Unit 13 Assignment 2 Full 2
Unit 13 Assignment 2 Full 2
Unit 13 Assignment 2 Full 2
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I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid
P6 P7 M4 D3
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:
Submission Format:
Format: The submission is in the form of 1 document
You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing at
1.3. Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm. The reference
follows Harvard referencing system.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by
the Tutors. The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from
books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference
properly, and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get failed
As you have completed your research project now it is time to look back and learn some lessons from
your work. You need to prepare a report to describe your personal development. Remember to write
your own experience, thoughts and it is specific to YOU NOT explaining the general concepts.
Here are some suggestions which you can put in the report:
Project’s proposal, the research process(sequential example) how it helped you completed your
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Reflection on the merits, limitations and potential pitfalls of the chosen methods: examples
qualitative research, secondary research; the relationship between the two in your research
The roles of Literature review in your project
How did you create project plan and how often you did you update it. Why you need you need to
update the plan
How often did you meet the tutor and how the tutor helped you to create more effective
How did you choose participations(sample types, sizes) and the importance of it?
How did you present your research result?
Consider other research approach and improvements in future research
Table of Contents
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Unit 13: Computing Research Project ASSIGNMENT 2..................................................................................................1
I. Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the computing research
1. Reflect on learning and practice.......................................................................................................................4
1.1 Reflect on the performance of a reseach project.......................................................................................4
1.1.1 Reseach Topic...........................................................................................................................................4
1.1.2 Reseach Methodologies...........................................................................................................................4
1.1.3 Reseach Conducting Process......................................................................................................................5
1.1.4 Reseach Analysis........................................................................................................................................6
1.1.5 Reseach Outcomes......................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Reflect on the evaluation of a research project..........................................................................................7
1.3 Difference between performance reflection and evaluation of a research project..................................9
1.4 Reflection on merits, limitations and potential pitatfalls of the chosen methods....................................9
1.4.1 Qualitative reseach methods...................................................................................................................9
1.4.2 Quantitative research methods:............................................................................................................12
2. Future behavior and future considerations:.......................................................................................................13
1.1. Future behavior:.....................................................................................................................................14
1.2. Future considerations:...........................................................................................................................14
II. Alternative research methods and lesson learnt:...................................................................................................14
1. Alternative research methodologies:........................................................................................................14
2. Lessons learnt..................................................................................................................................................17
III. Conlustion :.......................................................................................................................................... 19
IV. Appendix..................................................................................................................................................... 20
1 Approved project proposal...................................................................................................................................20
2 Approved project plan............................................................................................................................................1
3 Research Proposal Form.........................................................................................................................................3
REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................................ 9
I. Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the
computing research project.
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I.1.1 Reseach Topic
- At the present time according to survey and research, we are living in a technology age, the
demand for technology users is very much, so I choose my project as an IoT project for
smart home, product This can save everyone time and energy but in return it's a pretty
expensive project, my smart home includes modern and smart devices that are connected
and connected. control via the internet, allowing users to control a house job remotely
such as cleaning the house, cooking rice, or doing any other housework, my project post
will be a potential project. , bringing many benefits and benefits to users.
- The project will bring users a modern living environment and look very luxurious, we bring the
best experience with advanced technology equipment, in addition the project will also be
improved over time. and the request of the user, we will undate or make the right version
with the price to match, some smart home versions in the time of improvement: smart
lighting system, fire smart home, smart house with reasonable price, smart watering
system, smart home against theft, ...
- Both primary and secondary research are used to conduct the study. In the primary analysis
(mixed-methods research), qualitative research will be conducted through interviews and
questionnaires, while quantitative research will be conducted through an online survey.
Data narrative material is gathered using this approach in order to provide a greater
understanding of the respondent's individual experiences, thoughts, and worldviews.
- The knowledge for secondary research would be gathered from the internet (from reliable
sources), archives, and other sources such as educational institutions, among others. The
data sources gathered during this form of research are priceless, and we need to have
objective feedback in order to add to the project's potential considerations and
recommendations. Finally, in the analysis session of the conference, all kinds of test
findings will be compiled and analyzed.
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1.1.3 Reseach Conducting Process
- The first is primary analysis, which uses two approaches (qualitative and quantitative research).
