Copy of Copy of ليلة الامتحان اولى ثانوى
Copy of Copy of ليلة الامتحان اولى ثانوى
Copy of Copy of ليلة الامتحان اولى ثانوى
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
Zeinab: Manal did a test yesterday. Do you think she read all engineering from the nineteenthcentury. I need to think of
her notes first? another one.
Hala: 3 She can’t have read all her notes. . She only got 10 out of 50. Ali :2 How about the London underground ?
I’m sure she’ll do better next time. Walid: The London underground? That’s a good idea. It was
Zeinab: 4 Do you have a phobia about doing exams? . a very difficult project!
Hala: I get nervous about exams sometimes, but I don’t have a Ali :Yes. 3 Do you need help to find more information?
phobia! Walid: 4 No, I can find it on the internet. Thank you.
f-Someone is making a complaint at a hotel. c-Eman and Amal are talking about detective stories.
Man: I’m sorry to bother you. I’d like to make a complaint. Amal: 1 What are you reading ?
Hotel office : 1 What's the problem, sir? Eman: I’m reading a detective story by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Man: The window in my room won’t close. Amal: I like detective stories, too. Last week I read a
Hotel office : 2 I do apologise . I’ll ask someone to repair it for Sherlock Holmes story.
you this afternoon Eman: 2 What was the story about ?
Man :3 Surely they could come/repair it now? Amal: It was about a man who disappears from a hotel. I
Hotel office : OK, I’ll see if someone can visit your room now. don’t really understand what happened.
Man: When do you think they will have repaired it? I’d like to Eman: 3 Let’s ask my sister . She knows all about his books.
go out in thirty minutes. Amal: Ask your sister? 4 That’s a good idea.
Hotel office : 4 They will have repaired it before you go out. . Eman: Ok. Let’s go and see if she’s in her room.
Man : Before I go out? Thank. :ْاٌغؤاي اٌضبٍٔ فٍ وسلخ االِزحب
1-Finish the following dialogue: All practice tests Term 2 1:You see a boy hitting your brother. "Don’t you dare do that"
a-Samir and Tarek are discussing their summer plans . )اك اُ ذفؼو رىلٝل ذق٘ه ( أٞعشب اخٝ د ٗىذٝسا
Samir: Do you have any plans for the summer? P.T 4 2: You ask a policeman the way to the bank.
Tarek: Yes.1 My family and I are going to the Red Sea. Could you tell me the way to the bank please? ( ق ىيثْلٝ ػِ اىطشٜذغأه ششغ
Samir: The Red Sea’s beautiful. You and your family will love )ق ىيثْل؟ٝ ػِ اىطشّٜٕو ذخثش
it. I think it has the best beaches in Egypt. 3:You show the way to the bank to someone .ق ىشخصِٝ اىطشٞذث
Tarek: 2 Are you going anywhere this summer?/What are you doing this Go straight on. Then turn left. The bank is on your left. ارٕة ٍثاششج
summer ? غاسكٝ ٜ اىثْل ػي. غاسٝ ثٌ ادخو
Samir: I plan to go to Bournemouth. 4: Your brother spilt coffee on your books. You were very angry .
Tarek: 3 Did you say Bournemouth ? Where is it? " That's terrible".) غٞ ( ٕزا فظ. أّد غاظة جذا. مرثلٜل عنة اىقٖ٘ج ػيٞأخ
Samir: Yes, Bournemouth! It’s in England. 5: Your friend accidentally spills some orange juice on you
Tarek: That’s interesting! Will you send me a postcard? jacket. You aren't angry.'Never mind". شٞقل عنة تؼط ػصٝصذ
Samir: Yes. I’ll send you a postcard.(And I’ll buy you a souvenir.) )لٞ ( ال ػي. ٗأّد ىغد غاظة. دٞ اىجامٜاىثشذقاه تذُٗ قصذ ػي
b-Walid and Ali are discussing great works of engineering. 6:You accidentally bump into a stranger in the street . You
Walid: When was the Suez Canal opened, Ali? P.T.5 apologize "I'm so sorry". ) أعف جذاّْٜ اىشاسع ذق٘ه ( اٜة فٝ غشٜتذُٗ قصذ صذٍد ف
Ali :1 I think it was opened in 1869. 7: Your friend tells you that his brother is very ill.
Walid: 1869? OK, I need to write about two works of " This is too bad". ) ءٚٞ ( ٕزا ع.طٝٔ ٍشٞخثشك اُ اخٝ قلٝصذ
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
8:You arrived late at the railway station .but The train had left. )ٛالدٍٞ ذٞ دفيح ػٜ اُ ادػ٘ك اىّٜغشٝ ( الدكٍٞ ذٞقل ىذفيح ػٝذذػ٘ صذ
" This is too bad". ) ء جذاٜٞاىقطاس ماُ قذ غادس ( ٕزا ع, ٗصيد ٍرأخش ىيَذطح 25: A friend invites you to spend a week in his farm . you
9: You visit someone in hospital. "I hope you get better soon". accept the invitation. "I'd love to"
ؼاٝ ذق٘ه ( أٍو اُ ذرذغِ عشٜ اىَغرشفٜصسخ شخص ف )ذ رىلٝ ٍضسػرٔ ٗأّد ذقثو ( أسٜذػ٘ك ىقعاء أعث٘ع فٝ قلٝصذ
10: You lent a pen to your friend . He lost it. 26:You want to express your opinion about the TV
" Never mind. I've got another one." ) قيٌ أخشٛقل ٗىنْٔ فقذٓ ( ال ذقيق ىذٝعيفد قيٌ ىصذ educational programmes.
11: You ask your brother's opinion about your new jacket. "In my opinion , the TV educational programmes are very useful ( good)"
" What is your opinion of my new jacket" ? ذٝد جذٞ جامٜٔ فٝل ػِ سأٞذغأه أخ ذج) جذاٞذج ( جٞح ٍفَٞٞ اىثشاٍج اىرؼيٚٝ ساٜح ( فَٞٞ اىثشاٍج اىرؼيٜل فٝذؼثش ػِ سأ
) دٞ اىجامٜل فٝ( ٍا سأ 27:You've finished an exercise. You say to the teacher.
12: Nancy asks your opinion about her new blouse. "I think it is " I've finished my exercise" . ) . ْٜٝد ذَشِّٖٞ ذق٘ه ىيَذسط ( أٝد ذَشّٖٞا
nice" .يحَٞذج ( اػرقذ اّٖا جٝ تي٘صذٖا اىجذٜ ل فٝ ذطية سأّٜاّغ 28:You advise your friend to come on time to school.
13: Your friend thanked you. "Not at all" ) ٘شنشك ( اىؼفٝ قلٝصذ "You should come on time to school"
14: Your friend apologized for coming late .You aren't angry. ) اى٘قد اىَذذدٜ ىيَذسعح فٜجة إُ ذأذٝ ( ىيَذسعحٜأذٝ ُقل إٝذْصخ صذ
"Never mind." ) لٞؼرزس ىقذٍٗٔ ٍرأخش ( ال ػيٝ قلٝصذ 29:You greeted a person you met for the first time.
15:Your friend thinks that the telephone is the most important "How do you do ?" شخص قاتيرٔ ألٗه ٍشجٚٞذذ
invention. You agree."I agree with you ." ( فُ٘ ادغِ اخرشاعٞؼرقذ اُ اىريٝ قلٝصذ 30: You congratulate your friend on passing his test.
)أّا ٍرفق ٍؼل "Congratulations " ) ْاّٞ ّجادٔ " ذٖاٜقل ػيٝء صذْٜٖذ
16: Your friend thinks that man will be able to live on the space 31- You meet some tourists at the airport . You welcome
in the future. You disagree. ( I disagree with you) them . Welcome to Egypt " ٍصشٜ " ٍشدثا تنٌ ف: ٌٖ اىَطاس سدة تِٜ فٞذقاتو عائذ
) اىَغرقثو ( ال اذفق ٍؼلٜ اىفعاء فٜش فٞؼٝ ؼرقذ اُ االّغاُ ع٘فٝ قلٝصذ 32- Someone asks you what your favourite hobby is.
17: Somebody doesn't help an old woman to cross the road. "My favourite hobby is reading novels".
" This is disgraceful" ) ِٞق ( ٕزا ٍشٝغاػذ ػج٘ص اُ ذؼثش اىطشٝ شخص ال ) اخٝرل اىَفعيح ( قشائح اىشٗاٝغاىل ػِ ٕ٘اٝ شخص
18: Y our neighbour threw rubbish in front of y our house .y ou were furious. 33- Someone asks you how good you are at maths.
