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525.assignment 2 Frontsheet (2018-2019)

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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 12: Organizational Behavior

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Ngoc Long Student ID GDH190072

Class GBH0809 Assessor name Nguyen Thi Minh Hang

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Long

Grading grid

P3 P4 M3 M4 D2

 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Main content ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1. An Overall Introduction about the group and the Task chosen ..................................................................... 5
2. Task and Roles Delegated for each member of the group ............................................................................. 5
3. Challenges and Obstacles faced as well as way to manage to overcome ..................................................... 7
4. Team experience with theories and concepts of team dynamics and organization behaviors................... 11
5. Critically analysing and evaluating the relevance of team development theories in context of
organisational behavior concepts and philosophies that influence behavior in the workplace ......................... 14
6. Nike’s leadership roles effectiveness ............................................................................................................. 15
7. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Reference list .............................................................................................................................................................. 17

This report is written to clarify the explanation on the demonstration of an understanding of how to co-
operate effectively with others while applying the concepts and philosophies of organisational behavior
to a given business situation. On top of that, analyzing relevant team and group development theories to
support the development of dynamic cooperation is a must throughout the report. Some of the
exploration and evaluation on how the concepts and philosophies of Organisational Behavior inform and
influence behavior in both of a positive and negative way are also included.

Main content
1. An Overall Introduction about the group and the Task chosen

First of all, I would like to talk a little bit about our group member. We are running a group based on a
main 6 members, which consists of Nguyen Ngoc Long as the group leader, and the remaining five
members including Cao Phuong Linh, Le Minh Anh, Le Tan Chau, Pham Nhu Quynh and Pham Long Vu.

The task we have picked is all about one of the most persistent issues in the recent months, which related
to the Covid-19 pandemic. To be more specific, we were going to discuss and make profound evaluation
on the impact and the influence of this pandemic on the way people work, the way people live and the
way they bahave. In short, the behavior of employees in Vietnam when the pandemic took place would
be greatly clarified to meet a mutual interests of comprehending more on how they dealed and coped
with the epidemic as well as the measurements brought out to take a step forward the next pandemic in
the near future.

2. Task and Roles Delegated for each member of the group

Our group comprises 6 members, and that is also the reason why the work would be broken down in a
much simplier way than a group of three or even four. And the following specification would describe how
each member of the group get involved in the workload and how we deliver them to meet the demand
for upcoming deadlines by following the self-managed style of working simply out of the task that each
members have to possess, they have to be liable for their own work and cannot rely on others.

A self-organized, semi-autonomous community of workers is a self-managed team. They may also be called
a self-directed team or a normal working team that is self-managed. A manager sets the overall course of
a project or assignment and provides the resources and preparation, and then, under minimal or no
oversight, the team members decide, prepare, and perform their daily tasks and duties. Generally, when
they have meetings for project updates, concerns and resource demands, the boss just makes contact with
the team, enabling them to concentrate on the mutual goals. For all or most aspects of producing a product
and/or providing a service, a self-managed team is accountable and responsible. They perform supporting
duties (such as organizing and arranging workflows, managing annual leave and absence, managing peer
problems, training and hiring new employees), as well as technical tasks (Deakin, 2019).

In terms of how I believe our group is self-managed group. I reckon that each member of the team could
motivate themselves to quickly and efficiently start, work on, and complete tasks, even though they are
challenging, dull, or repetitive. They may even ask for specific assignments or activities to be done and
bring their own ideas to the table, or even request work that can help them develop their work. On top of
that, trusting each other, our team members allow for accountability, integrity, and modesty. They will
exchange experiences and views, as well as have difficult talks that can help them overcome issues and
help each other evolve and be better. Also, each member would like to accept failure, own up to errors,
and ask for guidance. In addition, team members are trusted to perform their own tasks, allowing for
flexibility and increasing efficiency. However, I did also reckon that each team member is highly self-aware.
In other words, they can evaluate how their values, passions, and aspirations fit with their work
environment and reactions (thoughts, feelings, behaviours, strengths, weaknesses), and how to align them
better. They can also understand how other people view them, helping them to build stronger
relationships with their colleagues. As a result, they’re happier and more productive. There are also good
time management skills in the team. They plan what they will do each day and first concentrate on the
'most important' tasks before performing the 'least important' tasks. In order to get their job done, they
often stop continuously reviewing their emails or making personal phone calls and messages during their
most productive time of the day. Each person would likely learn new things and, where it is missing, will
strive to develop their own knowledge. For instance, if the team does vehicle marketing wraps or installs
new heat-pump systems, they will look for social media experts or watch online training videos to learn
and master the service or assignment at hand.

