Ambient Noise Multimode Surface Wave Tomography: Review Open Access
Ambient Noise Multimode Surface Wave Tomography: Review Open Access
Ambient Noise Multimode Surface Wave Tomography: Review Open Access
Seismic techniques using earthquakes are powerful tools for exploring the Earth’s internal structure. However,
the earthquake distribution limits the spatial resolution. In recent years, ambient noise surface wave tomography
using ambient seismic wave field has resolved these limitations. A typical ambient seismic wave field is microseisms
excited by ocean swell activities. Ambient noise surface wave tomography is a technique in seismic interferometry
that extracts seismic wave propagation between pairs of stations by cross-correlating the seismic records. The cross-
correlation function can be interpreted as an impulsive response at a station with a virtual source at the other station.
This technique became standard with the development of modern dense seismic networks. This paper reviews a the-
ory of seismic interferometry for ambient noise surface wave tomography and procedures for practical data process-
ing to calculate cross-correlation functions. The tomographic method typically consists of four steps: (1) the construc-
tion of reference 1-D models, (2) phase velocity measurements for each path, (3) 2-D phase velocity inversions, and (4)
the construction of a 3-D S-wave tomographic model obtained from series of local 1-D inversions at all the grids. This
paper presents the feasibility of multimode surface wave dispersion measurements for improving depth resolution.
Keywords Ambient seismic noise, Multimode surface wave, Seismic interferometry, Surface wave tomography
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Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 2 of 42
mathematically equivalent to SI (e.g., Chávez-Garía and seismic hum, through the topographic coupling on the
Luzón 2005; Harmon et al. 2010; Tsai and Moschetti seafloor (Nishida et al. 2008b; Fukao et al. 2010; Nishida
2010) under certain conditions. Aki’s idea had not been 2013). Ocean swell activities excite microseisms from
paid attention until the 1980s. After 26 years, a group at 0.05 to 0.5 Hz (Nishida 2017). Primary microseisms are
Hokkaido University (Okada and Sakajiri 1983) devel- excited by shoaling waves through the topographic cou-
oped a survey method for shallow structure using micro- pling on the sea floor (e.g., Hasselmann 1963; Ardhuin
tremor, now known as the microtremor survey. After this et al. 2015). Secondary microseisms are excited by ocean
work, this method became popular for surveying sub- swell activities in both the pelagic and coastal regions
surface structures in seismic engineering (e.g., Cho et al. through the nonlinear interaction (Longuet-Higgins
2006), which was also extended to multimode inversion 1950; Hasselmann 1963). In the history of earthquake
(Tokimatsu et al. 1992). seismology, secondary microseisms have been a promi-
A key for SI is a cross-correlation function (CCF) nent noise source for earthquake signals. Historical
between a pair of stations. The CCF exhibits an impul- seismological studies took different approaches depend-
sive response at a station by a virtual source at the other ing on two frequency bands below and above the typical
station. The idea of SI dates back to the 1950s in differ- frequency of secondary microseisms. This frequency is
ent research fields: acoustic (Eckart 1953), ocean acous- also important in characterizing the physical nature of
tic (Cox 1973), seismic exploration (Claerbout 1968), seismic waves (Aki 2003). Above the frequency, strong
and seismology (Aki 1957). Although the ideas were pro- lateral heterogeneities in the crust and sediment make
posed independently, they are mathematically identical the seismic wave field complex on a regional or global
under certain conditions (e.g., Chávez-Garía and Luzón scale (see Sect. 6.2 for details), stimulating the develop-
2005; Harmon et al. 2010; Tsai and Moschetti 2010). SI ment of a stochastic approach. Below the frequency, the
is applied not only to the Earth but also to experimen- waveform can be reproduced in a deterministic manner.
tal studies, such as ultrasonic waves (Lobkis and Weaver SI turns stochastic wave fields into a deterministic signal
2001), building responses (Snieder and Wapenaar 2010; as a virtual seismic record, which can be applied to seis-
Nakata et al. 2013), helioseismology (Gizon and Birch mic tomography. Thus, the operation of cross-correlat-
2002; Duvall et al. 1993; Hanasoge et al. 2016) and ocean ing seismic wave fields, or SI, bridges the stochastic and
acoustic (Cox 1973). Later studies (e.g., Godin 2007; deterministic approaches in seismology, which had been
Snieder and Larose 2013) show that the principle of SI incompatible, as noted by Aki (2003).
is akin to the fluctuation–dissipation theorem in phys-
ics (e.g., Callen and Welton 1951), which was generalized 1.3 ANT
as linear response theory by Kubo (1957). The theorem Campillo and Paul (2003) demonstrated that SI can
establishes a connection between the response to an extract virtual seismic records from the ambient seismic
external force and the CCF of specific fluctuating proper- wave field. This paper describes the analysis of the coda
ties when the system reaches thermal equilibrium. wave, a diffusive wave field, in Mexico. Cross-correlating
the seismic records of coda waves extracted clear Love
1.2 Ambient seismic wave field and Rayleigh wave propagations between every pair of
Ocean wave activities excite ambient seismic wave fields, stations. Although this paper analyzed earthquake coda,
even on seismically quiet days. Based on the types of the method can be applied to ambient seismic wave
ocean surface gravity waves and excitation mechanisms, fields. Shapiro and Campillo (2004) subsequently showed
we classified ambient seismic wave fields into (1) seismic that the CCFs of the microseisms also exhibited clear
hum from 1 × 10−3 to 0.02 Hz, (2) primary microseisms surface propagations between every pair of stations. This
from 0.02 to 0.1 Hz, and (3) secondary microseisms result suggested the possibility of seismic imaging with-
between 0.1 and 0.5 Hz (Nishida 2017). out earthquakes, now known as ANT.
The ocean surface gravity waves can be classified as Shapiro et al. (2005) achieved the milestone of the
ocean infragravity (IG) waves below 0.02 Hz and ocean ANT studies. They demonstrated the feasibility of ANT
swell above the frequency. IG wave is a shallow-water using a modern dense seismic network. After this study,
wave, whereas the ocean swell is physically a deep-water ANT became a standard technique for dense broad-
wave. The pressure fluctuations of the IG waves reach band observations because ANT does not require wait-
the seafloor in the pelagic and coastal regions, whereas ing for earthquakes, i.e., a long observation period. After
those of the ocean swells cannot reach the seafloor in the the paper, ANT was applied to many regions: the USA
pelagic regions. (e.g., Bensen et al. 2007; Moschetti et al. 2007; Liang and
IG waves excite background Love waves and Ray- Langston 2008; Lin et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2008), Australia
leigh waves predominantly from 1 to 20 mHz, known as (e.g., Saygin and Kennett 2010), Europe (e.g., Yang et al.
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 3 of 42
2007), China (e.g., Zheng et al. 2008), Japan (e.g., Nimiya noise cross-correlations (e.g., Lin et al. 2012b; Zhou et al.
et al. 2020; Nishida et al. 2009), and the global scale 2020; Liu et al. 2021) have made it reliable. Because this
(Nishida et al. 2009; Haned et al. 2016). With the increase topic is beyond the scope of this paper, we refer only to
in seismic stations with continuous observations at many the aforementioned papers.
seismic stations in the 2000s, ANT has become a stand- Section 2 summarizes a theory of SI for ANT. Sec-
ard analysis method. Today, ANT is first applied after tion 3 describes the procedures for practical data pro-
deploying a dense seismic array. cessing to calculate CCFs. Ambient noise multimode
surface wave tomography (multimode ANT) consists of
1.4 What is covered/not covered in this review four steps (Fig. 1). The first step (Sect. 4) is the measure-
There are already many review papers on SI and ment of multimode surface wave dispersion for a local
ANT (e.g., Snieder and Larose 2013; Wapenaar et al. seismic array. The dispersion curves are also crucial for
2010a, 2010b) and textbooks (e.g., Schuster 2009, Ritz- constructing local 1-D structures, which can be an initial
woller and Feng 2019, Nakata et al. 2019, and Chapter 10 model of ANT. The second step (Sect. 5) is the dispersion
in Sato et al. 2012). This review focuses on a consistent measurements for each path. The third and fourth steps
theoretical treatment and systematic comparison among (Sects. 6 and 7) are how to infer 3-D seismic velocity
different phase velocity measurement methods. models from the dispersion measurements. The proce-
This review also focuses on multimode measure- dures consist of two steps: (1) the 2-D inversion of phase/
ments. Recent developments in dense arrays enable us group velocities in Sect. 6 and (2) a local 1-D inversion
to extract multimode dispersion (e.g., Spica et al. 2018; at each grid in Sect. 7. Figure 1 shows such procedures
Chmiel et al. 2019; Savage et al. 2013; Jiang and Denolle based on our previous studies (Nishida et al. 2008a;
2022; Socco et al. 2010). Multimode inversions have sig- Nagaoka et al. 2012; Takagi and Nishida 2022; Takeo
nificantly improved depth resolution, although the dis- et al. 2022; Yamaya et al. 2021). This review will focus on
persion of fundamental mode branches alone has poor and compare our previous studies with other studies.
