Atot-2008jtecha1100 1
Atot-2008jtecha1100 1
Atot-2008jtecha1100 1
Spaceborne measurements pinned to international standards are needed to monitor the earth’s climate,
quantify human influence thereon, and test forecasts of future climate change. The International System of
Units (SI, from the French for Système International d’Unités) provides ideal measurement standards for
radiometry as they can be realized anywhere, at any time in the future. The challenge is to credibly prove
on-orbit accuracy at a claimed level against these international standards. The most accurate measurements
of thermal infrared spectra are achieved with blackbody-based calibration. Thus, SI-traceability is obtained
through the kelvin scale, making thermometry the foundation for on-orbit SI-traceable spectral infrared
measurements. Thermodynamic phase transitions are well established as reproducible temperature stan-
dards and form the basis of the international practical temperature scale (International Temperature Scale
of 1990, ITS-90). Appropriate phase transitions are known in the temperature range relevant to thermal
infrared earth observation (190–330 K) that can be packaged such that they are chemically stable over the
lifetime of a space mission, providing robust and traceable temperature calibrations. A prototype blackbody
is presented that is compact, highly emissive, thermally stable and homogeneous, and incorporates a small
gallium melting point cell. Precision thermal control of the blackbody allows the phase transition to be
identified to within 5 mK. Based on these results, the viability of end-to-end thermometric calibration of
both single-temperature and variable-temperature blackbodies on orbit by employing multiple-phase-
change cells was demonstrated.
DOI: 10.1175/2008JTECHA1100.1
The International System of Units is linked to fun- ted by a cavity with a finite aperture with Lambertian
damental physical properties of matter such that any reflectance is
experimenter anywhere in the world can establish the
I˜ ⫽ ˜ B˜ 共T 兲 ⫹ 共1 ⫺ ˜ 兲 B˜ 共T eff兲, 共2兲
bias of their observation tied to the applicable SI stan-
dard. The statement that a given measurement is SI where ˜ is the cavity spectral emissivity and T is the eff
traceable implies that it can be related to the base SI effective temperature of the radiation from the back-
units through an unbroken chain of comparisons with ground environment. The second term on the right-
accepted standards, all having stated uncertainties. In hand side of this equation is a simplification valid for
addition, certain principles must be followed to evalu- spatially isotropic and isothermal background radia-
ate the uncertainty with which data are reported. For a tion. The values of the physical constants that appear in
satellite instrument, SI-traceable calibration achieved the Planck function are known with much lower uncer-
during prelaunch calibration cannot be assumed to be tainties than is required for remote sensing applica-
valid during the operational lifetime of the instrument. tions. Thus, the dominant source of uncertainty in a
Demonstrating SI traceability on orbit is challenging well-designed blackbody is in the measurement of the
because accepted standards with which the full dynamic cavity temperature, as well as the effect of the nonunity
range of expected measurements can be calibrated are emissivity of a practical blackbody with a macroscopic
not readily available, and the component uncertainties aperture. Temperature probes can exhibit drift over
of the measurement (exclusive of the calibration stan- time periods of years, readout electronics can degrade,
dards) are not easily quantified. Demonstrating SI and cavity surface preparations can be altered though
traceability on orbit, however, is essential, since it is the oxidation in the low earth orbit environment. The re-
only rigorous path to establishing a high-accuracy time alization of the Planck function can thus become inac-
series. curate following preflight calibration. Current and
There are two common methods to realize an SI- planned operational infrared sounders have no means
traceable infrared radiance scale. One is detector based to directly measure this drift; therefore, they have no
through electrical substitution radiometry, which is means to ascertain the accuracy of their calibration tar-
based on SI electrological standards and the principle gets during the flight mission. This results in a calibra-
of equivalence between the optical watt and the elec- tion error of unknown magnitude that varies with time
trical watt (Martin et al. 1985). The other is source on orbit.
based through the use of blackbodies with SI-traceable To address this problem, we have developed a black-
thermometry whose radiance can be described by the body design that implements SI-traceable thermom-
Planck function for blackbody radiation (Fox 2000). Al- etry, throughout the lifetime of a satellite instrument,
though national meteorology institutes have built their by realizing the primary SI temperature scale on orbit.