"Don't you dare do that !" ! ف ذجشؤ اُ ذفؼو رىلٞ ٗاّد ثائش ( م. قَاٍح اٍاً ٍْضىلٜجاسك اىق "I'm very good at Maths " "ذ جذاٞاخ "جٞاظٝ اىشٜغاىل ػِ ٍغر٘اك فٝ شخص
19 : you suggest going to the club. "What about going to the club?" 34- Someone invites you to his party, but you are busy and
؟ٛ اىْادٜ اىزٕاب إىٜنٌ فٝ ( ٍا سأٛ اىْادٜ ذقرشح اىزٕاب اىcan't go. "I wish I could come but I'm too busy"
20: Your friend suggested going to the cinema. You disagree. " " ٍشغ٘هْٜغ ٗىنٞ اعرطْٜرٞا ىٝ " ذػ٘ك ىذفيرٔ ٗىنْل ٍشغ٘هٝ شخص
I'm not very keen." ) ( ىغد ٍرذَغا. َْا ٗاّد ال ذ٘افقٞ اىغٜقرشح اىزٕاب اىٝ قلٝصذ 35: Someone asks you what job you want to do .
21: Your friend suggested going to the theatre. You agree. "I want to be a pilot" " اسٞذ اُ امُ٘ غٝذٕا " اسٝ ذشٜفح اىرٞغاه ػِ اى٘ظٝ شخص
"A good idea " ) ذجٞ ( فنشج ج. اىَغشح ٗاّد ذ٘افقٜقرشح اىزٕاب اىٝ قلٝصذ 36: The bus you were travelling in was in an accident and
22: you offer to get your friend a cup of tea. you are the only one who has a mobile phone and can call
"Shall I get you a cup of tea?" ) ٛق ( ع٘ف ادعش ىل فْجاُ شاٝ ىصذٛذؼشض أُ ذقذً فْجاُ شا the police for help.
23: You object to your friend's idea. "I disagree with you" Our bus has an accident on the main road to Assuit. We need help.
)ق ( ال اذفق ٍؼلٝو ٗذرصو تاىششغح ىيَغاػذج ذؼرشض ٍغ فنشج صذٝ ذَريل اىَ٘تاٛذ اىزٞ ذغرقئ ىيقإشج ذؼشض ىذادثح ٗاّد اى٘دٛظ اىزٞاالذ٘ت
24: You invite your friend to your birthday party. " ذ اىَغاػذجٝغْا ذؼشض ىذادثح ّشٞ" اذ٘ت
"I'd like to invite you my birthday party."
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
37 : Someone asks you what you think the most important 7- A friend shows you a photo and says it shows London in
invention is. winter. You are sure it is not winter because there are owers
I think mobile phones are the most important invention. and leaves on the trees.
" و إٌ االخرشاػاخٝغأىل ٍا اػظٌ االخرشاػاخ " اػرقذ اُ اىَ٘تاٝ شخص - It can’t be winter. (It must be spring.) There are owers and leaves
38 : You ask your friend about the price of his new shoes. on the trees.
How much are your new shoes? " قل ػِ عؼش دزائٔ " مٌ عؼش اىذزاء ؟ٝذغأه صذ 8- Your friend suggests going to the beach. It is cold and
39 : Your friend wants to go swimming this evening. You windy. You do not think this is a good idea.- It’s too cold and
disagree and suggest another sport. windy. Let’s do something else.
I'm not very keen on swimming .What about running? 9- You bought a computer but it breaks on the first day. You
" ٛ " ىغد ٍرذَغا ىيغثادح اقرشح اىجشٛاظح اخشٝقرشح اىزٕاب ىيغثادح ٕزا اىَغاء ٗاّد ذقرشح سٝ قلٝصذ take it back to the shop where you bought it and complain.
40 You think that something your friend has just said is wrong. - I bought this computer yesterday and it has broken.
I don't think so . " خ " ال اػرقذ رىلٞظ صذٞق ىٝذؼرقذ اُ ٍا قاىٔ صذ 10- You work in a shop and a customer says that the shirt he
41 Your friend asks you what your plans are for today. bought yesterday has a hole in it.I’m sorry about that. We’ll give
what are your plans for today? ًً٘ٞ٘ " ٍا خططل ىيٞق ػِ خططل اىٝغأىل صذٝ you a new shirt.
42 You want permission from your father to go to the cinema 11- A student that you do not know very well at school has a
tonight.May I go to the cinema tonight. book you would like to look at.Could you please let me look at
"يح ؟َْٞا اىيٞ اىغٜيح ؟ ٕو ارٕة إىَْٞا اىيٞذ إرُ ٗاىذك ىرزٕة ىيغٝ ذشyour book?
situations:WB 12- Your friend wins a prize in a sports competition.
1- A friend says that the book which you are both reading is Congratulations! You were fantastic!
boring. 13- You borrow a book from a friend.-I promise to return it next
- I disagree. I think it’s very interesting./I agree it’s boring. week.
2 -Your friend says that the bus is the best way to go home from 14- You take your father’s umbrella to school because it is
a museum. Disagree.-I don’t think so. I think we should take the raining. Your father tells you not to forget to bring it home.-
metro. I promise I won’t.
3- You are asking people questions for a school project. You 15- Your friend thinks that English is very difficult.
want to know the number ofdays of holiday they have.-How - I disagree with you English is easy .
much holiday do you have? 16- Your grandmother is carrying a heavy bag. You want to
4 -A friend starts to tell you about something he/she did last help her.- I’ll help you (to carry it).
week, but he/she does not finish.-You were telling me about 17- An English friend wants to walk in the desert in August.
something you did last week You do not think this is a good idea. Give him/her advice.
5- You want to know if a friend has a fear of spiders. - I don’t think you should walk
-Are you afraid of spiders? 18- You arrange to meet two friends in the park but one
6- You open your school bag and your English book is not friend does not arrive. Say why you think he/she didn’t
there. come.- He/She might have forgotten.
- I must have left my English book at home.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
19- Your school has the date 1969 above the door. A friend asks 31- Your forgot to return a book that you borrowed from a
you what the date means.- It means that the school was opened/built friend He / She comes round to your house to get it.I’m sorry
in 1969. you had to come round.
20- A friend asks you why you like to travel by train. 32- You are in a shop and you knock over a glass and it
- I like to relax and watch the scenery from the train. breaks. You see the shop assistant.I do apologise. I’ve broken
21- Some new friends phone you to say that they can’t find your this glass
house and they don’t know where they are. Ask your mother 33- Your sister Salma says she won’t be home for lunch.
for advice. Report this to your mother.Salma said that she wouldn’t be
-What do you think they should do? home for lunch.
22- A person phones you and asks to speak to your father. He is 34-You think that something your friend has just said is
not here. wrong.
- I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Sorry. I disagree/I think you are wrong/mistaken.
23- Your cousins phone you and say that they have missed the 35- Your friend asks you what your plans are for today.
train to Cairo. Suggest that they take the bus. I’m going to stay home./I’m going to do my homework.
- How about taking the bus? / Why don’t you take the bus? 36- You want permission from your father to go to the
24 -You make a complaint at a shop but the assistant cannot cinema tonight.
help you. You want to speak to the manager.-Perhaps I could Please, Dad, can I go to the cinema with my friends tonight?
speak to the manager. Would you mind if I go to the cinema with my friends tonight, Dad?
25- A friend asks you what you are doing this weekend. You 3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
want to go to the beach.I'm planning to go to the beach 1- The bank is………………. for a job in Cairo in the
26- You borrow a CD from a friend. He / She says you must not newspaper.
forget to bring it back tomorrow. a- advertising b applying c asking d recharging
- I promise I won’t forget. / I promise I’ll bring it back tomorrow. 2- Most cameras that you can buy now are………………….. .
27-You want to know if your friend is doing anything this a virtual b fictional c bright d- digital
summer. 3- The story was very……… , but I understood it in the end.
Do you have any plans for the summer? / Are you doing anything this a bright b real c- complicated d complete
summer? 4- Sales assistants should always be polite to…………………… .
28- Your grandmother says she would like you to phone her a- customers b courses c apprentices d comments
every day when she is away. I promise I will. 5- I’m going to make a………… that this year will be hotter
29- Your neighbour's car alarm is going off. You visit their flat to than last year.
tell them. a prejudice b prediction c compliment d sentence
I'm sorry to bother you, but ! your car alarm is going off. 6- Which do you need to become a ight attendant?
