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Member of Staff Christian Schroeder

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newswave members of staff issue 2-19

Member of staff
Christian Schroeder
Christian Schroeder joined the Arctic Technology Depart-
ment at HSVA as a project manager in September 2013
The Hamburg Ship Model Basin Newsletter

after receiving his Master’s Degree in Naval Architecture

The perfect crush

at Hamburg University of Technology.
highlights in his work is to frequently take part in arctic sea
Since that time Christian has been involved in numerous trials with different types of vessels. The trials include work
model testing projects for ice breaking ships including a on board as well as field work on the ice.
high number of polar research and expedition vessels. Many
of those projects included design assistance with special fo- In his spare time Christian, together with his wife, enjoys
cus on ice breaking and sea keeping performance. Further- long-distance travels to various places around the world. He An approach to improve model ice
more, Christian enjoyed participating in technically challen- also likes to spend time in sporting activities, craft work and
ging, special projects for the offshore industry. One of the meeting with family and friends. ■

in brief

HSVA proudly congratulates

its employee Daniela Myland
for achieving her PhD degree!
Ice”. The thesis focused on the resistance of icebreaking
ships advancing continuously in level ice, whereby dif-
ferent aspects of the ice resistance were analysed on the Full Scale Correlation @ Sea Rearch Project ”HYKOPS“ Lifting Spirits by Testing a Depressor
basis of ice model tests. Newly developed methods and
techniques were used in the course of the model tests,
and a semi-empirical resistance prediction method was
Congratulations to Daniela Myland, Deputy Head of improved with the gained insight. The work allows an
Arctic Technology Department, for achieving her PhD enhanced analysis of the ice breaking process in model
degree at NTNU with her thesis on “Experimental and and full scale and can be seen as a basis for a refined ice
Theoretical Investigations on the Ship Resistance in Level resistance prediction in the future. ■
2 3
issue 1-16
Dear reader,
Recently, we were able to finalise the new roof of our large towing tank. Everyone

who is familiar with the dimensions of model testing facilities recognizes imme-
diately that such projects can be considered relatively large – our roof is about
300 m long. We are very proud that we were able to finalise the project at lower
cost and within a reduce timeframe than initially budgeted! Due to the improved
insulation characteristics of the roof material, we are saving energy cost and
improve the temperature stability in the tank which in consequence reduces the
uncertainty of our test results noticeably.

Reducing uncertainty at increasing accuracy and efficiency is our daily goal to
even more provide best value for money to our clients. For all our services, it is
very important for us to learn, gain insights and become even better experts to
serve you at our best continuously improving our level of expertise.
Development of alternative model
This issue of NewsWave is displaying our broad range of services – design,
model testing, calculations and full scale investigations, the strength
being the ability to verify and to validate predictions by both measured
ice for ice crushing scenarios
full scale and model scale data, as presented in our correlation article.

Speaking about validation, this has also been key to several projects
such as HYKOPS-MOVE: Results of newly developed parts of the pro- HSVA’s current model ice origins from developments in the past decades and prove good applicability. However, gro-
peller analysis program QCM have been validated against on-board
measurement data, up to the nominal wake field.
1990s and was designed mainly for the correct represen- wing interest from the offshore industry demands for tests
tation of flexural failure against sloping ship hulls. Results with different structures: monopiles, artificial islands, giant
Our design services are of growing interest within the maritime industry.
Together with our longstanding experience and a broad portfolio of from ice model tests have been validated against full scale floaters, etc. Those structures often have vertical side walls,
competences under one roof as well as a huge database, we are proud measurements from sea trials with ships throughout the which initiate ice crushing rather than flexural failure.
to provide our customers with the best design solution tailor-made for
your vessels’ purpose. The service ranges from first rough estimates at a very low
budget to detailed design optimisations.

Coming from the “basin wave generation” in hydrodynamic model testing, I am

still very fascinated by the modelling of frozen water and its ever challenging
complexity with respect to the sorts of ice nature is providing us with as well as its
different effects on the structures exposed to arctic waters. As such, the research
project FATICE is dealing with ice crushing scenarios in the tank.

