go to
Every User in the Group/Role Individually"
■ Section 10.9.16, "Task Completes Without Any Assignment Occurring"
■ Section 10.9.17, "Parallel Assignees Must Approve or Reject the Task Even Though
the Parallel Completion Criteria is Met"
■ Section 10.9.18, "All Added Adhoc Participants Disappear After a Page Refresh"
■ Section 10.9.19, "Future Approvers Are Not Visible in the History Table"
■ Section 10.9.20, "Message Appears in the History Table About a Correlation ID Not
Being Passed or Any Exception Related to the Correlation ID"
■ Section 10.9.21, "Edit Toolbar Is Disabled or Not Shown"
■ Section 10.9.22, "oracle.jrf.UnknownPlatformException Error When Customizing
an Oracle Mediator"
■ Section 10.9.23, "java.lang.NullPointerException When Customizing an Oracle
■ Section 10.9.24, "JDeveloper Compilation Error in a SOA Project with SOA MDS
Service Location"

10.9.1 Unable to Use Layered Customization on Specific Artifacts

Only certain artifacts allow layered customization in Oracle JDeveloper because it
requires editors that use XMLEF to make delta changes to the underlying Document
Object Model (DOM). XMLEF is the XML Editing Framework. XMLEF is an Oracle
JDeveloper framework that supports flexible editing of XML documents and is used
extensively in layered customizations.

The following SOA artifact types are customizable:
■ Composite (composite.xml)
■ BPEL process (.bpel)
■ Oracle Mediator (.mplan)
The following SOA artifact types are not customizable:
■ XSL map (.xsl)
■ Human task (.task)
■ Decision service (.decs)
■ Rules (.rules)
■ Event definition (.edl)
■ Domain value map (.dvm)

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-55

Custom Development (Extensibility)

The following common artifact types are not customizable because Oracle
XDK/WSDL APIs do not support customization (although their editors do use
XMLEF to make delta changes to the underlying DOM):
■ XSD schema (.xsd)
■ WSDL document (.wsdl)
Noncustomizable artifacts are not sensitive to a customization context. Any changes to
those artifacts from any customization context are visible to other customization
For more information about customizations in Oracle JDeveloper and runtime tools
(such as Oracle SOA Composer and Oracle BPM Worklist), see the "Customizing and
Extending SOA Components" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility

10.9.2 New or Deleted Artifacts Do Not Appear as a Layered Customization

Because MDS customization does not capture artifact creations or deletions as deltas in
the customization role, artifact creations and deletions in one customization context
are visible to other customization contexts.

Artifact creations and deletions are not customization context sensitive. Therefore,
only existing artifact customizations are supported in layers. Because new artifacts
cannot be added as part of a layer, the artifacts are added to the project like any other
base artifact. Any component artifacts that are added to the project are not
incorporated into the runtime composite model unless the composite.xml file has
explicitly referred to it. Therefore, if a customization did not alter composite.xml to
include the newly added component, the new artifacts have no impact. Of course, the
new artifacts are saved along with the base artifacts.
Additions of any new artifact introduced in the composite definition as a
customization (for example, XSLT artifacts) must be named appropriately to prevent
collisions with base XSLT artifacts. References to the new XSLT files must be made
within the Oracle BPEL Process Manager/Oracle Mediator artifacts (through a layer).

10.9.3 Warnings Regarding xml:id when Building or Deploying a Customized


When building or deploying the customized composite, you may get warnings similar
to this because the xml:id element is not supported:
[scac] [WARNING] Line [13] Column [29] Schema validation failed for
<Line 13, Column 29>: XML-24535: (Error) Attribute
'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace:id' not expected.

This warning can be ignored and should not prevent you from deploying the
composite successfully.

10-56 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

10.9.4 Distributed Queue Topic Messages Are Retrieved Multiple Times by Subscribers

In a clustered environment, a queue topic is being retrieved multiple times by the
subscribers. SOA clusters are typically homogenous (that is, each node has the same
services running). Therefore, if a queue topic has multiple subscribers (for example, an
error queue is subscribed to by a fallout notification service and a trouble ticketing
service), then in a clustered environment, each service is running on every node. If it is
a four-node cluster, then there are four instances of the fallout notification service and
four instances of the trouble ticketing service, each of which retrieve the topic message.
This is not desirable.

Set the consuming service singleton property to ensure that in a multi-node
environment, only one of the subscriber instances can consume the topic message. In
the example in the "Problem" section, the fallout notification service and the trouble
ticketing service each should set their singleton property so that each of them
consumes the message only once by any one of the four instances.
<service name="ConsumeFaultMessage" ui:wsdlLocation="ConsumeFaultMessage.wsdl">
<binding.jca config="ConsumeFaultMessage_jms.jca">
<property name="singleton">true</property>

10.9.5 Internal Key is Displayed Instead of a Translated String

An internal key is displayed instead of a translated string in the human task title,
human task outcome, email subject and body, and human task mapped attributes
displayed in Oracle BPM Worklist.

To resolve this problem:
1. Check the SOA server-diagnostic.log for errors for each server in the cluster. If
a resource bundle or the key is not found, you see a similar error stack that
contains the composite name and resource bundle name.
2010-09-29T23:45:46.702-07:00 soa_server1 ERROR \[\]
oracle.soa.services.workflow.soa tid: orabpel.invoke.pool-4.thread-7 userId:
APP: soa-infra composite_name: RC3HumanTaskComposite component_name: Humantask1
component_instance_id: composite_instance_id: 310003
<WorkflowServiceEngine.request> Operation 'initiateTask' failed with exception
'EJB Exception: : java.util.MissingResourceException:
Can't find bundleforbase name
oracle.apps.hcm.people.soa.resource.HcmPeopleTopSoaBundleDummy, locale

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-57

Custom Development (Extensibility)

at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(ResourceBundle.java:1250)
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundle.java:952)

2. Confirm that the resource bundle has been deployed to the correct location in SOA
MDS by first exporting the contents of SOA MDS and confirming that the resource
bundle class is defined under /apps/resource. Follow these steps to export the
metadata contents from Fusion Applications Control:
a. From the navigation pane, expand SOA and select soa-infra.
b. From the SOA Infrastructure menu, choose Administration > MDS
c. Select Export metadata documents to an archive on the machine where the
web browser is running.
d. Click Export.
3. If the resource bundle is not defined in SOA MDS or is in the wrong location in
SOA MDS, then you may have encountered an error during patching or there is a
problem with the resource bundle definition.
If the resource bundle is properly defined in SOA MDS and the string that is not
translated is a mapped attribute that appears in the column heading of the
worklist, then perform the followings steps to:
■ Set the System MBean Browser WorkflowCustomClasspathURL property to a
value of "".
■ Apply the changes.
■ Set WorkflowCustomClasspathURL to "oramds:///apps/resource/".
■ Apply the changes in Fusion Applications Control.
a. Log in to Fusion Applications Control in the domain where the JAR file was
b. From the navigation pane, expand SOA and select soa-infra.
c. From the SOA Infrastructure menu, choose SOA Administration > System
MBean Browser.
d. Go to Application Defined MBeans > oracle.as.soainfra.config > Server:
SOA_cluster_name > WorkflowConfig > human-workflow.
e. Remove the value in the Value column for the
WorkflowCustomClasspathURL attribute.
f. Click Apply.
g. Enter oramds:///apps/resource/ in the Value column of the
WorkflowCustomClasspathURL attribute.
h. Click Apply.
If the resource bundle is properly defined in SOA MDS and the string that is not
translated is not a mapped attribute that appears in the column heading of the
worklist, then stop and restart the composite that references the resource bundle
by following these steps:
a. Log in to Fusion Applications Control in the domain where the JAR file was
b. From the navigation pane, expand SOA and select soa-infra.

10-58 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

c. Click Shut Down.

d. Click Yes in the confirmation window.
e. Click Start Up.
f. Click Yes in the confirmation window.
4. Retest your transaction flow.

10.9.6 BPEL Activity Errors and the Log Shows Error

"com.oracle.bpel.entity.dataprovider.EntityVarMgrException:zero Item"

If entity variables are used in Oracle BPEL Process Manager, this error may be thrown
at runtime:
com.oracle.bpel.entity.dataprovider.EntityVarMgrException:zero item

When the entity variable tries to bind the key provided to it at runtime in Oracle BPEL
Process Manager and if it cannot find the key in the database, it throws this error. This
may be due to human error. Either the developer has passed an incorrect primary key
value to bind to the entity variable or the composite has been deployed to the wrong
business component (BC) URL in the deployment plan. To resolve, ensure that the
primary key value that gets bound to the entity variable at runtime exists in the
database used by the BC service.

10.9.7 BPEL Activity Errors and Log Shows Error "XPath variable or expression
<expression> is empty"

If the payload node used in an activity such as an assign activity in BPEL is
empty/null, then it throws this error.
The XPath variable or expression
eId=$DeliverableIdVar/ns2:BatchId is empty at line 344. selectionFailure:
com.oracle.bpel.client.BPELFault: faultName:

This error is thrown when a selection operation performed either in a function or in an
assignment encounters an error. If there is a possibility of getting a null/empty value
for a payload element at runtime, then you can get around this error by enclosing this
element in a switch case with a condition check of (string-length(payload_element)
> 0) or a bpelx:assert element to test for null conditions in their code. If these errors
are encountered at runtime, there is information in the log and the BPEL audit trail

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-59

Custom Development (Extensibility)

10.9.8 Unavailable Composite Errors Occurring Even Though the Target Service Is Up
and Running

When a BPEL process has partner links targeted to external servers, during start up of
the SOA server or activation of the BPEL composite, the BPEL service engine
recognizes that the target server is down and marks the BPEL composite as
unavailable. Even after the target server becomes available, there is no way to make
the BPEL process available without restarting the complete SOA server or redeploying
the BPEL process. Until then, the BPEL composite is not listed in the navigation pane
of Fusion Applications Control and is only visible through the Deployed Composites
tab. Even though the composite is displayed here (sometimes as active), if you click the
process, you receive this error:
The composite <Process Name>[ <Version> ] is not available. This could happen
because either the composite has been undeployed or EM has not yet discovered
this composite.

The issue is caused by using a concrete WSDL file in the BPEL definition. Using an
abstract WSDL prevents the BPEL composite/process from becoming inactive or its
state from becoming retired when the target server or service is down.
Oracle Fusion Applications develop composites with oramds:// references to WSDL
files at design time for both the binding and the WSDL location. At deployment, the
binding's concrete location (which is only used at runtime) is fixed.
Follow these steps to use an abstract WSDL by making a local copy of the target WSDL
file in your BPEL project.
1. When you create a web service partner link in a composite in the Create Web
Service dialog, select the copy WSDL and its dependent artifacts into the project
2. After you are done with web service creation and the partner link is wired
(connected) with the BPEL process service component, you see two WSDL files in
the Application Navigator of Oracle JDeveloper:
■ Webservice.WSDL (the local copy of your target WSDL)
■ WebserviceRef.WSDL
3. Redeploy the SOA composite.
4. Retest the scenario.

10.9.9 High-Volume Cross Reference (XREF_DATA) Table Impacts Performance and


When the volume of data in the XREF Oracle SOA schemas grows very large,
maintaining the database can become difficult. It may have an impact on performance
and may be identified in AWR snapshots.

To address this maintenance challenge, Oracle SOA 11g has been instrumented with
partition keys that enable database administrators (DBAs) to take advantage of the

10-60 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

Oracle RDBMS partitioning features and capabilities. Even thought multiple types of
partitioning are possible, the list partitioning strategy is the preferred one for
partitioning the cross reference data table.
List partitioning allows greater flexibility in the mapping of rows to partitions than
range or hash partitioning. Because the cross reference data (XREF_DATA) is distributed
based on discrete column values, unordered and unrelated sets of data can be grouped
together with no relationship between the partitions. For this table, the list partitioning
is based on the column XREF_TABLE_NAME. Because you know the list of entities that
have cross reference data, this strategy is ideal. The only caveat is that you must repeat
this activity if a new entity gets added to the system.
Better understanding of data distribution can lead to further refinement and space
management by employment of composite partitioning strategies such as list - list and
list - range schemes. For information about partitioning, see the Oracle Database
Performance Tuning Guide.
In addition to this partitioning strategy, you can also use Oracle Mediator's feature by
which custom database tables can be created to store cross reference data for certain
high volume entities. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's
Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

10.9.10 Access Denied Error While Invoking an Oracle ADF BC Service from BPEL

A common case in Oracle Fusion Applications is Oracle ADF BC service invocations
from various SOA components. If the user context attached with the SOA composite
instance or identity switching used in a SOA reference does not have proper
permission to access the Oracle ADF BC service, then an access denied error is

Common causes for this error are as follows. These must be resolved.
■ The Oracle ADF BC service does not have required permissions in jazn-data.xml.
■ The permissions provided in jazn-data.xml are not properly reflected in
■ The ejb-jar.xml file does not have the <interceptors> tag added or it has an
incorrect application name. An example of ejb-jar.xml with the correct tags is as
<ejb-jar xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee
<interceptors> <interceptor>

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-61

Custom Development (Extensibility)

<env-entry> <env-entry-name>application.name</env-entry-name>
</interceptor> </interceptors>
tor</interceptor-class> </interceptor-binding>

10.9.11 Clicking Manage Approvals Page Gives a "SOA server may be down" or "No
data to display" Error

At runtime, when you click the Manage Approvals page (for both a requisition and
purchase order), you may get a SOA server may be down error among other errors. The
page may also show a No data to display error.

Check to see if you have wf_client_config.xml pointing to the correct SOA server.
Oracle Fusion Applications environments are all multidomain and applications that
must query their local SOA runtime must do so through the wf_client_config.xml
file configuration.
For more information about the wf_client_config.xml file, see Section 10.5.3.

10.9.12 Synchronous Service Invocation Errors Due to WS-Addressing

When integrating with external web services, you may have issues related to the
WS-Addressing headers in the request and response XML documents used in
synchronous request-response scenarios. This may even occur if there is a dynamic
endpoint that resolves to an external web service that does not support
■ A SOA composite acting as a client fails to invoke a service provider that does not
support WS-Addressing headers in the request message for synchronous
■ An external service consumer that does not support WS-Addressing headers in the
response message fails to invoke a synchronous operation of a SOA composite.
■ A service provider throws a wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader error when
SOAPAction is defined in the WSDL <binding> element of the service provider

10-62 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

The WS binding component of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g generates
WS-Addressing headers by default, which is as per the specification, but may be
incompatible with some web services. This behavior can be overwritten using
properties that allow you to control the generation of WS-Addressing header
information for interoperability purposes.
■ A SOA composite acting as a client fails to invoke a service provider that does not
support WS-Addressing headers in the request message for synchronous
When your Oracle SOA Suite components act as service clients (consumers) and
invoke synchronous operations of external web services, the invocation fails. The
invocation failure is due to the WS-Addressing headers included in the request
message when invoking the service provider.
The stack trace displays the following information:
NSGetCustomer (faulted)
Nov 10, 2009 4:26:40 PM Faulted while invoking operation "get" on provider
Nov 10, 2009 4:26:40 PM
"{urn:platform_2009_1.webservices.netsuite.com}UnexpectedErrorFault" has been
Nov 10, 2009 4:26:40 PM There is a system exception while performing the BPEL
instance, the reason is "Invalid SOAP Header: '<ns1:To
om/services/NetSuitePort_2009_1</ns1:To>'. Value is

In Oracle SOA Suite 11g, the WS-Binding component includes the following
WS-Addressing headers:
– wsa:to
– wsa:replyTo
– wsa:action
These headers are included by default regardless of interacting with synchronous
or asynchronous web service operations. Although the SOAP message generated
by 11g is fully specification compliant, there are service provider implementations
that do not understand these WS-Addressing headers when included in the
request message for synchronous operations. This is why the invocation fails.
Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g uses new standards, WS-Addressing (wsa) and
WS-I Basic profile, which demand that WS-Addressing headers be added by
default to the request message.
To increase interoperability, the property oracle.soa.ws.outbound.omitWSA has
been introduced for the <binding.ws> element in the composite.xml file. This
property enables you to optionally suppress generation of WS-Addressing headers
in the request message when set to true. The default value is false.
1. Manually add the following property to the <binding.ws> element in the
composite.xml file.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-63

Custom Development (Extensibility)

<property name="oracle.soa.ws.outbound.omitWSA" type="xs:boolean"

many="false" override="may">true</property>

2. Redeploy the composite.

■ An external service consumer that does not support WS-Addressing headers in the
response message fails to invoke a synchronous operation of a SOA composite.
When external services invoke the endpoints of Oracle SOA Suite composites,
which expose synchronous operation(s) acting as a server (service provider), the
external web service fails with invocation errors. This is commonly due to the
WS-Addressing headers included in the response message, which are not
supported by some web service implementations.
In SOA Suite 11g, the WS-Binding component includes the WS-Addressing
headers by default in the response messages. Although the SOAP message
generated by 11g is fully specification compliant, there are service consumer
implementations that do not understand the WS-Addressing headers when
included in the response message in synchronous request-response scenarios. This
is why the invocation fails.
To increase interoperability with clients (consumers) that do not support
WS-Addressing headers, a property named
oracle.soa.addressing.response.enabled has been introduced. This property
can be used within the <binding.ws> element in the composite.xml file. This
property enables you to optionally suppress generation of WS-Addressing headers
in the response message when set to true. The default value is false.
This means that in a synchronous request-response scenario, in which the Oracle
SOA Suite composite acts as a service provider, WS-Addressing headers are
included in the response message by default. If the property is set to false, no
WS-Addressing-related headers are returned in the response message.
1. Set the property in the composite.xml file as follows:
<property name="oracle.soa.addressing.response.enabled" type="xs:boolean"
many="false" override="may">false</property>

■ A service provider throws a wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader error when

SOAPAction is defined in the WSDL <binding> element of the service provider
When invoking a web service provider with a synchronous interface from a
composite deployed on, a wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader message is
returned. This happens when both of the following conditions are met:
– The service interface (WSDL) of the service provider does not include the
wsa:Action element in the WSDL input message for the port operations
– The soapAction attribute in the WSDL binding section of the service provider
interface is specified.

