Zheng He
Zheng He
Zheng He
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• Story of Zheng He
The Admiral Of the Western Seas – Cheng Ho (Zheng He)
Zheng He flag "treasure ship" is four hundred feet long -
much larger than Columbus's.
In the drawing below, the two flagships are superimposed
to give a clear idea of the relative size of these two
In the 1930s, a stone pillar was discovered in a town in Fujian
province. It held an inscription that described the amazing
voyages of a Chinese admiral named Zheng He. Five hundred
years earlier, Zheng He had chosen "a lucky day" to place this
pillar in the Temple of the Celestial Spouse, a Taoist goddess.
Zheng He described how the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had
ordered him to sail to "the countries beyond the horizon," all
the way to the end of the earth." His mission was to display the
might of Chinese power and collect tribute from the "barbarians
from beyond the seas."
The pillar contains the Chinese names for the countries Zheng
He visited. Altogether, Zheng He visited thirty nations from Asia
to Africa, traveling more than "one thousand li" about 35,000
miles. He wrote:
We have…..beheld in the ocean huge waves like mountains rising sky-high,
and we have set eyes on barbarian regions far away hidden in a blue
transparency of light vapors, while our sails, loftily unfurled like clouds, day
and night continued their course rapid like that of a star, transversing the
savage waves as if we were treading a public thoroughfare.
In all, Zheng He made seven wondrous voyages of discovery
between 1405 and 1433. His achievements show that China
had the ships and navigational skills to explore the world.
Mysteriously, China did not follow up on these voyages. The
Chinese destroyed their ocean going ships and halted further
expeditions. Thus, a century later, Europeans would "discover"
China, instead of the Chinese "discovering" Europe.
China has a very old seafaring tradition. Chinese ships had
sailed to India as early as the Han Dynasty. Chinese sailors had
an important invention to help them-the compass. The
compass, or "south pointing spoon," started out as a fortune-
telling instrument used like an Ouija board. By the Song era,
sailors had taken it up. As a foreign ship captain wrote, "In dark,
weather they look to the south pointing needle, and use a
sounding line to determine the smell and nature of the mud on
the sea bottom, and so know where they are.
Chinese shipbuilders also developed fore-and-aft sails, the stern
post rudder, and boats with paddlewheels. Watertight
compartments below decks kept the ship from sinking. Some
boats were armor plated for protection. All these developments
made long distance navigation possible.
After the Mongols were overthrown in 1368, the emperor of the
new Ming Dynasty wanted to assert Chinese power. Because
China was no longer part of a land empire that stretched from
Asia to Europe, the emperor turned to the sea. He decided to
build a navy. The Chinese made elaborate plans that would not
be fulfilled for many years. A shipyard was built at the new
capital of Najing (Nanking). Thousand of varnish and tung trees
were planted on nearby Purple Mountain to provide wood for
shipbuilding. The emperor established a school of foreign
languages to train interpreters. While all this was going on, the
man who would lead the navy was still an infant.
Zheng He was born in 1371 in Kunyang, a town in southwest
Yunnan Province. His family, named Ma, were part of a minority
group known as the Semur. They originally came from Central
Asia and followed the religion of Islam. Both his grandfather and
father had made the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Zheng He
grew up hearing their accounts of travel through foreign lands.
Yunnan was one of the last strongholds of Mongol support,
holding out long after the Ming Dynasty began. After Ming
armies conquered Yunnan in 1382, Zheng He was taken captive
and brought to Nanjing. The eleven year old boy was made a
servant of the prince who would become the Yong Le Emperor.
It was Yong Le who renamed the boy Zheng He.
Zheng He is described in Chinese historical records as tall and
heavy, with "clear-cut features and long ear lobes; a stride like
a tiger's and voice clear and vibrant." He was well liked and
admired for his quick wit in argument. Moreover, he was a
brave soldier. When his prince seized the Chinese throne from
nephew, Zheng He fought well on his behalf. As a result, Zheng
He became a close confidant of the new emperor and was given
an important position at court.
The Yong Le emperor had ambitious plans. A vigorous man, he
rebuilt the Great Wall to the condition in which it exists today.
He also built his new capital at Beijing, next to the remains of
the former Yuan capital. The emperor decided to go ahead with
the sea voyages that had long been planned. He appointed
Zheng He to lead them and gave him the title "Admiral of the
Western Seas."
At each country Zheng He visited, he was to present gifts from
the emperor and to exact tribute for the glory of the Ming. The
Chinese had a unique view of foreign relations. Because China
developed its culture in isolation from other great civilization, it
says itself as the center of the world. The Chinese called their
country "the Middle Kingdom."
The Chinese emperor's duty was to attract "all under heaven"
to be civilized in Confucian harmony. When foreign
ambassadors came to the Chinese court, they "kowtowed" as
they approached the emperor. (The required process of
"kowtow" was to kneel three times and bow one's head to the
floor three times at each kneeling.) In return for tribute from
other countries, the emperor sent gifts and special seals that
confirmed their rulers' authority. In fact, these foreign kings
were officially made part of the Ming Dynasty.
In 1405 Zheng He set out on his first voyage. No nation on
earth had ever sent such a fleet onto the ocean. It included
sixty-two large ships, some 600 feet long, larger than any other
on the seas. Hundreds of smaller vessels accompanied them. A
Chinese historian described them; "The ships which sail the
Southern Sea are like houses. When their sails are spread they
are like great clouds in the sky."
Zheng He's first port of call was in Champa, a part of today's
Vietnam. He was surprised to find many Chinese living there.
Merchants and craftsmen had emigrated from the coastal
provinces since the time of the Tang Dynasty. They had already
helped to spread Confucian ideals, and Champs's ruler willingly
offered tribute for the Chinese emperor. In return, of course,
Zheng He presented the king with lavish gifts that were
probably more valuable.
Zheng He sailed away from the coast, westward across the
Indian Ocean. The ships traveled for days out of sight of any
land. Then they encountered a hurricane. The ships tossed
wildly in the fierce storm and seemed to be on the verge of
sinking. The terrified sailors prepared to die; some prayed to
the Taoist goddess called the Celestial Spouse. Then a "divine
light" suddenly shone at the tips of the mast. "As soon as this
miraculous light appeared, the danger was appeased," Zheng
He wrote.
The miraculous light that appeared on the mast was probably
St. Elmo's fire, static electricity that is familiar sight to
experienced sailors. Because the sailors had prayed to the
Taoist goddess, they believed it was her sign of protection.
From then on, they followed wherever Zheng He led them. That
was why he later placed a pillar of thanksgiving at the Temple
of the Celestial Spouse in Fujian province.
Zhenghe constructed
many wooden ships,
some of which are the
largest in the history, in
Nanjing. Three of the
shipyards still exist today.
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