Kozo Saito, Monozukuri PART 1 (2006)
Kozo Saito, Monozukuri PART 1 (2006)
Kozo Saito, Monozukuri PART 1 (2006)
4, 2006
Energeia Vol. 17, No. 4, 2006 © UK Center for Applied Energy Research (continued, page 2)
Toyota Research Partnership, (cont.)
is implemented, can in-
IAES Center and Its fluence the landscape
Operational Principles of the entire forest.
for Monozukuri
Let me begin with introducing IAES Stage Three: Research for
(Industrial Application and Engineer- Kaizen Development
ing Science at the University of Ken- (R4D) and
tucky) and our operational principles Monozukuri
that connect us to each other in relation
to monozukuri research. The name, There are two ap-
Industrial Application and Engineering Stage Two: proaches of conducting
Science, reflects our group’s philosophy. Breakthrough research to develop
We are the engineers’ group that can Research by Kufu technology: Research
solve industrial problems using scientific and Development
principles and methods, and deliver (R&D), and Research
Stage One:
value-added solutions to customers. for Development
IAES was formed in 1999 to cope with Breakthrough (R4D). As the name
ever increasing demands on sponsored Point suggests, there is no
research from various industries and clear linkage between
government agencies. “R” and “D” for R&D,
Competition/Demand thus increasing a hid-
We have formed a team of international den risk of disparity
experts who can cover wide areas of Copyright © 2002, Kozo Saito between the research
research because no industrial problems and resulting develop-
Figure 2. Research for development function theory (see also
are alike. Teams of researchers who have our web site: http://ptc.engr.uky.edu ).
ment. When mismatch-
diversified areas of expertise can better es occur, precious
solve industry’s projects than teams resources and time
of researchers who share the same ex- are wasted.
pertise because industry’s problems are Evolution and
open-ended and nothing like textbook Revolution in Research Under R4D, as the phrase indicates,
problems, which guarantee that one Technology development can be either research is performed simply for technol-
correct solution exists for each problem. slow and evolutionary or abrupt and ogy development. This simple principle
Solutions to industry’s problems will be revolutionary. Kaizen is an example of often is difficult for academicians to
evaluated by the cost, implementation the first and research breakthrough is follow because academic researchers
timing, and the resulting quality of an example of the second. Figure 2 are accustomed to conducting research
improvement that the solution can illustrates typical progress in technol- based on their interests, which can help
render. ogy development as a function of time, develop their academic careers, but
where evolutionary progress is made by may not directly help solve industry’s
Three types of talent are required to the continuous improvement of Kaizen problems. Another inhibitor can occur
conduct new-product development: and revolutionary progress is made by because academic researchers are reluc-
? individual talent for basic research, major breakthroughs in research. tant to step out of their narrow research
? teamwork for projects, and territory due to the American university
? human relationships for marketing. The solution for the short term project is system of evaluating faculty performance
usually a result of Kaizen effort, while in research publications where in-depth
Industry’s problems may be categorized the solution for the long term project knowledge is emphasized and wide
into two types. The first is the short term often requires revolutionary thinking breadth of knowledge is not rewarded.
project in which a quick solution is and solutions. There may be several Industry’s problems, however, require
supplied to help industry with day-to- factors that can contribute to technology the breadth of the generalist view be-
day operations while the second, the revolution. Among them, two major cause many inventions and technology
long term project, requires a major im- factors are to look at problems in non- breakthroughs were made by shifting
provement or even a transformation in traditional ways and creating new ideas paradigm from one area to the other.
operations. Both short term and long to find solutions. The second is to look Another important element in R4D is
term projects require solutions that at the problem from the generalist’s teamwork. According to Emori (1998),
add value to a company’s products or point of view. To take the fresh-look-at the R&D approach is the typical result of
processes. At IAES, we work together to approach, we must have scientific curi- a multi-disciplinary team where all mem-
find the value-added solutions that help osity: “Ask why things are,” as well as bers participate by contributing their
a company reduce costs and improve engineering creativity: “Dream of things expertise, but where a true integration as
quality. Figure 1 depicts the system that were not and ask why not.” a cohesive single team is never achieved.