10-64 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

The difference with the first scenario is that the service provider interface may
accept WS-Addressing headers for synchronous endpoint operations by using the
WS-Addressing extensibility attribute wsa:UsingAddressing in the WSDL binding
section. A WSDL binding section sample is shown as follows:
<wsdl:binding name="mySoapBinding"
<wsaw:UsingAddressing wsdl:required="false"
<wsdlsoap:binding style="document"
<wsdl:operation name="myOperation">
<wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="myAction"/>
<wsdl:input name="myRequestMsg">
<wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
<wsdl:output name="myResponseMsg">
<wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>

As the following code sample shows, neither the input message nor the output
message (as defined in the service provider WSDL) contain a <wsa:Action>
<wsdl:message name="myRequestMsg">
<wsdl:part name="parameters"
<wsdl:message name="myresponseMsg">
<wsdl:part name="parameters"

The problem has been observed when integrating with synchronous web services
deployed on the IBM WebSphere 6.1 Application Server.
The stack trace looks similar to the following code example:
javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: A header representing a Message
Addressing Property is not valid and the message cannot be processed

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-65

Custom Development (Extensibility)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

If you use HTTP Analyzer or Apache TCP Monitor to trace the message exchange,
you observe that the issue is related to the <wsa:action> element in the request
SOAP header, which is not the same as SOAPAction in the HTTP header. The
response message looks like the following code sample:
<wsa:FaultDetail xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">
<![CDATA[A header representing a Message Addressing Property is not
valid and the message cannot be processed]]></faultstring>

As mentioned in the previous sections, the WS Binding component of Oracle

Fusion Middleware 11g generates WS-Addressing headers by default. According
to the W3C specification (Web Services Addressing 1.0 - WSDL Binding W3C
Candidate Recommendation 29 May 2006), Section 4.4.1 Explicit Association:
"In the absence of a wsa:Action attribute on a WSDL input element where a
SOAPAction value is specified, the value of the [action] property for the input
message is the value of the SOAPAction specified."
The generated value for the <wsa:Action> element of the input message matches
the value of the SOAPAction element, if that is specified in the WSDL binding
section. Otherwise, it generates a default value for the <wsa:Action> element.
A sample of the generated request is as follows (provided WSDL <binding> and
<messages> section, as shown previously).
POST /currencyratesapi/services/myAction HTTP/1.1
Host: <host>:<port>
Connection: TE
TE: trailers, deflate, gzip, compress
User-Agent: Oracle HTTPClient Version 10h
SOAPAction: "myAction"
Accept-Encoding: gzip, x-gzip, compress, x-compress

10-66 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

ECID-Context: 1.0000IUhXOGw3R9BpNWK6ye1BPi6A0002Wk;kYhgp8TLo0hgv0
Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 1473

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"


10.9.13 Deploying Human Workflow Application Throws "Unable to resolve

'TaskQueryService'" Error

Almost all Oracle Fusion Applications have the hwtaskflow.xml file with the
IntegrateTaskFlowWithTask entry in the web.xml file to register the notification
projects. When deploying the J2EE EAR file, it throws the following error if you did
not configure the foreign JNDI connection or wf_client_config.xml with a valid SOA
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:Unable to resolve 'TaskQueryService'. Resolved
''; remaining name 'TaskQueryService'

If the SOA server is not up and running, then start the SOA server using Fusion
Applications Control. If it is up and the problem exists, then check that the wf_client_
config.xml file has a valid SOA environment. If possible, avoid foreign JNDI
references because the JNDI resources get bound into all servers in the domain that
causes BindException errors for servers in which the actual service exists when source
and target JNDI names are the same. Oracle Fusion Applications do not use foreign
JNDI references, instead bundling a correctly configured wf_client_config.xml file in
the EAR file or using APIs at runtime to generate the Java Architecture for XML
Binding (JAXB) for the human workflow APIs.
Use wf_client_config.xml (bundled at the application level) for all ADF worklist
client applications communicating with Oracle SOA Suite. Ensure that you specify the
correct URL in the file configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<server name="default" default="true" clientType="REMOTE">

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-67

Custom Development (Extensibility)


10.9.14 "Invalid Subject" Error Thrown with Human Workflow API or Notification

When Oracle SOA Suite is installed on Domain1 and ADF on Domain2 and if any
remote calls are performed between them for any human workflow API use or for
notifications, errors similar to the following are thrown if the domain trust is not set.
javax.servlet.ServletException:java.lang.SecurityException: Security:090398Invalid

Set the domain trust password on both domains (global trust).
1. Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.
2. In the Domain Structure, click the domain name.
3. Click the Security tab, and then click Advanced.
4. Set the password in the Credential and Confirm Credential fields.

Note: Oracle Fusion Applications do not support RMI across

domains. That is, all remote calls between ADF and SOA are always
within the same domain. When cross domain communication is
required, SOAP is used.
You may encounter the scenario described in this section in your
development environment. For example, you may be running the
ADF task flow for human tasks in the JDeveloper-integrated Oracle
WebLogic Server and running the composite in an independent
standalone SOA server. Both are in different domains.

10.9.15 Task is Assigned to the Group/Role When It Is Expected to Go to Every User in

the Group/Role Individually
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task
Assignment/Routing/Escalation Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10-68 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

10.9.16 Task Completes Without Any Assignment Occurring

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task
Assignment/Routing/Escalation Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.9.17 Parallel Assignees Must Approve or Reject the Task Even Though the Parallel
Completion Criteria is Met
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task
Assignment/Routing/Escalation Issues" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

10.9.18 All Added Adhoc Participants Disappear After a Page Refresh

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task History Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

10.9.19 Future Approvers Are Not Visible in the History Table

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task History Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

10.9.20 Message Appears in the History Table About a Correlation ID Not Being Passed
or Any Exception Related to the Correlation ID
For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task History Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

10.9.21 Edit Toolbar Is Disabled or Not Shown

For troubleshooting information about this issue, see the "Task History Issues" section
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Business Process Management Suite.

10.9.22 oracle.jrf.UnknownPlatformException Error When Customizing an Oracle


You can receive the following error when making customization modifications to an
Oracle Mediator service component in a SOA application.
For example, assume you perform the following steps:
1. Log in to JDeveloper with the Fusion Application Developer role.
2. Create a SOA application and project with the Customizable option selected.
3. Add appropriate JAR files under the Libraries and Classpath section of the Project
Properties dialog for the project.
4. Under Application Resources > Descriptors > ADF META-INF > adf-config.xml,
add appropriate customization classes.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-69

Custom Development (Extensibility)

5. Add an Oracle Mediator service component to the application.

6. Save the application and restart JDeveloper.
7. Add appropriate routing rule and XSL transformations to the Oracle Mediator
service component.
The following error is displayed in the command prompt window:
oracle.jrf.UnknownPlatformException: JRF is unable to determine the current
application server platform.

This error can be ignored. After this error occurs, everything still works correctly.

10.9.23 java.lang.NullPointerException When Customizing an Oracle Mediator

You can receive the following error when making a customization modification to an
Oracle Mediator service component in a SOA application.
For example, assume you perform the following steps:
1. Log in to JDeveloper with the Fusion Application Developer role.
2. Create a SOA application and project with the Customizable option selected.
3. Add appropriate JAR files under the Libraries and Classpath section of the Project
Properties dialog for the project.
4. Under Application Resources > Descriptors > ADF META-INF > adf-config.xml,
add customization classes.
5. Add an Oracle Mediator service component to the application.
6. Add a routing rule to the Oracle Mediator service component.
The following error is displayed in the command prompt window:

If you do not see any alerts indicating that a WSDL file cannot be found or parsed,
then this exception in the log/console can be ignored.

10.9.24 JDeveloper Compilation Error in a SOA Project with SOA MDS Service Location

1. Start JDeveloper with the Fusion Application Developer role.

2. Create a SOA application.

3. Create and deploy a SOA bundle to the server.
4. Create another SOA application.
5. Create an Oracle Mediator service component.
6. Create a reference web service and access the SOA MDS connection and browser
for the service of the SOA application that you created in Step 2.
7. Wire the components.

10-70 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Custom Development (Extensibility)

8. Update the empty port and location values in the composite.xml file. For the
location value, enter the oramds path. For example:
<reference name="Service1"


9. Compile the application.

You receive the following error message.
Warning(26,76): Failed to Find Binding

This is only a warning message thrown by the compiler. Runtime works fine. Having a
reference from SOA MDS in a composite makes the port and location values empty
in the bindings. To resolve this warning message:
■ Explicitly enter the corresponding details. For example, replace the binding.ws
location value with the concrete WSDL file.
■ Deploy the composite using the configuration plan, which replaces the port and
oramds location with the concrete WSDL file.

Troubleshooting Oracle SOA Suite 10-71

Custom Development (Extensibility)

10-72 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle WebCenter Content and explains how to solve them. This chapter contains the
following topics:
■ Section 11.1, "Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content"
■ Section 11.2, "Attachments"
■ Section 11.3, "Integration"
Some procedures in this chapter reference content in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
guides. These guides describe using Fusion Middleware Control. These procedures
also apply to Fusion Applications Control.

11.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content

This section provides guidelines and a process for using the information in this
chapter. Using the following guidelines and process will focus and minimize the time
you spend resolving problems.

When using the information in this chapter, Oracle recommends:
■ After performing any of the solution procedures in this chapter, immediately
retrying the failed task that led you to this troubleshooting information. If the task
still fails when you retry it, perform a different solution procedure in this chapter
and then try the failed task again. Repeat this process until you resolve the
■ Making notes about the solution procedures you perform, symptoms you see, and
data you collect while troubleshooting. If you cannot resolve the problem using
the information in this chapter and you must log a service request, the notes you
make will expedite the process of solving the problem.

Follow the process outlined in Table 11–1 when using the information in this chapter. If
the information in a particular section does not resolve your problem, proceed to the
next step in this process.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content 11-1


Table 11–1 Process for Using the Information in this Chapter

Step Section to Use Purpose
2 Section 11.2 Perform problem-specific troubleshooting procedures. These sections
through describe:
Section 11.3
■ Possible causes of the problems
■ Solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes
3 Section 14.1 Use My Oracle Support to get additional troubleshooting information
about Oracle Fusion Applications or Oracle SOA Suite. My Oracle
Support provides access to several useful troubleshooting resources,
including Knowledge Base articles and Community Forums and
4 Section 14.1 Log a service request if the information in this chapter and My Oracle
Support does not resolve your problem. You can log a service request
using My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

11.2 Attachments
Oracle WebCenter Content stores attachments. Within the Oracle Fusion Applications
environment, attachments are secured by their corresponding content items. If you can
access a content item, then you can access its attachment.

11.2.1 Attachment File Is Too Large

When the end-user attempts to add an attachment they receive the following message
in a popup:
Warning: The file upload failed.
The file could not be uploaded because it is too large.

The file selection field will also have been cleared.

The maximum size of a file that can be uploaded is managed by the Apache MyFaces
Trinidad settings. The UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY context parameter in the web.xml file can be
added or modified to change this size from the default of 2 MB.
For more information, see the "Changing the Maximum File Upload Size" section in
the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

11.3 Integration
This section covers the following topics:
■ Section 11.3.1, "Content Server Web Service Is Unavailable"
■ Section 11.3.2, "Content Server Connection Failure"
■ Section 11.3.3, "Clicking Attachments Link Results in a 404 Error"
■ Section 11.3.4, "Authorization Failure"
■ Section 11.3.5, "Application Access Denied"
■ Section 11.3.6, "CredentialAccessPermission Denied"

11-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


11.3.1 Content Server Web Service Is Unavailable

When the Content Server is down, it is not possible for any user to create, update or
retrieve Content Server content. For example, the following error:
Error: Fails to access WSDL at

Fails with the following response:

'503: Service Unavailable' for url

To resolve this issue:
1. Check that the connection end point is correct. If it is incorrect, update the CIS Web
URL of the FusionAppsContentRepository Java Content Repository (JCR)
connection to the correct value.
2. Restart Content Server if it is not available. See the "Starting and Stopping Content
Server" section in the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for
Content Server.

11.3.2 Content Server Connection Failure

The application using attachments is unable to connect to Content Server. When a
connection failure occurs, it is not for any user to create, update or retrieve Content
Server content. This occurs at the point where the application is attempting to connect
and authorize the connection. The following are indications of a connection problem:
■ Clicking on the link of an file or text attachment displays a warning message
instead of the attachment. For example:
Warning: The attachment information cannot be retrieved. (FND-2403)

The same text is shown for errors FND-2403 through to FND-2405. These errors are
all indicative of problems connecting to Content Server when trying to retrieve
■ Attempting to save an attachment results in an error message. For example:
Error: Your attachments changes cannot be saved. (FND-2408)

The same text is shown for errors FND-2407 through FND-2410. These errors are all
indicative of problems connecting to Content Server when trying to save content.
■ No connection, folder or document is available to the document picker.
■ Message popup beginning with the following:

To solve this problem:
1. Look for the error message number in the application log, for example, FND-2403.
If there is no FND message then it is likely that the message is being bubbled up

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content 11-3


from Content Server or Oracle WebCenter Portal. Search for the text of the
message in the application log. The exception message will provide additional
context to help determine the root cause of the problem.
2. Check that the Content Server is running. Restart Content Server if it is not
available. See the "Starting and Stopping Content Server" section in the Oracle
WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server.
3. Determine if the JCR Connection is set correctly in this environment:
■ Check that the Content Server Connection has been defined. The connection
name must be FusionAppsContentRepository, and must be defined as the
primary Content Server connection.
■ The connection must of socket type jaxws, with the Web URL configured to
point to the Content Server native web services endpoint (the idcnativews
endpoint). The Client Security Policy must be null indicating that GPA (Global
Policy Attachments) should be leveraged. A valid administrative user must
also be specified as part of the definition. This connection definition is
persisted in Oracle Metadata Repository, which happens automatically as a
part of the setup. Hence, MDS Repository issues may result in issues for
Attachments. For example, the connection specified in a connections.xml is
overridden by the MDS Repository configuration.
You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control (Fusion
Applications Control) or WLST to view connection details. Verbose listing will also
show that this is the primary connection.
To use the System MBean Browser in Fusion Applications Control to view the
connection details
a. Navigate to a product family home page:
a. From the Targets menu, choose Fusion Applications.
The Fusion Applications target home page displays.
b. In the table on the Fusion Applications target home page, click the
appropriate Product Family target.
b. From the navigation pane, expand the product family, then Fusion
c. Expand the cluster application you want to monitor to show each instance of
the application.
d. Click one of the application deployment instances, for example, PayablesApp
The Fusion J2EE Application page displays.
e. From the Fusion J2EE Application menu, choose System MBean Browser.
f. In the System MBean Browser page, expand Application Defined MBeans.
g. Expand oracle.adf.share.connections, server name, application name,
ADFConnections, JCR.
h. Click FusionAppsContentRepository.
i. In the Application Defined MBeans: JCR:FusionAppsContentRepositor page,
view the attribute value for RequestFileDirectory.
To use WLST:
a. From the fusionapps Middleware subdirectory, start the WLST:

11-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


(UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh
(Windows) FA_MW_HOME\oracle_common\common/bin\wlst.cmd

where DOMAIN_HOME is located in the following locations:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/instance/domains/host/domain_name
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\instance\domains\host\domain_name

b. Connect to Oracle WebLogic Server.

c. Use WLST commands. For example:
Connection Name: FusionAppsContentRepository
Connection Type: JCR
External Appliction ID:
Timeout: (not set)
CIS Socket Type: jaxws
CIS Server Hostname:
CIS Server Port:
CIS Keystore Location:
CIS Private Key Alias:
CIS Web URL: http://abcd.example.com:15012/idcnativews
Web Server Context Root:
Client Security Policy:
Cache Invalidation Interval: (not set)
Binary Cache Maximum Entry Size: (not set)
The Documents primary connection is "FusionAppsContentRepository"

The document picker used to select folders or documents from Content Server
is provided by Web Center.

11.3.3 Clicking Attachments Link Results in a 404 Error

Clicking on the link of an Attachment results in a 404 (page not found) error. This
occurs for all users an application.

If the Attachment type is a file or text, then it is likely to be a problem with the
GetHandler servlet.
The condition occurs when the GetHandler servlet is not running or the application
has not been defined correctly.
1. One way to confirm that the servlet is available is to go to the console:
Deployments > Application > Application Root > Monitoring > Servlets
2. Restart the GetHandler servlet if it is not running.
3. If the servlet is running then the issue is likely to be with the configuration of the
application. Contact the Oracle Fusion Applications product team to resolve the
issue with the configuration of the application.
If the Attachment type is a URL, then the value needs to be corrected. This can be done
by deleting and re-entering the URL attachment.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content 11-5


11.3.4 Authorization Failure

When the end-user attempts to create a new attachment, or view an existing
attachment they receive an insufficient privileges message. Here are some sample
error messages which are either bubbled up to the user from Content Server or found
in the logs:
Content item '(null)' was not successfully checked in. User '<USERNAME>' does not
have sufficient privileges.

