F2F Applied Business Tools HM 213 Brandon Rey Arante First Semester 2021
F2F Applied Business Tools HM 213 Brandon Rey Arante First Semester 2021
F2F Applied Business Tools HM 213 Brandon Rey Arante First Semester 2021
Province of Cebu
Gabi, Cordova, Cebu
College of Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Pre-requisites : None
I. Cordova Public College Vision : A community-based college that shall offer quality education at a low tuition fee.
II. Cordova Public College Mission : To offer affordable and quality education, primarily but not exclusively, to the Cordovanhons with the end
in view that education shall be within everyone’s reach.
III. Cordova Public College Core Values : Patriotism; Respect; Accessibility; Integrity; Spirituality; Excellence; Service
IV. College Outcomes:
To foster, sustain and support the knowledge proficiency, and professional levels essential to employment.
To develop the capacity to grow into fully qualified professional leaders
To cultivate the spirit of nationalism enhancing individual and social awareness of society and community
To inculcate a strong sense of commitment and dedication to any profession guided by faith and strong moral fervor
Develop intellectually motivated individuals demonstrating scientific training through related academic activities; research and evaluation that will
contribute to the local and national development
Train for democratic leadership characterized by commitment to the vision-mission of the institution
Contribute to the socio-economic, technological, scientific and cultural growth of man in society
Produce self-reliant citizens imbued with love of his/her community and country
Subject: Applied
Program Business Tools
Learning and Technologies Performance Indicators
Outcomes Code: HM 213
Unit: 3
PLO1 X 1. Update and apply latest developments in the Hospitality Industry
PLO2 Use and select appropriate up-to-date tools and technologies
PLO3 X practiced in the hospitality industry
PLO4 X Perform using systems and application in the hospitality industry
PLO5 effectively.
PLO6 X Interpret the usage of tools and machineries used in the
PLO7 X hospitality industry.
2. Able to work independently and collaboratively.
Adapt in a diverse and diverge workplace.
Communicate with others to achieve business objectives.
3. Practice ethical responsibility and professionalism in the Hospitality
PLO11 X Industry.
PLO12 X Observe honesty and integrity by avoiding plagiarism and proper
PLO13 X usage of devices.
PLO14 X Exercise proper managing of data confidentiality.
PLO15 X 4. Able to use tools and technologies for planning, organizing, leading, and
PLO16 X controlling.
PLO17 X 5. Apply modern tools and technologies for various operations in the
PLO18 Hospitality Industry.
PLO19 X Use the internet and social media for promotion and marketing
PLO20 X strategies.
PLO21 Familiarize the functions and uses of the Point-of-Sales System.
PLO22 X 6. Create solutions and decisions using computer programs and internet for
PLO23 various business situations.
7. Use various different communicating device and system for different
operations in the Hospitality Management.
8. Use tools and technologies to reduce risks and potential danger to guest
PLO26 and establishment.
VII. Course Description: This course is designed to provide a clear overview of the application of definite tools and technologies to the Hospitality industry
in conjunction with its uses, importance, impacts, and concepts of ethical business strategies, laws, codes, and regulations. It also enables learners to
understand business languages and terminologies and its application to the tangible workplace scenario. This course delves on the symbiotic relation of
information technology to the hospitality industry, showing the various benefits brought and the opportunities occurred. This will also serve as an
introduction of the usage of some tools, technologies, and systems such as the Point-of-Sales system (POS), Folio Plus System, &Computer Reservation
System (CRS).
Chapter 4. Business
Languages and
Business 3 Hours
Etiquettes and
Fixing a Conflict
Effective Business
Impact of Social
Media on the
Tourism Industry
Chapter 5.
Technology 6 Hours
Uses of
Technology in the
Tourism Industry
Network and
Security Issues in
Impact of
Technology on
the Travel
Agency Business
At the end of the lesson, Chapter 6. The Point 6 Hours
the students should be of Sale System
able to: POS - Lecture - Paper and - Guide
1. Define POS and Uses of POS Pencil Questions
enumerate and Hardware Used in Test(Quiz, and
discuss its different POS - Group and Seatwork) Activities
uses, types, and the Types of POS Individual Reporting (From the
hardware used. Books)
2. Describe how the Chapter 7. FOLIO - Oral and Group 3 Hours
FOLIO system works Plus System - Small Group Report
and describe its How FOLIO Discussion (Brainstorming) - Whiteboar
different features. System works d Marker
3. Define CRS and Features of the
discuss its importance FOLIO system - Debate - Oral
and effects to travel Participation - Technolog
agencies operation Chapter 8. Computer y Visual
4. Define and Reservation System - Oral Participation Aids (PPT)
understand GDS and (CRS) - Case Study
its major systems Computer (With Rubrics) 3 Hours
5. Discuss and Reservation - Role Play - Applied
enumerate the Sabre System Business
basic functionalities Importance of Tools by
- Problem Solving James DC
CRS in the Travel
Industry Saycip
Effects of CRS in
- Demonstration
the Operations of - Computer
Travel Agencies / Laptop
- Video Presentation (videos
Chapter 9. Global watching)
Distribution System
(GDS) 3 Hours
Business - Computer
Languages and for Data
Terminologies Analysis
Major GDS (microsoft
Systems excel and
GDS Core minitab
Functions software)
Quizzes 10%
Attendance/Oral participation 15%
Modules/Projects 25%
Major Examination (Midterm and Final) 50%
TOTAL 100%
Online Sources:
1. www.mentimeter.com
2. www.classroom.google.com/h
3. www.google.com
Consultation Hours:
Monday – Wednesday - Friday (4:00 PM – 6:00 PM) - (Two hours is required)
Tuesday – Thursday - (5:30 PM – 7:00 PM)
E-mail add: arante.brandon.bshm.cp@gmail.com
Contact Number: 09661668385
Prepared by:
Instructor 1 Date Submitted:__________________________
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