TJ 15 2021 1 156 161
TJ 15 2021 1 156 161
TJ 15 2021 1 156 161
Abstract: In this technical paper, we address the issue of predicting cash dispenser (addressed as ‘Device’ henceforth) failure by harnessing the power of humungous data from
service history, logs, metrics, transactions, and plausible environmental factors. This study helps increase device availability, enhanced customer experience, manage risk &
compliance and revenue growth. It also helps reduce maintenance cost, travel cost, labour cost, downtime, repair duration and increase meantime between failures (MTBF) of
individual components. This study uses a cognitive prioritization model which entails the following at its core; a) Machine Learning engineered features with highest influence on
machine failure, b) Observation Windows, Transition Windows and Prediction Windows to accommodate various business processes and service planning delivery windows, and
c) A forward-looking evaluation of emerging patterns to determine failure prediction score that is prioritized by business impact, for a predefined time window in the future. The
model not only predicts failure score for the devices to be serviced, but it also reduces the service miss impact for the prediction windows.
Keywords: Cash Dispenser Failure Prediction; Cognitive Prioritization Model; Feature Engineering; Machine Learning; Predictive Maintenance (PdM)
on generic approaches around predictive maintenance. Some 3.1 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
of them focus on challenges and reliability aspect of PdM in
their study [6], while others focus only on the cost and An extensive EDA is performed during this study to
economic aspect [2, 15, 19]. While there are studies done for understand data distribution before applying any model.
Industrial and IoT devices [10, 11, 12, 14, 16], there are only Univariate, Bivariate & multivariate analysis is performed to
a handful studies available for cash dispenser devices [21] understand distribution, association & correlation of these
wherein only event/error logs are considered as variables to variables better. The following Figs. 4, 5, 6 & 7 are some of
perform Time Series Classification. Strong indicators of the visuals (illustrative not exhaustive) depicting the same.
failures could be gleaned out from service history, metrics,
transactions, etc. which is missing from the existing work in
this field. The focus of this study is to harness the power of
data points from service history, logs, metrics, transactions,
and plausible environmental factors to get a holistic view
around the device and component failure.
Predictions are generated at module or component level 3.4 MODEL TRAINING & EVALUATION
and therefore, features are also engineered for each module.
As described earlier, there are two types of features used in Data for CCDM module suffers from imbalance of
this study; static & dynamic. Static features are time windows classes; ‘failure’ & ‘Operational’. Therefore, sampling
independent and dynamic features respect time windows techniques; upsampling, downsampling, SMOTE are
mentioned beforehand. employed to create a dataset with balanced classes. Inbuilt
Inventory details like ‘OEM’, ‘Age’, ‘TAR Action’, weightage techniques provided in R libraries are also
‘TAR problem’ etc. are static. Only active inventory leveraged to overcome class imbalance issue. Cross
(Devices that are not yet deinstalled) is considered for this validation and bootstrapping strategies are used in splitting
study. ‘Last Failure’, ‘Uptime’, ‘Last Visit’ etc. are computed train and test datasets to tackle overfitting issues. Numerous
using Observation Window and most recently closed ticket. experiments are carried out for each module and algorithm
Transaction features ‘Operation Count’, ‘Served Count’, combination by tuning various hyperparameter nobs to arrive
‘Reversed’ etc. are created by performing aggregation. Error at the optimal parameter values resulting in best performance
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