As usually, you can meet us at the MARINTEC in China, and it would be great
to see you there!

Best wishes,

Dr. Janou Hennig

Impressum / Imprint Herausgeber / Editor Konzept / Concept Druck / Printing

Hamburgische Schiffbau- adMeyerART FLYERALARM GmbH
Versuchsanstalt GmbH Schwenckestraße 16 Alfred-Nobel-Straße 18
Bramfelder Straße 164 D-20255 Hamburg 97080 Würzburg
D-22305 Hamburg Tel. +49 40 646 64 581 Tel. +49 931 46584-0
Tel. +49 40 69 203-0 Fax: +49 931 46584-1080 Figure 1: Photograph of ice crushing against Norströmsgrund lighthouse (top, STRICE project) and its replication in
Fax: +49 40 69 203-345 kontakt@admeyerart.de info@flyeralarm.de
Image on title page: © HSVA www.hsva.de www.admeyerart.de www.flyeralarm.de the model basin (bottom, BRICE project)
newswave 4 5
issue 2-19
action area. These measurements indicate that most ice
load was transferred to the structure from the top layer
as shown in Figure 2. However, it is known from full
scale measurements that the highest pressures should
appear in individual zones roughly at middle height of
the ice sheet.

After trying different approaches of alternative ways

to create model ice, the most promising solution was
repeated for the latest model test series. Therein, the
ice formation is started by cooling down the room
temperature, removing all ice from the surface, and
proceeding with cooling while wavemakers keep the
water in motion with regular waves. The waves prevent
Figure 2: Snapshot from tactile sensor measurement Figure 4: Snapshot from tactile sensor measurement growth of a solid ice sheet, but single crystals start to
showing the local ice pressure over the whole ice-structure showing the local ice pressure over the whole ice-structure form. These replace the tiny fresh water crystals from
interaction area for a cylinder with 200 mm diameter in interaction area for a cylinder with 200 mm diameter in the standard spraying procedure. When the wavema-
current model ice new model ice kers are stopped, the ice grows in a more natural way.
Model tests with cylinders reveal that the crushing
by Gesa Ziemer process looks more similar to reality. Local loads appear
less uniform, and the highest pressures are transferred
Although past tests have shown that the load level in partners can use as input for their respective works. The fresh water is sprayed into the cold air, forming small at middle height just as expected from full scale mea-
ice crushing is represented well with the current model overall project goal is to develop new methods to assess ice crystals before settling on the water surface. These surements. The out-of-plane deformation observed in
ice, visual observation of the failure process indicates fatigue life of structures to design them more cost-efficiently. crystals initiate the growth of fine-grained ice of prima- tests with conventional model ice is cancelled. The loads
that HSVA’s current model ice is not sufficiently suited to rily columnar structure below them. The resulting model scale linearly with geometric lengths of model and ice.
replicate interaction of ice with vertical structures. The The second FATICE model test phase has been conduc- ice sheet is composed of a thin fresh ice top layer with These promising results will be investigated further
out-of-plane deformation of the ice sheet is highly over- ted in July 2019. In this phase, two cylindrical structures similar thickness regardless of total ice thickness, and a in the on-going test analysis, and the ice preparation
estimated, and the transportation of crushed ice around were comparatively tested in HSVA model ice and in an thicker bottom layer that provides the target thickness. procedure will be further improved in the next FATICE
the structure is not realistic. Figure 1 shows a compa- alternative model ice. HSVA’s current model ice is frozen In the first FATICE tests, tactile sensors were attached to model test phases. ■
rison of ice crushing observed on a full scale structure from a 0.7% sodium chloride solution. The ice sheet the test cylinders to monitor the contact area and local
(Norströmsgrund lighthouse) with a model test of the preparation starts with a seeding procedure in which pressure distribution over the entire ice-structure inter- contact: ziemer@hsva.de
same structure at scale 1: 8.7 performed at HSVA in 2012.

