2010 French Mulligan Acp-10-11439-Timed-Saber Aura MLS OH62
2010 French Mulligan Acp-10-11439-Timed-Saber Aura MLS OH62
2010 French Mulligan Acp-10-11439-Timed-Saber Aura MLS OH62
(MLS) on board the EOS (Earth Observing System) Aura corrected for an issue with the orientation of the LBS com-
spacecraft (Schwartz et al., 2008) – over the period 2004– pared to previous published work (Burns et al., 2003; French
2009 to help contextualise our SABER-Davis OH results. and Burns, 2004; French et al., 2005), where the LBS was
measured in the vertical orientation at Davis and cross ref-
erenced with measurements taken with the LBS in the hori-
2 Instrumentation and data zontal orientation at ANMI. A measurable difference in the
spectral radiance of the LBS was detected in 2007 as a result
2.1 Davis spectrometer of the altered shape of the tungsten filament in the different
orientations of the LBS. Correcting the AMNI calibrations to
A 1.26 m f/9 Czerny-Turner scanning spectrometer has op- match the Davis vertical measurements results in cooler OH
erated at Davis each year since 1995 recording the P-branch rotational temperatures by an average 0.9 K.
lines of the OH(6-2) band near 840 nm. Observations are
made in the zenith with a 5.3◦ field-of-view and with an 2.2 SABER
instrument resolution of ∼0.16 nm. A cooled GaAs photo-
multiplier, operated in pulse counting mode, detects the sky The SABER instrument is a radiometer which mea-
emission. Acquisition time is of the order of 7 min per spec- sures Earth limb emission profiles over the spectral range
trum. Further details of the instrument are contained in Greet 1.27–17 µm from the TIMED satellite in circular orbit at
et al. (1998) and French et al. (2000). 625 km inclined at 74◦ to the equator (Russell et al., 1999).
Transition probabilities taken from Langhoff et al. (1986) The latitude coverage ranges from 54◦ S to 82◦ N or 82◦ S
are used to derive rotational temperatures because they are to 54◦ N depending on the yaw cycle. The satellite orbit
a complete set for all bands that are closest to the ex- precesses slowly to complete 24 h local time in 60 days.
perimentally determined ratios of French et al. (2000) for Temperature is retrieved from 15 µm and 4.3 µm CO2 emis-
the OH(6-2) band. Sample temperatures are derived as a sions over an altitude range of 10–105 km, with a verti-
weighted average of temperatures from the three possible ra- cal resolution of about 2 km, and along track resolution of
tios from the P1 (2), P1 (4) and P1 (5) emission lines. The 400 km (Mertens et al., 2002). A summary of the evolu-
weighting factor is the statistical counting error (based on tion of SABER data releases is provided by Remsberg et
the error in estimating each line intensity). P1 (3) is not used al. (2008). Retrievals employ iterative algorithms in the up-
due to contamination by an un-thermalised OH(5-1) P1 (12) per mesosphere lower thermosphere (UMLT) region to ac-
line (French et al., 2000). P1 (2) is corrected for the ∼2% count for non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE)
temperature-dependent contribution by Q1 (5). Auroral ac- radiative transfer effects. An assessment of these algorithms
tivity is monitored via the atomic oxygen line at 844.6 nm. has been made by Mertens et al. (2001, 2002, 2004) and fur-
Backgrounds are selected to balance the small auroral con- ther detail of the v1.07 non-LTE retrieval algorithm is given
tribution (from N2 1PG and N+ by Garcı́a-Comas et al. (2008).