Unable to download 'DOCUMENTID'. User 'USERNAME' does not have sufficient


Content item '(null)' was not successfully checked in. Unable to execute service
method 'checkSecurity'. The error was caused by an internally generated issue. The
error has been logged.

user does not have sufficient privileges

Invalid Security: error in processing the WS-Security header

-1.0.xsd\}Security are not understood

internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: No NamespaceURI, SOAP requires

faultcode content to be a QName
com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: No NamespaceURI, SOAP
requires faultcode content to be a QName

dom.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: No NamespaceURI, SOAP

requires faultcode content to be a QName

The sufficient privileges message originate from Content Server. It means that the
user for the Content Server connection does not have sufficient privileges to complete
the requested steps. There are many possible misconfiguration mistakes that result in
this error. It is indicative of a problem with the configuration of the underlying
technology stack.
To resolve this issue, follow the procedures in the following tasks:
■ Task 1: Check Oracle Fusion Applications Client
■ Task 2: Check Oracle Content Server Setup Task 1: Check Oracle Fusion Applications Client

Check the application log for errors that occurred at this time and then follow the steps
matches the reported error:
■ Section, "Misunderstood Headers or No Namespace URL Error"
■ Section, "Invalid Security Error"
■ Section, "Unable to Generate Digital Signature Error" Misunderstood Headers or No Namespace URL Error

11-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


The following errors indicate the web service end point on Content Server may be
missing the web service policy; this can be verified in a number of ways.
-1.0.xsd\}Security are not understood

com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: No NamespaceURI, SOAP

requires faultcode content to be a QName

From Fusion Applications Control:

1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, Application Deployments, Internal
Applications, Oracle UCM Native Web Services (UCMCluster).
2. Choose Oracle UCM Native Web Services (UCM_server1).
3. From the Application Deployment menu, choose Web Services.
4. In the Web Services home page, click the Web Service Endpoints tab.
5. Click the IdcWebLoginPort endpoint to view the configuration in the
IdcWebLoginPort (Web Service Endpoint) page.
6. in the IdcWebLoginPort (Web Service Endpoint) page, click the WebLogic Policy
Violations tab.
From Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console:
1. From the left pane, from Domain Structure, select Deployments.
2. From the Summary of Deployments page, expand Oracle UCM Native Web
Services and click IdcWebLoginService.
3. Click the Configuration tab, and then click the WS-Policy sub-tab.
4. Click IdcWebLoginPort to ensure the oracle/wss_saml_or_username_token_
service_policy is associated.
From the WSDL URL
1. Point your browser to the following URL:
http://contentserver_host:contentserver_port /idcnativews/IdcWebLoginPort?WSDL

2. Check that the WSDL contains a binding reference to the appropriate service
<wsp:PolicyReference URI="#wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy" ... Invalid Security Error

The following exception occurs if the client GPA (Global Policy Attachments) is not set
up correctly.
Invalid Security: error in processing the WS-Security header

GPA must be configured for Web Service Client (ws-client) on the client, and the
policy must match and correspond to the service policy defined for the Content Server
native web services endpoint. This exception will occur if the client GPA (Global
Policy Attachments) is not set up correctly. GPA must be configured for Web Service
Client (ws-client) on the client, and the policy must match and correspond to the
service policy defined for the Content Server native web services endpoint. For

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content 11-7


- If the service policy on Content Server login service is set to oracle/wss_saml_or_

username_token_service_policy, then the client policy should be set to
- If the service policy on Content Server login service is set to oracle/wss11_saml_or_
username_token_with_message_protection_service_policy then the client policy
should be set to oracle/wss11_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_
Note that the GPA is set at the global domain level and impacts all domains. This is
done as part of provisioning, and there is no explicit action to be done for Content
Server Attachments in provisioning environments.
From WLST:
1. From the fusionapps Middleware subdirectory, start the WLST:
(UNIX) FA_MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh
(Windows) FA_MW_HOME\oracle_common\common/bin\wlst.cmd

where DOMAIN_HOME is located in the following locations:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/instance/domains/host/domain_name
(Windows) APPLICATIONS_CONFIG\instance\domains\host\domain_name

2. Connect to Oracle WebLogic Server.

3. Run a listPolicySets() command and then an appropriate
displayPolicySet('xxxx') command from the client domain to obtain details on
the GPA defined.
...> listPolicySets()
Location changed to domainRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with
DomainMBean as the root.
For more help, use help(domainRuntime)
Global Policy Sets in Repository:

...> displayPolicySet('base-domain-ws-client')
Policy Set Details:
Name: base-domain-ws-client
Type of Resources: Web Service Client
Scope of Resources: Domain("base_domain")
Description: Global policy attachments for Web Service Client resources.
Enabled: true
Policy Reference: security : oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy,
enabled=true Unable to Generate Digital Signature Error

The following message indicates that there is a problem on the Oracle Fusion
Applications side when attempting to generate a digital signature.
Unable to generate digital signature

This message indicates that there is a problem on the Oracle Fusion Applications side
when attempting to generate a digital signature. If there is no such error, then skip to
the Section

Keystore or Password Error

In some case, the application log may contains the following message:

11-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


Keystore has been tampered with, or password is wrong

To resolve this error:

1. Determine the keystore location from Fusion Applications Control:
a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Domain.
b. Select the domain.
c. In the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain home page, from the WebLogic
Domain menu, choose Security > Security Provider Configuration.
d. In the Security Provider Configuration page, under Web Services Manager
Authentication Providers, expand Keystore to see the location. The location is
(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/default-keystore.jks
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\default-keystore.jks

2. Validate the keystore password using the keytool tool, located in located in
ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin on UNIX and ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin on Windows. For
keytool -list -v -keystore default-keystore.jks -storepass admin123

where admin123 is the keystore password.

The following error will occur if the password is incorrect:

3. Validate the private key alias and password using keytool. For example:
keytool -keypasswd -alias orakey -keypass welcome1 -new welcome1 -keystore
default-keystore.jks -storepass admin123

where admin123 is the verified keystore password from Step 2, and welcome1 is the
alias entry password.
The following error will occur if the password is incorrect.

The following error will occur if there is no key pair under the alias orakey.

4. Validate that the correct passwords and entries exist in the credential store.
The credential store must contain valid password credentials for the
oracle.wsm.security map providing the keystore access password, signing key
alias and password, and encryption key alias and password.
Run the WLST listCred script with the appropriate map and key. See the section
"listCred" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.
5. In the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain home page, from the WebLogic Domain
menu, choose Security > Security Provider Configuration.

Access Denied Error

The following error is indicative of a problem with configuration or provisioning of
the application.
Access Denied

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content 11-9


Contact the Oracle Fusion Applications product team to get the issue resolved. Task 2: Check Oracle Content Server Setup

To resolve this error:
1. Switch on logging for the FusionAppsAttachments component:
a. Login to the UCM UI with administration privilege.
b. Go to Administration node > System Audit Information.
c. In the Tracing sections Information area, add fusionappsattachments to
Active Sections.
d. Enable Save and Full Verbose Tracing.
e. Click Update.
2. View the logs:
a. Login to the UCM UI with administration privilege.
b. Go to Administration node > System Audit Information.
c. Select View Server Output.
3. After re-running an attempt to retrieve or create an attachment, search for the
string Signature Verification Failed. Determine the keystore location from
Fusion Applications Control:
a. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then WebLogic Domain.
b. Select the domain.
c. In the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain home page, from the WebLogic
Domain menu, choose Security > Security Provider Configuration.
d. In the Security Provider Configuration page, under Web Services Manager
Authentication Providers, expand Keystore to see the location. The location is
(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/default-keystore.jks
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\default-keystore.jks

4. Validate the keystore password using the keytool tool, located in located in
ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin on UNIX and ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin on Windows. For
keytool -list -v -keystore default-keystore.jks -storepass admin123

where admin123 is the supposed keystore password.

The following error will occur if the password is incorrect:

5. Validate the private key alias and password using keytool. For example:
keytool -keypasswd -alias orakey -keypass welcome1 -new welcome1 -keystore
default-keystore.jks -storepass admin123

where admin123 is the verified keystore password from Step 2, and welcome1 is the
alias entry password.
The following error will occur if the password is incorrect.

11-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide



The following error will occur if there is no key pair under the alias orakey.

6. Validate that the correct passwords and entries exist in the credential store.
The credential store must contain valid password credentials for the
oracle.wsm.security map providing the keystore access password, signing key
alias and password, and encryption key alias and password.
Run the WLST listCred script with the appropriate map and key. See the section
"listCred" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Guide.
7. Correct the keystore or credential store if required:
■ Section, "Public Certificate Map Error"
■ Section, "Legacy Signing Request Error"
■ Section, "Request Expiry Time Reached Error"
■ Section, "Unable to Base64 Decode Received Signature Error"
■ Section, "Unable to Verify Signature Error" Public Certificate Map Error

This following error indicates that the public certificate associated with the private key
used by the Attachments client was not found in the Content Server domain's
Public Certificate Map did not contain fingerprint: XXXX Public Certificate is
null; Unable to verify signature

In security-hardened environments whereby each domain is potentially using unique

keypairs, the client's public certificate must be loaded into the Content Server
domain's keystore. In non-security-hardened environments, each domain would be
using identical keypairs (and possibly cloned keystores), and hence the public
certificate should already be present in the Content Server domain's keystore.

Check the keystore on the Oracle Fusion Applications client and the Content Server
contain the correct keystore. In a non-security hardened environment, the keystore can
be copied from one domain to another and Oracle WebLogic Server restarted. The
Content Server will need to be bounced when the keystore changes, as this public
certificate is cached at startup. The Attachments caches the value upon the first access
so the Oracle Fusion application may also require bouncing, although this is unlikely.
Use the keytool to check the certificate. For example:
keytool -list -v -keystore default-keystore.jks

See the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Guide for the correct configuration of the
keystore. Legacy Signing Request Error

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content 11-11


The following message indicates that the Attachment client provided a null or empty
public certificate fingerprint value (XFND_CERT_FP), which is likely due to some
keystore access issue on the client.
Legacy signing request; Certificate FingerPrint missing

If this value is missing from the databinder, the signature value itself is also likely
missing. If this is the case, one would also likely to see the following message:
Signature Scheme Properties missing from DataBinder

This message indicates that one of the following values was null or empty in the
databinder supplied by the Attachments client:
This problem is reported when the Oracle Fusion application making the request is
incorrectly configured.

Once the Oracle Fusion application is configured correctly, then there will no longer be
a problem.
To resolve this issue, Section There are likely to be many clients. Therefore,
you may need to check each one. The FusionAppsAttachments logging may provide
enough information to determine which client is provoking the error. Request Expiry Time Reached Error

The following error indicates that the XFND_EXPIRES (milliseconds since epoch) date
value provided in the request databinder has already passed according to the Content
Server's clock.
Request expiry time reached

Check to ensure there are no time and timezone differences between the client and
Content Server. The request timeout should typically be 10 minutes. Unable to Base64 Decode Received Signature Error

The following message indicates that the client-supplied, URL-safe, base64 signature
could not be successfully decoded back to binary data.
Unable to base64 decode received signature

Check the application logs for any errors when encoding the signature. Unable to Verify Signature Error

11-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide


The following errors in the application log files indicate an issue obtaining the
keystore and/or the public certificate.
java.lang.NullPointerException at SigningUtils.verify !syNullPointerException
java.lang.NullPointerException. at AttachmentsConfig.getPublicCertificate

Check what exceptions are present at the Content Server start time associated with
keystore and credential store access.

11.3.5 Application Access Denied

When the end-user attempts to create a new attachment, or view an existing
attachment they receive an access denied message. For example:
oracle.fabric.common.PolicyEnforcementException: access denied
(oracle.wsm.security.WSIdentityPermission resouce=appName assert)

This is indicative of a problem with configuration or provisioning of the application.
Contact the Oracle Fusion Applications product team to get them to resolve the issue.

11.3.6 CredentialAccessPermission Denied

The following exception is reported:
access denied (oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.CredentialAccessPermission
context=SYSTEM,mapName=oracle.wsm.security,keyName=enc-csf-key read)

This issue is indicative of a problem with configuration or provisioning of the


Contact the Oracle Fusion Applications product team to get them to resolve the issue.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content 11-13


11-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal

This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when using
Oracle WebCenter Portal and explains how to solve them.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 12.1, "Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets"
■ Section 12.2, "Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal's Composer"
■ Section 12.3, "Problems and Solutions for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces"
■ Section 12.4, "Problems and Solutions for Activity Stream"
■ Section 12.5, "Problems and Solutions for Search in WebCenter Portal"
■ Section 12.6, "Problems and Solutions for the Tags Service"
■ Section 12.7, "Problems and Solutions for the Instant Messaging and Presence
■ Section 12.8, "Problems and Solutions for the Discussions Service"
■ Section 12.9, "Problems and Solutions for the Documents Service"
Some procedures in this chapter reference content in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
guides. These guides describe using Fusion Middleware Control. These procedures
also apply to Fusion Applications Control.

12.1 Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

Oracle Fusion Applications utilizes portlet technology in various places, typically to
remotely invoke a business view that is implemented as an Oracle Application
Development Framework (ADF) task flow. This enables functionality that is
implemented on one Oracle Fusion application, for example, HCM, to be incorporated
into another Oracle Fusion application, for example, CRM, as if it was embedded in
the same application. The CRM application is in fact embedding a portlet that obtains
its markup from the remote HCM application, which is running on another server. The
task flow that is implemented on the HCM server is made available as a portlet
through a component called the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge. This wrapper makes the
task flow available as a portlet producer that can be consumed by another application.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Introduction to Troubleshooting WebCenter Portal Portlets
■ Portlet Displays a Portlet Consumer Error
■ Portlet Displays a Portlet Timeout

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-1

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

■ Portlet Displays a Remote Portlet Communication Error

■ Portlet Displays a Remote Portlet Error
■ Diagnosing WebCenter Portal Portlet Problems

12.1.1 Introduction to Troubleshooting WebCenter Portal Portlets

When running Oracle Fusion Applications, it may not be readily apparent which
portions of the user interface are implemented as portlets. The only time this may
actually be evident is when there is a problem.

Useful Terminology
The following list defines some common terms for WebCenter Portal portlets:
■ Portlet
A portlet is a region of the screen that is displayed from a remote source. In Oracle
Fusion Applications, portlets conform to the Web Services for Remote Portlets
(WSRP) standard, and implement the JSR 286 portlet specification.
■ Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge
The Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge is a component that enables an ADF application to
be exposed as a WSRP portlet producer application. Oracle Fusion applications are
all implemented as ADF applications.
■ Producer application
A producer application is an ADF application with pages or task flows that have
been enabled to run as portlets. This type of application can run in dual modes: as
a servlet (like a regular web application), or as a portlet (when consumed by a
consumer application through the Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge).
■ Consumer application
A consumer application is an application that consumes the portlets exposed by a
producer application. Before consuming a portlet (by dropping it onto a page),
application developers must first register the portlet producer application with the
consumer application.

Useful Resources
The following list provides some useful resources to use when diagnosing problems
with WebCenter Portal portlets:
■ Portlet Consumer Test Page
A page that provides diagnostic information about the consumer application. You
can access the Portlet Consumer Test Page using the following URL:

– host is the server to which the consumer application is deployed
– port is the port to which the server is listening for HTTP requests
– context-root is the consumer web application's context root
For example:

12-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets


For more information, see Section

■ Producer Test Page
A page that provides diagnostic information about the portlet producer
application. You can access the Producer Test Page using the following URL:

– host is the server to which the portlet producer is deployed
– port is the port to which the server is listening for HTTP requests
– context-root is the producer web application's context root
For example:

The Producer Test Page includes a link to the Web Service Definition Language
(WSDL) document to use for registration, for example:

For more information, see Section

■ Running a producer as a servlet application through Faces
This is also known as running the application as a servlet. Before an application
can act as a portlet provider, it must be able to run correctly through standard
HTTP requests.
To run an application as a servlet, use the following URL:

– host is the server to which the portlet producer is deployed
– port is the port to which the server is listening for HTTP requests
– context-root is the producer web application's context root
– path-to-page is the path to the page you want to run
– page is the name of the page you want to run
For example:

The Producer Test Page provides links to run such pages or task flows as servlets.
For more information, see Task 2, "Run the JSF Portlet as a Servlet".
■ Logging configuration file
The logging configuration file, logging.xml, is located in:

■ Diagnostic log file

The default location of the diagnostic log file is:

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-3

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets


Follow the process outlined in Table 12–1 when using the information in this section. If
the information in a particular section does not resolve your problem, proceed to the
next step in this process.

Table 12–1 Process for Using the Information in this Section

Step Section to Use Purpose
1 Section 12.1.2 to Perform problem-specific troubleshooting procedures. These sections
Section 12.1.5 describe:
■ Possible causes of the problems
■ Solution procedures corresponding to each of the possible causes
1 Section 12.1.6 Perform general diagnostics steps when you encounter problems with
WebCenter Portal portlets.
2 Section 14.1 Use My Oracle Support to get additional troubleshooting information
about Oracle Fusion Applications or WebCenter Portal portlets. My
Oracle Support provides access to several useful troubleshooting
resources, including Knowledge Base articles and Community
Forums and Discussions.
When you encounter problems with WebCenter Portal portlets, there
are some general diagnostics steps that you can follow.
3 Section 14.1 Log a service request if the information in this chapter and My Oracle
Support does not resolve your problem. You can log a service request
using My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

12.1.2 Portlet Displays a Portlet Consumer Error

The message Portlet Consumer Error (shown in Figure 12–1) typically indicates that
an error occurred within the operation of the portlet parts of the portlet consumer

Figure 12–1 Portlet Displaying a Portlet Consumer Error

An error has occurred within the operation of the portlet parts of the portlet consumer
application. In other words, the error is unrelated to the remote portlet producer

Consult the diagnostic log file to determine the cause of the exception. For information
about portlet logging, see Section
The exception that caused the error message to be displayed is logged. Wherever
possible, a message is included in the log at the start of the exception stack to indicate

12-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

for which portlet binding the exception occurred. Example 12–1 shows a message
logged for a portlet error.