In the MarTERA ERA-NET COFUND project FATICE (Fati-

gue Damage from Dynamic Ice Action), HSVA approa-
ches this issue by dedicated model tests and further de-
velopment of an alternative model ice. Project partners
in FATICE are the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, DIMB
Engineering, and Siemens Wind Power B.V. The German
part of the consortium is funded through BMWi. FATICE
deals with the assessment of fatigue damage of fixed
offshore structures exposed to drifting sea ice. As one
aspect of the project, HSVA conducts three series of
model tests to improve the model ice and ultimately
to provide high quality measurement data that project

Figure 3: Cylindrical model crushing through current mo-

del ice (left) and new model ice (right) during FATICE tests
newswave 6 7
issue 2-19

Photo courtesy of DGzRS/Die Seenotretter

Photo courtesy of Hans-Uwe Schnoor

Figure 2:86 m Offshore
Patrol Vessel delivered to
the German Federal Police
by Fr. Fassmer Werft
(Photo courtesy of Hans-
Uwe Schnoor)

Investigating Full Scale Correlation @ Sea For any vessel that has been numerically or experimen-
tally investigated at HSVA, we offer to evaluate trial
results including reporting and consultation free of
attendance and conduct of measurements on board as
well as the independent witnessing of trials. We are also
happy to offer the assessment of on-board monitoring
charge. The underlying measurement data can easily data which can be provided upon request. ■
Figure 1:28 m SAR Cruiser delivered to the German Maritime be submitted directly to the responsible Project Ma-
Search and Rescue Association by Fr. Fassmer Werft nager in HSVA‘s Resistance & Propulsion Department.
(Photo courtesy of DGzRS/Die Seenotretter) HSVA also offers a one-stop service including sea trial contact: reinholz@hsva.de

The recent months saw a large number of newbuil- Thankfully, HSVA had the opportunity to be on board
ding deliveries in which HSVA took a major role during quite a large number of pre-delivery sea trials
in order to witness procedures and to record measure-
during the hydrodynamic optimisation and the model ment data. This data are not only used for thorough and
test verification phase. dedicated sea trial reports but also contribute to extend
our database for long-term statistics, ensuring the ac-
curacy of HSVA‘s model to full scale correlation.

Especially the series of the three identical OPVs provided

valuable insight into the functionality of the individual
by Oliver Reinholz correction methods for environmental impacts such
as wind and waves. The trials for the fast SAR vessels
The great variety of ship types included cruise ships, allowed a detailed study of the powering aspects both
yachts and fast rescue vessels. Among those also three in deep and in shallow water. Most importantly and of
identical Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) were handed immediate interest to our customers the trial results
over to the owner in short succession. Within the pro- confirmed HSVA‘s correlation method with exquisitely The 40th MARINTEC CHINA 2019 will take place Dr. Yan Xing‐Kaeding and Hilmar Klug will be on site for
jects all typical propulsion concepts – conventional pro- satisfying accuracy. Nevertheless, HSVA will remain com- HSVA. Michael Waechter will be in Shanghai for SDC.
peller as well as pod arrangements – were covered. Ship mitted to continuously monitor our model to full scale
from 3 to 6 December 2019 in Shanghai.
sizes ranged from 30 to 300 m – representing a typical correlation method in order to maintain the quality of our HSVA has its own small stand in the German Pavilion. Website of the German Pavilion:
selection of vessels in HSVA‘s project portfolio. services and reliability of our ship powering predictions. Our stand number is N2B6A‐04 in hall N2. https://marintec.german‐pavilion.com
newswave 8 9
issue 2-19