Starting with qualitative analysis, owing to the difficulty of the COVID-19 pandemic (social
distancing), the qualitative process will be applied by the Interview approach (using Open-
Ended questions on Questionnaires) which will be conducted using Google Form, an online
tool developed by Google Then, for quantitative study, an online survey will be conducted
using Google Form, an online tool developed by Google. Here we interview more than 20
people with many different questions and forms, the subjects are housewives and office
workers who need time and they are all people who have with average income, in these
people we can see the needs of middle-income earners, most of them are newly married
and have initially stabilized their family economy, so the demand for time Time and
demand for housework is quite high, in addition, the small group of subjects we are
interested in are technology lovers and smart home enthusiasts, who do not have high
demand but they can give me the best ideas to make the best smart home versions for
users, and the final target group I want to target is the elderly, moving and working.
difficult way home, but this is a time limited project so I only target people with above
needs and those who are passionate about Smart Homes
- Interviewing is the approach of choice for doing qualitative research, there are more than 19-25
year olds who are chosen to conduct this interview and all of them are currently middle
income earners, housewives and people who have just started a business, working in the
office. They already have information about the smart home, such as prices and smart
home utilities that bring them, through articles, TV shows and the internet, they can know
that the technology is development and smart homes are created with advanced
technology devices. In addition, there are 2 questions related to our research topic used in
this interview. When using Google Forms to do this research, here is the online link to do
this research (p3) From there, we can see that the quality of the interview, as well as the
qualitative information collected. gathered from target interviewees and by questionnaires,
who have successfully completed their tasks by successfully collecting precious data from
relevant targets.
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- An online survey is the method of choice for conducting quantitative analysis. This online survey
was completed by 21 people of various ages. Pre-College Students, College Students, and
Working Professionals are among the survey's divisions. Here is the online route to get
Google Forms while doing this study.
- Based on data gathered from related items on the market, "two" new Weilbeing style digital
applications are the ease that smart homes have, as well as washing and cooking.
Regulation can be done remotely using a wifi app. When designing its products, we will
look to these details and refer to their essential characteristics and have a positive effect on
the consumer and contribute to our app in the future and to see their negative side to stop.
Several papers were often discussed or referred to during this time (mast home in your life,
future home, etc.).
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this study, according to the project propasals session's goals, is a thorough understanding
of the digital health concept. As a result, we will learn not only philosophy but also realistic
examples of digital health. Next, we should appreciate the customers' concerns about how
their digital activities are handled in order to produce quality products. This knowledge
allows us to investigate their demand or preference for a new product, which is beneficial
to our product growth.
- In addition, this report includes detail on competing goods on the market. As a result, their
strengths and shortcomings, as well as user feedback on the app store, are exposed, and
they can be analyzed to learn about their common features. From there, we will use it to
improve and upgrade existing products, as well as build and implement ground-breaking
new features and concepts. We suggest a list of features characteristic of key current
goods, as well as innovative concepts for us to consider adding to the submission, based on
the correspondence of this research project. Following that, knowledge on various
technology for building smart homes is implemented and researched. As a result, after
weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each, we will consider and choose the best option
for developing our goods. Projects and behaviors for the future are also accomplished.
From there, we will have a better chance of improving in the future and we will have
learned from our past struggles and difficulties.
- First and foremost, I'd like to discuss how I assess a research project from conception to
completion. Create a strategic model for the project and define main assessment points.
This means that both project partners and stakeholders are aware of the project's structure
and planned results, and the successor concentrates on the most critical aspects of the
project, such as cost. versions that are successful Make up assessment questions and come
up with a list of measured outcomes. The number of individuals immediately impacted by
the project versus overall improvements that do not exist until after the project has
finished can be used to separate outcomes between short and long term.
- Create an effective assessment strategy: An effective assessment bath highlights the most
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important facts about the project's goals and fixes its flaws. You should first decide who will
be evaluated and when, then choose an analytical methodology and data collection
instruments when creating an assessment design. S: Finally, gather and analyze data before
presenting it to those who are interested.
- On the other hand, as the research results mentioned above, we can see that smart home is
one of the solutions that can help people solve many problems. People tend to work a lot
but forget to take care of their own house as well as spend time with the house like
cleaning, doing housework. As discussed in the preceding segment, this causes a slew of
issues for people, such as spending a lot of time at work and finding no time at home to
clean and care for the house. it's my, As a result, people need a method, a methodology, to
assist them in resolving this issue. Although there are several smart homes for a variety of
users, this is an advanced version of the system that allows people to schedule their
everyday activities. Other choices, such as being at work overtime, are already taken care
of by our smart homes.