First of all, the person that should be taken into account for first and foremost is the group leader, which
is Nguyen Ngoc Long- me, myself to be more specific. The importance of the leader is incredibly
undeniable, as he has to be the one who takes full responsibility for the final outcomes of the team. He is
highly driven to hold team members responsible for the job, as a leader has so much on the line. On top
of that, a leader should also be assigned for creating power. It is the duty of team leaders to delegate tasks
to the team. More significantly, the abilities and experience of other team members must be trusted by
leaders. By trust, leaders inspire teams in the way they see fit to carry out assigned tasks. Team leaders,
as they have the final say, often make the decision-making process even more streamlined. When
members can not reach a consensus and there is no "tie-breaker" to turn to, leaderless teams may get
stuck on making tough calls. The entire enterprise, and even teamwork in the workplace overall, stalls in
the meantime. Simply making teams simpler is finding a clear-headed colleague who is firmly in charge
(Goyette, 2016). As far as the task given is concerned, my duty is to giving arguments and discussion about
the impacts of Covid 19 pandemic on the employees’ behavior. And with the strength of presenting the
knowledge as a platform of presentation, I delegated myself to give a full presentation about our work in
front of the whole class.

Moving on to the next member who is Cao Phuong Linh. I would say that she is a great designer as well as
a truly dedicated member, so that not only she is responsible for the PowerPoint designing, but she is also

assigned to give the recommendation for business in order to improve employees’ behavior when facing
Covid-19 pandemic or similar epidemic in the future.

With Pham Nhu Quynh, she is taking the role as finding the context of Covid-19 at present and how
employee’s behavior is affected in the workplace.

As for Le Minh Anh, she is going to have a research on finding data and information which are all aboout
the effects of Covid19 on enterprises and employees’ behavior.

Regarding Le Tan Chau, the impact of Covid19 on various types of business and employees is brought out
to show the consequences of a pandemic on the making profit process of some of the big enterprises in

And last but not the least, with Pham Long Vu, he is in charge of finding the data and information which
are related about the impact of Covid19 on employee’s behavior

3. Challenges and Obstacles faced as well as way to manage to overcome

As regarded the research context, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory and vascular
disease that is infectious. It is caused by infection with extreme coronavirus 2 acute respiratory syndrome,
which is a particular form of coronavirus. Common symptoms include fever, cough, weakness, shortness
of breath or breathing problems, and loss of smell and taste. The duration of incubation may range from
one to fourteen days, which is the time between being infected with the virus and displaying symptoms.
The first identified COVID-19 case in Vietnam was registered on 23 January 2020. The country had 1,134
confirmed cases, 1,029 recoveries, and 35 fatalities as at 18 October 2020. There were more than one
million experiments done. Da Nang, with 394 confirmed cases and 31 deaths, has been the most affected
city since October. From 22 March 2020 until further notice, Vietnam has suspended the entry of all
foreigners to restrict the spread of COVID-19. Diplomats, politicians, international investors, specialists
and trained staff would not be affected by the initiative. For foreigners who have entered the country
before 1 March, including those with temporary residency permits, extensions until 30 June will also be
issued, but health declarations must be submitted (usembassyvn, 2020).

Regarding how we gather and form to become a group, I decide to take a look on how we first met each
others. Cao Phuong Linh, Le Minh Anh, Pham Nhu Quynh and I met each other for the first time in
September 2019, when we joined the same trip to Malaysia to participate in an Exchange course. Later on,
we spent around a month eating, sleeping, studying, hang out with each other throughout that one month.
Therefore, we can profoundly understand our traits and characteristics as well as strengths and
weaknesses of each individuals. As a matter of fact, we decided to form a group as soon as we started the
first subject in Vietnam, began with the subject 487 and until now, we are still cooperating with each other
as teammates throughout this subject 525-OB. As for Le Tan Chau, he joined the group since the outbreak

of the Covid-19, proving his ability with an outstanding Distinction in the subject 485, as an evidence to
show his strengths in his Writing and Analyzing skills.

There might be various obstacles showing up throughout the work of the whole group, and there can be
explained and discussed as follow.

