On Measuring Surface Wave Phase Velocity From Station-Station Cross-Correlation of Ambient Signal
On Measuring Surface Wave Phase Velocity From Station-Station Cross-Correlation of Ambient Signal
On Measuring Surface Wave Phase Velocity From Station-Station Cross-Correlation of Ambient Signal
Lapo Boschi,1,2 Cornelis Weemstra,3,4 Julie Verbeke,5 Göran Ekström,5 Andrea Zunino6
and Domenico Giardini3
1 UMR 7193 UPMC-CNRS, Laboratoire ISTeP, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. E-mail: lapo.boschi@upmc.fr
2 ETH Zurich, Main building, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
3 Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
4 Spectraseis, Inc., Denver, Colorado, USA
5 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
6 Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Accepted 2012 October 12. Received 2012 October 12; in original form 2012 July 30
C The Authors 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society.
Measuring surface wave phase velocity 347
distance (geometrical spreading). The signal (3) is observed at y generated by a single source localized in space, and not scattered,
with a delay td , that is, is only useful if the location of the source is known. It coincides
(once amplitude is normalized) with the response, at one station,
u(y, t) = S(y, ω) cos [ω(t + td ) + φ] . (4)
to a sinusoidal source located at the other, if and only if the two
(By virtue of eq. (2), td is negative when energy propagates from stations are aligned with the source, that is, azimuth θ = 0 or θ =
y to x (0 < θ < π /2) and positive when energy propagates from π , so that td = ±x/v.
x to y.)
Let us substitute (3) and (4) into (1), so that
2.2 Monochromatic signal from a discrete set of sources
S(x)S(y) T
Cx y = cos(ωτ + φ) cos [ω(τ + t + td ) + φ] dτ. (5) Recorded seismic ambient noise is believed to be the cumulative
2T −T
effect of numerous localized sources, distributed almost randomly
It is convenient to substitute z = ωτ , to find all around our pair of recording instruments. The signal generated
by a discrete set of monochromatic sources can be written as a
S(x)S(y) ωT
Cx y = cos(z + φ) cos [z + φ + ω(t + td )] dz. (6) superposition of single-source signals, eqs (3) and (4), resulting in
2ωT −ωT
We next make use of the general trigonometric identity cos (A + u(x, t) = Si (x, ω) cos(ωt + φi ) (14)
B) = cos Acos B − sin Asin B, valid for any A, B and i
S(x)S(y) ωT 2
Cx y = cos (z) cos [φ + ω(t + td )] cos(φ)
2ωT −ωT u(y, t) = Si (y, ω) cos ω(t + tdi ) + φi , (15)
ω, as signal generated by differently located sources generally has a We next rewrite the integral in terms of Bessel and Struve func-
different frequency content. To keep the notation compact, we have tions. Let us first consider the 0-order Bessel function of the first
incorporated the continuous version of the source term Si (x, ω)Si (y, kind in its integral form
ω)/2 from eq. (17) in the source density function ρ(td , ω).
1 π
In analogy with earlier formulations of ambient-noise theory, we J0 (z) = cos[z sin(θ)]dθ (25)
π 0
require the source distribution to be uniform with respect to azimuth
θ . To find the corresponding (not constant) expression of ρ as a [eq. (9.1.18) of Abramowitz & Stegun (1964)]. The integral from 0
function of td , we note that, for azimuthally constant source density, to π in (25) can be transformed into an integral from 0 to π /2
ρ(td ) multiplied by a positive increment |dtd | must coincide with the
1 π
corresponding increment |dθ| times a constant factor. Formally, J0 (z) = cos[z sin(θ)]dθ
π 0
1 π π
g(ω)|dθ| = ρ(td , ω)|dtd |, (19) 1 2
2π = cos[z sin(θ)]dθ + cos[z sin(θ)]dθ
π 0 π
where g(ω)/2π is the normalized value of uniform azimuthal source 2
g(ω) x sin[θ(td )] π π
|dθ | = ρ(td , ω) |dθ|, (20) 1 2 2
which is the expression of ρ = ρ(td , ω) corresponding to azimuthally We then replace sin (θ) = cos (θ − π /2) and change the integration
uniform source density. variable θ = θ
+ π /2,
2 2 π
J0 (z) = cos[z cos(θ − )]dθ
π 0 2
2.4 Cross-correlation and Green’s function