- As discussed in the preceding segment, this causes a slew of issues for people, such as spending
a lot of time at work and finding no time at home to clean and care for the house. it's my,
As a result, people need a method, a methodology, to assist them in resolving this issue.
Although there are several smart homes for a variety of users, this is an advanced version
of the system that allows people to schedule their everyday activities. Other choices, such
as being at work overtime, are already taken care of by our smart homes.
- Furthermore, we discovered through this study that not only can groundbreaking new features
lead to a product's popularity, but data protection and protection are still hot topics. If we
wish to involve more people, Ul / UX is still really relevant. In general, each and every
element is critical. We should concentrate on everything in order to have the finest value
to our customers and boost revenue. In reality, respondents would gladly pay for our goods
if they were of good quality. and presenting other essential variables that contribute to a
product's performance, as well as tampering with this type of data, contributing to
potential concerns and suggested acts Future test project enhancements
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I.3 Difference between performance reflection and evaluation of a research project
- Represent the project's success by displaying the final project result based on the project goals
stated earlier. It covers the entire analysis process, including steps such as selecting a
research subject, selecting a research approach, performing research (collecting data, input
from the Internet, related items in the marketplace, and so on), analyzing the data
collected, and summarizing the project results. For instance, a research project's success
(outcome) is implied by the first objective of the research project, which is to provide
insight into the digital well-being concept through papers. such as trustworthy Internet
infrastructure or the process of evaluating data gathered by analysis methods (qualitative
and quantitative methods).
I.4 Reflection on merits, limitations and potential pitatfalls of the chosen methods
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interviewer will ask specific questions so that respondents will openly express their own
views, allowing them to gather facts they might not have otherwise considered.
- Interview: An interview is a qualitative interviewing methodology that entails answering open-
ended questions to elicit information from respondents. In most cases, the interviewer is a
subject matter specialist who uses a well-planned and conducted sequence of questions
and responses to gain insight into a respondent's viewpoint. Interview questions include
open-ended questions that encourage respondents to express themselves freely. A subset
of the population was interviewed, and the key trait they showed was their tone of voice.
The number of questions, the number of applicants, and other considerations all affect the
duration of an interview.
+ Merits:
- Concentrate on the precision of various answers in order to gather data that is well-organized.
Multiple types of responses to the same question structure are provided by different
respondents; the responses may be evaluated as a whole.
- More answers can be gathered and the interviewer can thoroughly explore the research issue by
posing precise research questions so the depth of detail is taken into consideration when
designing the interview.
- Interviews are performed rapidly, allowing for a large number of interviews to be done in a
limited amount of time. This implies that a large sample can be obtained, yielding a
representative and theoretically generalized group for a large population. The researcher
and the respondent have an informal partnership, because the researcher can easily
explain the margin of error whether the respondent does not want to engage in the survey
or does not want to provide information.
- Interviews are performed rapidly, allowing for a large number of interviews to be done in a
limited amount of time. This implies that a large sample can be obtained, yielding a
representative and theoretically generalized group for a large population.
- The researcher and the respondent have an informal partnership, because the researcher can
easily explain the margin of error whether the respondent does not want to engage in the
survey or does not want to provide information.
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+ Limitation:
- Interviews are verbal exchanges for which there is currently no proven recording method. People
cannot recall anything perfectly for a long time without notes, which may cause a lot of
- While an interview is regarded as a credible method of collecting evidence, it is not always
successful. The corporation may neglect the gathering of crucial details due to the
investigator's and interviewee's incompetence.
- There are many common interview techniques, some of which are considered to place a lot of
pressure on the interviewee, such as behavioral interviews, quizzes, and tension. In such an
interview, the interviewer's questions can be perplexing to the interviewee.
+ Potential Pitfalls:
- There are many common interview techniques, some of which are considered to place a lot of
pressure on the interviewee, such as behavioral interviews, quizzes, and tension. In such an
interview, the interviewer's questions can be perplexing to the interviewee.
- Use the incorrect recording setup: When thinking about how to build the ideal interview
atmosphere, don't stop at the room configuration. Make sure your recording system is
high-quality and centrally situated so it can absorb everything you're talking about - don't
fall prey to the first hurdle and lose your records. It's important to be able to concentrate
on repairs without caring about the recording unit.
