Assignment 02 Front Sheet: Unit Number and Title Unit 31: Statistics For Management
Assignment 02 Front Sheet: Unit Number and Title Unit 31: Statistics For Management
Assignment 02 Front Sheet: Unit Number and Title Unit 31: Statistics For Management
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List of figure
Figure 1: Five stages of the consumer buying process .................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Gender in pie chart ............................................................................................................ 9
Figure 3: Which year are you in University? .................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Time using social media during the day.......................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Shopping on social media and times using social media to shopping. ........................... 11
Figure 6: Channel Social media....................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: Advertising about products and special discount........................................................... 13
Figure 8: The Special discounts and promotions on SM ................................................................ 13
Figure 9: Using social media for information ................................................................................. 14
Figure 10: Using social media to receive discounts and promotions ............................................ 14
Figure 11: Evaluation of influencer ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 12: Number of likes and shares influence buying process ................................................. 15
List of table
Table 1: One sample test of the ads of new products or services on social media. ....................... 16
Table 2: One sample test of the prices of products and services on social media. ........................ 17
Table 3: One sample test of five-star rated products on social media. .......................................... 18
Table 4: One sample test of Social Media for getting more information about brands, products,
or services. ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Table 5: Paired sample test of publicizing price information on Social Media between using
social media to find and receive particular discounts ................................................................... 20
Table 6: Paired sample test of the influencer's reviews on social media affect FGW’s students
purchasing decisions between they intended to buy the product with a large number of likes
and shares from a Facebook post. .................................................................................................. 22
I. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Background and the reason choose topic ..................................................................................... 1
2. Research objective ...................................................................................................................... 1
3. Research questions ...................................................................................................................... 2
4. Scope and methodology .............................................................................................................. 2
5. Structure of research ................................................................................................................... 2
II. Literature Overview ....................................................................................................................... 3
1. Conceptions ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Social Media ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Consumer buying behaviour .................................................................................................. 3
2. Theoretical framework ................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Consumer buying process...................................................................................................... 4
III. The way of collecting database and hypothesis ............................................................................. 7
1. Methodology............................................................................................................................... 7
2. Hypothesis .................................................................................................................................. 8
IV. Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................................................... 9
V. Result .......................................................................................................................................... 16
VI. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 23
Bibliography..................................................................................................................................... 24
I. Introduction
1. Background and the reason choose topic
Nowadays, the rapid and outstanding development of consumer information technology is
gradually becoming known and using it. Social networks, in particular, are considered one of the
tools to assist them in the online search and purchase process. Moreover, most types of
businesses have turned to social media to find, grow and connect with their target customers and
market. Based on the statistics, the truth is that currently based on referrals and reviews on social
networks consumers are likely to buy 71% higher (FitzGerald, 2019).
Millennials are mentioned as the generation that spends a lot of time online, in which their
purchases affected by social media reach about 47%. Moreover, the digital channels they use are
1.6 times higher, they use the wrong digital channels to find out information about new products.
Therefore, this has made Social Media one of the best ways for organizations to implement digital
marketing campaigns most effectively (FitzGerald, 2019).
Social media is known as websites and apps designed so that people can share content efficiently
and quickly in real-time. On the other hand, many of the other definitions people refer to are Social
Media as an app on a tablet or smartphone but in fact, it started to appear on the first computer.
The capabilities and benefits of Social Media bringing people in real-time have changed the way
people live and do business (Hudson, 2020). In addition, Social Media has become an integral part
of the marketing and business strategy of retailers. However, to be successful in using media for
marketing and business is very difficult, it requires companies not to see it as an appendage
(Dollarhide, 2019). Thereby, people can realize the importance of Social Media and the great
impact on consumer psychology and the business of organizations. Moreover, more and more
people's buying decisions are influenced by social media. This is one of the ways to business in
the future, this research will provide some information to help businesses through social media
in the future. Moreover, Social media is growing and becoming a way to advertise and sell. It helps
companies and customers access the fastest feedback and sources. Therefore, the research paper
wants to find out and provide data for companies to get the necessary information for their
advertising and business. This is also the reason why this study was conducted and selected.