IAES uses to solve industry’s problems,
adopted from the Toyota Production To have the generalist’s viewpoint,
System in automobile manufacturing.
Engineering Education
researchers must have a wide range of for Monozukuri: Three
Although IAES can conduct both short knowledge in science and engineering.
term and long term projects, our strength Researchers with this broader scope of
Scientific Tools and
is our ability to create new ideas that can knowledge can see the entire forest be-
Professional Intuition
bring fresh and even revolutionary fore identifying the problem in individ- To effectively conduct research and
solutions to long term problems. ual trees. This global view will help to technology development, we conduct
see how the obtained solution, when it experiments (both full scale and scale
Energeia Vol. 17, No. 4, 2006 © UK Center for Applied Energy Research (continued, page 3)
Toyota Research Partnership, (cont.)
model), evolve theory, perform computa-
tion, and use professional intuition.
Readers may be familiar with the first
three traditional tools, but not the fourth WESTERN EASTERN
one and may require some explanation.
Subject vs. Object Total Unity
The fourth tool is not well known to (Conquer, Win, and Lose) (Nothing is Everything)
scientific communities, although it
Self Interests Dedication to Team
has been used for years by scientists,
engineers and skilled craftsmen. I call Logical Intuitive
it Kufu, the term that was used by D.T. (Logic and Words have
Suzuki in his book: Zen and Japanese Limitations)
Culture. The following provides some
background information on how Tractable Non-Tractable
kufu (professional intuition) plays an
important role in the breakthrough and Linear Nonlinear
discovery processes of scientific research
and technology development.
“The term kufu is the most significant word Figure 3. Comparison KUFU
used in connection with Zen and also in the between Western mode (Advanced form of intuition
fields of mental and spiritual discipline. of logical thinking vs. and the foundation for
the Japanese craftsmanship)
Generally, it means ‘to seek the way out of Japanese Kufu
a dilemma’ or ‘to struggle to pass through a
blind alley.’ A dilemma or a blind alley may
sound somewhat intellectual, but the fact is exactly why Professor Emori said in university can be an excellent source for
is that this is where the intellect can go no his famous book on scale modeling, the company’s scientific function.
further, having come to its limit, but an inner “professional intuition is the best tool in
urge still pushes one somehow to go beyond. engineering.” Taiichi Ohno, one of the There are two types of university
As the intellect is powerless, we may enlist fathers of the Toyota Production System, research: curiosity-driven basic research
the aid of the will; but mere will, however reminds us that “If you look up the and purpose-driven applied research.
pressing, is unable to break through the word ‘engineer’ in an English dictionary, R4D is a good example of applied re-
impasse. The will is closer to fundamentals you might find ‘technologist,’ while in search, as we discussed earlier. It would
than the intellect, but it is still on the surface Japanese, its meaning uses the character be short sighted, however, if univer-
of consciousness. One must go deeper yet, but for ‘art.” A schematic showing charac- sity researchers only conducted R4D
how? This how is kufu. No teaching, no help teristics of Eastern culture, on which research by staying inside the boundary
from the outside is of any use. The solution professional intuition is based, is shown determined by a well focused R4D plan,
must come from the inmost. One must keep in Figure 3, compared to characteristics and ignoring curiosity-driven basic
knocking at the door until all that makes one of Western culture on which scientific research. History has proven that many
feel an individual being crumbled away. That methods are based. inventions were made by looking at the
is, when the ego finally surrenders itself, it same problem from a different point of
finds itself. Here is a newborn baby. Kufu A skilled craftsman can design parts view. A good balance between basic re-
is a sort of spiritual birth pang. The whole or fix problems based on his/her search and applied research, therefore, is
being is involved. There are physicians and experience and professional intuition clearly needed for a university research-
psychologists who offer a synthetic medicinal with scientific reasoning and under- er to effectively solve industrial prob-
substance to relieve one of this pang. But we standing. His/her experience and lems. Successful university-industry
must remember that, while man is partially know-how can help solve problems. collaboration on research is like growing
mechanistic or biochemical, this does not by Three scientific methods: theory, a fruit tree; basic research is its roots,
any means exhaust his being; he still retains experiment and computation, can help R4D is the branch to bear fruits, and
something that can never be reached by us to understand why the craftsman’s interdependent relationship is the trunk.
