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G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine: Step 1: Frame Design - Preliminary Choices

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G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine

by g.grimmjow81

About 6 months ago I started designing a cnc machine overall spending target that I set myself, which I was able
that allowed me to carry out some milling works; the to meet. I intend to use the G300 mainly on wood and
design phase was very demanding in terms of time plastic sheets (PP and PE) but I believe it can also be
because it involved both the mechanical and the used for aluminum.
electronic parts.
I decided to call this machine G300 because € 300 is the


Before starting I analyzed some of the existing projects and I particularly appreciated the works of Nikodem Bartnik and
Topsie, whom I thank for the contribution they have given to the world of open CNCs and for having given the
community some beautiful projects from which, I too was able to draw inspiration.


In the creation of my proposal I was inspired by existing solutions and I evaluated each component with my personal
ranking of importance:

does it allow me to meet the target budget?

is it an optimal solution?
is it strong enough?
does it have adequate reliability and durability?

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I have therefore roughly established the characteristics of my CNC, which will consist of:

Frame with 2040 aluminum pro les;

625ZZ V-Slot wheels;
GT2 ber-reinforced belts;
Lead Screw for the Z axis;
3D printed elements in PLA;
Arduino with GRBL;
Nema23 motors with TB6600;
Katsu router (Makita RT0700C clone);


For my applications I was interested in having a working area of about 600x450mm and a vertical excursion of about
60mm; the overall size of the CNC (excluding the electronics box) is about 1000x800mm. In case you require a di erent
working area, keep in mind that the aluminum pro les in the X axis must be longer by at least 130mm of the required
size, while in the Y axis by at least 160mm.


FUSION 360: FRAME DESIGN took several hours, obtained from my free time in a span
of about 6 months; the revision of the pieces took me a
lot of time as I tried to optimize every single element as
I have been using Fusion360 for hobby purposes for 5 much as possible. Optimized design involved:
years now and it has been of help to me on numerous functionality, strength, and nally I tried to give a
occasions; therefore I chose it to make the G300, personal touch to what I had designed.
modeling in detail every single component necessary for
the creation of my CNC. FUSION 360: THE COMPONENTS LIBRARY

https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/perso... The three-dimensional model was then completed using

the McMaster-Carr library, already included in
The feature of Fusion 360 that I liked right away is the Fusion360, with a vast assortment of small parts that
simplicity of the tools available, their potential and the allowed me to insert all the screws, bolts, nuts, washers,
graphical interface cleaning. There are also a number of etc.
modules that accompany you throughout the creation The few objects not available, or with dimensions not
process: concept with sketches, 3D solids, mechanical adequate for what I needed, I found them through the
analysis, render, and physical creation with the CAM. free library of www.GrabCad.com With a three-
dimensional model, precise down to the tiniest detail, I
The geometry I have chosen is quite square and regular; was able to analyze every single element and make the
therefore also the modeling tools are simple and basic: appropriate changes since the design stage, eliminating
sketch, extrude, stretch, move / copy, llet, drill. Despite the need for a preliminary prototyping.
the relative simplicity of the controls, the design phase

G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine: Page 2


I am currently developing a custom electronics for the and makes sure that the speeds match using a PI / PID
G300 management which consists in the coupling of system. It also takes care of the emergency stop of the
two separate Arduinos. The rst manages CNC CNC in case errors are detected (send STOP signal to
operations using GRBL software while the second is Arduino GRBL). I'm still testing the system and it's not
dedicated to managing the spindle speed. ready to release yet, so I'm using a traditional circuit for
In particular, the second Arduino reads the required now.
spindle speed from the TX port of the GRBL and
compares it with the real one, measured by an IR sensor,

G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine: Page 3



The main tool used is a 3D printer, with which all the main elements of the G300 will be made; a print surface of 20x20cm
is required.

Allen key
Through Hole Tap ø5
Two-component epoxy glue for plastic-steel


https://drive.google.com/ le/d/1GZER1zVRVbrhGvulI...


https://drive.google.com/ le/d/1GZER1zVRVbrhGvulI...

G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine: Page 4

Since the precision of the printed pieces is essential, it is important to check the squaring of the 3D printer and check the
dimensional accuracy of the printed pieces; a 20x20cm printing surface is required. I used a Tevo Tarantula with 0.4mm
nozzle combined with the CURA slicer whose settings have been adjusted to increase the resistance of the pieces:

PLA because it is a rigid material, I do not recommend PETG because it is too exible;
slightly higher than normal temperature to ensure better fusion, even at the expense of some small burrs;
layer thickness 0.3mm;
30% grid lling;
at least 3 perimeter lines;
brim 5mm on the outer perimeter;
I printed the ll rst and then the edge, the ll connections will be vaguely visible on the shell but this
ensures a better connection between the two;
ironing nish of at and rigid surfaces.