2. Research objective
The objective of this paper is to explain why, how and when social media influence the purchase
decisions of FGW college students. In addition, determining why Social Media affects the
3. Research questions
In reality, consumers' use of Social Media is of great interest to marketers and organizations, but
there is currently not much information available about the influence of Social Media on
consumer decision making. In addition, there are many studies focusing on consumer behaviour
in online shopping, but there are very few studies on the impact of Social Media on consumer
behaviour. In other words, articles on the impact of Social Media on each decision making stage
of consumers. This study focuses on analysing and answering three key questions as to how Social
Media affects consumer behaviour, in addition to providing information additional marketers and
organizations to cater to the job, questions about the aspects that Social Media influences the most
consumer behaviour. Finally, the question of how to make our social media business model is
different from others.
How Social Media influence the FGW University purchasing behaviour?
What are significant factors that make Social Media influence FGW University purchasing
How to use social networks more effectively for your business?
5. Structure of research
The paper consists of five main parts: Introduction, Literature Overview, Descriptive Statistics,
Result and Conclusion. The first is an introduction that refers to the background of the research
paper and gives a reason for choosing this research topic. In addition, the objectives and research
questions were mentioned to explain the purpose and the questions needed to support this
research. The scope of the study and the research methods used to analyses the collected data.
Second is Literature Overview, in this section, the paper will focus on the discussion of theoretical
concepts and Theoretical Framework. Next, Descriptive Statistics, this section shows the data
2. Theoretical framework
This theoretical framework is based on previous research by a group of students in Thailand. The
following are explanations for the 5 steps in the buying decision process that influence purchase
decisions. However, because this article only focuses on researching how Social Media affects the
buying behaviour of consumers, only focus on analysing and explaining the 3 steps in the
consumer buying process: Needs recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives. In
addition, the survey questions of the research paper are also based on the effects of the three
steps above.
2.1 Consumer buying process
The consumer buying process is a process consisting of a series of steps that consumers will take
to make a buying decision. In fact, to market or convey information to consumers are the
problems that businesses face. Consumers are facing problems before they make purchasing
decisions. Moreover, the truthfulness and accessibility of information have greatly affected
consumers' decision-making processes today, so finding the barriers as well as the factors
affecting consumers is very important in making potential customers become customers. A
complete consumer buying process includes: Need recognition, Information search, Evaluation of
Alternatives, Buying Decision, Post Purchase Evaluation (Jones, 2014).
Of the total 100 surveyed people, 64% are female and 35% are male. The male to female ratio
may indicate that women are more interested in shopping through social media than men. As a
result, women are much more likely than men. In fact, women prefer to shop rather than men,
they can spend hours choosing and shop but may be limited in their time so shopping and finding
information on real products. Products through social media are interesting to women and maybe
this is why they care about this topic.
Which year are you in?
In this survey, the percentage of students in year 2 is the highest, accounting for 59%, followed
by year 3, about 25%, and students in the final year and first year are the lowest, with a rate of
9% respectively and 7%. This ratio can see that students in year 2 are most attracted to the survey
compared to other years because they feel this survey is useful and understand the role of the
survey more. First-year students are still skeptical and quite strange with this survey and have
not really been interested in the survey, Final-year student also have lowest rate, because this last
How many hours do you use social media during the day?
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Don't use 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Based on charts and statistics, students spend about 5-10 hours a day using social media,
accounting for about 60% of this is quite a long time, but still, up to 15%, students use social media
more than 10 hours a day and 23% for the amount of time from 1 to 5 hours a day. The last is only
2% for unused and used for 30 minutes. Thereby it can be seen that the majority of students spend
quite a lot of time using social media.
Figure 5: Shopping on social media and times using social media to shopping.
According to statistics collected from 100 people, only 3 people do not use social media, they can
use social media for entertainment or other reasons, about 3% to shop but up to 97 people have
already used to shop on social media, about 97%. This data shows that the use of social media for
student shopping is very high, it can see the influence of social media on shopping behaviour of
FGW students, in the survey of 100 people, 97 people used to buy goods on social media.