- Do not adequately plan your interview questions: since an interview is a qualitative study
process, your questions do not need to be as rigorous as those on quantitative
questionnaires. However, a script is also used to organize all of the interviews to ensure
that everyone is asked the same questions.
I.4.2 Quantitative research methods:
- Survey: Internet polling, online surveys, paper questionnaires, site blocking surveys, and other
types of surveys are used to submit questions of a single group of respondents. An
company will ask several survey questions, gather data from a group of consumers, and
interpret the data to obtain numerical results by performing a sample survey. This is the
first step in every study's data collection process.
+ Merits:
- Ideal for gathering emotional input: Surveys are the most effective way to obtain emotional
feedback from consumers. A survey is your best bet if you want to know what attributes
and elements of your product turn them on and irritate them.
- Less expensive and more practical than all the alternatives: Continue with this concept by
developing and testing various models of the product or service to determine which is
more costly. Although this can be a smart strategy in some cases, it is often costly and time-
consuming. Many of the same responses can be obtained easily and at a much reduced
cost using an online customer response test.
- Simple to create and run: As compared to the mathematical and operational complexity involved
with A/B assessment, there are a plethora of online resources that make the survey
deployment process reasonably simple. You can create and submit a feedback survey in
minutes and then email it to your customer for feedback.
- Quickly: Another benefit of surveys is that the data can be gathered quickly. Within 48 hours of
submitting your invitation, you should receive 90% of the responses to your survey.
+ Limitation:
- Respondents can be unable to give responses that they believe are undesirable to themselves.
- Due to a loss of recollection or boredom, respondents may not be completely aware of the
reasoning for a given response.
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- Closed questions can have a lower degree of eligibility than other question forms.
- Respondents can be unable to give responses that they believe are undesirable to themselves.
- Due to a loss of recollection or boredom, respondents may not be completely aware of the
reasoning for a given response.
- Closed questions can have a lower degree of eligibility than other question forms.
+ Potential pitfalls:
- No representative sample: The first step in survey design is to determine who the survey is about
and to ensure a representative sample.
- A lack of consistent goals: This is quickly accomplished for surveys by attempting to answer any
question in a single survey. However, we've discovered that the longer a survey is, the
more likely people are to abandon it. When you want to do so much in a poll, it's also more
difficult to accurately customize your report.
- Don't know who you're talking about: Written surveys also presume the respondent knows a lot
about the subject and contain vague words, definitions, or jargon, which leads to incorrect
responses or dropout rates.
- Laziness of the tongue: Asking leading or biased questions will lead to erroneous survey results. A
single misplaced word or expression will cause the entire response to be thrown away.
2. Future behavior and future considerations:
- Today, the trend is modern, so everyone wants to live with technology, so in the future we will
try to make a smart home with the most modern technology equipment, manage the
brand for the investors. Research, collaborate with other technology companies to improve
our products, record all user feedback after using the product for a while, and improve
what is needed, if the product is After stabilizing, we will make communication to more
people about our products, produce many different versions of smart home and many
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different prices to suit Vietnamese people.
- Future considerations: we need more user feedback to improve product quality in order to find
more affordable, more affordable versions. Although technology has revolutionized our
lifestyles, security is still a major concern in today's digital world. Smart homes are facing
many different threats, from data breaches to cyber warfare. Common cyber security
threats and attacks against smart home devices include data breaches, identity theft,
device hijacking, DDoS and PDoS, besides that. I need to improve the price of the product,
to do that we need to use technology equipment at mid-range prices and there will
probably be versions with different prices.
+ Focus group
- I will focus on market research that gathers 6-10 people in one room to provide feedback on
smart home, our services, our house will help you a lot in saving you time, simple jobs like
housework, ... along with that I will conduct marketing campaigns. I will lead a 30-90
minute group discussion designed to gather useful information. I have compiled a list of 10-
12 questions that will be shared with the group during their time together, designed to
attract thoughtful answers from all participants. The moderator's goal is to listen to what
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people say and encourage a variety of ideas and ideas to be shared.
Questions include
1 What do you think smart home?
2 modern equipment that we offer enough to meet your needs?
3 what utilities you would like to have in our plan?
