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Digit Problemsso

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Digital Delirium

Here’s the kind of problem you can solve with a little direction. Notice
that 7123 − 3127 = 3996 = 22 · 27 · 37. Also notice that 8223 − 3228 = 4995 =
5 · 27 · 37.
1. Is it true that for any four digits, a, b, c and d, abcd − dbca is a multiple
of 27? Explain why or why not.

2. Is it true that for any four digits, a, b, c and d, abcd − dbca is a multiple
of 37? Explain why or why not.
The answer to both questions is ’yes’. And here is why. abcd − dbca =
1000a+100b+10c+d−(1000d+100b+10c+a) = 999a−999d = 999(a−d) =
27 · 37(a − d).
Example 2 Next, consider the following problem. Find a four-digit num-
ber abcd which is reversed when multiplied by 9. In other words, find digits
a, b, c, and d such that
9 · abcd = dcba.
Our solution method is to reason digit by digit. First note that a = 1 since
otherwise 9 · abcd ≥ 9 · 2000 = 18000, which is a five-digit number. Since
a = 1, it follows that d = 9. Now the equation take the following form:

9 · 1bc9 = 9cb1.

We can express this in decimal notation (in contrast to the underline notation
we have been using) as follows:

9 · (1009 + 100b + 10c) = 9001 + 100c + 10b.

Distributing the 9 across the · yields

9081 + 900b + 90c = 9001 + 100c + 10b

from which it follows that

80 + 890b = 10c.

Since the right side 10c is at most 90 (c is a digit), we can conclude that
b = 0, and hence c = 8. Therefore abcd = 1089 is the only such number.
In the exercises, you will be asked to investigate larger numbers that reverse
when multiplied by 9. In the next example we deal with several digits at

Digital Delirium

Example 3 Find a 6-digit number abcdef that becomes 5 times as large

when the units digit f is moved to the left end of the number. In other
words, solve 5 · abcdef = f abcde. Before we solve this, let’s consider how
a six-digit number changes when the rightmost digit is moved to the left
end. Take 123456 as an example. Note that 612345 = 600000 + 12345,
whereas 123456 = 123450 + 6 = 12345 · 10 + 6. If we give the name x to
12345, a common technique in algebra, we can write 123456 = 10x + 6 and
612345 = 6·105 +x. What the hypothesis tells us is that 5(10x+6) = 6·105 +x.
Of course 123456 does not satisfy the equation, but replacing abcde with x
reduces the six variables to just two. Of course we don’t know that f = 6
works so we need to solve
5 · (10x + f ) = f · 105 + x.
Distributing the 5 and migrating we get 50x + 5f = 105 f + x which is
equivalent to 49x = (105 − 5)f = 99995f . Both sides are multiples of 7 so
we can write 7x = 14285 · f . Now the left side is a multiple of 7, so the
right side must also be a multiple of 7. Since 14285 is not a multiple of 7,
it follows (from the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, which we have yet
to prove) that f must be a multiple of 7. Since f is a digit, it must be 7.
And x must be 14285. This technique is one that you will use repeatedly in
the problems below. A reminder about notation: the string of digits abc can
be interpreted two ways, first as a · b · c and secondly as 100a + 10b + c. To
distinguish these two interpretations, we use the underline notation abc for
the latter of these.
1. Let a, b, c, d, and e be digits satisfying 4 · abcde4 = 4abcde. Find all five
of the digits.
Solution: Let x = abcde. Then 4(10x + 4) = 400000 + x, from which
it follows that 39x = 399984 and x = 10256.
2. Let a, b, c, d, e be digits satisfying abc·a = bda and bda·a = cdde. What
is cdde · a?
Solution: The answer is unique, 2008. This problem is due to Marcin
Kuczma. First note that abc · a is a three-digit number so a ≤ 3 and if
a = 3, the b ≤ 3. If a = 1, then abc · a = 1bc · 1 = abc = bda in which
case bde · a is not a four-digit number. Therefore, either a = 2 or a = 3.
If a = 3, then 3bc · 3 = bda ≥ 900. This is impossible because abc · a is
a three-digit number. Thus, a = 2.

Digital Delirium

Now we can write 2bc · 2 = bd2, and in decimal(place value) form

(200+10b+c)·2 = 100b+10d+2. This simplifies to 80b−c+10d = 398.
Thus 39 ≤ 8b + d ≤ 40 and it follows from this that 30 ≤ 8b ≤ 40 and
that 3.75 ≤ b ≤ 5. In other words, either b = 4 or b = 5. Its easy
to see that b = 4 implies that d = 8 and c = 2, which means that
abc · a = 484 = bda cannot be satisfied. Trying b = 5, we see that
25c · 2 = 5d2 which translates to (250 + c) · 2 = 502 + 10d from which
it follows that c = 1 and d = 0. In this case abc = 251, abc · a =
bda = 502, and bda · a = 502 · 2 = 1004 = cdde and so e = 4. Finally
cdde · a = 1004 · 2 = 2008.