30- You bought a CD from a shop and it is damaged. You want a trains b planes c qualifcations d relations
to complain to the shop assistant 7- You always leave your mobile phone on the chair. You
- I’d like to make a complaint. I bought this CD here yesterday and it is …………break it.
damaged. a going to b are going to c is going to d will be
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
8- I’m tired because I…………………………….. playing tennis! 22- They …….a bus to their hotel after they had arrived at
a had just stopped b have just c stopped just d have just the airport.
stopped a take b had taken c had took d- took
9- Soha was not hungry because she……………….. lunch. 23- Tarek told me that orange juice ………his favourite drink.
a was already eaten b had already eaten c already eats d ate a could b be c - was d been
already 24- She asked me………………. she could help me with my
10- The man asked me if he…………. help me. homework.
a will b can c -could d would a whether b weather c that d for
11- We agreed…………………. the ten o’clock train. 25 How much do these oranges……………… ?
a catch b to catch c catching d caught a cost b charge c come d count
12- Manal …………………..16 in 2018. 26- Manal is always very……………… . She always tells the
a going to be b are going to c is going to d will be truth.
13- Hamdi has left university and now he is going to ………….for a untrue b dishonest c true d –honest
a job at a bank. 27- Do you sometimes have an ……………with your brothers
a -apply b advertise c judge d graduate or sisters?
14- The shop assistant showed me how to ……this device to a a altitude b athlete c -argument d expression
computer. 28- Run or you will………………… the bus to school.
a make b put c connect d compliment a catch b miss c take d get
15- I like most insects, but I really…………. ies. 29- The men at the top of the mountain are in a
a not like b no like c dislike d like not difficult……………… .
16- The road through the mountains is very icy, so be careful a- situation b session c fear d phobia
you do not………….. . 30- You should………. going down this road because there
a slip b settle c sleep d dive has been a fire.
17- The footballer could not continue playing because he was a enforce b- avoid c panic d reach
…………. 31- Passengers…………………. at an altitude of 5,000 metres.
a silent b injured c bright d complicated a carried b carry c are carry d are carried
18- To cook the bread, put it in……………….. the for an hour. 32- This book……………….. 100 years ago.
a fridge b heater c hoof d oven a wrote b is written c did write d- was written
19- Amira …………….buy a jacket for her new job at the hotel. 33- Alexandria,…… is very popular with tourists, is in the
a will b is going to c is going d to north of Egypt.
20- Do you think that Cairo……………….. bigger in the future? a which b who c where d what
a is b is going to be c will be d going to be 34- It’s really dark. There’s……………….. a storm.
21- Dalia……………… in Luxor before she moved to Alexandria. a will b going to c being d going to be
a living b has lived c had lived d was lived 35- If I……………. to bed late, I feel tired all day.
a went b will go c go d would go
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
36- I visited Cairo after I………………. Alexandria. 51- Amal’s grandmother has a large house which she…. from
a visit b had visited c have visited d visiting her uncle.
37- The playground………………….. by all the children in the a kidnapped b took part in c inherited d belonged
school. 52- As soon as the burglar went into the bank that night, an
a used b -is used c use d is using alarm….. .
38- The man …………………..wrote this poem is from Alexandria. a went to b went up c went in d- went off
a what b which c- who d whose 53 What is the…………….. of air pollution?
39- I can’t remember how old I was when I first saw the a case b -cause c way d reason
Pyramids, but I……… four. 54- They put lights on the castle to……………………. it at night.
a must be b might be c can’t have d might have been a prevent b bright c recharge d- illuminate
40 They are all wearing coats, so it…. cold when they took the 55- By 2050, the population of Egypt will……….. to nearly
photograph! 100 million.
a must be b must have been c can’t have been d can be a grew b- have grown c be grown d growing
41- This is the jacket ……………….my grandmother made. 56- Do you think the character in this story on a real
a what b which c who d where person?
42- This house was built…………… Hala’s grandfather. a based b is basing c has based d was based
a of b to c with d -by 57-………………….. is usually on the menu of that restaurant.
43- The dress is too long, so please can you………………… it? a The chicken b Chickens c -Chicken d Some chickens
a express b advise c travel d shorten 58- What …………………………… six o’clock yesterday
44- At what time does the plane take ………………? evening?
a up b on c- off d of a you were doing b- were you doing c you did d did you
45- The plane usually ies at an………… of 7,000 metres. 59- If Kamal was faster, he ………….a good footballer.
a- altitude b high c level d up a be b will be c -would be d being
46- His book first came………… in 2012. 60- He finished……… his lunch and then went into the
a in b out c up d off playground.
47- Mr Hassan …………….a lot of weight while he was ill. a eating b to eat c eat d ate
a- lost b missed c caught d left 61- The computers…………. used by all the children in the
48- Most people’s phobias are…………. : there is no reason for school.
them. a will b will be c will have d have
a- irrational b virtual c dizzy d bare 62- Mona can’t play tennis at 9.30 because she won’t………….
49- The children put the spider in a jar, but it was very fast and her homework by then.
soon ……. a have finished b be finished c finished d finishing
a -escaped b extinct c enforced d avoided 63- The museum …visited by thousands of people this year.
50- Forests, deserts and mountains are different kinds a was been b has been c has d have
of……………… . 64- You can’t use classroom 2 because it ……..redecorated.
a- climate changes b habitats c laws d phobias a- is being b being c was been d will have
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
65- Magda does not like airports because there is always a lot 79- To…………. is to change from one language into another.
of………… . a inspect b attend c communicate d translate
a noises b noise c a noise d the noise 80- Charles Dickens was the writer …….wrote Oliver Twist.
66- Many people in Europe have light brown…………….. . a where b which c- who d whose
a hairs b hair c hairy d the hairs 81- Someone…………… I enjoy listening to is my grandfather.
67- Please can you go to the shops and buy a …………….of a where b which c- who d whose
honey. 82- Last year, I visited Alexandria, the city….. Gamal Abdel
a piece b cup c -jar d plate Nasser was born.
68 -The story is not real, it is…………………… . a where b which c- who d whose
a factual b virtual c financial d fictional 83- They’ve built a new school next to the hous…. I grew up.
69- The baby has a very happy…………… on his face! a where b which c- who d whose
a ecosystem b expression c emotion d effect 84- The sunglasses……………. I bought last week were not
70 -When the lion ran towards me, I felt………………… . expensive.
a terrified b annoyed c dangerous d bored a where b which c- who d whose
71- Some animals are………. , so you only see them at night. 85- After seven days, Fogg and Passepartout arrived in Suez,
a naughty b national c nocturnal d miserable …….they met Fix.
72- There are very good leisure………….. in my city, so I am a where b which c- who d when
never bored. 86- Fix thought that Fogg was the criminal ………. he was
a facilities b guides c hectares d horns looking for.
73- I think it ………………… be hot tomorrow. a where b which c- who d when
a is b is going to c will be d going to 87- ………. their journey through India, they rescued a young
74- I promise I …………. work hard this year. woman.
a am b am going to c will d going to a in b at c- on d while
75- Look at those clouds. Do you think it ………………? 88 ……. the journey from San Francisco to New York,
a rain b is going to rain c will rain d going to rain Passepartout was kidnapped.
76- Mona was tired this morning because she……… well the a when b at c- during d while
night before. 89- It is always very sad when any animal becomes………….
a didn't sleep b isn't sleeping c had not slept d wasn't A extinct B rid of C worse D alive
sleeping 90- Please can you……….. those empty bottles in the
77- Samira’s father had been a vet before he ……….. a science kitchen?
teacher. A get over B get off C get rid of D get rid
a is becoming b had become c became d becomes 91- It is hard for people to ………………in the Arctic.
78- Mr Jones …………… Arabic after he had been to Egypt on A alive B die C arrive D survive
holiday. 92- There are millions of ..….of plants living in the Amazon.
a has learnt b had learnt c learnt d was learning A spices B type C species D ones
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
93- Many animals live in the city, although it is not their 109- When she was young, she had a .............. .of the dark.
usual…………. a session b panic c frightened d fear
A habitat B habit C house D hold 110- Hesham said he........ flown to Istanbul the week before.
94- After all that rain, there is a real …..that the river will flood. a- has b- had c- is d- was
A treatment B throw C threat D possible 111- A….. is someone who visits another country on holiday.
95- In 2018, Mona …………… in her house for ten years. a customer b tourist c sales assistant d student
A will be lived B will have lived C will live D lived 112- A …………….. is a person who buys things in a shop.