vertical resolution. As multimode dispersion measure-
ment has inherent difficulties, this review aims to provide
clues for practical applications. 2 A brief review of SI
Because SI does not require earthquakes, it acceler- Theories of SI originate from various backgrounds and
ates the progress in monitoring the temporal change in have developed independently. Although they require
seismic velocities. Monitoring the temporal change with different assumptions in different settings (e.g., an open
events requires repeating earthquakes or repeating active or closed system), they are closely related. Theoretically,
sources. In most cases, they are not realistic. In the last it is natural to consider a closed system for the global
ten years, SI has become a standard technique for moni- scale, whereas it is natural to consider an open system for
toring the temporal change in seismic velocities asso- the regional or local scale. This section provides an over-
ciated with environmental origins (e.g., precipitation, view of the theories of SI in a closed system and an open
groundwater, and temperature), volcanic eruptions, and system to understand the physical pictures. To model
earthquakes (e.g., Sens-Schönfelder and Wegler 2006a; CCFs for ANT, we formulate synthetic CCFs for the
Wegler et al. 2007; Brenguier et al. 2008a, b, Wang et al. homogeneous source distribution in a 2-D homogeneous
2017). Because this review does not cover such topics, see medium. However, the heterogeneous source distribu-
review articles (e.g., Sens-Schönfelder and Wegler 2011; tion realistically causes an apparent travel-time anomaly
Obermann and Hillers 2019) for further information. from the synthetic CCF for the homogeneous source dis-
This paper does not cover conventional surface wave tribution. We evaluate such biases based on the analytic
tomography using earthquake data. Because many excel- formulation.
lent reviews are already available (e.g., Romanowicz
2003, 2020, 2021; Laske and Widmer-Schnidrig 2015;
Levshin et al. 2018; Barmin et al. 2001), please refer to 2.1 SI in a closed system
those references. Here, we consider SI in a closed system. In the case of a
This paper also does not cover attenuation tomogra- finite body, we evaluate CCFs based on a normal mode
phy using CCFs of ambient seismic noise. Some studies approach (Lobkis and Weaver 2001). Because the Earth
inferred the attenuation structure from the amplitude is a finite-size sphere, this approach is also feasible for
information of CCFs (Prieto et al. 2009, 2011; Lin et al. multi-orbit propagations on a global scale (Nishida et al.
2011). Although the effects of source heterogeneities 2002, 2009). For simplicity, this subsection describes a
(e.g., Tsai 2011) can bias the estimation, recent develop- scalar 1-D case, but it can be easily extended to elastic
ments to extract amplitude information from ambient 2-D and 3-D cases.
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 4 of 42
Lagtime Lagtime
Phase vel.
Phase vel.
Phase vel.
Phase vel.
3D Vs structure
1D inversion
Fig. 1 a Construction of reference 1-D models. b Phase/group velocity measurements for each path. c 2-D phase/group velocity inversions
for multimodes. d A 3-D S-wave tomographic model is obtained from a collection of local 1-D inversions at all the grids. Modified from Takagi
and Nishida (2022)
2.1.1 Repeating seismic experiments where κ is the elastic constant, ρ is the density and uk is
Virtually, we consider repeating seismic experiments in the displacement at the kth experiment. After the force
a closed system of a perfect elastic body. Before the initial is applied, the displacement is measured at the stations.
time t = 0, the body did not deform, and a random force These experiments are repeated K times. Note that we
f k (x) was applied to the body at t = 0 in the kth experi- cannot consider a persistent force in this system because
ment, where x is the spatial location. We consider a finite no attenuation leads to an infinite increase in the ampli-
body from x = 0 to x = L and impose rigid or free bound- tude over time.
ary conditions at both ends. The equation of motions is We evaluated the displacement uk (x, t) by a convolu-
given by tion between the force f k (x) and the Green’s function.
The Green’s function can be written in terms of normal
∂ 2 uk (x, t) ∂ 2 uk (x, t)
ρ(x) = κ(x) + f k (x)δ(t), (1) mode theory (Dahlen and Tromp 1998) as
∂t 2 ∂x2
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 5 of 42
Un (x)Un (x′ ) where I is the number of the force. We also assume that
G(x, x′ ; t) = sin(ωn t), t ≥ 0, (2) Fik (x) is white noise as
where ωn is nth eigenfrequency and Un is nth eigenfunc- �Fik Fik′ �k = F̄ 2 δii′ , (10)
tion, which satisfies orthonormality: where k is ensemble average with respect to k. To sim-
L plify the problem, we consider the constant density ρ0.
ρ(x)Un (x)Un′ (x)dx = δnn′ . (3) The expected value of the cross-correlation of An can be
evaluated as follows.
Then, the displacement can be represented by the
I F̄ 2 L I F̄ 2
convolution k k
An An′ ∼ Un (x)Un′ (x)dx = δnn′ ≡ E δnn′ ,
k Lρ0 0 Lρ0
sin(ωn t) (11)
uk (x, t) = Akn Un (x) , (4)
ωn where E is the modal energy. The amplitudes of the dif-
L ferent modes An do not correlate with each other, and
where Akn = 0 Un (x)f k (x)dx . We consider the energy the total energy of each mode is distributed equally. The
partition of the modes for a random external force in the expected value of the modal energy is constant for each
next section. mode when the external force f is white noise. When a
system meets this condition, we call the state the equi-
2.1.2 Energy partition of modal energy partition of energy. We note that the fluctuation–dis-
This subsection discusses the energy balance of each sipation theorem in physics (Callen and Welton 1951)
mode: how the work done by external forces is distrib- requires a thermal equilibrium that satisfies the equi-
uted to the kinematic and elastic energy. First, we evalu- partition of energy. Equation 10 can be derived from the
ate the work done by the external force can be given by principle of equal a priori probabilities in the case.
∞ L
vnk (x, t)f k (x)δ(t)dxdt = (Ank )2 , (5) 2.1.3 CCFs under the equipartition of energy
0 0 Here we define a CCF φ k (x1 , x2 ; τ ) between uk (x1 ) and
where the particle velocity vnk of nth mode in the kth uk (x2 ) under the equipartition of energy as,
experiment is written by vnk = Akn Un (x) cos(ωn t). 1 T k
The kinetic energy of nth mode Tn can be evaluated by φ (x1 , x2 ; τ ) ≡ lim u (x1 , t)uk (x2 , t + τ )dt,
T →∞ T 0
integrating the kinetic energy density in space as
where x1 shows the location of station 1, and x2 shows
ρ k 2 1
Tn = (vn ) dx = (Ank )2 cos2 (ωn t). (6) that of station 2. We note that there are two types of CCF
0 2 2
definitions. The sign of the second term of the other type
The elastic energy Vn, on the other hand, can be evalu- is flipped.
ated by integrating the strain energy density in space. The The ensemble average of φ(x1 , x2 ; t) over K time experi-
partial integral with the boundary condition leads to ments is defined by the ensemble average φ k (x1 , x2 ; τ ) k .
Energy is not partitioned equally among different mode open system. When external force acts on the body at a
branches. Indeed, the observed dominance of fundamen- location r and time t = 0, the 2-D wave equation is given
tal modes (e.g., Nishida 2017) shows that the energy is by
not equally distributed in the radial direction. When con- ∞
sidering a single-mode branch, the energy is distributed ∂ 2 ψ(r, t)
= C(r)∇ 2 ψ(r, t) + δ(ri − r)δ(t)fi
equally in the horizontal direction if the external force is ∂t
white noise distributed on the entire surface. (14)
Although the theory assumed K experiments, practi- where C(r) is phase velocity, and fi is ith external force
cally, only one observation is possible. Therefore, the at the location ri (i = 0, · · · , ∞). The potential ψ(x, t) is
ensemble averages need to be replaced by time averages given by
to calculate the CCFs of observed data for persistent
external forces (e.g., ocean waves). However, no attenu-
ation in a closed system causes the problem of diverging ψ(r, t) = g 2D (r − ri ; t)fi , (15)
amplitudes without attenuation; that is, the seismic wave
field in a closed system never meets the equilibrium for where g 2D is the Green’s function in time domain.
persistent sources. Physically, it is natural to consider the The Fourier component of the potential ψ(r, t) is writ-
equilibrium between the energy dissipation due to atten- ten by
uation and the work performed by external forces (Kob-
ayashi and Nishida 1998; Fukao et al. 2002).
�(r, ω) = G 2D (r − ri ; ω)fi , (16)
We note that the term Green’s function is often used
in a less mathematically rigorous sense in studies on SI.