3. For each of the following problems, let S(n) = n in case n is a single

digit integer. If n ≥ 10 is an integer, S(n) is the sum of the digits of n.
Similarly P (n) is n if n is a positive single digit integer and the product
of the digits of n otherwise. If there is no solution, prove it.

(a) Find a three-digit number n = abc such that abc = P (n) + S(n) +
a · b + a · c + b · c.
Solution: Only numbers less than 200 have a chance. Trying
n = 199, we see that 81 + 19 + 81 + 9 + 9 = 199.
(b) What is the smallest solution to S(n) = 2005. Express your an-
swer in exponential notation.
Solution: The smallest number with 222 nines and 1 seven, which
is 8 · 10222 − 1.
(c) How many five-digit numbers n satisfy S(S(n)) + S(n) = 50.
Solution: S(n) must be 43. Therefore n must have at least three
9’s and either two 8’s or another 9 and a 7. There are 10 five-
digit numbers consisting of three 9’s and two 8’s and 5 five-digit
numbers that have four 9’s and one 7, for a total of 15 numbers.
(d) Find all solutions to S(S(S(n))) + S(S(n)) + S(n) = 100.
Solution: There are no solutions because S(S(S(n))) ≡ S(S(n)) ≡
S(n)(mod 9) but 100 ≡ 1(mod 9).
(e) Find all solutions to S(S(n)) + S(n) + n = 2007.
Solution: Since all three numbers are in the same congruence
class modulo 9, and their sum is a multiple of 9, they must all be
multiples of 3. If n < 1969, then S(n) + S(S(n)) < 35, so we need

Digital Delirium

not consider any number smaller than 1969. If 1987 ≤ n ≤ 1999,

then S(S(n)) + S(n) + n ≥ 1990 + 19 = 2009. Checking the other
numbers in the range give the four solutions 1977, 1980, 1983, and
2001. This was problem 22 on the AMC12A in 2007.
(f) (2007 North Carolina High School Math Contest) Find the sum
S(1) + S(2) + · · · + S(2007).
Solution: Think of the first 2007 positive integers being written
in a 2007 × 4 matrix, with first row 0001, second 0002, etc. Now
compute the sums of the four columns. Starting with the left
column, we have 999 zeros, 1000 ones, and 8 twos for a sum of 1016.
In the hundreds position, we have 200 of each non-zero digit for a
total of 200(1 + 2 + · · · + 9) = 9000. In the tens column, we have
again 200 of each non-zero digit, another 9000. Then in the fourth
column, the units digits, we have 200(45) + 1 + 2 + · + 7 = 9028.
Now summing these four numbers give 1016+9000+9000+9028 =

4. Recall the two functions floor (bc) and fractional part (hi), defined by
bxc is the largest integer that is less than or equal to x, and hxi =
x − bxc.

(a) For each member x of the set S, S = {π, 1.234, −1.234, 37 , − 73 , 13.234},
evaluate hxi and bxc.
(b) Define another function f by f (x) = x − 10b 10 c. Find f (x) and
f (bxc) for each x in S.
(c) Let g(x) = b bxc
c − 10b 100 c. Evaluate g at each of the members of
S. We have to be careful here because decimal representation is
not unique. As noted elsewhere in the notes, for example 1.9 = 2.
There number are not just very close together, they are names
for the same number. So In evaluation a function like g, we must
be careful to select a representation in advance. Unless otherwise
noted, we will regularly us the representation that has all the zeros
instead of the one with all 9s past some point.
(d) Prove that for any number x = 100a + 10b + c + f , where a is a
positive integer, b is a digit, c is a digit, and 0 ≤ f < 1, g(x) = b.
In other words, g(x) is the tens digit of x.

Digital Delirium

Solution: Note that

b100a + 10b + c + f c b100a + 10b + c + f c
g(x) = b c − 10b c
10 100
100a + 10b + c 100a + 10b + c
= b c − 10b c
10 100
= b10a + b + c/10c − 10ba + b/10 + c/100c
= 10a + b − 10a = b

5. A two-digit integer N that is not a multiple of 10 is k times the sum of

its digits. The number formed by interchanging the digits is m times
the sum of the digits. What is the relationship between m and k?
Solution: Note that 10a+b = k(a+b) and 10b+a = m(b+a). Adding
the two equations together, it follows that k + m = 11.