96-By the end of this year, that football player ………………….. a customer b farmer c sales assistant d translator
A will be played B will have played C played D will play 113- A …………….. is a learner at school or university.
97- It is a ……………… to take things from other people. a scientist b tourist c foreigner d student
a right b crime c- wrong d legal 114- A …………….. helps swimmers who are in danger at the
98- I’d like to …………………… our house in bright colours. beach or a swimming pool.
a design b draw c- decorate d predict a baker b life guard c attendant d dentist
99- A ….. is a special police officer who tries to find criminals. 115- A …………….. is a person who serves in a shop.
a detective b officer c- soldier d pilot a customer b waiter c sales assistant d flight attendant
100- Do you remember the …… in the film where the 116-Jane ………………… to go out until Adele fell ill.
characters first meet? a) didn’t allow b) allowed c)wasn’t allowed d) did allow
a view b picture c- image d scene 117-My friend ……………….. me a good hotel to stay in .
101- His grandmother always drinks a …….of tea with her food. a) advised b) said c) spoke d) recommended
a piece b cup c -jar d bottle 118-The Suez Canal was built to ... the Red Sea and the
102- Can you pass me the………….. of cake. Mediterranean
a piece b cup c -jar d bottle a- shorten b- lengthen c- link d- separate
103-Don’t forget to buy a…………………. of cola from the shops. 119- At last we ..... to find good solutions to all our problems.
a piece b cup c -jar d bottle a- could b- succeeded c- able d- managed
104- She got the full mark on her exams. She ................clever. 120- After ……………………. the hotel, we asked for lunch.
a- must be b- must have c- must have had d- had a) reaching b) had reached c) reached d) reaches
105- My new shoes aren't expensive. They .................. LE 50. 4 -Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to
a paid b cost c sold d weighed give the same meaning.
106- Sherlock Holmes is a famous fictional.............................. 1 - Hatem said, “My grandfather taught me how to organise my time.” (said
a- crime b- detective c- author d- doctor that)
107- The Hound of the Baskervilles was......... by Conan Doyle. Hatem said that his grandfather had taught him how to organise his
a- wrote b- written c- writing d- write time.
108- Lizza asked me if I............. on the school trip to the 2- I always do my homework before I watch TV. (My homework is…)
museum tomorrow. My homework is always done before I watch TV.
a- go b- was going c- went d- had gone
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
3- Charles Dickens is a famous English writer. He was born in 1812. 18- I’m going to visit my uncle in hospital. (decided)
(who) -I have decided to visit my uncle in hospital.
Charles Dickens, who was born in 1812, is a famous English writer. / 19- Today it is difficult for some animals to survive in such hot
Charles Dickens, who is a famous English writer, was born in 1812. weather. (survival)
4- It is impossible that Amal sold her car. (can’t) -Today the survival of some animals is difficult in such hot weather.
Amal can’t have sold her car 20- The opening of the Suez Canal has affected world business.
5- We have lived in Damietta for twenty years. (since) (effect)
-We have lived in Damietta since 1996. -The opening of the Suez Canal had an effect on world business.
6- During my stay in Hurghada, I met my old friends. (while) 21- My sister told me that she was doing her homework then. (said)
-I met my old friends while I was (staying) in Hurghada. -My sister said to me "I am doing my homework now".
7- “You must revise well for the final exam, Leila,” Father said. (told) 22- Conan Doyle invented Sherlock Holmes. (by)
-Father told Leila that she had to/must revise well for the exam. - Sherlock Holmes was invented by Conan Doyle.
8- I will attend the conference as planned. (going) 23- Someone ate my lunch! (has been)
-I’m going to the conference. - My lunch has been eaten!
9- You shouldn’t neglect your work. (take care) 24- There’s not much sugar left in the container. (a little)
-You should take care of your work. - There’s (only) a little sugar left in the container.
10- Egypt took over the Suez Canal in 1956. (taken) 25- The noise in that room is so loud! (a lot of)
-The Suez Canal was taken over by Egypt in 1956. - There is a lot of noise in that room!
11- Smoking is banned in hospitals. (mustn’t) 26-Tarek's really hungry. He probably didn't have enough breakfast.
-People / You mustn’t smoke in hospitals. (can't)
12- Hala finished her shopping before she returned home. (After) - Tarek can't have had / eaten enough breakfast
-After Hala (had) finished her shopping, she returned home 27- My illness began at Leila’s birthday party. (catch)
13- I think Hadeel broke her leg. (might) -I caught illness at Leila's birthday party
- Hadeel might have broken her leg. 28- My taxi had to wait in a traffic jam, so I didn’t catch my train.
14- Mr Smith teaches us English and he is from London. (who) (miss)
-Mr Smith, who is from London, teaches us English I missed my train because My taxi had to wait in a traffic jam
15- “I was late because I did not catch the eight o’clock bus,” Ahmed said. 29- To run in the race, I must be less heavy. (lose)
(told) I must lose weight to run in the race
Ahmed told us that he had been late because he had not caught the eight 30- The hotel asked him to pay a lot of money to use its swimming
o'clock bus. pool. (charge)
16- My grandfather had u last week, and he has not recovered yet. (get The hotel charged him a lot of money to use its swimming pool.
over) 31- They are very kind. They give half the money they earn to a
- My grandfather had u week, and he has not got over it yet. charity. (income)
17- A French engineer started the Suez Canal (by) They are very kind. They give half their income to a charity
- The Suez Canal was started by a French engineer 32- The lake is very pretty, but it was made by people. (artificial)
The lake is very pretty, but it is artificial.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
33-That school needs some lights to make the playground lighter at 15- My cousins won’t price anything because they won a school
night. (illuminate) competition. (pay )
That school needs some lights to illuminate the playground at night. 16- They will miss a train to go there every week. ( catch/ take
34- she didn't go out until she had done her homework. (having) )
Having done her homework, she went out 17- My father works like a science teacher in a secondary
35-ahmed said" One of our ovens was repaired last month." (said that) school. ( as )
Ahmed said that one of their ovens had been repaired the month before. 18- We should all respect each others. ( other )
36-I'm sure he went to the theatre yesterday. ( must ) 19- I’m in trouble and I need your advise badly. ( advice )
He must have gone to the theatre yesterday 20- Stapleton sank as he was trying to escape. ( drowned )
37-I don't think ahmed was tired. (might) 21- The story is about a criminal that happened in London 100
Ahmed might have been tired years ago. ( crime )
5- Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 22- An important machine was given from a factory by a thief. (
1- My friend works as a sells assistant. (sales) stolen /taken )
2- Charlotte Bronte was the three of six children. ( third ) 23- The owner of the factory asked a pilot to find out who had
3- However good a law is, it must be forced by a legal system in taken it. ( detective )
which the public is confident .( enforced ) 24- The thief who took the machine was found and sent to
4- Air and water pollution should be prevented or at last space. ( prison )
reduced. ( least ) 25-I know you like art, but what are your other interesting?
5- Jane afford to take a letter to the post office for Mrs Fairfax. (interests )
( offered ) 26- My uncle is going to application for a job at the hospital.
6- I applied for a work as a tour guide. ( job) (apply )
7- Mobiles are the most common forms of personnel and 27- Many companies pay a lot of money to advertisement on
television. (advertise)
business communications. (Personal )
8- I am taking English lessons to prove my English. ( improve ) 28- Charles Dickens based his characters in people he knew.
9- World business was infected by the opening of the Suez (on)
Canal. ( affected ) 29- The Egyptian city in this story is real. There is no city of
10- If Fogg succeeds in his challenge, he will beat 20,000 that name in Egypt. (fictional)
30- What can no one do about the problem of climate
pounds. ( win )
11- Phobias are rational fears. ( irrational ) change? ( anyone)
12- Please, can you get over those empty bottles in the kitchen? 31-Other people can read what I’ve written and make blogs.
( rid of ) (comments )
32- fight means a rule which allows you to do something? (
13- My cousins want to take part on a course to learn
photography. ( in ) right)
14- The course is very expensive and my cousins can’t invite it. 33-It is often completely noise in the desert at night: you
(afford) cannot hear anything. (silent)
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
34-It can be expensive to feed and wear children if you have -4- What was the argument between Fogg and his friend about?
a large family. ( clothe) It was about whether someone could travel around the
35-Take a good apply of water when you go to the desert. world in 80 days.
( supply) 6- How do phobias affect people’s lives ?