The stl les are already in the printing position which ensures the best resistance of the piece and the least use of
supports. I used about 1.8kg of lament to print all the necessary components.


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Strangely my Nema23 had ø4mm threaded holes and I To give greater rigidity to the 20mm plywood top, I
thought it appropriate to widen the hole with a ø4.5mm made a 10cm-high grid of panels with a mesh of about
tip and then make a new ø5mm thread. My 2040 pro les 25x25cm; the reinforcements are in plywood to which I
had ø5mm holes while the standard is ø4.2mm; so I had previously made the comb joints. I then xed the pieces
to thread them for a M6 bolt (and therefore enlarge the with pocket holes.
holes in the two side panels).
If your pro les are perfectly standard, thread them for Assembly is quite simple and presents no particular
the M5 and there is no need for changes to the other problems but it is important to check its geometry.
For the X track it is important to check the squaring of
PIN INSERTION the lateral surfaces with the long side of the pro les
The M5 L75 threaded bars must be inserted in the 2040 and that the external vertical distance of the
components “Y carriage LA”, “Y carriage LB”, “Y carriage pro les remains constant in each section.
RA”, “Y carriage RB”, “X carriage A” and “X carriage B”; in
the X panels they must be positioned both above and For the Y tracks I veri ed the orthogonality of the feet
below. They will be xed with two-component epoxy with the base plane and then that the distance between
glue: for its correct use follow the product instructions; I track and oor is always constant. I also veri ed that the
left them to cure for at least a day. free sections of the two 2040 pro les have the same size.

In the case of small errors, they can be remedied with a I made the square of the spindle axis with the help of a
little sandpaper or with a little adhesive tape to insert a compass made from a piece of wood about 20cm long;
small thickness. Do not x yet the rails to the Y basis. one end is xed to the spindle while the second is free to
rotate and allows you to understand if the axis of the
CARRIAGES cutter is perpendicular to the plane. If not, it can be
Then proceed with the assembly of the Y carriage, xing adjusted by putting small shims between the Z carriage
rst the components “LA” and “RA” to the track X; then and the drill bracket.
mount wheels, pulleys and spacer. Then proceed with
xing the external panels "LB" and "RB", the motors, the
limit switches (2 on the left and 1 on the right for
squaring) and the lower parts of the carriages.

I have assembled them separately but not yet xed. The

X carriage is the component with the most pieces. It is
advisable to start by mounting the rear part (pieces D, E,
motor, pulley, limit switch, etc.) on panel B, then mount
the 608ZZ on the top panel C and the two ø8 bars,
checking that they are vertical and parallel to each other.

Mount the lower part of the carriage with the 6 wheels,

without tightening the screws. Assemble the upper part
of the X carriage (panels A, B and C), check the
alignment and then mount the 6 wheels; assemble the Z
carriage and all its parts and insert it between the two
bars. Place the X block on the rail and complete it by
hooking the lower part, check that the X and Z carriages
slide easily and then tighten the screws.

The piece is nally completed by housing the

G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine: Page 6
trapezoidal screw, the motor for the Z axis, the closed


Fix the left Y guide to the plywood rst, to be used as a
reference; the track must be xed as far back as possible,
otherwise the work space will stick out from the panel in
the front part. Temporarily x the second Y rail, with the
help of the Y carriage, making sure that they are equally
distant from the front side of the plane. Measure the
squaring of the Y tracks by checking distances and

Place the Y carriage on the two tracks and mount the

two lower wheel blocks; then insert the GT2 belts giving
a slight pretension. The perfect XY orthogonality will be
ensured after the rst power up, by adjusting the limit
switches on the Y carriages.


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I have included the images of the electrical connections; I'd like to point out that I have connected the limit switches NC
in series, so that if they are damaged the CNC will stop; you should install noise lters to reduce noise generated by the
motor cables. I followed this guide, in case you want to learn more: https://github.com/gnea/grbl/wiki/Wiring-Limit-

G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine: Page 9


UPLOAD GRBL To upload you can follow this guide:

Currently the latest released version of GRBL is 1.1h https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Installuse-G...
which introduced automatic squaring, which will be
used in this project, using the A3 / A4 pins to be SOFTWARE: CAD
dedicated to the second motor of the Y axis; the second
Y axis limit switch will be connected in series with the Z If you want to create a 3D object or modify something
limit switches, as speci ed by the patch notes. existing I recommend one of these software, both for
free: Fusion 360:
https://github.com/gnea/grbl/releases https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/pers...
Freecad: https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-
Before uploading the code it is necessary to enable 360/pers...
some functions by editing the con g.h le,
uncommenting these lines: SOFTWARE: CAM