MOVE – Modeltests and Development Figure 3: The LOCH SEAFORTH in the harbour of Stornoway
(Outer Hebrides)

of Numerical Methods for the Research

Project ”HYKOPS“ of the LOCH SEAFORTH as well as their corresponding
model tests. Power measurements have been made by
Figure 2: Global cylindrical
profile sections are shown in
red, appropriate local oriented
sections are shown in black
the project partner FSG, and the total – and nominal (!)
wake fields have been measured by URO.
Recently the joined research project ”HYKOPS”– a In order to invoke the analysis of tip-raked propellers, it an outermost located reference point (No. 71) has been
frame work to describe unconventional propeller geo- This article presents some topics of the investigations was necessary to review this pre-processing. The trans- used to normalise the results. As a main finding the axial
carried out at HSVA, which are: formation of the geometry could be validated using two wake components differ in the mean sense only mar-
metries” has been finished successfully. HYKOPS was examples (LOCH SEAFORTH-propeller and the Potsdam ginally between both scales. This can be regarded as a
a national research project, financed by the Federal Propeller Code QCM, Geometry Description Test Case propeller P1727). further supporting reference for the good model – full
scale correlation of the cavitation test results obtained
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) un-
The propeller analysis program QCM used at HSVA The results are already promising, nevertheless the ap- in the HYKAT. The combination of the full scale wake- as
der the funding code 03SX401D with several partners allows for fast computations and results processing as plication will be extended in the daily practice to gain as well as power-measuring campaign is further used to
linking maritime industry and research: well as for an efficient pre-processing of the propeller much confidence as for conventional propellers.
geometry. Classical propeller geometries are described
■ Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG by a natural cylindrical coordinate system, using the Wake Field in Model- and Full Scale
(FSG, project coordination) radius as one independent coordinate, where the profile
sections are defined along each radius. For tip-raked Measurements of local wake field components in full
■ Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und propellers a radius, dependent on the axial coordinate, scale as well as in model scale in the HYKAT, HSVA’s large
Transportsysteme (DST) is an appropriate choice, where the profile sections can Hydrodynamic and Cavitation Tunnel, could be perfor-
■ Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt Potsdam GmbH (SVA) be located on an individual cone with an additional med by the project partner URO. Due to the suppressed
angle of orientation related to the slope of the cone. free surface in the HYKAT the tests could be carried out
■ Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Inst.
Figure 1 shows the cylindrical and the conical orientati- at much higher speed as classically in the towing tank.
für Fluiddynamik und Schiffstheorie (TUHH)
The measurements were performed by means of PIV
■ Universität Rostock, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik (Particle Image Velocimetry) in a plane upstream of the
und Informatik (URO) propeller. Figure 3 shows the LOCH SEAFORTH in the
■ ISA Propulsion GmbH & Co. KG (ISA) harbour of Stornoway (Outer Hebrides), built by the pro-
ject partner FSG. Both, the total as well as the nominal Figure 4: Comparison of the local nominal wake fraction,
■ Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH (MMG) wake fields have been measured. Especially the nominal measured in HYKAT (red) and in full scale (green). (Source:
■ Friendship Systems AG (FSYS) wake field is a challenge to determine in full scale due University of Rostock)
to the presence of a working propeller. The specific
choice of this twin screw vessel and the excellent colla- calibrate the full scale CFD wake predictions with special
by Tom Luecke and Heinrich Streckwall boration of the ship crew from Caledonian MacBrayne focus on modelling hull roughness.
Figure 1: Two reference planes for a profile section orientati- made it possible to sail the ship in single shaft mode for
Within this framework HSVA was involved in theoretical on, left global cylindrical and right local cone a certain period. While the port side shaft was driven, The collected wake data in model- and full scale and the
and practical topics. Firstly, in the enhancement of the the starboard shaft was idling as low as possible, allo- developed methods represent an important element
propeller analysis program QCM, in order to improve on of a blade section. As a consequence, profile camber wing the measurements of the nominal wake field. for the understanding of ship-propeller interaction in
the prognosis of the hydrodynamic characteristics of and thickness have to be measured based on the local general and the design of unconventional propellers in
unconventional tip-raked propellers. Secondly, these orientation rather than on the classical global cylindrical Figure 4 shows the axial nominal wake fractions in particular. The financial support by the national funding
hydrodynamic characteristics have been investigated by orientation. This difference is depicted in Figure 2, whe- model as well as in full scale looking downstream. Since is gratefully acknowledged. ■
means of cavitation observations together with power re the global cylinder definition is shown in red and the the real ship speed through water at each instant is
measuring campaign and wake measurements on board appropriate local oriented definition is shown in black. difficult to determine, the axial velocity component in contact: luecke@hsva.de / streckwall@hsva.de
newswave 10 11
issue 2-19
Figure 1: Comparison of bow concepts