36- What attitude does the plane fly at ? ( altitude ) Phobias make people avoid things that other people do
37-the accident took part in our street yesterday. ( place) without thinking.
38- Digital means relating to seeing or your ability to see. 7- What does Fogg’s friend believe Fogg can’t do in eighty days?
( visual ) He believes Fogg can't travel around the world in eighty
39- it costs a lot to feed and cloth five children. ( clothe ) days
40- Hemingway novel "a farewell to arms" published in 1929. 8- Where did Fogg’s journey start and end ? It started and ended
( came out ) in London.
41- Jane climbed on to the roof to have connect with the 9- - Why is it necessary to produce more food?
outside world. (contact) Because the population of the world is growing.
42-This restaurant serves freezes food. ( frozen ) 10- Why did Dr Mortimer visit Sherlock Holmes and Watson?
43-Pollution effects our environment badly. (affects ) Dr Mortimer wanted some advice (because he was worried
44-Many spices of animals have become extinct because of about his friend).
over hunting. ( species ) 11- Why is the dog kept hungry in The Hound of the Baskervilles?
45- The police were looking for any evidence at the seem of the So it can attack the rst person it sees.
crime. ( scene ) 12- What is the legend of the wild dog in The Hound of the
46-It is difficult to build a bridge quickly, so engineers usually Baskervilles? ا
build it in steps. ( stages) The legend says the dog will kill anyone called Baskerville.
47-he Suez Canal has lengthen the sea journey from the west to 13- What is Sir Henry Baskerville going to inherit?
the east. ( shorten ) He is going to inherit the family home, Baskerville Hall.
48-A governor is a woman who teaches a family's children 14- What is light pollution?
at home. ( governess ) It is when artificial light shines on areas that we don’t want
49-A daughter of a rich man was hijacked for money. ( to illuminate
kidnapped ) 15- Do you think that technology will stand still? Why or why not?
50-He proved us with a lot of useful information. (provided) -Yes, Because scientists are going to continue inventing
Answer only FOUR (4) of the following questions: new, more complex ways of communicating.
1- What were communications between people like twenty -five years ago? 16- Why might wearing a helmet help someone to communicate in the
-They wrote letters and used phones and fax machines. future?
2- What kind of phones do many people use nowadays? -it will be connected to the brain and turn what we are
They use smart phones (that can connect to the internet) thinking into a digital form, which we will then be able to
3 - What does a secretary do? communicate to other people that we know.
A secretary answers the phones and types/writes letters.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
17- In what situations are mobile phones most useful? 27- In your own point of view, what is the main function of the Suez
-When people are in a difficult situation with no other means Canal?
of communicating, for example, while travelling or in an - The main function of the Suez Canal is to link the west to
emergency. the east.
18- What are the main disadvantages of mobile phones? 28- Why do you think the Suez Canal is one of the most important
-They can be very expensive if overused; it can be annoying to waterways?
overhear other people’s conversations; batteries may run out - Because it has shortened the distance between the west
at times when it is impossible to recharge them; sometimes and the west.
you cannot get a signal. 29- In your opinion, what benefits can the new section of the Suez
19- To what extent can means of communication make our lives easier? Canal achieve?
- Means of communication make our life easier and more The new section of the Suez Canal allow bigger ships to pass
comfortable. Now we can be in touch with other people in few through it.
seconds through the internet or social medias. 30- Do you think that it is necessary to shorten the journey from
20- Why do you think Jane needed contact with the outside world? Europe to Asia? Why or why not?
- Because she spent most of her time in the big house with the - Yes because kinds of goods such as fruit and vegetables can
family of the child she taught. be damaged if the journey is long.
21- Why do you think it was difficult for Jane to catch the horse? 31- Why do so many ships travel between Europe and Asia?
- Because the horse might have been strong and fast. - There is important trade between the east and the west in
22- Do you think Jane was happy at Thornfield Hall? Why or why not? spices, tea, fruit, oil, etc.
- I don’t think she was happy because Mrs Reed was no kind to 32- What do you think that Fogg learned on his journey?
her. -He probably learned that places can be dangerous, but if
23-In your opinion, what duties should a governess have? you do not give up, that anythingis possible. -He probably
- She lives with a family to teach their children also learned about different cultures.
24- Children should learn new languages at school. Are you for or against 33- Why do you think that Fogg decided to try to go around the world
this opinion?Why or why not? in eighty days?
I am for this opinion because learning languages has become a must - He had the time and the money to prove his friend was
today wrong. It was a challenge.
25- Why do you think the gentleman left without thanking Jane? 34- Why was it very difficult to travel around the world in eighty days
-Because he was an important person and she was just a when Jules Verne wrote his book?
governess. -because transport was very slow then and many things may
26- If you were a tourist guide, what role would you play to enhance go wrong.
tourism in your country? 35- Why does Phileas Fogg’s friend think that he cannot travel around
We welcome tourists and treat them well. We provide them the world in eighty days?
with cheap and comfortable means of transport and Splendid -He thinks that it will be impossible to do it so quickly,
hotels . We make them enjoy famous sights and tourist because transport was very slow then and many things may
attractions go wrong.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
36- If you were Fogg, what lessons would you learn from your long 45-Why do you think that Conan Doyle wanted to be a doctor?
journey? -Maybe his father was a doctor. Maybe he had seen many
They usually ask for information about members of the family sick people and wanted to help them.
in the house, their nationality religion, education, work and 46- How can doctors help people in poor countries?
health. - They can help them to get better when they are ill and also
37- Do you think that phobias are related to the kind of life we lead? Why help them to avoid getting illnesses with better hygiene and
or why not? sanitation.
I’m for this because in some certain situations it is better not 47- What other kinds of work can help people in poor countries?
tell the truth. For example, we shouldn’t tell an ill man that his -Working as a nurse, teacher, and perhaps engineer to help
illness in incurable and that he will die soon. build better roads etc.
38- Why do you think therapists put patients into virtual situations? 48- Do you agree that pollution is the result of modern life? Why or
-This helps the patient to see that he or she has nothing to fear. why not?
39- Do you think that phobias are an important problem to solve? Why or Yes, I agree. Because modern life brought with it all kinds of
why not? pollution such as noise pollution, light pollution visual and
Yes, they can affects people's lives and make them frightened audio pollution.
to do things which most people do without thinking. f you have 49-Why do you think light pollution makes birds lose their way?
a fear of heights, you may drive 40 kilometres to avoid a high They may think a bright building is the sun or a bright area
bridge. of land. They may be attracted to bright lights and not
40- How is a phobia different from a fear? realize they are buildings until it’s too late.
- A phobia is stronger than a fear, and is irrational. 50-What do you think we can do to reduce the problem of light
41-What kinds of things are people commonly afraid of? pollution?
- heights, spiders (also insects, mice, snakes, flying, the dark - Switching off the lights we do not need; making sure we
etc.) only illuminate areas that we need to be illuminated;
42-Why is it important for the patients with phobias to relax? making street lights shine down not up.
-The treatment will not work if they panic.
Do you think it is a good idea to reclaim land for farming? Why/Why not?
- It is a good idea because the population will grow and we
need more land to grow food.
43-Why do you think millions of people around the world are hungry?
- Because food is too expensive for them or it is in the wrong
place or can’t be stored for long.
44- Why do you think we face food shortage in many parts of the world?
-- Because of climate change, erosion, building on the
agricultural land.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
8-Write a paragraph of about ninety (90) words4-“ The pros and cons of living 4-“ The pros and cons of living in the country.”
in the country.” In the following lines, I'm going to write about the pros\advantages\
In the following lines, I'm going to write about the pros\advantages\ merits merits and cons\disadvantages \ demerits of living in the countryside\
and cons\disadvantages \ demerits of living in the countryside\ the country. the country. I’d like to start my paragraph with the merits\ pros\
I’d like to start my paragraph with the merits\ pros\ advantages of living in advantages of living in the country. Living in the country is wonderful.
the country. Living in the country is wonderful. Fresh air, green trees, Fresh air, green trees, simple people, good neighbours, quietness are all
simple people, good neighbours, quietness are all of the pros of living in the of the pros of living in the country. On the other hand, living in the
country. On the other hand, living in the country has demerits cons\ country has demerits cons\ disadvantages/ drawbacks. It is undeniable
disadvantages/ drawbacks. It is undeniable fact that the countryside lacks a fact that the countryside lacks a lot of facilities and all means of
lot of facilities and all means of entertainment and luxury. Life is slow and entertainment and luxury. Life is slow and boring as there is nothing
boring as there is nothing new, the same faces and the same houses. To new, the same faces and the same houses. To conclude it must be said
conclude it must be said that some prefer to live in a big city, others in a that some prefer to live in a big city, others in a small town, both are
small town, both are good, neither are perfect. The choice is there for us to good, neither are perfect. The choice is there for us to make, and it
make, and it depends very much of our character, free time, friends and depends very much of our character, free time, friends and family and
family and other. other.
