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Using Learning

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Using Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Using Learning



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Author: Lynn Raiser

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Using Learning


Get Help ................................................................................................................................ i

1 Guide and Application Overviews 1

About the Using Oracle Fusion Cloud Learning Guide .......................................................................................................... 1
What's Oracle Learning .................................................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Key Terminology 3
Course Definition for Oracle Learning ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning .................................................................................................................... 3
Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning ................................................................................................................. 4
Specialization Definition for Oracle Learning .......................................................................................................................... 4
Prerequisites Definition for Oracle Learning ............................................................................................................................ 5
Learning Outcomes Definition for Oracle Learning ............................................................................................................... 6
Assessment Definition for Oracle Learning ............................................................................................................................. 7
Evaluation Definition for Oracle Learning ................................................................................................................................ 8
Learning Communities Definition for Oracle Learning ......................................................................................................... 8

3 Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes for Courses and Specializations 9

Oracle Learning Prerequisites and Outcomes, and Talent Prerequisite and Person Profile Types ............................... 9
Prerequisites Profile Type for Oracle Learning Course and Specialization Prerequisites ............................................... 9
Person Profile Type and Learning Outcomes for Oracle Learning Courses and Specializations ................................. 10
Suggested Skills to Set as Learning Outcomes ..................................................................................................................... 10

4 Enrollment Questionnaires, Assessments, and Evaluations 13

Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning ............................................................................................................................. 13
Set Default Evaluations for Oracle Learning Course Offerings .......................................................................................... 14

5 Overrides for Learning Access and Enrollment Defaults 17

Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization .................................... 17
Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning ........................ 17
Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Using Learning

How Oracle Learning Access Is Determined .......................................................................................................................... 18

6 Access and Enrollment Options for Learning Catalog, Courses, Offerings, 19

and Specializations
For Courses in a Specialization Options, Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning .......................................... 19
Self-Service View Mode Options for Default Learning Access in Oracle Learning ........................................................ 19
Initial Learning Record Status Options for Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning ...................................... 20
Prerequisites Options for Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning ..................................................................... 21

7 Example Default Access and Enrollment Configurations 23

Company-Wide Access to an Oracle Learning Course and Offering with No Enrollment Approval, Learners Can Enroll
in Both ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Company-Wide Access to an Oracle Learning Course and Offering with No Enrollment Approval, Learners Can Enroll
Only in the Offering ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Oracle Learning Course with Instructor-Led and Self-Paced Offerings, Learners Need Approval for Instructor-Led
Enrollments .................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Generate Demand for an Oracle Learning Course Before Funding the Offerings, Let Learners Enroll, But Require
Manual Activation ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Oracle Learning Specialization with Some Offering Enrollments Requiring Approval .................................................. 26

8 Analysis Reports to Identify Learners for Access Groups, Assignments, 29

and Initiatives
Create Analysis Report Criteria to Identify Learners for Access Groups, Assignments, and Initiatives ..................... 29

9 Content Resources and Learning Completion Attempts 31

Content Resources for the Oracle Learning Catalog ............................................................................................................ 31
How Recorded Attempts Affect Oracle Learning Statuses and Scores ............................................................................. 31
How You Reset Ongoing and Completed Attempts for Oracle Learning SCORM Content Resources ....................... 32
Statuses for Content Imported into Oracle Learning from External Providers ............................................................... 32

10 Add and Manually Process Content Resources 33

Add Online Content to Your Oracle Learning Resources .................................................................................................... 33
Add a Video to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources .................................................................................................. 34
Add a Web Link to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources ............................................................................................ 35
Add a PDF File to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources .............................................................................................. 35
Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Using Learning

Add an Assessment to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources .................................................................................... 36

Add an Observation Checklist to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources ................................................................... 37
Add Cover Art to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources ............................................................................................... 38
Create a Global or Local Access Group for Oracle Learning .............................................................................................. 38
Import External Content to the Oracle Learning Catalog ................................................................................................... 40
Manually Process Oracle Learning Content Resources That Failed Processing ............................................................. 41
Enable Environment Refreshes with Oracle Learning Content Resources ....................................................................... 41

11 Instructor-Led Training Resources 43

Instructor-Led Training Resources for the Oracle Learning Catalog ................................................................................ 43
Create an Instructor for Your Oracle Learning Catalog Resources ................................................................................... 43
Link an Instructor to a Virtual Classroom Provider ............................................................................................................. 44
Create a Classroom for Your Oracle Learning Catalog Resources .................................................................................... 44
View the Schedule for an Oracle Learning Classroom ........................................................................................................ 45
View the Oracle Learning Offerings Taught by an Instructor ............................................................................................ 45
Create a Training Supplier for Your Oracle Learning Catalog Resources ......................................................................... 45

12 Completion Certificates 47
Completion Certificates for Oracle Learning Courses, Specializations, and Legacy Items .......................................... 47
Configure Completion Certificate Templates for Oracle Learning .................................................................................... 47
Set Completion Certificate Defaults for Oracle Learning Courses and Specializations ................................................ 48

13 Capacity Rules and Waitlists 49

Waitlists for Oracle Learning Course Offerings .................................................................................................................... 49
How Capacity Rules and Waitlist Work for Oracle Learning Course Offerings ............................................................... 49
What Happens When a Learner Accepts or Declines a Waitlisted Seat .......................................................................... 50
How You Can Override Offering Capacity Rules When Assigning Oracle Learning ...................................................... 50
How You Can Manually Manage the Waitlist for Oracle Learning Assignments ............................................................. 51

14 Course Administration in the Learning Catalog 53

Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog ................................................................................................................. 53
Oracle Learning Course Configuration Options: Featured Learning, Offerings, Learners, Conversations, Community
Usage, and Default Access ........................................................................................................................................................ 54
Add an Enrollment Questionnaire to an Oracle Learning Course ..................................................................................... 55
Why a Learner Sometimes Can't Resume an Oracle Learning Course ............................................................................ 55
Troubleshoot Why Learners Can't Enroll in Existing Oracle Learning Courses and Offerings .................................... 56
Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Using Learning

Direct Access to Oracle Learning Courses, Offerings, Specializations, and Communities ........................................... 56
Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated Courses ...................................................................................................... 56

15 Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog 59

Create an ILT or Blended Offering for an Oracle Learning Course ................................................................................... 59
Add ILT Activities to a Blended or ILT Oracle Learning Offering ...................................................................................... 60
Create a Self-Paced Offering for an Oracle Learning Course ............................................................................................. 61
Add Self-Paced Activities to a Blending or Self-Paced Oracle Learning Offering ......................................................... 62
Add an Evaluation to an Oracle Learning Offering .............................................................................................................. 64
Check in Learners for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) in Oracle Learning .......................................................................... 64
What You Can Do with Existing Oracle Learning Offerings and Activities ..................................................................... 65
View a Learner's Most Recent Assessment Attempt or Evaluation for an Oracle Learning Offering ......................... 65
Reset the Status for a Learner's Failed Oracle Learning Offering Assessment or Online Content Activity .............. 65
When Learners Can't See Their Assessment Scores in Oracle Learning ......................................................................... 66
Why Keep an Oracle Learning Offering Overbooked .......................................................................................................... 66
Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated Offerings ................................................................................................... 66

16 Specialization Administration in the Learning Catalog 67

Create a Specialization for the Oracle Learning Catalog ..................................................................................................... 67
Add Courses as Activities to an Oracle Learning Specialization ....................................................................................... 68
Oracle Learning Specialization Configuration Options: Learners, Conversations, Community Usage, and Default
Access ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 69
Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated Specializations .......................................................................................... 69

17 Community Administration 71
Oracle Learning Communities ................................................................................................................................................... 71
Category and Topic Communities in Oracle Learning .......................................................................................................... 71
Official and Self-Service Communities in Oracle Learning ................................................................................................. 72
Privacy Options for Oracle Learning Communities .............................................................................................................. 73
How Open and Closed Oracle Learning Communities Appear to Nonmembers ........................................................... 73
What Happens When You Change the Privacy Setting for an Oracle Learning Community ....................................... 74
The Difference Between Removing and Deleting Items from the Oracle Learning Community Catalog .................. 74
Oracle Learning Community Membership and Managers ................................................................................................. 74

18 Learner-Created Catalog Content 77

Foster Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Sharing ...................................................................................................... 77
Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Using Learning

Share Solutions to Promote Collaborative Learning ............................................................................................................ 78

Share Best Practices to Promote Collaborative Learning ................................................................................................... 78
Compete for Best Sales Pitch Video to Promote Collaborative Learning ........................................................................ 78
The Difference Between an Oracle Learning Video and Journey ..................................................................................... 79
Author an Oracle Learning Journey ........................................................................................................................................ 79
Publish an Oracle Learning Video ............................................................................................................................................ 79

19 Learning Assignments Administration 81

Oracle Learning Assignments .................................................................................................................................................... 81
Assign Learners to Catalog and Noncatalog Learning ........................................................................................................ 81
Learning Item As-Of Options for Required Oracle Learning Assignments and Initiatives ........................................... 83
Validity, Expiration, and Course Renewal Options ................................................................................................................ 83
Reassignment Conflict Rules for Oracle Learning Courses and Offerings ...................................................................... 86
Reassignment Conflict Rules for Oracle Learning Specializations .................................................................................... 87
Example of How to Get Learners into a Renewal Cycle Using Reassignment Conflict Rules ...................................... 88
Skipped Assignments ................................................................................................................................................................. 89
Email Learners and Their Line Managers About Oracle Learning Assignments, Send Alerts, and View Approval Tasks
........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Act on Multiple Oracle Learning Assignments ..................................................................................................................... 90
Mass Assign Oracle Learning Using Microsoft Excel or Notepad Files ............................................................................ 91
How Learning Administrators Can View People's Learning History ................................................................................. 91

20 Learning Recommendation Administration 93

Oracle Learning Recommendations ......................................................................................................................................... 93
Browse Learning, Recommended View .................................................................................................................................. 93
Current Jobs Recommendations .............................................................................................................................................. 93
Careers of Interest Recommendations ................................................................................................................................... 94
Popular with Others in Your Job Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 95
Recommend Oracle Learning .................................................................................................................................................... 95

21 Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles 99

Preactive Statuses for Oracle Learning Assignments .......................................................................................................... 99
Active Statuses for Oracle Learning Assignments ............................................................................................................. 100
Completed and Other Terminal Statuses for Oracle Learning Assignments ................................................................. 101
Course Assignment Life Cycle Examples for Oracle Learning ......................................................................................... 102
Change Status Options for Oracle Learning Assignments ............................................................................................... 106
Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management
Using Learning

Reset Offering Activity Statuses for Oracle Learning Assignments and Mark Activities as Completed, Exempted, or
Not Passed ................................................................................................................................................................................... 108

22 Manual Payment Transactions for Course Offering Assigments 109

Internal Chargebacks for Oracle Learning That Incurs Costs ........................................................................................... 109
Price Locked Transactions for Oracle Learning Assignments .......................................................................................... 109
Price Adjustment Transactions for Oracle Learning Assignments .................................................................................. 110
Payment Transactions for Oracle Learning Assignments .................................................................................................. 110
Refund Transactions for Oracle Learning Assignments ..................................................................................................... 110

23 Learning Initiative Administration 113

Oracle Learning Initiatives ......................................................................................................................................................... 113
Automatically Add Learners to and Withdraw Them from a Course, Offering, or Specialization .............................. 113
What Happens If Multiple Oracle Learning Initiatives Have the Same Learning ........................................................... 115
What Happens When an Oracle Learning Assignment Gets Reactivated ...................................................................... 116

24 Me > Learning 119

My Learning Experiences Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 119
When You Complete Refresher Learning Affects Expiration Date Updates on Your Talent Profile ........................... 119
Search and Browse the Learning Catalog ............................................................................................................................. 119
Record External Learning ......................................................................................................................................................... 120
Request Noncatalog Learning ................................................................................................................................................. 120
Withdraw from Learning Enrollments or Assignments ....................................................................................................... 121
My Learning Communities ........................................................................................................................................................ 121
Shared Learning ........................................................................................................................................................................... 121
My Learning on a Mobile Device ............................................................................................................................................ 122

25 My Team > Learning 123

Track Completion of Team Learning ...................................................................................................................................... 123
My Team Learning Actions ...................................................................................................................................................... 123
Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Get Help
Using Learning

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this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based topics also available in this guide.

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Get Help
Using Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 1
Using Learning Guide and Application Overviews

1 Guide and Application Overviews

About the Using Oracle Fusion Cloud Learning Guide

This guide is primarily for learning administrators and contains the concepts and tasks to create and manage the
learning catalog, learning assignments, and learning recommendations. It also covers the self-service Me > Learning
and My Team > Learning tasks at the end.

The Implementing Oracle Fusion Cloud Learning guide is primarily for implementers and application administrators. It
contains the concepts and tasks to implement Oracle Learning and integrate with external content providers and virtual
classroom providers.

What's Oracle Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Learning is a skills-driven learning platform that lets individuals, teams, and organizations develop
the relevant sets of competencies. It combines formal and informal learning from an internal catalog and external
providers for a unified learning experience.

• Learning administrators can deploy and track compliance and development-based learning.
• HR specialists can manage a learning catalog and meet compliance needs across the entire organization.
• Learning specialists can assemble online offerings, courses, and specializations. They do this using videos, PDF
documents, web links, and content from external providers. They can also use SCORM-compliant and AICC-
compliant content.
• Subject matter experts can easily share their knowledge with the rest of your organization, and gain recognition
for their contributions.
• Managers can recommend learning to their teams and track their progress.
• Learners across your organization can discover, consume, publish, and collaborate on content that's relevant to
their job roles. They can also consume learning offline by downloading content to their mobile devices.

Additional Reading
As well as this guide, you can also review the Oracle Learning technical briefs. They're on the All Fusion HCM Cloud
Product Papers page (document ID 1504483.1).

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 1
Using Learning Guide and Application Overviews

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Using Learning Key Terminology

2 Key Terminology

Course Definition for Oracle Learning

A course defines the requirements and outcomes for the learning content and the achievements learners get after
completing the course. A course consists of learning objectives, one or more offerings, and corresponding learning

For example, here's what the learner should be able to do after completing your organization's Microsoft Word Basics

• Identify the standard menus.

• List and describe multiple actions available on each menu.
• Apply specified basic formatting to provided content.
Typically, the course syllabus includes these objectives.

To complete a course, the learner enrolls in an offering and completes the associated learning activities.

Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning

Course offerings represent the delivery method for the learning activities that learners complete to achieve the course
objectives. They can include instructor-led training in person (ILT) or online (VILT), self-paced training, or a combination
of these delivery methods.

For example, your company offers a Microsoft Word Basics course with blended Introduction to Microsoft Word
Features offerings. To make the course more accessible to its global workforce, your company includes multiday VILT
and ILT offerings from locations on multiple continents. The course also includes self-paced offerings. Both the ILT and
self-paced content is available in offerings with different languages, such as English, French, German, and Spanish.
Depending on how offering setup, learners might see only the offerings in their language.

Learners enroll in the course offering that works best for them. When they complete the learning activities for that
single offering, they complete the learning objectives for the course.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Using Learning Key Terminology

ILT and VILT offerings have a primary instructor from inside your company or from a training supplier outside your
company. They can also have a primary physical or virtual classroom location. This information helps learners decide
which offering to enroll in.

Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning

Learning activities are the actual work that learners must complete to complete the course and achieve the learning
objectives. They can be required or optional for course completion.

Learning activities can include these types of content:

• Online content developed using SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) or AICC (Aviation Industry
Computer-Based Training Committee) standards
• Instructor-led on-site and virtual activities
• Videos
• PDFs
• Web links
• Assessments that test understanding
• Evaluations that get feedback about completed courses
ILT and VILT activities have an instructor from inside your company or from a training supplier outside your company.
They also have a physical or virtual classroom location. Learners use the location information to get to or join the
learning when it starts.

Specialization Definition for Oracle Learning

A specialization includes multiple courses. And it holds broader learning objects that learners achieve when they
complete all of the required courses.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Using Learning Key Terminology

For example, your organization offers a Microsoft Office Basics specialization that includes the Microsoft Word Basics,
Microsoft PowerPoint Basics, and Microsoft Excel Basics courses.

And the specialization includes these learning objectives:

• Identify the menus that are common among all Microsoft Office applications and the menus that are unique to
each application.
• Identify menu actions that are common among all Microsoft Office applications and actions that are unique to
each application.
• Apply specified basic formatting to content provided for each application.
Typically the specialization description includes these objectives.

Prerequisites Definition for Oracle Learning

Courses and specializations might have prerequisites, which are skills and qualifications managed in the learner's talent
profile. Prerequisites can include competencies, honors and awards, languages, and licenses and certifications, and
learners must meet them before they can enroll.

For example, a learner needs basic Microsoft Word skills before they can enroll in your organization's Advanced
Microsoft Word course. Or, to enroll in the instructor-led Spanish offering for the course, the learner has to be fluent in

Specialization prerequisites are independent of any prerequisites for the courses that make up the specialization. For
example, your company's Advanced Microsoft Office specialization requires learners to have basic competencies in
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. The specialization includes the Advanced Microsoft Word course, which requires
intermediate experience with Microsoft Word. Learners can start the specialization if they have the basic certifications.
They can't start the advanced course, however, until they also have the intermediate-level skill.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Using Learning Key Terminology

Learners can see any course or specialization prerequisites on the details page. They can also see whether they
achieved each prerequisite, per their current talent profile.

Learning Outcomes Definition for Oracle Learning

Courses and specializations can optionally include learning outcomes. These outcomes essentially reflect the learning
objectives that map to skills and qualifications in the learner's talent person profile.

After learners successfully complete the course or specialization, Learning automatically adds the specific skills,
competencies, or certifications to their talent profile. For example, after a learner successfully completes the Microsoft
Word Basics course, they get a certification.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Using Learning Key Terminology

After they successfully complete the Microsoft Office Basics specialization, they get certifications for Microsoft Word
Basics, Microsoft PowerPoint Basics, and Microsoft Excel Basics.

Assessment Definition for Oracle Learning

Assess a learner's understanding of the course material at any point during an offering, using a learning assessment

Typically, assessments are the first activity if they're designed to assess knowledge before the learner starts the offering.
They're the last activity if they're designed to assess whether the learner met the learning outcome requirements.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 2
Using Learning Key Terminology

Evaluation Definition for Oracle Learning

Get feedback about an offering from learners after they complete it using a learning evaluation questionnaire. Self-
paced, instructor-led, and blended offerings can include evaluations and can be required or optional.

Learning Communities Definition for Oracle Learning

Learning communities can be formal and organize learning catalog content into categories and topics that make
browsing and discovery more intuitive for learners. For example, they group content around areas of interest, such as
finance or technology.

They can also be informal collaborative communities that people at your company create and share. Here are some
examples of how people can use learning communities:

• A learning administrator creates a Health and Safety community and assigns it to people who work with
dangerous chemicals or equipment.
• A manager creates a community for everyone on the team to help people acquire important knowledge and
skills to successfully complete organizational objectives.
• A finance domain expert at your company creates a community as a central method to distribute the most
recent financial learning items. Members also participate in discussions related to finance, such as the latest
regulations and their effects on policies and supporting technology.
• A team leader for user experience design creates a community where members can publish their design
insights. They can also share interesting design-related articles, videos, and tutorials.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 3
Using Learning Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes for Courses and

3 Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes for

Courses and Specializations

Oracle Learning Prerequisites and Outcomes, and Talent

Prerequisite and Person Profile Types
You can configure prerequisites and learning outcomes for courses and specializations if you have Oracle Fusion Cloud
Talent Management. Prerequisites come from the Prerequisites profile type. Learning outcomes come from the Person
profile type.

If you have Oracle Fusion Cloud Dynamic Skills, your configurations will include skills and skill levels.

Related Topics
• Prerequisites Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Outcomes Definition for Oracle Learning
• Content Section Access
• Overview of Dynamic Skills
• Activate Oracle AI Apps for Talent Management

Prerequisites Profile Type for Oracle Learning Course and

Specialization Prerequisites
To configure prerequisites for learning courses and specializations, make sure that the Prerequisites profile type is
active. Use the Profile Types task on the My Client Groups > Profiles page.

You can add relevant content sections to the profile type. And for each content section, you can specify which fields to
show or hide. The selection affects the configuration pages that learning administrators use. They also affect course
and specialization search results and the details pages that learners can see.

Related Topics
• Prerequisites Definition for Oracle Learning
• Content Section Access

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 3
Using Learning Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes for Courses and

Person Profile Type and Learning Outcomes for Oracle

Learning Courses and Specializations
To configure learning outcomes for courses and specializations, make sure that the relevant content sections for the
Person profile type include the Learning Outcomes subscriber. Use the Profile Types task on the My Client Groups >
Profiles page.