With the topic in terms of Covid-19, it is easy to recognise that our group had to work online and interact
with each others through technological devices. That can curb our intercommunication within the group
as well as the comprehension of the whold process. Sometimes, due to the weaknesses of the internet
connection, we rarely have virtual conversation with each other and this might result in the poor outcome
of the whole team.

It is fine to say that a team can work well together, but if its members are not sure in the first place what
their goals or goals are, teamwork is basically a non-starter. Objectives should be set out explicitly and
concisely for the group. Ideally, the accomplishment of these targets should be readily observable and set
within a specific time frame. With our team at the very first beginning when assing the tasks, we had
decided to join hand for the impact of Covid-19 on the employees’ bahevior. However, at first, we could
not clarify the distinctions between the impact of Covid19 on employees’ behavior and enterprises’
business. And that is why we were literally struggling with approaching this topic.

On top of that, Discrimination can happen inside the workplace for any number of reasons. Factors that
lead to discrimination may vary from gender or race to classroom, schooling, or role experience. When
operating as part of a team, the most important thing is to always regard your peers as your equals, and
respect their views and desires as you would your own. With our team, we have three boys and three girls.
However, when forming into a group in lecture 1, we decided to have 5 members only, excluded Pham
Long Vu. When he proposed to be a part of the team, none of us concured to have him as a member of
the team due to his poor communication as well as his weak ability to convey precise information and
pronunciation as rumours. He after all, showed his willingless to be a part of the team. Thus, we had
decided to have him tested on all the related theories as well as convocational information to know
whether he is capable in the team or not. The final outcomes of him did not show any kinds of his strength,
but we believe that was enough to be passed and join the group later on.

A chain is as strong as its weakest link, and success relies heavily on their individual ability levels in the
case of project teams. People can build the most desirable atmosphere as a project manager, but if the
team does not have the requisite abilities to tackle the issue at hand, the project is bound to fail. This is an
immense challenge in project management that can only be overcome with enough knowledge and
foresight. Within our group, Pham Long Vu seems to be the one who possesses least skills compares to
others, and I decided to point out some measures to cope with this issue. I assign him to look for
information about the background and published sources, which are really easy to look for, and he still
guarantee his contribution to the whole group while working on process and progression of the entire
team, which pre-determine his needed project management skills and competencies and assess the
available workforce to determine whether the present task needs some additional staff or not, or even
alterate that member and resign him from the group or not

Moving on to the next considering issues, which is the work design. Work design refers to the content and
arrangement of the projects, events, relationships and obligations of one's task. These decisions-on the
content and organization of the duties, operations, relationships, and responsibilities of one's job-can
impact results at several levels, including whether individual feel involved or overwhelmed at the task and
whether the larger whole group achieves ours goals, such as how Covid19-like epidemics are identified
and avoided effectively in the future.

Work design is often defined in terms of "job features" or job characteristics that influence how people
feel about their jobs. Research has established several beneficial job traits, resulting in jobs becoming more
motivating or less stressful. Examples of productive work features include:

Work Autonomy means that someone could be able to make that decision inside the job, we decided to
give people free room as freedom to do all the related research as well. In the task given within ourgroup,
people are generally over 18-the age that individuals could be able to take care of themselves, and as the
group leader, I strongly believe that all of the group members can work by their own to cover the work
assigned to meet the common goal as soon as the task division had been completed. And after two to
three days working on the new project until the submission of the group project, I and the co-leader of
the group had gathered information needed from all of the members. They showed their dedication to
complete all of their delegated tasks as well as together encourage other members to summon and to
submit the proposal draft on deadline.

Skill Utilisation as the chance to use one's skills at work. In our group, we are all have the ability to compile
information from a general set of data and how to complete them on time. Moreover, I was chosen as the
group leader simply out of the leading ability from previous courses that everyone had had chances to
witness. I was also considered as the one who have the capacity to deliver a great amount of information
and attract people’s attention. Hence, I was delegated as a presenter in all the presentation just to justify
for individuals to clearly understand what I say.And with Cao Phuong Linh, she would be a outstanding
designer, she posesses an incredible creativity, so that I had decided to assign her the work tp design the
group’s Power Point, and as I expected, she did it really well and our work had been submitted successfully.

