Makalah Fix
Makalah Fix
Makalah Fix
Thank you for the presence of Allah SWT, because of His grace we can complete this
paper on "The Contribution of Islam in World Civilization". Prayers and greetings may
always be poured out on our great lord, the Prophet Muhammad, who has shown us a straight
path in the form of perfect teachings of Islam and a blessing and mercy for the entire
The author is very grateful for completing the paper which became the task of
religious education with the title "Contribution of Islam in World Civilization". Besides that,
we would like to express our gratitude to all those who helped us during the making of this
paper so that this paper was realized. That is what we can say, hopefully this paper can
be useful and don't forget to submit criticism and suggestions for this paper so that it can be
improved in the future.
A. Introduction
The Western world has now achieved very rapid progress, especially in the fields
of science and technology. But basically the progress created by the Western world
today is inseparable from the transformation and intellectual contribution of Islam in
previous times or during the heyday of Islam. At that time, the Western world was still
in a period of darkness due to the doctrine of the church, whereas in the eastern
hemisphere Muslims had formed a glorious civilization that created many scientific
and scientific developments that developed rapidly.
The rise of Islam at that time was not only felt by Muslim communities, non-
Muslim communities felt the progress of Islam, including the Western world. But over
time Muslims began to experience setbacks in the Middle Ages, which ultimately
touched Islam with the Western world which led to the intellectual transformation of
Islam which gave birth to the renaissance, reformation and rationalism movements in
the Western world.Thus, the advances in the knowledge of the Western world which
are so developed today are inseparable from the contribution of the progress of Islam
at the time of the glory of Muslims at that time.
B. Problem Formulation1
1. How is the influence of Islamic civilization in the world?
2. What is the contribution of Islamic intellectuals in the Western world?
2. Results of Civilization
Although the Uthman dynasty ruled for quite a long time, he did not mean
that his civilization developed as rapidly as the Abbasid dynasty. That was
because his expansion politics were not followed by fostering his conquered
territory, besides a hundred years after the conquest of Constatinopel the sultans
were weak. However, the Ottoman Empire still had better governance and its
level of prosperity compared to all parts of Europe which were controlled by
Christians. Likewise the Christian population under Ottoman rule could enjoy
the produce of the earth, personal independence and other business results,
compared with their friends who were in various Christian
kingdoms.Apparently, the Ottoman sultans were hard, but they were liberal and
generous towards the Christian population.
They carry out fair government administration in addition to intensifying
the economy by encouraging trade between them.The Ottomans took many
ethical and political teachings from the Persians. In the field of military and
government, the Ottomans were influenced by Byzantium. However, long
before they assimilated with these nations, from the very first time they entered
Islam, bansa Arab had committed them in the fields of religion, social principles
and law. Therefore Arabic letters are made into official royal letters.
The authority of the Ottoman sultans was also based on a cosmopolitan
culture consisting of elements of Arabic, Persian, Byzantine culture and
European cultural elements. Muhammad II developed Persian poetry and also
European painting. Arab and Persian writers, Italian painters and Greek and
Serbian poets arrived at his palace. Even so, some regimes break away from
elements of Christian influence and European influence towards an art that is
more Islamic and Turkish.
As found in the palaces of Arab and Persian sultans, poetry is the main
expression of king's art. Palace poetry is based on Aruz. Some of the main art
forms are some art forms that have been developed in Persian court poems.The
writing of the history of the early Ottoman period was arranged in Arabic which
was translated into Turkish to legitimize the origins of this dynasty and its rise to
power and sort of daily events in the palace and relating to the military. The
work of Mustafa Ali (1541-1599) Kunch al-Akhbar contains records of world
history from adam to Jesus, the history of early Islam, the history of the Turks
until the rise of the Ottoman empire, ending with Ottoman history. In the 17th
century, historians were employed to record daily events in the palace.