You can sync learning outcome Display selections to the content section properties. Or you can configure separate
Display selections that apply to only learning outcomes pages. For example, the Licenses and Certifications content
section properties might hide the Actual Completion Date property, but learning outcomes need to include it.

These are the Display options you can select from:

• Hide: Don't show the attribute.
• Summary: Show the attribute in the Summary view.
• Detail: Show the attribute in the Detail view.

The display selection affects the configuration pages that learning administrators use. It also affects course and
specialization search results and the details pages that learners can see.

Related Topics
• Learning Outcomes Definition for Oracle Learning
• Content Section Access

Suggested Skills to Set as Learning Outcomes

Use Skills Advisor for Learning to get skills suggestions that you can accept or reject as learning outcomes when you
configure a course or specialization. When you accept a suggestion, you can also set the skill level.

Suggestions are based on the course or specialization title, description, and short description. Only suggestions that
you or another learning administrator accepts become learning outcomes. And skills are suggested only once for the
course or specialization, regardless of whether you accept or reject the suggestion.

You need to complete and save the general information for all courses and specializations that you want to get skills
suggestions and skill levels for. Then next time the Skills Advisor for Learning background process runs, the results will
include suggestions for those courses and specializations.

Curate on the Learning Outcomes Tab

You can curate suggested skills on the Learning Outcomes tab of the course or specialization:

• To accept a suggestion as a learning outcome, in the Curation field, select Yes. Doing this also changes the skill
curation type to Skill added by administrator.
• To reject a suggestion, select it and click the Delete icon.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 3
Using Learning Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes for Courses and
Leaving the curation status as No means you aren't rejecting the suggestion, but also don't consider it a learning
outcome at this time. If you modify any attribute of the suggestion, such as the skill name or level, the skill curation
status changes to Skill added by administrator.

Curate in the Integrated Workbook

You can curate the skills suggestions in an integrated Microsoft Excel workbook and set the corresponding skill level.
The workbook is available on the Learning Outcomes tab of existing courses and specializations. It's also available on
the Tools > Scheduled page, as the output file for the AI Suggested Skills for Learning Items process. The process
results contain no more than 5,000 skill suggestions ordered alphabetically by learning item number. This means that
the oldest courses and specializations appear first.
• To accept a suggestion as a learning outcome, in the Include Suggested Skill field, enter Y. Also set the
applicable skill level. If you don't do it here, then you'll need to do it manually on the Learning Outcomes tab

After you finish accepting all applicable suggestions and setting the skill levels, at the top of the workbook click
Upload. The Upload process ignores any suggestions with Include Suggested Skill set to N or marked as Delete.
• To reject a suggestion, double-click in the Deleted field. You should see a blue dot appear. After you finishing
rejecting all applicable suggestions, at the top of the workbook click Delete. The Delete process ignores any
suggestions that aren't marked for deletion.

Curation Results
• Any skill suggestions where you set the skills curation status to Yes show on the course or specialization details
page, definitions tab. So do the selected skill levels. These skills and skill levels are the only skills that transfer to
learners’ talent profiles after they successfully complete the learning.
• Any skill suggestions with a curation status of No continue to appear on the Learning Outcomes tab, but don't
become learning outcomes and don't show in the details definition. They also don’t transfer to talent profiles
after successful completion of the course or specialization.
• Any skill suggestion that you delete from the Learning Outcomes tab or the spreadsheet is removed
everywhere. It won’t appear again in future skill suggestions for that course or specialization or show in the
details definition.

Related Topics
• AI Suggested Skills for Learning Items

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 3
Using Learning Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes for Courses and

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Using Learning Enrollment Questionnaires, Assessments, and Evaluations

4 Enrollment Questionnaires, Assessments,

and Evaluations

Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning

Get important enrollment information and feedback about completed learning and instructors. Assess learner
understanding of learning materials. And have enrollees and observers complete observation checklists.

Before you start

If you use custom roles, make sure that you have these privileges, which are part of the delivered Learning Specialist
abstract role:
• Manage Questionnaire Templates
• Manage Questionnaires
• Manage Questions

For details, see the Security Reference for HCM guide on Oracle Help Center.

Enrollment questionnaires, assessments, evaluations, and observation checklists are all questionnaires. Here's the
basic process to create them. The tasks are in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Workforce Development offering,
Questionnaires functional area.
Here's what to do
1. Create questions that appear in the learning questionnaires using the Question Library task. Be sure to select
the appropriate subscriber: Learning Assessments, Learning Enrollments, Learning Evaluations, or Learning
Observation Checklist.
To use the response scores to calculate the score of questionnaires configured for scoring, select Score Question.
This option is available for only single-choice and multiple-choice questions. Observation checklists ignore the
questionnaire score for both the learner self-assessment and observer assessment.
2. Create a learning questionnaire template using the Questionnaire Templates task. The template is the foundation of
questionnaires and helps ensure consistency across all of your learning questionnaires. For example, it can provide

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Using Learning Enrollment Questionnaires, Assessments, and Evaluations

default settings or enforce requirements, such as specific sections and questions that all questionnaires created
from the template must have.
Be sure to select the appropriate subscriber: Learning Assessments, Learning Enrollments, Learning Evaluations,
or Learning Observation Checklist.

Basic Information configuration tips:

◦ To let learners see their scores, you need to select the Score Questionnaire option.
◦ To let the assessment requestor provide additional instructions or notes to learners, select the Allow
changes to instructions option. The questionnaires created with the template then show the changed
◦ To make the template available to people creating questionnaires, in the Status field, select Active.
Contents configuration tip:

◦ To specify whether to show questions in a single section or separate sections use the Section Presentation
field. If you have them in separate sections, you can use the Section Order field to specify if the section
order is sequential or random. If you have a single section, you need to select Sequential.
3. Create a questionnaire using the Questionnaires task. Be sure to select the appropriate subscriber: Learning
Assessments, Learning Enrollments, Learning Evaluations, or Learning Observation Checklist. The subscriber
filters the templates that you can select from when you create the questionnaire. It also determines if you can add
the questionnaire to a course or offering.
Review configuration tips:

◦ To make the questionnaire available to people creating courses and offerings, in the Status field, select
◦ To see how the questionnaire appears to learners, on the Review stop of the guided process, click Preview.

What to do next

• Set Default Evaluations for Oracle Learning Course Offerings

• Add an Assessment to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources
• Add an Observation Checklist to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources

Related Topics
• Assessment Definition for Oracle Learning
• Evaluation Definition for Oracle Learning
• How You Create Questions
• How You Configure Questionnaire Templates
• How You Create a Questionnaire

Set Default Evaluations for Oracle Learning Course

You can set a default evaluation for each type of learning offering: blended, instructor-led, and self-paced.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Using Learning Enrollment Questionnaires, Assessments, and Evaluations

Before you start

Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning.
Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Configure Evaluations.
2. To make changes to the current settings, on the Configure Evaluations page, click Edit.
3. In the appropriate sections, complete these steps:
a. Select the Enable evaluation option.
b. Click Add Evaluation.
c. On the search dialog box, search for and apply the appropriate questionnaire. The list contains only Learner
Evaluation type questionnaires.
d. To see how the questionnaire appears to learners, click Preview.
e. To require that learners complete the evaluation before changing the offering status to Complete, in the
Required for Completion field, select Yes. People enabling evaluations for offerings can't override this
setting when they use the default evaluation.
4. Click Save.
What to do next
Add an Evaluation to an Oracle Learning Offering

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 4
Using Learning Enrollment Questionnaires, Assessments, and Evaluations

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 5
Using Learning Overrides for Learning Access and Enrollment Defaults

5 Overrides for Learning Access and

Enrollment Defaults
Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle
Course, Offering, or Specialization
Optionally override defaulted completion access and enrollment settings for a course, offering, or specialization. Also
optionally override defaulted pricing and payment settings for a course or offering.
• Override completion access and enrollment settings using the Manage Default Access button on the course,
offering, or specialization page.
• Override defaulted pricing and payment settings for a course when you configure the default offering
attributes. For an offering, override them when configuring the general information.
Offerings inherit the access details from their parent course, and from the default offering attributes in the course
configuration. Any changes to the course defaults apply to only the child offerings created after the changes. Typically,
controlling access at the course level is sufficient. We recommend that you control access at the offering level only when
you need to show the offering to only specific learners.

Tip: When you create voluntary or required learning assignments for a course, offering, or specialization, access
defaults don't apply. These assigned learners have full access to the learning details and can immediately get started

Related Topics
• Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning
• Default Access and Enrollment for Oracle Learning Catalog Content

Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and

Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning
Optionally override defaulted completion access and enrollment settings for a course, offering, or specialization using
learner access and access groups. For local access groups, also override pricing and payment settings, set the priority,
and set who to run it as.

You add members to static and dynamic learner sets by selecting a specific person or list of person numbers. Or add
people using criteria for an analysis report, an organization chart, a learning assignment, or a person.
• If you're on the Access tab, the relevant learners get determined as soon as you save the access details. And
that set of learners remains static, never changing.
• If you're on the Access Group tab, the Process User Access process dynamically determines the learners when
it runs at its scheduled intervals. The process adds and removes learners to and from the group according

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 5
Using Learning Overrides for Learning Access and Enrollment Defaults

to whether they still meet the specified criteria. For example, you create an access group for a specific
organization. The learners in that group change over time as people join and leave the organization.

Related Topics
• Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization
• Create a Global or Local Access Group for Oracle Learning
• Default Access and Enrollment for Oracle Learning Catalog Content
• Process User Access

How Oracle Learning Access Is Determined

You can add multiple dynamic and static learner sets to override defaulted access for a course, offering, or
specialization. These learner sets can have overlapping members and the Process Access Groups process determines
the appropriate access.

The process runs at scheduled intervals and sets learner access in this order:

1. Access group the learner's a member of, according to group priority

2. Access that the learner's a member of
3. Course, offering, or specialization default access
For example, you have a course with two access groups and access added on the Access tab. The Sales access group
has priority 1 and the US Employees access group has priority 2.

• For any learners in both access groups, the process applies the Sales access details and advanced rules because
that group has the highest priority.
• For any learners in just the US Employees group, it applies those access details and advanced rules.
• For learners identified only on the Access tab, the process applies those access details.
• For all other learners without required or voluntary learning assignments, it applies the course, offering, or
specialization default access. Assigned learners have full access to the learning details and can immediately get
started learning.

Related Topics
• Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning
• Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 6
Using Learning Access and Enrollment Options for Learning Catalog,
Courses, Offerings, and Specializations

6 Access and Enrollment Options for

Learning Catalog, Courses, Offerings, and

For Courses in a Specialization Options, Default Learning

Enrollment in Oracle Learning
Specify whether individuals and managers need to get approval when enrolling for courses in the specialization. Or
specify to use the initial learning recorded statuses defined for the specialization or course.

• Active: Let individuals enroll themselves and managers enroll their teams without getting approval before
people can start learning.
• Inherit from Course: Use the initial learning record statuses defined for the course. Ignore the statuses defined
for the specialization.
• Inherit from Specialization: Use the initial learning record statuses defined for the specialization. Ignore the
statuses defined for the course.
• Requested: Require that individuals enrolling themselves and managers enrolling their teams get approval
before people can start learning.

Self-Service View Mode Options for Default Learning

Access in Oracle Learning
Specify whether learner self-service pages should show a summary of the course, offering, or specialization or details of
the course or specialization. Or don't show the course, offering, or specialization at all.

• Details View: Show learners all of the details for the course, offering, or specialization.
• No Access: Prevent learners from finding the course, offering, or specialization when exploring the learning

Tip: You can grant specific learners access to the course, offering, or specialization, but you can't exclude
access for specific learners. So when you want only certain learners to see the course, offering, or
specialization, you need to select No Access for that learning item. Then configure access or access groups
for the learning item to show the details or summary view to those learners, as appropriate.

• Summary View: Show learners a subset of the course, offering, or specialization details before they enroll.
Show them all of the information after they're enrolled.
The option that you select on the Configure Catalog Defaults page applies to all courses, offerings, and specializations
created in the learning catalog. It also applies to any content you important from external content providers.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 6
Using Learning Access and Enrollment Options for Learning Catalog,
Courses, Offerings, and Specializations

Course Override Options

Optionally use learning community access and visibility instead of the course access when learners access the course
from a learning community. And optionally use the specialization access when learners access the course from a

Specialization Override Option

Optionally use learning community access and visibility instead of the specialization access when learners access the
specialization from a learning community.

Related Topics
• Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization
• Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning

Initial Learning Record Status Options for Default

Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning
Specify whether individuals and managers need to get approval when enrolling in a course, offering, or specialization. If
you require approval, further specific whether to automatically activate approved enrollments.

• Active: Let individuals enroll themselves and managers enroll their teams without getting approval before
people can start learning.
• None: Prevent individuals from enrolling themselves and managers from enrolling their teams in the learning.
• Requested: Require that individuals enrolling themselves and managers enrolling their teams get approval
before people can start learning.

Activate enrollment requests automatically after approval: This check box appears after you select

◦ If you select the check box, registration approval automatically activates the learning assignments. Wait
lists and prerequisites can affect whether the learning assignment statuses actually change to Active.

If you clear the check box, after enrollment approval, learning assignments have a Request Approved
Status until a learning administrator manually activates them. This can be useful if you do advanced
planning and require people to enroll for future learning that's not yet available. You can leave these
learning assignments in a Request Approved status until it's time to activate them.
• Request Approved (only for manger self-service): Don't start an approval process when learning
administrators create assignments. Instead require that learning administrators to manually activate the
For learners, you can also get additional information to help approvers decide whether to accept or reject the enrollment
request. To do this, select the Show Enrollment Form option.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 6
Using Learning Access and Enrollment Options for Learning Catalog,
Courses, Offerings, and Specializations

Related Topics
• Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization
• Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning
• Default Access and Enrollment for Oracle Learning Catalog Content

Prerequisites Options for Default Learning Enrollment in

Oracle Learning
Specify if learners can enroll in a course, offering, or specialization before achieving required prerequisites on the
Configure Catalog Defaults page. Also set how many days they have to achieve the prerequisites before automatically
withdrawing their enrollment.

Learner assignment statuses remain in Pending Prerequisite until learners achieve the prerequisite or the Process User
Access process automatically withdraws them.

Note: Managers can always assign training to their team members, even if some of them don't have the required

Related Topics
• Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization
• Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning
• Default Access and Enrollment for Oracle Learning Catalog Content

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 6
Using Learning Access and Enrollment Options for Learning Catalog,
Courses, Offerings, and Specializations

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Using Learning Example Default Access and Enrollment Configurations

7 Example Default Access and Enrollment


Company-Wide Access to an Oracle Learning Course

and Offering with No Enrollment Approval, Learners Can
Enroll in Both
You have a course and associated offering that you want everyone to have access to. You also want their enrollment
requests to activate the learning automatically, without any approvals.

Default access configuration for the course:

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Active Immediately activate learning when learners

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) Active Immediately activate learning when managers
enroll their people.

Offerings inherit the default access configured for the course at the time you create the offering. Since you want the
same configuration for the offerings, you don't need to make any overrides in the offering default access.

With this configuration, learners can enroll in the course and then the offering, or directly in the offering. Their
experience is better when they enroll directly in the offering. While managers can enroll their people in the course and
offering, it's better for them to enroll their people in the course. This way, their people can enroll in the offering that's
best for them.

Company-Wide Access to an Oracle Learning Course

and Offering with No Enrollment Approval, Learners Can
Enroll Only in the Offering
You have a course and associated offering that you want everyone to have access to. You want their enrollment requests
to activate the learning automatically, without any approvals. And for the best experience, learners should enroll directly
in the offering.

Default access configuration for the course:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Using Learning Example Default Access and Enrollment Configurations

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) None Learners can't enroll in the course.

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) Active Immediately activate learning when managers
enroll their people.

Default access configuration for the offering:

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Active Immediately activate learning when learners

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) Active Immediately activate learning when managers
enroll their people.

While managers can enroll their people in the course and offering, it's better for them to enroll their people in the
course. This way, their people can enroll in the offering that's best for them.

Oracle Learning Course with Instructor-Led and Self-

Paced Offerings, Learners Need Approval for Instructor-
Led Enrollments
You have a course with one offering that's instructor-led and another that's self-paced. Self-paced enrollment requests
should activate the learning automatically because the offering is free. Instructor-led enrollments should require
approval because the offering has a fee for each attendee.

In this example, managers can't enroll their people in either the course or the offerings.

Default access configuration for the course:

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) None Learners can't enroll in the course.

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) None Managers can't enroll their people in the

Default access configuration for the instructor-led offering:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Using Learning Example Default Access and Enrollment Configurations

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Requested This override lets learners enroll in the offering,
Also select Activate enrollment requests but requires approval before they can start. It
automatically after approval. also immediately activates the learning after
enrollment approval.

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) None Managers can't enroll their people in the

Default access configuration for the self-paced offering:

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Active Immediately activate learning when learners

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) None Managers can't enroll their people in the

Generate Demand for an Oracle Learning Course Before

Funding the Offerings, Let Learners Enroll, But Require
Manual Activation
To avoid funding learning with little interest, let learners enroll in courses and require approval. Enrollment approval
should then require a learning administrator to manually activate the learning if there's enough interest and after
adding offerings.

Default access configuration for the course:

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Requested Learners can enroll in the course, but need
Make sure that Activate enrollment requests approval to continue. After enrollment approval,
automatically after approval is clear. a learning administrator needs to manually
activate the learning.

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) Requested Managers can enroll their people in the course,
Make sure that Activate enrollment requests but need approval to continue. After enrollment
automatically after approval is clear. approval, a learning administrator needs to
manually activate the learning.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Using Learning Example Default Access and Enrollment Configurations

Here's what you do next for courses with sufficient interest:

1. Approve all enrollment requests.
2. Create one or more offerings.
3. Activate each learner enrollment.
Learners can then enroll in an offering. And managers and learning administrators can enroll learners in the appropriate

Oracle Learning Specialization with Some Offering

Enrollments Requiring Approval
You have a specialization with five courses. Offering enrollments for three of the courses should activate automatically,
as should the enrollments for the cheaper offerings in the other two courses. Enrollments for the more expensive
offerings require approval.

Learners can access these courses only from a specialization. And other specializations might include one or more of
the courses in this specialization. For this specialization, the 3 courses with automatic activation are in the first section.
The other two courses are in the second section.

Default access configuration for the course:

Field Value Reason

View Mode No Access No one can see the course.

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) any Learners can't see the course so setting is

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) any Managers can't see the course so setting is

Default access configuration for the instructor-led offering:

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View This override lets everyone can see the offering,
but only in the specializations that include it
and override the view mode set for the course.

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Requested Learners can enroll in the offering, but
Also select Activate enrollment requests need approval before they can start. It also
automatically after approval. immediately activates the learning after
enrollment approval.

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) Requested Managers can enroll their people in the
Also select Activate enrollment requests offering, but need approval before their people
automatically after approval. can start learning. It also immediately activates
the learning after enrollment approval.

Default access configuration for the self-paced offering:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Using Learning Example Default Access and Enrollment Configurations

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View This override lets everyone can see the offering,
but only in the specializations that include it
and override the view mode set for the course.

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Active Immediately activate learning when learners

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) Active Immediately activate learning when managers
enroll their people.

Default access configuration for the specialization:

Field Value Reason

View Mode Details View This override lets everyone can see the offering,
but only in the specializations that include it
and override the view mode set for the course.

Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Requested Learners can enroll in the offering, but
need approval before they can start. It also
Also select Activate enrollment requests immediately activates the learning after
automatically after approval. enrollment approval.

Initial Learning Record Status (manager) Requested Managers can enroll their people in the
offering, but need approval before their people
Also select Activate enrollment requests can start learning. It also immediately activates
automatically after approval. the learning after enrollment approval.

Assignment settings for the specialization sections:

Section Initial Assignment Status of Activities Reason

Contains the three courses with offerings that Active Immediately activate learning when learners
don't require approval enroll.

Contains the two courses with some offerings Inherit from Activity Honor the initial learning record status set for
that require approval each offering.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 7
Using Learning Example Default Access and Enrollment Configurations

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 8
Using Learning Analysis Reports to Identify Learners for Access Groups,
Assignments, and Initiatives

8 Analysis Reports to Identify Learners for

Access Groups, Assignments, and Initiatives

Create Analysis Report Criteria to Identify Learners for

Access Groups, Assignments, and Initiatives
You can build reports to identify learners to include in or exclude from access groups, assignments, and initiatives.
These reports give you more options for identifying learners than other criteria, such as learning assignment,
organization chart, and person.