Moreover, in the statistics on the number of times they shop on social media, the percentage of
students shopping 1-5 times a month is the highest, about 42%, which shows that the average
student shopping from 1 1 week product. Even the percentage of students who buy 5-10 times
per month is ranked third, about 19%, meaning they have at least 1-2 orders per week. And also
5 students buy more than 10 times per month. However, the percentage of students who buy from
1-5 times per year has the second rank, about 31%, which can be explained by the limited
purchase of social media. The idea of students for items on Social media is low, these factors affect
Student purchases.
These are the two most popular social media channels to use. Based on statistics, visible people
like to use Facebook quite high, there are about 61 people like to use Facebook and about 62
people like to use Instagram out of 100 people. The use of FGW students' social media channels
can be seen on Facebook and Instagram. The reason these 2 social media channels are popular is
that it is the fastest and easiest to update information and post information about images and
According to statistics, about 70% of people after seeing many ads for new products on social
media bought it and only about 4% were unaffected. This is easy to explain because, in the process
of using social media for a long time, ads about new products often appear, making the psychology
of buyers feel compelled and eager to find out if it is what product. This is the first step for
stimulating the purchase desire of the students.
The special discounts and promotions on SM excite me to buy goods or use
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly disagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Disagree 3 3.0 3.0 4.0
Neutral 19 19.0 19.0 23.0
Agree 49 49.0 49.0 72.0
Strongly agree 28 28.0 28.0 100.0
I often use SM for getting more information about brands, products, or services
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly disagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Disagree 7 7.0 7.0 10.0
Neutral 26 26.0 26.0 36.0
Agree 40 40.0 40.0 76.0
Strongly agree 24 24.0 24.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0
Based on statistics, after FGW students have a need to purchase a product they will tend to search
for information about that product. Besides, because social media provides a fairly large and
detailed source of information, it is no surprise that about 64 people use social media to search
for information and only 10 do not search for information about products via social media. Shows
the influence of social media on the search for information is enormous. It can be understood that,
although there are many sources available today for people to gather information, information on
sources from magazines and television is not sufficient and social media provides sufficient and
sufficient information more.
I use social media to find and receive particular discounts and promotions
information in the fast way.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly disagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Disagree 8 8.0 8.0 11.0
Neutral 29 29.0 29.0 40.0
Valid Agree 30 30.0 30.0 70.0
Strongly agree 30 30.0 30.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0
There are 60 students (about 60%) using social media to receive promotions and only 11 students
(11%) do not use social media to get product promotions. The percentage of people using social
media to receive promotions is quite high because when buying on social media they feel insecure
when not checking the product directly but only listening to the description and images provided
on social media, so social media promotions and discounts are important. According to the data,
students wishing to receive more information about promotions quickly to be able to get
Evaluation alternative
The positive review of products from youtuber on SM influence significantly to
my purchasing
Based on statistics, the number of people who agree and strongly agree is about 64% and only
9% disagree, it can be seen that the influence of influencers is very large. This may explain that
young people increasingly trust the influence of influencers today. Moreover, influencer reviews
are highly honest and the information is provided in the best and most detailed way.
I intended to buy the product with a large number of likes and shares from a Facebook post
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Strongly disagree 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
Disagree 10 10.0 10.0 14.0
Neutral 27 27.0 27.0 41.0
Agree 36 36.0 36.0 77.0
Strongly agree 23 23.0 23.0 100.0
Of the total 100 responses, 59 students agreed and strongly agreed with the purchase affected by
the products with large likes and shares and about 14% did not agree. It is understandable that,
when people buy on social media will not have high trust and the fact that a product has a large
number of likes and shares proves that the product is of good quality and that the purchase of
that product will better with products with fewer likes and shares.
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference Difference
Lower Upper
The interesting ads about
new products or services
-1.800 99 .075 -.150 -.32 .02
on SM excite my
willingness to buy them.
Table 1: One sample test of the ads of new products or services on social media.
According to the testing table of one sample, we received p-value that is larger than 0.05 (p-value
= 0.075 > 0.05). Therefore, we cannot reject the null hypothesis with a 95 percent confidence
interval. In addition, we can see that the average value in the one-sample statistics table is 3.85,
but the average selected value is approximately 4. It means that FGW’s students are often
stimulated by the ads of new products or services on social media with the significant level of 5%.