Mathematically, a CCF converges to the Green’s function where G 2D is the Green’s function in frequency domain.
only in limited cases. A similar situation occurs in quan- In this paper, we define the Fourier transform as follows
tum field theory. The Green’s function refers to CCFs, (Dahlen and Tromp 1998),
although it does not satisfy the mathematical definition ∞
(Zagoskin 2014). X(ω) = x(t)e−iωt dt. (17)
2.2 SI in an open system We note that the Fourier convention depends on the lit-
Next, we consider SI in an open system. The formulations erature. For example, Aki and Richards ’s definition has
in an open system depend on the source-receiver con- the opposite sign in the exponential term.
figuration: (1) random point sources distributed over the Here, we consider a potential ψ(ro , t0 ) in a simplified
whole space, (2) random sources distributed on a closed case with constant phase velocity as C(r) = C0, where ro
curve, and (3) uncorrelated plane wave incidents from is the location of the origin and time denotes an arbitrary
various directions. This subsection describes the rela- positive time. The ψ(ro , t0 ) is represented by the sum of
tionship between the different configurations of an open the arrivals excited by sources along the concentric cir-
system. Mathematically, the theory of an open system cle with radius r = C0 t0. The typical separation of the
differs from that of a closed system. We cannot use nor- sources is assumed to be x . Within the circle with the
mal mode theory for an open system because the system band x , about 2π r/�x sources are distributed (Fig. 2
loses energy from the radiation boundary. left). Because the amplitude decay is proportional to
For ANT, CCFs are usually formulated in an open sys- r 1/2, the mean square amplitude ψ(ro , t0 ) is estimated
tem, which better approximates the source-receiver con- to be about 2π r/(�x(r 1/2 )2 ) = 2π/�x , which does not
figuration. Because the surface wave can be formulated depend on the distance r. Therefore, after t > 0, the fluc-
as a 2-D problem with a membrane approximation (e.g., tuations of ψ last for a semi-infinite time with the same
Tanimoto 1990; Tromp and Dahlen 1992b, 1992a, 1993), mean squared amplitudes (Fig. 2 right).
we can consider them as a 2-D potential problem in an
open system. For ANT, we explicitly express the mixed- 2.2.2 Random sources distributed on a closed curve
component CCFs of surface waves in a simplified case at The second source configuration is random sources on an
the end of the subsection. arbitrary curve enclosing stations. Now, we observe the
potential ψ at ro within the circle with radius r (Fig. 2).
Based on the representation theorem, the wave excited by
2.2.1 Seismic excitation by an infinite number of sources distributed sources outside the circle can be completely
We consider one realization of the background seismic reproduced from the stresses and displacements on the
wave field excited by an infinite number of sources in an circle (e.g., Aki and Richards 1980). The contribution of
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 7 of 42
(a) (b)
ro t
Fig. 2 Schematic figure for random sources in 2-dimension. a Source distribution in space. The red triangle shows the observed station. b Potential
ψ(ro , t) observed at the origin r at time t. The wave packet at time t0 is traveled from the source within the concentric circle with radius r shown
in (a)
the sources within the circle for the CCF can be neglected configuration to represent CCFs based on plane wave
because the contribution from the sources outside the incidents in the following subsections.
circle becomes infinitely large when considering infinitely
long times. These features mean that it is equivalent to 2.2.4 CCFs for homogeneous source distribution in a 2‑D
persistent sources distributed only on the circle. Suppose homogeneous medium
that uncorrelated random sources with white spectra on For ANT, we explicitly express the CCFs between all
an arbitrary surface enclose stations in a heterogene- pairs of three-component seismometers in an open sys-
ous medium. In this case, the time derivative of the cor- tem when multimode Love and Rayleigh waves dominate
responding CCF represents the exact Green’s function the ambient seismic wave field. We evaluated the CCFs
between a pair of stations (Wapenaar et al. 2010a). for the surface waves in a 2-D problem with a membrane
approximation (e.g., Tanimoto 1990; Tromp and Dahlen
1992a, b, 1993). We show an expression of the mixed-
2.2.3 Uncorrelated plane wave incidents component CCFs of surface waves.
The third source configuration is uncorrelated plane wave An arbitrary seismic wave field u(r, θ ; ω) in 2-D can be
incidents from various directions. Assuming that the represented by a superposition of multimode Love and
source-station distances are sufficiently longer than the Rayleigh waves as
aperture of the seismic array, the assumption leads to a ∞
plane-wave approximation (Nakahara 2006; Haney et al. Ray
u(r, θ ; ω) = fn,m (ω)[Un (ω)Pm (r, θ ; ω)
2012). The above discussions for a homogeneous source n=0 m=−∞
distribution lead to the identical formulation of CCFs +Vn (ω)Bm (r, θ ; ω)]
regardless of the source configurations, as shown in the Love
following subsection. When we consider a heterogeneous + fn,m (ω)Wn (ω)Cm (r, θ ; ω),
source distribution, the first source configuration is the (18)
most flexible to represent the source, and the second and where fn,m (ω) is forcing for Rayleigh waves, and fn,m
third are gradually less flexible. The flexibility of the first is forcing of Love waves. Un and Vn are eigenfunctions
two source configurations causes a complex dependence of the nth overtone of the Rayleigh wave, and Wn is the
of a CCF on the locations of the two stations. In contrast, eigenfunction of the nth overtone of the Love wave,
the inflexibility of the third source configuration causes a which has a real value. The basis functions Pm, Bm and
simple dependence of the CCF only on the relative loca- Wm are given by
tion between the stations (only the distance and the azi-
muth). In many cases, the ocean swell activities are far ωr
Pm (r, θ ; ω) = ẑJm Ray eimθ , (19)
enough away from the stations to approximate the phe- cn (ω)
nomenon well. For simplicity, we will use the third source
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 8 of 42
Ray Transverse
cn (ω) ∂ θ̂ ∂ ωr
Bm (r, θ ; ω) = r̂ + Jm Ray eimθ , Radial
ωr ∂r r ∂θ cn (ω)
(20) 2nd station
cLove (ω) r̂ ∂
∂ ωr
Cm (r, θ; ω) = n − θ̂ Jm Love eimθ , 1st station θ
ωr r ∂θ ∂r cn (ω)
(21) Radial
where cn (ω) is the phase velocity of nth overtone of Transverse
Rayleigh wave, and cnLove (ω) is nth overtone of Love wave. Fig. 3 Schematic of the geometry of a pair of stations
An assumption of equipartition of energy leads to with separation distance r and the coordinate. The figure shows
the radial and transverse directions for the station pair. To simplify
Ray∗ Ray Ray the equation, the signs of the directions are different from those
�fn,m fn′ ,m′ �Un (ω)Un′ (ω) ≡ Pn (ω)δnn′ δmm′ , (22) of other studies. The difference changes the signs of CCF
in the components of RR, TT, RZ, and ZR
Love∗ Love
�fn,m fn′ ,m′ �Wn′ (ω)Wn (ω) ≡ PnLove (ω)δnn′ δmm′ , (23)
Ray∗ Ray
difference of sign RZ originates from the definition
�fn,m fnLove Love∗
′ ,m′ � = �fn,m fn′ ,m′ � = 0, (24) of the radial direction, which differs from this study.
Using this formulation, cross-spectra for Rayleigh
Rn (ω) ≡ Vn (ω)/Un (ω), (25) waves lead to a symmetric relation between the RZ and
Ray Ray
ZR components as RZ = ZR , whereas cross-spectra
where Pn (ω) is
the power spectrum of nth overtone of for body waves lead to an antisymmetric relation as
Rayleigh wave, and PnLove is the power spectrum of nth body body
RZ = −ZR (Takagi et al. 2014).
overtone of Love wave. Attenuation becomes significant when consider-
The mixed-component cross-spectra for multimode ing a seismic wave field in sediment above 0.1 Hz
Rayleigh waves are written as, (Nishida et al. 2008a; Prieto et al. 2009, 2011). However,
� � � �
ωr |ω|r
J0 cnRay −Rn J1 Ray 0
Ray Ray Ray
� cn �
� �ZR �ZT ∞
� �
Ray |ω|r R
Ray Ray Ray ωr
�RZ �RR �RT = −Rn J1 cnRay
Pn (ω) 2 J0−2 cRay 0 ,
Ray Ray Ray n �
�TZ �TR �TT n=0
Rn ωr
0 0 J
2 0+2
where a cross-spectrum represents the CCF in frequency physically plausible attenuation measurements are
domain. The mixed-component cross-spectra for multi- practically difficult (e.g., Liu and Ben-Zion 2013; Tsai
mode Love waves are written as,
0 0 0
�Love �Love �Love
� �
ZZ ZR ZT 1 ωr
0 2 J0+2 0 (27)
�Love �Love �Love = Pn (ω) cnLove ,
RZ RR RT � �
�Love �Love Love
�TT 1 ωr
n=0 0 0 2 J0−2
TZ TR Love
where J0−2 (z) ≡ J0 (z) − J2 (z) and J0+2 (z) ≡ J0 (z) + J2 (z). 2011) because there is ambiguity between the source
Z represents the vertical component, and R and T repre- heterogeneities and the attenuation. Although new
sent the horizontal components according to the polari- techniques have been developed to overcome this prob-
zation direction (Fig. 3). lem (e.g., Liu et al. 2021; Magrini and Boschi 2021;
These equations are identical to the result of Haney Bowden et al. 2015), they are beyond the scope of
et al. (2012). A similar formulation for DAS observa- this study. Even if the physically plausible attenuation
tion is given by Nakahara et al. (2021). We note that the estimation is difficult, apparent Q measurements are
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To evaluate the travel-time anomalies due to source This subsection shows how to estimate travel-time
heterogeneity, we consider the far-field approximation anomalies due to source heterogeneities. We note that
(kr ≫ 1) of the Hankel function of the first kind: the CCFs still satisfy the original wave equation even if
the source distribution is heterogeneous. This property
ensures that phase velocity measurements can be pos-
2 i χ − 8kr
H0 (kr) ≈ e . (39)
π kr sible even for a heterogeneous source distribution if the
station density is sufficiently high and the excitation
We also assume that the source heterogeneity is weak as sources are located outside the station array. Follow-
1 d2B ing Lin et al. (2013), we briefly show the relation in the
≪ 1. (40) following.