Before you start

Have your application administrator confirm that the WLF_RBA_BI_FOLDER profile has a folder specified for saved
analyses, such as /shared/Custom/Human Capital Management/Learning Analyses.
Here's what to do
1. In Oracle Fusion applications, go to Tools > Reports and Analytics.
2. On the Reports and Analytics page, click Browse Catalog.
3. On the Catalog page, on the New icon menu, select Analysis.
4. On the Select Subject Area dialog box, search for and select Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real-
5. On the Untitled page, build and save your analysis.
For example:

a. Expand the Worker folder.

b. Drag and drop these attributes in the Selected Columns section:

- PersonID (you must include this attribute in all of your analyses for the analysis to work properly)
- Person Number
- First Name
- Last Name
c. Expand the Department folder.
d. Drag and drop the Department Name attribute in the Selected Columns section.
e. Click the icon next to Department Name and select Filter.
f. On the New Filter dialog box, in the Value field, search for and select the department you want to filter for,
such as Sales.
g. Click OK.
h. Click the Results tab.
i. Click the Save as icon and save the analysis to the folder specified in the WLF_RBA_BI_FOLDER profile.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 8
Using Learning Analysis Reports to Identify Learners for Access Groups,
Assignments, and Initiatives

Related Topics
• Create a Global or Local Access Group for Oracle Learning
• Assign Learners to Catalog and Noncatalog Learning
• Automatically Add Learners to and Withdraw Them from a Course, Offering, or Specialization

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 9
Using Learning Content Resources and Learning Completion Attempts

9 Content Resources and Learning

Completion Attempts

Content Resources for the Oracle Learning Catalog

You create activities for learning course offerings using online content resources, such as SCORM and AICC. Also use
video, web links, PDF files, assessments, observation checklists, and content from external providers, such as Skillsoft
and LinkedIn. Even include cover art.

After adding online content, assessments, and observation checklists to your catalog resources, you can specify how
many attempts learners have to pass scored content. For example, give them unlimited or single attempts, or set a
specific number.

You can add, edit, replace, and manually process content resources using the Content task on the My Client Groups >
Learning page. You can also check the statuses of imported content. To find newly uploaded content, try changing the
search status to All. It can take some time to process the content and change its status to Active.

How Recorded Attempts Affect Oracle Learning Statuses

and Scores
You can specify whether learners have a set or unlimited number of attempts to successfully complete the SCORM,
HACP, AICC, or Assessment content. The Recorded Attempts setting determines whether In Progress learning moves to
Not passed, and when.

Successful attempts are shared wherever the content is used. When the learner completes the content in one offering
activity, they don't need to complete the content again if they enroll in other offerings that use it.

Any unsuccessful attempts aren't shared wherever the content is used. Each unsuccessful attempt is counted for only
the offering that the learner is currently working in.

You select a Recorded Attempts option on the details page of the online or assessment content that's scored. The field
isn't available for unscored content.
• If learners reach the specified number of attempts without successfully reaching the passing criteria, their
offering activity is set to a Not Passed status. It does the same for the corresponding learning assignment.
• If learners reach the passing criteria by the specified number of attempts, processing updates their offering
activity to a Completed status.
If they have unlimited attempts, the default option, processing tracks how many attempts it takes learners to pass. They
can see the number of past tries in their enrollment details. You can see it on the Manage Activities page.

CAUTION: If you reduce the number of recorded attempts, you affect learners who haven't completed the quiz but
have exceeded the new number of attempts. Learning updates their offering activity and corresponding learning
assignment to Not Passed.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 9
Using Learning Content Resources and Learning Completion Attempts

How You Reset Ongoing and Completed Attempts for

Oracle Learning SCORM Content Resources
To reset all learner ongoing only or ongoing and completed attempts for SCORM learning content, use the More Actions
menu on the content details page. Use the Content task on the My Client Groups > Learning page to open content
details pages.

• Reset Ongoing Attempts Only resets only ongoing leaner attempts for activities linked to the SCORM content.
Learners who don't have a Completed status have to start over when they return to that activity.
• Reset Ongoing and Completed Attempts resets ongoing learner attempts for activities linked to the SCORM
content. It expires all completed leaner attempts and any new offering assignments won't automatically
complete. Learners have to start over for the linked activities.
When you select either option, a background process starts running. You can see the reset progress in the window that

Statuses for Content Imported into Oracle Learning from

External Providers
These statuses apply to content imported from external providers. You see these statuses on the Content and Import
External Content pages. Open these pages using the Content task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.

• Current: Indicates that an imported course is in sync with the external content provider's version.
• Deactivated: The content is in the Oracle Learning catalog, but not visible to learners. Learning administrators
can see it on only the Import Content page.
• Modified: Indicates that the external content provider changed their version of an imported course and
Learning hasn't imported those changes yet.
• New: Indicates that the course is new in the external provider's catalog and Learning hasn't imported it yet.
• Removed: Indicates that the external provider removed the course from catalog. You need to end date the
corresponding Learning courses, offerings, and activities.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

10 Add and Manually Process Content


Add Online Content to Your Oracle Learning Resources

To use SCORM, HACP, or AICC content in learning activities, you upload the content as learning catalog resources. Then
you configure basic, advanced, and related materials properties. The maximum supported file size is 1GB.

Before you start

• Review the Oracle Learning eLearning playback guidelines to see known constraints and best practices for
content authors and learning administrators.
• Make sure that the SCORM or AICC content is in the XML format and packaged in a single .zip file format.
• Make sure that the manifest file is at the root level and not in another folder.
• Make sure that the structure name doesn't include any spaces.

SCORM content needs to comply with the SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 (Edition 2 and Edition 3) standards. AICC content
needs to comply with the AICC Level 1 Version 2.2 or 4.0 standards.

Here's what to do
1. Upload the online content.
a. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Content.
b. On the Content page, Add menu, select Add Online Content.
c. In the Add Online Content page, complete the required information add the .zip file.
d. Click Submit.
You can't download content resources from Oracle Learning. We recommend that you keep copies of your source
files elsewhere so that you can make changes as the need arises.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

2. Configure the basic, advanced, and related materials properties of the online content you just added.
a. On the Content page, search or filter for the newly added online content. To see newly added content that
might not have finished processing, and thus isn't active yet, select the Currently Being Processed status
b. Click the content title.
c. On the content details page, expand and review the sections and make edits, as appropriate.

- By default, the import used the file name as the content title. You can override the title, as
- Content with an Inactive status or future start date isn't available for selection when you create
learning activities.
- Make sure that the recorded attempts and mastery score properties are appropriate for the intended
learners. The online content needs to get scored for you to see the mastery score properties.

If you don't let learning administrators view learner scores, they see only that the learner
passed or failed the assessment. It works the same if you don't let learners view their scores.
◦ To keep learners from sharing their correct answers with other learners, you might not want to
let them from review their recorded attempt.
d. Specify how to handle completion when learners close content before they reach the end.

- When you use the lesson status, if the content sends a lesson status of pass or fail, Oracle Learning
doesn't assess the score. Instead Learning uses the instruction sent by the content. If the content
sends a completed lesson status, Learning determines if the learner passed or failed by comparing
the actual score to the mastery score. In both cases, the content sends a lesson status.
- When you use the learner's score, Oracle Learning doesn't rely on the content sending a lesson
status. Instead it assumes that when the player closes, the lesson status is Completed. And it
determines if the learner passed or failed by comparing their actual score to the mastery score.
e. Optionally see the content from a learner perspective. On the Actions menu, select Preview.
Background processing of the uploaded content can take some time. There might be a delay between when you add
online content and learners can launch it. After the processing finishes, any description text in the manifest file gets
added to the content resource description.

Related Topics
• How Recorded Attempts Affect Oracle Learning Statuses and Scores
• eLearning Setup Profile Options for Oracle Learning

Add a Video to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources

To use video content in learning activities, you upload the video as a learning catalog resource. The maximum
supported file size is 1GB.

Before you start

Make sure that the video uses H.264 compression standard and the AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) format.
Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learningpage, click Content.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

2. On the Content page, Add menu, select Add Video.

3. On the Add Video page, complete the required and relevant optional information, and add the video file.
4. Click Submit.
You can't download content resources from Learning. So that you can make changes as the need arises, we
recommend that you keep copies of your source files elsewhere.

You can check the status and refresh status of existing video content on the Content page using search and provided
filters. To see newly upload content that hasn't finished processing yet, and thus isn't active, select the Currently
Being Processed status filter.

Add a Web Link to Your Oracle Learning Content

To use web links in learning activities, you need to add them as learning content resources. Unlike online and video
content resources, web links don't track learner completion. But you can mark this content complete when learners
open the link.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Content.

2. On the Content page, Add menu, select Add Web Link.
3. In the Add Web Link page, complete the required appropriate optional information.
◦ Content with an Inactive status, future start date, or past end date isn't available for selection when you
create learning activities.
◦ To give completion credit to learners who click the link, select Mark as complete when learner opens
the web link. Unlike SCORM, HACP, and AICC content, web link content doesn't communicate completion
statuses, so this is the only way to give credit.
4. Click Submit.

Add a PDF File to Your Oracle Learning Content

To use PDF file content in learning activities, you add the file as a learning catalog resource. The maximum supported
file size is 1GB.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learningpage, click Content.

2. On the Content page, Add menu, select Add PDF File.
3. In the Add PDF page, complete the required and relevant optional information, and add the PDF file.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

4. Click Submit.
You can't download content resources from Learning. So that you can make changes as the need arises, we
recommend that you keep copies of your source files elsewhere.

You can check the status and refresh status of existing PDF file content on the Content page using search and
provided filters. To see newly upload content that hasn't finished processing yet, and thus isn't active, select the
Currently Being Processed status filter.

Note: PDF file content doesn't communicate completion statuses back to Learning. As soon as learners start a
PDF activity, Learning considers the activity complete.

Add an Assessment to Your Oracle Learning Content

Before you can add assessments to learning course offerings, you need to add them to your content resources. For
anyone to see the assessment, the questionnaire template used to create it must have the Score Questionnaire option

Before you start

Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning.
Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Content.
2. On the Content page, Add menu, select Add Assessment.
3. On the Add Assessment page, complete the required and relevant optional information.
The start and optional end dates determine the period when people can add the assessment to self-paced course
4. In the Content section, search for and select the assessment you want to use. The list contains only Learner
Assessment type questionnaires.
5. In the Advanced section, Mastery Score field, enter the minimum score required to pass the assessment. Learners
who score below the mastery score for the offering activity get an incomplete for the activity. That Incomplete status
rolls up to the offering and the course.
6. Optionally complete the remaining fields.
◦ If you enable a time limit, learners see a countdown clock in the assessment. After they start a timed
assessment, learners can't save and close the assessment until they submit it, or time runs out. When the
time runs out, Learning submits and scores the assessment. It then compares the score to the mastery
score, to determine if the learner passed or failed the assessment.

Tip: When you enter the time limit, you automatically set the expected effort too.

◦ If the selected assessment has points for each question and you want to use them to calculate a passing
score, select Enable Scoring.
◦ If you don't let learning administrators view learner scores, they see only that the learner passed or failed
the assessment. It works the same if you don't let learners view their scores.
◦ To keep learners from sharing their correct answers with other learners, you might not want to let them
from review their recorded attempt.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

7. Click Submit.
8. To see how the assessment appears to learners, on the Contents page, use the search and provided filters to find the
9. Select the assessment and on the Actions menu, select Preview.

Related Topics
• Assessment Definition for Oracle Learning

Add an Observation Checklist to Your Oracle Learning

Content Resources
Before you can add observation checklists as self-paced activities to blended and self-paced course offerings, you need
to add them to your content resources.

Before you start

1. Give learning administrators access the list of questionnaires they can use as observation checklists. To do this,
grant the Use REST Service - Questionnaire Lists of Values privilege to the appropriate job roles.
2. Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning.

Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Content.
2. On the Content page, Add menu, select Add Observation Checklist.
3. On the Add Observation Checklist page, complete the general information.
To let people add it as a self-paced activity to self-paced and blended course offerings, the status needs to be Active.

4. In the Contents section, search for and select the questionnaire to use as the observation. The list contains only
Learner Observation Checklist type questionnaires.
5. In the Observation Checklist section, specify the type of observer, such as Individuals, Management Hierarchy, or
Representative. Supporting fields appear based on your selection.
◦ You can specify up to 20 individuals. Any 1 of these people can claim the task and become the observer.
◦ The manager observer is dynamically determined based on the selected manager type and the learner.
◦ The representative is dynamically determined based on the selected representative type and the learner.
When a pool of representatives is identified, one of the representatives claims and completes the
observation checklist. The can also release a claimed checklist back for another representative to complete.
6. In the Advanced section, configure various attempts settings, if learners need to self-assess, and if observers can
reassign their checklists.
7. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• How You Assign Areas of Responsibility

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

Add Cover Art to Your Oracle Learning Content

To add cover art to learning content items, you need to add it as learning catalog resources. The maximum supported
file size is 1GB.

Before you start

Make sure that the images have file formats, resolutions, and color models that optimize how they appear across learner
• If your image is a photograph or illustration with a high range of color gradients, we recommend that you use
the JPEG format. If the image is a clip art or logo, use the PNG or GIF format.
• To show the most important content at its largest width on the catalog page, add an image that measures 1849
x 1849 pixels. This gives you an aspect ratio of 1:1. Or add an image with content that that people can easily
recognize at that size and aspect ratio. Learning automatically scales down and crops your image to produce
thumbnails where appropriate, such as on learning item details pages.
• To produce an image with an optimal file size for loading on learning pages, use an image resolution of 72 dots
per inch (DPI). It’s the same resolution that computer monitors use. Higher resolutions have larger files, which
take longer to load on learning pages.
• To use the optimal color model for computer monitors, make sure that the image uses the RGB color model.

Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Content.
2. On the Content page, Add menu, select Add Cover Art.
3. In the Add Cover Art page, complete the required and relevant optional information, and add the image file.
4. Click Submit.

Create a Global or Local Access Group for Oracle

You can create dynamic groups of learners with specific access details and advanced rules, and reuse the group across
courses, offerings, and specializations. You can also create access groups that are local to a specific course, offering, or

Access the Global Access Groups, Course, Offering, and Specialization tasks on the My Client Groups > Learning page.
1. On the Global Access Groups page, click Create.
Or for the existing course, offering, or specialization, on the Learners > Access Groups tab, select Add Access
Group > Create Local Access Group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

2. Complete the required general information. This includes adding members.

Add Members Option How You Identify Learners

Person Provide search criteria, such as name, person number, department, or a combination.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Save…. In the Name field,
replace Search by Name copy with a meaningful name.

Person Number List Provide a list of person numbers. To upload a file, in the Type field select Type. To use a URL, in the
Type field select Text.

Analysis Report Criteria Specify an existing Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (BI) analysis report that has the
criteria to identify the appropriate learners.

Learning Assignment Criteria Provide applicable values for learning assignment attributes, such as the learning name, type,
assignment status, or a combination. Also specify whether learners need to match all of the criteria
or any of it.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Use Current Criteria and
complete the applicable fields.

Organization Chart Criteria Search for and select the appropriate chart, such as Chris’s Directs or Chris’s Org.

Person Criteria Provide search criteria, such as business unit, legal employer, job family, location, or a combination.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Use Current Criteria and
complete the applicable fields.

To exclude specific individuals when you add learners using learning assignment or person criteria:

a. On the criteria dialog box, click Advanced.

b. On the Add Fields menu button, select the field you want to use to exclude people, for example, Person
c. Change the condition for the field you added to Does not equal.
d. Enter the appropriate value.
e. Report steps b through d for each individual you want to exclude.
To exclude people when you use analysis report criteria, make sure that the report logic includes the exclusion
criteria. When you select learners using analysis report and organization chart criteria, you can only search for and
select the analysis or chart.

3. Review the defaulted access details and make any appropriate changes. Use these topics to help you make the
correct choices:
◦ Initial Learning Record Status Options for Learning Enrollments
◦ Prerequisites Options for Learning Enrollments
4. Review the advanced rules. Global and local access groups have the Run As setting. Local access groups also let you
set the priority and override pricing and payment defaults.
5. Save the access group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

Related Topics
• Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning
• How Oracle Learning Access Is Determined
• Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization

Import External Content to the Oracle Learning Catalog

You can import all of the catalog content for a configured external provider, or import a subset. For example, import
only the content in a certain language. Use the Import External Content task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.

To complete these steps, you need the Manage External eLearning Content security privilege. To avoid corruption
issues, make sure that the Load and Synchronize External Course Data process isn't running or scheduled to run during
your import.
Before you start
Configure External Content Providers for Oracle Learning
Here's what to do
1. On the Import External Content page, click Import.
2. On the Import External Content page, search for and import the content appropriate content.
◦ To add all of a provider's course, regardless of your search criteria, on the Import Entire Catalog button
menu, select the provider.
◦ To add a subset of content, search for and select it. Then on the toolbar, click Import. You can use standard
keyboard shortcuts, such as CTRL+A to select all of the search results. You can also use SHIFT or CTRL to
select consecutive and nonconsecutive content.

CAUTION: If you manually added a branding image to a course managed by the external provider, the import
overwrites that image.

Note: We don't import brand images from BizLibrary because it sends the image URLs encoded in Base64 format,
which we don't support.

3. On the message that appears, click Yes. The import learning content process runs in the background to create the
corresponding learning catalog resources and content.
4. To monitor the courses the process is importing, in the Status field, select Import Requested. All selected courses
have this status until the import learning content process completes.

Tip: You can also check the status and refresh status of imported external content on the Content page using
basic and advanced search criteria. To see newly upload content that hasn't finished processing yet, and thus isn't
active, in the Status field, select All.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

Related Topics
• How External Course Properties Map to Oracle Learning Course Properties
• How Oracle Learning Imports External Content Offered in Multiple Languages
• Load and Synchronize External Course Data
• Stop Importing External Content to the Oracle Learning Catalog

Manually Process Oracle Learning Content Resources

That Failed Processing
You can manually reprocess content resources that failed processing due to various issues, such as a timeout, an
interrupted connection, or an unknown content type.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Content.

2. Make sure that the status condition is Equals.
3. In the Status field, select Processing Failed.
4. Select the appropriate content.
5. Click Process.

Enable Environment Refreshes with Oracle Learning

Content Resources
You can designate SCORM, HACP, PDF, and Video content resources as eligible for republishing to set up test
environments. You can then include the designated content in production to test and test to test environment copies.

1. 1. On the My Client Groups Learning page, click Content.

2. On the Content page, search for and select the appropriate content.
3. On the Environment Refresh menu, select Enable for Refresh.
Results: In the Refresh Status column, content statuses change to Enabled – Source not Ready. And the Ingest Rich
Media from Remote Content Repository to Database background process is automatically scheduled to check for and
process all of this content. Depending on the quantity of content you selected, and the file sizes, it can take time for the
process to complete. Leave enough time for it to complete when scheduling the environment refresh.

For content processed successfully, the statuses change to Enabled – Source Ready. For content with processing issues,
the statuses change to Disabled. The process log contains the specific errors.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 10
Using Learning Add and Manually Process Content Resources

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Using Learning Instructor-Led Training Resources

11 Instructor-Led Training Resources

Instructor-Led Training Resources for the Oracle

Learning Catalog
You create activities for learning course offerings using instructor, classroom, and training supplier training resources.
After linking them to activities, you can see classroom schedules and the offerings an instructor taught.

Related Topics
• Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning

Create an Instructor for Your Oracle Learning Catalog

To link an instructor to instructor-led training (ILT) or virtual instructor-led training (VILT) activities, you need to add
them as a learning catalog resource.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Instructors.

2. On the Instructors page, click Create.
3. On the Person Search dialog box, search for and select the appropriate person.
4. Click Select.
5. On the Create Instructor page, if the person is affiliated with a training supplier, search for and select it.
6. Optionally add related materials.
7. Click Save and Close.
What to do next
As appropriate, Link an Instructor to a Virtual Classroom Provider.

Related Topics
• Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Using Learning Instructor-Led Training Resources

Link an Instructor to a Virtual Classroom Provider

Let instructors add virtual classroom training as calendar events, join the active trainings, and view the recorded
trainings from the offering details page. Also let them view the attendance report in Edit mode on the activity details

Before you start

Configure the Virtual Classroom Provider for Oracle Learning
Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page under catalog resources, click Instructors.
2. On the Instructors page, search for and click the instructor.
3. On the Edit Instructor page, in the Virtual Accounts section, on the Create menu, select the appropriate virtual
classroom provider.
4. On the Create Instructor Provider Account page, complete the account details.
For Microsoft Teams, the user name that you enter must exist in MS Active Directory for the tenant ID specified in
the virtual classroom configuration.
5. To validate the details, click Validate.
For Microsoft Teams, the Product Templates section appears. Learning doesn't use templates, so select Default.
6. After validation determines that the details are valid, click Save and Close.
7. On the Edit Instructor page, click Save and Close.
The specific features available to instructors depends on the virtual classroom provider.

Create a Classroom for Your Oracle Learning Catalog

To use a classroom in instructor-led training (ILT) or virtual instructor-led training (VILT) activities, you need to add it as
a learning catalog resource.