Considerations on Vertical Stems

but takes into account these operating profiles compri- Care needs to be taken also when comparing designs
sing various draft-speed combinations. In consequence and when making speed-power prediction. The larger
bulbs have become much more slender than in the past length between perpendiculars (Lpp) results in a (calcula-
reducing their effect in design conditions slightly but tory) lower block coefficient (CB) – but this is just a virtual
gaining significant better performance in other condi- change. More reliably the assessment should be based on
Starting off from the middle of the 20th century ships side effect is the resulting more slender waterline in case a tions. Most recently many designs feature a vertical stem the length over surface (Los) in these cases.
bulb is added. contour either without any bulb or with a bulb-like shape
have been equipped with bulbous bows aiming to integrated below the waterline (see sketch in Figure 1) Figure 2 shows generic resistance curves illustrating the
reduce bow wave making. Being at the beginning an The articulated downstream bulbs that were common reminiscent of the classical liner silhouettes from the general relation between bulbous bow and a vertical
practice in the first decade of the 21st century showed beginning of the 20th century. stem solution. Fundamentally the decision on the con-
experienced-based, empirical game of trial and error the
excellent performance in the vicinity of their design cept to use needs to be made based on the speed range
evolution of computational tools providing insight into point (draught/speed). However, the upcoming trend for Does this represent primarily a visual design element or is covered by the operating profile.
flow field details have led to a more rational assessment slow-steaming quickly revealed that these bulbs had the there a real advantage of this kind of design?
tendency to add significant extra power demand on low In practice the decision on which design variant to choo-
and design of bulbs and related bow shapes. speeds. Investigations show that these voluminous bulbs The design requirements and constraints have changed se is governed by more complex considerations which
virtually “turn” the speed-power curve with the fix-point remarkably due to the already mentioned reduction need to elaborate which design has the highest potential
often located at Froude numbers around 0.2. Secondly in ship speeds (slow steaming), the broader focus on for optimisation.
the performance of these vessels proved to be very poor operating profiles and additionally due to the trend for
in some cases when they were operated on partial loaded wider ships leading to smaller L/B ratios. The latter leads
draughts when the bulb is partly emerged. Sometimes to increased waterline entrance angles. Above certain
the power demand on ballast draught is then even higher waterline angles a bulb is no longer able to significantly
than on design draught despite the much smaller wetted influence the flow regime around the stem. In such cases
by Florian Kluwe and Henning Grashorn surface. Furthermore, tests carried out at HSVA show that fitting a bulb becomes redundant. In this respect the
the added resistance in waves can be more than 50% hig- vertical stem can be considered as logical evolution of
The bulb in front of the stem evidently represents an her for vessels with bulbs having face normal with large displacement bulbs known from slow full block vessels
efficient way of reducing the height of the bow wave, longitudinal component. for many years. They do not follow the flow acceleration
especially for Froude numbers above 0.2. The underlying principle but take advantage from providing additional
principle mainly relies on counteracting the stagnation Nowadays ship-owners take much more effort in analy- buoyancy making waterline more slender, reducing the
pressure at the bow (leading to the build-up of a bow sing the in-service performance of their vessels. This has waterline entrance angle and providing a softer forward
wave) by accelerating the flow prior to reaching the stem. raised awareness not to focus on single design points shoulder. As both, the speed and the waterline entrance
According to Bernoulli’s equation this reduces the pressure but to take into account realistic operating profiles when angle of a vessel have a direct impact on the height of
in the flow. Furthermore the bulb design gives the possibi- judging upon the performance of vessels. Taking the the bow wave and the position of the bow wave crest,
lity to influence the wave interaction not only at the stem, aforesaid into account the hull form optimisation today in these parameters need a different tuning when imple- Figure 2: Generic resistance curves showing the fundamental
but also along the hull (e.g. forward shoulder). A positive most cases does no longer focus on a single design point menting a straight stem. effect observed for the different bow concepts
newswave 12 13
issue 2-19
The following list summarizes the influencing factors for the
decision on vertical stem (inter alia):
■ Block coefficient CB
■ L/B ratio (i.e. waterline angle)
■ Operating profile (speed range, draft range)
■ Area of operation (added resistance in waves)
■ Wave interference between bow wave system(s)
and wave generated at forward shoulder

