Lipase Production by Geotrichum Candidum-M2
Lipase Production by Geotrichum Candidum-M2
Lipase Production by Geotrichum Candidum-M2
39-43 (2001)
GHTMDD - 373 ISSN 0350 - 0136
Received: July 3, 2000 DDC: 663.152.311 : 582.28
Accepted: April 2, 2001
Original scientific paper
Investigation on the effects of fermentation conditions and culture medium composition on lipase production
by the yeast-like fungus Geotrichum candidum-M2 has been performed. The sunt10wer oil sediment was tested as
carbon source and compared to several other oils and carbohydrates. It was proven as the best carbon source, whereas
the yeast extract was the best nitrogen source. The culture medium selected as optimal one contained each of them in
concentration of 1 %. Maximum lipolytic activity of 0.45 D/ml was achieved under the following conditions: dura-
tion of the process 48 h, inoculum concentration 5 % (v/v), inoculum age 48 h, initial pH 9.0 and agitation rate 100
rpm. G. candidum lipase showed good termostability at temperatures about 50 0 C and pH stability at alcaline pH 9.
Key words: Geotrichum candidum; lipase production; submerged fermentation; sunt10wer oil sediment;
environmental parameters
Upases (EC or triacyl glycerol hy- specific compounds, such as tailor made lipids and
drolases are widely distributed in nature. Lipase bioemulsifiers [3,4].
biosynthesis occurs in animals, plants and micro- Moulds are the most exploited among the mi-
organisms. Microbiallipases are receiving particu- croorganisms as lipase producers. Aspergillus ni-
lar attention because of their actual and potential ger and Rhisopus arrhisus are producers of some
industrial application. They are widely used in
of the best sold commercial lipase preparations [5].
food and pharmaceutical industry as well as in oil Maybe the most specific one is the fungus Geo-
and fat industry. Cheese ripening, preparation of
trichum candidum, which reacts only with fatty
cocoa butter substitutes and flavor production are acids with a eis-double bond in the 9-position [6].
some of their applications in food industry [1].
They can hydrolise oils and fats even at very low In this paper, the optimal composition of
temperatures, which makes them particularly suit- growth medium for lipase production by locally
able for application in washing detergent [2]. Li- isolated strain of Geotrichum candidum was de-
pase ability of catalyzing reactions other than hy- termined. The effect of different environmental pa-
drolysis, such as esterification and interesterifica- rameters on lipase synthesis was also investigated.
tion, can be exploited in the production of some
Effect of nitrogen source peared after 48th hour. This may be due to a re-
lease of the membrane-bounded lipase as a result
A number of organic and inorganic nitrogen of cell autolysis. Process duration of 48 h was used
sources were tested in their effect on lipase produc- in subsequent experiments.
tion. In this experiment sunflower oil sediment was
used as a sole carbon source, in concentration of 0.6
25 :::::J
1% (v/v). The highest lipase activity of 0.28 V/ml 0.5 E
was obtained in a medium with yeast extract (Ta- ~ 20 :3
-9 0.4 ~
ble 1). Its intrinsic effect on growth and biosyn- <J)
15 0.3~
ro ()
10 0.3 ?
0.25 z:
0 6
0.2 g
iD 0.15~
4 g,
0.1 :::;
2 0.05
0 0
5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15
Concentration of inocuium (%v/v)
Fig. 2. Effect of concentration and age of inoculum on lipase (0) and biomass (.) production.
The inoculum was added in concentrations (ml/100 ml medium): 5, 10 and 15, with age of: A) 48 h , B) 72 hand C) 96 h
~ 6 -.- -~ 0.2 ~
(j 10.-
E 0.15 ro ::J 0.4 2-
.Q 4 (j
:§ 8.- ~
ca 0.1 ~
0.3 :~
- 0.05 8. ro 6 ro
E 0.2 g>.
0 0 :.:::i 0
jjj 4
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 .~ 0.1 ~
Initial pH
0 0
Fig. 3. Lipase (D) and biomass (.) production under 100 150 250
influence of initial pH
Agitationrate (rpm)
Fig. 4. Effect of the agitation rate on growth (.)
