NAVIGO TPEO 30 ULTRA and 40 ULTRA are premium quality alkaline marine trunk piston engine
NAVIGO TPEO 30 ULTRA and 40 ULTRA are high quality alkaline lubricants recommended for
marine trunk piston engines running on distillate fuels. They are especially designed for applications
which require a higher level of detergency and liner lacquer control.
NAVIGO TPEO 30 ULTRA is also suitable as an alkaline marine crankcase lubricant for low-speed
marine two-stroke crosshead diesel engines for bearings, stern tube and seals.
Typical Characteristics
LUKOIL Marine Lubricants DMCC JBC 4 Tower, 15th Floor, Unit No. 1506 Tel: +971 4 43 00769
is Registered & Licensed as a Free Zone Jumeirah Lakes Towers Fax: +917 4 797 6800
Company under the Rules & Regulations P.O. Box 487718
of DMCCA Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Health and Safety
The Safety Data Sheet is available on request and describes the product in terms of safety in use,
handling and transport. The product is not classified as dangerous according to the Regulation
1272/2008 or the Directives D67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC. When used as intended, this
product does not pose significant health risks. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or
cracking. In case of skin contact, immediately wash the affected area with plenty of soap and water.
Remove contaminated clothes.
The compatibility and miscibility with comparable products from other suppliers have been tested
successfully by an independent institute. In order to benefit from full product performance the mixing
of lubricants should be limited to a minimum.
Trunk piston engine oils should be continuously filtered in accordance with the equipment
manufacturers’ instructions. Their service life can be prolonged if the oil is maintained with a
centrifugal purifier to remove water and insoluble components. Nevertheless, the oil change intervals
of the equipment manufacturer are mandatory.
The products are available in bulk and drums of approximately 205 litres.
Further Information
For further information about LUKOIL Marine Lubricants please contact any representative of LUKOIL
Marine Lubricants or visit our website
This data sheet and the information given are considered to be accurate to the best of our knowledge. While the physical and chemical
characteristics are typical of current production and compliant to specification of «LLK International», variations in these characteristics may
occur. No warranty expressed or implied, is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or suitability of the products.
«LLK International» and the distributor shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the product. The
user will be always responsible to evaluate and use products safely and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore
«LLK International» shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any error or omission in this document.