HSVA gained experience within several projects where both

bow variants have been put into competition for the most
efficient design. The results confirm the statements made
Figure 1: 3D-front view of the controllable depressor model
above in principle but conclusions need to be drawn carefully
due to the complex interaction of other hull design elements.
Figure 3: Decision-profiles for the application of vertical
For example for vessels with similar fullness in a comparable stem concepts
speed range our assessment revealed contrary results in

Lifting Spirits by Testing a Depressor

favour and against vertical stem. The interaction with the for- the water surface along the bow. This has a positive effect
ward shoulder and the shape of the waterline play a role here. on the secondary wave system but needs to be tuned with
Generally the decision in most cases is a trade-off between the forward shoulder wave system.
the reduction of the bow wave by a low pressure genera-
ting bulb and a reduction of bow wave height by increase Finally when making the decision for a vertical stem comes
slenderness of the waterline. Figure 4 shows a comparison with some side effects as it always increases the length Recently HSVA tested the hydrodynamic characteristics the measurements is a new feature which is realised by
of the two bow concepts, bulbous bow and vertical stem. In between perpendiculars (Lpp) and consequently may also in- an innovative inductive coupling system of the sensors
of a depressor for the scientific research project MOSES
the example the design locally takes advantage of stretching fluence the concept design also in non-hydrodynamic terms, to the measurement cable. There is no need for plugged
pressure gradients leading to a longer but smaller elevation of e.g. position of the collision bulkhead. ■ (Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems) or fixed connections that always incorporate the risk of
(www.ufz.de/moses), analysing vortices and measu- water ingress. The sensors in the depressor and along
the cable all communicate via a bus system and can be
contact: kluwe@hsva.de / grashorn@hsva.de ring temperature, salinity, oxygen concentrations and placed at arbitrary positions.
chlorophyll in the oceans.
The test object was supplied by the customer repre-
senting the first prototype of a low-drag and high
by Soeren Bruens
HSVA Services
On behalf of the innovative water probe manufacturer
Sea & Sun Technology GmbH (www.sea-sun-tech.com)
■ Review of hull / bow forms,
together with the Research Centre Helmholtz-Zent-
incl. viscous flow CFD and
rum Geesthacht (www.HZG.de), HSVA has carried out
suggestions for improvements
submerged towing tests for a “Controllable Depressor”.
■ Preparation of an alternative The depressor is intended for pulling down a measure-
(bow) design ment cable with multiple sensors attached to it while
■ Design of specialised bow being towed behind a research vessel. A 3D-model is
and bulb forms – e.g. for the shown in Figure 1. The depressor is self-controlling its
operation in ice depth and thereby the sensors along the instrumenta-
tion chain keep a defined submergence. The system is
■ Partial (e.g. bow) or full then able to send real-time measurement data for the
optimisation of vessel Figure 2: Depressor submerged and connected to the
different environmental parameters at different layers
towing carriage in free towing mode
Figure 4: Comparison of bow concepts of the oceans. The possibility for online-monitoring of
newswave 14 15
issue 2-19
“inverse” lift generating depressor. The concept features of the vehicle. On HSVA’s side we have added valuable
“flying wing” design and is equipped with two ailerons equipment to our toolset for underwater experiments
for adjusting the pitch angle and for controlling the ori- that is ready for use in future projects. ■
entation. Its operation profile is defined for submerging
the instrumentation chain to depths of about 50 m to contact: bruens@hsva.de
100 m and speeds of up to 10 knots.