Before you start

Create the locations used for learning classroom resources using the Manage Locations task on the My Client Groups >
Workforce Structures page.
Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Classrooms.
2. On the Classrooms page, click Create.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Using Learning Instructor-Led Training Resources

3. On the Create Resource page, complete the required and relevant optional fields.
◦ You can use the description to identify the physical location of the classroom, for example, 3rd-floor
conference room on the west side.
◦ The capacity lets you determine the best classroom to use when creating an offering activity.
◦ If a training supplier provides the classroom, identifying them helps you to find the appropriate classroom
when creating an offering.
4. Click Save and Close.

Related Topics
• Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning
• Locations Used for Oracle Learning Classroom Resources

View the Schedule for an Oracle Learning Classroom

After you link a classroom to learning activities, you can see the schedule on the Edit Resource page, under the
classroom details.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Classrooms.

2. On the Classrooms page, search for and click the classroom name.

View the Oracle Learning Offerings Taught by an

After you link an instructor to offering activities, you can see the taught offerings on the Edit Resource page, under the
instructor details.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Classrooms.

2. On the Classrooms page, search for and click the classroom name.

Create a Training Supplier for Your Oracle Learning

Catalog Resources
To link a training supplier to instructors and classrooms, you need to add it as a learning catalog resource. This linking
helps narrow search results when creating offering activities and on self-service pages.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Training Suppliers.

2. On the Training Suppliers page, click Create.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 11
Using Learning Instructor-Led Training Resources

3. On the Create Training Supplier page, complete the required and relevant optional fields.
4. Click Save and Close.

Related Topics
• Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 12
Using Learning Completion Certificates

12 Completion Certificates
Completion Certificates for Oracle Learning Courses,
Specializations, and Legacy Items
Learners and managers can download a completion certificate for course, specialization, and legacy item learning
assignments with Completed or Bypass Completed status. Be sure to set Certificate completion defaults. Otherwise, no
one sees the print action, even with full privileges.

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can configure the available certificate templates. Whenever a learner
accesses their completion certificate, they always see the most recent certificate template.

Related Topics
• Set Completion Certificate Defaults for Oracle Learning Courses and Specializations

Configure Completion Certificate Templates for Oracle

To edit a certificate template for Learning, you access Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise through your organization's /
xmlpserver URL (for example, https://hostname.com/xmlpserver). The /xmlpserver has standard Course and
Specialization folders in the Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/Learning/Certificates folder.

1. In the appropriate folder, right-click the completion certificate report and select Customize. This action creates a
similar, custom folder structure: Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Learning/Certificates.
2. In the appropriate Custom folder, create a backup copy of the certificate you're going to edit.
a. Right-click the completion certificate report and select Copy.
b. Optionally, rename the copy per your naming conventions.
3. Download the custom completion certificate.
a. Right-click the source custom certificate again and select Download. The download creates a .zip file that
includes the .rtf template and data models.
b. On your computer, extract the .zip file contents.
4. Edit the static and dynamic elements of the .rtf completion certificate report.
a. Edit the relevant static elements, for example, add your company logo to the header.
b. To enable the relevant Publisher options for dynamic elements, such as Field, link the XML data file to
the .rtf file.
i. In the .rtf file, on the Publisher tab, click Sample XML.
ii. In the Please select XML data dialog box, search for and select the extracted completion certificate
DM.xml file.
iii. Click Open.
c. On the certificate template, add and remove dynamic elements as appropriate.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 12
Using Learning Completion Certificates

d. Save your changes.

5. In Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise, replace the existing source .rtf file with your edited .rtf file.
a. Click the appropriate Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Learning/Certificates
b. In the source custom completion certificate report row, click Edit.
c. On the edit layout page, click View a list.
d. Select the source template row.
e. Click the Delete icon. Remember, you still have your backup version.
f. To upload your edited .rtf file, click the Create icon.
g. On the create layout page, click Upload RTF, PDF, Excel, Flash, XSL Stylesheet, or eText template file.
h. In the Upload Template File dialog box, search for and select your edited .rtf template file.
i. In the Type field, select RTF Template.
j. In the Locale field, select the language that the certificate is in.
k. Click Upload.
l. On the edit layout page, click View a list.
m. In the Default Format field, select PDF.
What to do next
Set Completion Certificate Defaults for Oracle Learning Courses and Specializations.

Set Completion Certificate Defaults for Oracle Learning

Courses and Specializations
To provide completion certificates to learners, you need to configure the completion certificate defaults for courses and

Before you start

Configure Completion Certificate Templates for Oracle Learning
Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Configure Catalog Defaults.
2. On the Configure Catalog Defaults page, in the Completion Certificate Defaults section, click Edit.
3. Select the appropriate certificate selection.
◦ No Certificate disables the completion certificate. Learners and managers don't get a Print Completion
Certificate action for the course or specialization.
◦ Certificate enables the completion certificate and shows the choice list of available certificates. When you
select a specific certificate, you enable the Preview link and see the corresponding description.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 13
Using Learning Capacity Rules and Waitlists

13 Capacity Rules and Waitlists

Waitlists for Oracle Learning Course Offerings

Waitlists let learners and managers indicate their interest in offerings already at maximum capacity or not yet funded.
You can then increase capacity (seats or licenses), add more offerings, or fund relevant learning, create the offerings,
and activating the learning.

How Capacity Rules and Waitlist Work for Oracle

Learning Course Offerings
Specify minimum and maximum capacities for instructor-led, self-paced, or blended course offerings by enabling
capacity rules. This also enables a waitlist where the first learner on the list is also first off. Optionally let learners who
self-register join the waitlist.

When offering enrollments reach the specified maximum capacity, any newly registered or assigned learners get added
to the waitlist. When seats become available, the assignment gets activated for learners at the top of the waitlist until
the offering again reaches maximum capacity.

• If the offering requires enrollment approval, the current capacity gets verified after approval and the learner's
assignment gets activated. Or the learner gets added to the waitlist.
• Learners assigned by their managers get their assignments activated until the offering reaches maximum
capacity. Any additional learners get added to the waitlist.
After the offering end date is past for instructor-led (ILT) and blended learning offerings, the new Change the Status of
Offering Assignments with Any Preactive Status to Delete process sets the status to Deleted for all offering assignments
with these statuses:

• Waitlisted
• Pending seat acceptance
• Requested
• Pending fulfillment
• Pending prerequisites
When the start date arrives for an ILT offering, existing waitlisted learners will no longer automatically be granted a seat
when one becomes available. You control the active learners and can accept more learners into the offering or not.

You can also define capacity for self-paced offerings. But limiting the enrollment of waitlisted learners isn’t possible
because this type of offering doesn’t have start or end dates.

If you decrease the maximum capacity, the offering could become overbooked. To fix this issue, on the Learners >
Learning Assignment tab, you can manually withdraw learners. Or you can move some learners with active
assignments to the waitlist.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 13
Using Learning Capacity Rules and Waitlists

Tip: You can leave an offering overbooked if you know that you will eventually withdraw or move learners with active
assignments to the waitlist. Overbooking the offering keeps it at maximum capacity and prevents other learners from
joining, or the waitlist from automatically filling empty seats.

To prevent learners from enrolling in or requesting to enroll in an offering after it reaches maximum capacity, deselect
the Capacity Rules check box. This also lets managers assign the offering to their teams only if there are enough seats
for all assignment recipients.

CAUTION: Deselecting the Capacity Rules check box for an offering also activates the assignments for any waitlisted
learners. Make sure that the offering can handle these additional enrollees. Or you can change their learning
assignment status on the offering details page, Learners tab, for example, withdraw them or delete their assignments.

Capacity rules apply only on offerings. You can define default offering capacities while creating a course and override
them as appropriate while creating course offerings. Use the Courses and Offerings tasks on the My Client Groups >
Learning page.

Related Topics
• Change the Status of Offering Assignments with Any Preactive Status to Delete

What Happens When a Learner Accepts or Declines a

Waitlisted Seat
A learner enrolled in a primary course offering, can now join the ILT offering that they were previously waitlisted for,
when a seat becomes available.

• If they accept the seat, the offering becomes the active enrollment and the learner gets withdrawn from the
current primary offering.
• If they decline the seat, the offering is removed from the learner’s enrollment and the primary offering they're
already enrolled in applies.

How You Can Override Offering Capacity Rules When

Assigning Oracle Learning
You can override capacity settings while creating learning assignments for an offering. On the Advanced Rule stop,
select the Increase maximum capacity and bypass waitlist check box.

This selection increases the maximum capacity of the offering to fit all of the learners selected for the assignment. It
also bypasses any waitlisted learners so that they remain on the waitlist.

If you don't select this option, offering assignments get activated for the selected learners until the offering reaches
maximum capacity. Then, the remaining selected learners get added to the waitlist.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 13
Using Learning Capacity Rules and Waitlists

How You Can Manually Manage the Waitlist for Oracle

Learning Assignments
You can manually manage the learners on a course offering waitlist. Use either the Learners > Learning Assignments
tab on the offering details page or the Learning Assignments task.

• Moving a learner with an active assignment to the waitlist releases their seat and activates the assignment for
the first waitlisted learner.
• Activating the assignment of a waitlisted learner prompts you to also increase the maximum capacity. To
prevent other learners from joining the offering, you can say no and overbook the offering.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 13
Using Learning Capacity Rules and Waitlists

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 14
Using Learning Course Administration in the Learning Catalog

14 Course Administration in the Learning


Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog

Here's the basic process to create a course. To preserve courses for reporting, you can end date but not delete courses
after you create them.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Courses.

2. On the Courses page, click Create.
3. On the Create Course page, complete the required and relevant optional general information. Learners can see all of
this general information when they view course details in the learning catalog and for enrolled courses.
When you create courses, it automatically generates read-only course numbers. When you upload courses using
HCM Data Loader, you can specify your own numbers.
4. Optionally add prerequisites and learning outcomes, such as skills, competencies, honors and awards, languages,
licenses and certifications, and memberships. The prerequisites and outcomes you can add, as well as the
corresponding properties and choice lists, come from the Prerequisites and Person profile types.
To see additional properties, such as renewal and expiration date options, expand each prerequisite and outcome
that you add. For example, to make a certification dependent on learning assignment dates, you expand the
certification outcome. Then you can set the same expiration date for the certification as the learning assignment.
And you can set a certification issue date that matches the learning assignment's validity start date.

When learners complete refresher courses before learning outcomes with expiration dates expire, such as
certificates and licenses, their outcomes don't get updated. Keep this in mind when you set expiration and renewal

5. Optionally configure default offering attributes that all offerings for the course inherit as default settings. The default
attributes you can configure include setting the training instructor or supplier, pricing, payment, and capacity rates.
When you configure the related offerings, you can override these course-level defaults.
◦ The primary instructor names come from the people you add using the Instructors catalog resources task.
◦ The training supplier names come from the suppliers you add using the Training Suppliers catalog resource
◦ The Pricing section lets you set up internal chargebacks for any incurred learning costs, such as for
instructor-led training (ILT) offerings. The pricing configuration applies only after you set Payment Type to
Manual Payment in the Payment section.

- Line item options come from the ORA_WLF_PRICING_TYPE lookup.

- If you select Required, learning administrators can modify only the price, when they configure
course offerings.
- The offering price on learning self-service pages gets calculated using all of the line items with Use
to Calculate Catalog Item Price in Self-Service selected.
6. Optionally link the course to one or more learning communities.
7. Optionally set default learning assignment rules, such as the initial assignment status and the validity period.
Learning administrators see these defaults, and can override them, when they create required learning assignments.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 14
Using Learning Course Administration in the Learning Catalog

Related Topics
• Oracle Learning Prerequisites and Outcomes, and Talent Prerequisite and Person Profile Types
• Prerequisites Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Outcomes Definition for Oracle Learning
• Validity, Expiration, and Course Renewal Options
• Learn Pricing Type Lookup for Oracle Learning

Oracle Learning Course Configuration Options:

Featured Learning, Offerings, Learners, Conversations,
Community Usage, and Default Access
You can designate courses as Featured Learning on self-service pages, link an existing course to offerings, and assign
it to learners. Also manage comment configurations for learning administrator and on self-service learning pages,
community usage, and default access.

To get to these configuration options, on the Courses page, click the name of an existing course. To assign a course to
learners or offerings, you can also select it and click Learners or Offerings.

Featured View on the Self-Service Browse Learning Page

When people click the Featured view on their Browse Learning page, they see an image carousel showing the five most
recently featured items that they can access. And five categories group the featured learning by learning type, such as
courses and specializations. Each category shows up to 25 of the most recently featured learning that they can access,
with the most recently featured learning appearing first.

Default Access
Here's what you can configure on the Default Access page:

• Include an enrollment questionnaire

• Specify when to override the self-service view mode
• Set the self-service view mode
• Configure learning and manager enrollment settings
• Let managers mark enrollments as complete

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 14
Using Learning Course Administration in the Learning Catalog

Add an Enrollment Questionnaire to an Oracle Learning

To get important information about the enrollees, you can add an enrollment questionnaire to the existing course. For
anyone to see the questionnaire, the questionnaire template used to create it must have the Score Questionnaire option

Before you start

1. Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning

2. Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog

Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups Learning page, click Courses.
2. On the Courses page, click the course name.
3. On the course page, click Manage Default Access.
4. On the Default Access page, in the Show Enrollment Questionnaire field, select Enable enrollment questionnaire
creation, if not already selected.
5. Click Add.
6. On the search dialog box, search for and apply the appropriate questionnaire. The list contains only Learner
Enrollment type questionnaires.
7. To see how the questionnaire appears to learners, click Preview.
8. Click Save.

Why a Learner Sometimes Can't Resume an Oracle

Learning Course
Check if the learner has more than one offering with the same ID assigned. If they do, withdraw all but 1 of the offerings.
Then, reassign the correct offering to the learner or have them self-enroll again.

Alternatively, try opening each offering to see if one offering lets the learner resume the course. If yes, withdraw the
learner from the other offering.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 14
Using Learning Course Administration in the Learning Catalog

Troubleshoot Why Learners Can't Enroll in Existing

Oracle Learning Courses and Offerings
Typically learners can't enroll in an existing course because of course or learning record statuses. Or the Learning
Assignment Post Processing process might not have completed successfully. Learning with a Requested status goes
through approval before learners can enroll.

1. Make sure that on their course details page, they're clicking Enroll in Course on the Actions menu. The Enroll button
in the course banner only expands the Available Offerings section.
2. Make sure they're enrolled in the course before they try to enroll in a course offering.
3. On theses pages, make sure that Initial Learning Record Status has Active or Requested selected, per your policy.
◦ Configure Catalog Defaults
◦ Default Access for the course
◦ Default Access for the offering
4. When learners self-enroll in courses, the Learning Assignment Post Processing process should run and update
the related offering activity status. If the process doesn't complete successfully, for example, due to a connectivity
interruption, you might need to run it again.

Direct Access to Oracle Learning Courses, Offerings,

Specializations, and Communities
You can provide direct access to the self-service and administrator details pages of a learning course, offering,
specialization, or community. To access these shareable deep links, use the learning catalog tasks on the My Client
Groups > Learning page.

The deep link for an offering doesn't include active links for the offering activities. Learners need to view the enrollment
details for the offering to access the active links.

The access controls configured for the course, offering, specialization, or community determine the learner's access to
the self-service details. They also determine a learning administrator's access to the administrator details.

Related Topics
• Oracle Learning Deep Links

Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated Courses

You control when learners with active learning assignments see changes made to a course. Make the necessary changes
and when you’re ready to update learner assignments, use the new Reconcile Learning Assignments action.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 14
Using Learning Course Administration in the Learning Catalog

The action is available on the course details page accessed using the Courses task on the My Client Groups Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 14
Using Learning Course Administration in the Learning Catalog

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 15
Using Learning Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog

15 Course Offering Administration in the

Learning Catalog

Create an ILT or Blended Offering for an Oracle Learning

You can create instructor-led and blended offerings and activities for learning courses.

Before you start

Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog
Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Offerings.
2. On the Offerings page, Create menu, select Instructor-Led Offering or Blended Offering.
3. On the Create Offering: Select Course dialog box, search for and select the appropriate course.
4. Click Select.
5. On the Create Offering page, complete the required and relevant optional general information. Learners can see all
of this general information when they view offering details in the learning catalog and for enrolled offerings.
◦ The new offering uses the course title by default. If you have multiple offerings for a course, be sure to
make the offering title unique.
◦ The publish dates determine the period when learners can see the offering on their self-service pages. You
also need to select offering dates, which are typically the first and last dates of the learning.
◦ You can set a primary classroom that's the default classroom for the activities. You can override this default
when you configure the activities, as appropriate. Learners see the classroom location as city, state or
province, and country.
◦ If you select a facilitator type of Instructor, you also need to select the primary instructor. You can override
this default when you configure the activities, as appropriate.

Note: Sometimes the default facilitator attributes for the selected course change after you set the
offering values and before you add activities. In these rare instances, the offering activities inherit the
new course defaults and not these values.

◦ Select an offering coordinator according to your learning administration policies. Either specify the specific
learning administrator responsible for the offering. Or if the offering activities have different instructors,
select the learning coordinator for those instructors.
◦ Capacity rules let you limit the number of learners who can register for the offering. You can also let
learners who self-enroll automatically join the waitlist, if it exists. Otherwise you need to add them to it.
◦ You can't override pricing line items that the course has as required, but you can change the prices.
◦ You can use the information in the Learning Items Additional Attributes section, in advanced searches for
course offerings. And learners see it on their offering details page.

Tip: When you create offerings, it automatically generates read-only offering numbers. When you upload
offerings using HCM Data Loader, you can specify your own numbers.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 15
Using Learning Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog

6. Click Save and Close.

What to do next
Add ILT Activities to a Blended or ILT Oracle Learning Offering

Related Topics
• Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning
• Add an Evaluation to an Oracle Learning Offering

Add ILT Activities to a Blended or ILT Oracle Learning

After you create instructor-led and blended course offerings, you need to add the in-person or virtual supporting
activities. Configure activity details and add related materials. Also configure advanced rules for completion,
sequencing, and display.

Before you start

Add the relevant activities. If you have enough activities, consider organizing them into sections. If you aren’t using
sections, activities get added to the default section. By default, learners don’t see any information for this section,
but they do see the activities. And the advanced rules that you configure for each activity determine completion,
sequencing, and display.
Here's what to do
1. On the offering details page, click the Activities tab.
If you aren’t using sections, skip to step 4. Otherwise continue to the next step.
2. On the Activities tab, edit the default section. The default section becomes visible after you add a second section.
Here’s what you want to do when that happens:
a. Update the section title and add a high-level description of what people will learn by completing the section
b. Review the defaulted completion, sequencing, and display rules, and change them as appropriate.

To make activities required, in the Defined By field, select Activity. If the section defines the completion
rule, you can specify how many the section activities learners need to complete. But you can’t make any of
the section activities required. For example, the section has three activities—A, B, and C—and you specify
that learners need to complete two activities. They can complete A and B, B and C, or A and C. You can’t
require that everyone complete A and optionally complete B or C.
c. Click Save.
3. Add and configure the remaining sections by completing these steps:
a. On the Overview section Add menu, select Add Section.
b. In the new section, complete the required and relevant optional details, including completion, sequencing,
and display rules.
c. Click Save.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 15
Using Learning Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog

4. Add at least one ILT activity to the default section. If you’re using sections, you need to add at least one activity to
each section.

Tip: You can reposition activities in a section, but you can't move an activity to another section. You need to delete
it from the current section and add it in the correct section.

a. On the Add Activity page, complete the required and relevant optional details.
- To avoid meeting errors, make sure that activity dates for ILT activities are after today's date.
- To create multiple occurrences of an activity that repeats, select a Repeat option. If you need to
change the activity later, you have to edit each individual occurrence.
- To let learners manage their attendance, instead of the learning coordinator or instructor, select
Allow person completing the activity to mark themselves complete.
b. In the Advanced Rules section, review the defaulted completion, sequencing, and display rules and change
them as appropriate.
Tip: You can set the activity type to Required or Optional only if the section completion rule is Activity.

5. Optionally add related materials to include information for reporting and alerts. For example, you create an
automated report the day an activity is scheduled to occur. And you send an email to facilities that list required
physical resources, such as notebooks and pens.
6. Click OK.

Tip: When you create activities, it automatically generates read-only activity numbers. When you upload activities
using HCM Data Loader, you can specify your own numbers.

Related Topics
• Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning
• Add an Evaluation to an Oracle Learning Offering

Create a Self-Paced Offering for an Oracle Learning

You can create self-paced offerings and activities for learning courses.