2 Meinel bands) and solar
Fraunhofer absorption for spectra acquired during moonlit Errors in the retrieved temperatures in the 80–100 km re-
conditions. Correction factors account for the difference gion are estimated to be in the range ±1.5–5 K if the ki-
in 3-doubling between the P-branch lines determined with netic temperature profile does not have pronounced vertical
knowledge of the instrument line shape from high-resolution structure (Garcı́a-Comas et al., 2008). Errors are greater in
scans of a frequency-stabilized laser. Further details of the summer polar conditions, but these are not of concern here
rotational temperature analysis procedure are available in since our study concentrates on Southern Hemisphere po-
Burns et al. (2003) and French and Burns (2004). lar winter. In addition to kinetic temperature, volume emis-
Instrument spectral response calibration is maintained by sion rate (VER) profiles are derived simultaneously from the
reference to several Low Brightness Source (LBS) units, OH-B channel, sensitive in the range 1.56–1.72 µm, which
which are cross-referenced annually to Australian National includes mostly the OH(4-2) and OH(5-3) bands. While we
Measurement Institute (ANMI) standards. A total of 863 compare temperatures from OH(6-2) band measurements at
scans of the LBS on the spectrometer and 356 cross- Davis in this study, altitude differences between all the vi-
reference scans of the LBS against ANMI standards were brational levels are not expected to exceed 2 km (McDade,
made over the 2002 to 2009 data interval considered here. 1991). SABER calibration is maintained by reference to an
The instrument response correction has not varied by more internal blackbody (at 247 K) every 446 s. Between each
than 1.1% in the P1 (2)/P1 (5) ratio (the most widely sepa- up/down limb scan pair, views are also made of “cold space”
rated ratio used for a rotational temperature calculation) over and the instrument baffling as an estimate of internal stray
this time, corresponding to a maximum temperature variation light effects (Remsberg et al., 2008).
of 1.1 K due to the different response corrections applied for
all years. The correction uncertainty is generally less than
0.3 K each year, with the exception of 2002 (1.2 K) due to
detector cooling problems. Data used in this study have been
Temperature (K)
launched on 15 July 2004 into a near-polar, 705 km altitude, 200
Temperature (K)
24.7 s, with an along-track resolution of ∼165 km (increas- 200
ing to 220 km in the UMLT region). Temperature and geopo- 185
tential height profiles are produced on a fixed vertical pres- 170
sure grid by the MLS level 2 (version 2.2 data is used in this 155
study) processing algorithm which is applied to the thermal
microwave emissions near the spectral lines 118 GHz O2 and 402002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Altitude (km)
nightly average were retained giving a total of 2060 profiles. Mean Temperature
In order to compare satellite temperatures with those de- 90
rived from the ground-based instrument, we derive hydroxyl
layer equivalent temperatures from satellite profiles using a
weighting function which is representative of the hydroxyl 80
layer (e.g., Oberheide et al., 2006; López-González et al.,
2007; Mulligan and Lowe, 2008). In the first part of this
study, we concentrated on SABER profiles because of the 70
availability of simultaneous OH 1.6 µm VER profiles. Five
different weighting profiles were considered as follows: 65
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
– W SL: the weighting function from She and VER (normalized to unit area)
Lowe (1998) of the form W SL = (a/(1 + exp(−(z − 2 Figure 2. SABER weighting profiles considered in this study (see text for descriptions),
b + c/2)/d))(1 − 1/(1 + exp(−(z − b − c/2)/e))) Fig. 2. SABER weighting profiles considered in this study (see
3 compared with the mean (winter) mesopause temperature profile derived from the 2359
where the coefficients a = 27; b = 87.133; c = 3.8682; text for descriptions), compared with the mean winter mesopause
4 SABER profiles profile
temperature within 500derived
km range.from the 2359 SABER profiles within
d = 1.8235; e = 2.9306, calculated over the tangent
500 km range.
point altitude (Z) range 70 < Z < 110 km.