6. How many two-digit positive integers N have the property that the
sum of N and the number obtained by reversing the order of the digits
of N is a perfect square?
Solution: Let N = 10x + y. Then 10x + y + 10y + x = 11(x + y) must
be a perfect square. Since 1 ≤ x + y ≤ 18, it follows that x + y = 11.
There are eight such numbers: 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, and 92.

7. A check is written for x dollars and y cents, both x and y two-digit

numbers. In error it is cashed for y dollars and x cents, the incorrect
amount exceeding the correct amount by $17.82. Find a possible value
for x and y.
Solution: Note that 100y + x − (100x + y) = 99(y − x) = 1782. It
follows that y − x = 18, so any pair of two-digit numbers that differ by
18 will work.

8. Solve the alpha-numeric problem 2abc × 4 = cba2, where a, b and c are

decimal digits.
Solution: We have 4(2000 + 100a + 10b + c) = 1000c + 100b + 10a + 2.
It follows quickly that c = 8. Then 400a + (4b + 3)10 = 100b + 10a.
Thus 39a + 3 = 6b. Only a = 1 works and it follows that b = 7.
In the next two problems, we are dealing with six-digit numbers.

Digital Delirium

9. The rightmost digit of a six-digit number N is moved to the left end.

The new number obtained is five times N . What is N ?
Solution: The number is 142857. Let N = abcdef and let x =
abcde. Then we have 5N = 5(abcdef ) = f abcde. Note that we have
adopted the convention of underlining the digits of an integer in dec-
imal notation. For example ab = 10a + b. Note that 5(abcdef ) =
5(abcde0 + f ) = 5(10x + f ) = f abcde = 100000f + x. This leads to
50x − x = 100000f − 5f or 49x = 99995f . Factoring both sides gives
72 x = 5 · 7 · 2857 · f , which is equivalent to 7x = 5 · 2857 · f , from which
it follows that f = 7. Therefore x = 14285 and N = 142857.

10. Repeat the same problem with the 5 changed to a 4. That is 4(abcdef ) =
f abcde
Solution: There are several solutions, N = 128205, N = 153846, N =
102564, N = 205128, N = 179487 and N = 230769.

11. Find three three-digit numbers whose squares end with the digits 444.
Solution: They are 462, 538 and 962. Let k denote a number whose
square ends in 444. Note that the units digit of k must be either 2 or 8
since any other units digit would yield a units digit of k 2 different from
In case I, we consider those k for which the units digit is 2. Thus
k = 10n + 2 and k 2 = 100n2 + 40n + 4. In the language of modular
congruences, this means 100n2 + 40n + 4 ≡ 444 (mod 1000), and from
this it follows that 100n2 + 40n ≡ 440 (mod 1000). We can divide both
sides by 10 to get 10n2 + 4n ≡ 44 (mod 100), and this forces n to have
a units digit of 1 or 6. Trying 6, we have k = 100t + 62 for some digit
t. Squaring both sides get (100t + 62)2 = 10000t2 + 2 · 6200t + 622 =
10000t + 12400t + 3844 = 1000w + 444 for some integer w. Sorting this
out, it follows that 4t + 8 ≡ 4 (mod 10), and this requires t = 4 or
t = 9. They both work: 4622 = 213444 and 9622 = 925444. The other
case, where the units digit of n is 1 does not lead to any solutions.
Now for case II. Thus k = 10n + 8 and k 2 = 100n2 + 160n + 64. In the
language of modular congruences, this means 100n2 + 160n + 64 ≡ 444
(mod 1000), and from this it follows that 100n2 + 160n ≡ 380 (mod
1000). We can divide both sides by 10 to get 10n2 + 16n ≡ 38 (mod
100), and this forces n to have a units digit of 3 or 8. Trying 3, we have

Digital Delirium

k = 100t + 38 for some digit t. Squaring both sides get (100t + 38)2 =
10000t2 + 2 · 3800t + 382 = 10000t2 + 7600t + 1444 = 1000w + 444 for
some integer w. Thus 100000t2 + 7600t + 1000 = 1000w, which is true
only if the hundreds digit of 7600t is zero, and that happens only when
t = 5. Sorting this out, it follows that only 538 has an 8 as units digit
and a square that ends in 444: 5382 = 289444. The case where n has
units digit 8 does not lead to any solutions.