Before you start

Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog
Here's what to do
1. 1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Offerings.
2. On the Offerings page, Create menu, select Self-Paced Offering.
3. On the Create Offering: Select Course dialog box, search for and select the appropriate course.
4. Click Select.
5. On the Create Offering page, complete the required and relevant optional general information. Learners can see all
of this general information when they view offering details in the learning catalog and for enrolled offerings.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 15
Using Learning Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog

◦ The new offering uses the course title by default. If you have multiple offerings for a course, be sure to
make the offering title unique.
◦ The publish dates determine the period when learners can see the offering on their self-service pages.
◦ Select an offering coordinator according to your learning administration policies. Either specify the specific
learning administrator responsible for the offering. Or if the offering activities have different instructors,
select the learning coordinator for those instructors.
◦ Capacity rules let you limit the number of learners who can register for the offering. You can also let
learners who self-enroll automatically join the waitlist, if it exists. Otherwise you need to add them to it.
◦ You can't override pricing line items that the course has as required, but you can change the prices.
◦ You can use the information in the Learning Items Additional Attributes section, in advanced searches for
course offerings. And learners see it on their offering details page.

Tip: When you create offerings, it automatically generates read-only offering numbers. When you upload
offerings using HCM Data Loader, you can specify your own numbers.

What to do next
Add Self-Paced Activities to a Blending or Self-Paced Oracle Learning Offering

Related Topics
• Add an Evaluation to an Oracle Learning Offering

Add Self-Paced Activities to a Blending or Self-Paced

Oracle Learning Offering
After you create self-paced course offerings, you need to add the supporting activities, such as assessment, SCORM,
observation checklist, pdf, video, and web content. Configure activity details and add related materials. Also configure
advanced rules for completion, sequencing, and display.

Before you start

1. Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning

2. Add an Assessment to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources
3. Create a Self-Paced Offering for an Oracle Learning Course
Add the relevant activities. If you have enough activities, consider organizing them into sections. If you aren’t using
sections, activities get added to the default section. By default, learners don’t see any information for this section,
but they do see the activities. And the advanced rules that you configure for each activity determine completion,
sequencing, and display.
Here's what to do
1. On the offering details page, click the Activities tab.
If you aren’t using sections, skip to step 4. Otherwise continue to the next step.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 15
Using Learning Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog

2. On the Activities tab, edit the default section. The default section becomes visible after you add a second section.
Here’s what you want to do when that happens:
a. Update the section title and add a high-level description of what people will learn by completing the section
b. Review the defaulted completion, sequencing, and display rules, and change them as appropriate.

To make activities required, in the Defined By field, select Activity. If the section defines the completion
rule, you can specify how many the section activities learners need to complete. But you can’t make any of
the section activities required. For example, the section has three activities—A, B, and C—and you specify
that learners need to complete two activities. They can complete A and B, B and C, or A and C. You can’t
require that everyone complete A and optionally complete B or C.
c. Click Save.
3. Add and configure the remaining sections by completing these steps:
a. On the Overview section Add menu, select Add Section.
b. In the new section, complete the required and relevant optional details, including completion, sequencing,
and display rules.
c. Click Save.
4. Add at least one self-paced activity to the default section. If you’re using sections, you need to add at least one
activity to each section.

Tip: You can reposition activities in a section, but you can't move an activity to another section. You need to delete
it from the current section and add it in the correct section.

a. On the Add Activity page, complete the required and relevant optional details.

- To avoid meeting errors, make sure that activity dates for ILT activities are after today's date.
- To create multiple occurrences of an activity that repeats, select a Repeat option. If you need to
change the activity later, you have to edit each individual occurrence.
- To let learners manage their attendance, instead of the learning coordinator or instructor, select
Allow person completing the activity to mark themselves complete.
b. In the Advanced Rules section, review the defaulted completion, sequencing, and display rules and change
them as appropriate.

Tip: You can set the activity type to Required or Optional only if the section completion rule is Activity.

5. Optionally add related materials.

6. Click OK.

Tip: When you create activities, it automatically generates read-only activity numbers. When you upload activities
using HCM Data Loader, you can specify your own numbers.

Related Topics
• Course Offerings Definition for Oracle Learning
• Learning Activities Definition for Oracle Learning
• Add an Evaluation to an Oracle Learning Offering

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 15
Using Learning Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog

Add an Evaluation to an Oracle Learning Offering

To get feedback about the learning material or the instructor, you can add an evaluation.

Before you start

1. Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning

2. Set Default Evaluations for Oracle Learning Course Offerings
3. Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog
4. Create an ILT or Blended Offering for an Oracle Learning Course
5. Create a Self-Paced Offering for an Oracle Learning Course

Here's what to do
1. On the offering details page, click the Activities tab.
2. On the Overview section, Add menu, select Add Evaluation.
3. In the Evaluation section, the last section on the Activities tab, specify whether to use the default evaluation or
another evaluation. The name of the default evaluation appears as read-only information in the Evaluation field. To
help you decide, you can preview the evaluation. If you select another evaluation, you can also preview it.

Tip: If you use the default evaluation and it gets changed later, anyone completing the evaluation after the change
gets the new evaluation. It doesn’t matter if you change the offering definition. If you select a different evaluation
and the default evaluation changes, learners continue to get the selected evaluation.

4. If using an evaluation other than the default, you can specify whether learners need to complete the evaluation
before Oracle Learning considers the offering complete. If you use the default evaluation, the setting on the
Configure Evaluations page applies. You can't override it.
5. Click Save and Close.

Check in Learners for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) in

Oracle Learning
Provide activity completion dates and status changes using Manage Activities on the offering details page, Learners
tab. Also mark activities complete using Mass Actions > Mark Activities Complete or More Actions > Edit learning
activities in a spreadsheet.

With the spreadsheet, you can also set completion dates for the downloaded activities, update statuses, and provide
reasons for the changes. Then you upload the changes to Oracle Learning.

You get to an offering details page using the Offerings task on the My Client Groups > Learning page. You can also
manage activities using the Learnings Assignments task. The more and mass actions are available on only the offering
details pages.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 15
Using Learning Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog

What You Can Do with Existing Oracle Learning

Offerings and Activities
You can edit course offerings and activities, end date offerings, and delete activities. Also copy offerings and their
activities, copy only activities, and reorder nontimed activities. And, create automatic learning assignments by linking
learning initiatives to offerings.

Note: Timed activities appear in chronological order, so an earlier activity can't appear after a later activity.

Related Topics
• Oracle Learning Assignments
• Oracle Learning Initiatives
• Assign Learners to Catalog and Noncatalog Learning

View a Learner's Most Recent Assessment Attempt or

Evaluation for an Oracle Learning Offering
Here's how you can view a learner's latest assessment attempt answers and score as well as their evaluation responses.

1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Offerings.

2. On the Offerings page, search for and click the offering that contains the assessment or evaluation you want to
3. Click Learners.
4. Search for and select the leaner with the assessment or evaluation you want to view. In the Assignment Status field,
be sure to select Completed to see only the learners who completed the assessment or evaluation.
5. Click Manage Activities.
6. On the Activities dialog box next to the offering name, click the information icon.
7. In the activity dialog box, click View.
You can see only the most recent assessment attempt. Earlier assessment attempts aren't available.

Reset the Status for a Learner's Failed Oracle Learning

Offering Assessment or Online Content Activity
If a learner failed the learning assignment for an offering and course, and can't try the online or assessment content
again, reset their status. Or increase the recorded attempts for the assessment or online content.
Here's what to do

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 15
Using Learning Course Offering Administration in the Learning Catalog

• On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Offerings.

• On the Offerings page, search for and select the offering that the learner failed.
• Click Learners.
• Search for and select the leaner with the failed assessment or online content.
• Click Manage Activities.
• On the Activities dialog box, reset the appropriate activities. Either click Reset All Activities or, next to the
activity name, click Reset.
The learner's completion status for the affected activities, the offering, and the course changes to Not Started.

Related Topics
• How Recorded Attempts Affect Oracle Learning Statuses and Scores

When Learners Can't See Their Assessment Scores in

Oracle Learning
Check the questionnaire template for the assessment. And on the content details page for the assessment, make sure
that you select the Score Questionnaire check box.

Related Topics
• Create Questionnaires for Oracle Learning
• Add an Assessment to Your Oracle Learning Content Resources

Why Keep an Oracle Learning Offering Overbooked

You might want to keep an offering overbooked if you know that you will eventually withdraw or move active learners
to the waitlist. Keeping the offering at maximum capacity, prevents other learners from joining or the waitlist from
automatically filling empty seats.

You might also want to keep it overbooked if you know that you will be changing the venue to accommodate a larger
audience. This way you can activate learners and then increase the maximum capacity to fit the number of booked

Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated Offerings

You control when learners with active learning assignments see changes made to an offering. Make the necessary
changes and when you’re ready to update learner assignments, use the new Reconcile Learning Assignments action.

The action is available on the course details page accessed using the Offerings task on the My Client Groups Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 16
Using Learning Specialization Administration in the Learning Catalog

16 Specialization Administration in the

Learning Catalog

Create a Specialization for the Oracle Learning Catalog

Create the learning plan or path for the larger learning objective and add relevant existing courses as activities. You can
change the sequence of these courses that specializations call activities, as appropriate.

Before you start

• Create a branding image and save it in a local folder.

• Create a trailer video and publish it so that it's available under My Published Videos.

Here's what to do
1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Specializations.
2. On the Specializations page, click Create.
3. On the Create Specialization page, complete the required and relevant optional general information. Learners can
see all of this general information when they view specialization details in the learning catalog and for enrolled
When you create specializations, it automatically generates read-only specialization numbers. When you upload
specializations using HCM Data Loader, you can specify your own numbers.
4. Optionally add learning outcomes and prerequisites, such as skills, competencies, honors and awards, languages,
licenses and certifications, and memberships. The outcomes and prerequisites you can add, as well as the
corresponding properties and choice lists, come from the Prerequisites and Person profile types.
To see additional properties, such as renewal and expiration date options, expand each prerequisite and outcome
that you add. For example, to make a certification dependent on learning assignment dates, you expand the
certification outcome. Then you can set the same expiration date for the certification as the learning assignment.
And you can set a certification issue date that matches the learning assignment's validity start date.

When learners complete refresher specializations before learning outcomes with expiration dates expire, such as
certificates and licenses, their outcomes don't get updated. Keep this in mind when you set expiration and renewal

5. Optionally link the specialization to one or more learning communities.

6. Click Save and Close.
What to do next
Add Courses as Activities to an Oracle Learning Specialization

Related Topics
• Course Definition for Oracle Learning
• Specialization Definition for Oracle Learning
• Oracle Learning Prerequisites and Outcomes, and Talent Prerequisite and Person Profile Types
• My Learning Communities

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 16
Using Learning Specialization Administration in the Learning Catalog

Add Courses as Activities to an Oracle Learning

After you create the specialization for a larger learning objective, add the supporting courses as activities. Set up
appropriate sections to group related activities, add the relevant courses, and configure advanced rules for completion
and sequencing.

Before you start

Create a Specialization for the Oracle Learning Catalog
Add the relevant courses as specialization activities. If you have enough activities, consider organizing them into
sections. If you aren’t using sections, activities get added to the default section. By default, learners don’t see any
information for this section, but they do see the activities. When appropriate, you can select the Enable as a visible
section to learners option and change the default name to better reflect the section content. And the advanced rules
that you configure for each activity determine completion, sequencing, and display.
Here's what to do
1. On the specialization details page, click the Activities tab.
If you aren’t using sections, skip to step 4. Otherwise continue to the next step.
2. On the Activities tab, edit the default section.
The default section becomes visible after you add a second section. Here’s what you want to do when that happens:

a. Update the section title and add a high-level description of what people will learn by completing the section
b. Review the defaulted completion, sequencing, and display rules, and change them as appropriate.

To make activities required, in the Defined By field, select Activity. If the section defines the completion
rule, you can specify how many the section activities learners need to complete. But you can’t make any of
the section activities required. For example, the section has three activities—A, B, and C—and you specify
that learners need to complete two activities. They can complete A and B, B and C, or A and C. You can’t
require that everyone complete A and optionally complete B or C.

Use these descriptions to help you select the appropriate experience when learners launch the activity.

- Inherit from Activity: Learners see the same behavior for the course, whether they access the
course directly or through the specialization.
- Inherit from Specialization: Learners see the same behavior that they had for the specialization
enrollment, for example, Request mode or Active mode.
- Active: Learners enrolled in this specialization can sign up for courses in this specialization,
regardless of the course configuration.
- Requested: When they try to join, learners need to request the courses in this section, regardless of
the course configuration.
c. Click Save.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 16
Using Learning Specialization Administration in the Learning Catalog

3. Add and configure the remaining sections by completing these steps:

a. On the Overview section Add menu, select Add Section.
b. In the new section, complete the required and relevant optional details, including completion, sequencing,
and display rules.
c. Click Save.
4. Add at least one course as an activity. If you’re using sections, you need to add at least one activity to each section.

Tip: You can reposition activities in a section, but you can't move an activity to another section. You need to delete
it from the current section and add it in the correct section.

a. On the Add Activity page, complete the required and relevant optional details.
b. In the Advanced Rules section, review the defaulted completion, sequencing, and display rules and change
them as appropriate.
Tip: You can set the activity type to Required or Optional only if the section completion rule is Activity.

c. Click OK.

Related Topics
• Course Definition for Oracle Learning
• Specialization Definition for Oracle Learning
• Oracle Learning Prerequisites and Outcomes, and Talent Prerequisite and Person Profile Types
• My Learning Communities

Oracle Learning Specialization Configuration Options:

Learners, Conversations, Community Usage, and Default
You can assign a specialization to learners and manage conversation configurations for learning administrators, on self-
service learning pages, and for enrollees. You can also manage community usage and default access.

To get to these configuration options, on the Specializations page, click the name of an existing specialization. To assign
a specialization to learners, you can also select it and click Learners.

Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated

You control when learners with active learning assignments see changes made to a specialization. Make the necessary
changes and when you’re ready to update learner assignments, use the new Reconcile Learning Assignments action.

The action is available on the course details page accessed using the Specializations task on the My Client Groups
Learning page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 16
Using Learning Specialization Administration in the Learning Catalog

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 17
Using Learning Community Administration

17 Community Administration

Oracle Learning Communities

Communities are places where members have access to a specific part of the learning catalog. These places can also let
members interact with each other regarding that content. Communities can range from collaborative to formal, and can
include assignments.

Here are examples of different learning communities:

• A learning administrator creates a management community and assigns it to members with manager roles and
• A department head creates a facilities community for the whole organization to help members acquire
knowledge. The community focuses on specific areas, such as OSHA compliance, hazardous waste handling,
and ergonomic best practices.
• A domain expert creates a development community as a central place from which to distribute the newest,
relevant tools, standards, and guidelines. Members regularly participate in discussions about these areas and
share their personal experiences.
• A technical team leader creates a tech community with their team as members. These members can publish
their insights in the community and exchange interesting work-related articles, videos, and learning journeys.
You set the privacy level and specify whether members can contribute to the community when you create a community.
You can also add related materials that you can't include in the community catalog. To edit the definition and manage
assignments, the catalog, conversations, and membership, you click the name of an existing community. The
characteristics that you can set depend on the type of community.

Category and Topic Communities in Oracle Learning

You can create an organized structure for the content that learners see when browsing the learning catalog, using
category and topic communities. The same hierarchical structure applies to official and self-service learning community

For example, to help learners find content about Microsoft Office, you create these topic communities: Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Outlook. Then you add relevant learning items to the community
catalog. Next you create a Microsoft Office category community and include your Microsoft topic communities.

Categories can contain topic and official communities and let only learning administrators have conversations.

• Limit your hierarchy to 5 to 10 categories. Browsing becomes cumbersome when you have more than 15
• Keep category titles to 20 characters or fewer if possible.
Categories don't support cover art. To avoid having the default cover art appear repeatedly in the category carousels on
the Browse learning page, don't enter a category description. If you do enter a description, the Browse page shows the
default art and description.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 17
Using Learning Community Administration

Topics can contain official communities, self-service communities, courses, specializations, videos, and learning
journeys. You can configure them for both learning administrator and self-service (member) conversations.
• Ideally have 3 to 10 topics per category. If you have more than 10 topics, consider creating another category.
• Ideally have at least 3 learning items per topic. If you have fewer than 5 items, consider consolidating topics.
You create and manage category and topic communities using the Communities task on the My Client Groups >
Learning page. You determine how learners can browse the learning catalog, including categories, using the Configure
Self-Service task.

Category Views on the Self-Service Browse Learning Page

When people open their Browse Learning page, they see category views showing the topics and learning in the
category, such as Cloud, Software Development, Creative, Business, and Finance. You determine the actual category
names that they see when you create category communities.

An image carousel shows people the five most recently featured items in the category. Each featured topic includes the
topic cover art, title, and description. Each view row is a topic community that's part of the category, which they can
follow and unfollow. And each topic community shows up to 25 learning items that are part of the topic.

Official and Self-Service Communities in Oracle Learning

You can give learners access to relevant organization-provided content with official communities. You can also
automate assignments for required members. Let learners share their knowledge with colleagues using self-service

Here's an example of each type of community:

• To give new hires access to initial training and relevant documents, you create the official Onboarding
• An individual in a retail chain store creates the Holiday Decorations self-service community so that members
across stores can inspire each other. Members can create and share short videos that describe what they did
and why.

Tip: Learners can browse for and enroll in official and self-service communities with open and closed privacy settings
even if they can't browse by categories. They also see the communities that you add them to as members or required

Here's a list of the main characteristics for official and self-service communities:

Characteristic Description

Create and manage Official: Use the Communities task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.
Self-service: From the Me > Learning page. You can also manage them from the My Client Groups >
Learning page.

Member contributions Learning administrators and community managers can enable for all members or no members.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 17
Using Learning Community Administration

Characteristic Description

Tip: Videos and learning journeys self-published by the community manager have the community
name as the contributor, instead of the person's name.

Related materials Can add attachments.

Assignments Learning administrators and community managers can create assignments that existing and future
required members need to complete by the specified due date. Assignments are most relevant in
official communities.
Learning administrators can also manage assignments using the Learning Assignments task.

Catalog Can contain official communities, self-service communities, courses, specializations, videos, and
learning journeys.

Conversations Can configure both learning administrator conversations and self-service (member) conversations.

Self-service pages List these communities.

Privacy Options for Oracle Learning Communities

You can set community privacy to open, closed, or secret for category, topic, official, and self-service communities.

• Open: Learners can search for and view the community in the catalog. They can also enroll in it. Anyone,
including nonmembers, can recommend the community.
• Closed: Learners can search for and view the community in the catalog. They can also request enrollment.
Anyone, including nonmembers, can recommend the community.
• Secret: Only learning administrators, the community managers, and members can access the community. No
one can recommend the community.

When you need to hide category and topic communities, use this privacy setting.

How Open and Closed Oracle Learning Communities

Appear to Nonmembers
Nonmembers see the branding image, trailer, description for both communities. They can also see the catalog and
conversations for open communities. They can't see the catalog and conversations for close communities.

Nonmembers can join an open community and request to join a closed community. The community manager for a
closed community approves the request and adds them as a member, or declines the request.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 17
Using Learning Community Administration

What Happens When You Change the Privacy Setting for

an Oracle Learning Community
You can change the community privacy setting from open to closed or secret, closed to open or secret, and secret to
closed or open.

When you change a closed or secret community to open, everyone can view it and its catalog. All the pending join
requests for the closed community get approved automatically and those learners get added as members.

Note: Learners can't reopen declined requests from before the change, but they can now join the open community.

When you change an open or secret community to closed, anyone can find it. But only both types of community
members can view the community details, catalog, and conversations.

When you change open or closed communities to secret, only the community managers and both types of members
can find and access it.

The Difference Between Removing and Deleting Items

from the Oracle Learning Community Catalog
Removing a learning item from the community catalog only removes it from the community catalog. It doesn't remove it
for the larger learning catalog. Deleting the learning item removes it from both catalogs.

You need to confirm Delete actions to ensure that you don't permanently remove learning items by mistake.

Community managers can remove any learning item from the community catalog. But they can't delete learning items
published by the community. Community members and required members can only remove learning items they added.

Oracle Learning Community Membership and Managers

A community has at least one manager, members, and required members. As a community manager or learning
administrator, you can add and remove members, required members, and other community managers. You can also
change member roles.

You add and remove members, required members, and static member sets on the Access tab of the open or closed
community Membership page. To dynamically determine members and required members, you can add access groups.
The Process User Access process, which typically runs daily, adds and removes members according to whether they still
meet the specified criteria. For example, you create an access group for a specific organization. The members in that
group change over time as people join and leave the organization. You also approve and decline membership requests
for closed communities. Removing a required member also withdraws all of their incomplete assignments.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 17
Using Learning Community Administration

You can change a member to required member and a required member to member, if they're a subordinate or in your
area of responsibility. Changing a required member to member also withdraws any of their incomplete assignments.

