V5 Earth and Life Science WHLP, Summative Assessments, Performance Tasks
V5 Earth and Life Science WHLP, Summative Assessments, Performance Tasks
V5 Earth and Life Science WHLP, Summative Assessments, Performance Tasks
Learning Tasks
September 13-24, 2021
Module 1 The Uniqueness of the Earth
Lesson 1: The Characteristics of Earth
Lesson 2: The Four Subsystems of Earth
Module 2 The Rock – Forming Minerals
Lesson 1: The Properties of Rock – Forming Minerals
Module 3 Earth Materials and Processes
Lesson 1: Classification of Rocks
Lesson 2: Source of the Heat in Earth’s Interior
Summative Assessment 1
Performance Task 1
September 27 – October 8 , 2021
Module 4 Rock Metamorphism
Lesson 1: Introduction to Rock Metamorphism
Module 5 Earth’s Geological Processes
Lesson 1: Folding and Faulting
Lesson 2: Rock Layering
Module 6 Geologic Time Scale and Geo-hazards
Lesson 1: Geologic Time Scale
Lesson 2: Geo-hazards
Summative Assessment 2
Performance Task 2
October 11-22, 2021
Module 7 Natural Hazards, Mitigation and Adaptation
Lesson 1: Introduction to Using Hazard Maps, Identify Areas Prone to Hazards Brought About
by Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, and Landslides
Lesson 2: Identify Human Activities That Speed Up or Trigger Landslides
Module 8 Marine and Coastal Processes and Their Effects
Lesson 1: Marine and Coastal Processes and Their Effects
Summative Assessment 3
Performance Task 3
October 25 – November 5, 2021
Summative Assessment 4
Performance Task 4
November 8-12, 2021
Follow up submissions
Prepared by: Approved:
Subject Teacher School Principal I
Earth and Life Science
Performance Task 1 – Midterm (Set A)
Email your work to moira.abesmo@deped.gov.ph
TASK 1: Conduct a survey of the area around your community. Identify an element of each
of the four subsystems of the earth that has the biggest impact on the safety of your
neighborhood. Take a picture of these elements and create a photo collage. You can use
any mobile app to make your photo collage. Explain briefly how each element impacts your
home. Submit your work as a Word document.
Layout Requirements:
1. Observe one-inch margin on all sides
2. Encode your name, section, subject, and date at the top.
3. Write the title of the performance task in the center in capital letters.
10 points 8 points 6 points
Accuracy An element of each An element of three An element of two
subsystem is correctly subsystems is correctly subsystems is correctly
identified. identified. identified.
Design The photo collage presents
The photo collage presents The photo collage is NOT
the desired information
the information clearly. attractive or clear.
attractively and clearly.
Content of The impact of three
The impact of each element The impact of two elements
explanation elements is correctly
is correctly identified and is correctly identified and
identified and clearly
clearly discussed. clearly discussed.
5 points 4 points 3 points
Work Ethics Submitted on or before Submitted one week after the Submitted two weeks after the
(Attitude) September 24, 2021 deadline deadline.
Layout All three (3) requirements Two (2) requirements are Only one requirement is
Requirements are present. present. present.
TASK: Conduct a survey of the area around your community. Identify an element of each of
the four subsystems of the earth that has the biggest impact on the safety of your
neighborhood. Take a picture of these elements and create a photo collage. You can use
any mobile app to make your photo collage. Explain briefly how each element impacts your
10 points 8 points 6 points
Accuracy An element of each An element of three An element of two
subsystem is correctly subsystems is correctly subsystems is correctly
identified. identified. identified.
Design The photo collage presents
The photo collage presents The photo collage is NOT
the desired information
the information clearly. attractive or clear.
attractively and clearly.
Content of The impact of three
The impact of each element The impact of two elements
explanation elements is correctly
is correctly identified and is correctly identified and
identified and clearly
clearly discussed. clearly discussed.
5 points 4 points 3 points
Work Ethics Submitted on or before Submitted one week after the Submitted two weeks after the
(Attitude) September 24, 2021 deadline deadline.
Layout All three (3) requirements Two (2) requirements are Only one requirement is
Requirements are present. present. present.
Module 1
1. One of the characteristics that make Earth a unique planet is its location in the solar
system. What is a significant contribution to the fact that Jupiter is Earth’s neighbor in the
solar system? Its strong gravity _______________________________________.