Feedback process is to having evaluation on individuals work whilst one’s job. An intricate process that
requires skill, practice and graceful execution is to provide efficient feedback. If properly implemented,
efficient feedback can have a significant impact on the workplace's productivity, employee morale and the
bottom line. In order for feedback to have the greatest influence on workers, it is therefore important that
managers develop a thorough understanding of what constitutes successful feedback. Feedback must be

precise and contribute to a particular, observable objective of success. It should also have reasonable goals
for the employee and their results. In a simple, easy to understand format, the progress and output of the
employee should be readily accessible. The feedback must be obtained from personnel as close to the
event as possible. Employees who communicate over the phone with customers should be tracked and
direct input given after the call has ended. In addition, real-time metrics in a dashboard that are readily
accessible to the employee can be very efficient as they provide instant, concrete performance feedback.

On top of that, feedback should always be based on behavior, not the employees personality or
characteristics unless absolutely necessary. Employees are more open to getting feedback on the
performance effects of their actions than they are on their personal features. They are much more capable
of altering their actions than their personality (Smith, n.d.).

And last but not the least, feedback should always be collaborative. Allowing the group members to
contribute to and provide alternatives to the feedback process would make them more readily embrace
the feedback. Employees throughout the feedback process should address their personal issues, share
their personal emotions, acknowledge their own performance shortcomings and critically discuss their job
performance (Smith, n.d.).

After the task division had been divided. I have decided to tell each member that there would be a
feedback at the end of the day as draft. This is mainly because I have to figure out the main falses in their
Writing and after that give them advice and suggestion on how to write the knowledge and information
accurately in order to meet the mutual objectives which is not about to be off the main topic (Smith, n.d.).

Task significance considers how importtant a task is and the person who has good ability should be given
the task that seems crucial to the outcome of the whole project. When a team works at its best, people
usually find that there are specific responsibilities for each team member. Just as importantly, they would
find that every task required to accomplish the mission of the team is being thoroughly and well
performed. But sometimes, a team will fall short of its full potential despite specific roles and
responsibilities. In our group, as individuals may realise that The Power point as the slide is tremendously
important, whereas my part to present is just a part of it to deliver the information to the whole class. As
that, Linh took a really essential part on designing and completing our work.

In terms of the process components, we decided to mark individuals work after 7 pm every single day, as
I assign the specific task the day following in order to justify what they need to accomplish. For example, I
propose Cao Phuong Linh that she had to finish at least one slide at the end of the day or Le Minh Anh to
find out where Covid19 deriving from. That was simply very straightforward mission that everyone could
meet the deadline in just one single day. And as regarded trust of members in project’s success/feasibility,
as I mentioned above, we spent around a month living and studying together, so we can completely
understand why they can be capable of their working and writing as well as the knowledge background.

On top of that, we have been running together for several subject, with a lot of M and D marks, that is why
I gave all of my trust on them and I believe they would do that as well when discussing about me.

4. Team experience with theories and concepts of team dynamics and organization behaviors

Belbin suggests that, as a team member, people can improve their strengths and control their weaknesses
by knowing the position of a specific team, and thereby strengthen how each member contribute to the
team. To help build more balanced teams, team leaders and team development practitioners also use the
Belbin model. When all team members have similar types of action or team positions, teams may become
unbalanced. The team as a whole can appear to have that weakness if team members have comparable
weaknesses. They will prefer to compete (rather than cooperate) for the team tasks and responsibilities
that best fit their natural styles if team members have similar team-work strengths. Knowing this, the
leader like myself will use the model for my team to help ensure that the required team responsibilities
are covered and that the team member's possible interpersonal tensions or vulnerabilities are discussed
(Hannad, 2020).

Belbin identified nine team roles and divided those roles into three groups: Action-oriented, People-
oriented, and Thought-oriented. Typical behavioral and interpersonal abilities are correlated with each
team position. Belbin also established characteristic vulnerabilities that appear to accompany each
position of the team. He called the "allowable" weaknesses the hallmark weaknesses of team roles; as
with any interpersonal deficiency, these are places to be mindful of and possibly strengthen. The nine roles
in a team are:

Action Oriented Roles included Shaper, Implementer and Completer-Finisher.