5-Pollution 5-Pollution
No one deny that Pollution is a difficult and serious problem in modern life. No one deny that Pollution is a difficult and serious problem in modern
There are different kinds of pollution. Air Pollution is caused by car fumes life. There are different kinds of pollution. Air Pollution is caused by car
which contain very harmful substances. These substances have a bad effect fumes which contain very harmful substances. These substances have a
on health and can cause many diseases. The sea is polluted by the chemical bad effect on health and can cause many diseases. The sea is polluted by
waste thrown into it by factories and ships. The soil is also polluted by the the chemical waste thrown into it by factories and ships. The soil is also
chemicals we use such as insecticides polluted by the chemicals we use such as insecticides
All these kinds of pollution affect not only man’s life but animal life and All these kinds of pollution affect not only man’s life but animal life and
plant life as well. The world is making great efforts to fight pollution. plant life as well. The world is making great efforts to fight pollution.
Ordinary people have to cooperate with the government and scientists to Ordinary people have to cooperate with the government and scientists to
get rid of pollution. If pollution continues to increase, life on earth will be in get rid of pollution. If pollution continues to increase, life on earth will
great danger. Even ordinary people can help to eliminate pollution. be in great danger. Even ordinary people can help to eliminate pollution.
6- types of communication in the future 6- types of communication in the future
There is no doubt In the future, the only thing that we can be sure of is that There is no doubt In the future, the only thing that we can be sure of is
technology is not going to stand still. Scientists are going to continue that technology is not going to stand still. Scientists are going to continue
inventing new more complex ways of communication .Some experts are inventing new more complex ways of communication .Some experts are
predicting that the next big development will be in visual communications. predicting that the next big development will be in visual
Small mobile computers with fast internet connections will probably be the communications. Small mobile computers with fast internet connections
first mobile devices that give us high- quality visual communication, so that will probably be the first mobile devices that give us high- quality visual
we can see the people we are talking to. communication, so that we can see the people we are talking to.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
Further in the future, who knows what will happen? By the year 2023, Translate into English :
scientists predicting that we will be able to send text messages by the power َجت اْ ٔضسع اشجبس وضُشح ٌىً ٔحبفظ ػًٍ اٌجُئخ- ١
of thought. A special helmet connected to We must plant more trees to preserve the environment
our brain will turn what we are thinking into a digital form which will then ػٍُٕب جُّؼب أْ ٔزشبسن فٍ دػُ االلزظبد اٌّظشي- ٢
be able to communicate to other people that we know. We all should/must cooperate to support the Egyptian economy.
Translate into Arabic : عىف َىفش ِششوع لٕبح اٌغىَظ فشص ػًّ وضُشح- ٣
1-Governments should increase food production to put an end to starvation. The Suez Canal project will provide many job opportunities.
ٌٍّجبػبد/ َزىجت ػًٍ اٌحىىِبد أْ رضَذ إٔزبط اٌطؼبَ ٌزضغ ٔهبَخ ٌٍّجبػخ/ ًٍ َجت ػ/ َجذس ة- .ْلبٌذ عًٍّ أٔهب عىف رغبفش إًٌ ٌٕذ- ٤
2-Pollution is one of the most serious problems that threaten our lives. Salma said that she would travel to London.
اٌزٍىس أحذ أخطش اٌّشبوً اٌزٍ رهذد حُبرٕب- ١٧٩٤ ٌَمذ افززح اٌغذ اٌؼبًٌ فٍ أعىاْ ػب- ٥
3-Do you think that communications make the world a small village? - The High Dam was opened in Aswan in 1970.
رظٓ أْ( وعبئً ) االرظبالد( اٌحذَضخ )رجؼً اٌؼبٌُ لشَخ طغُشح؟/ هً رؼزمذ- َجت أْ َؼبلت وً ِهًّ ػًٍ إهّبٌه- ٦
4-Children are fond of listening to fictional stories for entertainment. -Every careless person should be punished for his / her / their
ي اٌزغٍُه/ ثغشع/ ً ِغشِىْ ثبالعزّبع ٌمظض خُبٌُخ ِٓ أج/ ْ اٌظغبس ِفزىٔى/ األطفبي- carelessness.
5-To protect our environment, we should stop cutting down trees َجت اْ ٔجزي لظبسي جهذٔب ٌٍزخٍض ِٓ اٌزٍىس ثىً اشىبٌخ- ٩
َجت ػٍُٕب أْ ٔزىلف ػٓ لطغ األشجبس/ َجذس ثٕب،ٌحّبَخ ثُئزٕب- We should do our best to get rid of pollution with all its kind
6-Everyone should express their opinions freely and respect the opinions of Computers ٌٌُمذ رّىٕب ثبٌىّجُىرش واالٔزشٔذ اْ ٔىىْ ػًٍ ارظبي ثبالخشَٓ فً وً أحبء اٌؼب- ٨
others. and the internet have enabled us to get in to touch with others in all ove r the
َٓ َجت ػًٍ اٌجُّغ أْ َؼجشوا ػٓ آسائهُ ثحشَخ وأْ َحزشِىا آساء اِخش/ َجذس ة- world.
7-Modern forms of communication play a vital role in our modern life. الرذع اٌفشً َؤصش ػًٍ طّىحه- ٧
رٍؼت طشق االرظبي اٌحذَضخ دوسا حُى َب فٍ حُبرٕباٌّؼبطشح- -Don’t let failure affect your dreams/ ambitions
8-We should be grateful to those who do us favours. .ْ ِٓ االفضً اْ رخطظ ٌّغزمجٍه اال- ١٤
-It is better for you to plan for your future now
َزىجت ػٍُٕب أْ ٔىىْ ِّزُٕٓ ٌّٓ َظٕؼىْ ٌٕب/ َجت-
ًِ حُش أٔهب رشىً ِظذسا سئُغُب ٌٍذخً اٌمى، َجت أْ ٔشجغ اٌغُبحخ ثجُّغ أٔىاػهب- ١١
9-All Egyptians hope that the Suez Canal project will attract foreign We should encourage tourism with its all kinds, as it is considered the
investors. main/chief source of national income.
َٓ َجززة اٌّغزضّش/ جُّؼب أْ ِششوع لٕبح اٌغىَظ عىف َجزة/ ُجُّؼه/ َُأًِ اٌّظشَىْ وٍه- َجت أْ َىىْ ٌه هذف فً اٌحُبح وأْ رجزي لظبسي جهذن ٌزحمُمخ- ١٢
األجبٔت You should have a goal in your life and do your best to achieve it.
10-Do you agree that we should have challenges in our lives? .ُ رجزي اٌحىىِخ ألظً جهذهب إلَجبد فشص ػًّ ٌٍشجبة و ثٕبء ِغبوٓ ٌه- 13
هً رىافك إٔٔب َجت أْ َىىْ ٌذَٕب رحذَبد فٍ حُبرٕب؟- The government does its best to provide job opportunities For the youth and
11-It is necessary to turn off any lights that are not needed.. build
وهشثبئُخ) ال ٔحزبجهب/ ِٓ اٌضشوسٌ غٍك أَخ أٔىاس (وهشثُخ- - َٕجغً ػٍُٕب ثزي اٌّضَذ ِٓ اٌجهذ ٌحّبَخ اٌجُئخ ِٓ اٌزٍىس اٌغّؼً واٌجظشي- ١٤
12-Egypt has reclaimed 400,000 hectares of desert to produce more food. We should exert/make more efforts to protect the environment from audio and
أٌف هىزبسا ِٓ اٌظحشاء إلٔزبط طؼبَ أوضش٤٤٤ اعزظٍحذ ِظش- - visual pollution
13- Camping teaches us cooperation, discipline and self reliance ًِوٌمذ اطجحذ ِظذس هبَ ٌٍذخً اٌمى. رؼزجش لٕبح اٌغىَظ اػظُ ِّش ِبئً ثُٓ اٌششق واٌغشة- ١٥
- The Suez Canal is the greatest water way between East and West. It has
االٔظجبط و االػزّبد ػًٍ إٌفظ،َْؼٍّٕب اٌّؼىغش اٌزؼبو become an important source of national income.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
10- When did Oliver feel happy for the first time in his life?