12. A six-digit number N = abcdef has the property that 7(abcdef ) =

6(def abc), where both digits a and d are non-zero. What is N ?
Solution: The number is 461, 538. To find it, let x denote the three-
digit number abc and let y denote the three-digit number def . Then
7(1000x + y) = 6(1000y + x). This leads to 6994x = 5993b, which is
equivalent to 2 · 13 · 269a = 13 · 461b, so we can let see that x = 461
and y = 538 work.

13. (1998 State Contest) How many different four digit integers can be
formed by rearranging the digits of 1998?
Solution: If the four digits were different, there would be 4! = 24
numbers, but since there are two 9’s, there two can be interchanged.
Thus there are only 24/2 = 12 different four-digit numbers.

14. (1981 State Contest) How many two-digit integers n have the property
that n − n is a perfect cube, where n is obtained from n by reversing
the digits? Note, even though n is a two-digit number, it could happen
that n is a single digit number.
Solution: 7. If n = 10a + b then n − n = 10a + b − (10b + a) = 9(a − b),
which is a perfect cube only if a − b = 3. There are 7 such numbers,
30, 41, 52, 63, 74, 85, and 96.

15. (1998 State Contest) How many three-digit numbers m have the two

(a) 3m is also a three-digit number and

(b) the union of the digits in m and 3m is the set D = {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8}.

Solution: The answer is 2. The sum 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 27, so the

sum m + 3m must be a multiple of 9. Consider the congruence class

Digital Delirium

of m modulo 9. Noting that m + 3m ≡ 0(mod 9), we can eliminate all

but m ≡ 0(mod 9). Now the only way to 9 as a sum of members of
D is 1 + 2 + 6. Consider the six permutations of 126: Only four have
three-digit triples and of those, only 126 and 261 have triples that use
the three digits {3, 7, 8}.

16. (1991 State Contest) How many ordered pairs (m, n) of decimal digits
are there for which the number K = 1m3n47 is a multiple of 7?
Solution: 14. Note that 103047 is a multiple of 7, so that 7 divides
K if and only if 7 divides 10000m + 100n = 100(100m + n), which is a
multiple of 7 precisely when 2(100m + n) is a multiple of 7. This means
that 100m + n would also have to be and so 2m + n would have to be
as well. There are 14 such ordered pairs.

17. (1995 ASHME) How many four-digit numbers, N = a b c d, satisfy all

three of the following conditions?
(i ) 4, 000 ≤ N < 6, 000; (ii ) N is a multiple of 5; (iii ) 3 ≤ b < c ≤ 6.
Solution: 24. Condition (i ) requires that a be one of the two digits,
4 or 5. Condition (ii ) requires that d be one of the two digits, 0 or 5.
Condition (iii ) requires that the ordered pair (b, c) be one of these six
ordered pairs:

(3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6), (4, 5), (4, 6), (5, 6).

Therefore, there are 2 × 2 × 6 = 24 numbers N satisfying the condi-


18. Maximizing Products

(a) Using all nonzero digits each once, build two numbers A and B so
that A · B is as large as possible.
Solution: There are two principles at work here. First, among
all products of two numbers whose sum is fixed, the largest is that
for which the numbers are as close to each other as possible. For
example. the maximum value of xy over all pairs x, y such that
x + y = S is (S/2)2 . The other principle is place value. In the
case of two numbers, the best we can do it 9642 and 87531, so
A · B = 843973902

Digital Delirium

(b) Using all nonzero digits each once, build three numbers A, B and
C so that A · B · C is as large as possible.
Solution: Here, the best is 941 · 852 · 763 = 611721516.
(c) Using all nonzero digits each once, build four numbers A, B, C
and D so that A · B · C · D is as large as possible.
Solution: The best we can do here is 92·83·74·651 = 367856664.
You can prove that this is best by first solving the problem in the
case of only 8 available digits. Then we get 92 · 83 · 74 · 65. Next
suppose digit 0 was available. Clearly it doesn’t matter where it
goes. Now if 1 is available, argue that you can do better putting
it with the 65 than elsewhere.
(d) If we build five two-digit numbers using each of the digits 0 through
9 exactly once, and the product of the five numbers is maximized,
find the greatest number among them.
Solution: 90. As we saw above, there are two principles at work
here. First we want to use each large digit where it counts the
most, that is, in the tens place. Second, when the sum of two
(or more) numbers is fixed, we can make the product as large as
possible by making the numbers as close together as possible. So
we must take the digits 5 through 9 as tens digits and 0 through
4 as units digits. To make the numbers as close as possible, use 0
with 9, 1 with 8, etc. to get 90 · 81 · 72 · 63 · 54.