In order to determine the relevant hydrodynamic

characteristics for further simulations and to assess
the dynamic behaviour, HSVA carried out tests in two
different setups: Fully submerged resistance tests in a
captive condition as well as tests in a free towing condi-
tion, comparable to the intended use in operation. From
the captive test the basic hydrodynamic properties
of the depressor at different angles of attack, various
speeds and in combination with different aileron angles
could be determined. With second series of tests with
the depressor being towed in free-moving condition, its
behaviour in the intended working condition has been

For the captive towing test the controllable depressor

was attached to HSVA’s deep towing device R39 – a
stainless steel foil fitted to the main towing carriage. It
has a length of about 5 m to assure that the test object
operates in sufficiently deep water in order to avoid any
influences of the free water surface. For a strong and
stiff connection HSVA designed and built a custom-ma-
de mounting adapter made from brass. The streamlined
body does not only form the foundation for the depres-
sor but also incorporates a 6-component force sensor.
On the top side it has been connected to the flange of
HSVA’s deep towing device. The deep towing device
can be tilted in order to realise pitch angles of ± 5°. The
system, ready for installation, is shown in Figure 3.

In the free towing condition the depressor was connec-

ted to the main towing rope via a steel cable with a
two-point mounting on the object: One point close to
the nose and one at the rear side. In order to keep the
object free in its pitch a pulley was used to connect the
main towing rope with the steel cable. Figure 2 shows After the successful round trip to our customers, partners
the depressor being towed under water. and friends in South Korea last year, HSVA took part in
the KORMARINE exhibition in Busan in October this year.
All tests have been conducted successfully and showed
very promising results. With the obtained hydrodynamic Dr. YongPyo Hong and Hilmar Klug represented HSVA
characteristics the simulation model will be enhanced. in the German Pavilion and we thank all our visitors for
The results are input to the next stage of the system the very interesting discussions and talks. We are look-
development enabling design improvements related in Figure 3: Depressor mounted at the „R39“ deep towing ing forward to continuing our long lasting cooperation
particular to lift to drag performance and controllability device – ready for installation on the towing carriage with you. ■
newswave members of staff issue 2-19
Member of staff
Christian Schroeder
Christian Schroeder joined the Arctic Technology Depart-
ment at HSVA as a project manager in September 2013
The Hamburg Ship Model Basin Newsletter

after receiving his Master’s Degree in Naval Architecture

The perfect crush

at Hamburg University of Technology.
highlights in his work is to frequently take part in arctic sea
Since that time Christian has been involved in numerous trials with different types of vessels. The trials include work
model testing projects for ice breaking ships including a on board as well as field work on the ice.
high number of polar research and expedition vessels. Many
of those projects included design assistance with special fo- In his spare time Christian, together with his wife, enjoys
cus on ice breaking and sea keeping performance. Further- long-distance travels to various places around the world. He An approach to improve model ice
more, Christian enjoyed participating in technically challen- also likes to spend time in sporting activities, craft work and
ging, special projects for the offshore industry. One of the meeting with family and friends. ■

in brief

HSVA proudly congratulates

its employee Daniela Myland
for achieving her PhD degree!
Ice”. The thesis focused on the resistance of icebreaking
ships advancing continuously in level ice, whereby dif-
ferent aspects of the ice resistance were analysed on the Full Scale Correlation @ Sea Rearch Project ”HYKOPS“ Lifting Spirits by Testing a Depressor
basis of ice model tests. Newly developed methods and
techniques were used in the course of the model tests,
and a semi-empirical resistance prediction method was
Congratulations to Daniela Myland, Deputy Head of improved with the gained insight. The work allows an
Arctic Technology Department, for achieving her PhD enhanced analysis of the ice breaking process in model
degree at NTNU with her thesis on “Experimental and and full scale and can be seen as a basis for a refined ice
Theoretical Investigations on the Ship Resistance in Level resistance prediction in the future. ■

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