The Ottoman manuscript illustrations also express the Ottoman attitude
towards the kingdom's fate. From the time of Muhammad II, the Ottomans
maintained a palace studio or nakkasbane which employed geographers, painters,
illuminators, and bookbinders who produced manuscripts and to develop patterns
(designs) of ceramics, wooden crafts, metal crafts, textiles, carpets the typical
Ottoman. Between 1451 and 1520, several precedents formed the basis for
Ottoman manuscript art. A number of artists from Shiraz, Tabriz, and Herat
arrived in Istanbul.
Some of the earliest works illustrate copies of Classical Persian works
such as Attar Language of the Birds, The Love Story of Khosraw and Shirin, and
the work of Amir Khasraw Khamsa and fable Kalila wa Dimna.The 16th century
manuscripts shifted from the classic literary illustration to contemporary events
such as ambassadors' ceremonies, tax collection, and conquest of border areas in
the Balkans. At the end of the sixteenth century, historical illustrations,
reminiscent of the splendor of the Ottoman State and the conquests they
conquered, were valuable contributions of the Turks to the Middle Eastern
manuscript traditions and enlightened Muslim manuscript traditions. The art of
Ottoman Manuscripts is reminiscent of the consciousness of the Ottoman elite as
the power of world history.
In the field of architecture, mosques there prove its progress. A number of
Ottoman mosques and colleges expressed the magnitude of Ottoman attention to
Islamic teachings as well as designing several features, such as a very large
single dome, towering tall towers, a number of pillar buildings supporting the
central palace space, showing a strong influence on the Aya Shopia model, the
Byzantine church the biggest. Aya Shopia was made a mosque since the reign of
Muhammad al-Fatih to Kemal Atta Turk. By Kemal, Aya Shopia has been made
a museum until now.
Thus the Ottoman mosques demonstrated the pattern of the largest eastern
Christian churches, for example the "Dome of the Rock" in Jerusalem, and
expressed the height of Islam in its rivalry with Christianity. Hoja Sinan (1490-
1578) was a great figure in this field of architectural art.In the field of education,
the Ottomans ushered in the organization of a widespread madrasa education
system. The first Ottoman Madrasah was founded in Izmir in 1331, when a
number of ulama 'were brought in from Iran and Egypt to develop Muslim
teaching in several new territories.
Some of the later sultans established several colleges in Bursa, Edirne and
in Istanbul. At the end of the fifteenth century some of these colleges were
arranged in a hierarchy that determined the career path for the great scholars.
The college that was built by Sulaiman in 1550 and 1559 really became a
college with a high ranking. The rankings below are a number of colleges
established by previous sultan sultans and ranked below a number of these
colleges, a number of universities established by State officials and scholars'
madrasas not only organized in ranks, but also differentiated based on some of
their educational functions. The lowest level Madrasas teach nahwu (Arabic
grammar) and sharaf (syntax), mantiq (logic), theology, astronomy, geometry
and rhetoric. The highest level colleges teach law and theology.
From the description above it can be concluded that the golden age of the Abbasids
was achieved in the first period. We can see the golden age from the wider government
of the Abbasids, and the migration of the capital to Baghdad, where the capital city of
Baghdad was an intellectual center at that time. In this period we usually call the
golden age.
In fact, during the reign of the Abbasids there were many rebellions. But in this
first period rebellions could be overcome, even though they had not yet reached its
roots. The government of the Abbasids reached golden age also supported by several
factors, including as translators giving their opinions. This is done because of human
limitations in thinking this is the best way to advance knowledge.
This method will also not succeed if it is not supported by all the people. From here
came Muslim intellectuals who were very influential in science.Al-Mahdi, Al-Hadi,
Harun ar-Rashid, al-Ma'mum, al-Mu'tashim, al-Wasiq, and al-Mutawakil are skilled
people with noble science and morality who can bring a good name the nation in
general and the Caliphate in particular, so that in the eyes of the world it was referred
to as figures (scientists) of the golden age in the days of the Abbasid caliph.Dari
beberapa khalifah yang memimpin pada periode pertama dapat disimpulkanbahwa
masa keemasan dicapai pada masa pemerintahan khalifah al-Mahdi, al-Hadi, Harun ar-
Rasyid, al-Ma’mun, al-Mu’tashim, al-Wasik, dan al-Mutawakil.