krB dθ 2
Here we consider potential ψ, which satisfies a wave
The causal part of the cross-spectra (Eq. 38) can be writ- equation L as
ten by 2
∂ 2
ieiχ B′′ (θ )
L[ψ(r, t)] ≡ − C(r)∇ ψ(r, t) = 0. (45)
H0 (kr)B(θ ) − ∂t 2
We also assume that no sources are distributed within
B′′ (θ )
2 1 the station array. The CCF φ is defined by
≈ B(θ ) exp i χ − − .
π kr 8kr 2krB(θ )
(41) 1 T
φ(r1 , r2 , t) = lim ψ(r1 , τ )ψ(r2 , t + τ )dτ
Therefore, the travel-time anomaly δt of the causal part T →∞ T 0
can be estimated by (46)
The CCF satisfies the wave equation as
B′′ (θ)
δt(r, θ) ≈ , (42) T
2ωkrB(θ) 1
L1 [φ(r1 , r2 , t)] = lim L1 [ψ(r1 , τ )]ψ(r2 , t + τ )dt = 0,
T →∞ T 0
where t is the travel time and ω is the nominal angular (47)
frequency. Figure 4 shows the stationary phase regions,
which dominate the contribution of the CCF (Snieder where L1 is the wave equation concerning r1. The CCF
2006). The aperture δθ of the stationary phase regions is also satisfies the wave equation for r2. Because the CCF
proportional to the square root of the ratio between the satisfies the wave equation only without spectral whiten-
wavelength and the station separation distance r (Fro- ing and one-bit normalization, these procedures often
ment et al. 2010). Because the narrower the aperture at create unphysical phases (Nakata et al. 2013).
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 11 of 42
filtering of fast-propagating phases before computing the normalizations among components cause problems in
CCFs is effective (Fukushima et al. 2022). In summary, the cross-correlation analysis of multicomponent data.
while coherent periodic or coherent random instrument
noise across observation stations can contaminate CCFs, 3.2.2 RMS‑based data selection
understanding the characteristics of the noise and apply- If the signal obeys a stationary process, we can reject out-
ing appropriate removal methods enable us to expand the liers using an RMS threshold. In a strict sense, secondary
analyzable frequency range and ultimately improve the microseisms do not follow a stationary process but are in
resolution of structural imaging. a local stationary state: RMS changes significantly by sev-
The time reliability is crucial for the cross-correlation eral orders of magnitude on a timescale of several days
analysis between stations. For onshore observations, (Fig. 5). We must define the local background levels for
satellite systems, such as the Global Navigation Satellite the rejection, which change slowly over several days.
System (GNSS), usually give a precise time stamp. When Here, we introduce an example for estimating the local
GNSS reception fails, the temporal change in the CCFs background level by Nishida and Takagi (2022). To define
has been used to estimate the error in the time stamps the typical background level of the whole network at the
(Sens-Schönfelder 2008; Hirose and Ueda 2023). For off- ith time step, we calculate the median of MS amplitudes
shore observations, precise time stamps are mostly given for all stations Pi . Here, we consider a situation: ith time
at deployment and recovery, and the drift of the internal step is the latest accepted time step, and we reject n suc-
clock can be linearly corrected. When the time stamp cessive time steps. If Pi+n changes suddenly, we reject the
cannot be obtained either at the beginning or at the end (i + n + 1)th time step with the threshold ǫ:
of the observation, the temporal change in the CCFs can
be used again to estimate the drift (Hannemann et al. | ln(Pi+1 ) − ln(Pi )| > nǫ, (48)
2014; Gouédard et al. 2014; Takeo et al. 2014). The time we reject all data at time step i + n + 1 with the criterion
asymmetric shape of the CCFs can also be used to esti- proportional to the rejection duration (orange points in
mate unknown instrumental responses such as the con- Fig. 5).
stant time shift of the logger or the frequency-dependent
phase response of the differential pressure gauges (Takeo 3.2.3 Data rejection associated with large earthquake using
et al. 2014). a catalog
Seismometers record global propagations of many seis-
3.2 Data selection mic phases excited by large earthquakes, typically with
We must choose seismic data that satisfy a local station- moment magnitudes greater than 6 (Ekström et al. 2012).
ary state to apply the SI. Outliers such as earthquake In most frequency ranges, the RMS criterion can reject
records and instrumental glitches decrease the SNR. the corresponding data. However, the secondary micro-
This subsection introduces (1) one-bit normalization, (2) seisms are still large enough to hide some earthquakes.
RMS-based data selection, and (3) polarization-based Even smaller amplitudes can bias the CCFs because the
data selection. earthquake signals are coherent among the stations.
Careful rejections of large earthquakes improve the qual-
3.2.1 One‑bit normalization ity. Using a global earthquake catalog (e.g., the global
To suppress the effects of transient phenomena such Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) catalog (Ekström et al.
as earthquakes, one-bit normalization (e.g., Aki 1955; 2012)), data rejection based on the magnitude in the cat-
Bensen et al. 2007; Cupillard et al. 2011) keeps only the alog is feasible to exclude hidden seismic phases.
sign of the original information, changing all positive Approximately the amplitude of earthquake data
values to 1 and all negative values to -1. Because this decays exponentially with time. The typical duration De
method is simple, it has been widely used. When tran- is:
sient phenomena (e.g., many aftershocks and packet loss
during data logging) occur frequently, their contributions ln(JM/1023 )
De = 2Q , (49)
decrease the quality of the CCFs. In such a case, care- (2π f )
ful reduction of transient signals allows us to improve
where f is the dominant frequency, Q is the typical qual-
the CCF’s quality. A disadvantage of this method is the
ity factor, M is the moment, and J is a typical geometrical
loss of amplitude information. Different amplitude
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 13 of 42
Fig. 5 Example of the data selection process. The orange dots show data excluded using the global CMT catalog (Ekström et al. 2012), and the blue
dots show data transients when the amplitude changes suddenly. The black dots represent selected segments. The vertical axis shows the relative
power normalized by the Peterson NLNM (Peterson 1993)), which represents the lowest ground noise on Earth. Taken from Nishida and Takagi
spreading (Nishida and Kobayashi 1999; Tanimoto and nor signal behaves well in a realistic situation. Regulari-
Um 1999). Data were rejected for De seconds after the zation of data is required as part of the preprocessing
arrival. The orange dots in Fig. 5 show a typical example (Bensen et al. 2007).
of rejected data (Nishida and Takagi 2022). Data can be
rejected until the earthquake signal is much smaller than
the background noise levels. 3.3.1 Weighting of cross‑spectra
The weighting on the data is important when we
calculate a cross-spectrum between a station pair
3.2.4 Polarization‑based data selection (Nishida 2014). The amplitudes of microseisms at
If the excitation processes are stochastic stationary in frequencies around 0.1 Hz change with time, which
time and space, the energy partition among the mode reaches more than one order of magnitude on a time-
branches should be constant. The energy partition scale of one day. Spectral whitening efficiently reduces
changes over time because they are not stationary in the non-stationarity (e.g., Bensen et al. 2007). The
a realistic situation. For example, Takagi et al. (2018) amplitudes of the seismic hum in the mHz band are
pointed out that the energy partition of P-wave micro- stationary, although the local noise level is higher than
seisms at periods of 4–8 s becomes more significant on the signal levels. In this case, the weighting of the data
seismically quiet days based on the polarization analy- depending on the local noise level can be effective
sis of Hi-net data in Japan. When we want to empha- (Nishida 2014; Takeo et al. 2013). In the mHz band,
size overtones of seismic surface waves, data selection the noise levels of the horizontal components are
based on polarization information can potentially orders of magnitude higher than those of the vertical
improve the detection of overtone branches. Pedersen components. For the calculation of the cross-spec-
et al. (2023) proposed the data selection based on the trum, we suppressed noisy Fourier components using
H/V spectral ratio to extract teleseismic body wave the data weighting as follows.