You can add more community managers to help manage assignments, the catalog, and membership. If the person
wasn't a member when you add them, they also get added as a member. If they're also a required member, they get

Community managers and members can leave the community at any time. But required members--including those who
are also community managers--need a community manager or learning administrator to remove them.

Note: A community must have at least one manager. The last manager can't leave the community until they get
another manager.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 17
Using Learning Community Administration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 18
Using Learning Learner-Created Catalog Content

18 Learner-Created Catalog Content

Foster Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Many skills evolve too quickly for formal learning plans to keep pace. To complement your formal learning items and
remain competitive, you can encourage collaborative learning through self-published videos and learning journeys.

Collaborative learning can equip learners with the newest best practices, methods, and technologies to use while doing
their work. To create a positive environment for collaborative learning, you might need to adjust your organization's
culture. Executives and managers can use their leadership to empower and encourage collaboration and knowledge
A cyclical flow showing how social recognition and management encouragement inspire growing involvement in
collaborative learning.

Remove Barriers to Publication

Let individuals share their knowledge with minimal interference. Long approval chains and demanding standards
dampen enthusiasm and prevent timely sharing. A more hands-off approach, with short or no approval chains, lets
individuals more quickly produce learning content with varied points of view. It also lets your learning communities self-

Encourage Collaboration
Executives can encourage collaboration by actively sharing insights with the organization. Here are examples of how
managers can also encourage collaboration:

• Require their teams to complete certain learning items.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 18
Using Learning Learner-Created Catalog Content

• Encourage peer-to-peer learning recommendations.

• Help individuals find better ways of doing their work using employee-sourced knowledge.

Recognize and Reward Contributors

Many contributors share because of enhanced reputations resulting from likes and recommendations of their published
content. Managers can further motivate collaboration by recognizing and rewarding key contributors in other ways,
such as at team meetings or events. This also raises awareness of generates interest in the best knowledge.

Train on Content Creation

Not everyone has the skills to share their knowledge effectively. If you have experts who are slow to get involved, you
can provide training on content creation. As you help people convey their knowledge in concise and engaging stories,
the quality of your learning resources improves.

Related Topics
• Oracle Learning Communities
• My Team Learning Actions
• Track Completion of Team Learning

Share Solutions to Promote Collaborative Learning

People can quickly publish videos that demonstrate their fixes to common customer issues. Through learning
recommendations and sharing on Oracle Social Network, they can share these videos throughout the organization.

Share Best Practices to Promote Collaborative Learning

Subject matter experts figure out best practices through experience. Others can learn these best practices when the
experts share their knowledge in an engaging video or learning journey.

For example, a field technician publishes a learning journey about the best way to install a new product.

Compete for Best Sales Pitch Video to Promote

Collaborative Learning
You can use the competitive spirit of sales teams to have them publish videos of their sales pitches for new products
and services. Then have their peers determine which video is best. The winner has the most Likes.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 18
Using Learning Learner-Created Catalog Content

The Difference Between an Oracle Learning Video and

While both formats provide information about a particular topic, a learning video has just the video. A learning journey
is a collection of content and can include videos. Also, learners play videos and View learning journeys.

Learning administrators create official learning videos and journey. Individuals, community managers, and contributing
community members can also publish and share learning videos and journeys.

Author an Oracle Learning Journey

Anyone can assemble content from the learning catalog, their computer, and external sites to create a public or secret
learning journey. Also, anyone can recommend the learning journey to anyone else in your company.

1. On the Me > Learning page, click My Shared Learning.

2. On the My Shared Learning page in the Learning Journeys Authored section, click Add.
3. On the Author Learning Journey page, complete the learning journey details.
4. You need to include at least one section. In the Table of Contents section, click Add.
The actual sections that you add to your learning journey are specific to the learning journey. You can't reuse them in
other learning journeys.

a. On the Add Section page, enter a title and description.

b. Optionally add media from the learning catalog. Or add an image or web link.
c. If you add a web link, optionally add applicable files or attachments, including cover art.
d. Click Done.
5. On the Author Learning Journey page, review the privacy setting and revise as appropriate.
6. Optionally add related materials.
7. Click Save and Close or Publish.

Tip: You can change saved and published learning journeys at any time but you can't version them.

8. After you publish the learning journey, verify that it appears on your My Shared Learning page.
You can recommend a public learning journey to anyone. You can recommend a secret learning journey to any of
the specified viewers. If you are a learning community manager or contributing member, you can add the learning
journey to the community catalog.

Publish an Oracle Learning Video

You can share your knowledge by publishing learning videos.

1. On the Me > Learning page, click My Shared Learning.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 18
Using Learning Learner-Created Catalog Content

2. On the My Shared Learning page in the Videos Published section, click Add.
3. On the Publish Video page, add the video file.

◦ The supported source video formats are: .mp4, .m4a, .m4v, .f4v, .f4a, .m4b, .m4r, .f4b, and .mov.
◦ Videos can't be larger than 1GB. Use third-party applications to compress larger video files.
4. Enter a title and description. The description appears in the Details section of the Video Details page.
5. Review the privacy setting and revise as appropriate.
6. Optionally add related materials.
7. Click Save and Close or Publish.

Tip: You can change saved and published videos at any time but you can't version them.e

8. After you publish the video, you get a notification that it's processing. After the processing finishes, you can
verify that it appears on your My Shared Learning page.

You can recommend a public video to anyone. You can recommend a secret video to any of the specified
viewers. If you are a learning community manager or contributing member, you can add the video to the
community catalog.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

19 Learning Assignments Administration

Oracle Learning Assignments

Assign learners to a course, offering, specialization, or noncatalog learning item. Assignments can be voluntary or
required. Depending on your implementation, you can also change learning assignment statuses, view approvals, send
emails and alerts, and apply mass actions.

Here's how Oracle Learning defines the two types of assignments:

• Required: Learners need to complete the learning, typically as a condition of their continued employment.
Learning administrators create these learning assignments to make sure that learners comply with company
policies. For example, all employees need to complete an ethics course every year.
• Voluntary: Learners can complete the learning or not. There aren’t any consequences if they don’t. Learners
typically create these learning assignments when they enroll in a learning catalog item or add noncatalog
learning to their learning history. Learners also create these types of assignments when they enroll in
recommended learning.
Learners can’t have multiple assignments of different types for the same learning item, at the same time. For example,
they can’t have both a required and a voluntary assignment, or two required or two voluntary assignments for the same

Assign and manage learning using the Learning Assignments task or the Learners tab of an existing course, offering, or

Related Topics
• Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization
• Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning
• Default Access and Enrollment for Oracle Learning Catalog Content

Assign Learners to Catalog and Noncatalog Learning

Assign a course, offering, specialization, or external learning to learners using the Learning Assignment tasks on the
My Client Groups > Learning page. Also request noncatalog learning. The learning assignments can be voluntary or

1. On the Enrollment Details page, complete the required and relevant optional fields.
◦ Only learning administrators see the required name and optional description.
◦ The start date is when the learners see the learning item in their current learning. If you need to start the
assignment on a past date, use HCM Data Loader.
◦ The Request Type section fields that you need to complete depend on whether the assignment is for a
catalog learning item or noncatalog item. Use Noncatalog items to record learning completed elsewhere,
such as a college course or workshop, in people's learning history. Also use it to request learning get added
to the learning catalog, with the specified learners as the initial audience.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

◦ Optionally complete any enabled learning request descriptive flexfields.

2. Click Next.
3. On the Select Learners page, Add menu, select the method to use to identify learners. Alternatively, you can use the
Add a Person field.

Add Option How You Identify Learners

Person Provide search criteria, such as name, person number, department, or a combination.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Save…. In the Name field,
replace Search by Name copy with a meaningful name.

Person Number List Provide a list of person numbers. To upload a file, in the Type field select Type. To use a URL, in the
Type field select Text.

Analysis Report Criteria Specify an existing Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (BI) analysis report that has the
criteria to identify the appropriate learners.

Learning Assignment Criteria Provide applicable values for learning assignment attributes, such as the learning name, type,
assignment status, or a combination. Also specify whether learners need to match all of the criteria
or any of it.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Use Current Criteria and
complete the applicable fields.

Organization Chart Criteria Search for and select the appropriate chart, such as Chris’s Directs or Chris’s Org.

Person Criteria Provide search criteria, such as business unit, legal employer, job family, location, or a combination.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Use Current Criteria and
complete the applicable fields.

4. On the dialog box, search for and select the criteria to find the appropriate learners for the assignment. What you see
depends on your Add selection method.
To exclude specific individuals when you add learners using learning assignment or person criteria:

a. On the criteria dialog box, click Advanced.

b. On the Add Fields menu button, select the field you want to use to exclude people, for example, Person
c. Change the condition for the added field to Does not equal.
d. Enter the appropriate value.
e. Repeat steps b through d for each individual you want to exclude.
To exclude people when you use analysis report criteria, make sure that the report logic includes the exclusion
criteria. When you select learners using analysis report and organization chart criteria, you can only search for and
select the analysis or chart.

5. Click Next.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

6. On the Advanced Rules page, review the default rules for the learning assignment and make changes, as
◦ If you're recording external learning, in the Initial Assignment Status field, select Completed.
◦ The validity rules, which include expiration and renewal options, apply to only required course assignments.
Specializations have just renewal options.
7. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• Prerequisites Options for Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning
• Validity, Expiration, and Course Renewal Options
• Assignment Attribution Type Lookup for Oracle Learning

Learning Item As-Of Options for Required Oracle

Learning Assignments and Initiatives
Use these descriptions to select the most appropriate Learning Item As-Of Date version when you configure advanced
rules for required learning assignments and initiatives.
• Latest: Learners see the most recently reconciled version of the learning item, until they complete the learning.
Their learning history has the version in place on their completion date. For example, you assign them the
learning item and they start the learning. They get half way through, save their progress, and stop. Before they
resume the learning, you reconcile their learning assignment to update their learning with a new activity that
they need to complete. When they resume the learning, they see the most recent content. If the learning item
that they completed gets updated after they finish, their learning history won’t have the newer learning item.
• Assignment to Learner Date: Learners always see the learning version that was in the catalog when you
assigned the learning. Their version never reflects any subsequent updates, regardless of whether they’re doing
the learning or they completed it.
• Initiative Start Date: Available only for learning initiatives. Learners always see the learning version that was
in the catalog on the initiative start date. Their version never reflects any subsequent updates, regardless of
whether they’re doing the learning or they completed it.

Related Topics
• Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated Offerings
• Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated Specializations
• Reconcile Learning Assignments for Updated Courses

Validity, Expiration, and Course Renewal Options

When you configure a required course assignment in Oracle Learning, you can specify a validity period when learners
are accredited for their completion. The period always has a start date and might have an expiration date.

For example, your organization requires everyone to complete a business ethics course every year by July 31.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

You can also automatically renew the learning assignment according to a specified cycle and assignment completion.

You set validity period options for only required learning assignments. They aren't available for voluntary and
recommendation learning assignments. The settings in course configurations also apply only to required learning

Validity Period Start

The validity period is no earlier than the assignment completion date. But it might be later, depending on which of these
options you select:

• After completion (default): The validity period starts when the learner completes the learning.
• After due date: The validity period starts no earlier than the assignment due date. If the learner completes the
learning before the due date, the validity period starts on the due date. If the learner completes the learning
after the due date, the validity period starts on the completion date.

Validity Period Expiration

The expiration option determines whether the validity period ends, ends at the same time for all of the learners, or ends
according to each learner’s completion date.

Expiration Option Description Example Configuration Example Expiration Date

Never expires (default) Assignment completion is valid NA NA


Expires on date The day and month from the 15-Dec and 2 years Learning completed on 31-
selected date and how many years Oct-2022 expires on 15-Dec-2024
out from the completion year to
expire the validity period

Expires in years How many years out from the 2 years Learning completed on 31-
validity period start date to expire Oct-2022 expires on 31-Oct-2024
the validity period

Expires in days How many days out from the 90 days Learning completed on 31-
validity period start date to expire Oct-2022 expires on 29-Jan-2023
the validity period

Renewal Options
The renewal options work with the validity period expiration to determine when to automatically generate the next
learning assignments. Until the start date, only learning administrators can see the next assignments. Learners see
them in their current learning on the start date.

Do Not Create a Renewal Assignment (Default Option)

On Completion Create the Next Example Configuration Initial Assignment Next Assignment

No, don’t create any future NA Completed on 31-Oct-2022 NA

Expires on 15-Dec-2024

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

Start Next Renewal Before Validity of Prior Assignment Ends

On Completion Create the Next Example Configuration Initial Assignment Next Assignment

Yes. The start date is the specified Expires 2 years from 15-Dec-2022 Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Start date: 15-Nov-2024
number of days before its due date.
The due date is the completion’s Renews 30 days before expiration Expires on 15-Dec-2024 Due date: 15-Dec-2024
expiration date.

Expires in 2 years Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Start date: 1-Oct-2024

Renews 30 days before expiration Expires on 31-Oct-2024 Due date: 31-Oct-2024

Expires in 90 days Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Start date: 30-Dec-2022

Renews 30 days before expiration Expires on 29-Jan-2023 Due date: 29-Jan-2023

Start Renewal After Due Date of Prior Assignment

On Completion Create the Next Example Configuration Initial Assignment Next Assignment

Yes. The start date is the specified Expires 2 years from 15-Dec-2022 Due date: 15-Nov-2022 Start date: 15-Dec-2022
number of days after the
completion’s due date. The due Renews 30 days after completion’s Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Due date: 15-Dec-2024
date is the completion’s expiration due date
date. Expires on 15-Dec-2024

Expires in 2 years Due date: 15-Nov-2022 Start date: 15-Dec-2022

Renews 30 days after completion’s Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Due date: 31-Oct-2024

due date
Expires on 31-Oct-2024

Expires in 90 days Due date: 15-Nov-2022 Start date: 15-Dec-2022

Renews 30 days after completion’s Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Due date: 29-Jan-2023

due date
Expires on 29-Jan-2023

Start Next Renewal After Completion of Prior Assignment

On Completion Create the Next Example Configuration Initial Assignment Next Assignment

Yes. The start date is the Expires 2 years from 15-Dec-2022 Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Start date: 31-Oct-2022
completion’s completion date.
The due date is the completion’s Expires on 15-Dec-2024 Due date: 15-Dec-2024
expiration date.

Expires in 2 years Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Start date: 31-Oct-2022

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

On Completion Create the Next Example Configuration Initial Assignment Next Assignment

Renews 30 days after completion’s Expires on 31-Oct-2024 Due date: 31-Oct-2024

due date

Expires in 90 days Completed on 31-Oct-2022 Start date: 31-Oct-2022

Renews 30 days after completion’s Expires on 29-Jan-2023 Due date: 29-Jan-2023

due date

Withdrawn Renewal and New Assignments

How Oracle Learning handles new assignments for learning with withdrawn renewals depends on whether completed
assignments from the renewal series are expired.

• If the learner's completions are all expired, a new active assignment appears in their current learning. Because
their final completion already expired, the renewal series no longer managers this learner.
• If the learner's final completion hasn't expired, a new assignment won't appear in their current learning. That's
because the renewal series still manages this learner until their final completion expires.

Related Topics
• Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog
• Create a Specialization for the Oracle Learning Catalog

Reassignment Conflict Rules for Oracle Learning Courses

and Offerings
When you assign courses or offerings, you can decide the outcome for learners with existing, unexpired completions.
You can reassign them to or exempt them from the new assignment. Optionally, you can use their existing completion
date to determine the outcome.

When you reassign a learner, they see a new assignment in their current learning. They need to complete it according
to the configured completion settings. If you exempt them, the learner won’t see a new assignment in their current
learning or learning history. But any learning administrator can see the new learning assignment with an Exempted
status. The exempted assignment is evidence of the reassignment and exemption.

When reassigning learners with existing completions, you can specify when the validity of the existing completions
expires. You base the validity on either the start or due date of the new assignment.
• If you expire the existing completion using the new assignment’s start date, the learner immediately becomes
noncompliant until they complete their new assignment.
• If you expire the existing completion using the new assignment’s due date, the learner has a grace period
before they‘re noncompliant.
You can also use these reassignment rules to get learners into synced renewals when they have existing nonrenewing
completions. The existing completion date and the new assignment’s renewal rules determine when the learner gets

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

their new assignments for their current learning. After they complete their current assignment, they follow the renewal
rules of their new assignment.

You can configure these renewal and assignment conflict rules when you create learning assignments or learning
initiatives. You can also set up default renewal options and assignment conflict rules that apply when managers assign
learning to their teams. Use the Configure Catalog Defaults task in the My Client Groups > Learning work area.

Withdrawn Renewal and New Assignments

How Oracle Learning handles new assignments for learning with withdrawn renewals depends on whether completed
assignments from the renewal series are expired.

• If the learner's completions are all expired, a new active assignment appears in their current learning. Because
their final completion already expired, the renewal series no longer managers this learner.
• If the learner's final completion hasn't expired, a new assignment won't appear in their current learning. That's
because the renewal series still manages this learner until their final completion expires.

Related Topics
• Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog

Reassignment Conflict Rules for Oracle Learning

When you assign a specialization, you can decide the outcome for learners with existing, unexpired completions. You
can reassign them to or exempt them from the new assignment. Optionally, you can use their existing completion date
to determine the outcome.

When you reassign a learner, they see a new assignment in their current learning. They need to complete it according
to the configured completion settings. If you exempt them, the learner won’t see a new assignment in their current
learning or learning history. But any learning administrator can see the new learning assignment with an Exempted
status. The exempted assignment is evidence of the reassignment and exemption.

Before Learning looks at the renewal options for Completed or Bypass Completed assignments, it determines if the
learners completed all required activities for the current assignment.

• If they have, the specified renewal options apply. This happens even if the required activities for the
specialization changed, and learners have already completed the activities as part of another assignment or
• If they haven't, they get a new assignment as specified for under All Other Existing Assignments. This can
happen when the required specialization activities changed. Learners completed the required activities for their
existing assignment, but not the more recently added activities required for the renewal assignment getting
You can also use reassignment rules to get learners into synced renewals when they have existing nonrenewing
completions. The existing completion date and the new assignment’s renewal rules determine when the learner gets
their new assignments for their current learning. After they complete their current assignment, they follow the renewal
rules of their new assignment.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

You can configure these renewal and assignment conflict rules when you create learning assignments or learning
initiatives. You can also set up default renewal options and assignment conflict rules that apply when managers assign
learning to their teams. Use the Configure Catalog Defaults task in the My Client Groups > Learning work area.

Related Topics
• Initial Learning Record Status Options for Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning
• Learning Item As-Of Options for Required Oracle Learning Assignments and Initiatives
• Create a Specialization for the Oracle Learning Catalog

Example of How to Get Learners into a Renewal Cycle

Using Reassignment Conflict Rules
You can use course and offering reassignment rules to get your people into a regular retraining cycle. You do this by
applying a new renewal cycle to their completed Oracle Learning assignments to determine when they get their next

In this example, we follow Bob, who completed the Business Ethics course on 20-Mar-2022. This learning assignment
isn't a managed renewal and doesn't expire. Bob is compliant with the course forever. But, your business requirements
changed. Now your people, including Bob, need to complete the Business Ethics course every year. You create another
learning assignment that includes Bob and Lisa in the target audience, and set these options for validity period, renewal,
and assignment conflict rules:

Field Value

Validity Period Starts After completion

Validity Period Expires Expires in years

Valid for One Year

Renewal Options Start next renewal before validity of prior assignment ends

Days Before Validity Period Ends 30

Learners with Existing Completions and Must retake the learning

Bypassed Completions

Learners Who Need to Retake, Expire Their Apply new assignment renewal rules to existing completion
Completion On

These renewal options mean that after they complete their initial assignment, the learners need to retake this
course every year. And they have 30 days to complete it before their existing completion expires and they become
noncompliant until they complete their assignment. The conflict rules tell the Process Learning Records process to
determine who in the target audience has an assignment that's successfully completed. The process then applies the
renewal rules using the completion date of those completed assignments.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

So what happens for Bob and Lisa, who are in this target audience? Bob already completed their initial assignment on
20-Mar-2022, and Lisa has no prior assignment.

• Bob gets a new assignment on 18-Feb-2023 that's due on 20-Mar-2023. The expiration date of the completed
assignment is updated to 20-Mar-2023. Bob gets their next assignment on 18-Feb-2023 because the renewal
options say that their renewal cycle is based on their 20-Mar completion date. 18-Feb-2023 is 30 days before
their 20-Mar-2023 completion date.
• Lisa gets their initial assignment dated today, 21-Nov-2022 with a due date of 31-Dec-2022.
When Bob and Lisa complete their new assignment, the Process Learning Records process generates their next
assignment automatically. You took Bob from a perpetually valid single assignment completion and put them in a
managed retraining cycle where they need to complete Business Ethics every year.