Example 12–1 Example Message Logged for a Portlet Error

<PortletRenderer> <setErrorState> An error has occured for Portlet Binding
oracle.portlet.client.container.PortletContentTypeException: Unexpected content
type "null" in WSRPGetMarkup response.

Pay particular attention to the cause exceptions in the stack as this is likely to indicate
what the real underlying problem is.
The cause is likely to be an internal error and the appropriate course of action is to
contact Oracle Support with the log files of the consumer application.

12.1.3 Portlet Displays a Portlet Timeout

If a Portlet Timeout message is displayed in the area of the page that you would
expect to contain a portlet (as shown in Figure 12–2), this means that the consumer
waited for a configured period of time for the producer to respond and did not get a
response during that time, or the response did not complete during that time. There
are a number of possible causes.

Figure 12–2 Portlet Displaying a Portlet Timeout Error

Problem 1
The producer machine is overloaded.

Solution 1
Check the load on the producer Managed Server (the tools used to do this vary
depending on the operating system that is running on the producer). If the load is
high, check whether a particular process is causing this high load, and whether such a
process could be run on another machine, or at a less busy time. If no single process is
causing the high load, or if the Oracle WebLogic Server is causing the high load, and if
the load is consistently high, consider whether the producer hardware is adequate, or
whether it is necessary to upgrade it (or add further nodes to the cluster). Also
consider adjusting the Oracle WebLogic Server configuration to increase the size of the
request thread pool. For more information, see the "Tuning WebLogic Server" chapter
in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Problem 2
The network is overloaded, or there are problems with the network affecting
communication between the consumer and producer.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-5

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

Solution 2
Check that you can ping the producer machine from the consumer machine. Check
that you can access the producer's WSRP Producer Test Page in your local browser (for
information, see Useful Resources). If this works, check that you can access this same
page from a browser running on the consumer machine. If any of these steps cause
problems, and the machine is not overloaded, this could be a network problem, which
should be investigated by a system administrator.

Problem 3
The log or trace files indicate that there is a deadlock (or a stuck thread) on the
producer machine causing the request thread to hang.

Solution 3
This should not happen during normal operation. If it does occur, there will generally
be an error in the producer's log files indicating the point at which the deadlock
occurred. This may help diagnose the problem. In some cases, it may be possible to
alleviate this by modifying the configuration of Oracle WebLogic Server. For more
information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic

Problem 4
The producer application is running slowly (for example, due to processing large
quantities of data).

Solution 4
In this case, the producer application may be processing large quantities of data,
causing it to spend too long building the response. If the application will regularly
deal with large quantities of information, it may be necessary to either add or improve
producer hardware. If this is not possible you can increase the portlet timeout
For information about how to configure the portlet timeout, see Solution 5.

Problem 5
The portlet timeout values have been misconfigured such that the timeout period is
too short.

Solution 5
Typically, the timeout for a portlet is set on the registration of the portlet. This may
have been set to a value that does not give time for the portlet to respond. You can
configure the portlet timeout on the producer connection in the consumer application
■ Fusion Applications Control, for more information, see the "Editing Producer
Registration Details Using Fusion Middleware Control" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Note: The procedures referenced in this guide describe using Fusion

Middleware Control. These procedures also apply to Fusion
Applications Control.

12-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

■ the setWSRPProducer WLST command, for more information, see the

"setWSRPProducer" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool
Command Reference.
Also, the portlet section of the adf-config.xml file allows minimum, maximum, and
default values for portlet timeouts to be configured across the whole application. The
maximum timeout imposes an upper limit on timeouts specified by portlet producers,
so if the maximum timeout is too short, this could cause unwanted portlet timeout
errors even if the timeout specified on the producer connection is longer.
For more information about portlet timeout settings in adf-config.xml, see the
"adf-config.xml" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle
WebCenter Portal (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition). After editing the adf-config.xml
file, you must redeploy the application. For more information, see the "Redeploying
Framework applications" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide
for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

12.1.4 Portlet Displays a Remote Portlet Communication Error

When a section of the screen shows the Remote Portlet Communication Error
message (as shown in Figure 12–3), and there is an otherwise blank region
surrounding it, this area is expected to be filled with a portlet, which the application is
not able to contact.

Figure 12–3 Portlet Displaying a Remote Portlet Communication Error

Problem 1
The producer is down.

Solution 1
It could be that the producer application is not running, or the Managed Server on
which it is deployed is not started. In this case, it will need to be started. Identify the
application that needs to be started based on the task being attempted at the time of
the portlet failure. For more information, see Section

Problem 2
The producer log files indicate that the web services security is incorrectly configured.

Solution 2
In Oracle Fusion Applications deployments, web services security (WS-Security) is
managed with global web services security policies.
Troubleshooting steps for web services security depend on the type of security profile
being used, for example AuthN, SSL, or Message Security.
For more information about troubleshooting web service security, see:

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-7

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

■ The "Diagnosing Problems" chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security and
Administrator's Guide for Web Services
■ Section 8.3.5
■ Section 8.3.6
For information about the different types of security profile, see the "Locking Down
Web Services: Points to Consider" section in the "Hardening Backchannel Network and
Services" chapter of the Oracle Fusion Applications Security Hardening Guide.
The security policies set on the portlet producer's WSRP_v2_Service web service ports
are as follows:
■ WSRP_v2_ServiceDescription_Service port: oracle/no_authentication_
■ WSRP_v2_PortletManagement_Service port: oracle/no_authentication_
■ WSRP_v2_Markup_Service port: no policy specified, so that it picks up the globally
attached policy
■ WSRP_v2_Registration_Service port: oracle/no_authentication_service_
If the producer ports are configured in any other way, then it may be the cause of the
problem. In particular, if a local policy is applied to the WSRP_v2_Markup_Service port,
and the policy does not match the corresponding policy on the producer connection,
then the port or the connection will need to be updated to specify matching policies, or
be removed, so that the globally attached policies can take effect.

Problem 3
The producer Managed Server cannot be reached.

Solution 3
The producer may be in a location that cannot be reached by the consumer application,
due to intervening firewalls or incorrect routing rules. In an environment that is
installed by Oracle's provisioning software, this should not be the case, but it is worth
checking that you are able to access the WSDL endpoint for the producer from the
machine hosting the consumer, by going to:

■ host is the server to which the portlet producer is deployed
■ port is the port to which the server is listening for HTTP requests
■ context-root is the producer web application's context root
For example:

If you cannot reach the WSDL endpoint, contact your network administrator.

12.1.5 Portlet Displays a Remote Portlet Error

If the portlet displays a Remote Portlet Error message (as shown in Figure 12–4),
this indicates that the producer responded with an error message. The error message is

12-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

returned in the form of a SOAP fault message inside the response document. There are
a number of reasons the producer might return an error. The best strategy to diagnose
these errors is to first find the corresponding exception stack trace in the consumer
diagnostic logs (see Section This stack trace shows what kind of fault was
returned by the producer, plus any further information required in the response. Some
faults you may encounter are listed in the following sections.

Figure 12–4 Portlet Displaying a Remote Portlet Error

Problem 1
OperationFailedException. This is the most common type of Remote Portlet Error
and it is a catch-all for most unhandled exceptions raised in the producer application.

Solution 1
To resolve an OperationFailedException, examine the exception in the consumer
diagnostic logs. This generally shows any exception that was raised in the producer
application to trigger the fault response as the final Caused by exception.
If required, you can then examine the diagnostic logs on the producer application for
more detail, or for any related exceptions that occurred prior to the fault being
triggered. In some cases, the exception in the producer log indicates a problem that can
be simply resolved, such as a database connection failure or configuration problem. In
other cases, the exception might indicate a product bug.

Problem 2
InvalidRegistrationException. This error indicates that the producer has not been
properly registered with the consumer before the consumer attempted to communicate
with it. This could also occur if the producer's persistence store has been moved or
deleted since the consumer registered it.
For more information about persistence stores, see the "Setting Up a Preference Store"
section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal (Oracle
Fusion Applications Edition).

Solution 2
If this error is observed, the most likely cause is a problem during provisioning. It is
also worth checking that the producer application is using a consumer persistence
store. Example 12–2 shows how this is indicated in the producer application's web.xml

Example 12–2 Persistence Store Setting in web.xml


Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-9

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets


If the persistence store setting is not the problem, contact Oracle Support with the
consumer log file.

Problem 3
InvalidHandleException. This indicates that the consumer has asked the producer to
render, or otherwise interact with, a portlet instance that the producer does not know
about. This could occur if the producer's persistence store has been corrupted in some
way since the portlet was added to the page.

Solution 3
If this error is observed, the most likely cause is a problem during provisioning, or a
missing persistentStore setting in the web.xml file, as described in Solution 2.

Problem 4
AccessDeniedException. This indicates that the producer application decided that the
current user did not have access to the portlet or task flow in question.

Solution 4
If this error is observed, it could either be a legitimate error message or an indication
of a configuration problem. In most cases, Oracle Fusion Applications should deal
with authorization errors gracefully, without a Portlet Remote Error being
displayed. If this error is caused by a configuration error, contact Oracle Support with
the consumer log file.

12.1.6 Diagnosing WebCenter Portal Portlet Problems

When you encounter problems with WebCenter Portal portlets, there are some general
diagnostics steps that you can follow.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Using Diagnostic Tools
■ Configuring the Portlet Logging File Using Diagnostic Tools

There is a set of tools available for both the consumer and producer to help identify
and resolve issues when running Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge portlets.
If you encounter a portlet error message when a portlet is rendered, or if the portlet
displays but you cannot interact correctly with it, there are some general steps using
these tools that you should follow to diagnose the issue.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Identify the Portlet Instance
■ Examine the Portlet Consumer Test Page
■ Examine the Producer Test Page Identify the Portlet Instance The first step when you encounter a portlet error,
is to identify which portlet producer and portlet instance is being invoked. Execute the
portletDebugShow() JavaScript from your browser to display this information over
the top of the main portlet content.

12-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

To identify the portlet instance:

1. Enter the following command in the Location field of your browser:

Tip: In Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, you must type this
command in the Location field. If you paste the command into the
field, the javascript piece is removed.
In Firefox 6 and above, you cannot enter JavaScript in the Location
field, you must enter the command in the JavaScript Console.

2. After running the script, every portlet now displays the following information:
■ Producer name
■ Portlet name
■ Portlet instance ID
■ Execution Context IDs (ECIDs)
The ECIDs are unique IDs used to identify a portlet request. Use the ECIDs to
correlate the messages across different consumer and producer log files using
Fusion Applications Control. The same ECID is propagated from the
consumer to the producer. For more information, see the "Correlating
Messages Across Log Files and Components" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide.

Note: Broken portlets show two ECIDs: one for the request in which
the error occurred and one for request in which the error was
For IFRAME portlets, for example Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge portlets,
the ECIDs are different. This is because the error is reported in a later
request than the one in which the original exception occurred. When
checking the logs, you should look for both ECIDs, as either may
contain relevant information.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-11

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

Tip: If you cannot see all of the information due to the size of the
portlet, you can click anywhere within the diagnostic information to
display it in a separate panel that is not confined to the portlet

You can use this information in the subsequent diagnostic steps to help locate the

Note: The ECIDs shown in the portlet diagnostic information do not

reflect partial page rendering requests that have been made to the
portlet producer (using the portlet consumer resource proxy). These
requests may update the portlet, but the ECIDs are not recorded in the
portlet diagnostic information. Errors that occur during these requests
are logged on the producer and by the portlet resource proxy on the
consumer but you cannot use the ECID information reported in the
portlet diagnostic information to help you determine the ECIDs for
the relevant log entries.

3. When you have finished debugging the portlets, enter the following command to
hide the portlet debugging information:

Tip: In Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, you must type this
command in the Location field. If you paste the command into the
field, the javascript piece is removed.
In Firefox 6 and above, you cannot enter JavaScript in the Location
field, you must enter the command in the JavaScript Console. Examine the Portlet Consumer Test Page The next step in diagnosing a portlet
error is to access the Portlet Consumer Test Page (shown in Figure 12–5) to locate the
portlet producer and, if necessary, test the portlet in isolation.

12-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

Figure 12–5 The Portlet Consumer Test Page

The Portlet Consumer Test Page contains three tabs:

■ Producers: This tab lists all the producers registered with the consumer
application. Selecting a producer provides specific information about that
■ Sanity Checks: This tab may contain a predefined set of portlet instances and
required parameters that can be run in the consumer application, as configured by
the consumer application developer. Any failures within these portlets indicate a
problem with the corresponding producer and/or portlet.
■ Configuration: This tab enables you to identify the consumer configuration entries
for portlet consumption. You cannot change these values as they are stored within
the application; they are displayed for reference information only.
After accessing the Portlet Consumer Test Page, you can perform further diagnostic
This section contains the following topics for using the Portlet Consumer Test Page to
diagnose portlet issues:
■ Task 1, "Access the Portlet Consumer Test Page"
■ Task 2, "Locate the Portlet Producer"
■ Task 3, "Locate and Run the Portlet Instance"
■ Task 4, "Perform Sanity Checks"
■ Task 5, "Check Consumer Configuration Entries"

Task 1 Access the Portlet Consumer Test Page

The Portlet Consumer Test Page provides diagnostic information about the portlet
To access the Portlet Consumer Test Page:
1. In your browser, enter the URL for the Portlet Consumer Test Page:

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-13

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

Note: If the consumer application is secured, the Portlet Consumer

Test Page can be accessed only by users granted permission to view
those pages.

2. In the Portlet Consumer Test Page, you can perform further diagnostic steps as
described in the following sections.

Task 2 Locate the Portlet Producer

The Producers tab of the Portlet Consumer Test Page lists all the producers that have
been registered with the consumer application. If a portlet instance in your application
displays an error message, you can view information about the producer that owns the
portlet by selecting it on this tab.
To locate the portlet producer:
1. In the Portlet Consumer Test Page, select the portlet producer that owns the portlet
instance that is reporting the error.
You noted this information in Section
2. The following information is provided for the selected producer:
– Producer Test Page: A link to the Producer Test Page.
– Configuration: Details of potential issues surrounding skins, security, and
timeouts associated with the using producer.
– Offered Portlets: A list of all portlets offered by the producer. If there are no
offered portlets listed, this indicates that there is a problem with the
registration metadata for the producer.
– Portlet Instances: A list of all portlet instances for the selected producer in the
consumer application. This list may be empty.
You can use this information to identify potential issues with the producer.

Task 3 Locate and Run the Portlet Instance

If you have still not been able to identify the cause of the portlet error, the issue may lie
with the portlet instance itself.
To locate and run the portlet instance:
1. In the Portlet Consumer Test Page, select the portlet producer that owns the portlet
instance that is reporting the error.
You noted this information in Section
2. Under Portlet Instances, select the portlet instance to display the Consumer Test
Page: Portlet page.
You noted this information in Section

12-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

3. The Portlet Consumer Test Page: Portlet page renders the portlet in a standalone
page. If the portlet runs correctly on this page, the problem is most likely caused
by other components on the page containing the broken portlet.
4. The Parameters section enables you to experiment with how the portlet looks
using a stretch or flow layout.
5. If the portlet accepts parameters, the Parameters section also lists all the public
parameters for the portlet. Enter values for any parameters to test that the portlet
is receiving parameters correctly.
6. To navigate back to the Portlet Consumer Test Page, click the producer name link
at the top of the page.

Task 4 Perform Sanity Checks

The Sanity Checks tab of the Portlet Consumer Test Page (shown in Figure 12–6)
provides a quick overview of the state of portlet communication in your application
across all producers.

Figure 12–6 The Sanity Checks Tab

The Sanity Checks tab references portlet instances used within the consumer
application. This list is configured by the application developer who chose the portlets
to include and the parameters to pass to these portlets.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-15

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

The checks on this page do not render the output in the UI, but simply create a
runnable instance of the portlet under the covers and report any failures if any
exception is returned by the portlet.
To perform sanity checks:
1. In the Portlet Consumer Test Page, click the Sanity Checks tab.
2. Click the check link next to the portlet that you want to test.
The results of the sanity tests are displayed in the Status column. If any sanity
tests have failed, run the corresponding portlet to troubleshoot the issue.
3. To run sanity checks on all listed portlets, click the Run all Sanity Checks link.

Task 5 Check Consumer Configuration Entries

The Configuration tab of the Portlet Consumer Test Page (shown in Figure 12–7)
enables you to identify the consumer configuration entries for portlet consumption.
This tab displays settings defined in the adf-config.xml file, for example, the
minimum and maximum timeout values and the consumer version number. You
cannot change these values as they are stored within the application; they are
displayed for reference information only.

Figure 12–7 The Configuration Tab Examine the Producer Test Page If you cannot identify the cause of the error in
the consumer application, the next step is to use the Producer Test Page (shown in
Figure 12–8) to identify potential issues with the portlet producer application.