But there is an assumption that at the time of the caliph Harun ar-Rashid was the
golden peak among the other caliphs. One reason for this assumption was that he
founded Baitul Hikmah which was a cultural institution and a brilliant mind at that
time.In the golden age of the Abbasids also born Muslim intellectual figures, including
al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, al-Ghazali, al-Khawarijmi, and al-Battani. All the
figures above play a very important role in the development of science during the time
of the Abbasids.[5]
2. Science
Medical science, music, astronomy, chemistry and others are also well
developed, Abbas ibn Farnas is famous in chemistry and astronomy. Ibrahim and
Ibn Yahya an-Naqash are well known in astronomy. He can determine the time
of the solar eclipse and determine how long. He also succeeded in making
modern binoculars that could determine the distance between the solar system
and stars. Ahmad ibn Ibbas from Cordova is an expert in the field of medicine.
Umm al-Hasan bint Abi Ja'far and al-Hafidz's sister are two medical experts
from among women.
Famous medical doctors include:
a. Thabib ibn Qurra '(221-228 H / 836-901 M) is considered to be the
father of chemistry.
b. Al-Razi or Razes (251-313 H / 809-873 AD) are well-known in the
field of measles and smallpox which are translated in Latin.
c. Ibn Sina (370-428 AH / 980-1037 AD) Europeans call it Avicena.
Next to a philosopher, he is also a doctor and musician. His famous
essay is Shafa (consisting of 18 volumes), Najat, Sadidiya (consisting
of 5 volumes), Danes Nameh, al-Qanun fi at-Thib (a book about
medicine translated in Latin).
In the field of history and geography, gave birth to many famous thinkers. Ibn
Jubar of Valencia (1145-1228 AD) wrote about the Muslim countries of the
Mediterranean and Seolia and Ibn Batuthah of Fagier (1304-1377 AD) reached
the Pasai Ocean and China. Ibn al-Khatib (1317-1374 AD) compiled a history of
Granada while Ibn Khaldun from Tunis was a formulator of historical
3. Jurisprudence
In the field of Islamic Spanish jurisprudence it is known as the Maliki
religious school. The one who introduced the Maliki sect there was Ziyad ibn
Abd ar-Rahman. Further developments were determined by Ibn Yahya who
became qadhi during the time of Hisham ibn Abd ar-Rahman. Other jurists
included Abu Bakr ibn al-Quthiyah, Munzir ibn Said al-Baluthi, and famous
A. Conclusion
In Andalusian culture, the Islamic field of science that developed at that time
included jurisprudence, hadith, interpretation, kalam science, history, Arabic grammar
and philosophy.
Islam entered the territory of North Africa at that time was under the rule of
the Roman empire a very broad empire that encompassed various countries and types
of human kind. The conquest of this area basically began to be initiated during the
Umar bin Khatab Caliphate. In 640M ‘Amr ibn al-Ash succeeded in entering Egypt
after obtaining conditional permission from the caliph Umar to conquer the area.
Among Islamic intellectual contributions to the Western world in the
intellectual field are:
1. Philosophy
2. Science
3. Jurisprudence
4. Music and Arts
5. Language and Literature
B. Suggestions
Thus the papers that we can compile, we realize that there are still many
shortcomings, therefore constructive criticism and suggestions from the readers are
very much expected. Hope this papers can be a benefit for all of us.
L: “menerut anda apakah ada keterkaitan antara islam dan peradaban dunia?”
B: “ ada, letak keterkaitan tersebut yaitu peradaban dunia dipengaruhi oleh islam
yang pada saait itu mencapai golden age. Disitu lahir ilmuan besar dunia.