- Focus group participants are recruited based on need and they are genuinely interested in our
project, their demographics, psychology or behavior and often don't know each other. To
ensure that a maximum number of different ideas or responses were gathered from the
participants, organize several focus groups, often in different cities.
- While the participant was answering the moderator's question, moderators and / or other
observers would take notes and consider the smart home improvements as well as the
things we have met. approved project demo
+ Record keeping
- The next method is that we will store project-related records as well as smart home records
with detailed information. , that is the feedback, are some of the same or mixed opinions
about the project, but these records will help us a lot in the product innovation, details of
this approach:
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- We will have a smart home, this is the demo version, each family will have 3 days to experience
this product and after the experience they will rewrite me a product profile, we need
Knowing our product needs to be improved and what has been achieved, we will do it on 5
families first and improve the first time then continue for the next 5 families to experience
the product for the 3rd time we will release the final products,
- After collecting user profiles, we will proceed to improve our products in the most optimal way,
the purpose of which is both good for the user side and good for the product side of the
company. We, the people who experiment with the product, will create profiles and be
saved on the project computer.
+ Process Observation
- As above, we give the user to try the product for 3 days but all comments, all activities will be
monitored by us via camera or we will live with them for 3 days of experience, proceed like
after :
- We will let users try the product for 3 days, during which time we will conduct observation with
the camera or will live with them for 3 days of experience, during this time our smart home
Will be optimized for all the cost of living equipment along with a living environment
enough for a family, after 3 days of research we will observe every small action of the user
on the product of We will then proceed to document each action, and draw conclusions
from our side to study the improvement of the product, and above we will conduct a 3 - 5
family trial to offer the most comprehensive product to the user
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2. Lessons learnt
This project tells me how to implement a project through many steps and how to collect
data, how to analyze data from users, besides the smart home project is one of the
projects that need In terms of technology, it is very high technology requires collaborating
parties as well as project implementers to understand about technology, project
implementation includes many different steps and sequences, from which we must be
careful step by step First, to collect data from the user, we have to ask the right questions
for our project to get the best answers, then analyze the data, in this step they We have to
conduct selective analysis, they are based on the user's opinion to get the necessary
information and then analyze, each question will be evaluated in a real and real way, home
products. Smart is a very close and family bond, after analyzing and knowing the needs of
the user, we proceed to deploy the project, from information Users make and our goals,
we offer a product that fits our ideas and users' needs, making the most complete product.
Next, after using the demo product we continue to collect user information about the
product, provide the real user experience of the user and improve the user's product by
improving the smart home. However, after the lessons above we can see the fact that the
user's demand is very high, the product needs to meet the user, but the price is very high,
not consistent with the user's income at the moment. Currently, we solve these problems
by coming up with different versions of the smart home, for example a mid-range
version, ... and in the end we make choices. For customers, after selling, the product will be
warranted for 1 year
This project helps me gain more experience as well as the practical experience of
understanding users as well as the average income jam of Vietnamese people, the lesson
here is. With high GDP growth rates for many years, especially in the context of the
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rampant COVID-19 epidemic, world economic stagnation, many countries with negative
growth, Vietnam will continue to achieve GDP growth rate 2, 7% this year, many
international financial institutions continue to give optimistic forecasts about Vietnam's
economy in the coming years. This tells us that at the moment it is difficult to find the
desired number of customers, one of which is that we cannot reach many people due to
the low income of Vietnam compared to the world. At present, it is difficult to sell
products, the lesson is to observe the market
III. Conlustion :
This project tells us how to think about making a project effective, how to create a project,
how to survey users, how to approach and fix mistakes and enhance project advantages.
- Besides, there are difficulties facing with covid 19, so it is much more difficult to approach and to
implement the project than usual. Every stage of the project is affected, the next difficulty
is one of the very difficult issues to solve is the income of Vietnamese people is in the
middle of the jam, we can change some features of the project. The house is smart but we
lose the responsiveness for the user, the next difficulty is human resources because this is a
quite big project, we need a pretty crowded team and some people who are curious about
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the public. Technology is like a smart home.