It is convenient to separate the integral in eq. (18) into two integrals, = cos[z cos(θ
0 π
2 2
Cx y ≈ ρ(td , ω) cos [ω(t + td )] dtd = cos[z cos(θ
, (27)
− x
π 0
2.4.1 Positive-time (causal) contribution to the cross-correlation The 0-order Struve function also has an integral form
Let us first consider the second term (td ≥ 0) at the right-hand side H0 (z) =
2 2
sin[z cos(θ)]dθ, (29)
of (22), which, since ρ(td , ω) is real (see eq. 21), can be rewritten π 0
which coincides with eq. (12.1.7) of Abramowitz & Stegun (1964) at
v √
C xtdy>0 ≈ eiωt ρ(td , ω)eiωtd dtd , (23) order 0 and substituting (1/2) = π , with denoting the Gamma
0 function. We replace, again, z with ωx/v, and
where (. . .) equals the real part of its argument. It is convenient to ωx 2 2
replace ρ(td , ω) with its expression (21), and the integration variable H0 = eiωx cos(θ)/v dθ , (30)
v π
td with θ . By differentiating eq. (2), dtd = −xsin (θ)dθ /v, while 0
the limits of integration 0, x/v correspond to azimuth θ = π /2, with the operator mapping complex numbers to their imaginary
0, respectively, hence, using the symmetry of the cosine, part. It follows from (28) and (30) that
g(ω)eiωt 2 2 π ωx ωx
C xtdy>0 ≈ eiωx cos(θ)/v dθ . (24) eiωx cos(θ)/v dθ = J0 + iH0 , (31)
2π 0 0 2 v v
and substituting into (24)
(Recall that positive td corresponds to azimuth 0 < θ < π /2, while
the opposite holds for the td ≤ 0 term corresponding to π /2 < θ < g(ω)eiωt ωx ωx
C xtdy>0 ≈ J0 + iH0 . (32)
π .) 4 v v
350 L. Boschi et al.
Following Tsai (2009), or all other authors conducting ambient- 2 2
noise analysis in the time domain, we next assume that interstation = sin z sin θ + dθ
π 0 2
distance be much larger than the wavelength of the signal under
consideration, that is, ωx/v 1. It then follows from eq. (9.2.1) 2
= sin[z sin(θ
ωx 2v ωx π π
J0 ≈ cos − , (33) 2 2
v ωπ x v 4 = sin[z sin(−θ
π 0
and from eqs (12.1.34) and (9.2.2) of Abramowitz & Stegun (1964),
2 2
ωx ωx 2v ωx π =− sin[z sin(θ
. (39)
H0 ≈ Y0 ≈ sin − , (34) π 0
v v ωπ x v 4
Making use of eq. (39), and of expression (26) for the Bessel
with Y0 denoting the 0-order Bessel function of the second kind. function J0 , with z = ωx/v, in (38),
Substituting eqs (33) and (34) into (32),
g(ω)e−iωt ωx ωx
i(ωx/v−π/4) C xtdy<0 ≈ J0 − iH0 , (40)
C xtdy>0 ≈ g(ω)eiωt e 4 v v
8π ωx
where only the sign of H0 at the right-hand side has changed with
v respect to eq. (32). We conclude that
= g(ω) cos [ω (x/v + t) − π/4] . (35)
8π ωx v
C xtdy<0 ≈ g(ω) cos [ω (−x/v + t) + π/4] ,
π π π
2 where ε ωi . It is convenient to introduce the notation ψ =
= f cos(θ
) cos − sin(θ
) sin dθ
Figure 2. Numerical test of expression (41) + (35), with interstation distance of 500 km and wave speed of 3 km s−1 . Cxy resulting from the direct
implementation of (41) + (35) is denoted by a solid line. We compare it with the result of applying eq. (17) to model Cxy from the combined effect of 1000,
far, sinusoidal (with 4-s period) out-of-phase sources located at 200 different, uniformly distributed azimuths from the station couple. Finally, we also compute
Cxy from eq. (16) (crosses), neglecting the cross-terms i = k; a slight decay, with increasing lag, in the latter estimate of Cxy is caused by the finite length of
the time-integral in the implementation of (16). Amplitudes have been normalized. All modeled cross-correlations are perfectly in phase.
where ... denotes ensemble averaging, the left-hand side is pre- zero are identified. If ω = ωi for some i, the argument of (48) must
cisely what we call coherency, and the superscript ∗ marks the coincide with one of the known zeros zn (n = 1, 2, ...) of the Bessel
complex conjugate of a complex number. The quantities at the function J0 ,
right-hand side of (48) are defined as in Section 2.4 above, with x
ωi x
distance between stations i and j. [The alert reader might notice at = zn . (50)
this point that the right-hand side of eq. (48) is proportional to Cxy : v(ωi )
simply sum, according to eq. (22), its positive- and negative-time Eq. (50) can be solved for v,
contributions (32) and (40), respectively (Tsai & Moschetti 2010).]