Contohnya dalam bidang matematika, astronomi, botani, kedokteran, dan
masih banyak lagi. Ekspansi atau penaklukan juga dengan perdagangan.
Dengan lahirnya ilmuan besar, maka bidang keilmuan sangat dipengaruhi dan
berkiblat pada arah timur. Begitupun dengan dampak penaklukan arsitektur,
budaya, kuliner dll. Semua terpengaruhi dan menimbulkan adanya akulturasi.
Perdaganganpun juga berpengaruh.”
Name : Iqbal Putra Pratama
Study : D3 Pajak PKN STAN
Addres : JL. Dr. Soetomo, Kabongan lor, Rembang
1. Jika kita melihat peradaban dunia saat ini kemana ia berlayar dapat
dikatakan sangat menyimpang dengan al quran, dan al hadis. Beberapa
contoh diantaranya di zaman kita begitu maraknya orang orang yang
bersuara untuk melegalkan LGBT. Mereka berpendapat bahwa itu
merupakan urusan pribadi dan tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan
pemerintah ataupun sosial. Alhasil setelah banyak yang melegalkan
LGBT semakin banyak bibit bibit yang tumbuh. Hal ini tidak sejalan
dengan Alquran dan tentunya dilarang oleh Allah. Lalu fenomena yang
biasa terjadi adalah bukan rahasia umum bahwa banyak orang yang
terjerumus dalam minuman keras, dengan dalih bahwa minuman
beralkohol dapat membuat perasaan lebih tenang dan gembira dan tak
sedikit yang ketagihan tentu hal ini pun dilarang didalam alquran.
2. Kontribusi islam dalam pengembangan dunia adalah ketika penemuan
awal matematika dulu penemunya adalah al khawarizmi, dari situlah
peradaban dunia berubah banyak sekali yang pengembangannya
bersumber pada penemuan al khawarizmi, atau sistem waktu dunia
yang juga ditemukan oleh orang islam dan juga bapak dokter pertama
kali adalah orang islam juga.
3. Dampaknya sangat banyak, yaitu salah satunya teknologi yang ada
sekarang adalah ditemukannya waktu dunia. Bisa dibayangkan jika
waktu dunia tidak ditemukan tentu tidak akan ada bulan masehi seperti
sekarang ini.
4. Tentu sikap yang harus kita tanamkan adalah berpegang teguh pada al
quran dan as sunnah yang dapat memfilter dan sekaligus sebagai
tameng terhadap peradaban dunia yang kurang sejalan, jika kita
melihat ada suatu kesalahan yang tidak sesuai dengan alquran dam as
sunah maka sudah sewajibnya kita memberitahunya.
Name : Muhammad Sidnan
Study : UTM (University Teknologi Malaysia)
C. Dimas
1. Hubungan islam terahadap peradaban dunia
2. Dampak pengaruh islam terhadap peradaban dunia
3. Hasil para pakar islam yang mendunia
Muhammad Miftahul Ilmi (uinsa)
a. Banyak sekali yang dihasilkan oleh pakar pakar muslim ataupun para ulama
dalam pengembangan peradaban dunia,mulai dari konsep ekonomi,struktur
pemerintahan,politik,teknologi,pendidikan dan masih banyak lagi
b. Islam juga ikut berkontribusi dalam memajukan zaman. Seperti yang sudah
dijelaskan di awal bahwa banyak uama dan pakar islam yang telah
menyumbangkan ide,pikiran,tenaga atau yang lain untuk membantu memajukan
peradaban di seluruh nusatara
c. 1.Terdapat dua khalifah besar yaitu Harun dan anaknya Al ma’mun yang banyak
memberikan materi atau hasilpikir mengenai teknologi,sains,rasionalitas dan
Name :
Study :
D. Ofin
Name : Aqiilla Zidane A I
Study : S1 Teknik Kimia UGM
1. menurutmu adakah keterkaitan antara islam dan peradaban
dunia? beserta alasannya
2. pendapat anda tentang peradaban islam pada zaman modern ini
1. ada karena islam mengatur umatnya untuk menghadapi