Basic Principles to Note

These two basic principals can alter outcomes like Bob's:

• The Processing Learning Records process never back dates the expiration date of the most recent completed
learning assignment. That's because doing so would remove past facts, making learners who were compliant
yesterday noncompliant today. Where necessary, you can manually expire a completed assignment before
moving the person into a new renewal cycle.
• The Processing Learning Records process never creates an initial or next learning assignment that starts in
the past. Doing so would falsify when it really created the assignment. It also most likely leads the assignment
being overdue, which isn't a desirable experience for the learner.

Considering these two principals, let's revisit Bob's Business Ethics assignment, changing the original completion date
20-Mar-2021 instead of 2022. You still create their next assignment today, 21-Nov-2022. If we go with the standard
logic shown in the original scenario, their next assignment would be due 20-Mar-2022, which is 8 months ago. That
assignment would have Bob in noncompliance for 8 months, which wasn't the case yesterday, when they didn't have
their next assignment. Instead, the process treats Bob similarly to Lisa and generates a new assignment dated today
and due 31-Dec-2022.

The result for Bob is the same in both examples. Bob is now in a managed renewal and needs to retake the Business
Ethics course every year. But if Bob's existing completion was recent enough relative to their renewal cycle you want
them in, they don't need to retake the training immediately. If their completion was older than the retraining cycle you're
defining, they need to retake the training now, just like anyone else in the target audience.

Skipped Assignments
Review assignments that the Process Learning records process couldn't process, on the Skipped Assignments tab of the
Learning Assignments page. Possible reasons for the skip include the assignment being a duplicate or completion dates
that are before the start dates.

To open the page, use the Learning Assignments task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

Email Learners and Their Line Managers About Oracle

Learning Assignments, Send Alerts, and View Approval
You can email a learner, their manager, or both about a learning assignment using More Actions options on the
Learning Assignments tabs or page. Also send an alert view any approval task.

You can also send alerts to multiple learners or everyone in the learner results using the Mass Actions option. And you
can send alerts to learners or instructors using the Actions menu on the offering details page.

• With learner alerts, you can let the learners know that they were added to or removed from activities. You can
also let me know about classroom changes and changes to activity dates.
• With instructor alerts, you can let the instructors know about changes to their activities.

Act on Multiple Oracle Learning Assignments

You can activate multiple learning assignments at the same time. Also bypass and approve, reject, complete, or
withdraw assignments, and update assignment learning dates. Use the Mass Actions button on the Learning
Assignments page.

The mass action starts the Oracle Learning Cloud Bulk Processing process in the background to update the learning
assignments according to the selected option.

Learning Dates
You can update any one of these learning dates:

Date Description

Assignment When the assignment appears in the learner's current learning. You can update it only to on or after
today. Change on any assignment.

Due When a required assignment is due. You can update it to any date after the assignment date. Change
on any required assignment.

Completion When the learner completed the assignment. You can update it only to on or before today. Change on
any assignment with these statuses:

• Completed
• Bypass Completed
• Not Passed status

Expiration When a completion's validity ends. You can update it only to after today. Change on any completed

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

Related Topics
• Change Status Options for Oracle Learning Assignments
• Background Processing in Oracle Learning

Mass Assign Oracle Learning Using Microsoft Excel or

Notepad Files
You can mass assign learning items by creating a person number list using either Microsoft Excel or Notepad.

Microsoft Excel Assignments

• If you're saving the content as an .xls file, enter all of the person numbers in the same field, separated by
commas. Here's an example: 0001234, 00005678, 00009123.
• If you're saving the content as a .csv file, you can enter all of the person numbers in the same field, separated
by commas. Or you can enter them in separate rows. If you're using separate rows, make sure to add a comma
at the end of each number. Also, the separator between rows must be only a carriage return (CR) and not a
CRLF. The commas generated when you save the file aren't a replacement for the commas you add.

To retain any leading zeros, format the fields containing person numbers as text.

Notepad Assignments
To create a list of person numbers in Notepad, enter the person numbers and separate each number with a comma.
Here's an example: 12345, 543321, 98765.

How Learning Administrators Can View People's

Learning History
You can view someone's Oracle Learning history from their public information page, using the Learning task on the left.

Whose learning history you can access depends on your data security privileges. You also need to have the View
Learning Assignments role.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 19
Using Learning Learning Assignments Administration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 20
Using Learning Learning Recommendation Administration

20 Learning Recommendation Administration

Oracle Learning Recommendations

Recommend a course, offering, or specialization based on what you know about the learners. Learners decide whether
to enroll in and complete recommended learning. They can dismiss any recommendations they’re not interested in or
that they enrolled in.

Assign and manage recommendations using the Learning Recommendations task or the Learner tab of an existing
course, offering, or specialization.

Related Topics
• Optional Access and Enrollment Overrides for an Oracle Course, Offering, or Specialization
• Optional Enrollment and Access Overrides for Static and Dynamic Learner Sets in Oracle Learning
• Default Access and Enrollment for Oracle Learning Catalog Content

Browse Learning, Recommended View

The Recommended view on a person’s Me > Browse Learning page shows an image carousel with their five most
recently recommended learning items. Various categories, such as Current jobs and Popular with others in my job group
their recommendations.

The actual group names vary by implementation. Each category shows up to 20 of the most recent learning
recommendations for them.

Related Topics
• Process Learning Recommendations
• Recommend the Most Popular Learning

Current Jobs Recommendations

Learning recommendations for current jobs come from gaps found between the browser’s job role and talent profile.
These recommendations appear in the Me > Browse Learning, Recommendations view.

For example, a software development director needs to have communication and presentation skills competency at
a minimum proficiency level of 3. If someone with that job currently has a communication competency at proficiency
level 2, they have a gap between the current and required competency proficiency level. In this case, Oracle Learning
recommends learning items with outcomes that have communication competency at proficiency level 3 or above.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 20
Using Learning Learning Recommendation Administration

If the person has multiple job roles, the gaps are determined by comparing the required content items defined for each
job role and talent profile. These are the content types used to determine any gaps:

• Competency
• Skills
• Language
• Certification
• Membership
• Education
• Honor

Related Topics
• Recommend the Most Popular Learning

Careers of Interest Recommendations

Learning recommendations for careers of interest come from the gaps found between the job roles for the browser’s
specified careers of interest and their talent profile. These recommendations appear in the Me > Browse Learning,
Recommendations view.

For example, a software development director's career of interest is Software Development VP. For their director job,
they need a minimum Leadership competency proficiency level of 3, which their talent profile shows they have. But
the VP job requires a minimum proficiency level for the Leadership competency of 4. There's a gap between their
current proficiency and required minimum proficiency level for their career of interest. In this case, Oracle Learning can
recommend learning with outcomes that have a Leadership competency proficiency level of 4 or above.

If the person has multiple careers of interest, the gaps are determined by comparing the required content items defined
for each job role and talent profile. These are the content types used to determine any gaps:

• Competency
• Skills
• Language
• Certification
• Membership
• Education
• Honor

Related Topics
• Recommend the Most Popular Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 20
Using Learning Learning Recommendation Administration

Popular with Others in Your Job Recommendations

Learning recommendations that are popular with others in your job are determine by how many people in the same job
or job family as the browser voluntarily completed the learning in the previous 6 months.

When the job for someone's active work assignment belongs to a job family, their voluntary completion affects that
learning’s popularity for all jobs in that job family. The more people who voluntarily completed the learning, the closer
the learning is to the front of the list.

A voluntary completion by someone with multiple active work assignments affects the popularity of that learning for all
of the person's jobs. Browsers with multiple active work assignments get recommendations based on each job or job
family associated with their work assignments.

These recommendations appear in the Me > Browse Learning, Recommendations view. The Recommend the Most
Popular Learning background process creates or refreshes learner recommendations on a weekly schedule. To
keep recommendations relevant, learning that the browser already completed or recommendations they previously
dismissed aren’t recommended again.

Related Topics
• Recommend the Most Popular Learning

Recommend Oracle Learning

Recommend a course, offering, or specialization to learners using the Learning Recommendations tasks on the My
Client Groups > Learning page. Depending on your implementation, you might need to use the Learning Assignments

1. On the Learning Recommendations page, click Create Recommendation. If you’re using the Learning Assignments
task, on the Add Learners button menu, select Recommendation.
2. On the Enrollment Details page, complete the required and relevant optional fields.
◦ Only learning administrators see the required name and optional description.
◦ The start date is when the learners see the learning item in their current learning. If you need to start the
assignment on a past date, use HCM Data Loader.
◦ The Request Type section fields that you need to complete depend on whether the assignment is for a
catalog learning item or noncatalog item. Use Noncatalog items to recommend learning that people will
complete elsewhere, such as a college course or workshop.
◦ Optionally complete any enabled learning request descriptive flexfields.
3. Click Next.
4. On the Select Learners page, Add menu, select the method to use to identify learners. Alternatively, you can use the
Add a Person field.

Add Option How You Identify Learners

Person Provide search criteria, such as name, person number, department, or a combination.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 20
Using Learning Learning Recommendation Administration

Add Option How You Identify Learners

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Save…. In the Name field,
replace Search by Name copy with a meaningful name.

Person Number List Provide a list of person numbers. To upload a file, in the Type field select Type. To use a URL, in the
Type field select Text.

Analysis Report Criteria Specify an existing Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (BI) analysis report that has the
criteria to identify the appropriate learners.

Learning Assignment Criteria Provide applicable values for learning assignment attributes, such as the learning name, type,
assignment status, or a combination. Also specify whether learners need to match all of the criteria
or any of it.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Use Current Criteria and
complete the applicable fields.

Organization Chart Criteria Search for and select the appropriate chart, such as Chris’s Directs or Chris’s Org.

Person Criteria Provide search criteria, such as business unit, legal employer, job family, location, or a combination.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Use Current Criteria and
complete the applicable fields.

5. On the dialog box, search for and select the criteria to find the appropriate learners for the assignment. What you see
depends on your Add selection method.
To exclude specific individuals when you add learners using learning assignment or person criteria:

a. On the criteria dialog box, click Advanced.

b. On the Add Fields menu button, select the field you want to use to exclude people, for example, Person
c. Change the condition for the added field to Does not equal.
d. Enter the appropriate value.
e. Repeat steps b through d for each individual you want to exclude.
To exclude people when you use analysis report criteria, make sure that the report logic includes the exclusion
criteria. When you select learners using analysis report and organization chart criteria, you can only search for and
select the analysis or chart.

6. Click Next.
7. On the Advanced Rules page, review the default rules for the learning assignment and make changes, as
The validity rules, which include expiration and renewal options, apply to only required course assignments.
8. Click Submit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 20
Using Learning Learning Recommendation Administration

Related Topics
• Prerequisites Options for Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning
• Validity, Expiration, and Course Renewal Options
• Assignment Attribution Type Lookup for Oracle Learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 20
Using Learning Learning Recommendation Administration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

21 Learning Assignment Statuses and Life


Preactive Statuses for Oracle Learning Assignments

You can track and control people's learning progress with learning assignment statuses. These are the statuses
informally categorized as preactive.

Preactive Assignment Status Type of Learning Item Description

Requested Course The requested learning was submitted for




Pending Active Course A learning administrator needs to manually

activate the learning assignment before the
learner can start the learning activities or get
added to the waitlist.

This status can also occur when a learner

selects more than one offering for a course
enrollment because only one offering can be
active at a time.

Pending Fulfillment Course A learning administrator needs to add the

approved learning to the learning catalog and
Offering activate it. If it's already in the catalog, they just
need to activate it. Then they need to manually
Specialization activate the learning assignment.


Waitlisted Offering The learner is on the offering waitlist because

enrollment is already at capacity.

Pending Seat Acceptance Offering The learner can accept or decline an available

• Accepting a seat also withdraws them

from the offering that's already active for
the course, if the active offering exists.
• Declining a seat changes the status to
A learning administrator can manually activate
or withdraw the learning assignment, or add the
learner to the waitlist.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

Preactive Assignment Status Type of Learning Item Description

The seat remains blocked until the learner

or learning administrator takes action, or the
offering end date passes.

Pending Prerequisites Course The learner needs to achieve the prerequisites

in the period specified in the enrollment access
Offering controls. They can get added to the waitlist but
can't start any offering activities.

Active Statuses for Oracle Learning Assignments

You can track and control people's learning progress with learning assignment statuses. These are the statuses
informally categorized as active.

Active Assignment Status Type of Learning Item Description

No Offering Selected Course The course learning assignment is active and

the leaner needs to select an offering to start
the learning.

Not Started Course The learner hasn't started any offering or

specialization activities for the learning.


In Progress Course The learner has started at least one offering or

specialization activity for the learning.


Withdraw Pending Approval Course The learner's withdrawal request was submitted
for approval. Withdrawals done by line
Offering managers and learning administrators don't
require approval.

Pending Required Evaluation Course The learner completed the required learning,
but hasn’t completed the required course
Offering offering evaluation.

Complete Pending Approval Noncatalog An approver, such as a learning administrator

or the person's manager, needs to confirm that
the learner completed the required learning.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

If the learning includes pricing and payment, the purchase details show payment information when the assignment has
one of these statuses.

Completed and Other Terminal Statuses for Oracle

Learning Assignments
You can track and control people's learning progress with learning assignment statuses. These are the statuses
informally categorized as terminal.

Tip: If the learning includes pricing and payment, the purchase details show payment information when the
assignment has one of these two completed statuses.

Completed Assignment Status Type of Learning Item Description

Completed Course Automatically set after the learner completes

all required activities for the specialization or
Offering offering.

Specialization Completed assignments have completion

details. This indicates that Oracle Learning
orchestrated the learning activities.

Bypass Completed Course The learning administrator determined that

the learner the completed equivalent learning,
Specialization and thus credits them for completing this
assignment. If the configuration allows it, the
Noncatalog learner's manager can also mark a course or
specialization assignment with this status.

Bypass completed assignments don’t have

completion details. This indicates that Oracle
Learning didn’t orchestrate the completion.

Not Passed Course The learner didn't meet the completion criteria
for an offering activity.
When an activity gets set to Not Passed, the
offering status also gets set to Not Passed.

Learners can’t attempt any additional offering

activities. To let learners complete only one
of multiple activities, be sure to set the first
offering activity to Exempted instead of Not

See also: How Recorded Attempts Affect Oracle

Learning Statuses and Scores

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

Other Terminal Assignment Status Type of Learning Item Description

Completion Request Rejected Noncatalog The approver didn’t consider the learning

Deleted Course A learning administrator deleted the learning

assignment after selecting the option to hide it
Offering from the person's learning history.

Specialization To permanently purge deleted assignments so

that even learning administrators no longer see
them, you can use HCM Data Loader.

Request Rejected Course The approver rejected the learning request.




Withdrawn Course The active learning assignment was withdrawn.



Course Assignment Life Cycle Examples for Oracle

Learning assignments can have simple or more advanced life cycles depending on whether the learning includes
enrollment and completion options.

The simplest learning assignment life cycle, shown here, is when a learner enrolls or is enrolled in an offering with no
enrollment and completion options. The initial assignment status is Not Started until the learner starts an offering
activity. Then the status changes to In Progress, where it remains until the learner completes all of the required
activities. At that point, the assignment status changes to Completed, and the life cycle ends.

The life cycle is slightly different when a learner enrolls or is enrolled in a course. They need to select an offering before
they complete their learning. As shown here, the initial assignment status is No Offering Selected. After the learner
selects an offering, the assignment status changes to Not Started and the life cycle progresses as it did for the offering

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

The assignment life cycle expands when the learning includes completion options. Previously the assignment statuses
moved from In Progress to Completed after the learner completed all required activities. When learning includes
completion options, such as requiring an evaluation as shown here, the assignment status moves from In Progress to
Pending Required Evaluation. Only after the learner completes the evaluation does the status move to Completed and
the life cycle ends.

The end of an assignment life cycle changes for self-paced offering activities with completion options that include
passing criteria and a certain number of attempts. If the learner fails to pass an offering activity in the allowed number
of attempts, the assignment status moves from In Progress to Not Passed.

The assignment life cycle expands when the learning includes enrollment options, such as approvals. As shown here,
when the learner enrolls or is enrolled in a course offering configured with approvals, the approvers get an enrollment
request. If they reject the request, the assignment status changes to Request Rejected and the life cycle ends. If they
approve the request, the assignment status changes to Request Approved. If the request requires manual intervention
to activate the assignment, the status changes to Pending Fulfillment. If manual intervention isn't required or when the
assignment is manually activated, the assignment status changes to Not started.

The assignment life cycle changes when the learning includes capacity enrollment options, as shown here. When
the learner enrolls or is enrolled in a course offering where enrollment isn't yet at capacity, the assignment status is

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

Not Started. If enrollment is at capacity, the assignment status changes to Waitlisted where it remains until a seat is
available. When a seat is available, the status changes to Not Started.

And the assignment life cycle changes again when the learning includes prerequisite enrollment options, as shown here.
When the learner enrolls or is enrolled in a course and they meet the prerequisites, the assignment status is Not Started.
If the learner doesn't meet the prerequisites, the assignment status is Pending Prerequisites. If the learner doesn't
achieve the prerequisites in the specified period, the assignment status changes to Deleted. If the learner does achieve
the prerequisites in the specified period, the assignment status changes to Not Started.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

When learning has multiple enrollment options configured, the assignment life cycle handles first approvals, then
capacity rules, and finally prerequisites, as shown here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

Change Status Options for Oracle Learning Assignments

You can change the status of a learning assignment. The available change status actions depend on status of the
selected learning assignments.

Option Description

Activate Assignment Activate the learning assignment.

This action is available for only learning assignments with a Waitlisted or Request Approved status.

Bypass and Approve Override action that cancels the approval transaction and updates the learning assignment on behalf
of the approver. For example, bypass and approve an assignment when the assignment due date is
before the approver’s return from leave.

This action is available for only learning assignments with a Requested, Pending Completion Approval,
or Pending Withdraw Approval status.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

Option Description

Bypass and Complete Set the assignment status to Bypass Completed without the learner completing this assignment. For
example, the learner completed equivalent learning as part of a college program and provided their
report card as proof.

Withdraw Learners Withdraw the learning assignment so that it no longer appears in the learner’s current learning. The
learning assignment does still how in their learning history.

This action is available for any learning assignments with preactive and active statuses. It’s not
available after the learner completes the learning.

Waive Prerequisites Let the learner skip any prerequisites configured for the learning. This action changes the learning
assignment status to Not Started or No Selected Offering, whichever applies.

This action is available for only learning assignments with a Pending Prerequisites status.

Delete Assignment Delete the learning assignment for the learner so that it doesn’t appear in their learning history. It
continues to appear to learning administrators on the Learning Assignments tabs and pages.

To permanently purge deleted assignments so that even learning administrators no longer see them,
you can use HCM Data Loader.

Bypass and Reject Override action that cancels the approval transaction and updates the learning assignment on behalf
of the approver. For example, bypass and reject an assignment in Requested status because the
approver is away and not responding.

This action is available for only learning assignments with a Requested, Pending Completion Approval,
or Pending Withdraw Approval status. Assignments with active statuses, such as No Offering Selected,
were already approved, so there’s nothing to bypass.

Waitlisted Change the learning assignment status from Not Started or In Progress to Waitlisted and add the
learner to the bottom of the waitlist.

For changes before the offering start date, the assignment status of the person at the top of the waitlist
gets set to Not Started or In Progress, whichever applies.

Undo Complete Undo the completion for an offering assignment to correct erroneous completions. If you reset all of
the activities, the offering and corresponding course assignments get set to Not Started. If you reset
only some of the activities, the assignments get set to In Progress.

Undoing the offering assignment status always undoes status of the corresponding course
assignments. For example, if you change the offering status to Active - In Progress, the course
assignment status also changes to In Progress.

There are two exceptions to this:

• The undo doesn't remove any outcomes the learner achieved for a completed course from their
talent profiles.
• The undo doesn't affect any learning assignment started because the learner achieved a
prerequisite by completing the course. For example, the learner completed the Microsoft Word
Basics course, thus achieving the prerequisite they needed to start the Intermediate Microsoft
Word course. If you undo their completion of Microsoft Word Basics, the can continue with their
Intermediate Microsoft Word learning.
The undo doesn't change the Completed status of any specialization assignment that includes the
undone course offering.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 21
Using Learning Learning Assignment Statuses and Life Cycles

Option Description

If the learning assignment that you’re undoing has advanced rules configured, the undo doesn’t
recalculate the assignment due date. It does nullify and expiration, completion, and validity dates.

You can reset the undo completion for an In Progress offering assignment. If you reset the status for
all of the assignment's activities, the assignment status remains as In Progress for the offering and the
course. The progress changes to 0 / N activities completed.

Undo Bypass and Complete Undo accidental or unwanted Bypass and Complete actions for course and specialization assignments.
The course assignment status changes to No Offering Selected. Any corresponding specialization
assignment continues to have the active status or Bypass Completed status.