Shapers are individuals who challenge the team to change. They are dynamic and typically extroverted
individuals who enjoy stimulating others, questioning expectations, and finding the best solutions to
problem solving. The Shaper is the one who shakes things up to ensure that all options are taken into
account and that the community is not complacent. Shapers also see difficulties as exciting challenges and,
when others feel like leaving, they seem to have the strength to carry on. Their possible shortcomings may
be that they are argumentative, and that they may insult the feelings of people. Implementers are the
people who get things done. They translate the thoughts and ideas of the team into realistic actions and
plans. Usually, they are traditional, disciplined individuals who operate systematically and effectively and
are structured very well. These are the individuals on whom you can rely to get the job done. Implementers
can be inflexible on the downside, and can be somewhat resistant to improvement. Completer-Finishers
are the individuals who see that tasks are fully finished. They ensure that no mistakes or omissions have
been made and they pay attention to the smallest of details. They are really concerned about deadlines

and are going to pressure the team to ensure that the job is finished on time. They are described as being
orderly, attentive and anxious perfectionists. A completer-finisher, however, may worry excessively and
may find it difficult to delegate. Within our group, not only does the leader-Nguyen Ngoc Long -have to be
the one who inspire others to accomplish all the tasks, but also the co-leader-Cao Phuong Linh. Leader
obviously shape the way and also form the group, but when the tasks are assigned, both the leader and
the co-leader have to repair and fix the work of members to ensure greatest outcome as Complete-
Finishers. However, when it comes to implementer, not only Pham Nhu Quynh as the main implementer,
all of the member of the group has to be responsible for all of the work as well as get things done by their
own rather than focusing and relying on other members.

People Oriented Roles consists of three main elements, including Coordinator, Team worker and
Resource Investigator.

Coordinators are those that carry on the conventional position of team leader and have been referred to
as the chairmen as well. They lead the team to what the targets are considered to be. Often, they are
outstanding listeners and can instinctively understand the value that each member of the team brings to
the table. They are cool and good-natured, and they very easily delegate tasks. Within our group, the
leader as Nguyen Ngoc Long also play the role for Coordinators, in order to tell other members what to
do, where to get sources of information, when to submit the proposal work and what should they do to
accomplish all the tasks successfully. Occasionally, Le Minh Anh did help the leader with coordinating with
others to do the research information and gather, compile them to a common file, and then she sent them
to Cao Phuong Linh as the Completer to edit and and to last propose the work to me as the leader. After I
took a brief look through the accomplished work, I would decided to submit it to the teacher or not
depending on the quality of the work as well as its shortcomings which should be taken into account.
Sometimes I think I may manipulate the whole group too often, but later on did I realised that it was not
all about the dominance that I possess, i did help them with figuring out the falses in their assumptions
and writing as it would help them to better self-improved on their own tasks.

Team workers are the ones who provide support and ensure that people work together successfully within
the team. Within the team, these individuals play the role of negotiators and are versatile, diplomatic and
perceptive. These tend to be famous individuals who, in their own right, are very capable, but who value
team bonding and help people get along. As for our group, Le Tan Chan took the roles for the team
workers, he is the one who always urge others to work and to finish the task on time, he did listen to each
members, build as well as averts fictions within the group. I may sometimes be mistaken the role as I
thought he may the leader, but turns out, I did realise he a truly team worker for the whole group.

Innovative and curious are resource investigators. On behalf of the team, they explore available
alternatives, establish connections, and negotiate for resources. In order to help the team achieve its aim,
they are committed team members who recognize and collaborate with external stakeholders. They are
friendly and are often extroverted, which means that they and their thoughts are often receptive to others.

They can lose interest quickly on the downside, and are frequently excessively optimistic. Within our
group, Pham Nhu Quynh is a great internet explorer, she can find information in any published sources
and gather them as fast as possible, and that is why she was delegated as the resources investigators for
the whole group.

Thought Oriented Roles comprises three main components, with Plant, Moniter-Evaluator and Specialist.
The Plant is the creative innovator who has new concepts and methods to come up with. They thrive on
praise, but it's particularly difficult for them to cope with criticism. Plants are mostly introverted and, aside
from the squad, tend to work. Since their principles are so novel, they can often be impractical. They may
also be poor communicators and may appear to disregard the parameters and constraints given. With Cao
Phuong Linh, she possesses all of above key characteristics, while working with her, she had propose
numerous ideas for generating the slides as well as how to present all the keys theories in the most
effective way. Not only did she come up with ideas, she is also the one who plays role for Monitor-
Evaluators as she is best at examining and testing concepts that other people (often Plants) come up with.
She is shrewd and objective, and before coming to a conclusion, she carefully consider the pros and cons
of all the choices. Monitor-Evaluators should be critical thinkers in their approach and are very strategic
and Phuong Linh do it outstandingly. Sometimes, she seen as distant or unemotional. She often weak
motivators who respond to events rather than instigating them.