microseisms, and this strategy may be applicable for We calculated a weighted cross-spectrum �ij (f )
detecting overtone branches. between the ith and jth stations at a frequency f as
3.3 Regularization: weight and normalization of CCFs
�ij (f ) = wijk (f )Uik∗ (f )Ujk (f ),
If both the signal and the noise are subjected to the wijk (f ) k
Gaussian distribution, calculating the CCFs from k
selected data is straightforward. However, neither noise
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 14 of 42
where Uik (f ) is a Fourier spectrum of ground acceleration where Nij (f ) is number of stacked traces (Takeo et al.
of the kth segment at the ith station. The weighting fac- 2013). The corresponding CCF φij (t) is calculated by the
tor wijk (f ) depends on the situation. If the noise is much inverse Fourier transform of �ij (f ) (e.g., Fig. 6).
larger than the signal, the weight can be estimated by
1 1 3.3.2 Spectral whitening
wijk (f ) = . (51) If the signal is larger than the noise, the assumption of
|Uik (f )| |Ujk (f )| the previous Sect. 3.3.1 is broken down. Although sim-
ple stacking works for signals with Gaussian distribu-
We can evaluate the uncertainty σij (f ) of the resultant
tion, the signal level changes significantly with time. In
�ij (f ) as
particular, the amplitudes of secondary microseisms
−1 can change by several orders of magnitude over a time-
1 1 � scale of a few days. Without regularizing the amplitude,
σij (f ) = � wijk (f ) , (52)
Nij (f ) Nij (f ) k=1
the resultant CCFs emphasize days of high-ocean-swell
activities too much. For the amplitude regularization, the
6 Cross-correlation functions as a function of interstation distances filtered at 20–30 s, 10–20 s, and 5–10 s. The amplitudes are multiplied
by wijk (f ) in the frequency domain to produce similar noise levels for different pairs of stations. The dashed pink line shows the group velocity
of each specified mode at a typical period for the 1-D isotropic model. The modes include the fundamental mode and first-higher-mode Rayleigh
waves, 0 S, and 1 S. The TT components show wave packets of Love waves xT, which could not be identified as a single mode due to possible
interference between the fundamental mode and the higher mode with very similar group and phase velocities. Taken from Takeo et al. (2016)
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 15 of 42
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
(c) FTAN diagram (d) Anomaly of phase velocity and group velocity
3.4 ∆= 3 λ Group velocity
Phase velocity
Group velocity [km/s]
2.6 0
2.0 −2
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Period [s] Distance [km]
∆= 3 λ (e) Phase (f) Errors of Group/phase velocity
5 Phase velocity
Phase [degree]
Number density
90 4
Group velocity
− 90
− 180 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 − 1.0 − 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
We can also measure the phase velocity from the we introduce two typical filters: (1) time variable filter
phase of �+ ij (f ) (e.g., Levshin 2018; Ritzwoller and Feng (Landisman et al. 1969) and (2) floating filter (Levshin
2019) if a single mode is dominant. Multimode inter- et al. 1992).
ference is problematic for such measurements. To iso- The time variable filter (Harmon et al. 2007; Landis-
late a single mode, we must apply a proper filter. Here, man et al. 1969) isolates a single-mode wave packet by
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 17 of 42
and Thomas 2002; Gouédard et al. 2008). This method re-sample the CCFs on regular grids if all the station sepa-
also assumes that the superposition of plane waves can ration distances are shorter than half the wavelength. CCFs
represent the wave field. The beam power Bp is defined can be mapped from the spatial domain to the F-K domain
by a sum of time-shifted waveforms �+ (ω) with expected using the 2-D fast Fourier transform (FFT) after a correc-
travel-time anomaly ωp · xi tion r 1/2 for geometrical spreading (Gabriels et al. 1987).
2 This method is applied to joint inversion of the first over-
iωp·(xk −xl ) tone and fundamental mode for deep imaging in the Val-
Bp (p, ω) = rkl �kl (ω)e , (61)
hall oil field using ambient seismic noise (Tomar et al. 2017
where k and l represent the station number, rkl is the
separation distance between kth station and lth station, 4.3 SPAC method
and xk is the location vector of kth station represented by This subsection explains the implementation of the SPAC
a Cartesian coordinate with the origin at the array cen- method. In the case of homogeneous source distribution
√ syn
in a stratified medium, the synthetic cross-spectrum ρZZ
troid. The term rkl corrects the amplitude decay due to
geometrical spreading for a surface wave. between vertical components can be represented by a Bes-
The disadvantage of this method is a potential bias due sel function (see Sect. 2.2.4) as
to the plane wave assumption. Equation 31 shows that syn
the J0 (vertical component) the J0−2 /2 (radial and trans- ρZZ (r, a, C; ω) = a(ω)J0 , (64)
verse component) can be approximated as
where r is the separation distance of the station pair.
√ π 1 π
rJ0 (kr) ≈ cos(kr − ) + sin(kr − ), (62) Assuming an arbitrary wavenumber k(ω) at a given fre-
4 8kr 4 quency, we determine the optimum amplitude a, by mini-
√ mizing the squared difference S between the observed
r π 7 π cross-spectrum i of ith pair and ρ syn (ri , a, C; ω) (e.g.,
J0−2 (kr) ≈ cos(kr − ) − sin(kr − ). (63)
2 4 8kr 4 Nishida et al. 2008b) with weight wi . S is given by
The contribution of the terms (8kr)−1 and 7(8kr)−1 is sig- N
syn 2
nificant for a shorter station pair. These equations sug- S(a, C; ω) = wi ρZZ (ri , a, C; ω) − �i (ω) , (65)
gest that the bias of the horizontal components could i=1
be larger. We tested the bias of the vertical component where N is number of the pairs. By minimizing S at a
using a synthetic CCF at 0.15 Hz given by Eq. 57 and the given frequency ω , we infer the phase velocity C(ω) and
slowness of 0.3 s/km. Figure 9 shows the station distribu- the amplitude a(ω). Regarding a, S can be minimized
tion of the array (Hi-net stations with a radius of about analytically as
100 km) and the result. The beam peaks at 0.3 s/km, con-
sistent with the theoretical value. To verify the bias, we ∂S
= 0. (66)
measured the peak slowness for 10,000 experiments. Fig- ∂a
ure 10 shows the histogram. Although the measurements
We obtain the optimum a for given C and ω as
fluctuate, the central value is 0.05% lower than the theo-
retical value. The bias of about 0.05% is consistent with N ωr
−(8k 2 r 2 )−1 estimated from equation 62 with a typical wi �i (ω)J0
separation distance of 60 km. aopt (C, ω) = i=1
. (67)
This method can reveal multimode dispersion on a N
ωr 2
scale of 100 m to 100 km: DAS observation on a 100 m w i J0
scale (Dou et al. 2017), a 10 km scale ocean bottom DAS i=1
(Viens et al. 2022; Williams et al. 2021), and a 100 km To minimize S with respect to C in ω , we maximize the
scale basin structure (e.g., Boué et al. 2016; Jiang and variance reduction VR given by
Denolle 2022). Li et al. (2020) demonstrated that super-
vised machine learning methods are feasible for separat- N
ing multimode information. wi aopt (ω)J0 − �i (ω)
There is another implementation to calculate the F-K VR (C, ω) = 1 − i=1
spectrum. When calculating the slant stack, the separa-
tion distances between stations are not regular. We can wi �i (ω)
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 19 of 42
34°N 0
135°E 136°E 137°E 138°E 139°E 140°E 0 50 100 150 200
Distance [km]
(c) Plot in slowness domain
Slant stack
Modeling RR and TT in horizontal components is On a global scale, cross-spectra can be modeled using
more complicated because both Love and Rayleigh waves the Legendre function instead of the Bessel function
contribute to these components, as shown by Eqs. 26 and (Nishida et al. 2002; Nishida 2014).
27. The corresponding synthetic cross-spectra ρRR and
ρTT can be represented by
� ωr � � � 4.4 FJ method
J J The frequency–Bessel (FJ) method (Wang et al. 2019a;
� syn � � R �
ρRR 0−2 R� 0+2 cL � a (ω)
= c . (69)
syn ωr aL (ω) Hu et al. 2020; Nimiya et al. 2023) is closely related to
� �
ρTT J0+2 R J0−2 ωr
c c L
Aki’s SPAC method. Here, we reinterpret the FJ method
with the SPAC method. For simplicity, we consider the
When we analyze the station with a separation distance
ZZ component in this subsection. Refer to Hu et al.
shorter than the wavelength, we must consider the Love/
(2020) for other components.
Rayleigh wave for the RR/TT component, respectively.