12-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

Figure 12–8 The Producer Test Page

Access to the main Producer Test Page is public, but links to the test pages for each
portlet are accessible only to users granted permission on the underlying pages and
task flows.
The Producer Test Page contains five sections:
■ Portlets
A list of all the portlets within the producer. For Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge portlets,
each portlet also provides a separate link to run the portlet as a servlet (this is a
prerequisite to running them as portlets: if a portlet does not run as a servlet, it
cannot run as a portlet).
■ Container Configuration
Information on where the consumer preference information is stored.
■ Container Version
The version number of the Portlet Producer Container.
Links to the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) documents to use for
■ SOAP Monitor
A link to the WSRP SOAP monitor where users with the Monitors or
Administrators role can track the SOAP messages between the consumer and
After accessing the Producer Test Page, you can perform further diagnostic steps.
This section contains the following topics:

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-17

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

■ Task 1, "Access the Producer Test Page"

■ Task 2, "Run the JSF Portlet as a Servlet"
■ Task 3, "Check the Persistent Store Type"
■ Task 4, "Examine the SOAP Monitor"

Task 1 Access the Producer Test Page

The Producer Test Page provides diagnostic information about the portlet producer.
To access the Producer Test Page:
1. In your browser, enter the URL for the Producer Test Page:

2. In the Producer Test Page, you can perform further diagnostic steps as described
in the following sections.

Task 2 Run the JSF Portlet as a Servlet

To verify that an Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge portlet producer is running correctly, you
must first verify that the producer application runs correctly through standard HTTP
requests. If the artifacts the producer exposes as portlets do not run as servlets, they
will not run as portlets.
To run a JSF portlet as a servlet:
1. In the Producer Test Page, click the run as servlet link next to the portlet.
2. The portlet is called using standard HTTP to request the underlying page or task
flow. The results of the request are displayed in a new browser window.
If the resulting page or task flow does not render correctly, then there is a problem
with the producer application that must be resolved before you can run the page
or task flow as a portlet.
3. If the portlet accepts parameters, click show parameters to list them and provide
values. When you click run as servlet, the portlet call includes the parameter

Task 3 Check the Persistent Store Type

Oracle Fusion Applications has adopted a standard to use a consumer persistence
store as the persistent store. Therefore, for Oracle Fusion applications producers, the
Persistent Store Type displayed on the Producer Test Page should always be set to
Although other configurations are acceptable for applications that are built to assume
such a configuration, having a non-consumer setting in Oracle Fusion applications
indicates an issue in the producer. For Oracle Fusion applications to work correctly,
they require a consumer persistence store.

Task 4 Examine the SOAP Monitor

The SOAP monitor provides access to the SOAP requests between the consumer and
producer when rendering a portlet. This is very useful in diagnosing problems at the
communication level.
To examine the SOAP monitor:
1. In the Producer Test Page, click the SOAP Monitor link at the bottom of the page.
2. When prompted, enter your user name and password.

12-18 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets

Note: To access the SOAP monitor you must be a member of the

Monitors or Administrators role in the Identity Management System.
For more information, see the "Users, Groups, And Security Roles"
chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Resources Using Roles and
Policies for Oracle WebLogic Server.

3. By default, the SOAP monitor is disabled, so the page is empty. You must first
enable the monitor by clicking the Enable link at the top of the page.
4. The page does not automatically refresh, so to display SOAP messages, you must
click the Refresh link.
5. To force a request to the failing portlet, go to the Portlet Consumer Test Page:
Portlet page for the portlet and select Refresh Portlet.
6. When the portlet has rendered, or failed, click the Refresh link in the SOAP
monitor to display the captured request.

7. Now, you can investigate the SOAP messages that were sent and the responses to
try to narrow down the cause of the problem.

Note: If, after rerunning the portlet and refreshing the SOAP
monitor, you see no messages displayed, this indicates that there may
be a security issue between the producer and the consumer. You must
verify that the correct WS-Security settings are set up for the producer
and consumer to communicate.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-19

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal Portlets Configuring the Portlet Logging File

To troubleshoot portlet issues, it is useful to add portlet log-handlers and loggers to
the logging configuration file, logging.xml.
Example 12–3 shows how to add the portlet log-handlers and loggers. The example
assumes that you are running the consumer and producer applications on the same
WebLogic Server instance. If you are running the consumer and producer applications
on different instances, you must split them up appropriately, with the Portlet Servers
and Portlet Bridge log handlers and loggers on the instance running the producer
application and the Portlet Consumer log handler and logger on the instance running
the consumer application.

Note: Add the log entries at the end of the file to ensure that they
override any seeded settings.

Example 12–3 Configuring Log Files for Troubleshooting Portlet Issues

<!-- NOTE: You need to change the path where the logfile is located -->
<!-- Portlet Consumer -->
<log_handler name="portlet-consumer-handler" class="oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory">
<property name="format" value="ODL-Text"/>
<property name="path" value="/scratch/logs/portlet-consumer.log"/>

<!-- Portlet Producer -->

<log_handler name="portlet-producer-handler" class="oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory">
<property name="format" value="ODL-Text"/>
<property name="path" value="/scratch/logs/portlet-producer.log"/>

<!-- Portlet Bridge -->

<log_handler name="portlet-bridge-handler" class="oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory">
<property name="format" value="ODL-Text"/>
<property name="path" value="/scratch/logs/portlet-bridge.log"/>

<!-- Portlet Consumer -->
<logger name="oracle.portlet.client" level="FINEST" useParentHandlers="false">
<handler name="portlet-consumer-handler"/>

<!-- Portlet Servers -->

<logger name="com.bea.portlets" level="FINEST" useParentHandlers="false">
<handler name="portlet-producer-handler"/>
<logger name="com.bea.netuix" level="FINEST" useParentHandlers="false">
<handler name="portlet-producer-handler"/>
<logger name="com.bea.wsrp" level="FINEST" useParentHandlers="false">
<handler name="portlet-producer-handler"/>
<logger name="oracle.portlet.producer" level="FINEST" useParentHandlers="false">

12-20 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal's Composer

<handler name="portlet-producer-handler"/>

<!-- Portlet Bridge -->

<logger name="oracle.portlet.bridge" level="FINEST" useParentHandlers="false">
<handler name="portlet-bridge-handler"/>
<logger name="oracle.portlet.server.bridge" level="FINEST" useParentHandlers="false">
<handler name="portlet-bridge-handler"/>
The logging configuration file is located in:

The log file name is also defined in logging.xml. By default the log file name is:

12.2 Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal's Composer

This section describes problems and solutions related to WebCenter Portal's Composer.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Unable to Edit a Component in Composer's Edit Mode
■ Unable to Personalize Some Components
■ Able to Edit a Component in Composer's Edit Mode
■ Implicit Personalizations Do Not Stick
■ Cannot Rearrange Components on Child Components Pane

12.2.1 Unable to Edit a Component in Composer's Edit Mode

While in Composer's Edit mode, the user is unable to edit the properties of
components on the page. It is also not possible to add content or delete some
components. The icons that allow these operations on Composer's toolbar are grayed

Problem 1
The user may not have adequate page or task flow privileges.

Solution 1
Ensure that the user is allowed to edit the page. Typically, only administrators are
allowed to edit the page and end users are allowed to personalize the page. If the user
is allowed to edit the page, edit or customize privileges must be provisioned for the
page or the task flow if the component is inside a task flow (region).

Problem 2
An MDS customization restriction may be in place to prevent edits to the page.

Solution 2
MDS customization restrictions can be specified to restrict editing of a page, or in the
case of a task flow, a page fragment. This is typically specified using an RDF file.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-21

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal's Composer

Ensure that customizationAllowed is set to true in the cases where the user should be
allowed to edit the artifact.
For more information, see the "Applying Component-Level Restrictions by Defining
Customization Policies" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for
Oracle WebCenter Portal (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

Problem 3
The id is not specified on the component that is required to be edited. Only
components that have id specified can be edited.

Solution 3
It is highly recommended that all components on a page have an id specified.
Ensure that the component in question has id specified.

12.2.2 Unable to Personalize Some Components

Some components do not show icons to collapse, expand, delete, edit properties, or
add content while in Composer's Edit mode.
For possible problems and solutions, see Section 12.2.1.

12.2.3 Able to Edit a Component in Composer's Edit Mode

The end user can customize components on the page or task flow that are not intended
to be edited.

Problem 1
The Edit Current Page link appears in the Personalization menu for users who should
not be able to edit the page.

Solution 1
In the appropriate .jspx page, set the isPersonalizableInComposer attribute to
<f:attribute name="isPersonalizableInComposer" value="false">

Setting this option to false prevents the Edit Current Page link displaying for
non-administrator users.

Problem 2
The user does not have the appropriate permissions on the page or task flow.

Solution 2
Ensure that the user is not allowed to edit the page.

Problem 3
An MDS customization restriction may be required to prevent edits to the page.

Solution 3
MDS customization restrictions can be specified to restrict editing of a page, or in the
case of a task flow, a page fragment. This is typically specified using an RDF file.

12-22 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for WebCenter Portal's Composer

Ensure that customizationAllowed is set to false in the cases where the user should
not be allowed to edit the artifact.
For more information, see the "Applying Component-Level Restrictions by Defining
Customization Policies" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for
Oracle WebCenter Portal (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

12.2.4 Implicit Personalizations Do Not Stick

When the end user collapses (or expands) a task flow, the personalization does not
persist and the task flow continues to show as expanded (or collapsed) on revisiting
the page even after logging out and back in.

Problem 1
An MDS customization restriction is in effect for the task flow container component.
This prevents the implicit personalization from being persisted into the underlying
MDS store.

Solution 1
Ensure that the MDS customization restriction is removed or relaxed for the required
component. In the Customization section of the Property Inspector for the component,
set customizationAllowed to true.
For more information, see the "Applying Component-Level Restrictions by Defining
Customization Policies" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for
Oracle WebCenter Portal (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

Problem 2
Settings under the adf-faces-config section in adf-config.xml prevent
personalizations from being persisted.

Solution 2
See the "Allowing User Customization on JSF Pages" section in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development
Framework (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition) for more information.

12.2.5 Cannot Rearrange Components on Child Components Pane

When editing a page and bringing up the Property Inspector of a container component
(such as PanelFormLayout, PanelGroupLayout, PanelCustomizable, and so on), the
Child Components tab does not allow the listed child component to be rearranged.
The Up and Down buttons are disabled.
This problem indicates that the id is not specified on the child component that is
required to be edited. Only components that have id specified can be edited.

It is highly recommended that all components on a page have an id specified.
Ensure that all the child components have id specified.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-23

Problems and Solutions for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces

12.3 Problems and Solutions for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces

This section describes problems and solutions related to WebCenter Portal: Spaces.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Documents Service Is Not Available When Content Server Is Not Running
■ Workflows Do Not Work
■ List of Spaces Does Not Show Any Spaces
■ Creating a Space Throws an Error or Warning

12.3.1 Documents Service Is Not Available When Content Server Is Not Running

The Document service in WebCenter Portal: Spaces relies on Oracle WebCenter
Content Server. If Content Server is not running when WebCenter Portal: Spaces is
started up Spaces will consider the Document service as unavailable. In such cases you
may see the following message on Document pages:
Documents service is not available.

Start the Content Server, and restart WebCenter Portal: Space, so it can recheck if the
Document service is configured.
To resolve this problem:
1. Shut down WebCenter Portal: Spaces. See the "Stopping WebCenter Spaces Using
Fusion Middleware Control" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide
for Oracle WebCenter Portal.
2. Start the Content Server. See the "Starting Content Server" section in the Oracle
WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server.
3. Start WebCenter Portal: Spaces. See the "Starting WebCenter Spaces Using Fusion
Middleware Control" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for
Oracle WebCenter Portal.

12.3.2 Workflows Do Not Work

The accept invitation functionality does not work.

For workflows to work, WS Security and Global Policy Attachment (GPA) should be
configured on the client and server side. Local Policy Attachment (LPA) should be
removed on the client side.
To resolve this problem:
1. Ensure that JVM is started with the following parameter in the setDomainEnv.sh

2. Remove LPA on the client side.

12-24 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces

3. GPA should be configured on the client and server side. If GPA is configured
correctly, the following policies are expected:
■ Policy on server side: oracle/wss_saml_or_username_token_service_policy
■ Policy on client side: oracle/wss10_saml_token_client_policy

12.3.3 List of Spaces Does Not Show Any Spaces

Problem 1
The WebCenter Portal: Spaces instance may be down.

Solution 1
To check whether the WebCenter Portal: Spaces instance is up and running, go to:

Also, check that the instance allows users to login.

Problem 2
The list of spaces displays only those spaces that the currently logged in user has
created or to which the user has membership. If the user has not created any spaces
and is not a member of any spaces the list is empty.

Solution 2
If the user creates a space or is assigned membership to a space, the list of spaces will
no longer be empty.

Problem 3
If the WebCenter Portal: Spaces instance is up and running and the user is a member
of one or more spaces, the problem could be that GPA is not enabled or LPA has not
been removed on the client side.

Solution 3
See the solution for Section 12.3.2.

12.3.4 Creating a Space Throws an Error or Warning

Problem 1
The WebCenter Portal: Spaces instance may be down.

Solution 1
To check whether the WebCenter Portal: Spaces instance is up and running, go to:

Also, check that the instance allows users to login.

Problem 2
The user does not have the appropriate permission to create a space.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-25

Problems and Solutions for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces

Solution 2
Login to WebCenter Portal: Spaces as an administrator and verify that user has the
appropriate permission (Spaces-Create) to create spaces.
For more information see the "Managing Application Roles and Permissions" chapter
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces.

Problem 3
One or more services are not provisioned. This can happen because the service's
back-end server, such as Oracle WebCenter Content or WebCenter Portal's Discussion
Server, are slow. If this is the case you will find an InterruptedException in the logs
or a timeout from the concurrency service.

Solution 3
The adf-config.xml file in webcenter.ear has a timeout duration for each service in
WebCenter Portal. This can be increased.
For example, out of the box the timeout is set as follows:
<resource service="oracle.webcenter.collab.forum"
resource="oracle.webcenter.collab.forum" timeoutMinPeriod="2s"
timeoutMaxPeriod="10s" timeoutDefaultPeriod="5s"/>

You can change this to:

<resource service="oracle.webcenter.collab.forum"
resource="oracle.webcenter.collab.forum" timeoutMinPeriod="25s"
timeoutMaxPeriod="30s" timeoutDefaultPeriod="30s"/>

After making changes to the adf-config.xml file, you must redeploy the
webcenter.ear file.

Note: There is no WLST command to set this value, you must update
it manually.

Problem 4
If you are using a socket connection to Oracle WebCenter Content, the IP address for
the WC_Spaces server must be authorized to connect to Oracle WebCenter Content. If
this is not the case, the logs contain a ConnectionRefused exception.

Solution 4
Authorize the IP address for the WC_Spaces server to connect to Oracle WebCenter
Content. For more information, refer to the "Configuring Content Server Options" in
the Oracle WebCenter Content System Administrator's Guide for Content Server.

Problem 5
The feature versions in Oracle WebCenter Content are not those expected by
WebCenter Portal: Spaces.

Solution 5
Check for the following feature versions in Oracle WebCenter Content:
■ ExtendedUserAttributes:
■ JpsUserProvider:

12-26 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Activity Stream

■ WebCenterWorkflows:
You can check these versions in Oracle WebCenter Content by going to
Administration > Configuration for instanceName > Feature Details.
If the versions are not correct, there may have been a problem during installation or
configuration. Refer to the installation and administration guides.

12.4 Problems and Solutions for Activity Stream

This section describes problems and solutions related to Activity Stream. This section
contains the following topics:
■ Section 12.4.1, "Business Object Activities Do Not Appear for Some Users"
■ Section 12.4.2, "Business Object Activities Cannot Be Published"
■ Section 12.4.3, "New Activities Do Not Appear for Some Users"
■ Section 12.4.4, "Rendering of the Activity Stream View Is Very Slow"
■ Section 12.4.5, "Cannot See Activities from Some Spaces"

12.4.1 Business Object Activities Do Not Appear for Some Users

User cannot see the business activities in the activity stream view.

To see business activities, the user must have permission to access the business object
and must be following the business object.
To resolve this problem:
1. Verify the access permission and ensure that the user can access the business
2. Verify that the user is following the business object.

12.4.2 Business Object Activities Cannot Be Published

Business object activities such as creating or updating the object are not displayed for
users who are following a business object that they have permission to access.

To resolve this problem, enable the publish capability for the service category of the
business object:
1. Go to the FNDSetUp page.
2. Navigate to the Activity Stream administration page.
3. Find the service category for the appropriate business objects and enable publish

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-27

Problems and Solutions for Activity Stream

12.4.3 New Activities Do Not Appear for Some Users

Users can see only activities posted before a particular time. Activities posted after this
time cannot be accessed regardless of whether those activities are posted by the user or
other users.

Typically, this happens when the user GUID is changed and the WC_AS_ACTOR_DETAIL
table cached the old GUID. For example, if the application points to one LDAP server
and is then switched to another.
To resolve this problem:
1. Use SQL Developer to access the WebCenter Portal schema to which the Oracle
Fusion application points.
2. Open the table WC_AS_ACTOR_DETAIL.
3. Find the row that matches the user and remove it.

12.4.4 Rendering of the Activity Stream View Is Very Slow

The rendering of the Activity Stream task flow is slow with users experiencing
significant delays.
The Activity Stream captures large amount of data over time. Displaying all this data
may cause the rendering of the task flow to take some time.

Displaying activities from several months ago may not be necessary. If the rendering of
the Activity Stream flow is slow and it is displaying data that is old, you can archive
activity stream data to reduce the amount of data displayed and therefore reduce the
amount of time taken to render the task flow.
You can use WLST commands to archive activity stream data. For more information,
see the "Activity Stream" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool
Command Reference.

12.4.5 Cannot See Activities from Some Spaces

Users cannot see activities from some spaces. This could be because the activities from
those spaces are hidden.

To resolve this problem, you must show the spaces:
1. Go to the activity stream view.
2. Click the Options link.
3. Click the Spaces tab to show the spaces with hidden activities.
4. Next to the space whose activities you want to show, click Show.

