Alat Ukur LPG
Alat Ukur LPG
Alat Ukur LPG
Key features
• Continuous level verification/calibration -
K-Gauge CTS Custody Transfer System AutroCAL® utilizing the pipe joint
automatically log tank levels, temperatures and signatures
pressure measurements, and calculates the tank • Double sealing between sensor electronics
volume during the loading-/unloading operation. and tank content, hence additional valve for
The system automatically generates a CTS maintenance purpose is not required
loading-/unloading report; the official document • CTS temperature readings at an accuracy by
used for purchasing the gas transported. The specially calibrated sensors
accuracy and reliability of the system is crucial • High quality pressure transmitters for CTS
to ensure correct and trustworthy LNG trade vapour pressure readings
around the globe. • Customised CTS reports of custody transfer
K-Gauge CTS features • Verified by Intertek Caleb Brett – KIMSCO,
• Applicable for LNG Spherical (MOSS type) NKKK, SGS and SK
• Outstanding accuracy in the whole range of • Approved by all major classification
the tank societies
• Individual signal processing for each cargo • Stand-alone or integrated with the ships
tank automation system
• No moving parts, low operational and
maintenance cost
The K-Gauge Custody Transfer System
• Non-intrusive level gauging installation -
including the temperature sensors and the
replaces previous/existing intrusive
pressure transmitters are all specially designed to
measuring systems
provide continuous and reliable accuracy in the
• Certified Ex ia IIC T4 – can be used in all demanding environment of liquefied gas. With
zones. Offers maintenance from the deck – the unique AutroCAL® function, KONGSBERG
without emptying the tank, while in has provided the market with the first fully
operation, without cutting the power automated calibration and verification method
• Applies still pipe with inner diameter of just commercially available.
50 mm
P-KGCTSPHE/AE 2006-04-07
Building blocks AutroCAL® - the unique calibration and
verification function
Radar Tank Gauge (RTG): Consists of a Gas vapour density and mixture of gases
microwave antenna with a transmitter / receiver influence and cause differences in the
and interface to the Signal Processing Unit. The propagation speed of the radar signal, thus the
horn antenna (GLA-100/5) is designed for use in accuracy of the measurement. By using pipe
liquid gas tankers. The RTG is designed to joint signatures, AutroCAL® continuously
withstand severe mechanical, physical and compensates for the inaccuracies. The
chemical environmental conditions. Only AISI AutroCAL® verification and calibration method
316L acid-resistant steel and Teflon (PTFE) ensure high accuracy over the whole
materials are used. measurement range, independent of the gas
mixture, pressure and temperature.
AutroCAL® offer reduced time needed for
periodically system verification (docking).
Topology Diagram
Safe area
Hazardous area
Ex Fieldbus