– W G87: a Gaussian centred at 87 km with FWHM 8 km
calculated over the range 70 < Z < 104 km. with a standard error of 0.27 K. Table 1 summarizes the mean
differences for the 2060 individual profiles, and 847 nightly
– W VER: the SABER (OH-B) VER profile, evaluated average comparisons. Overall, SABER and OH tempera-
from the altitude of the peak OH VER ±20 km. tures lie within 2 K of each other, no matter which weight-
ing profile is chosen, and whether the comparison is made
– W GFIT: a Gaussian fitted to the altitude of the OH
on an individual profile or nightly average basis. Profiles
VER peak ±20 km, but then weighted to ±17 km.
based on the SABER VER (T VER, T GFIT and T VERm) 18
– W VERm: a profile derived from the mean of the 2359 generally lead to a warm bias while weighting with the She
VER profiles that comprise the initial selection set. and Lowe (1998) profile leads to a cool bias. The smallest
standard deviation in the bias is obtained with the W VERm
These weighting profiles are shown in Fig. 2 with the mean profile. Spatial and temporal variability may contribute to
(and standard error) of the 2359 SABER temperature profile the differences between Davis OH and SABER tempera-
retrievals across the UMLT region. Multiplying each temper- tures since we have accepted all overpasses within 500 km in
ature profile by the corresponding weighting profile yields range and 8 h in time. The effect on bias has been examined
T SL, T G87, T VER, T GFIT and T VERm. The SABER with more restrictive spatio-temporal coincidence criteria;
temperature interpolated to 87 km (T Alt) was also calcu- restricting the range of miss-distance acceptance in 100 km
lated. T GFIT temperatures, derived in this way are shown steps and miss-time acceptance from ±8 h to ±15 min. No
in Fig. 1b. systematic trend in the bias is observed with tighter restric-
tions on either criterion for any of the weighting functions
4 Comparison of SABER with Davis OH(6-2) considered (see Tables 3 and 4 of the Supplement). The
consistency of biases over the span of spatial and tempo-
4.1 The effect of selection criteria on bias and ral ranges considered indicate that the OH layer is largely
correlation uniform over these scales, or that differences are averaged
out in the wide field-of-view of SABER. Burns et al. (2003)
SABER weighted temperatures, for each profile shape, are found good correlation between Davis OH and sodium lidar
compared to the closest OH(6-2) rotational temperature, as temperatures at Syowa station (69◦ S, 39◦ E) at a distance of
individual samples (2060 coincidences) and as nightly aver- 1500 km. The majority of the day-to-day variability is in re-
ages (847 coincidences). The differences (SABER – Davis sponse to large scale planetary waves with spatial extents of
OH) are shown in Fig. 1c for the T GFIT evaluation. The several thousand km (French and Burns, 2004; French et al.,
mean difference (T GFIT – TOH ) in this example is 1.25 K 2005). Tidal amplitudes are small at this latitude (generally
Table 1. A comparison of the mean temperatures and SABER-OH biases for each weighting profile for 2060 individual profiles and 847
nightly averages compared to the closest OH temperature measurement (TOH ) and closest OH nightly average (TOHNA ).
2060 Profiles
Weighted Temp (K) 202.00 203.39 203.76 201.30 202.38 203.81 203.80 203.19
Standard Deviation (K) 12.28 7.43 13.60 9.91 9.85 9.77 10.28 8.74
Standard Error (K) 0.27 0.16 0.30 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.19
Difference from TOH 1.76 −0.70 0.38 1.81 1.80 1.19
SD of difference 14.72 12.75 12.00 11.90 11.90 11.54
Difference from TOHNA 0.37 −2.09 −1.01 0.42 0.41 −0.20
SD of difference 12.44 9.33 8.59 8.39 8.51 7.63
Linear correlation R 2 0.179 0.203 0.287 0.305 0.336 0.319
Nightly Averages TOHNA T Alt T SL T G87 T VER T GFIT T VERm
847 Profiles
Weighted Temp (K) 203.11 204.26 201.97 202.91 204.34 204.35 203.65
Standard Deviation (K) 7.34 11.77 9.42 9.18 9.03 9.58 8.18
Standard Error (K) 0.25 0.40 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.33 0.28
Difference from TOHNA 1.16 −1.14 −0.19 1.23 1.25 0.54
SD of the difference 10.56 8.98 7.99 7.67 7.85 7.20
less than 2 K) which contributes to the lack of bias deviation source of the drift, it has important implications for the use
over timescales up to 8 h (Hagan et al., 1999). of its temperatures in the assessment of long term change.