12-28 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Search in WebCenter Portal

12.5 Problems and Solutions for Search in WebCenter Portal

This section describes problems and solutions related to search in WebCenter Portal.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 12.5.1, "No Search Results Found"
■ Section 12.5.2, "Search Results Do Not Include Secured Resources"
■ Section 12.5.3, "Search Results Do Not Include Documents"
■ Section 12.5.4, "Search Results Do Not Include Discussions and Announcements"
■ Section 12.5.5, "Search Results Do Not Include Recently Added Resources"
■ Section 12.5.6, "Search Results Do Not Reflect Authorization Changes"
■ Section 12.5.7, "Search Results Do Not Include Resources Available to Wide

12.5.1 No Search Results Found

The Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) connection is not created correctly. The
search query is not submitted to Oracle SES.

Confirm the Oracle SES connection by entering the URL for Oracle SES Web Services
operations in a browser:

If the URL address does not render in the browser, then either the host or port for the
Oracle SES server is incorrect, or Oracle SES has not been started.
If the Oracle SES connection is correct, review the remaining topics in this section for
other possible causes.

12.5.2 Search Results Do Not Include Secured Resources

Problem 1
One possible cause is that the proxy login of WebCenter Portal users failed in Oracle
An Oracle SES proxy login error in the WebCenter Portal diagnostic log looks similar
to the following:
Received status "failed" during proxy login with application entity "weblogic" to
Oracle SES at http://host:port/search/query/OracleSearch, as search user
"vicki". Defaulting to public.

Solution 1
Confirm that Oracle SES is configured with an identity management system to
validate and authenticate users.
Also confirm that WebCenter Portal and Oracle SES use the same identity
management system, such as Oracle Internet Directory. All repositories (such as
WebCenter Portal: Spaces, WebCenter Portal Content: Content Server, and Oracle
WebCenter Portal Discussions Server) must share the same user base as Oracle SES.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-29

Problems and Solutions for Search in WebCenter Portal

For more information, see the "Configuring the Identity Store" chapter of the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal and the "Setting up
Identity Management System" section of the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search
Administrator's Guide.
Additionally, each Oracle SES instance must have a trusted entity for allowing
WebCenter Portal end users to be securely propagated at search time.

Problem 2
Another possible cause is that authorization endpoints are not configured correctly.
Locate the search log file on the Oracle SES instance. Look for phrases including the
URL value. For example:
EQP-80309: Exception while opening a stream to the URI:

QueryFilterPlugin returned null or empty array value for security attribute

"WCSECATTR". Values required for all security attributes.

Solution 2
To resolve this problem:
1. In the Oracle SES administration tool, go to the Home - Sources tab.
2. Click the Edit icon for the source to see source configuration tabs.
3. Click the Authorization tab to confirm the authorization connection string, user
name, password, and authorization user ID format. For more information see the
"Configuring Oracle SES to Search Framework Applications" or "Configuring
Oracle SES to Search Spaces Applications" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Problem 3
A third possible cause is that authorization endpoints are not returning authorization
Locate the search log file on the Oracle SES instance. Look for phrases including the
URL value. For example:
A security filter authorization timeout for dsid = # occurred after 10000

Solution 3
Each WebCenter Portal instance has up to four crawl sources. If an Oracle SES instance
is used for more than one WebCenter Portal instance, then the number of crawl
sources could potentially get quite high and cause timeout issues. This problem can
also occur if the Oracle SES instance has other crawl sources for other uses.
The solution is to reduce the number of crawl sources.

12.5.3 Search Results Do Not Include Documents

Crawling of WebCenter Portal Content Server documents fails.

To resolve this problem:

12-30 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for Search in WebCenter Portal

1. In the Oracle SES administration tool, go to the Home - Schedules tab.

2. Click the Log File icon to display the log file for the source. To obtain the location
of the full log, click the Status link.
3. The Crawler Progress Summary and Log Files by Source section displays the full
path to the log file. If Oracle SES fails to log in to the Content Server crawl
endpoint due to an authentication error, then the following errors are logged:
EQP-60303: Exiting saxthread due to errors

EQP-80330: Unrecognized QName


4. Update the configuration parameters of the Content Server crawl source with the
correct credentials.

12.5.4 Search Results Do Not Include Discussions and Announcements

Problem 1
In the crawl source, the Single Record Query parameter is set to true on the
Authorization tab.

Solution 1
Set the Single Record Query parameter to false.

Problem 2
The identity management system uses a mixed case user name, but the Oracle
WebCenter Portal Discussions Server database uses an all lowercase user name.

Solution 2
The authorization query for the crawl source must apply the LOWER() function to user
name parameters.
Using the Oracle SES administration tool, confirm that the Authorization Query for
the crawl source definition looks like the following:

12.5.5 Search Results Do Not Include Recently Added Resources

A new resource was created recently, but search results do not include the new

New resources must be crawled and indexed before they can be returned in search
results. Crawl schedules are run periodically to index new content. If new resources
are created often, then increase the frequency of the crawl schedule. If new resources
need to be crawled immediately, then start the crawl schedule manually.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-31

Problems and Solutions for the Tags Service

12.5.6 Search Results Do Not Reflect Authorization Changes

Some resources are accessible to more users due to authorization changes in
WebCenter Portal. For example, resources in a space are now accessible to all
authenticated users. The affected users cannot search for those resources.

Authorization data is cached in Oracle SES. The cache is invalidated according to the
Security Filter Lifespan global setting in Oracle SES. The default value is 1 day or
1440 minutes. Adjust the value according to the general frequency of changes to
authorization data.

12.5.7 Search Results Do Not Include Resources Available to Wide Audience

A space is publicly accessible, but unauthenticated users cannot see space resources in
search results.

By default, view access of resources is granted to space members only, even if the
space is accessible to the public. View access of resources must be granted to
non-members explicitly.
In WebCenter Portal: Spaces, go to Spaces Administration, click the Security then
Roles tabs, and for the affected role, check the view access to the different resources.
For more information see the "Managing Application Roles and Permissions" chapter
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces.

12.6 Problems and Solutions for the Tags Service

This section describes problems and solutions related to the Tags service. This section
contains the following topics:
■ Section 12.6.1, "Tag Center Results Do Not Appear When Tag Is Clicked"
■ Section 12.6.2, "Tagging Button Does Not Display on Page"
■ Section 12.6.3, "Clicking a Tagged Resource Does Not Go to the Correct Page"

12.6.1 Tag Center Results Do Not Appear When Tag Is Clicked

A resource to which a user has view permission has been tagged, but the user cannot
see the resource in the Tag Center.

To resolve this problem:
1. In service-definition.xml, verify that the resource type has the Resource
Authorizer configured properly. For more information, see the "Creating a
Resource Authorizer Class" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's
Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

12-32 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for the Instant Messaging and Presence Service

2. Enable logging for the Resource Authorizer to ensure that it is giving you
permission to see the required objects.

12.6.2 Tagging Button Does Not Display on Page

The Tagging Button component is dropped on a page, but it does not show up.

To resolve this problem:
1. The Tagging Button component requires that the Tagging Dialog task flow be
present on the page. Drop this task flow on the page or page template.
2. The Tags service requires a database connection to the WebCenter Portal
repository (a database with the WebCenter Portal schema (WEBCENTER) installed).
Ensure that there is a database connection present. For more information, see the
"Setting Up Database Connections" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

12.6.3 Clicking a Tagged Resource Does Not Go to the Correct Page

When clicking a tagged resource in the Tag Center, the user is not redirected to the
correct page.

All tagging links are generated through the Resource Action Handling (RAH)
framework. Ensure that RAH is configured properly.
1. Check service-definition.xml for the resource type to see if a resource viewer is
configured properly. For more information, see the "Creating a Resource
Authorizer Class" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for
Oracle WebCenter Portal (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).
2. Check the source code for the Tagging Button that created the tagged resource to
ensure that the Tagging Button definition uses the correct resourceID and

12.7 Problems and Solutions for the Instant Messaging and Presence
This section describes problems and solutions related to the Instant Messaging and
Presence service. This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 12.7.1, "Presence Icon Not Seen In WebCenter Portal Applications"
■ Section 12.7.2, "Presence Icon Always Shows User as Offline"
■ Section 12.7.3, "Presence Icon in Framework Applications Always Shows User as
■ Section 12.7.4, "Presence Updates Not Seen"
■ Section 12.7.5, "Issues with Context Menu Options"
■ Section 12.7.6, "Chat Toolbox Not Available"

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-33

Problems and Solutions for the Instant Messaging and Presence Service

■ Section 12.7.7, "Online User Is Offline in Chat Toolbox"

■ Section 12.7.8, "User Does Not See Connections In Chat Toolbox"
■ Section 12.7.9, "User Is Shown as Offline In Other Users' Connections Lists"
■ Section 12.7.10, "Chat Tab Does Not Clear Messages When Closed and Reopened"
■ Section 12.7.11, "User Is Not Seen as Offline After Logging Out"
■ Section 12.7.12, "Invitation Flag Does Not Reflect Correct Invitation Count"

12.7.1 Presence Icon Not Seen In WebCenter Portal Applications

User does not see the Presence icon in front of a user name.

Ensure that an Instant Messaging and Presence connection exists and has been set as
For more information, see the "Registering Instant Messaging and Presence Servers"
section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter

12.7.2 Presence Icon Always Shows User as Offline

Presence icon always shows user as offline.

To resolve this problem:
1. Ensure that you have configured the Instant Messaging and Presence connections
properly and have provided the correct values.
For more information, see the "Registering Instant Messaging and Presence
Servers" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle
WebCenter Portal.
2. Ensure that the back-end presence server is up and running. A quick way to verify
this is to check that you can connect to the presence server using a supported thick
client (for example, Microsoft Communicators for LCS/OCS).
3. If you are able to connect to the presence server using the thick client, then ensure
that the web-services for the presence servers are installed properly and are up
and running.
For more information, see the "Instant Messaging and Presence Server
Prerequisites" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for
Oracle WebCenter Portal.
4. Ensure that you are logged in as a valid user and that the user exists on the
presence server. For more information, refer to the documentation for the back-end
presence server.
5. Ensure that the user whose presence you cannot see exists on the back-end
presence server. For more information, refer to the documentation for the back-end
presence server.

12-34 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for the Instant Messaging and Presence Service

6. Ensure that the user whose presence you cannot see is online on the presence
server. If the user is your buddy, you can do that by logging in to the supported
thick client with your account.
7. Ensure that the user's IM address, specified in the External Application
Connection (Account field) or User Preferences, is valid.

12.7.3 Presence Icon in Framework Applications Always Shows User as Offline

Presence icon in Framework applications always shows user as offline.

To resolve this problem, see the solution for Section 12.7.2.
If this does not resolve the problem, ensure that the page you have created has the
presenceData component on it. Also the presenceData component should be after all
the presence tags on the page. The recommendation is that the presenceData tag
should be the last tag on the page before the closing </af:document> tag.

12.7.4 Presence Updates Not Seen

Presence updates are not seen in WebCenter Portal applications.

The Instant Messaging and Presence service holds a presence cache for each logged in
user's session. This means that after the service makes a back-end trip to the presence
server to fetch the latest presence information, the presence information is stored in the
cache. For the following requests for presence, the data is returned from the cache until
the cache expires. The default cache expiry time is 60 seconds. In the case where users
are not seeing the presence update, it is recommended that you wait for the cache to
expire and then refresh. You can change the cache expiry time by using the
setIMPServiceProperty WLST command to set the rtc.cache.time configuration
property to the desired value (in seconds). For more information, see the
"setIMPServiceProperty" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool
Command Reference.

12.7.5 Issues with Context Menu Options

Problem 1
The Send Instant Message option is not available in the context menu.

Solution 1
Some contextual actions do not apply to self presence. If you are invoking contextual
actions from self presence, then the Send Instant Message action is hidden. Select a
different user.
If you are accessing the context menu from another user's presence tag, ensure that the
Instant Messaging and Presence service is configured correctly in the application.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-35

Problems and Solutions for the Instant Messaging and Presence Service

Problem 2
The Send Mail option is not available in the context menu.

Solution 2
Ensure that the Mail service is configured correctly in the application.

Problem 3
The View Profile option is not available in the context menu.

Solution 3
Ensure that the application is secure as the View Profile contextual action is enabled
only for authenticated users.

Problem 4
The Change Ext App Credential option is not available in the context menu.

Solution 4
To resolve this problem, consider the following:
■ The Change Ext App Credential option is available only when an external
application is configured with the active Instant Messaging and Presence
■ The Change Ext App Credential option is available only for the self presence tag.
■ The Change Ext App Credential option is not available when shared or public
credentials are configured in the external application.

12.7.6 Chat Toolbox Not Available

The Chat Toolbox is not available.

The Chat Toolbox is available only if the default Instant Messaging and Presence
connection is set to Beehive. Set a Beehive connection as the default Instant Messaging
and Presence connection.

12.7.7 Online User Is Offline in Chat Toolbox

Users see themselves as offline in the Chat Toolbox

To resolve this problem, consider the following:
■ The user could be offline because the last published presence status was offline or
because of stale presence data lingering in the cache. Publish the presence to
online from the Chat Toolbox.
■ Ensure that the correct Beehive URL is supplied in the Instant Messaging and
Presence connection.

12-36 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for the Instant Messaging and Presence Service

■ The Beehive server could be timing out. Bounce the Beehive server or increase the
connection timeout in the Instant Messaging and Presence connection.

12.7.8 User Does Not See Connections In Chat Toolbox

Users do not see their connections in the Chat Toolbox

To resolve this problem, consider the following:
■ The user could be offline in the Chat Toolbox. Turn the user online by publishing
the presence from the Chat Toolbox.
■ The connections could be offline. Users should select the Show Offline
Connections checkbox from the Chat Toolbox to see offline connections.
■ Ensure that the correct Beehive URL is supplied in the Instant Messaging and
Presence connection.
■ The Beehive server could be timing out. Bounce the Beehive server or increase the
connection timeout in the Instant Messaging and Presence connection.
■ The connections might not be seen due to stale data in browser cache. Clear the
browser cache and refresh the page.

12.7.9 User Is Shown as Offline In Other Users' Connections Lists

User is shown as offline in other users' connection lists.

This could be due to stale data in the cache. Republish the online presence from the
Chat Toolbox.

12.7.10 Chat Tab Does Not Clear Messages When Closed and Reopened

The Chat tab does not clear messages when closed and reopened.

Use the Clear Chat option to clear the Chat tab contents.

12.7.11 User Is Not Seen as Offline After Logging Out

Users are not shown as offline even when they have logged out

This could be because the browser session was closed without logging out or the
logout did not disconnect the user. The offline status will be shown after a timeout of 4

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-37

Problems and Solutions for the Discussions Service

12.7.12 Invitation Flag Does Not Reflect Correct Invitation Count

The invitation flag does not reflect the correct invitation count.

The invitation count is not updated automatically. The user must perform a partial
page refresh operation or a full page refresh to see the new invitation count.

12.8 Problems and Solutions for the Discussions Service

This section describes problems and solutions related to the Discussions service. This
section contains the following topics:
■ Section 12.8.1, "User Is Not Authorized / Service Not Configured"
■ Section 12.8.2, "User Is Not Authorized Message for Member of a Group that Has
■ Section 12.8.3, "Unable to Log In to the Discussions Administration Console"
■ Section 12.8.4, "SOAP Fault Exceptions Seen in Announcements Region"
■ Section 12.8.5, "Discussions Server Displays a Form-Based Login Instead of SSO
Login Screen"
■ Section 12.8.6, "Service Not Provisioned During Space Creation"

12.8.1 User Is Not Authorized / Service Not Configured

Navigating to a page containing the forums or announcements regions shows User
xxxx is not authorized or Service not configured.

Ensure that the environment is configured properly:
■ Check whether the discussions server is up and running by accessing the
following URL:

■ Verify that the user is able to log in to the discussions server directly. If the user is
unable to log in, then execute the WLST commands shown in Table 12–2 (adding
server and node information as per your environment) to ensure that the
environment is properly configured by comparing them with the expected values.

Table 12–2 WLST Commands for Discussions Server Configuration

WLST Command Expected Value
getDiscussionsServerProperty(appName='owc_discussions', oracle.jive.security.JpsAuthFactory
getDiscussionsServerProperty(appName='owc_discussions', oracle.jive.security.JpsUserManager

12-38 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for the Discussions Service

Table 12–2 (Cont.) WLST Commands for Discussions Server Configuration

WLST Command Expected Value
getDiscussionsServerProperty(appName='owc_discussions', oracle.jive.security.JpsGroupManager
getDiscussionsServerProperty(appName='owc_discussions', true
getDiscussionsServerProperty(appName='owc_discussions', true

■ Verify that the discussions connection has been configured to use GPA. Execute the
following WLST command to find out details about the connection and look for
the highlighted entries.
wlst:/> listDiscussionForumConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)
Policy URI For Authenticated Access: GPA
Policy URI For Public Access: GPA

12.8.2 User Is Not Authorized Message for Member of a Group that Has Access

User has been added to a group which has access to a particular forum, yet in
WebCenter Portal: Spaces the user is unable to view the content.

This normally happens because of a mismatch of the user groups on the discussions
server. The user-group cache on the discussions server is refreshed once every 6
To resolve this issue consider the following options:
■ Clear the cache.
1. Log in to the discussions server administration console.
2. Navigate to Cache Settings.
3. Click Clear Cache.
■ Change the cache size. When the cache reaches the cache size limit, the least
recently used objects are pushed out of it.
1. Log in to the discussions server administration console.
2. Navigate to Cache Settings.
3. Click Edit Caches.
4. Change the Group Membership cache size to the desired value, in MB, for
example, 0.01. If you set this value too low, then the server may end up
accessing the back-end identity management system on every request, which
may result in performance issues.
5. Save the new setting.
■ Change the frequency of the cache refresh. This requires a restart of the application

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-39

Problems and Solutions for the Discussions Service

1. Edit the jive_startup.xml file to change the maxLifeTime value for

GroupMembership to the desired value (in milliseconds).
2. Save the changes and restart the server.