medicine. This is where his spirituality lies, solution worked for a particular problem,
and it is kufu that finally wakes us to our but may not work for other problems. Part two of this article will appear in the
spirituality.” Here again, the craftsman’s role is the next issue of Energiea.
same as the engineer’s role in creation
Kufu is a source of imagination and and problem solving, while a scientist’s Kozo Saito is the Tennessee Valley Author-
creativity; to know how to master Kufu role is needed here to understand why ity Professor in Mechanical Engineering at
means to know how to educate students the solution worked. the University of Kentucky. His research
and engineers to be creative. However,
interests are in Combustion, Fire Research,
Suzuki says that unfortunately no Both engineering and scientific Painting Technology, Thermal Sensing and
teaching and no methods can help to functions are required when industry Control, Scale Modeling and Lean Manufac-
master the secrets of kufu, because wants to develop an effective continuous turing. He is also the Director of IAES – The
technique is secondary in mastering kufu improvement system. It would be Industrial Applications and Engineering
and each student and engineer must beneficial for industry to have these Science Laboratory.
struggle to develop his or her own kufu two functions in its organization.
from within. Once they have mastered However, the scientific function often Dr. Saito may be contacted at:
their own kufu in engineering, they be- finds difficulty in justifying itself to com- saito@engr.uky.edu.
come masters of engineering. This pany budgets. On the other hand, the
Energeia Vol. 17, No. 4, 2006 © UK Center for Applied Energy Research
The Center for Applied
Energy Research at the
University of Kentucky is
organizing a workshop to be
held July 12 - 14, 2007,
immediately preceding
the international carbon
conference, Carbon 2007.
Next year marks the
American Carbon Society’s
50th anniversary.
Chemistry Professor on
Sabbatical at CAER
The CAER is pleased to announce that WORKSHOP ON
Dr. Mark Meier, University of Kentucky
Professor of Chemistry, will be a visiting
scientist at the lab for one year. Mark has CARBON APPLICATIONS
worked closely with our Carbon Materials
Group for several years and this on-site Sheraton Seattle Hotel
sabbatical provides a greater opportunity
to collaborate on a daily basis. His main Seattle, Washington
research interests are in the chemistry of
fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. For additional information please contact:
He has been a member of the university’s Teresa Epperson
faculty since 1990. Previous to that, he Center for Applied Energy Research
received a Ph.D. from the University of University of Kentucky
Oregon, which was followed by a Post-
doctoral Fellowship at the University of 2540 Research Park Drive
Texas at Austin. Lexington, KY 40511 USA
We welcome the opportunity to work with
Mark and his students. Phone: 859-257-0200
Fax: 859-257-0220
Email: epperson@caer.uky.edu
CAER Director to
Take New Position with
Ethanol Company
Director Ari Geertsema announced on
June 26th that he plans to take a position in
Denver, Colorado as Senior Vice President
for Technology of a venture capital backed
start-up company. The company will build
decentralized biomass-to-ethanol facili-
ties using gasification. He will continue to
serve as CAER Director until September.
Rodney Andrews, Associate Director of the
CAER Carbon Group, will be the Acting
Director while a search is conducted for
a successor.
Energeia Vol. 17, No. 4, 2006 © UK Center for Applied Energy Research
Focus on
Coal Safety
Bill Caylor ? Drug testing before a miner can get a
President, Kentucky Coal Association new certification.
? Annual retraining to include drug
Because the mining of coal has been abuse education.
an integral part of life in Kentucky for ? Immediate reporting of miners who
nearly two centuries, miners’ injuries are fired for violation of a company’s
and/or losses of life in mine accidents drug policy, who refuse to submit
have sadly also been woven into our for a drug test, or who test positive
Commonwealth’s history. and fail to complete an employee
assistance program.
Recent tragic events in mines in both ? Immediate suspension of the miner’s
West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky certification for drug and alcohol
have once again focused the nation’s violations.
attention on the inherent dangers ? Mandated drug testing of serious
associated with coal mining. From accident victims and discretionary
those events has come a public outcry Because of recent mine disasters, we testing of those nearby who may
for increased mine safety. have seen the passage of mine safety have contributed to or witnessed
legislation on both federal and state the accident or fatality.