If we observed φ(r, ω) as a function of the separation
Although the Love and Rayleigh waves are coupled in
distance r, the squared difference with weight r can be
this system, we can solve this equation directly. The
evaluated by the following integration,
maximum search becomes complex because the variance
reduction at a given frequency is a function of C R and C L.
rN ωr 2
Here, we consider a simplified problem with a far- S= a(ω)J0 − �(r, ω) rdr. (70)
0 C
field approximation. Because J0+2 is proportional to
r −3/2, the term becomes negligible for r longer than the By minimizing S for given C and ω , we obtain
wavelength (e.g., Takeo et al. 2013). In this case, we can rN
simply apply the SPAC method to these components J0 �(r, ω)rdr
separately by replacing J0 of the vertical component with C
aopt (C, ω) = 0 rN 2 (71)
J0−2. Figure 11 shows VR using the SPAC method in Japan J0 rdr
(Nishida et al. 2008a). The diagram shows clear Ray- 0 C
leigh and Love branches. Although this method assumed If rN is much longer than the wavelength, the denomina-
a single-mode branch, the figure exhibits multimode tor can be approximated by
branches, which enable us to increase depth resolution
(e.g., Ikeda et al. 2012). The SPAC method is also applied
ωr 2 rN C
to seismic data from the ocean floor (Takeo et al. 2013,
J0 rdr ≈ . (72)
0 C πω
2014; Lin et al. 2016; Takeo et al. 2016, 2018; Kawano
et al. 2023). To separate multimode Rayleigh waves, aopt (C, ω) can be approximated by the integral (the
polarization information could also be useful (Nayak and numerator) evaluated at discrete points (Hu et al. 2020)
Thurber 2020). as
Fig. 11 Frequency–phase velocity spectra using all pairs of stations. a A spectrum of radial components shows a clear Rayleigh wave branch,
and b that of transverse components, which shows a fundamental Love wave branch, first overtone branch, and second overtone branch. Taken
from Nishida et al. (2008a)
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 21 of 42
function). This means that the FJ method has, in princi- VRall (β) = VR (C j (β; ω); ω)dω, (79)
ple, the highest resolution in phase velocity. j=0
To evaluate the accuracy, we measured the peak slow- where VRall is the summed variance reduction. By maxi-
ness for 10,000 experiments using the FJ method. Fig-
mizing VRall for β, we can infer the local 1-D struc-
ure 10 shows the histogram. The estimated value of
ture. This method can be applied to the RR and TT
the FJ spectrum of Hu et al. (2020) is about 0.2% larger
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 22 of 42
Fig. 12 Multicomponent frequency–Bessel spectrograms of field data in North America. a–d are the FJ spectrograms IR0, IR1, IR2, and IL0, respectively.
Here, IR0 is FJ spectrum of Rayleigh wave using ZZ components, IR1 is FJ spectrum of Rayleigh wave using RZ and ZR components, IR2 is FJ spectrum
of Rayleigh wave using RR and TT components, and IL0 is FJ spectrum of Love wave using RR and TT components. The black arrow in (a) indicates
the location where the fundamental mode Rayleigh wave is bifurcated into two branches. The ith overtone is labeled next to each dispersion curve,
and 0 indicates the fundamental mode. Taken from Hu et al. (2020)
Fig. 13 Array-based dispersion measurement of the real data. a 1-D shear velocity structure modeled with six layers of variable thickness
(parameterization A). The thick and thin black lines represent the mean and standard deviation of the estimated models from the 100
bootstrap samples. b Rayleigh wave dispersion curves estimated with model A. The thick and thin white curves represent the mean and three
times the standard deviation of the 100 bootstrap results. The background image is the average of the variance reductions of the conventional
cross-spectral fitting for the ZZ, ZR, and RR components. The frequency range without the white shadow is used in the dispersion measurement. c
Love wave dispersion curves estimated with model A. Taken from Takagi and Nishida (2022)
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 23 of 42
2015 Rawlinson et al. 2010; Thurber and Ritsema 2015; ), 2005) enables us to separate the logarithmic amplitude
see them for details. term and the phase term.
For inversion, we should consider the sensitivity ker- Here, we consider the Born sensitivity kernel K, which
nels of the phase/group velocity. Although in an ideal- relates the phase velocity perturbation and the cross-
ized situation, the kernel is identical to a finite-frequency spectrum perturbation δ� as
kernel for an earthquake, a heterogeneous distribution of
the noise source distorts the kernels (e.g., Nishida 2011; δ�(r1 , r2 ; ω) = K (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω)d�3 , (85)
Tromp et al. 2010; Hanasoge 2013; Fichtner 2014; 2015; C
Fichtner et al. 2016; de Vos et al. 2013). where C is phase velocity and δC is the perturbation. The
The first subsection describes how source heteroge- locations r1, r2 , and r3 are shown in Fig. 15a. The kernel K
neities affect the kernel using an analytical method for a is given by
simplified case. The next section explains the conditions
for the application of surface wave tomography. The last K (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω) = − 2k 2 �(r2 , r3 ; ω)G ∗ (r1 , r3 ; ω)
subsection briefly summarizes the 2-D inversion meth- +�∗ (r1 , r3 ; ω)G(r2 , r3 ; ω) ,
ods: local 1-D inversion, ray-theoretical inversion, and
finite-frequency inversion.
where �(r1 , r2 ; ω) is the cross-spectrum between r1 and
r2 at frequency ω (e.g., Nishida 2011), and G is the Green’s
6.1 2‑D phase velocity sensitivity kernel for ANT
function in frequency domain. Although the kernel was
The sensitivity kernel for 2-D phase velocity is evaluated generally calculated numerically, it can be estimated by
based on the Born and Rytov approximations (Born et al. observed data in principle if dense data were available
1999; Ishimaru 1997; Nolet 2008). The Born approxima- (Chmiel et al. 2018).
tion relates the scattered wave to the phase velocity per- With an assumption of the 2-D ambient seismic wave
turbations with the first-order approximation, but it does field described by a superposition of uncorrelated plane
not separate the effects on the amplitude and the phase. waves as in Sect. 2.3, Eq. 43 gives the analytic representa-
On the other hand, the Rytov approximation by taking tion of . Assuming that ωδt and kr are small enough, the
the logarithm of the wave (e.g., Yoshizawa and Kennett kernel can be rewritten by
(a) (b)
r 13 < r 23 r 13 > r 23
Station 1 Station 2
θ1 θ2
r 12
r1 r2 r1 r2
r 13
r 12
Fig. 15 a Schematic map of the geometry of stations. The star symbols show the station locations at r1 and r2. The open circle shows the location
of a phase velocity anomaly at r3. b Elliptic curves with constant |r13 − r23 |, and hyperbolic curves with constant |r13 − r23 |
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 26 of 42
where B(θ) represents the intensity of incident plane Most studies on ANT used the time-symmetric part of
waves as a function of azimuth θ , and rij is the distance the cross-correlation function to measure phase velocity
between ri and rj , χij ≡ krij − π/4 (see Fig. 15a). The anomalies. The time-symmetric part of cross-spectrum ¯
form of a phase sensitivity kernel for a homogeneous is defined by
source distribution is the same as that of the earthquake
�c + �ac∗
data (Nishida 2011). ¯
�(ω) ≡ , (93)
The Rytov approximation is feasible to evaluate the 2
phase sensitivity kernel (e.g., Yoshizawa and Ken- We consider the relation between perturbation of
¯ and
nett 2005; Nishida 2011). Although the approximation the corresponding Born kernel K̄ as
requires a single-wave packet, the cross-spectrum
given by Eq. 43 (θ = 0, and r = r12) includes both the δc
¯ =
δ� K̄ (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω)d�3 , (94)
causal and acausal parts. We divide the cross-spectrum c
and the kernel K into causal and acausal parts accord-
ing to the sign of the exponent, approximately. The causal
part can be represented by e−kr+ωt , while the acausal part δ�c + δ�ac∗
can be represented by ekr+ωt , where the wavenumber k
δ �(ω) ≡ (95)
and the angular frequency ω are positive. The cross-spec-
trum is divided into the causal part c and the acausal K a (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω) + K ac∗ (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω)
part ac as, K̄ (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω) ≡ .
(2) (96)
�c (ω) = H0 (kr12 )eiωδt(r12 ,π ) B(π )
(1) (88) The Rytov approximation is employed to obtain a
�ac (ω) = H0 (kr12 )e−iωδt(r12 ,π ) B(0). phase sensitivity kernel for phase velocity perturba-
tions (Nishida 2011). In the Rytov method, the loga-
The Born sensitivity kernel K is also divided into the
rithm of the cross-spectrum ¯ is considered instead of
causal part K c and the acausal part K ac according to the
sign of the exponent as,
where the region r13 > r23 corresponds to the first and
the cross-spectrum itself. By taking the logarithm,
¯ can
fourth quadrants, whereas the region r13 < r23 corre-
be divided into real (amplitude) and imaginary (phase)
sponds to the second and third quadrants (Fig. 15b).
parts, as follows:
The Born kernels also satisfy K = K a + K ac from the
definition. ¯ = ln(Ae−iψ ) = ln A − iψ,
ln � (97)
The causal perturbation δ�a and acausal perturbation
δ�ac are related to phase velocity anomalies as where A is the amplitude of the causal part, and ψ is its
phase. The phase perturbation δψ can be written by
c δc c
δ� = K (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω)d�3 , (91)
δψ = Kp (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω)d�3 . (98)
δc ac
δ� ac
= K (r1 , r2 , r3 ; ω)d�3 . (92) where the phase sensitivity kernel Kp is the imaginary
c part of −K̄ /�
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 27 of 42
(a) The first term (b) The second term (c) The whole kernel
Distance [km]
r1 r2
− 50
− 100
−1 0 1
Fig. 16 a The first term of the phase kernel Kp for B = cos θ + 1. The first term has an elliptical shape. The yellow triangles show the station location.
