Catambacan, ArgieC11Part1
Catambacan, ArgieC11Part1
Catambacan, ArgieC11Part1
Frequency Table
This table illustrates the predicted student’s final grade, and you can conclude
that almost 30% of the students anticipate a grade of “A.” Meanwhile, they were 24
students who predicted grades of “B” and “C.” Further, there are only 2 out of 37
students who would receive a grade of “D.” Thus, the good thing is that there was not a
single student who would be failed in the class.
Mode: The modes are “B” and “C”, because it is the highest frequencies and appears
most often in a set of data values.
Mode: From this table, the mode is female with 26 frequencies. It is the mode because it
has the highest frequencies among the variable.
Missing 0 0
Points on Exam One Points on Exam Two
N Valid 37 37
Missing 0 0
Mode 50 93a
The table reports that the mean value for the first exam is 65.95, and on the
second exam, the average score is 78.11. With this information, we can say that there
was a 12-point improvement in the students' performance on the second test.