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K-Gauge CTS

LNG Carriers – Spherical tanks

Simple installation
Reliable operation
Proven accuracy

Key features
• Continuous level verification/calibration -
K-Gauge CTS Custody Transfer System AutroCAL® utilizing the pipe joint
automatically log tank levels, temperatures and signatures
pressure measurements, and calculates the tank • Double sealing between sensor electronics
volume during the loading-/unloading operation. and tank content, hence additional valve for
The system automatically generates a CTS maintenance purpose is not required
loading-/unloading report; the official document • CTS temperature readings at an accuracy by
used for purchasing the gas transported. The specially calibrated sensors
accuracy and reliability of the system is crucial • High quality pressure transmitters for CTS
to ensure correct and trustworthy LNG trade vapour pressure readings
around the globe. • Customised CTS reports of custody transfer
K-Gauge CTS features • Verified by Intertek Caleb Brett – KIMSCO,
• Applicable for LNG Spherical (MOSS type) NKKK, SGS and SK
• Outstanding accuracy in the whole range of • Approved by all major classification
the tank societies
• Individual signal processing for each cargo • Stand-alone or integrated with the ships
tank automation system
• No moving parts, low operational and
maintenance cost
The K-Gauge Custody Transfer System
• Non-intrusive level gauging installation -
including the temperature sensors and the
replaces previous/existing intrusive
pressure transmitters are all specially designed to
measuring systems
provide continuous and reliable accuracy in the
• Certified Ex ia IIC T4 – can be used in all demanding environment of liquefied gas. With
zones. Offers maintenance from the deck – the unique AutroCAL® function, KONGSBERG
without emptying the tank, while in has provided the market with the first fully
operation, without cutting the power automated calibration and verification method
• Applies still pipe with inner diameter of just commercially available.
50 mm

P-KGCTSPHE/AE 2006-04-07
Building blocks AutroCAL® - the unique calibration and
verification function
Radar Tank Gauge (RTG): Consists of a Gas vapour density and mixture of gases
microwave antenna with a transmitter / receiver influence and cause differences in the
and interface to the Signal Processing Unit. The propagation speed of the radar signal, thus the
horn antenna (GLA-100/5) is designed for use in accuracy of the measurement. By using pipe
liquid gas tankers. The RTG is designed to joint signatures, AutroCAL® continuously
withstand severe mechanical, physical and compensates for the inaccuracies. The
chemical environmental conditions. Only AISI AutroCAL® verification and calibration method
316L acid-resistant steel and Teflon (PTFE) ensure high accuracy over the whole
materials are used. measurement range, independent of the gas
mixture, pressure and temperature.
AutroCAL® offer reduced time needed for
periodically system verification (docking).

GLA-100/5 Radar Tank Gauge

Signal Processing Unit (SPU): One SPU is

connected each RTG. The SPU supplies
intrinsically safe power and receive signals from
the RTG and vapour pressure sensors. The SPU
is located in the system cabinet.

GLK-100 Signal Processing Unit

Remote Controller Unit (RCU): The RCU is a

powerful real-time single board computer, and
serves as the main processing unit. It runs the
application program for the process and
interfaces to external systems.

Process Controller- RCU

Trim and List corrections

An inclinometer is used for trim and list
corrections. The inclinometer is a dual close loop
transducer, which can measure angles along two
perpendicular directions. The sensing element is
a galvanometer pendulum associated with an Installation in hazardous areas
optical position sensor. KONGSBERG offers distributed signal
acquisition units with intrinsic safe protection of
field circuits which benefits cable savings and
installation cost. Solutions for installation of the
equipment in hazardous areas (all zones
Double axis inclinometer according to IEC502) are available.
Vapour Pressure Temperature Measurement
The pressure transmitter is used for accurate To obtain the required CTS accuracy each
measurement of the cargo tank vapour pressure, temperature sensor is calibrated according to
especially calibrated to ensure the highest 1/10 DIN. Each temperature sensor has a serial
accuracy. The pressure transmitter comes with number for identification purposes. The
control valve with test flange and closing ball temperature sensors are connected to an
valve. Intrinsically safe, certified Ex ia IIC T4. intrinsically safe field bus with intelligent
network modules. Two complete sets of sensors
(A and B) ensure full redundancy.

Vapour pressure sensor and valves Temperature sensor

Topology Diagram

Cargo control room Instrument room

Operator Station Operator Station

Safe area

Hazardous area

Ex Fieldbus

Cargo tank 1 Cargo tank n

Operation Specifications
CTS Operator Station: A number of operator Radar Tank Gauge
stations can be connected in a network to provide Material: AISI 316L
several operator consoles at different locations Antenna lens: Teflon (PTFE)
Frequency: 10 GHz (X-band)
onboard. Reports on failures and alarms, as well Radiated power: Less than 0.2 mW (-7 dBm)
as history/trend reports on CTS level, volume, Measuring range: 0 to 45 metre
vapour pressure and temperature are logged. Instrument accuracy: ±2 mm
Flexible and customised CTS reports are System accuracy: ±5 mm
available. Protection: IP67
Ex-classification: EEx ia IIC T4
Cable specifications: 4 x twisted pair common screen
Stand pipe
Material: AISI 316L/Aluminium Alloy
Diameter: Inner 50 mm, Outer 60 mm
Pressure Sensor
Material: AISI 316L
Accuracy: -30 °C to +70 °C, <0.035 % of
Type (Absolute): GT402/LNG, 4 to 20 mA output
Temperature Sensor
CTS Operator Station generates CTS report Material: AISI 316L
Accuracy: -165 °C to -145 °C ±0.1 °C
CTS Cargo reporting -145 °C to +50 °C ±0.3 °C
An official customised transfer document of Environmental requirements
loading is automatically generated. Operating temperature: -40 °C to +80 °C
Tank temperature: Down to –165 °C
• Ease of operation and reporting
• Verified and flexible CTS reporting formats Range: List ±5°, Trim ±2°
• Cargo reporting in line with Seller and Accuracy : List ±0.0025°, Trim ±0.001°
Purchase Agreement requirements (±0.05 % FRO)
Protection: IP54
• Ensures practical operations for Sworn
Surveyor Type approved by
All major classification societies
EMC properties
According to EN50081-1 and EN50082-2


NO-7005 Trondheim Norway km.sales@kongsberg.com

Telephone: +47 73 58 10 00 Telefax: +47 73 58 10 01 www.km.kongsberg.com

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