When the specialization assignment has no corresponding course assignment, the undo changes the
status to Not Started.

This action is available on the course or specialization Learning Assignments tab, for only assignments
with a Bypass Complete status.

Reset Offering Activity Statuses for Oracle Learning

Assignments and Mark Activities as Completed,
Exempted, or Not Passed
You can manually reset all attempts and set the status of offering activities for required and voluntary learning
assignment. Use the Manage Activities button, the More Actions > Edit activities in a spreadsheet option, or a Mass
Action option.

Learners can’t attempt any additional offering activities after they complete an offering with a status of Not Passed. To
let them complete additional offerings, you can change the Not Passed status to Exempted.

You can set course completion dates to any date in the past. If you set the completion date before the course creation
date, learners always see the most recent version of the course in their learning history. They also see a message that
they’re viewing the most recent version.

The Manage Activities button is available for only learning items of type Offering. The Reset All Activities button on the
Activities dialog box is available only when you can reset at least one activity. The mass action is available on only the
Learning Assignments tab of the offering details page. It’s not available for the Learning Assignments task.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 22
Using Learning Manual Payment Transactions for Course Offering

22 Manual Payment Transactions for Course

Offering Assigments

Internal Chargebacks for Oracle Learning That Incurs

Set up chargebacks to internal departments or business units for people enrolling in learning with associated costs,
such as instructor-led training (ILT). Configure pricing and manual payment option defaults for courses and refine them
for the related offerings, as appropriate.

When learners enroll in offerings with manual payment configurations, they get a message with the price they need to
pay and an applicable refund policy. Learners can see their payment transactions in the Purchase Details section of the
offering enrollment details.

Learning administrators process payments and adjust pricing on the Edit Assignment page, Transaction Details tab for
an appropriately configured offering. They can also view a complete transaction history.

Price Locked Transactions for Oracle Learning

When a learning assignment for an offering with manual payment configured becomes active, it automatically creates a
Price Locked transaction. At this point, no one can override the pricing.

These are the ways that learning assignments can become active for offering enrollments that don’t require approval:

• A learner enrolls in the offering

• A manager assigns the learning to one or more people in their team
• A learning administrator assigns an offering
• A learning initiative creates a learning assignment for an offering
If the learning requires approvals, after the approvers approve the learning request, the assignment becomes active. Or
a learning administrator manually changes the assignment to the appropriate active status.

Access group configurations can include pricing that differs from the offering pricing. When that happens, the access
group pricing is the price-locked amount for the learners in the access group.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 22
Using Learning Manual Payment Transactions for Course Offering

Price Adjustment Transactions for Oracle Learning

When learners withdraw from an offering with manual payment configured, it automatically creates a Price Adjustment
transaction with the appropriate negative amount. The payment configuration needs to have refunds enabled, and the
withdrawal needs to be within the specified period.

When a learner withdraws, they get a message with the amount from the Price Locked transaction and the applicable
refund policy.

When line managers or learning administrators withdraw a learner, it too automatically creates the Price Adjustment
transaction. Learning administrators can also edit the learning assignment and manually adjust the price. They can
either enter a new amount or specify an adjustment percentage up to, but not exceeding the price-locked amount.

For example, a learner enrolls in an offering with a list price of $1,000 USD. They qualify for a refund if they withdraw
within 10 days of their enrollment. Because the offering has an initial learning record status of active, their enrollment
creates a learning assignment with a Not Started status. The learner withdraws 2 days later, and Learning creates a Price
Adjustment transaction of -$1,000 USD.

Learners can see the price adjustment in the Purchase Details section of the offering enrollment details.

Payment Transactions for Oracle Learning Assignments

After learners complete offerings with manual payment configurations, learning administrators manually create
Payment transactions. They create these transactions on the Edit Assignment page, Transaction Details tab, after the
transaction history has the Price Locked transaction.

For example, a learner enrolls in an offering, which creates a learning assignment with a Not Started status. After the
learner completes the offering, the status updates to Completed. The learning administrator then edits the learning
assignment to process payment, which creates the Payment transaction.

Learners can see the payment information in the Purchase Details section of the offering enrollment details.

Refund Transactions for Oracle Learning Assignments

When learners withdraw from an offering after payment, learning administrators can process refunds. The payment
configuration needs to have refunds enabled. The withdrawal needs to be within the specified period. And transaction
history needs to have a Payment transaction.

Learning administrators can process a single refund or multiple refunds for an assignment. The total refund amount
can’t exceed the payment amount. If it does, the refund process automatically creates a positive Price Adjustment
transaction to balance the payment and total refund amounts. The balancing equation is: Price Lock Amount + Price
Adjustment Amount = Payment Amount - Refund Amount.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 22
Using Learning Manual Payment Transactions for Course Offering
For example, a learner enrolls in an offering with a list price of $1,000 USD. They qualify for a refund if they withdraw
within 10 days of their enrollment. Because the offering has an initial learning record status of active, their enrollment
creates a learning assignment with a Not Started status. A few days later, a learning administrator processes payment,
creating a Payment transaction for $1,000 USD. The learner withdraws10 days after they enrolled, and Learning creates
a Price Adjustment transaction for $1,000 USD. Then, the learning administrator processes a refund and creates a
Refund transaction for $1,000 USD.

Learners can see all of these transactions, including the refund information, in the Purchase Details section of the
offering enrollment details.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 22
Using Learning Manual Payment Transactions for Course Offering

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 23
Using Learning Learning Initiative Administration

23 Learning Initiative Administration

Oracle Learning Initiatives

To automatically generate and withdraw voluntary and required learning assignments with or without end dates for
offerings, courses, and specializations, use learning initiatives. Also generate and withdraw recommendations for these
types of learning items.

For example, generate required learning assignments for people as they join the Finance department and withdraw the
assignments for people that leave.

The Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule and Reconcile Dynamic Assignments background processes run regularly
and determine if nonlearners match initiative learner criteria. They also identify existing learners who no longer match
the learner criteria. The active initiatives then generate and withdraw learning assignments as appropriate.

Note: The Change Status > Withdraw action and Update Learning Assignment Statuses to Deleted or Withdrawn
for Learners Whose Employment Was Terminated process are overrides for the learning initiative. So the learning
initiative won't later re-activate assignments withdrawn by either of these methods. You can reactivate these
withdrawn assignments using the Change Status > Activate action on the Learning Initiatives page.

If you inactivate an initiative, you can't make it active again. You need to create another initiative.

Related Topics
• Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule
• Reconcile Dynamic Assignments

Automatically Add Learners to and Withdraw Them from

a Course, Offering, or Specialization
Automatically add learners to and withdraw them from a course, offering, or specialization. Use the Learning Initiative
task on the My Client Groups > Learning page. Or use the Learners > Learning Initiatives tab on the course, offering,
or specialization details page.

1. On the Learning Initiatives page, Add Learners menu, select the assignment type--Voluntary or Required, or select
2. On the Enrollment Details page, complete the required and relevant optional fields.
◦ Only learning administrators see the required name and optional description.
◦ The Request Type section fields that you need to complete depend on whether the assignment is for a
catalog learning item or noncatalog item. Noncatalog items are external learning that you want to record in
a learner's history, such as a completed college course.
◦ The start date is when the learners see the learning item in their current learning. If you need to start the
assignment on a past date, use HCM Data Loader.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 23
Using Learning Learning Initiative Administration

◦ The ongoing due date is used by the Process Learning Records process during initiative reconciliation and
not during the initial creation. Here's an example of how it works.

You create the initiative on March 25, 2023 with an initial due date of May 1, 2023. The initial process that
runs on March 25 identifies 100 learners for the initiative. It generates their assignments with start dates of
March 25, 2023 and due dates of May 1, 2023.

Here's what happens when the process runs on April 15, 2023 and identifies new learners:

Ongoing Due Date Option Example

Days (recommended): Relative due The ongoing due date is 30 days so the process generates assignments with start dates of
dates for the assignments generated April 15, 2023 and due dates of May 15, 2023.
not during the initiative creation

Date: Fixed due dates for the The ongoing due date is May 1, 2023 and the minimum days to complete is 30. The process
assignments generated not during the generates assignments with start dates of April 15, 2023 and due dates of May 1, 2024. It
initiative creation does this because there are fewer than 30 days between April 15 and May 1, 2023.

◦ Optionally complete any enabled learning request descriptive flexfields.

3. Click Next.
4. On the Select Learners page, Add menu, select the method to use to identify learners. Alternatively, you can use the
Add a Person field.

Add Option How You Identify Learners

Person Provide search criteria, such as name, person number, department, or a combination.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Save…. In the Name field,
replace Search by Name copy with a meaningful name.

Person Number List Provide a list of person numbers. To upload a file, in the Type field select Type. To use a URL, in the
Type field select Text.

Analysis Report Criteria Specify an existing Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (BI) analysis report that has the
criteria to identify the appropriate learners.

Learning Assignment Criteria Provide applicable values for learning assignment attributes, such as the learning name, type,
assignment status, or a combination. Also specify whether learners need to match all of the criteria
or any of it.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Use Current Criteria and
complete the applicable fields.

Organization Chart Criteria Search for and select the appropriate chart, such as Chris’s Directs or Chris’s Org.

Person Criteria Provide search criteria, such as business unit, legal employer, job family, location, or a combination.

To reuse this search criteria wherever you select learners, such as when setting access,
recommending learning, and setting up community membership, click Use Current Criteria and
complete the applicable fields.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 23
Using Learning Learning Initiative Administration

5. On the dialog box, search for and select the criteria to find the appropriate learners for the assignment. What you see
depends on your selection method.
To exclude specific individuals when you add learners using learning assignment or person criteria:
a. On the criteria dialog box, click Advanced.
b. On the Add Fields menu button, select the field you want to use to exclude people, for example, Person
c. Change the condition for the added field to Does not equal.
d. Enter the appropriate value.
e. Repeat steps b through d for each individual you want to exclude.
To exclude people when you use analysis report criteria, make sure that the report logic includes the exclusion
criteria. When you select learners using analysis report and organization chart criteria, you can only search for and
select the analysis or chart.

6. For recommendations, skip to step 9. For required and voluntary assignments, click Next.
7. On the Advanced Rules page, review the default rules for the learning assignment and make changes, as
appropriate. To keep learners assignments and recommendations current, we recommend that you withdraw
incomplete assignments and recommendations for learners who no longer match the learner criteria.
The validity rules, which include expiration and renewal options, apply to only required learning assignments.

Tip: The assignment conflict rules set when you submit the new initiative get applied as long as the initiative
is active. You can't change them later. If you want to apply different conflict rules, you need to create another

8. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• Initial Learning Record Status Options for Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning
• Prerequisites Options for Default Learning Enrollment in Oracle Learning
• Validity, Expiration, and Course Renewal Options

What Happens If Multiple Oracle Learning Initiatives

Have the Same Learning
How the Reconcile Dynamic Assignments process automatically adds people to and withdraws them from learning
initiatives depends on the order of initiative creation. In this example, the learning initiative configurations automatically
withdraw learners who no longer meet the initiative criteria.

Chris meets the criteria for the Hospital 1 learning initiative when you first create it, so gets the appropriate learning
assignment. Chris transfers to different location 6 months later. Chris no longer meets the criteria for Hospital 1, but
does meet it for Hospital 2.

If Hospital 1 was created before Hospital 2, the next reconcile removes Chris from Hospital 1. If Chris already completed
the learning assignment, it remains. If Chris didn't, the reconcile also removes the learning assignment. Then the
reconcile adds Chris to Hospital 2 and generates the appropriate learning assignment.

If Hospital 1 was created after Hospital 2, the next reconcile doesn't add Chris to Hospital 2 because it hasn't yet
removed Chris from Hospital 1. The reconcile does remove Chris from Hospital 1 and leaves or withdraws the learning

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 23
Using Learning Learning Initiative Administration

assignment depending on whether Chris already completed it or not. The second subsequent reconcile doesn't find
Chris in Hospital 1 anymore, so adds Chris to Hospital 2 and generates the appropriate learning assignment.

What Happens When an Oracle Learning Assignment

Gets Reactivated
Reconciliation can withdraw the learning assignments for people who no longer meet the initiative learner criteria. If
someone later meets the learner criteria again, that learning assignment gets reactivated.

Here's what happens with nonrenewing, first in renewal series, and any successor renewal assignments depending on
the reactivation date.

Reactivation Date Nonrenewing Assignment Renewing Assignment, First in Renewing Assignment, Not First
Series in Series

Before the original assignment The assignment start and due dates don't change. They're the same as if the learner was never withdrawn.
start date

On or after the original assignment Update the assigned on date changes to the current date. Update the assigned on date
start date, and on or before the changes to the current date.
original due date Update the due date based on the ongoing due date settings.

After the original assignment due Update the assigned on date changes to the current date.
Update the due date based on the ongoing due date settings.

For example, a learner completed on January 1, 2023 learning that's configured for renewal. The 1-year validity period
for that completed learning starts on January 1, 2023 and ends on January 1, 2024, as shown here. The 30-day renewal
period starts December 2, 2023 and the renewal due date is January 1, 2024.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 23
Using Learning Learning Initiative Administration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 23
Using Learning Learning Initiative Administration

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 24
Using Learning Me > Learning

24 Me > Learning

My Learning Experiences Overview

Manage your organization-related learning using the Me Learning task. You can access learning that you’re required to
complete to maintain compliance. You can also access other learning you’re enrolled in and your learning history.

For example, it’s time for you to complete the annual business ethics training, which you can find under required or
current learning. And you want to complete the Transform Challenges into Opportunities training you enrolled in last
month, which is part of your current learning.

Your learning history shows all of the learning you enrolled in or where assigned. Depending on your set up, it might
show withdrawn learning enrollments or assignments. All completed learning shows only the completed learning. You
don’t see, for example, in-progress or withdrawn learning.

To see enrollment and learning details, click a learning card. On the enrollment details page, you can also add ratings
and comments about the learning and print a completion certificate. And you can withdraw from the enrollment,
recommend the learning, and report the learning, such as for noncompliance.

When You Complete Refresher Learning Affects

Expiration Date Updates on Your Talent Profile
Talent profile content, such as skills, competencies, licenses, and certifications, can be valid for specific periods, and
then you need to renew them. Their expiration dates get updated only when you complete related learning after the
current expiration dates.

For example, your CPR certification expires May 31, 2022. If you complete the refresher learning before that date, your
certificate expiration date doesn't get updated because your current certificate hasn't expired. If you complete the
refresher learning after that date, such as on June 1, 2022, your certificate gets updated with the new expiration date.

So before you take refresher courses or specializations that renew talent content that you already have on your talent
profile, check your profile. Make sure you take the refresher after the related content expires.

Search and Browse the Learning Catalog

You can search the Oracle Learning catalog for specific learning, such as by title or learning outcome. Or browse
the catalog to see what learning catches your interest, such as featured or recommended learning, or by learning

To see the learning details and enroll in the learning, click a learning card.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 24
Using Learning Me > Learning

Note: To enroll in a course, on the enrollment details page Actions menu, select Enroll in Course. Clicking Enroll
under the course name expands the Available Offerings section, where you can review the offerings that are a part of
the course

Featured View
The image carousel shows the five most recently featured items that you can access. And five categories group the
featured learning by learning type, such as courses and specializations. Each category shows up to 25 of the most
recently featured learning that you can access, with the most recently featured learning appearing first.

Recommended View
The image carousel shows the five most recently recommended learning items. And various categories group your
recommendations, such as Recommended for my current role and Popular with others in my job. The actual group
names vary by implementation. Each category shows up to 25 of the most recent learning recommendations for you.

Category Views
The category views show the topics and learning in the category, such as Cloud, Software Development, Creative,
Business, and Finance. Learning administrators determine the actual category names in the learning catalog.

The image carousel shows the five most recently featured items in the category. Each featured topic includes the topic
cover art, title, and description. Each view row is a topic community that's part of the category, which you can follow and
unfollow. And each topic community shows up to 25 learning items that are part of the topic.

Record External Learning

Get credit for learning you completed outside of what your company offers.

For example, your manager tells you to record the 1-day leadership seminar you recently attended. Use the Record
External Learning action on the My Learning Experiences page.

When you request noncatalog learning experiences, you can attach relevant documents, such as completion
certifications and report cards.

Request Noncatalog Learning

You can ask your learning department to add learning to the catalog that isn’t already part of it. For example, there’s
new technology training that you think would be good for people in your job. Use the Request Noncatalog Learning
action on the My Learning Experiences page.

The noncatalog learning shows on that same page immediately with a status of Requested. You can then edit or
withdraw the request.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 24
Using Learning Me > Learning

Withdraw from Learning Enrollments or Assignments

You can withdraw from learning you enrolled in or voluntary learning assignments (assignments with no due date) using
the enrollment details page Actions menu. And your manager can withdraw you from any required learning that they
assigned you.

You can withdraw, or get withdrawn from learning with these statuses:
• Not Started
• Active
• Content Complete
• In Progress
You can't withdraw, or get withdrawn from learning with any other status.

You and your manager can't withdraw you from required enrollments assigned by a learning administrator. And you
can't withdraw from learning with the No Offerings Selected status. But your learning administrator can help you

My Learning Communities
You can access the learning communities that you're a member of and track communities that you manage, using the
My Learning Experiences page. Also create and manage self-service communities, including the catalog and related
learning and materials.

You can leave a community at any time using the Actions menu on the community page.

Related Topics
• Oracle Learning Communities
• Official and Self-Service Communities in Oracle Learning
• What Happens When You Change the Privacy Setting for an Oracle Learning Community
• The Difference Between Removing and Deleting Items from the Oracle Learning Community Catalog
• Oracle Learning Community Membership and Managers

Shared Learning
Depending on your company's policies, you can author or publish videos and learning journeys for the learning catalog.
Use the page-level actions on the My Learning Experiences page. On the Learning page, use the My Shared Learning

To view your authored or published items, or drafts of unpublished items, on the My Learning Experiences page, use
the Actions menu. On the Learning page, use the My Shared Learning task.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 24
Using Learning Me > Learning

My Learning on a Mobile Device

Continue your active learning enrollments on your mobile device regardless of whether you're online or offline. Also
track your required, voluntary, and recommended learning items. Install and use the Oracle HCM app.

Oracle HCM automatically downloads your active learning items when you're online. Then you can continue your
learning even when you're offline. The next time you're online, the mobile app syncs your progress to the server. To
download content only through WiFi and set the maximum download size, use the Settings menu.

Here's what you can from the My Learning page on your mobile device.

• Required tab: You can view your learning summary as well as the number of overdue and completed learning
items. The required learning item cards with an Overdue status appear first, then the cards with a Completed
• Voluntary tab: View the cards for your voluntary learning items. For example, you can see the total or remaining
duration of each item.
• Recommended tab: View the learning items that others recommended to you. For example, you can see the
person who recommended the learning and the total or remaining duration of each item.
The Play, Play Again, or Resume buttons on the Required, Voluntary, and Recommend tabs appear according to your
progress on active learning items. You can't complete any waitlisted, requested, or inactive learning items while offline.

Tip: Sync frequently as you work through learning items so that the server has your most recent progress. You don't
want Oracle HCM to be the sole source of that information.

Related Topics
• Configure the Oracle HCM Cloud Mobile App
• Oracle HCM Cloud Mobile App

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 25
Using Learning My Team > Learning

25 My Team > Learning

Track Completion of Team Learning

You can track your team's required and voluntary learning enrollments by learner or learning item. And you can filter
results, for example, by enrollment status, enrollment type, and due date.

You can also view learning item details, for example, to see the learning outcomes related learning, and available
offerings. Based on permissions, you can create saved searches and share them with specific people or everyone
accessing Team Learning.

Your team consists of your subordinates in the line manager hierarchy or other manager types associated with you.
By default, your Team Learning page shows your direct reports. You can switch to a subordinate manager to see the
learning information for their direct reports.

Use the My Team > Learning page.

My Team Learning Actions

Help keep your team compliant and current with important skills, tools, and competencies by assigning relevant
learning, including communities and course offerings. Also request noncatalog learning and record external learning for
them. And publish videos and author learning journeys.

When you assign learning, you can make it required or voluntary. Depending on your team learning configuration, you
can assign required or voluntary learning using the page-level actions. Or you open the course details. Then in the
Available Offerings section, click View Details. The offering details page Actions menu includes the Assign Learning to
My Team option.

Ask your Learning department to add learning that’s important for your team but not available in the learning catalog
using the Rrequest Noncatalog Learning action. Get credit for learning your team members completed outside of the
learning catalog using the Record External Learning action., And share relevant knowledge and experience with your
team using the Publish Video and Author Learning Journey actions. All of these actions are available in the My Team >
Learning page header.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Talent Management Chapter 25
Using Learning My Team > Learning


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