primary radiometric scales around the detector-based The base SI unit of temperature is the kelvin, and the
method, on spaceborne infrared sounders lower uncer- basic meteorological temperature scale is the Interna-
tainties may be achieved with source-based methods. A tional Temperature Scale of 1990. ITS-90 is defined in
review of remote sensing calibration by National Insti- relation to the fixed points of pure elements, which are
tute of Standards and Technology (NIST) meteorolo- immutable physical constants (Rusby et al. 1991). Our
gists suggests that large systematic errors can occur in design incorporates a simple gallium melting point stan-
practical blackbodies (Rice and Johnson 2001). The at- dard into a calibration blackbody. The gallium melting
tainment of the low uncertainties required for climate point remains constant over time and is a defining point
measurements therefore necessitates blackbodies with of the ITS-90. It is used as a benchmark to calibrate the
an SI-traceable emission scale. onboard thermometers. This method allows accurate
The spectral radiance B˜ (T ) emitted by a blackbody determination of a blackbody temperature during the
cavity of uniform temperature T with an infinitesimal lifetime of the satellite instrument on orbit, directly
aperture is described by the Planck function: traceable to the base SI temperature scale. To fully
constrain the blackbody radiance, an accurate determi-
2hc2˜ 3 nation of the effective cavity emissivity is also neces-
冉 冊
B˜ 共T 兲 ⫽ , 共1兲
hc˜ sary. This is the subject of Gero et al. (2008; manuscript
exp ⫺1 submitted to J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.). Here, we
describe the operation of the blackbody with an em-
where h is Planck’s constant, c is the speed of light in a bedded melting point standard for calibrating ther-
vacuum, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and ˜ is the mometers. In section 2 we describe the details of the
spectral index (in cm⫺1). The spectral radiance I˜ emit- experimental apparatus, specifically the thermal and
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FIG. 1. Cross-sectional view of the blackbody with the embedded gallium cell (shaded in
gray). The blackbody has cylindrical geometry. All component modules (except the gallium
cell) are made of aluminum 6061 and the cavity interior is coated with Aeroglaze Z306. The
interior length is 229 mm, the inner diameter is 51 mm, and the entrance aperture diameter
is 38 mm. All components are held together using compression. Thermal grease is used as
indicated to enhance conduction between the gallium cell and the blackbody. Thermistors,
labeled 1–6, are placed into the narrow cylindrical wells to monitor the temperature along the
length of the cavity. Thermistors 1, 2, and 6 are referred to as the gallium, cone, and aperture
thermistors, respectively.
optical design elements of the blackbody and the op- is used, with 13-mm-thick walls, in order to enhance the
eration of the gallium melting point standard. In section thermal conductivity and minimize temperature gradi-
3 we discuss the experimental results obtained with the ents along the cavity. The blackbody exterior is covered
blackbody. In section 4 we discuss the implications of with layers of Kapton, Nomex, and aluminized Mylar to
these results for implementing a three-point calibration insulate against radiative thermal losses to the environ-
of temperature sensors on orbit. We summarize our ment. The full blackbody module is mounted on an
conclusions in section 5. optical table with highly rigid and insulating G10 fiber-
glass stands to reduce thermal losses in the mounting
mechanism. Each blackbody module is outfitted with a
2. Experiment description Kapton thermofoil heater (Minco, Minneapolis, Min-
nesota). The power dissipation in each can be manually
The design strategy employed in this experiment was controlled to ensure temperature homogeneity across
to construct a blackbody that obeyed the Planck func- the entire cavity. The heaters are regulated using an
tion [Eq. (1)] with an uncertainty in radiance domi- analog proportional-integral-derivative controller (Wave-
nated by the uncertainty from temperature measure- length Electronics, Bozeman, Montana). A thermistor
ment. This strategy required that the errors in radiance placed in proximity to the reentrant cone provides the
temperature from cavity temperature nonuniformity closed-loop feedback for the controller. The opera-
and nonunity cavity emissivity be less than the ther- tional blackbody has a setpoint accuracy of 5 mK, tem-
mometry error. In the following sections we outline the perature stability better than 1 mK h⫺1, and cavity in-
thermal and optical designs, respectively, that were homogeneity of 10 mK along its length, depending on
used to meet these requirements. This is followed by a the difference between the blackbody setpoint and the
description of the gallium melting point standard that ambient temperature.
confers SI traceability to the blackbody temperature. The temperatures of each blackbody module and the
The performance of the blackbody–gallium cell system gallium cell are monitored using thermistors (Thermo-
was tested in a vacuum chamber simulating the low metrics, Edison, New Jersey). They are potted with
earth orbit environment. thermal grease in deep narrow cylindrical cavities 2–5
mm from the blackbody interior surface. The exact lo-
cations of the six thermistors used are shown in Fig. 1.
a. Thermal design The resistance of the thermistor is measured with a
Figure 1 depicts the cylindrical cavity geometry that Hart Scientific 1575 SuperThermometer (American
was chosen for the blackbody, with a 60° reentrant cone Fork, Utah). This apparatus applies a constant current
at the base. The aperture, the cone, and the cylinder of 10 A and measures the voltage across the resistive
were designed as independent interlocking aluminum sensor, comparing it to the voltage across a well-
modules that are held together using compression. characterized internal reference resistor. The measure-
Temperature homogeneity is achieved by carefully con- ment is performed twice with the current in alternating
trolling several design elements. A large thermal mass directions, in order to eliminate offset voltages, includ-
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Component 234 K 273 K 303 K
Thermistor self-heating 0.01 mK 0.11 mK 0.39 mK
Readout electronics 0.2 ⍀ 0.2 ⍀ 0.2 ⍀
Reference resistors 0.2 ⍀ 0.2 ⍀ 0.2 ⍀
ADC resolution (12 bit) 153.4 ⍀ 8.3 ⍀ 3.4 ⍀
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