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
It easily for me to
compare price of
products and find out -1.683 99 .095 -.160 -.35 .03
the most fordable
price's ones on the SM
Table 2: One sample test of the prices of products and services on social media.
From the one-sample test table, we get p-value higher than the significant level of 0.05 (p-value =
0.095> 0.05). Therefore, we cannot reject the null hypothesis with 95 percent Confident Interval.
Moreover, based on mean = 3.84 in the one-sample statistics table, the average value is chosen to
be close to 4. It means Most of FGW’s students can be easily compared to the prices of products
and services on social media with the significant level of 5%.
One-Sample Statistics
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
Through the One-sample test table, we get a p-value higher than the significant level of 0.05 (p-
value = 0.086> 0.05). Therefore, we can reject the null hypothesis with 95 percent Confident
interval. Moreover, based on mean = 3.82 in the one-sample statistics table, we can see that the
average value chooses near-equal 4. It means that most of FGW’s students are often decided to
buy five-star rated products on social media with the significant level of 5%.
One-Sample Statistics
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 4
Lower Upper
According to the one-sample test table, we get a p-value higher than the significant level of 0.05
(p-value = 0.1> 0.05). Therefore, we cannot reject the null hypothesis with 95 percent Confident
interval. Furthermore, based on mean = 3.85 in the one-sample statistics table, we can see that
the average value chooses near-equal 4. It means that FGW’s students are often used Social Media
for getting more information about brands, products, or services with the significant level of 5%.
Table 6: Paired sample test of the influencer's reviews on social media affect FGW’s students purchasing decisions between they
intended to buy the product with a large number of likes and shares from a Facebook post.
Through the Paired sample statistics table, we can get the difference between the average value
between the two variables is 0.18 (3.82 - 3.64 = 0.18). Therefore, we get the average difference
between the two variables. It means that FGW students agree that the influencer's reviews on
social media affect purchasing decisions of them more than buying the product with a large
number of likes and shares from a Facebook post. From the Paired sample test table, we get p-
value more than significant level of 0.05 (p-value = 0.115> 0.05). Therefore, we cannot reject the
VI. Conclusion
Nowadays, the competition in business is increasing, it requires more and more ways to
communicate information and provide higher quality products and services to customers to
attract them to the product. Moreover, the rapid development of technology 4.0 has provided an
additional form of advertising and business that is the communication network. Social Media
makes it possible for people to receive more information. This study tried to find out how Social
Media affects the purchasing behavior of FGW university students. These influences are really
important and greatly impact the behavior of FGW students. This paper provides the information
needed for the impact of social media on FGW student shopping behavior, thereby helping
marketers and businesses who are interested in using social media for business and advertising
get the information you need to do your job well.
Personal Information
Please tick one box for each statement
Which year are you in?
o First
o Second
o Third
o Final
Please tick one box for each statement
1. How many hours do you use social media during the day?
o More 10 hours a day
o 5-10 hours a day
o 1-5 hours a day
o Only 30 minutes a day
o Don't use
Needs recognition
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
6. The interesting ads about new
products or services on SM excite my
willingness to buy them
7. The ads appear on Social Media every
day that make me pay a lot of attention
to the products or services
8. The special discounts and promotions
on SM excite me to buy goods or use
9. The items trending on Social Media
make me want to buy them
Information search
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
10. I often use SM for getting more
information about brands, products, or
11. The information about the product on
social media is provided positively and
reliably by the stores.
12. I usually use SM to find out the
information about any specific store
Evaluation of alternatives
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
22. In your opinion, what is the most benefits of shopping on Social media?
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
Better prices
You can find almost any brand or item
you're looking for.
Many form of payment
Save time
Get detailed information of the
23. In your opinion, what is the most risk of shopping on Social media?
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
Spending Too Much Time Online to
find out any products or services
Shipping Problems and Delays
Unfriendly, Scammy, or
Complicated Websites
I don't know exactly quality of
products that I will be received
Difficulties in exchanging or
returning defective products
The form of payment is complicated
and risky