#de ne HOMING_SINGLE_AXIS_COMMANDS // These are software that, starting from an input

Optional, useful for testing one axis at time geometry, allow to process the GCODE. Depending on
#de ne HOMING_FORCE_SET_ORIGIN // Optional,I don’t what you have to do, there are various possibilities:
like negative value of coordinates
#de ne DUAL_AXIS_CONFIG_PROTONEER_V3_51 // https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/pers...
Check if enabled FreeMill: https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-
The other G300 parameters can be entered as default in
the con g.h le, or later using the console. 2D
Estl/CAM: https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-
$1=255 Hold motor in place 360/pers...
$3= Set Invert axis code (see table)
$5=1 Set limit switch to Normally Close (NC)
$20=1 Enable software limit SOFTWARE: SENDER
G300 - 3D Printed CNC are numerous
Machine: possibilities on the management
Page 10
$21=1 Enable limit switch There are numerous possibilities on the management
$22=1 Enable Homing software, which must be mounted on the PC dedicated
$23= Set homing direction (see table) to the CNC; I used a PC from 2012, you don't need great
$30= Set your spindle max speed performance, but it's better to avoid laptops:
$32=0 Laser mode o Candle: https://github.com/Denvi/Candle
$100= X step/mm Universal G-Code Sender:
$101= Y step/mm https://github.com/Denvi/Candle
$102= Z step/mm LinuxCNC: https://github.com/Denvi/Candle
$110=1000 X Max speed (it can be increased later) EstlCam: https://github.com/Denvi/Candle
$111=1000 Y Max speed (it can be increased later) UltimateCNC: https://github.com/Denvi/Candle
$112=600 Z Max speed
$120=30 X acceleration The rst three are totally free, EstlCam is free but the
$120=30 Y acceleration unlicensed version has Advertising, UltimateCNC has
$120=30 Z acceleration some unlockable features only with the purchase but it is
$130= X Max travel (for me 620) also functional in the free version. To start I used Candle
$131= Y Max travel (for me 440) as it is very simple and allowed me to do the settings
$132= Z Max travel (for me 116) and calibrations even from a very old Eee PC, later I will
con gure the dedicated PC with LinuxCNC.
For the upload I used Arduino IDE
https://www.arduino.cc/en/software If you are using an
uno cial Arduino board you may need to download
additional drivers, for example

G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine: Page 11


CHECK: MOTORS & END STOP motors will remain in tension and will not lose their
With the control software I verify that the 3 axes are squareness for the duration of the work session.
moving in the right direction, otherwise it can be
corrected by reversing the 4 motor wires or by making a CALIBRATION
modi cation with the console ($ 3). I then proceed with It is important to check the calibration of the steps / mm
the homing of the 3 axes and with the veri cation of the by verifying with a ruler that the real displacements
correct functioning of the endstops; with homing, coincide with those provided by the software, otherwise
automatic squaring will be performed. I transfer the they are updated using the console commands $ 100, $
trace of the displacements on the X and Y axes to the 101, $ 102.
wooden surface and check the diagonal; if it is not
precise, it will be possible to intervene by adding a small FIRST WORK: DECIMETRIC GRID
thickness on the stop of the right limit switch or by With Fusion360 I prepare a grid with a 10x10cm mesh
moving the track. When the squaring is perfect, the that I have to bring back to the MDF martyr surface and
second Y track is de nitively xed. At this point the belts it will serve as a reference for the positioning of the
can be tensioned; it is important that the tension on the pieces to be machined, I also insert some holes in which
two Y axes is identical: you can put a small weight on the I subsequently x the threaded inserts, which will allow
belts and compare the vertical displacement, you can to block the pieces to be milled.With Fusion360 I can
also use a telephone (or ear) to listen to the note export the sketch to DWG, and then process the paths
produced by a pinch, as if it were string of a guitar. Each on the control software, or use the Fusion 360 CAM
time the home is performed, the CNC will return to the module and create the G-Code directly.
perfect square and, since I have set '$ 1 = 255', the

G300 - 3D Printed CNC Machine: Page 12


I designed the G300 to be a modular machine, for now I up to 600x440x60mm; in this case, however, it would be
have developed the cutter brackets with a diameter of necessary to make changes to the hardware as the
65mm (for Makita rt0700c, Katsu, etc.) and 52mm (classic Arduino Uno / Nano pins are limited. One of the rst
500W spindle with ER11 collet). things I will do will be a chip cleaner: it is really
It can be easily adapted, by printing a speci c support, necessary.
to mount other cutters or a laser module. If desired, you
can also install an extruder to 3D print very large objects,

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