12.8.3 Unable to Log In to the Discussions Administration Console

A previously working user ID is no longer able to log in to the discussions server
administration console.

This can happen if the administrator accidentally deletes the group that has
administration access. To resolve this problem, execute the WLST command,
addDiscussionsServerAdmin, to regain access. For more information, see the
"addDiscussionsServerAdmin" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic
Scripting Tool Command Reference.

12.8.4 SOAP Fault Exceptions Seen in Announcements Region

The announcement region displays a SOAP fault exception instead of the

■ Verify that the discussions connection has been configured to use GPA. Execute the
following WLST command to find out details about the connection and look for
the highlighted entries:
wlst:/> listDiscussionForumConnections(appName='webcenter', verbose=1)
Policy URI For Authenticated Access: GPA
Policy URI For Public Access: GPA

■ Check that your wsm-pm application's configuration is correct and that there are no
errors being reported in your log files. To validate the wsm-pm application, log in to
the wsm-pm application's validation page as a user with administrative rights. Use
the following format for validation:

If there are no issues with this application, then accessible policies display. If
policies do not display, then investigate the related logged information on the
server whose wsm-pm application is failing.

12.8.5 Discussions Server Displays a Form-Based Login Instead of SSO Login Screen

Clicking login or accessing the discussions server administration console displays a
form-based login instead of the configured SSO login screen.

12-40 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for the Documents Service

Verify that your discussion server settings are as described in Table 12–2, specifically
that the owc_discussions.sso.mode property is set to true.

12.8.6 Service Not Provisioned During Space Creation

Creating a space returns the following warning:
Announcement, Discussions not provisioned

To resolve this problem:
1. Verify that the discussions server is configured properly as described in
Section 12.8.1.
2. Verify that your discussions server connection is correctly configured. You can
check on the connection information using Fusion Applications Control.
3. Check the WC_Spaces-diagnostic.log files to see if there are any timeouts during
space creation. Timeouts indicate that there is a bottleneck in the network. It could
be that the server is unreachable or overloaded and taking more time to respond.
Ensure that you are not routing the calls unnecessarily over the network when a
direct access would be better.
You can also go to Space administration settings, and provision the services manually.
For more information, see the "Enabling and Disabling Services Available to a Space"
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Portal: Spaces.

12.9 Problems and Solutions for the Documents Service

This section describes problems and solutions related to Documents service. This
section contains the following topics:
■ Section 12.9.1, "Documents Service Unavailable"
■ Section 12.9.2, "Granting Permissions Errors in Documents When Creating a
■ Section 12.9.3, "User Appears to Not Have the Correct Capabilities in the
Documents Page for His Role"
■ Section 12.9.4, "Documents Connection Not Working after Switching to Global
Policy Attachment"

12.9.1 Documents Service Unavailable

After configuring WebCenter Portal: Spaces to have a active connection to a Content
Repository connection (Oracle WebCenter Content: Content Server) and bouncing
WebCenter Portal: Spaces, the Documents service does not appear to be available in
Spaces. For example, in the Home space or a space there are no documents available.

The cause of the issue is likely to be in the Content Repository connection settings or
that the WebCenter Portal data was not successfully seeded into the Content Server.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-41

Problems and Solutions for the Documents Service

To resolve this problem:

1. Check that the Content Server is up and running. Ensure the server has the Server
Port (intradoc) configured and the Server IP Filter allows connection from
WebCenter Portal: Spaces:
a. Log in to the Content Server.
b. Click Administration.
c. Click Configuration for instance name.
d. Click the Server Configurations link under System Configuration.
e. Ensure that Server Port is listed and that Server IP Filter allows access from
WebCenter Portal: Spaces.
2. Check the Content Repository Connection settings are correct for the Content
Server being used for the Document store:
a. Using either WLST or Fusion Applications Control display the Content
Repository Connection settings.
b. Ensure that the connection for the Content Server is marked as the Active
Connection or Primary Connection.
c. Ensure that the settings for the Content Server are correct.
d. Ensure that the Content Administrator, Root Folder and Application Name
have been specified:
– The Content Administrator must have administration rights in the
Content Server. This user will be used to create and maintain folders for
spaces content, security groups and roles, and manage content access
– The Root Folder and Application Name must be unique and not used by
any other WebCenter Portal: Spaces application using the same Content
Server. If you change these values, ensure that both values are changed
and not just one of them.
– It is recommended the Application Name is less than 14 characters as it is
used as a prefix for items created in Content Server, such as workflows,
which have a limit on the length of the item name.
3. Check the log at the time of the WebCenter Portal: Spaces start-up for any errors
connecting to the Content Server or seeding the data in the Content Server:
a. When WebCenter Portal: Spaces has an active or primary Content Repository
connection and the Content Administrator, Root Folder and Application
Name have been specified, then when the WebCenter Portal: Spaces server
starts up, data is seeded in the Content Server for that application (if it does
not already exist).
b. If both 1 and 2 are correct, check the WebCenter Portal: Spaces log for any
errors when WebCenter Portal: Spaces starts up. There may be errors when
seeding the data in the Content Server.
c. If the log does not show any useful log information, turn up the logging for
the Documents server and bounce WebCenter Portal: Spaces to see the log
messages regarding seeding the WebCenter Portal: Spaces seed data:
a. Either use Fusion Applications Control or edit the logging.xml file to
increase the logging for oracle.webcenter.doclib.internal.model and

12-42 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions for the Documents Service

b. Restart WebCenter Portal: Spaces.

c. View the log for any messages regarding the seeding of the WebCenter
Portal: Spaces data.
d. If the data is seeded correctly there should be a message logged at TRACE
level similar to the following:
Content Server already contains the Space container, therefore no need
to seed any data

e. If the seed data does not already exist, there should be a message logged
at TRACE level similar to the following:
Creating WebCenter Seeded Data

12.9.2 Granting Permissions Errors in Documents When Creating a Space

On creating a space based on a template with the Documents service, the space
creation fails with an error such as the following:
Granting permissions for Documents failed

View the WebCenter Portal: Spaces log to see if there are any log messages indicating
the source of the error.
If it is not clear what the cause of the error is, try resetting all the Document
permissions for all the roles to see if the role mapping completes successfully. Any
failures should be logged in the WebCenter Portal: Spaces log.
For information about how to reset the permissions, see Section 12.9.3.

12.9.3 User Appears to Not Have the Correct Capabilities in the Documents Page for
His Role

When a user does not have the expected capabilities in the Documents page for his or
her role, (for example the user is a Participant who has Write and Delete yet he or she
cannot create content) it is possible that the permissions displayed in WebCenter
Portal: Spaces do not match those permissions actually stored in the Content Server.

Solution 1
If the problem affects a single user, reset the user's role by performing the following
1. Log in to WebCenter Portal: Spaces.
2. Navigate to the space.
3. Navigate to the Space administration settings.
4. Click the Members tab.
5. Select the affected user.
6. Click Change Role.
7. Select a different role and click OK.

Troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Portal 12-43

Problems and Solutions for the Documents Service

8. Click Change Role again.

9. Select the original role and click OK.

Solution 2
If the problem affects multiple users, resynchronize the permissions from WebCenter
Portal: Spaces to WebCenter Portal Content by performing the following steps:
1. Log in to WebCenter Portal: Spaces.
2. Navigate to the Space administration settings.
3. Click the Roles tab.
4. For each role:
a. Select the role and click Edit Permissions.
b. Deselect all the permissions and click Save.
c. Click Edit Permissions again and select the desired permissions.
d. Click Save.
5. For the seeded roles the recommended permissions are:
■ Moderator: Read, Write, Delete, Admin
■ Participant: Read, Write, Delete
■ Viewer: Read

12.9.4 Documents Connection Not Working after Switching to Global Policy


A Documents connection that was used with Local Policies fails to behave correctly
when repurposed for GPA use.

To resolve this problem:
1. Examine the Documents connection properties using Fusion Applications Control
or WLST. For more information, see the "Modifying Content Repository
Connection Details" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide
for Oracle WebCenter Portal.
2. Verify that the client security policy is not set.
3. If it is set, clear the value. For example, using WLST:
[application name],
[connection name],

12-44 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Moving Components for

Oracle Fusion Applications Across


This chapter describes common problems that you might encounter when moving
Oracle Fusion Applications components across environments and explains how to
solve them.
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Section 13.1, "Getting Started with Logging Basics"
■ Section 13.2, "Avoiding Issues with Moving Components for Oracle Fusion
Applications Across Environments"
■ Section 13.3, "Problems and Solutions"
■ Section 13.4, "Diagnosing Problems"
■ Section 13.5, "Recovering from pasteConfig Errors"

13.1 Getting Started with Logging Basics

To troubleshoot moving Oracle Fusion Applications across environments, use the
following tools:
■ For movement issues, review issues in the log files.
Use the -logDirLoc option with the copyBinary, pasteBinary, copyConfig,
pasteConfig, and extractMovePlan scripts to specify a directory for log files. If
you do not specify this option for the scripts, log files are stored in the temp
■ For component-specific or user errors, review the following logs:
– Oracle Fusion Applications logs:
(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/servers/Managed_Server/logs/apps
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\servers/Managed_Server/logs/apps

See the "Viewing and Searching Log Files During Normal Operation" section
in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
– Oracle WebLogic Server and instance logs:
(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/servers/server_name/logs
(Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\servers\server_name\logs

Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments 13-1
Avoiding Issues with Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments

See the "Viewing Log Files and Their Messages Using Fusion Middleware
Control" section in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

13.2 Avoiding Issues with Moving Components for Oracle Fusion

Applications Across Environments
To avoid movement failures, check the following:
■ Section 13.2.1, "Oracle Inventory Verification"
■ Section 13.2.2, "Java Issues"
■ Section 13.2.3, "Running Commands from the Wrong Directory"
■ Section 13.2.4, "Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Migration Failed During
■ Section 13.2.5, "Oracle Platform Security Services JPS Root fusionappspolicies Not
Created In Oracle Identity Management Delta Movement"
■ Section 13.2.6, "Move Plan Validation Error"
■ Section 13.2.7, "pasteConfig for Oracle Internet Directory Is Failing"
■ Section 13.2.8, "pasteBinary May Incorrectly Calculate Free Disk Space"
■ Section 13.2.9, "Node Manager Movement Operations"

13.2.1 Oracle Inventory Verification

One of the most common reasons for a failed movement session is due to the use of an
incorrect or invalid Oracle Inventory (oraInventory) when running the copy or paste
To ensure your environment has the correct Oracle Inventory:
1. Verify the Oracle Inventory location.
On UNIX systems, verify that the inventory location referenced in the default
inventory location (/etc/oraInst.loc on Linux systems) refers to the actual
inventory your source Oracle Fusion Applications install is registered into. If it
does not, you will need to use the -invPtrLoc (-ipl) argument on all copy and
paste operations. This argument should contain the path to the oraInst.loc file
that matches the inventory your Oracle Fusion Applications install is registered
On Windows systems, the Oracle Inventory location is stored in the Windows
registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle location, in the inst_
loc key. This value is global across the machine. On the Windows platform, the
-invPtrLoc (-ipl) argument is not supported. You must use the inventory
specified in the registry.
2. On Windows systems, the Oracle Inventory location is stored in the Windows
registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle location, in the inst_
loc key. This value is global across the machine. On the Windows platform, the
-invPtrLoc (-ipl) argument is not supported. You must use the inventory
specified in the registry.
3. Verify that the user ID performing the movement actions has full read and write
permissions to the Oracle Inventory location being used.

13-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Avoiding Issues with Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments

4. Verify that all Oracle home locations within the fusionapps Middleware directory
are using the same oraInventory location. Failure to do so will result in some
Oracle homes not being present in the archive.
Failure to adhere to the requirements listed above can manifest itself in failures such
■ Not all Oracle homes present in the source location being included in the archive.
■ Not all Oracle homes present in the archive being processed by the paste*
■ NullPointerException during copyBinary operation.

13.2.2 Java Issues

To avoid Java issues:
1. Do not use a JDK from a directory location containing spaces (if on Windows,
please use the short form directory names if you must use a JDK in a directory
location containing spaces).
2. Ensure that your JDK "bitness" matches that of your Oracle Fusion Applications
install. If you are using a 64-bit JDK, make sure that you are using a 64-bit Oracle
Fusion Applications installation.
On Windows systems, failure to ensure this can result in T2P getting confused
regarding the Oracle Inventory on 64 bit boxes. On 64 bit Windows machines, both
the Program Files and Program Files (x86) directories can contain inventories:
Program Files is used for 64-bit installations.

13.2.3 Running Commands from the Wrong Directory

On the target machine, after running the pasteBinary operation, be sure to execute
the related commands, pasteConfig, extractMovePlan, and so on) from the following
extracted locations:
(UNIX) MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin
(Windows) MW_HOME\oracle_common\bin

13.2.4 Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Migration Failed During pasteconfig
If Oracle Web Services Manager policy migration fails when using the pasteConfig
script, the issue can occur if you do not use the proper Oracle Identity Management
database service name. The SID value should not be used.

13.2.5 Oracle Platform Security Services JPS Root fusionappspolicies Not Created In
Oracle Identity Management Delta Movement
Oracle Platform Security Services JPS root fusionappspolicies not created during an
Oracle Identity Management delta movement.
Ensure that the instructions given in the "Update the ADF Credentials" section in the
Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide for the Identity Store have been
followed and that the resulting data is properly populated.

13.2.6 Move Plan Validation Error

During pasteConfig operations, invalid editing of the move plans can result in
validation errors. Please ensure the following:

Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments 13-3
Problems and Solutions

1. Use a syntax validating editor to edit the move plan files. This ensures that simple
XML formatting rules within the file are followed.
2. Ensure that no READ_ONLY elements have been edited and modified.
3. Ensure that no new READ_WRITE elements have been added.

13.2.7 pasteConfig for Oracle Internet Directory Is Failing

When performing the pasteConfig operation for Oracle Internet Directory, the
operations fails with an invalid database error.
During a pasteConfig operation, if the target database is the same as the source
database, then the Oracle Internet Directory component name should be different.
If the target database is different from the source database, then the Oracle Internet
Directory component name needs to be the same.

Note: Target database also needs to be a clone of source database.

13.2.8 pasteBinary May Incorrectly Calculate Free Disk Space

The pasteBinary operation may incorrectly calculate the free disk space. This can be
due to the target location being on a Network File System (NFS) share or a different
type of file system (such as data ONTAP).
If you are sure that there is enough free disk space for the archive to be extracted and
configured, use the -ignoreDiskWarning (-idw) argument to ignore the disk space
check error

13.2.9 Node Manager Movement Operations

Ensure that the copyConfig and pasteConfig operations for Node Manager operations
are performed. The copyConfig and pasteConfig operations for the domains do not
configure the Node Manager properties. Failure to do so can result in defaulted Node
Manager configuration rather than the properties from the source environment.
See the "Running the copyConfig for Node Manager" section and the "Running the
pasteConfig for Node Manager" sections for command line usage.

13.3 Problems and Solutions

This section describes common problems and solutions. It includes the following
■ Section 13.3.1, "Running Fusion Applications Role Category Seeding Task Returns
■ Section 13.3.2, "pasteBinary Returns Permission Errors"
■ Section 13.3.3, "pasteBinary Returns Error for Middleware Home Directory"
■ Section 13.3.4, "pasteBinary Fails With deriveNewWLSProperties Error"
■ Section 13.3.5, "copyConfig Fails When Checking Oracle Homes"
■ Section 13.3.6, "copyConfig Takes Too Long to Complete"
■ Section 13.3.7, "copyConfig Fails With CLONE-20408 Error"
■ Section 13.3.8, "copyConfig Fails with MaxMessageSizeExceededException"

13-4 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

■ Section 13.3.9, "Cannot Run pasteConfig for Node Manager After Initial Failure"
■ Section 13.3.10, "Copy or Paste Fails with a DiskQuotaExceeded Error"
■ Section 13.3.11, "Exceptions Are Raised for Oracle SES During pasteConfig"
■ Section 13.3.12, "SOA-infra Application Is in Failed State"
■ Section 13.3.13, "No Oracle Fusion Applications Targets Display in Oracle
Enterprise Manager"
■ Section 13.3.14, "OutOfMemory (Heap Size) Error while Unpacking the Domain in
■ Section 13.3.15, "OutOfMemory Error with pasteConfig while Starting the
Administration Server or Managed Server"
■ Section 13.3.16, "wf_client_config.xml Refers to Files in the Source Environment"
■ Section 13.3.17, "PolicyManagerValidator Fails to Preload"
■ Section 13.3.18, "Issues While Running pasteConfig"
■ Section 13.3.19, "Cluster Validation Fails"
■ Section 13.3.20, "Cannot Enable the SSL Connection Type After Node Manager
■ Section 13.3.21, "Cannot Retrieve Documents from Oracle WebCenter Content:
Imaging Viewer"
■ Section 13.3.22, "OHS Component Will Not Start After pasteConfig"
■ Section 13.3.23, "Application Scope Data Sources Are Not Copied"
■ Section 13.3.24, "Java Runtime Environment Was Not Found During Cloning
For information about the error messages you may encounter when moving Oracle
Fusion Applications components across environments, see Oracle Fusion Middleware
Error Messages Reference.

