Feasibility Study of The Project
Feasibility Study of The Project
Feasibility Study of The Project
The proposed project is named as ISIDORE CIVIC CENTER a four-storey multi-purpose building. It is a
proposed project intended to help the residence of Labrador to have a temporary shelter in terms of
calamities and will serve as a venue for events and seminars.
The proposed project is located at Brgy. Poblacion, Labrador. It is situated in an unused elevated
land. The project is also situated 100m away from the center of marketplace Poblacion, Labrador.
The location of the proposed project was intended for recreational and residential use as declared
by the Municipal Engineering Office.
To guarantee the successful execution of the project from the smallest detail, the following shall be
strictly observed:
b. To have a space which will serve as venue for special events and training venue for the activities
of the municipality like festivals, seminars, symposium, recreation and more which could help in
encouraging its residents to engage in their activities.
c. To make an income generating building where it can hold special events, hence, help in providing
additional funds for the municipality.
D. Financial Aspect
The approximate cost of the project is equal to the total floor area multiplied by the cost per square
meter of a multi-purpose building plus the miscellaneous cost which is 10% of the total construction
cost plus the parking lot construction cost, thus:
a. Construction cost
b. Miscellaneous cost
Miscellaneous cost constitutes a 30% of the total construction cost, these includes the:
Inspection Fees
Land and Real Estate Costs
Project Management
Financing Aspect
The total project cost in the construction of Four-Storey Multi-Purpose Building will be financed and
be funded by the government.
E. Technical Aspect
This aspect covers all the design and specification of the project that includes the architectural
design, elevations, structural designs including beam design, column design, slab design, footing and
retaining wall which will be based from the National Building Code of the Philippines 2015.
Legal Feasibility
a) Building Permit
No person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government shall
erect, construct, alter, repair, move, convert or demolish any building or structure or cause the
same to be done without first obtaining a building permit therefore from the Building Official
assigned in the place where the subject building is located or the building work is to be done.
In order to obtain a building permit, the applicant shall file an application therefore in writing and on
the prescribed form with the office of the Building Official. Every application shall provide at least
the following information:
To be submitted together with such application are at least five sets of corresponding plans and
specifications prepared, signed and sealed by duly licensed architect or civil engineer in case of
architectural plans and structural plans, by a duly licensed sanitary engineer or master plumber in
case of plumbing or sanitary installation plans, by a duly licensed professional electrical engineer in
case of electrical plans and by a duly licensed professional mechanical engineer in case of
mechanical plans, except in those case exempted or not required by the Building Official under this
F. 1) Architectural Documents
a.) Location Plan within a 2.00-kilometer radius showing scale for prominent landmarks or major
thoroughfares including road access for easy reference.
b.) Site Development Plan/Location Plan at a scale of 1:200m showing position of the building in
relation to lot.
F. 2) Engineering Documents
The Site Development Plan shows the technical description, boundaries, orientation and position of
proposed non-architectural horizontal structure.
Details and schedules of structural and civil works including those deep wells, water reservoir, pipe
lines and sewer system.
c.) Structural Analysis and Design for all buildings except for one storey and single detached
building/structure with a floor area of 20.00 sq. meters or less
d.) Boring and Load Tests Pursuant to Section 7.03 (Soil Classification) of the National Structural
Code for Buildings, it is the responsibility of the designer to order adequate soil exploration
(including test borings for any building or structure of any height, if in his judgement such is
necessary. However, as a rule, test borings or load tests shall be required for buildings or structures
of four (4) stories or higher.
e.) Seismic Analysis Pursuant to Section 2.01 (Earthquake Forces) of the National Structural Code for
Buildings, every building or structure and every portion thereof, except category I of Group A
Occupancies which are less than 7.5 meters in height, shall be design and constructed to resist
stresses produced by lateral forces.
a) For new sanitary installation with more than twenty (20) units of plumbing installation, water
supply, storm drainage, water purification and sewage treatment plant, applications signed and
sealed by duly licensed Sanitary Engineer containing the following:
Isometric drawing of roughing-ins of sanitary drainage, ventilation lines, hot and/or cold
distribution/supplies of plumbing fixtures and equipment.
Detail drawings of septic tanks in the absence of disposal to the street sanitary sewer, sewage
treatment plant.
Detail drawings of deep well water source and water treatment device in the absence of municipal
water system.
b) For additional and/or alternation of existing sanitary installation involving more than twenty (20)
units of plumbing installation, water supply, storm drainage, water purification and sewerage
treatment plant, application shall be accompanied by sanitary plans and specifications signed
and sealed by a duly licensed Sanitary Engineer, containing the following:
c) For new sanitary installation with more than twenty (20) units of plumbing installations and
water supply, the Engineering documents signed and sealed by a duly license Master Plumber
who has been issued a Certificate of Recognition as a Designer by the Board of Master Plumbers
include the following:
Sanitary Plan, layout and details.
Isometric drawing of roughing-ins of sanitary drainage, ventilation lines, hot and/or cold
distribution/supplies of plumbing fixtures and equipment.
d) For additional and/or alternation of existing sanitary installation involving more than twenty (20)
units of plumbing installations and water supply, the Engineering documents signed and sealed
by a duly licensed Master Plumber who has been issued a Certificate of Recognition as a
Designer by the Board of Master Plumber include the following:
e) For new additional installation or altered plumbing installation not exceeding twenty (20) units,
Engineering signed and sealed by a duly licensed Mater Plumber shall include the following:
Isometric drawing.
The corresponding plans and specifications for 50php or more, signed and sealed by a duly licensed
Mechanical Engineer shall contain the following:
1. General layout plans each floor, to scale of not less than 1:100m; indicating the equipment in
heavier lines than the building outline. Name of machinery and corresponding break horsepower
shall be indicated.
2. Longitudinal and transverse action drawn to scale of at least 1:100m showing inter floor relations
and defining of manner of support of machinery (whether though building structure, by separate
staging, or by foundations resting on the ground).
Complete individual piping system indicating terminal to terminal valves, fittings, size and color
4. Plan indicating location of store rooms, fuel tanks, fire extinguishing system, fire escape ladders
and other similar fire protective facilities.
5. Plans of all duct work installations indicating dampers, controls, filters, fire proofing, acoustical
and thermal insulation.
6. Detailed plans of machinery foundations and support drawn to scale at least 1:50m.
7. Detailed plans of boilers and pressure vessel with a working pressure of above 10 psig regardless
of horsepower rating drawn to scale of at least 1:50m.
8. Computations and detailed plans of the elevators, escalators and like, drawn to scale at least
a) For new electrical installation with more than 20 outlet of a capacity more than 20 outlets of
more than 20Kw, of any voltage, application may be accompanied by a duly licensed
Professional Electrical Engineer, containing the following:
3. Riser diagram.
4. Schedule of loads.
5. Design analysis.
b) For addition and/or alteration of existing electrical installation involving more than 20 outlets or
more than 4kW of any voltage application shall be accompanied by electrical plans and
specifications signed and sealed by a duly Professional Electrical Engineer containing the
following: 1. Design analysis of the original service entrance equipment, main feeder/branch
together with the additional installation.
5. Estimated cost of new installation and cost of modification (for statistical purpose only).
c) For new additional or altered electrical installation not exceeding 20 outlets for a capacity of
4kW up to 600 volts, applications shall be accompanied by a bill of materials and a sketched
signed by a duly licensed Master Electrician containing the following:
General electrical layouts and legends.
Bill of Rights.