Another interesting feature of G. candidum- and lipase (D) production
M2 is that the physiological and biosynthetic
changes, influenced by pH, had the reflection on
This is not the first report which gave evi-
the culture's morphology. Namely, in the fermen-
dence of the negative effect of the higher mixing
tation broth of G. candidum-M2 cultivated at pH
rates on the lipase production by Geotrichum can-
7.0 and 8.0, spherical formations with diameter of
didum. Alford and Smith [14] reported that the li-
3 mm were found. In the microscopic photography
pase yields reduced for 60 % as a result of the mix-
of the fungus cultivated at pH 8.0 appearance of
ing at low rates and even more at the higher ones.
chlamidospores, the form of defending spores, can
Wouters [15], similarly to the previous case, re-
be seen. On the other hand, the fungus cultivated at
pOtted that the growth and the lipase production by
pH 9.0 distinguishes itself with budding blasto- Geotrichum candidum decreased as the aeration or
spores. It is obvious that, under influence of pH,
agitation rate of the culture medium increased. Ar-
two different forms of the fungus appeared. The
effect of environmental conditions on the mor- ends et al. [16] reported the mechanical disruption
of the micel1ium as a reason for the decreasedli-
phology and physiology is also confirmed in other
pase production by Aspergillus awamory, when it
yeast-like fungi [12, 13].
was cultivated at increased agitation rates.
Selection of medium composition and deter- didum-M2, were performed. This locally isolated
mination of some important environmental para- strain utilizes sunflower oil sediment as a sole car-
meters on lipase production by Geotrichum can- bon source and as an inducer for lipase production
at the same time. The yeast extract has the intrinsic This microorganism showed the highest lipase ac-
effect on the biosynthetic activity of this fungus. tivity at initial pH 9.0 and under the lowest agita-
The lowest concentration of 5 % v/v inocu- tion rate of 100 rpm.
lum from the culture with inoculum age of 48 h Aknowledgement: We aknowledgethe financial
should be used for lipase production by the fungus. support of the Macedonian Ministry of Science.
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I1CITUTYBaHU cc BJIujaHHjaTa Ha cocTaBOT Ha xpaH- /l,O/l,CKa KBaCO'IHIIOT cKcTpaKT 6cmc Haj/l,06ap U3BOp lIa
JIUBaTa nO/l,JIora U YCJIOBUTC Ha KYJITUBHpau,c BP3 npo- a30T. OnTHMu3HpaHuoT MC/I,HYM ru CO/l,p)j(u TaJIOrOT 0/1,
/l,YKlJ,ujaTa Ha JIUna3U Kaj KBaCHaTa ra6a Geotrichum can- COlI'IOrJIc/I,oBo MaCJIO U KBaCO'lHHOT cKcTpaKT BO KOHlJ,CH-
didum-M2. TaJIOrOT 0/1, COWIOrJIC/I,OBO MaCJIO 6crnc ucnu- TpalJ,HU 0/1, 1 %. MaKcHMaJIHa JIHnOJIHTll'IKa aKTHBHOCT 0/1,
TYBall BO O/l,HOC Ha HcrOBaTa norO/l,HOCT /l,a CJIY)j(U KaKO 0.45 V/ml C /l,06UCHa npu CJIe/l,HHBC YCJIOBH: BpCMCTpaCu,c
II3BOp Ha jarJICpo/l" a HanpaBCHa e U HcrOBa cnopc/I,6a co Ha npOlJ,CCOT 48 h, KOHI~CHTpaI~uja Ha UHOKYJIYMOT 5%
HeKOJIKY jarJICXII/I,paTHU U JIUnU/I,HU 1I3BOpU Ha jarJICpo/l,. v/v, CTapoCT Ha KYJITypaTa 48 h, nOT.JCTHOpH 9.0 H 6p3HHa
TaJIoroT cc nOKa)j(a KaKO Haj/l,06ap U3BOp Ha jarJICpo/l" lIa MCrnau,c 100 vrt/min.