13.3.1 Running Fusion Applications Role Category Seeding Task Returns Exception
An exception is raised when you run the Fusion Applications Role Category Seeding
task in Oracle Identity Manager.

Oracle Virtual Directory was not configured properly for the change log adapter.

Set the Remote Base value to an empty value.
1. In Oracle Directory Services Manager, select the Adapter tab, then General.
2. Remove the value in the Remote Base field.
3. Restart Oracle Virtual Directory and Oracle Identity Manager.

13.3.2 pasteBinary Returns Permission Errors

While troubleshooting binary movement issues, you may run across some
permission-related messages. These messages are expected due to the nature of
transient files between the source and target machines. In most cases, you can safely

Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments 13-5
Problems and Solutions

ignore these message if there are no other movement failures. Some examples of
permission errors are:
/bin/chmod: cannot access
/webtier/cfgtoollogs/configToolAllCommands' : No such file or directory
'/bin/chmod: cannot access
/webtier/network/lib/env_network.mk.32' : No such file or directory

13.3.3 pasteBinary Returns Error for Middleware Home Directory

The pasteBinary script returns an error when you apply the Middleware home
directory to the target environment.

Incorrect information was entered.

Take the following actions to recover:
1. Delete the target Middleware home.
2. Remove the Oracle home entry from the Oracle inventory, if it is present.
3. For Windows, remove the shortcut for the Middleware home and Oracle home.

13.3.4 pasteBinary Fails With deriveNewWLSProperties Error

You encounter the deriveNewWLSProperties error when you run the pasteBinary

The target Middleware home location is inside another Middleware home.

Specify a target Middleware home location that is not inside another Middleware
home when you run the pasteBinary script.

13.3.5 copyConfig Fails When Checking Oracle Homes

The copyConfig script fails when it checks Oracle homes.

The inventory configuration is invalid.

Make sure that inventory.xml is valid. Do not update the inventory manually.

13.3.6 copyConfig Takes Too Long to Complete

The copyConfig script takes an unusually long time to complete.

The metadata export is requiring a lot of time.

13-6 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Check the logs to make sure it is taking time to export. Clean up the database cache or
purge the database. You can also collect the database statistics.

13.3.7 copyConfig Fails With CLONE-20408 Error

The copyConfig script fails with the error CLONE-20408.

The machine is specified as unix-machineType in the config.xml file.

Edit the machine type in DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml to remove
xsi:type="unix-machineType" in:
<machine xsi:type="unix-machineType">

For example:

Restart the servers after you update the config.xml file.

13.3.8 copyConfig Fails with MaxMessageSizeExceededException

The copyConfig script fails on the WebLogic Server domains.

You encounter the following error when you are executing copyConfig of Oracle
WebLogic Server Domains:
weblogic.socket.MaxMessageSizeExceededException: Incoming message of size:
'1000080' bytes exceeds the configured maximum of:'1000000' bytes for protocol:

Change the message size limit by using the T2P_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable
to pass the -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize=2000000 property to both the copyConfig
and pasteConfig scripts.

13.3.9 Cannot Run pasteConfig for Node Manager After Initial Failure
You cannot run the pasteConfig script for Node Manager after running it failed the
first time.

The pasteConfig script for Node Manager creates the nodemanager.properties file
and other files, which are left out when there is a failure.

Clean up all the files in the target Node Manager home location before re-running the
pasteConfig script.

Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments 13-7
Problems and Solutions

13.3.10 Copy or Paste Fails with a DiskQuotaExceeded Error

A user block limit/disk quota error causes either a copy or a paste operation to fail.

You faced the following exception during a copy or paste operation: write failed,
user block limit reached. SEVERE: Disk quota exceeded.

To ensure that enough disk space is allocated to this user, you can either expand the
disk quota for that user or remove the disk quota limit for that user.

13.3.11 Exceptions Are Raised for Oracle SES During pasteConfig

The pasteConfig script returns exceptions for Oracle SES when you apply system
components to the target environment.

pasteConfig was invoked a second time on the same Oracle SES instance.

Clean up the Oracle SES instance in the target environment using the searchadmin
command-line interface before invoking pasteConfig again.
For more information about the searchadmin commands, see Oracle Secure Enterprise
Search Administration API Guide.
To clean up the Oracle SES instance:
1. At the operating system prompt, log in to the searchadmin command-line
interface using the following command:
SES_ORACLE_HOME/bin/searchadmin -p adminPwd -c adminWebServiceUrl

For example:
>/scratch/yummy/wls/Oracle_SES1/bin/searchadmin -p welcome2SES -c

The prompt changes to SES>.

2. Enter the following searchadmin commands in the order specified:
SES>deleteAll altWord
SES>deleteAll proxyLogin
SES>deleteAll facetTree
SES>deleteAll suggLink
SES>deleteAll sourceGroup
SES>deleteAll schedule
SES>deleteAll docServicePipeline
SES>deleteAll docServiceInstance
SES>deleteAll source

3. Delete any remaining sources:

a. Log in to the Oracle SES Administration GUI.
b. Select the Sources secondary tab.
c. On the Sources page, delete any remaining sources that are listed.

13-8 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

4. Return to the Oracle SES searchadmin command line and enter the following
SES>deleteAll searchAttr
SES>delete thesaurus -n DEFAULT

Note: The thesaurus may not exist. You can ignore the error message
EQA-11000: The object with key "[name=DEFAULT]" and type
"thesaurus" was not found.

5. Check whether or not an active identity plug-in exists:

a. Enter the following command:
SES>getAllStates identityPlugin -o idPluginState.xml

The idPluginState.xml file is generated in SES_ORACLE_

b. Open the idPluginState.xml file and search for the phrase
c. If <search:value>ACTIVE</search:value> does not exist, then there is no
active identity plug-in. Skip to Step 8.
If <search:value>ACTIVE</search:value> exists, continue to Step 6.

Note: There will be at most only one active identity plug-in at a time.

6. Scroll up the page to locate the jarFilePath and managerClassName of this active
identity plug-in.
7. Deactivate the plug-in by entering the following command:
SES>deactivate identityPlugin --JAR_FILE=jarFilePath --MANAGER_

8. Check whether or not partitionConfig is active:

a. Enter the following command:
SES>getState partitionConfig -o partitionConfigState.xml

The partitionConfigState.xml file is generated in SES_ORACLE_

b. Open the partitionConfigState.xml file and search for the phrase
c. If <search:value>ACTIVE</search:value> does not exist, then there is no
active partitionConfig. Skip to Step 10.
If <search:value>ACTIVE</search:value> exists, continue to Step 9.
9. Enter the following two commands:
SES>export partitionConfig -o partitionConfig.xml
SES>update partitionConfig -i partitionConfig.xml -a remove

10. Delete the storage areas by entering the following command:

Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments 13-9
Problems and Solutions

SES>deleteAll storageArea

13.3.12 SOA-infra Application Is in Failed State

The SOA server fails to start after you have completed the procedures for moving the
Oracle Fusion Applications components.

An incorrect configuration of the Oracle Coherence framework that is used for
deployment is preventing the SOA system from starting. The deployment framework
must be properly customized for the network environment on which the SOA system

Modify the Oracle Coherence cluster configuration by editing the values for the
following startup parameters:
■ tangosol.coherence.wka1
■ tangosol.coherence.localhost
■ tangosol.coherence.localport
■ tangosol.coherence.wka1.port
For information, see the "Configuring Oracle Coherence for Deploying Composites"
section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

13.3.13 No Oracle Fusion Applications Targets Display in Oracle Enterprise Manager

After moving the Oracle WebLogic Server domain configuration, the Oracle Fusion
Middleware targets display in Oracle Enterprise Manager, but Oracle Fusion
Applications targets (such as product families, products, and J2EE applications) do

The ASK tables in the database (such as ASK_DEPLOYED_APPLICATIONS and ASK_
DEPLOYED_DOMAINS) are not populated.

Check to make sure that Topology Manager functions properly when you run the
copyConfig and pasteConfig scripts. Also check to make sure that the move plan
values are properly modified.

13.3.14 OutOfMemory (Heap Size) Error while Unpacking the Domain in pasteConfig
The pasteConfig script hangs, then displays a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:Java
heap space error while the unpack command was executed as part of the pasteConfig

There is insufficient memory to process the large files (either spurious soft links to
directories with many large files or large log files) of the Oracle WebLogic Server

13-10 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

Remove the large, unnecessary files, and run the copyConfig and pasteConfig scripts
again. You can also increase the JVM heap size by using the -Xmx option for maximum
heap size, and the -Xms option for initial heap size. For example:
export CONFIG_JVM_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m"

13.3.15 OutOfMemory Error with pasteConfig while Starting the Administration Server
or Managed Server
You cannot run the pasteConfig script because of an OutOfMemory error.

You encounter an OutOfMemory error while the pasteConfig operation is trying to start
the server.

Set the JVM system variable USER_MEM_ARGS, as described in the "Setting the JVM
System Variables on Windows" section of the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's

13.3.16 wf_client_config.xml Refers to Files in the Source Environment

After moving your Oracle Fusion Applications environment from one host to another,
the wf_client_config.xml files still refers to the files in source environment.

The wf_client_config.xml files were not edited to change the value of the
<rootEndPointURL> element.

Edit the wf-client-config.xml file for each application to change the value of the
<rootEndPointURL> element.
To locate each wf_client_config.xml file and edit the <rootEndPointURL> element:
1. Run the following command from the fusionapps Middleware directory (for
example, /net/mount1/appbase/fusionapps):
find . -name wf_client_config.xml

2. For each wf_client_config.xml file (one for each application), change the value
of <rootEndPointURL> to point to the internal virtual host port for the SOA cluster
on the target environment. For example:

13.3.17 PolicyManagerValidator Fails to Preload

PolicyManagerValidator fails to preload on startup in the /wsm-pm web application.

An MDSConfiguration exception was encountered in parseADFConfiguration at

Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments 13-11
Problems and Solutions

Manually make the following targeting changes:
■ Add the Oracle Web Services Manager targets: admin, ess, and spaces.
■ Remove the wsm-pm target: admin.

13.3.18 Issues While Running pasteConfig

You encounter issues while running the pasteConfig script.

The custom scripts in the ORACLE_HOME/COMMON/WLST directory are invalid.

Validate the custom scripts in the ORACLE_HOME/COMMON/WLST directory.

13.3.19 Cluster Validation Fails

You receive a setClusterAddress() failed error while configuring the machine in
the target environment.

The cluster member host address contains an illegal character in the domain or host
name or address.

Replace the domain or host name or address with a valid value.

13.3.20 Cannot Enable the SSL Connection Type After Node Manager Movement
After you move Node Manager from the source environment to the target
environment, you encounter a javax.net.ssl.SSLKey exception because the
connection between the Administration Server and Node Manager is of connection
type plain socket, instead of SSL.

The keystores were not created properly.

Complete the following tasks to properly create the keystores:
1. Create the identity keystores and trust keystores for the middle tier Managed
Servers and Node Manager. See the "Ensure Source and Destination Environments
Fulfill Requirements" section in Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
2. Perform Node Manager movement, editing the Node Manager properties in the
move plan. See the "Move Plan Properties for Node Manager" section in Oracle
Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

13.3.21 Cannot Retrieve Documents from Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging Viewer
After moving the Oracle Fusion Applications components, you cannot retrieve
documents from the Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging Viewer.

13-12 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Problems and Solutions

The ixTransformer no longer has execute rights when bundled with copyConfig.sh
and extracted with pasteConfig.sh. The server must be able to execute this file in
order to transform documents into TIF format for viewing.

Set the permissions to 750 (on UNIX systems) for files in the unpacked domain with
the extension .sh. For information, see "Task 3 Modify Oracle Information Rights
Management Settings" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

13.3.22 OHS Component Will Not Start After pasteConfig

Upon completion of the pasteConfig script for an OHS component, the script
automatically attempts to start the new component, but it will not start.

SSL was previously configured on the source environment, but upon being cloned to
the target, ssl.conf still points to the old wallet location, which no longer exists. The
OHS cannot find the wallet, which results in startup failure.

If the non-default wallet was used at the source environment, then export the wallet
from the source environment and import it to the target environment. Then, update
the wallet location (if changed) in the ssl.conf file in the target environment.

13.3.23 Application Scope Data Sources Are Not Copied

After moving the Oracle Fusion Applications components, all Oracle ADF applications
that use the application scope data sources fail to start.

The copyConfig script handles only global data sources defined in each Oracle
WebLogic Server domain.

For application level data sources, you must deploy the Oracle ADF application
configured with the application level data sources to a server in the target domain, and
manually configure the data sources on the target domain.

13.3.24 Java Runtime Environment Was Not Found During Cloning Operations
When performing cloning operations as a part of the paste operations, the Java
Runtime Environment was not found when runInstaller / setup.exe is executed
from the cloned Oracle Home.

While invoking runInstaller / setup.exe from cloned Oracle Home, the following
message is displayed:
The Java RunTime Environment was not found when runInstaller / setup.exe is
executed from the cloned Oracle Home.

The error occurs because the JRE was not found at /tmp/OraInstalltime_
stamp/jre/bin/java. Therefore, the Oracle Universal Installer cannot be run.

Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments 13-13
Diagnosing Problems

To resolve this issue:
1. Visit http://www.javasoft.com and install JRE version 1.3.1 or higher and try
2. Ensure the JRE_LOCATION setting in ORACLE_HOME/oui/oraparam.ini points to a
valid JRE location.

13.4 Diagnosing Problems

This section describes general approaches for diagnosing moving Oracle Fusion
Applications components across environments. It contains the following topic:
■ Diagnosing Issues with Oracle Metadata Repository Export and Import

13.4.1 Diagnosing Issues with Oracle Metadata Repository Export and Import
The copyConfig process tries to export the Oracle Metadata Repository (MDS) data of
all applications. Some applications may have MDS data, while some may not have any
data—or in some cases, the Managed Server may be down or the application may not
be in active state.
To diagnose issues related to MDS export, check the copyConfig logs after the
copyConfig process is complete to make sure that all the applications with MDS data
are exported successfully.
In the section of the copyConfig log, shown in Example 13–1, the listed applications do
not have any MDS data, which causes the failure.

Example 13–1 Sample copyConfig Log

FINE : [J2EEComponentCreateCloner:doClone] #####################################
MDS Export Summary #############################################
FINE : [J2EEComponentCreateCloner:doClone]
MDS Export of some applications failed. Check the following list of applications
and make sure that MDS data is not associated with these applications. -
FusionEsdApp, FusionCtdApp, FMW Welcome Page Application, em, ESSAPP,
ESSJobTypesAPP, DiagnosticsUI-Ess, SalesApp, oraclediagent, odiconsole, wsil-wls,
DMS Application, AppsLoggerService, FileAdapter, DbAdapter, JmsAdapter, AqAdapter,
FtpAdapter, SocketAdapter, MQSeriesAdapter, OracleAppsAdapter, OracleBamAdapter,
usermessagingserver, usermessagingdriver-email, usermessagingdriver-extension,
worklistapp, b2bui, DefaultToDoTaskFlow, composer, OracleBPMProcessRolesApp,
OracleBPMComposerRolesApp, OracleBPMWorkspace, SimpleApprovalTaskFlow,
SetTransformService, DiagnosticsUI-Assembly, Diagnostics-JmxApi,

FINE : [J2EEComponentCreateCloner:doClone]

You can check the reason for failure for each of these applications from the copyConfig
Similarly, the pasteConfig process tries to import the MDS data that was exported
during copyConfig. To diagnose issues related to MDS import, check the pasteConfig
logs to make sure that the MDS import is successful.
Import failed for ProductManagementApp, ProductManagementCommonApp, and
CostManagementApp in the pasteConfig log, shown in Example 13–2.

13-14 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Recovering from pasteConfig Errors

Example 13–2 Sample pasteConfig Log

FINE : [J2EEComponentApplyCloner:doClone] #####################################
MDS Import Summary #############################################
FINE : [J2EEComponentApplyCloner:doClone] MDS Import of following applications


. Check managed server and clone logs for details.
FINE : [J2EEComponentApplyCloner:doClone]

Resolve any import failures after the pasteConfig is complete. You can use the
importMetadata command to import the MDS after pasteConfig is complete. For
information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

13.5 Recovering from pasteConfig Errors

To recover from a pasteConfig error:
1. Check the logs to identify the issue.
2. Stop all processes related to the domain.
3. Delete the following directories:

4. For LDAP, drop the schemas and re-create them using the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Metadata Repository Creation Utility, and delete the domain node.
For Metadata Services (MDS), you can overwrite the schemas without dropping
the domain node.
When you execute the pasteBinary or pasteConfig scripts and enter incorrect
information in the move plan, the scripts return an error. In some cases, the scripts
may have partially completed the paste operation.
To recover from a pasteConfig error when applying system components to the target:
1. Uninstall the instance.
2. If you cannot uninstall the instance, stop all processes related to that instance and
delete the Oracle instance.

Troubleshooting Moving Components for Oracle Fusion Applications Across Environments 13-15
Recovering from pasteConfig Errors

13-16 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

Additional Troubleshooting Information

This chapter describes additional troubleshooting resources.

This chapter contains the following topic:
■ Section 14.1, "Using My Oracle Support for Additional Troubleshooting

14.1 Using My Oracle Support for Additional Troubleshooting Information

You can use My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink) to help resolve Oracle Fusion
Applications problems. My Oracle Support contains several useful troubleshooting
resources, such as:
■ Knowledge base articles
■ Community forums and discussions
■ Patches and upgrades
■ Certification information
You can access My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com.

Additional Troubleshooting Information 14-1

Using My Oracle Support for Additional Troubleshooting Information

14-2 Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Troubleshooting Guide

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