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Navigo 6 So

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LUKOIL Marine Lubricants




NAVIGO 6 SO is an alkaline marine crankcase lubricant for low-speed marine two-

stroke crosshead diesel engines.


NAVIGO 6 SO is primarily a crankcase lubricant for low speed marine diesel

crosshead engines running on residual fuel. It is also suitable for plain bearings of
turbochargers, shaft bearings, stern tube and seals. The alkalinity is sufficient to
neutralize any contamination in the crankcase or acidic combustion products in a less
demanding 4-stroke trunk piston diesel engine running on distillate fuel.

Features/Advantages and Benefits

 Excellent thermal- and oxidation stability and detergency

o Excellent deposit control of oil-cooled piston undercrown
o Clean crankcase
 Extended oil life due to efficient water separating properties
 Rust- and corrosion properties
 Good wear protection
 Approved by mayor engine manufacturers

Typical Characteristics

Pour Flash point

Viscosity at Base number,
Grade Name point , (CoC), °С, SAE
100°С, mm2/s mg KОН/g
°С min
NAVIGO 6 SO -6 220 11.5 30 6



LUKOIL Marine Lubricants Ltd. Local Court Hamburg, HRB 110542 Tel.: +49 40 180 4220 0
Hamburg Branch Office Board Member: Viktor Zhuravskiy Fax.: +49 40 180 4220 99
Grimm 8, 20457 Hamburg, Germany Permanent Representative: Jan Thiedeitz E-mail: luboilorder@lukoil.com
Health and Safety

The Safety Data Sheet is available on request and describes the product from the points
of view of safety in use, handling and transport. The product is not classified as
dangerous according to the provisions of the Regulation 1907/2006, and of the
Directives D67/548/CEE and 1999/45/CE, respectively. Under normal use conditions,
this product does not pose significant risks for the health. Repeated exposure may cause
skin drying or cracking. Immediately wash with plenty of water and soap the area that
came in contact with the product. Remove contaminated clothes.

Handling and Packaging

The compatibility and miscibility with comparable products other suppliers have been
tested successfully by an independent institute. In order to achieve full scale benefits of
product performance the mixing of lubricants should be limited to its minimum.

The condition of the circulating oil of a low-speed marine two-stroke crosshead diesel
engine should be maintained in accordance with equipment manufacturers’ instructions
by a centrifugal purifier to remove any water or insoluble components.

The product is available in bulk and drums of approximately 205 liters.

Further Information

For further information about LUKOIL Marine Lubricants please contact any
representative of LUKOIL Marine Lubricants or visit our web site www.lukoilmarine.com.

LUKOIL Marine Lubricants Ltd.

February 2010

This data sheet and the information given are considered to be accurate to the best of our knowledge. While the physical and
chemical characteristics are typical of current production and compliant to specification of «LLK International», variations in these
characteristics may occur. No warranty expressed or implied, is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or
suitability of the products.
«LLK International» and the distributor shall not be responsible for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the
product. The user will be always responsible to evaluate and use products safely and to comply with all applicable laws and
regulations. Furthermore «LLK International» shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any error or omission in this

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