b The second term of the phase kernel Kp. The second term has a hyperbolic shape. c The whole kernel of the phase kernel Kp. The background
phase velocity is 3 km/s. The frequency range is from 0.1 to 0.2 Hz. We also apply a cosine taper for averaging in the frequency range
k 3/2
r1 π B(θ2 ) + B(θ1 )
Kp = √ − cos k(r13 + r23 − r12 ) −
2π r13 r23 4 B(0) + B(π )
π B(θ2 + π ) − B(θ1 + π )
+ sin k(|r13 − r23 | + r12 ) + ,
4 B(0) + B(π )
where we neglect the first-order term. kernel of an earthquake (e.g., Spetzler et al. 2002; Yoshi-
Figure 16 shows an example of sensitivity kernels. The zawa and Kennett 2005). Because an approximation of
separation distance of the station pair is 150 km, and the the finite-frequency kernel of an earthquake works for
phase velocity is 3 km/s. The source B(θ) is assumed to most cases practically, most studies did not consider the
be cos θ + 1. source heterogeneity effect of the kernel. To check the
The first term has an elliptical shape (Fig. 15b), as effects, travel-time anomalies due to the source hetero-
shown in Fig. 16a, corresponding to the finite-frequency geneities given by Eq. 42 can be a common criterion. In
kernel of an earthquake. The kernel along the line particular, because source heterogeneities cause apparent
between the station pair (θ1 = 0 and θ2 = π ) is identi- azimuthal anisotropy, the travel-time anomalies given by
cal to the finite-frequency kernel of an earthquake. The Eq. 42 are useful to evaluate accuracy. Although attenu-
width of the kernel at the midpoint is proportional to
√ ation measurements are beyond the scope, the corre-
r12 , where is the wavelength 2π/k . As a location sponding amplitude kernel is more sensitive to the source
moves away from the line between, the source heteroge- distribution, so that the source heterogeneities should be
neity increases the sensitivity on the r2 side. considered.
The second term with the dependency of |r13 − r23 |
exhibits a hyperbolic shape (Fig. 15b) caused by source
6.2 Conditions for application of surface wave
heterogeneity (Fig. 16b), and the term oscillates rapidly
outside the stationary zones behind it. The effect tends to
This subsection briefly summarizes the conditions for
be smoothed out when the typical spatial scale of the lat-
applying the 2-D inversion method, known as phase/
eral heterogeneity is larger than the wavelength.
group velocity tomography. Surface wave tomogra-
When the spatial scale of the source distribution is
phy requires weak scattering of the surface waves dur-
large (i.e., the azimuthal dependence of B(θ) is smooth),
ing propagation because we measure phase or group
the shape of the kernel is similar to the finite-frequency
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 28 of 42
Fig. 17 Log–log plot of reported isotropic scattering coefficients against frequency. The left vertical axis shows the isotropic scattering coefficient
giso, and the right vertical axis shows the corresponding mean free path ( g−1
iso ). Grey lines are for the lithosphere. Taken from Fig. 1 of Sato (2019)
velocity anomalies of the direct waves. Because the prop- free path. Otherwise, strong scattering makes phase or
agation distance ranges from hundreds to several thou- group velocity measurements difficult. Figure 17 shows
sand km, the distance should be shorter than the mean the mean free path as a function of the frequency com-
piled by Sato (2019). When we explore the mantle struc-
ture using earthquake data, we use surface waves below
0.05 Hz. The mean free path longer than 1000 km at the
frequency validates the application of the method of sur-
face wave tomography.
To understand applicability, Fig. 18 shows a classifica-
tion of wave propagation and the applicable method in
ka − kL diagram (Aki and Richards 1980), where k is the
wavenumber, a is the scale of heterogeneities, and L is
the propagation distance. Here, we assume that the mean
free path is comparable to a, although this estimate is
very crude. The mean free path of northern Japan from
0.5–1Hz is estimated to be about 30 km (Hirose et al.
2020), and that of Germany is estimated at 0.2 Hz to be
about 500 km (Sens-Schönfelder and Wegler 2006b). The
red lines show propagation distances from 10 to 150 km,
and the blue broken lines show those from 150 to
2000 km. At 0.03 Hz, the surface wave propagation at tel-
eseismic distance beyond 2000 km is within the regime of
Fig. 18 ka − kL diagram (Aki and Richards 1980) for a classification ray theory. At 0.2 Hz, the strong scattering makes meas-
of wave propagation, where k is the wavenumber, a is the scale
of heterogeneities, and L is the propagation distance. Red lines show
urements difficult for propagation distances longer than
propagation distances from 10 to 150 km, and blue lines show those 200 km. This is the reason why earthquake surface wave
from 150 to 2000 km. The mean free path at 0.03 Hz is 5000 km, tomography is practically difficult above 0.1 Hz. Before
that at 0.1 is 500 km, and that at 0.2 Hz is 30 km
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 29 of 42
Fig. 19 a A typical example of earthquake-receiver geometry for earthquakes. The gray lines show ray paths between the earthquakes
and the stations. Red stars show the earthquakes, and black dots show stations. b A typical example of station geometry for ANT. The lines show ray
paths between the station pairs
applying ANT, setting up an appropriate problem based the phase differences between seismograms for two sta-
on the observed situation is important. tions on a common great-circle path. The drawbacks
Let us consider the difference in ray geometry between of the two-station method are (1) that it requires both
ANT and earthquake surface wave tomography. In the stations to be located close to the common great-circle
case of regional-scale earthquake surface wave tomog- path, which reduces the available ray paths, and (2) that
raphy with source-receiver paths, the target area is sur- the longer earthquake-receiver distance tends to cause
rounded by earthquakes, which are limited along active the wave propagation to enter the regime of multiple
tectonic areas (Fig. 19a). Because most ray paths travel scattering at a higher frequency (Fig. 18).
across the area, the travel-time anomalies reflect the The shape of the sensitivity kernel is elliptical along
seismic structure along lines over the scale. Because the the ray path,
√ and the width at the midpoint is propor-
perturbations of the inferred phase/group velocity map tional to r12 , where is the wavelength. Because the
strongly depend on the damping of the tomographic lengths of ray paths of earthquake data become longer
inversion, the absolute velocities tend to be ambigu- in general, the widths become wider than those of
ous. Although the damping problem is common in ray- ANT. The wider width tends to average the anomalies
theoretical inversion, including ANT, an initial local 1-D within the fat ray, and the averaging over a long dis-
model for ANT constructed from multimode dispersion tance makes restoring the small-scale image difficult.
measurements using subarrays (see Sect. 6.3.1) can miti- The advantages of ANT are the homogeneous path dis-
gate the ambiguity. tribution and the shorter ray paths. These features enable
In contrast, in the case of ANT with a dense array, us to estimate phase/group velocity maps above 0.1 Hz.
the distribution of the ray path is uniform (Fig. 19b).
Above 0.05 Hz, CCFs with longer separation distances 6.3 Implementations of the 2‑D phase/group velocity
(typically longer than 1000 km) become complex. Ray inversions
paths with separation distances shorter than 1000 km The subsection briefly summarizes implementations of
enable us to infer tomographic maps even in regions 2-D phase/group velocity inversions using phase/group
with strong lateral heterogeneities above 0.1 Hz. This velocity anomalies measured from ambient noise CCFs:
situation is similar to earthquake tomography using (1) regionalization using subarrays, (2) the ray-theoreti-
the two-station method (e.g., Dziewonski and Hales cal inversion of ANT, and (3) finite-frequency inversion
1972; Hamada and Yoshizawa 2015), which measures of ANT.