Further information on the bias trend may be gained over the
4.2 SABER-Davis OH bias trend next few years as solar activity increases, but for now the
source of the trend in bias remains unresolved.
Our analysis thus far has treated the 2002–2009 comparison
dataset as a whole. Returning to Fig. 1c we now examine the 4.3 Aura/MLS-Davis OH bias and trend
trend in bias over the 8-year time span. Means for each year,
and for each yaw cycle “campaign”, are plotted in Fig. 3a. As a check on the bias trend we have performed the
A linear fit shows an apparent trend in the bias increasing at same comparison exercise using available data from the Mi-
∼0.7 K/year (implying that SABER temperatures are getting crowave Limb Sounder (MLS) on NASA’s Aura satellite. A
warmer compared to the OH measurements) and is indepen- total of 7407 MLS level 2 (version 2.2) profiles between
dent of the weighting function used. To our knowledge such July 2004 and December 2009 satisfied the same accep-
a trend has not been reported in previous comparisons. tance range (<500 km) and solar zenith angle (>97◦ ) crite-
A calibration drift in either instrument could produce such ria used for the SABER analysis. Since our SABER anal-
a trend. The total change in response correction for the Davis ysis demonstrated that OH-equivalent temperatures are rela-
instrument over 2002–2009 equates to about 1.1% or 1.1 K tively insensitive to the shape of the weighting function, we
in temperature from the P1 (2)/P1 (5) ratio (which contributes used only a simple Gaussian weighting profile centred on an
∼57% on average to the weighted mean) and less for the altitude of 87 km and a FWHM of 8.7 km to calculate hy-
other ratios. The uncertainty in the response calibration is droxyl layer equivalent temperatures. A significant cold bias
∼0.3 K. Thus in terms of a calibration drift for the Davis in- of 9.9 ± 0.4 K (MLS colder than Davis OH) was obtained as
strument a change in bias of ∼0.7 K/year (a total of 5.6 K the mean of 1034 nightly averages over the 5.5 years. Impor-
over 8 years) is conservatively at least 5 times the maximum tantly, however, biases derived for each year do not show an
change in response correction and at least 19 times the un- increasing drift between 2004 and 2009 as shown in Fig. 3b.
certainty. One possible consideration for the difference in bias be-
Another possibility for the source of a bias trend could haviour is the effect of the much lower vertical resolu-
be an inaccurate representation of long term changes in CO2 tion of MLS (15 km FWHM) compared with SABER (2 km
or O concentrations in the SABER non-LTE retrieval algo- FWHM). This was investigated in the following manner. All
rithm, perhaps as a consequence of the decrease in solar flux of the SABER profiles that passed the selection criteria were
over the life of the SABER mission (J.-H. Yee and M. López- convolved with averaging kernels of the altitude and width
Puertas, personal communication, 2010). If SABER is the described in Schwartz et al. (2008) for MLS temperature
4 A
-12 Bias = -0.17±0.10*Year - 333.6
95% confidence -0.44 < Slope < 0.10
-13 2
R = 0.44
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wind, Ann. Geophys., 27, 1763–1774, doi:10.5194/angeo-27-
Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assis- 1763-2009, 2009.
tance of the Optical Physicists at Davis in collecting the hydroxyl Mertens, C. J., Mlynczak, M. G. López-Puertas, M. Wintersteiner,
airglow data. This work is supported by the Australian Antarctic P. P. Picard, R. H. Winick, J. R. Gordley, L. L., and Russell
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