Specialists are individuals with advanced expertise that is required to get the job done. They are proud of
their abilities and talents, and they strive to retain their professional status. Within the team, their job is
to be an expert in the area, and they completely dedicate themselves to their field of expertise. This can
restrict their contribution, and at the expense of the bigger picture, lead to a concern with technicalities.
Regarding our group, no one plays role for specialists, as all of us simply work and contribute to the mutual
interests of the whole team with supportive and contributive members, all of us altogether fulfill and
encourage each other for motivation, and we understand the strengths and weaknesses of each members,
so that we base on these strengths and weaknesses, we help each others whilst completing the project on

The following table could be an epitome on how different between each types of roles taken in Belbin

5. Critically analysing and evaluating the relevance of team development theories in context of
organisational behavior concepts and philosophies that influence behavior in the workplace

The teamwork theory of The Tuckman is based on five work stages and involves the five stages called
creating, storming, norming, and performing. Formation is the initial process in which team members find
their place in the team and figure out the task of engaging with each other. Storming is a second step in
which the team members begin to realize their value and see themselves as part of the team. This is where
individuals will challenge each other and propose improvements in the style of work, and the emphasis on
the task is usually increased. Norming is the third position where the members of the team come together
to work towards a primary purpose and explain the questions and forms of doing the job (Argyris, 2017).

This process of learning to work efficiently together is known as the development of teams. Research has
shown that during development, teams go through definitive phases. An educational psychologist, Bruce
Tuckman, described a five-stage method of growth that most teams adopt to become high performers.
The phases he called: creating, storming, standardizing, conducting, and adjourning. In the following
diagram, team progression through the stages is shown (Alsever, 2014). Begin with the forming stage
involves a period of orientation and getting acquainted. During this process, uncertainty is high, and people
are searching for leadership and authority. To take charge, a member who claims authority or is competent
might be looked at. Team members are asking such questions as “What does the team give me?” “What
is expected of me?"Am I going to fit in?" As participants get to know each other, most interactions are

And then, the development stages is going to run through the storming stage is the most difficult and
critical stage to pass through. as individual identities emerge, it is a time marked by tension and rivalry. In
this step, team output can also decrease because energy is put into unproductive activities. Members may
disagree on team goals, and around strong personalities or areas of consensus, subgroups and cliques may
form. Members must strive to resolve barriers, to embrace individual differences, and to strive through

opposing opinions on team tasks and priorities in order to get through this point. Teams in this process
can get bogged down. Long-term problems can arise from failure to resolve conflicts.

If teams get through the storming stage, conflict is resolved and some degree of unity emerges. In the
norming stage, consensus develops around who the leader or leaders are, and individual member’s roles.
Interpersonal differences begin to be resolved, and a sense of cohesion and unity emerges. Team
performance increases during this stage as members learn to cooperate and begin to focus on team goals.
However, the harmony is precarious, and if disagreements re-emerge the team can slide back into

Consensus and collaboration have been well-established in the performing process and the team is
experienced, organized and well-functioning. A transparent and stable structure exists, and participants
are committed to the mission of the team. Problems and disputes still exist, but they are constructively
handled. (In the next section, we will address the role of conflict and conflict resolution). The team focuses
on solving challenges and achieving team goals.

Much of the team's goals have been reached in the adjournment process. The emphasis is on completing
final tasks and recording the effort and outcomes. As the work load is decreased, other teams may be
reassigned to individual members, and the team disbands. As the team finishes, there can be regret, so a
ceremonial acknowledgment of the team's work and progress may be beneficial. If the team is a
permanent committee with ongoing accountability, members can be replaced by new individuals and the
team can return to a stage of formation or storming and repeat the phase of growth.

In order to obtain expertise regarding their social positions and standing, Sainsbury socialises with other
businesses. Typically, their organizational behavior is shaped by the use of their productive teams and
individual drives. The ethical ideas of a person, a team and an employer are referred to as ethics. Ethical
solution is mandatory to attract and retain precious workers, and it is important to set a few moral
requirements and principles. The code of ethics education praise for proper and successful moral conduct
is founded by some of the SME's and corporations (Block, 2011).