19. Calling All Digits

(a) Using each nonzero digit exactly once, create three 3-digit num-
bers A, B, and C, such that A + B = C.
Solution: Let S(N ) denote the sum of the digits of N . We
can use modulo nine arithmetic to cut down on the possibilities.
Note that A + B + C ≡ 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + 9 = 45 ≡ 0 (mod
9). Also, A + B ≡ C (mod 9). Adding the two congruences,
A + B + C ≡ 0 (mod 9) and A + B − C ≡ 0 (mod 9) yields
2(A + B) ≡ 0 (mod 9) and 2C ≡ 0 (mod 9), since congruences can
be added and subtracted. It follows that C ≡ 0 (mod 9). So the
sum of the digits of C is either 9 or 18 (27 is impossible). There
are 18 numbers satisfying S(C) = 9. They are permutations of the
numbers 126, 135, and 234. These 18 numbers are all less than the

Digital Delirium

smallest sum obtainable by arranging the other 6 nonzero digits.

For example, 621 is less that 357 + 489.
There are seven three element subsets of D = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
that have a sum of member equal to 18: {{1, 8, 9}, {2, 7, 9}, {3, 6, 9}, {3, 7, 8}, {4, 5, 9}, {4,
Each of these give rise to six candidates for C. The 8 numbers less
than 400 are too small to be C, but it appears that all the other
34 numbers work. For example 237 + 654 = 891, 327 + 654 = 981,
276+543 = 819, 275+643 = 918, 586+143 = 729, etc. Of course,
once you find one set of three numbers that work, you can quickly
find seven other by interchanging pairs of digits.
(b) Again using each nonzero digit exactly once, create three 3-digit
numbers A, B, and C that are in the ratio 1 : 3 : 5.
Solution: I don’t have this problem completely solved, but I
know a lot about it. Here’s what I know. For A, B, and C to be
in the ratio 1 : 3 : 5, we must have B = 3A and C = 5A. Since
C < 1000, it follows that A < 1000/5 = 200, so the hundreds
digit of A is 1. Since C is a multiple of 5, and the digit 0 is not
available, the units digit of C must be 5 and the units digit of A is
odd. One solution is A = 129, B = 387, and C = 645. My friend
Arthur Holshouser reports that this solution is unique.
(c) Again using each nonzero digit exactly once, create three 3-digit
numbers A, B, and C that are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3.
Solution: There are four solutions and the have interesting sym-
metries: {192, 384, 576}, {219, 438, 657}, {273, 546, 819}, {327, 654, 981}.

(d) Again using each nonzero digit exactly once, create three 3-digit
numbers A, B, and C that are in the ratio 4 : 5 : 6.
Solution: The solution is unique: {492, 615, 738}. You can find it
this way. Let A = abc, B = def , C = ghi. Since a+b+c+· · ·+i =
45 is a multiple of 9, it follows that A + B + C is also a multiple of
9. Let x = (A + B + C) ÷ 15. Then A = 4x, B = 5x and C = 6x.
Now B has the form de5 because B is a multiple of 5 that cannot
have a digit 0. Note that A + B = 9x so A + B is a multiple
of 9. That means C must also be a multiple of 9, which means
x must be a multiple of 3. This means that d + e + 5 must be
one of the numbers 6, 9, 12, 15, or 18. All these possibilities are

Digital Delirium

easily eliminated except d + e = 7 and d + e = 10. However, with

some heavy-duty paper and pencil arithmetic, we can eliminate
d + e = 10 and eventually find d = 6, e = 1 from which it follows
that x = 123, A = 492, B = 615, and C = 738.
(e) Again using each nonzero digit exactly once, create three 3-digit
numbers A, B, and C that are in the ratio 3 : 7 : 8.
Solution: There are just two solutions and each uses the same
digit sets: {213, 497, 568}, {321, 749, 856}.
(f) Are there any more single digit ratios a : b : c for which the nine
nonzero digits can be used to build three numbers A, B, and C in
the ratio a : b : c.
Solution: Arthur Holshouser reports that the ratios 1 : 2 : 3, 1 :
3 : 5, 4 : 5 : 6, and 3 : 7 : 8 are the only ones that can be satisfied.
I do not have a proof of this.
(g) Using the ten digits each exactly once, create 3 numbers A, B, and
C, such that A + B = C.
Solution: One solution is A = 734, B = 895, and C = 1602. Lots
of others can be found from this one. Again must C be a multiple
of 9? Look at A + B (mod 9), and A + B + C (mod 9).


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