perubahan peradaban di dunia, mengatur dalam artian
memberi tuntunan dalam menyortir yang mana yang baik dan
yang buruk
2. menurutku peradaban islam modern kurang menunjukkan
bahwa islam adalah agama damai, contoh yg paling dekat di
indonesia cuma gara-gara pemilu saja banyak saling
mengafirkan dan persekusi padahal islam sebenernya
mengajarkan kedamaian dalam perbedaan
Name : Dimas Rayhan
Study : S1 Teknik Industri UPN
1. menurutmu adakah keterkaitan antara islam dan peradaban
dunia? beserta alasannya
2. pendapat anda tentang peradaban islam pada zaman modern ini
1. Menurut saya jelas ada. Pada jaman dahulu, orang-orang islam adalah
yang berpengaruh di bidang pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Di islam
sendiri juga diajarkan tentang berbuat baik sehingga tercipta
perdamaian. Di dalam Alquran sendiri juga banyak sekali ilmu-ilmu
pengetahuan sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia. Banyak sekali penemuan-
penemuan yang telah diteliti yang sebenarnya sudah ada di dalam
2. Sudah berkembang jika dibandingkan jaman dahulu. Sudah banyak
masjid-masjid dan pemeluk-pemeluknya. Akses para ulama-ulama dan
orang-orang dalam berdakwah juga semakin mudah. Tapi mungkin
untuk sektor produksi barang dan perekonomian dikalahkan oleh orang-
orang yang bukan islam.
1. Masuknya Islam di berbagai penjuru negeri, adalah salah satu bukti bahwa
dakwah Nabi Muhammad SAW telah sempurna menyusuri seluruh penduduk
bumi. Islam tak hanya tersebar di wilayah jazirah Arab dan sekitarnya saja, namun
Islam juga telah berkembang di Amerika, Jepang, bahkan juga di kepulauan kecil
diantara Samudra Atlantik pun telah tersentuh cahaya Islam. Ini membuktikan
bahwa tak sedikitpun negeri yang terlewatkan dalam penyebaran Islam
2. Salah satu efek Islam dalam pengembangan keilmiahan dunia adalah keberadaan
perpustakaan Islam dan lembaga keilmuan seperti masjid Al-Azhar yang
merupakan pusat para intelektual muslim berkumpul dan melakukan proses
pengkajian serta perkembangan ilmu dan sain.
3. Salah satu kontribusi Islam dalam budaya dunia adalah adanya penemuan
intelektual yang dapat mengubah budaya dan tradisi umat manusia
4. Tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa arus migrasi negara-negara Arab ke Eropa menjadi
kunci awal bagaimana Islam dapat berkembang dalam peradaban di dunia barat.
Kini Islam telah mampu berkembang pesat dan berkontribusi di berbagai negara
benua Eropa sebagai sebuah peradaban bagi dunia barat
5. Salah satu budaya Islam yang masih bertahan di luar negeri adalah perayaan
keagamaan, sebagai contoh adalah peringatan Isra' Mi'raj
6. Indonesia merupakan negara berpenduduk Muslim terbesar, namun juga
bersaudara dengan umat beragama lain. Di Indonesia, ada keragaman pengetahuan-
budaya, sumberdaya alam dan kemauan untuk saling melindungi dan menghargai.
Maka untuk menjadi negara yang kuat dan berdaulat, keragaman tersebut harus
saling melindungi dan menghargai
7. Dalam kehidupan sosial tentu membutuhkan agama agar jalannya kehidupan dapat
terkontrol dengan baik sesuai dengan tuntunan yang jelas dan peraturan tentang
mana yang benar dan mana yang salah.
8. Dalam kondisi Islam yang sedang terjajah seperti saat ini, sangat logis jika dunia
Islam menaruh harap pada Turki di bawah kepemimpinan Erdogan. Bukan saja
karena alasan sejarah, namun juga faktor track record kepemimpinan Erdogan.