The target theory of the Path is a theory of leadership, developed by Americans Robert J. House and
Terence R. Mitchell in the 1970s. It is believed that a leader respects his workers in the above-mentioned
principle and compensates for their mistakes or ineffective jobs. The elements of this particular theory,
which involves duties, correlate with that of leadership in circumstances. The leaders offer guidance to the
workers in order to achieve their goals (Northouse, 2018). Some tools are included in the social capital
theory, which promotes concerted social action. Leaders ought to be versatile enough to get the most
benefits from their workers in terms of hard work, according to the path target principle.

6. Nike’s leadership roles effectiveness

Nike is regarded as one of the best brands of our day. Yet Phil Knight, the creator, is not a publicity person.
In reality, for the majority of Nike's early years, he was an accountant. That is right. Before going "all-in,"
Knight ran the company on a basic premise: a constant focus on sales. He did Nike as a side job. He claimed
that "I rode all over the Pacific Northwest, to different track meets. I would chat up the coaches, the riders,
the fans between the races, and show them my wares. The answer was always similar. I couldn't write
orders quickly enough.' There was no pre-conceived concept to build Nike through an advertising firm. For
much of its first decade of existence, Nike was not even called Nike, the business was recognized early on
as Blue Ribbon Sports and lived from shipment to shipment, only selling enough each time to raise the
order size (Metz, 2018).

For a CEO, different forms of leadership styles may all create an atmosphere of success. When a business
expands and the world around the business shifts, in order for the company to be successful and achieve
continued development, the need for a new style of leadership is always needed. Three different models
became apparent when studying the different leadership styles within Nike. With zeal, the true leader led.
He encouraged those around him and inspired them. The analytical leader stressed market dynamics and
specifics, while the autocratic and demanding leader relied heavily on instinct and intuition to broaden the
role of the company within its marketplace. Based on my research, establishing a strong foundation is a
key element to the success of every leader building company. They need a. mission, simple beliefs, and
intense passion. This cornerstone will be the building block inside the business for the society. Thus, most
of the Nike’s leader work are based on his goal setting.

Parker plays a role as a thoughtful and demanding leader as in his own works, Mark Parker describes
himself as having an “editorial” approach to leadership by working to help his colleagues lower in the
company ranks “hone in on their ideas.” He also makes use of those skills as a CEO, having a successful
background in design for the company. For a CEO to be actively involved in developing products may sound
unconventional, but that's part of what separates him from most others in a similar position. Parker uses
a hands-on approach and his design teams are very demanding, even going as far as working on the
construction of basketball shoes with NBA legend Michael Jordan. Fortune named Parker Businessperson
of the Year in 2015 because his leadership promoted incredible success for such a large organization.
During his tenure, Nike saw a yearly rise in profit of about 8.5 percent. Without doubt, his creativity and
refusal to take a back seat when it comes to Nike's products is the driving force behind the unparalleled
growth of Nike.

In the basketball apparel aspect of Nike, Parker's interest in heavy investment has paid dividends. He also
further and more actively funded Nike expansion overseas using the funds generated by Michael Jordan's
co-designed superior basketball shoe and apparel collection. When Nike took in a record $3.5 billion in
sales for fiscal year 2015, this ambitious effort proved successful. Mark Parker realized, unlike his
predecessor, Perez, that working cohesively with all parts of the company was a must. Nike management
can best be defined as a matrix structure where an individual can report to multiple bosses. Being with the

company since 1979 gave Parker the understanding that full control of each department within the
company was not essential to maintaining the status of Nike at the top of its market. The extremely
inquisitive and deep-thinking nature of Parker also contributes to his colleagues' empowerment to find
answers to their own questions (Nike, 2016).

7. Conclusion

The organizational behavior area can be both exciting and complicated. Various definitions and variables
influence the mentioned experiences, and these variables offer several opportunities to increase personal
and organizational performance when accumulated together. A summary of organizational behavior has
been established in this "Organizational Behaviour" study with reference to the organization "Tuckman".
The thesis explored how society, politics and power affect people's behaviors. In order to explain how they
enable the achievement of goals and objectives, the various content and process theories of motivation
have been analyzed. The main subjects of motivation, behavior, interpersonal communication and many
more are organizational behavior. The various principles and principles of organizational behaviour were
applied to the organization in this study.

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