Member of Staff Christian Schroeder
Member of Staff Christian Schroeder
Member of Staff Christian Schroeder
Member of staff
Christian Schroeder
Christian Schroeder joined the Arctic Technology Depart-
ment at HSVA as a project manager in September 2013
The Hamburg Ship Model Basin Newsletter
in brief
who is familiar with the dimensions of model testing facilities recognizes imme-
diately that such projects can be considered relatively large – our roof is about
300 m long. We are very proud that we were able to finalise the project at lower
cost and within a reduce timeframe than initially budgeted! Due to the improved
insulation characteristics of the roof material, we are saving energy cost and
improve the temperature stability in the tank which in consequence reduces the
uncertainty of our test results noticeably.
Reducing uncertainty at increasing accuracy and efficiency is our daily goal to
even more provide best value for money to our clients. For all our services, it is
very important for us to learn, gain insights and become even better experts to
serve you at our best continuously improving our level of expertise.
Development of alternative model
This issue of NewsWave is displaying our broad range of services – design,
model testing, calculations and full scale investigations, the strength
being the ability to verify and to validate predictions by both measured
ice for ice crushing scenarios
full scale and model scale data, as presented in our correlation article.
Speaking about validation, this has also been key to several projects
such as HYKOPS-MOVE: Results of newly developed parts of the pro- HSVA’s current model ice origins from developments in the past decades and prove good applicability. However, gro-
peller analysis program QCM have been validated against on-board
measurement data, up to the nominal wake field.
1990s and was designed mainly for the correct represen- wing interest from the offshore industry demands for tests
tation of flexural failure against sloping ship hulls. Results with different structures: monopiles, artificial islands, giant
Our design services are of growing interest within the maritime industry.
Together with our longstanding experience and a broad portfolio of from ice model tests have been validated against full scale floaters, etc. Those structures often have vertical side walls,
competences under one roof as well as a huge database, we are proud measurements from sea trials with ships throughout the which initiate ice crushing rather than flexural failure.
to provide our customers with the best design solution tailor-made for
your vessels’ purpose. The service ranges from first rough estimates at a very low
budget to detailed design optimisations.
As usually, you can meet us at the MARINTEC in China, and it would be great
to see you there!
Best wishes,
Investigating Full Scale Correlation @ Sea For any vessel that has been numerically or experimen-
tally investigated at HSVA, we offer to evaluate trial
results including reporting and consultation free of
attendance and conduct of measurements on board as
well as the independent witnessing of trials. We are also
happy to offer the assessment of on-board monitoring
charge. The underlying measurement data can easily data which can be provided upon request. ■
Figure 1:28 m SAR Cruiser delivered to the German Maritime be submitted directly to the responsible Project Ma-
Search and Rescue Association by Fr. Fassmer Werft nager in HSVA‘s Resistance & Propulsion Department.
(Photo courtesy of DGzRS/Die Seenotretter) HSVA also offers a one-stop service including sea trial contact:
The recent months saw a large number of newbuil- Thankfully, HSVA had the opportunity to be on board
ding deliveries in which HSVA took a major role during quite a large number of pre-delivery sea trials
in order to witness procedures and to record measure-
during the hydrodynamic optimisation and the model ment data. This data are not only used for thorough and
test verification phase. dedicated sea trial reports but also contribute to extend
our database for long-term statistics, ensuring the ac-
curacy of HSVA‘s model to full scale correlation.
MOVE – Modeltests and Development Figure 3: The LOCH SEAFORTH in the harbour of Stornoway
(Outer Hebrides)
in brief