- Some of the benefits we get are hands-on experience, one of the things the school doesn't
teach us, real collisions that help to better understand our expertise, get creative and do
potential projects market, team work appropriately, each with different strengths and
weaknesses as well as making the best choices for each position
IV. Appendix
1 Approved project proposal
Research Proposal Form
Proposed title:
Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities
Title or working title of research project: An IoT smart home research and development
Research project Objectives: Help users save time, help people do internal work support
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Reasons for choosing the project: this is my study link 1639 taught by Mr. Tam
Section Three: Literature sources searched
Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis:
Research documents include articles, user needs, psychological capture to ask questions
to get answers and then analyze.
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities performed in research projects (e.g. research, development, idea analysis, writing,
data collection, numerical analysis, tutoring meetings, final results, evaluation , report
writing) and possible time periods:
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Milestone one: The day of analyzing data within 1 month to create ideas and then ask
questions for users to answer 1 month later.
Target Date (set by tutor):
Milestone two: Analyze user feedback, meet and write reports, then work on the project for
2 months
Target Date (set by tutor) :
Section Five: Research approach and methodologies
Type of research approach and methodologies you are likely to use, and reasons for your
choice: Investigating through questions and reaching users using advertising methods
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification
and is appropriate.
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2. Approved project plan
- Our project runs for 4 months and this is a detailed diagram of our work for 4 months
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See full here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uovs_lHLn9UUXyeXARt0QqTZippK3Vn5/view?
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3. Research Proposal Form
Stud St
Tran 187
ent ud
nam Vu 41
e Linh t ............
Univer nu ............
Cen ............
sity of m .......
nam Green
e r
(Vietna Da
Tuto m) -
r Ho Chi
Unit .....................
Tam ...
Proposed title
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Section Two: Reasons for
choosing this research
Reasons for choosing the
project (e.g. links to other
subjects you are studying,
personal interest, future plans,
knowledge/skills you want to
improve, why the topic is
important): I am studying
Research Project 1639 should
do this project
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Milestone one: February 16.....................................................................................................................
Target date (set by tutor): .........................................................................................
Milestone two: March 16 .........................................................................................................................................................................
Target date (set by tutor): .........................................................................................
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification
and is appropriate.
Agreed: .................................................................................... (Name) : Tran Vu Linh (Date): April 16
Comments and agreement from project proposal checker (if applicable)
Comments (optional):
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Research Ethics Approval Form
All students conducting research activity that involves human participants or the use of data collected
from human participants are required to gain ethical approval before commencing their research.
Please answer all relevant questions and note that your form may be returned if incomplete.
For further support and guidance please see your respective Unit Tutor.
Before completing this form, we advise that you discuss your proposed research fully with your Unit
Tutor. Please complete this form in good time before your research project is due to commence.
Project title: Research on future house to convenient for people in family activities ...........................................................
• Interviews x
• Questionnaires x
• Observations
• Use of personal records x
• Data analysis x
• Action research
• Focus groups x
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Section Three: Participants
Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary.
Will your research involve human participants?
- This study is for human service so people will participate in the study
- We will send project information to them via Gmail, instant messaging, ....
Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing:
- We will first create a google form for a project that includes questions, then we will
purchase user information through a technology company, in order to increase our reach,
we conduct YouTube advertising with viral products
How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written? How will it be made clear to
participants that they may withdraw consent to participate at any time?
- Many of the people we reach out to are potential customers, the reason for this is that they
are really interested in IoT and the demand for our products is very high .
Will participants be given the option of omitting questions they do not wish to answer?
Yes: x No:
If No please explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this:
Confirm whether participants will be asked for their informed consent to be observed.
Yes: x No:
Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e. give them a brief explanation of the
Yes: x No:
Will participants be given information about the findings of your study? (This could be a brief summary of
your findings in general.)
Yes: x No:
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Section Four: Data storage and security
ưConfirm that all personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the Data Protection
Act (1998):
Yes: x No:
Yes: No: x
How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format?
- Data will be saved at my cloud data will be textx format
Yes: x No:
Are there any particular features of your proposed work which may raise ethical concerns? If so,
please outline how you will deal with these:
It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks that may arise as a result of
your research. Please consider/address all issues that may apply. Ethical concerns may include,
but are not limited to the following:
• Informed consent.
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• Potentially vulnerable participants.
• Sensitive topics.
• Risks to participants and/or researchers.
• Confidentiality/anonymity.
• Disclosures/limits to confidentiality.
• Data storage and security, both during and after the research (including transfer, sharing,
encryption, protection).
• Reporting.
• Dissemination and use of your findings.
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