Again based on Aki (1957), the ensemble-averaged imaginary ωi x
v(ωi ) = , (51)
part zn
pi p∗j and we now have an array of possible measurements of phase ve-
= 0. (49) locity at the frequency ωi , each corresponding to a different value
| pi | | p j |
of n. Implementing (51) at all observed values of ωi , an array of
Importantly, both eqs (48) and (49) are shown by Aki (1957) to be dispersion curves is found. Much like in the case of FRY (Sec-
valid provided that the energy of ambient signal is approximately tion 3.1), a criterion must then be established to select a unique
uniform with respect to azimuth. As anticipated at the beginning of curve.
Section 2, this is typically not true at any moment in time, but can Importantly, the observation of ωi on ensemble-averaged cross-
be achieved, at least to some extent, by ensemble-averaging (Yang spectra like the one of Fig. 4(d) is complicated by small oscillations
& Ritzwoller 2008). that can be attributed to instrumental noise or inaccuracies related to
Eq. (48) can be used to determine phase dispersion. In practice, non-uniformity in the source distribution. Before identifying ωi , we
observed coherency is first of all plotted as a function of frequency determine the linear combination of cubic splines that best fits (in
(i.e. the ensemble-averaged, whitened cross-spectrum is plotted). least-squares sense, via the LSQR algorithm of Paige & Saunders
Values ωi (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . ) of frequency for which coherency is (1982)) observed coherency. Splines are equally spaced, and spacing
354 L. Boschi et al.
Figure 5. (a) Subset of European stations (circles) from Verbeke et al. (in preparation) that are also included in our analysis. We only compare phase-velocity
measurements associated with ∼1000 station pairs connected by solid lines. (b) Distribution of epicentral-distance values sampled by the data set at (a).
Measuring surface wave phase velocity 355
Figure 7. Frequency of observed phase-velocity misfit (AKI values subtracted from FRY ones) for the total set of ∼1000 analysed station pairs. The mean is
13 m s−1 and the standard deviation is 151 m s−1 .
356 L. Boschi et al.
pairs. A visual analysis (which we repeated on many more pairs) Fig. 8(b) the misfit is likewise averaged within 2-mHz increments
suggests that the two methods provide very similar results. spanning the whole frequency range of interest. Fig. 8(a) shows that
To evaluate quantitatively their level of consistency, we first ex- FRY has a tendency to give slightly higher velocity estimates with
pand FRY dispersion curves over a set of cubic splines, and apply respect to AKI; this effect is reversed at very small and very large
spline interpolation to estimate FRY-based phase-velocity values at interstation distances. The misfit remains low (∼30 m s−1 or less)
the exact frequencies (associated with zero-crossings of the Bessel at most interstation distances.
function) where AKI measurements are available. We subtract the Fig. 8(b) shows clearly that misfit is systematically smaller
AKI phase velocities from the FRY ones interpolated at the same (20 m s−1 ) at relatively high frequencies (0.04 Hz) than it is
frequency, selecting at each frequency the AKI data point closest at low frequencies of ∼0.02–0.03 Hz. This is expected, as low
to the FRY one (we thus avoid the well known issue of multiple- frequency might result in relatively small ωx/v, which would
cycle ambiguity, that equally affects both approaches). We count deteriorate the performance of FRY (but not of AKI) for short inter-
the number of discrepancy observations, independent of frequency, station distance x: in practice, the causal and anticausal parts tend
falling in each of a set of 50 m s−1 intervals, and plot the associ- to overlap in the short-x time-domain cross-correlations, making
ated histogram in Fig. 7. Both mean and standard deviation of the it difficult to measure phase via the FRY method (e.g. Ekström et al.
FRY-AKI discrepancy are small (13 and 151 m s−1 , respectively), 2009).
and we conclude that, in our implementation, the two approaches The combined effect of short x and low frequency is per-
provide consistent results when applied to the data. Outliers exist haps better illustrated in Fig. 9(a), where both frequency- and x-
with misfit larger than ±1000 m s−1 , but they would not be visible dependence of misfit are shown in a single, 2-D plot. It emerges
in Fig. 7 even after extending the horizontal-axis range. that, even at low frequency, AKI and FRY are in good agreement
We next analyse the dependence of FRY-AKI discrepancy on for sufficiently large interstation distance. Fig. 9(b) shows that, not
interstation distance, through a second histogram (Fig. 8a) where surprisingly, sampling is not uniform with respect to frequency
the misfit is averaged within ∼0.3◦ interstation-distance bins. In and x; most seismic-ambient-noise energy in our station array is
Measuring surface wave phase velocity 357
Figure 9. (a) FRY-AKI phase-velocity misfit, for the total set of ∼1000 analysed station pairs, averaged within (a) ∼0.2◦ × 0.04-Hz distance/frequency bins
and (b) number of pairs per distance/frequency bin.
found at frequencies around ∼0.05 Hz, and some of the discrepancy lies does not hold. We infer that Rayleigh-wave phase velocity
found at both higher and lower frequency (see in particular the top can be successfully observed, via ensemble averaging, from contin-
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