OET Speaking Course - Pocketbook: Question But Limits The Scope)
OET Speaking Course - Pocketbook: Question But Limits The Scope)
OET Speaking Course - Pocketbook: Question But Limits The Scope)
3-step approach
1. Empathize to validate the patient’s feelings
(Use a normalizing statement like: “Most people would feel that way.”)
“I can understand your perspective.”
“I get your point.”
2. Outline the benefits associated with your advice
3. Explain the risks associated with non-compliance
(Use “unfortunately” or “I am afraid”)
Use persuading statements like
“It’s really important that we resolve this.”
“Given the risks associated with non-adherence, I strongly advise you to consider my advice.”
“I can understand your reluctance, but it’s important that you prioritize your health.”
“I strongly urge you to comply with this advice; otherwise, the repercussions could be harmful to
your health.”
More examples:
“I understand your resistance and many people would think the same, but I’m afraid, there’s no
other option at the moment. You need to priorities your health.”
“It’s never easy making lifestyle changes, but it’s imperative for your health currently; not doing so
would put you at risk of serious harm.”
“I can understand your perspective, but if you do not comply with my advice, it could lead to adverse
effects on your health.”
Then, check the patient’s agreement by asking clarifying questions.
Is that okay with you?
How does that sound?
Does that seem plausible to you?
Does that sound realistic to you?
Reiterate/Summarize the discussion or the advice provided or clarify with the patient their
expectations of treatment and outcome.
“So, this is what we’ve decided.”
Ask the patient to repeat back to you their understanding of the plan.
“To check your understanding, could you please repeat back to me what we have discussed today?”
“Do you mind repeating back to me what we have discussed? I want to ensure that we are both clear
about what we have discussed.”
Synonyms: reduce/ease/relieve
o Alleviate – Painkillers will help to alleviate the pain. Is there anything that alleviates your
o Susceptible- likely/prone/sensitive/vulnerable- Patients with liver disease may be susceptible
to infection. If you do not lose weight, you are susceptible to…
o Compliance- please ensure compliance with the suggested medication regimen
o To begin with - used for enumeration- To begin with, I will explain... after that... then...
following that... Finally...
o Significant- Important - Adopting a low-fat diet will improve your health significantly
Remarkable - note-worthy- Adopting a healthy lifestyle will improve your health remarkably.
o Vital Please do not underestimate how vitally important this is.
Synonyms- crucial/essential/critical
o The importance of this treatment cannot be emphasized strongly enough.
o Detrimental- tending to be harmful, negative, adverse- If you continue to smoke/drink, it will
have detrimental effects on your health
o You seem distressed, is there anything on your mind that you would like to discuss with me?
o Adherence-compliance - Please ensure adherence to the recommended exercise program/
medication regime and so on.