Our industry shares this concern for levels. Key mine safety law changes
human lives, and we mourn the include: As an industry, Kentucky coal can,
tragedies in our coal fields. And while ? Emergency communications and will, do more. Together, we will
we have certainly made dramatic between the surface and the continue to improve on safety. Togeth-
progress in ensuring safety for mine underground working section. er, we will continue to mine the coal
workers over the past two decades, While Kentucky requires wired which will provide cheap, dependable
our industry goals are fewer injuries communications, the federal electricity for our state and our nation.
and zero fatalities. We’re committed legislation pushes for wireless We will continue to support clean coal
to achieving both. Why? Because communications and tracking technology, which reduces air pollut-
coal mining is, at best, a difficult job. devices for miners. ants from coal-fired plants. And, as we
The men and women who mine coal ? Emergency action plans requiring Americans continue to demand lower
usually make just over $50,000 a year, more frequent training for mine prices for gasoline, Kentucky coal
and they earn every penny of that evacuation. can be a key in reducing America’s
money. Essentially, they work in the ? Mine equipment review panels to obsession with foreign oil as our
dark so we Kentuckians and millions review new safety technologies. industry invests in technology that
of Americans don’t have to. Our coal ? Storage of extra breathing devices, will convert our coal to liquid fuel,
miners deserve our respect, our admira- called Self Contained Self which can then be available “at the
tion, our thanks---and they deserve to Rescuers (“SCSR”), at 30 minute pump” for about $1.20 a gallon,
be safe as they mine Kentucky’s most travel time intervals. plus taxes.
abundant natural resource; a fossil fuel ? Lifeline cords in all designated
which provides 91% of our Common- escapeways with directional devices. Kentucky Coal is proud to play many
wealth’s electric power, and 52% of ? Reporting of serious accidents vital roles across our Commonwealth,
America’s as well. within 15 minutes. including the generation of jobs, of tax
dollars which support education, and of
Thanks to modernization, coal Kentucky legislation added provisions pride in an industry which has pledged
mining today is far safer than it has for increased fines, more mine inspec- itself to help protect its workers, while
ever been. Coal miners are safer from tions, and closed safety loopholes. helping to fulfill America’s growing
accidents than the average Kentucky Interestingly, Kentucky became the energy needs.
worker. Accidents resulting in injuries first state in the nation to require
are steadily declining, as are fatalities. drug testing of coal miners.
Across Kentucky, during 1996-2002, the
coal industry averaged 8.7 deaths per Kentucky’s new drug testing legislation
year, as compared to manufacturing’s includes the following provisions:
16.7, construction’s 19.2, agriculture/ ? Mandated reduction in workers’
forestry/fishing 25, and transporta- compensation premium for having
tion/public utilities 21.3. Our industry’s a drug-free workplace program,
“statistics” are lower, but they need to including an employee assistance
be even more so. program.
Energeia Vol. 17, No. 4, 2006 © UK Center for Applied Energy Research
The 2007 World of Coal Ash (WOCA)
Conference is organized by the University of Kentucky’s
Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) and the American Coal
Ash Association (ACAA). Drawing on the expertise of industry
members, researchers, businesses, and government, the agenda
contains four parallel sessions, at least one of which will accommodate
each attendee’s interests. Major topics addressed include,
but are not limited to:
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are due October 2, 2006.
Abstract submission instructions are at:
Energeia is published six times a year by the University of Kentucky’s Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER). The publication features aspects of energy
resource development and environmentally related topics. Subscriptions are free and may be requested as follows: Marybeth McAlister, Editor of Energeia, CAER,
2540 Research Park Drive, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40511-8479, (859) 257-0224, FAX: (859)-257-0220, e-mail: mcalister@caer.uky.edu. Current and
past issues of Energeia may be viewed on the CAER Web Page at www.caer.uky.edu. Copyright © 2006, University of Kentucky.
Non-Profit Organization
Lexington, Kentucky
Center for Applied Energy Research
2540 Research Park Drive Permit No. 51
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40511-8479
Energeia Vol. 17, No. 4, 2006 © UK Center for Applied Energy Research