رّىٕٕب االخزشاػبد اٌحذَضخ ِٓ اْ ٔحُب حُبح افضً واوضش ساحخ- ١٦ When Rose was completely better.
- Modern inventions enable us to lead a better and more comfortable life. 11-What happened to Oliver when he fell asleep while he was studying
ثفضً وعبئً اإلػالَ واأللّبس اٌظٕبػُخ أطجح اٌؼبٌُ وٍخ لشَخ طغُشح- ١٩ hard?
Thanks to mass media and satellites, the whole world has become a small He had a terrible dream .He thought that he saw Fagin and another man
village. looking at him through a window .He woke up with a cry and then realized
. إْ صَبدح اإلٔزبط هً اٌغجًُ اٌىحُذ ٌجٕبء اٌّجزّغ اٌّضبًٌ اٌزي ٔغؼً إٌُه- ١٨ that it wasn't a dream!
Increasing production is the only way to build up the ideal society for which 12-What did Harry Maylie ask Oliver to do when he left? SB
we aspire Harry asked Oliver to write to him to tell him about Rose and Mrs. Maylie.
. إْ اٌؼًّ اٌجّبػٍ َمىٌ اٌشواثظ و اٌمُُ اإلٔغبُٔخ ثُٓ إٌبط- ١٧ 13. What changes had happened to Mr. Bumble? Who did Mr. Bumble
Teamwork strengthen ties and human values among people meet at an inn? What did the man want? SB
.َٓ ِٓ حمه أْ رؼجش ػٓ سأَه وٌىٓ َجت ػٍُه أْ رحزشَ اساء االخش- ٢٤ Mr. Bumble had married Mrs. Corney and now he was the master of the
You have the right to express your opinion but you should respect the others workhouse. Mr.Bumble met Monks. Monks wanted information about (Nurse
Novel ( Oliver Twist ) Sally).
C ha p t e r5 14-Why did Monks give Mr. Bumble some money?
A.Answer these questions. to give him the information he wanted.
1. How long did Oliver stay with Mrs. Maylie in the countryside? SB 15- What did Monks give Mrs. Bumble to give him information about
Oliver stayed about three months/most of the summer the nurse? A bag of coins
2. Who came to see Rose when she was ill? SB 16- What kind of people lived in the area of slums where the Bumbles
. Dr Losberne, Harry Maylie and Mr. Giles met Monks? WB
4- How did Oliver comfort ٍ َىاعMrs Maylie when she cried? Poor people lived this area and many of them were criminals
Oliver told her that Rose was so young and so good that nothing bad would 17- Why do you think the Bumbles were afraid to meet Monks in this
happen to her. area? Explain WB
5. Why did Mrs. Maylie send a letter to Dr Losberne? This was an area of slums where only the poorest people lived and she
She wanted him to come and take care of Rose, who was very ill. knew that many of them were criminals
6- What did Oliver think of Monks when he met him? 18. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Bumble meet him again? What did Mrs.
He didn't know if he was ill or mad, and he quickly ran back home. Bumble give him? SB
7- Why did Oliver decide to go out into the countryside? They met in an old factory in a slum of the town at a poor part of the town
To get Rose some flowers by the river. Mrs. Bumble gave him the locket
8- Who was Harry? 19- What was inside the small leather bag that Mrs. Bumble showed
He was Mrs Maylie's son and he was about twenty-five and he looked very Monks? WB
like his mother. There was a locket inside the small leather bag
9-How was Dr Losberne helpful to Oliver? 20– What was written inside the locket?
Dr Losberne became Oliver's teacher and he spent his time learning to read Inside the locket there was the name Agnes (Oliver‟s mother)
and write.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
3-Why did Nancy walk quietly upstairs? he took from people and Noah would get food and bed while Fagin would
Nancy wanted to hear what Fagin and Monks were saying. keep the other half
4. What did Nancy learn from Monks? What did she do with that 16-What did Noah call himself?
information? SB Noah called himself Mr Morris Bolter
Nancy learned that Monks was Oliver‟s half-brother, that he was trying to B. quotations.
make Oliver a criminal. She went to the hotel to tell Rose Maylie all of this. 1."Now we can all forget all about this story, can't we?" SB
5. Why did Nancy want to go to the hotel to meet Rose and Maylie? WB 1. Who said this to whom?
She wanted to tell Rose about Monks and Oliver. ♣Monks said this to Mr and Mrs Bumble.
6- why was Rose puzzled when she first saw Nancy at her hotel room? WB 2. Where were they and what had the speaker just done?
Rose was puzzled to see such a poor woman with an old shawl round her ♣They were in an old factory in the slums and Monks had just dropped the
shoulders enter her room. gold locket into the river.
7- What is the relationship between Monks and Oliver? Why did Monks 3. What does he want them to forget and why?
want Oliver to go to prison? WB ♣He wants them to forget that they met him and gave him the locket. He
Oliver was his half-brother. to take his money doesn‟t want anyone toknow about it or about who Oliver is.
8- Where could Rose find Nancy if she needed information? WB 2. "He said that the only thing that could explain who the boy really is
Every Sunday night at eleven o'clock ,she would walk across London Bridge. lies at the bottom of the river. " SB
9. Oliver was very happy to have seen someone in London. Who was it? 1. Who said this to whom?. Nancy said this to Rose.
Oliver saw Mr. Brownlow. He got the address, and Rose and Oliver went to 2. Whose speech is the person reporting? She‟s reporting Monk‟s speech
meet him at his home. (to Fagin).
10-What did Mr Grimwig say about Oliver? What was Rose's reaction? 3. What is it that lies at the bottom of the river? The gold locket that
He said that Oliver was a thief. Rose told Mr Grimwig that Oliver was a good boy Nurse Sally had stolen from Oliver‟s mother lies at the bottom of the river.
11-What did Oliver do when he saw Mrs Bedwin ( the nurse )? 3."It was easy to take money from Mr. Sowerberry. So we can also take
Oliver ran to Mrs Bedwin ( the nurse ) who was happy to see him again SB
12-Why did Mr Brownlow refuse Dr Losberne 's suggestion to tell the things from other people. I think I would be a good thief "
police? 1. Who said this to whom? . Noah Claypole said this to his wife Charlotte.
because the police would put the gang in prison but that wouldn't help Oliver. 2. Where were they when he or she said this?
13-What happened to Noah after Oliver left Mr Sowerberry's? . They were in an inn in London, where they were eating dinner.
Noah met a young woman called Charlotte and they got married and they went 3. Who overheard these words and what was the result?
to London. ♣Fagin overheard this and he offered to let them join his gang of thieves.
14-What did Noah say when Fagin accused him of stealing? They agreed.
Noah accused his wife Charlotte of stealing Mr Sowerberry's money 4-"Oh dear lady, I am the woman who took Oliver back to the thieves
15-What did Fagin ask Noah to do? How much money would Fagin give But you don't understand why I did it and what it is to be poor like me.”
Noah? WB
He asked him to be a member of his gang. Fagin would give Noah half of a) Who said this quotation ? ♣ Nancy
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
b)To whom? ♣ to Rose from their old life but she refused.
c) Do you think the “dear lady” really doesn‟t know what it is like to be poor? 7. What did Sikes do to Nancy when Fagin told him that she had told
Explain someone about the gang? Where did Sikes go after that? SB
5-" Don't worry. The only thing that is going in the water is the locket " Sikes killed Nancy. Then he went away to the countryside north of
a) Who said this quotation ?To whom? London and hid. he went back to London because he heard the police
♣ Monks to Mr Bumble and Mrs Bumble. thought he was in Birmingham.)
b) What was inside the locket ? 8- How did Mr Brownlow threaten Monks?
♣ The name of Oliver's mother. Mr Brownlow ordered the two guards to take Monks into the street and
6-" He wanted Fagin to make Oliver a thief." call the police if he didn't do what they said .
a) Who said this quotation ?To whom? ♣ Nancy to Rose 9- How did Mr Brownlow make Monks realise that he knew him well?
b) Why did he wanted Oliver to be a thief ? ♣To make him go to Mr. Brownlow said that he was Monk's father's oldest friend and he was
' CHAPTER.7 going to marry Monk's aunt before she died. He reminded Monks of his true
Questions with model answers name (Edward Leeford )
1. What two jobs did Noah Claypole (Morris Bolter) do for Fagin? 10-What did Mr Brownlow tell Monks about Oliver's birth?