A. energizes the Earth.
B. attracts Kuiper belts.
C. space debris away from the Earth.
D. attracts space debris away from the Earth.
2. Which of the following that shields and protects life forms from the harmful solar system?
3. What will happen if the Earth is bigger than its current size?
It _____________________________________________.
5. Unlike other planets in the solar system, the Earth holds an atmosphere that has an
essential function for life. What substance in the stratosphere is responsible for absorbing
high-energy radiation from the sun?
A. stratosphere-mesosphere-troposphere-thermosphere
B. troposphere-thermosphere- stratosphere-mesosphere
C. stratosphere- troposphere-thermosphere-mesosphere
D. troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere-thermosphere
A. Survival of life
B. Weather and climate changes.
C. Interaction of Earth’s subsystems.
D. All the above are the effects.
Module 2
1. A sample of mineral is being studied in the laboratory. Which of its property is readily
manifested by sheer observation?
A. Color B. Hardness C. Luster D. Streak
2. A certain mineral is white in color. After it is bombarded with ultraviolet light, its color
changes into light red. What property of mineral is exemplified in the scenario?
A. Color B. Fluorescence C. Luster D. Streak
7. Which of the following reason why color is NOT often a useful identification property?
A. Some minerals are colorless.
B. Some minerals are single elements.
C. Different minerals can be different colors.
D. The same mineral can be different colors.
10. How would you describe the luster of galena, pyrite, silver, and gold?
A. Dull B. Glassy C. Metallic D. Nonmetallic
Module 3
1. What type of heat transfer when there is rising of warm air currents?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. None of the Above
4. From deep within the Earth, molten magma bubbles up heating rocks that surround it.
This process turns igneous and sedimentary rocks into ______.
A. Gneiss B. Marble C. Metamorphic rocks D. Slate
6. Which of the type of rock that result from the cooling of the magma?
A. Igneous B. Metamorphic C. Sedimentary D. None of the above
7. Which of the type of rock that is changed by temperature, pressure, and hot liquids?
A. Igneous B. Metamorphic C. Sedimentary D. None of the above
10. Which are the two main materials found at the Earth's core?
A. Inner and outer core C. Minerals and rocks
B. Iron and nickel D. Solid and liquid
II. Fill out the graphic organizer below applying important concepts about minerals and its
properties. (10 pts)
BONUS. Create an infographic regarding the unique characteristics of the Earth that
enables it to support life. You may use any mobile app to create your work. Send your
work via Messenger. (20 pts)
Category 5 points 4 points 3 points
The infographics clearly The infographics clearly The infographics indirectly
communicates the main communicates some of the communicates
Presentation idea and strongly promotes important ideas the idea and hardly
awareness. and slightly promotes promotes awareness.
All the graphics used Most of the graphics used The graphics were made
Creativity and reflect an exceptional reflect student ingenuity in by the student but were
Originality degree of student ingenuity their creation. copied from the designs or
in their creation. ideas of others.
All graphics are accurate Most graphics are accurate Some graphics are
Accuracy and
and related to the topic. and related to the topic. accurate and related to the
All required Few required Required
elements are elements are elements are
included. included. missing.
I. Copy the statements regarding the unique characteristics of the Earth that enables it to
support life. (10 points)
1. Earth contains an atmosphere that acts as a planet’s thermostat.
2. Earth contains the right amount of water to support life.
3. Earth has a magnetic field that shields solar winds and other space weather.
4. Earth is in the best location in the solar system.
5. Earth’s atmosphere is the gaseous layer that envelops it.
6. Earth’s biosphere encompasses all the its life forms.
7. Earth’s geosphere is the solid portion of its structure and land.
8. Earth’s hydrosphere includes all the waters found on it.
9. Earth’s size and mass are enough to keep a gravitational force that is neither too
weak nor too strong.
II. Identify which of Earth’s four subsystems is referred to in the statements below. (10
1. A series of food chains illustrates that matter and energy flow within the system.
2. It encompasses all the Earth’s life forms.
3. It includes all the waters found on Earth.
4. It is the gaseous layer that envelops the Earth.
5. It is the solid portion of the Earth its structure and land.
6. It plays a role in weathering of rocks making the earth dynamic.
7. The constant flow of energy on earth is what allows life to continue.
8. The movement of matter as a result of the difference in density distributes energy in
this subsytem.
9. This is where different geologic processes such as volcanic activity, mountain
building, and other geologic activities take place.
10. This sphere is divided into layers according to differences in the pattern of
temperature as one goes to a higher altitude.