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 30 of 42
Depth (km)
0th Love 5 5
c (km/s)
4 h
leig 5s
Ray 0th Rayleigh
3 1st
10 10
1 15 15
5 10 20 50 100 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Period (s) Kα (km−1) Kα (km−1)
25s 25s
50 50 50
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.000 0.005
Kβ (km−1) Kβ (km−1) Kβ (km−1) Kβ (km−1)
Fig. 21 a Phase velocities of the fundamental (0th) and first-higher modes of surface waves for the modified PREM (Dziewonski and Anderson
1981). The sudden phase velocity decrease marked by the ellipse corresponds to the transition of modal energy from solid to ocean. b, c
Sensitivities of phase velocities to P-wave and S-wave velocities (Kα and Kβ , respectively). The two lines in each panel show the depths of the seafloor
and Moho. Taken from Takeo et al. (2013)
distribution (1–10 for the number of layers; 2.3–10 km this paper focuses on multimode ANT. Since there is no
for depths of the discontinuities; and 2.3 km for seafloor space to discuss individual models, we introduce Data
depth and 0.1–5 km/s for S-wave velocities). P-wave Services Products: EMC, A repository of
velocities and densities were scaled by the empirical Earth models (Trabant et al. 2012; IRIS DMC 2011),
relation (Brocher 2005). The multimode dispersion con- which is a resource that offers access to different Earth
straints enable us to infer both sediment thickness and models, along with visualization tools to preview mod-
S-wave velocity. To demonstrate the feasibility of mul- els, facilities to extract data and metadata from the mod-
timode measurements to improve depth resolution, let els, and access to software and scripts that others in the
us compare the inversions of Fig. 22 with and without research community have contributed.
higher-mode surface wave dispersion. Figure 23d shows Seismic anisotropy gives us a clue to understanding the
the inversion result using multimode dispersion, whereas rheology and deformation of the Earth. In some cases,
Fig. 23e shows the result using only fundamental modes. an isotropic S-wave velocity model cannot explain the
These figures show that the inversion using multimode observed discrepancy between the Love wave dispersion
dispersion is feasible to constrain the shallow sediment and the Rayleigh wave dispersion, which can be explained
structure, improving the resolution of the crustal struc- by radial anisotropy (e.g., Aki and Kaminuma 1963;
ture. Although Rayleigh waves also have sensitivity to Anderson 1962). Radial anisotropy in the upper mantle
the P-wave velocity, the limited sensitivity only at shal- can be explained by lattice-preferred orientation in the
low depths (Fig. 21b) makes it difficult to constrain the low-velocity zone or partial melt under shear stresses
P-wave velocity structure practically. With an empirical (e.g., Montagner 2015). Radial anisotropy also exists in
relation (e.g., Brocher 2005), the P-wave velocity and the the lower crust, which can be explained by the lattice-
density are scaled to the S-wave velocity to reduce the preferred orientation (LPO) of anisotropic crustal min-
number of parameters. erals under extension (Moschetti et al. 2010a, b; Huang
Many groups have already published crust and upper- et al. 2010). ANT also revealed radial anisotropy in vol-
most mantle models using fundamental modes, although cano areas (Jaxybulatov et al. 2014; Harmon and Rychert
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 33 of 42
Fig. 22 a Stations of the ocean bottom seismometers array in the region off Ibaraki. The station intervals are about 6 km. The yellow triangles show
the stations deployed on October 17, 2010, and the red triangles show those deployed on February 15, 2011. b, c S-wave velocities along the A-A’
and B-B’ lines. The red, orange, and green regions reflect layer 1, layer 2, and layer 3, respectively. We interpret the red and orange regions to be
sedimentary layers, the green region to be Cretaceous sediment, and the blue region to be the upper crust, respectively. The black lines show
the depth of the acoustic basement (between the orange and green regions) and the top of the upper crust (between the green and blue regions).
Modified from Figs. 1 and 8 of Yamaya et al. (2021)
2015; Spica et al. 2017; Lynner et al. 2018; Jiang and 7.2 Joint inversion with other observations
Denolle 2022; Jiang et al. 2023, 2018; Miller et al. 2020). Although multimode ANT improves depth resolution,
The layering of a partial melt layer in the magma reser- surface wave tomography has an inherent low depth res-
voir can explain them. Thus, radial anisotropy is feasible olution. Joint inversions with other geophysical observa-
for discussing the stress state and the texture. Azimuthal bles are feasible for a better depth resolution at the 4th
anisotropy can also provide information on rheology and step.
deformation (Lin et al. 2009; Yao et al. 2010; Ritzwoller A thin low-velocity layer near the surface is problem-
and Feng 2019; Russell and Gaherty 2021): for example, atic. Rayleigh waves are essentially less sensitive to the
the flow in the uppermost mantle related to plate motion S-wave velocity structure near the surface, as shown in
(Takeo et al. 2016). We note that apparent anisotropy Fig. 21. The poor sensitivity of Rayleigh waves at shal-
due to the lateral heterogeneities of the isotropic S-wave low depths makes resolving the shallow structure dif-
velocity structure is problematic (Lin and Ritzwoller ficult, although the layer can still change the dispersion
2011a; Fichtner et al. 2013). When estimating anisotropy curves of surface waves. The polarization of the Rayleigh
by the tomographic method, the anisotropy has trade- wave provides information on the shallow S-wave veloc-
offs with the lateral heterogeneities. Moreover, ANT has ity structure beneath a seismic station. If the amplitude
another difficulty that source heterogeneity can yield up ratios between the horizontal and vertical components
to about 1% apparent azimuthal anisotropy (Harmon (ellipticity) for individual mode branches are available,
et al. 2010; Takeo et al. 2014, 2016), which can be esti- the joint inversion can constrain shallower depths (Lin
mated by Eq. 42 (equivalent to Weaver et al. (2009)). et al. 2012a). Even if the ratios of individual modes are
Nishida et al. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) 11:4 Page 34 of 42
Posterior probability
4 0
3 0.1
0 layer 1
0.1 0.2
Posterior probability
Posterior probability
Frequency layer 2 0.05
Phase velocity (km/s)
Posterior probability
4 (b) First overtone 0.1
Depth (km)
Depth (km)
5 layer 3 5
0.2 0.3
Phase velocity (km/s)
3 0.1
2 10 0 10 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 S wave velocity (km/s) S wave velocity (km/s)
0.1 0.2
Fig. 23 Comparison of 1-D S-wave velocity structure inversions using both the fundamental and the first-higher modes of Rayleigh wave (a,
b, d) with that using only the fundamental modes (c, e). a Phase velocity of the fundamental mode of the Rayleigh wave. The blue points show
the average phase velocities. The Markov chain Monte Carlo method calculated the posterior probabilities for 1-D average S-wave velocity
structures. b Phase velocity of the first-higher mode of the Rayleigh wave. Blue points show the 1-D average phase velocities. c The phase velocity
of the fundamental mode of Rayleigh waves with posterior probabilities using only fundamental modes. d S-wave velocity structure inferred
by the MCMC method using both the fundamental and the first-higher modes of Rayleigh wave. The blue line shows the median velocity at each
0.1 km depth grid point. Layers 1 and 2 are well constrained despite the given loosely bounded uniform priors. e S-wave velocity structure inferred
by the MCMC method using only the fundamental modes. Modified from Figs. 5 and 10 of Yamaya et al. (2021)
Since most conventional ANT studies utilized only the MCMC Markov Chain Monte Carlo
MS Mean Squared amplitude
fundamental modes, it has inherited a great uncertainty multimode ANT Ambient noise multimode surface wave tomography
regarding the depth structure. Recent developments in NLNM New Low Noise Model (Peterson 1993)
measurement techniques and dense observations ena- PREM Preliminary Reference Earth Model (Dziewonski and
Anderson 1981)
ble us to utilize information on multimode dispersion. rj-MCMC Reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo
We show a typical inversion of multimode ANT, which RMS Root Mean Squared amplitude
consists of the following four steps. The first step is the SI Seismic Interferometry
SPAC SPatial AutoCorrelation method
multimode dispersion measurement of surface waves USArray A 15-year program to place a dense network of perma-
to construct local 1-D structures. The second step is to nent and portable seismographs across the continental
measure the phase/group velocity for each path. Mul- USA. Seismographs record local, regional, and distant (tel-
eseismic) earthquakes.
timode interference was problematic in measuring
multimode dispersion because most studies implicitly Acknowledgements
assumed the dominance of the fundamental mode. The The authors thank many people for maintaining the networks and making the
data readily available. The authors thank N. Nakata, K. Yoshizawa, and T. Tani-
dispersion measurements by waveform fitting in a model moto for constructive comments that significantly improved the quality of the
space are feasible for the multimode case. The third step manuscript. The preprocessing and postprocessing of the data analysis were
is the 2-D phase/group velocity inversions. Ray-theo- carried out using ObsPy (Krischer et al. 2015), NumPy (van der Walt et al. 2011),
pyGMT (Tian et al. 2023, Wessel et al. 2019), and SciPy (Virtanen et al. 2020).
retical inversion was commonly used in most cases, but
the finite-frequency effect has been considered recently. Author Contributions
To evaluate the effects of source heterogeneities on the KN contributed to conceptualization; RT and AT contributed to the writing of
the original draft preparation. All authors read, commented on, and approved
sensitivity kernel, we show an analytic kernel with source the final manuscript.
heterogeneities in a simplified case. Helmholtz tomog-
raphy is also feasible for considering finite-frequency Funding
K. Nishida was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grand No. 21K03715), R. Takagi
effects and the source heterogeneities for sufficiently was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grand No. 23K03522), and A. Takeo was
dense stations compared to the wavelength because supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grand No. 21K14009).
CCFs for a heterogeneous source distribution still satisfy
Availability of data and materials
the wave equation. The fourth step is a local 1-D inver- The Python code of the synthetic tests (Figs. 7, 9, 10 and 16) will be available
sion on each grid to construct a 3-D S-wave tomographic on the Zenodo page
model. The multimode inversion improves the depth res-
olution of the S-wave velocity structure. Joint inversions Declarations
with other geophysical observations, such as the H/V
Conflict of interests
ratio and receiver functions, could be feasible to improve The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
depth resolution further.
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