SB Monks's father married a young woman called Agnes .The father gave Mr
Noah (Morris) went to see what had happened to the Artful Dodger who is Brownlow a painting of her which he put on his wall. Agnes had a baby boy
now with the police. Then he followed Nancy to see who she spoke with and ( Oliver )
what she said. 11- Why did Mr Brownlow go to the West Indies ?
2- Why did Fagin decide that Nancy should be watched? He went there to find Monks as he believed that Monks had kidnapped
Because he she was planning something . Oliver .
3. Where did Nancy talk to Rose and Mr Brownlow? Did anyone hear their 12- What did Monks do to deprive َ َحشOliver of his father's money?
conversation? SB He burnt the will حٞ اى٘ص.He dropped the locket in the river which showed
Nancy met them on London Bridge but took them down some steps next to who the boy was.
the bridge to talk in a dark place. Noah Claypole/Morris Bolter heard their 13- When did Monks admit َؼزشفmaking all those mistakes?
conversation. When he knew that Nancy was killed and he could be accused of killing
4. Why did Fagin send someone to follow Nancy? SB her.
. Fagin suspected of her because the previous week she had tried to go out 14-What news did Dr Losberne tell Mr Brownlow?
walking at 1 o‟clock at night. Dr Losberne told him that a policeman told him that the man who killed
5. What did Nancy tell Rose and Mr. Brownlow? What did Mr. Brownlow Nancy was comingback to London .
try to do for Nancy? Did she accept his offer? SB B. quotations.
. Nancy told them what Monks looked like and where they could probably 1."Find out where she goes, who she sees and what she says. Can you do
find him. Mr. Brownlow offered to take her away from her life of crime. She that?" SB
refused. 1. Who says this to whom?
6- How did Mr Brownlow try to help Nancy? Fagin says this to Noah Claypole (Morris Bolter).
Mr Brownlow wanted to help her so he offered to take her with them away
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
he grew up with good morals, so Monks wanted him to be a thief so he wouldn‟t B. quotations.
get the money. 1."I will give fifty pounds to the man who takes that man alive. " SB
9- What did Mr Bumble say when he saw Oliver in the hotel? 1. Who said this? . Mr Brownlow said this.
Mr. Bumble said that he was so happy to see Oliver again and he said Oliver 2. Who was the person talking about?
had always been Such a good boy . He was talking about Bill Sikes.
10. What did Mr. and Mrs. Bumble say about the locket? SB 3. When and where was this said? This was when Sikes was in a house
Mr. and Mrs. Bumble said that they did not sell a locket to Monks and that in the slums; he had killed Nancy a week earlier and had returned to London.
they had never seen him. Mr Brownlow was with a crowd of people outside the house. The crowd was
11. How did the others know that they were lying? trying to get in to arrest Sikes.
The two servants from the workhouse said that she saw Mrs. Bumble take a 2. "And there is the road to the house where I lived with Mrs Mann
gold locket and some papers from Nurse Sally when she died. when I was little. Perhaps my orphan friends are still there!" SB
12. What do we learn about Rose Maylie's identity? Who is she? 1. Who said this? Oliver said this.
SB 2. Where was the person? . He was in a coach going back to the town
We learn that Rose Maylie was the younger sister of Agnes, Oliver‟s mother, where he was born.
so she is Oliver‟s aunt. She was only a small child when her parents died and 3. What did the person hope to do for the orphan friends?
she was sent to live with a poor family in Wales. Years later she was adopted by . He hoped to give them clothes and teach them to read and write.
Mrs. Maylie 3.."When he ran away, I helped the Artful Dodger to find him so he
13. Why did Oliver and Mr. Brownlow visit Fagin in prison? SB could introduce him to my friend Fagin, and then Fagin helped him to
. Oliver and Mr. Brownlow wanted to know where Fagin had put the papers be a thief" SB
that Monks had given him. The papers would show who Rose was. 1. Who said this and who is he talking about?
14- What did Fagin ask Oliver to do ? Monks said this, talking about Oliver.
Fagin asked Oliver to get him out of the prison but Oliver refused. 2. Why did the speaker want the other person to be a thief?
15- What happened to Monks at the end of the story ? He wanted Oliver to be a thief because Oliver would only inherit his share
Monks went to America to start a new life and no one saw him again of his father‟s money if he grew up with good morals. / because Oliver
16- What happened to Fagin's gang at the end of the story ? would not inherit his share of his father‟s money if he had bad morals.
Fagin's gang was all sent to prison but not the young Charley Bates worked 3. Where did the speaker say this?
hard to get a good job on a farm .He lived a happy life .Noah Claypole went on to . He was in a hotel in the town where Oliver was born. Mr. Brownlow and
work as an informer. others were with him.
17- What happened to Rose at the end of the story? 4-" This is your half brother. the son of Agnes and your father , my good
Rose was married Harry Maylie and they lived in a lovely house with Mrs friend Edwin."
Maylie. a) Who said this quotation? To whom?
18- How was Oliver rewarded at the end of the story? ♣ Mr Brownlow to Monks.
Oliver Twist was adopted by Mr Brownlow and went to live near to their good
friends Rose, Harry and Mrs Maylie. Although he lived a long and successful life
, he could never forget the many poor children that lived in the city nearby.
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions: 2 Why do many people become ill? They become ill because of pollution in
How long does it take to cycle around the world? The answer is 123 days! This our/their homes.
is how long it took Andrew Nicholson. The man from New Zealand, who is 43 3 Why do you think that paint and even furniture can make you ill?
and a primary school teacher, cycled nearly 30,000 kilometres. His journey took 4 What will have happened by the end of next year?
him through America, Europe, India, Asia and Australia. He was given food by About 99,000 people (in Europe) will have become ill from pollution in their homes.
many friendly people he met on the way. Of course he did not 5 Which of these is not a cause of pollution in the home?
cycle over the sea: he caught boats or planes. He also avoided countries which a ovens b gas fires c chairs d water
had problems or wars. However, he is now the fastest person to do this journey 6 Why don‟t many people know about pollution in the home?
on a bike. It must have been verytiring. The journey, which was for a charity, is a It is not easy to see. b It is a mystery.
one he will not forget! c Scientists don‟t know about it. d It has never been studied.
1 What is Andrew Nicholson‟s job? He is a primary school teacher. ِبوسد فً اخزجبساد اٌىوسن ثىن لظخ وثشجشاف
2 Why do you think some people gave him food? Students’ own answers
3 Why did he sometimes travel by boat and plane? Because he had to D The Novel
cross/travel over seas. 8 Answer the following questions:
4 Why did he not travel through some countries? He avoided countries that had 1 Who becomes very ill in Oliver Twist? Rose Maylie becomes very ill.
problems or wars. 2 Who is Harry? Harry is Mrs Maylie’s son.
5 How far did he cycle on his journey? 3 Why do you think Dr Losberne taught Oliver?
a 123,000 km b 30,000 km c 43,000 km d We do not know. Students’ own answers
6 Which of these countries can‟t Andrew Nicholson have cycled through? 4 Oliver thinks he saw Fagin. Why do you think Harry says that this might
a France b Canada c South Africa d Turkey have been a dream?
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions: Students’ own answers
We know about most forms of pollution. You can smell the air pollution which 5 Why do Mr Bumble and Mrs Bumble go to the slums?
comes from our cars and factories, and you can see light pollution at night. Dirty They go there to meet Monks, who wants some information.
rivers are caused by water pollution, and alarms and car horns cause noise Monks put a bag of coins on the table in front of her. Mrs Bumble
pollution every day. However, some forms of pollution are not obvious. then told Monks what happened on the night that Nurse Sally died.
Scientists think that many people become ill 6 Why do you think that Monks gives Mrs Bumble the coins?
because of pollution in our homes. When we make our homes warmer or cooler, 7 What does Mrs Bumble show Monks?.
it often causes pollution which is bad for us. Gas also comes from cookers. She shows him a gold locket that she had taken from Nurse Sally./that
Gases from paint and even some Nurse Sally had taken from Oliver’s mother
furniture can also make us ill. Scientists think that about 99,000 people will 8 Why do Mr Bumble and Mrs Bumble become frightened?
become ill from pollution in their homes next year in Europe. However, Monks opens a door in the floor and they think he will push them into the
scientists are working on ways to avoid such problems in the future. river.
1 What causes noise pollution every day? Alarms and car horns cause noise
ّٙ٘اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثا Ahmed Said
اىخالصح ىيصف االٗه اىثاّ٘ٙ Ahmed Said