Turki memang belum menjadi negara kuat selevel dengan Amerika, China, dan
Rusia. Tapi, Erdogan sadar keunggulan peradaban Islam dan sejarah agungnya.
Maka apabila Islam dapat bersatu, maka kejayaan Islam akan dapat diraih kembali
9. Relasi antara agama dengan dunia itu adalah simbiosis mutualism atau saling
membutuhkan. Dunia membutuhkan religiusitas sehingga tidak menjadi dunia
sekuler. Sedangkan, agama juga membutuhkan dunia sehingga dapat mendapatkan
fasilitas dari pemerintah untuk menyebarkan ajaran keagamaan. Selain itu, dunia
dan agama juga dibutuhkan untuk saling mengimbangi dan memberikan
pengawasan. Dunia membutuhkan agama agar jalannya pemerintahan dapat
terkontrol dengan baik sesuai dengan konstitusi, peraturan perundang-undangan,
dan juga ketentuan masyarakat.
Name : Fadhil Maulana
Study : S1 Manajemen Bisnis Universitas Indonesia
1. tentunya sangat bagus dan mendukung apabila penyebaran islam dilanjutkan hingga
sampai ke benua afrika, asia tenggara, dan eropa . kalau bisa penyebaran itu harus
merata dan secara luas agar semua benua dapat merasakan apa sebenarnya agama
2. efeknya dari pengembangan ilmiah sangat bisa terasa dan jika kita bisa memajukan
akan banyak membantu penduduk muslim di luar negeri. banyak ilmu ilmu yang bisa
didapat. contohnya di sekolah yang berbasis islam di luar negeri
3. banyak kontribusi islam dalam dunia barat mulai dari budaya dan keilmiahan sebagai
contohnya adalah mahasiswa muslim sudah mulai yang berprestasi diluar negeri dan
juga mulai mengembangkan budaya islam di benua benua lain
4. pendapat saya adalah setuju namun ada beberapa hal yang juga bersifat negatif dalam
proses penyebaran tersebut salah satu contoh positif dari penyebaran agama islam
adalah akan ada banyak penduduk muslim di luar negeri namun juga menimbulkan
beberapa sifat sifat rasis mau dari penduduk asli dari benuanya atau dari rakyat
muslim sendiri
5. salah satu dari budaya yang masih bertahan hingga saat ini adalah budaya kairo
6. ya dan tidak, dikatakan tidak sebab budaya islam merupakan budayanya sendiri,
sama halnya dengan budaya budaya yang lain namun bukan berarti tidak semua
budaya tidak dapat digabungkan karena ada beberapa budaya yang bisa disatukan
dengan budaya islam kita hanya tinggal memilih dengan baik dan teliti
7. banyak dari efeknya dapat terasa sangat jelas seperti salah satunya adalah. akan
banyak masjid masjid di luar negeri
8. budaya islam dapat dipertahankan namun jika para pemuda dan pemudinya bersedia
untuk meluangkan waktunya untuk mengembangkan budaya tersebut, mengapa
budaya tersebut harus dipertahankan sebab masih banyak penduduk penduduk islam
yang belum mengenal dengan jelas apa sebenarnya budaya islam
9. masih, dikarenakan di luar negeri sana masih dibangunkan masjid, mushola, atau
tempat mengaji bagi masyarakat muslim disana dan ditambah pula masih banyak
ilmu yang dapat diambil dari budaya islam itu sendiri
Name : Royan
Study : NUS
The Contribution of Islam in World
(arranged in order to meet assignment courses islam)
Class 21
Group 8
Member of Group:
3. Anallenian Selviana (04311840000003)
4. Dimas Ivan Aprilian (04311840000091)
5. M. Reza Fahlevi (04311840000063)
6. Athif Lanang Untoro (07311840000032)
7. Fauzi Naufal M (073118400000 )