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Drugs Education and Vice Control: C. Tetrahyrocannabinol

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1. It is the psychoactive agent of Marijuana.

A. Cannabis sativa C. Tetrahyrocannabinol
B. Methamphetamine D. Papaver somniferum

2. A method of treatment for alcoholics which aims at eliminating emotional tensions of the patient which
led to their alcoholism.
A. Aversion method C. Psychotherapy method
B. Therapeutic method D. Program for alcoholic anonymous

3. Dangerous drugs are classified according to its effects known as:

A. Stimulants, Depressants, Narcotics
B. Depressants, Narcotics, Hallucinogens
C. Hallucinogens, Depressants, Stimulants
D. Solvents, Stimulants, Narcotics

4. The latest and most popular sex drug whose chemical name is “Methy Dioxy Methamphetamine”
A. Shabu C. Heroin
B. Chomper D. Ecstasy

5. An adaptive condition which results from repeated drug use.

A. Poly drug abuse C. Drug dependence
B. Withdrawal period D. Physical dependence

6. Solvents, paints and gasoline are examples of substances that are sniffed to obtain intoxication fall, are
classified as:
A. Inhalants C. energizers
B. Depressants D. tranquilizers

7. The Operation Plan of PDEA conducted to neutralize military or police personnel suspected of illegally
engage in dangerous drugs.
A. OPLAN Iceberg C. OPLAN Hunter
B. OPLAN Athena D. OPLAN Tornado

8. This law prohibits government officials to enter and gamble in Philippine casinos.
A. PD 1602 C. PD 483
B. PD510 D. PD 1869

9. In large drug doses, this type of drugs can cause respiratory depression, coma and death due to
respiratory arrest when taken in large doses.
A. Stimulant C. Inhalants
B. Hallucinogens D. Depressants

10. Which medical service is rendered to a drug client for effective management of his or her physical or mental
conditions related to drug abusers?
A. Cold Turkey C. Treatment
B. Detoxification D. Rehabilitation

11. The Chinese Emperor that attempted to stop the importation of opium from China to India and triggered
the opium war.
A. Admiral Yamamoto C. Emperor Yung Chen
B. Emperor Sun Tzu D. Emperor Wong Chu
12. Under RA 9165, which of the following unlawful acts is not punishable by reclusion perpetua?
A. Selling/pushing of 10 kilos of shabu D. Planting of evidence (marijuana)
B. Forcing a minor to smoke marijuana E. Importation of 10.0 kilo of shabu
C. Manufacturing of 100 kilos of shabu

13. The process of gradually depriving drugs from the point of habituation until such time he is no longer
hooked on the substance.
A. Treatment C. Therapy
B. Withdrawal method D. Rehabilitation

14. Under RA 9165, which of the following unlawful acts is bailable?

A. Possession of 10.0 grams of shabu D. Planting of marijuana in pots
B. Importation of 1.0 kilo of shabu E. none of these
C. Pushing 0.1 gram of shabu

15. The “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

A. RA 6165 C. RA 6425
B. RA 9165 D. RA 9561

16. Drugs that produce perceptual alteration, varying emotional change, thought disruption and ego
A. tranquilizers C. hallucinogens
B. stimulants D. depressants

17. The scientific name of Indian hemp plant.

A. Cannabis sativa L C. Deoxyribonucleic acid
B. Papaver somniferum D. Methamphetamine HCl

18. Which of the following are the original components of heroin and morphine?
A. Opium C. Caffeine
B. Codeine D. Methamphetamine

19. An inter department agency that enforce and carry out the law against illegal drugs.
A. Dangerous Drugs Board D. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
B. Bureau of Food and Drugs E. Philippine National Police
C. Food and Drugs Administration

20. Refers to a harmful conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness and
corruption of the mind and body.
A. Value D. Abuse
B. Virtue E. Vice
C. Addiction

21. A derivative of opium which is used as cough reliever.

A. Heroin D. Morphine
B. Codeine E. Caffeine
C. Cocaine

22. These are commercially produced drugs that can be legally dispensed only by a physician’s prescription.
A. Illegal drugs D. Regulated drugs
B. Prohibited drugs E. Prescription drugs
C. Dangerous drugs
23. Refers to any facility used for the illegal manufacture of any dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursor
and essential chemical.
A. Chemical Laboratory D. Forensic Laboratory
B. Clandestine Laboratory E. Chemistry Laboratory
C. Pharmaceutical Laboratory

24. Another term for psychological drug addiction.

A. Drug abuse D. Drug pushing
B. Drug habituation E. Drug net consciousness
C. Drug dependence

25. Drugs which produce insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of the mind with delusions. A.
Stimulants C. Narcotics
B. Depressants D. Hallucinogens

26. Refers to a person suffering from drug dependence.

A. Drug addict C. Drug dependent
B. Drug victim D. Drug pusher

27. Also known as MDMA or “ecstacy"

A. Methelenedioxymethamphetamine D. Paramethoxyamphetamine
B. Trimethoxyyamphetamine E. Methelenethoxyamphetamine
C. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride

28. The penalty imposed upon any person who acts as a “protector/coddler” of any violator of the
importation of dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals.
A. Life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from 500,000.00 to Ten million pesos
B. 12 years and I day to 20 years of imprisonment and a fine ranging from 100,000.00 to 500,000.00
C. Death penalty and a fine ranging from one million to fifteen million pesos
D. 6 months and 1 day to 4 years of imprisonment and a fine ranging from 10,000.00 to 50,000.00

29. Any person who sells, trades, administers to another on any term whatsoever or distributes dangerous
drugs in violation of the “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
A. User D. Practitioner
B. Coddler E. Pusher
C. Protector

30. Refers to a person convicted under Sec 15 of RA 9165 and sentenced to be rehabilitated in a government
center for a period of not less than six months.
A. Drug dependent D. Drug addict
B. Drug offender E. Drug pusher
C. Drug convict

31. Operational plan against drug problems pertaining to nationwide Marijuana eradication operations in
coordination with LGUs and NGOs.
A. OPLAN Banat D. OPLAN Iceberg
B. OPLAN Sagip-yagit E. OPLAN Greengold
C. OPLAN Cyclops

32. PDEAs operations against Chinese triad members involved in the illegal drug operations particularly
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride.
A. OPLAN Cyclops D. OPLAN Tornado
B. OPLAN Iceberg E. OPLAN Banat
C. OPLAN Mercurion

33. Refers to a dynamic process directed towards the physical, emotional/psychological, social and spiritual
change for the subject to avail of the opportunity to live a happy, useful and productive life without abusing
A. Incarceration C. Treatment
B. Rehabilitation D. Detoxification

34. One of the world’s notorious drug syndicate in the 1980’s founded by Pablo Escobar Gaviria and Jose
Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha.
A. Cali Cartel C. Golden Triangle
B. Norte del Valle Cartel D. Columbian Medellin Cartel

35. Countries referred to as the Golden Triangle involved in drug trafficking.

A. Singapore Malaysia Thailand C. China Hongkong Myanmar
B. Thailand Laos Myanmar D. Philippines India Indonesia

36. These are prohibited drugs according to legal categories pursuant to RA 6425.
A. Narcotics, Stimulant, Hallucinogens C. Barbiturates, Hypnotics, Amphetamines
B. Stimulants, Narcotics, Depressants D. Depressants, Barbiturates, Stimulants

37. It refers to any act of knowingly passing a dangerous drug to another, personally otherwise, and by any
means, with or without consideration.
A. delivers D. dispensing
B. pushing E. administering
C. trafficking

38. Popularly known as the Golden Crescent in illegal drugs.

A. Pakistan, Iran, India, Africa D. Africa, Pakistan, Iraq, India
B. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, India E. China, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Vietnam
C. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, India

39. These are classified as Regulated drugs according to Legal Categories.

A. Barbiturates, Hypnotics, Amphetamines C. Barbiturates, Depressants, Hypnotics
B. Barbiturates, Inhalants, Narcotics D. Barbiturates, Narcotics, Amphetamines

40. First to be executed for violation of Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 that resulted to the dry up of supply of
heroin in the country.
A. Leo Echegaray C. Lim Teng
B. Lim Weng D. Lim Seng

41. From the stand point of physiological effect, narcotic drugs are commonly and roughly classified as:
A. Spinal and Cerebral D. Depressants and Downers
B. Depressants and Stimulants E. Depressants and Hallucinogens
C. Cumulative and Non-cumulative

42. Drug addicts when under the influence of drugs, is menace to community because they:
A. Are flagrantly immoral D. Ruin their health
B. Become violently insane E. don’ know what they are doing
C. Feel no restraint in committing crimes

43. Discovered the heroine drug.

A. Alder Wright D. Dr. Freidrich Hoffman
B. Dr. Arthur Stoll E. Freidrich Serturner
C. Dr. Albert Hoffman
44. A slang term which refers to an opiate addict.
A. Juni D. Speed freaks
B. Junkie E. Junks
C. Jenkie

45. The scientific name of the alkaloids extracted from the leaves of cocaine is called:
A. Cocaine C. Erythroxylon coca
B. Coca bush D. Coca Somniferum

46. Coke is to cocaine; Ice is to:

A. Shabu D. Cold Turkey
B. Marijuana E. Narcotic
C. Opium

47. Considered the most potent part of the Marijuana plant.

A. The roots and the stem C. The flowering tops of the male plant
B. The twigs and the seeds D. The flowering tops of the female plant

48. Commonly used among hospitality girl. Sudden withdrawal from these drugs is even more dangerous
than opiate withdrawal.
A. Seconal C. Volatile substances
B. Barbiturates D. Demerol and methadone

49. The king of all drugs with potential for abuse. It is considered the most widely used, socially accepted and
most extensively legalized drug throughout the world.
A. Shabu D. Volatile substance
B. Ecstacy E. Alcohol
C. Amphetamins

50. Drugs used for inducing sleep in persons plagued with anxiety, mental stress, and insomnia.
A. Seconal D. Barbiturates
B. Shabu E. LSD
C. Tranquilizer

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