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Practical Research 2: Fourth Quarter

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Courtney Love L. Rivera June 24,2021
1 1-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

1. Search two (2) copies of research paper (depicting probability sampling in research methodology)
conducted by someone from your family member/relative/friend.
2. Examine the sampling technique he/she applied in his/her study and complete the following table.

Name of the Title of Research Study Type of probability Description of the

Researcher/s sampling techniques sampling techniques
applied in his/her/their according to its type
research study
Charlene B. Ballera The relationship of Stratified Random The researcher asked
math anxiety and class Sampling the students’ master list
performance of Senior per section in
High School Students in Mapayapa High School
Mapayapa High School – Senior High School.
The researcher
randomly picks
students in each section
to participate in the
Imperial, Ashley The Effects of Pop The instrument used As we recognize, music
Music to the Academic was a questionnaire is a form of art which
Achievement of Grade checklist to obtain the nearly everyone enjoys
12 STEM students in data for the student’s listening by. Not only
Buting Senior High profile. The draft of the made for entertainment
School; Basis for the questionnaire was but also gives the
improvement of drawn out based on the creator the chance to
Academic Achievement research’s readings, express and send a
previous studies and message. Which can be
Literature. The an opportunity for the
questionnaire is listeners to relate and
dedicated to be sympathize them in
answered by preferred emotional spects. This
respondents. As it fact emphasizes that
happened to be a music is a
checklist, it is a lot communication tool.
easier to be answered Regardless of our age,
and not taking so much gender or how
time from the prominent we are, we
participants. love music and become
one. If I were not a
physicist, I would
probably be a musician.
I often think in music. I
live my daydreams in

Courtney Love L. Rivera June 24,2021
1 1-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

Tismo, Shanley Micaella Impact of Delayed The research The paper assesses the
Garbage Collection to instrument used was Impact of Delayed
the Residence in San checklist questionnaire Garbage Collection in
Joaquin Pasig City to obtain the the Residence of San
respondents profile. Joaquin Pasig City.
The questionnaire is Using a descriptive
dedicated to be research design, the
answered by the data were collected
preferred respondents. using a checklist survey
In order to gather data questionnaire and
needed for this study, analyzed the data using
the researchers used descriptive and
validated survey statistics. The major
questionnaires. The findings of the study
questions and the show that the
survey will discuss the respondents agreed
awareness and that the delayed
response of the people garbage collection has a
of the community. Such negative effect on their
the information will environment in San
provide the data Joaquin Pasig City.
needed for this study.

1. Collect two (2) quantitative research depicting non-probability sampling.
2. Examine the sampling technique that the researcher/s applied in his/her/their study and complete the
following table.

Name of the Title of Research Study Type of non-probability Description of the

Researcher/s sampling techniques sampling techniques
applied in his/her/their according to its type
research study
Charlene B. Ballera Level of Satisfaction of Convenience Sampling The researcher selects
Student’s on the School the first 50 students
Facilities in Mapayapa who are available to
High School participate on the study
during the time of
Deven Carlson, Simon Monetizing Bowser: A The University of Pets face mortality risk
Haeder, Hank Jenkins- Contingent Valuation of Oklahoma’s Center for from a variety of
Smith ,oseph Ripberger, the Statistical Value of Risk and Crisis sources. For example,
Carol Silva and David Dog Life Management contaminated or
Weimer administered a survey adulterated pet food
to a national sample of poses a substantial
dog keepers drawn mortality risk to dogs
from a Qualtrics panel and cats. In 2007,
of willing respondents. thousands of dogs and
The survey was fielded cats died in the USA

Courtney Love L. Rivera June 24,2021
1 1-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

from May 18 to 23, because their food was

2018, and completed contaminated with
by 4975 adults who melamine, a cheap
kept dogs in their adulterant that makes
households. flour appear to be
gluten, a more valuable
protein-rich wheat
(Nestle, 2008).

Patricia J Lucas, Janis Worked examples of A systematic review of The inclusion of

Baird, Lisa Arai, alternative methods for lay views about infant qualitative studies in
Catherine Law & Helen the synthesis of size and growth was systematic reviews
M Roberts qualitative and undertaken as part of a poses methodological
quantitative research in series of interlinked challenges. This paper
systematic reviews reviews examining the presents worked
evidence for examples of two
associations between methods of data
early growth and a synthesis (textual
number of later narrative and thematic),
outcomes. used in relation to one
review, with the aim of
enabling researchers to
consider the strength of
different approaches.


Write a Methodology of your study following the format below.
Refer to SLM 12 for the sample.

TITLE OF THE STUDY: The Effects of Pop Music to the Academic Achievement of Grade 12 STEM students
in Buting Senior High School; Basis for the improvement of Academic Achievement
REASEARCH AIMS/OBJECTIVES: Music is part of our daily lives that majorities of the students love to listen to music
while studying. Music can be used in a form of therapy for a mental illness. Also, it
can increase productivity and minimize boredom (Perreti & Swenson, n.d). Pop
Music can also trigger our interest and creativity to elevate our energy upon
studying. (Adell Stewart, 2017). ngagement in music can create positive and lasting
effects on brain function (Kuzimich, 2010). Listening to music can improve our
memory (Kang, & Williamson, 2014).
RESEARCH QUESTIONS/SOP: Generally, this study wants to know if Pop music had an effect to the Academic
Achievement of
Grade 12 STEM students of Buting Senior High School. This study aims to answer

Courtney Love L. Rivera June 24,2021
1 1-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

the following
1. What is the demographic profile of grade 12 STEM students in terms of the
1.1 AGE
2. What is the main reason why students are getting low Academic
3. Why students prefer Pop Music rather than the other genre?
4. How Pop Music could help students to concentrate while studying?
RESEARCH DESIGN: The questionnaire is dedicated to be answered by preferred respondents. As it
happened to be a checklist, it is a lot easier to be answered and not taking so much
time from the participants.
POPULATION AND SAMPLE: The researcher include thirty (30) numbers of respondents from Buting Senior High
School, the student were randomly selected from the strand of STEM.
INSTRUMENT: The instrument used was a questionnaire checklist to obtain the data for the
student’s profile. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn out based on the
research’s readings, previous studies and Literature.
VALIDATION PROCEDURE: Below this introduction, you’ll see the tables. Each of them presents different
information about the study on how does pop music affects the academic
performance. In which, figure the variables presents the study on knowing the
refinement of pop music to Buting Senior High School student’s of STEM for
continual improvement in terms of increasing the ability when it comes to
DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE: The first step before going to the testing proper is to make a draft and request for
an approval from our Professor. After finalizing the proper research questions, the
researcher was use the time allotted for vacant to avoid distraction of class
discussions. The student responses were given enough time to answer the
questionnaire checklist. After data gathering, the research now collected it for
tallying the scores and to apply the statistical treatment to be used with the study.
TREATMENT OF DATA: In this study, it will benefit the people who used to listen to the Pop Music and it
gives them the idea, whether it has a good effect. Buting Senior High School. It will
help the school to the development in studying of the senior high school students.
Students. The result will inform the students if Pop Music will help them to study
well. Other Researchers. The results of the study would make the researchers
realize that Pop Music is important and it has big impact to the listeners.

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