Dry 08 - Ship-Shore Safety Checklist
Dry 08 - Ship-Shore Safety Checklist
Dry 08 - Ship-Shore Safety Checklist
Agreed Persons
Ship Shore Responsible
1. Is the depth of water at the berth, and the air draught*, Master/Terminal
adequate for the duration of the cargo operation? Representative
The term air draught should be construed carefully; If the ship is in a river or estuary, it usually refers to
maximum mast height for passing under bridges, while on berth it usually refers to the height available or
required under the loader or unloaders.
Is there safe access between the ship and the wharf? Master/Terminal
Attended to by Ship/Terminal (delete as applicable) Representative
Are adequate crew on board, and adequate staff in the terminal, Master/Terminal
for emergency? Representative
8. Have any bunkering operations been advised and agreed?
Have any intended repairs to wharf or ship while alongside been Master/Terminal
advised and agreed? Representative
Has a procedure for reporting and recording damage from cargo Master/Terminal
operations been agreed? Representative
Has the ship been provided with copies of port and terminal
11. regulations, including safety and pollution requirements and
details of emergency services?
Has the shipper provided the Master with the properties of the
12. cargo in accordance with the requirements of Chapter VI of
Have any cargo handling capacity and any limits of travel for
each loader/unloader been passed to the ship/terminal?
Have the procedures to adjust the final trim of the loading ship
20. been decided and agreed?
(Tonnage held by terminal conveyor system = ……………………)
21. Has the terminal been advised of the time required for the
ship to prepare for sea, on completion of cargo work Master/Terminal
Date: ________________________________
Port: _______________________________________________
Available depth of water in berth: _______________ ft/m Minimum air draught: ______________
Arrival draught (read / calculated): ______________ ft/m Minimum air draught: _______________
The Master is responsible at all times for the safe loading and unloading of the ship, details of which should be
confirmed to the terminal in the form of a loading or unloading plan. In addition, the Master should ensure that
the checklist is completed in consultation with the terminal before loading or unloading is commenced.
The Master and terminal manager, or their representatives, should completed the checklist jointly before
operations commence. The safety of operations requires that all questions should be answered affirmatively
and the boxes ticked. If this is not possible, the reason should be given, and agreement reached upon
precautions to be taken between ship and terminal. If a question is considered to be not applicable write ‘N/A’,
explaining why is appropriate.
When the actions detailed in this checklist are complete. A person shall make required entries in
the Deck Log Book stating that the checklist has been completed together with the checklist
reference number.