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Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia

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Journal of Food
Dumandan, J Food Process Technol 2018, 9:10

urnal of Fo

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

hnology Processing & Technology


ISSN: 2157-7110

Research Article Open Access

Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia

Madelaine Suarez Dumandan*
Instructor, College of Social Development and Technology, Bukidnon State University, Philippines

This study aimed to optimize the formulation of onion-flavored hopia to attain optimum sensory, physico-chemical, and
microbial qualities.
Eleven variables were screened using Plackett-Burman variable screening. Based on the sensory acceptability of the
product, a 33 fractional Central Composite Design for the formulation optimization of onion-flavored hopia was conducted. All
fifteen treatments were evaluated based on its sensory and physico-chemical characteristics and initial microbial load and
nutrient analysis was conducted on the optimized product.
Results showed after variable screening that flour, onion, and sugar were the three variables which significantly affected the
sensory acceptability of hopia. During the optimization process, it was found out that only flour affected the aroma, color and
general acceptability of hopia. Cross product interaction of sugar and onion significantly affected the moisture content of hopia
and only flour had significant effect on its fat content. Almost all factors affected the pH of the product and quadratic regression
of flour was also found to affect the total soluble solids of the product. Six treatments were found to have acceptable levels of
initial microbial load and moisture content was also found to be moderately correlated with initial microbial load.
Optimization study revealed that the optimum region has a combination of 550 grams flour, 105 grams onion and 568grams
sugar. The optimized hopia had a net profit of 124.09 per 70 pieces and had 15.92% moisture, 1.22% ash, 5.87% crude protein,
9.47% total fat and 378.79 calories per 100 grams.

Keywords: Onion; Hopia; Brix; Nutrient; Moisture Mindanao University is one of the local enterprises that produced
various types of bakery products such as breads and pastry products
Introduction which include onion-flavored hopia. Based on data, onion-flavored
hopia is one of their researchable pastry products especially in terms of
Nature and importance of the study
sensory evaluation and shelf-life determination.
One of the fastest growing food processing subsectors in the country
The current situation of bakery products and onion-flavored hopia
is bakery products, which expanded by 18.8 percent per year. This is
production and acceptability enabled the researcher to provide data as
expected as the flour milling which provides the raw materials for this
basis for setting standard and evaluate its sensory acceptability, physico-
subsector also grew fast. The bakery products subsector includes bread, chemical properties, and nutrient content. At present, no studies on the
cakes, pastries, biscuits, cookies and snack products [1]. According optimization of the formulation of onion-flavored hopia have been
to Philippines Statistics Authority [2], out of 47,376 total food published. Thus, this study on formulation optimization of the pastry
manufacturing establishments in 2009, a bakery products establishment product is vital.
is 21,313. Almost 16% of the latter number of establishments produced
bread, cakes, pastries, pies and similar "perishable" bakery products Objectives of the study
including hopia and doughnut. In the same year, revenue of 12,684
Generally, this study aimed to optimize the formulation of onion-
million pesos was earned by these establishments [3].
flavored hopia to attain optimum sensory, physico-chemical, and
Baked goods are widely available and consumed in many countries microbial qualities. Specifically, the study focused on the following:
especially in the Philippines. Generally they fall into the main categories 1. Identify the ingredients and process variables that affect the
of breads, biscuits, cakes, and pastries [4]. Pastries refer to an assortment sensory acceptability of onion-flavored hopia
of rich flour mixtures that contain a relatively high proportion of fat to
flour and a relatively low liquid content [5]. These include certain types 2. Optimize the formulation and processing of onion-flavored
of cookies, cream puffs, pie crust and opia. hopia

The hopia, which means “good cakes”, is found in the Philippines 3. Determine the sensory, physico-chemical characteristics, and
and has been the product of Chinese influence [6]. Hopia is a flaky
pastry with filling of mashed red and green beans, yam paste, bread
*Corresponding author: Madelaine Suarez Dumandan Instructor, College of
crumb with winter melon, green onions and pork backfat and the like Social Development and Technology, Bukidnon State University, Philippines,
[7]. In the country, Ho-Land sets local standard for hopia industry. Tel: (088)813-5661; E-mail: madie.suarez@gmail.com
According to Bolido [8], Ho-Land remains the standard for this small, Received August 01, 2018; Accepted September 17, 2018; Published September
round Chinese baked goodies and has a high demand of hopia and 21, 2018
often has supply shortages. Furthermore, Ho-Land has monggo, black Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored
monggo, pork, wintermelon, pineapple and ube flavored hopia. In Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757
relation to this, onion-flavored hopia is also produced by local bakeries
Copyright: © 2018 Dumandan MS. This is an open-access article distributed under
but it is not been studied and has no local standard. the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
The Hospitality Services and Food Enterprise Office of Central source are credited.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 2 of 17

initial microbial load of the products as affected by the three Response surface methodology: A collection of mathematical and
main variables statistical techniques useful for the modeling and analysis of problems
in which a response of interest is influenced by several variables and the
4. Identify the optimum regions of the three main variables and
objective is to optimize this response [14]. This was used in optimization
5. Determine the cost of production and nutrient value of the of ingredient levels, formulations and processing conditions of onion-
optimized onion-flavored hopia flavored hopia.

Significance of the study Sensory evaluation: A scientific discipline used to evoke measure,
analyze, and interpret sensations as they are perceived by the senses of
This study will be valuable to Central Mindanao University sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing [15]. This was used as a process by
(CMU)-Hospitality Services and Food Enterprise Office for findings of which panelists were given onion-flavored hopia samples to evaluate its
this study can be used to produce an optimized onion-flavored hopia aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability using their senses.
and can make it as a ‘’pasalubong’’ product. The bakers/entrepreneurs
in Bukidnon will be getting more knowledge and additional concepts Total soluble solids: This test the solids concentration of sucrose
in producing this baked product. Moreover, consumers especially in dissolved within a substance in onion-flavored hopia. This is measured
CMU can purchase a product with optimum quality. using a refractometer and is referred to as the degrees Brix [12].

Scope and limitations of the study Review of related literature

This study utilized an eleven factors-12 runs Plackett-Burman Baked products: Baked goods generally fall into the main
design as a screening tool and three-level variable Central Composite categories of breads, biscuits, cakes, and pastries, and are consumed by
Design for optimization. people from most income groups. Grain and flour have longer shelf
life; therefore the purpose of baking is not for preservation, but to
This study focused on the effect of the following variables: type of change the eating quality of staple foodstuffs and to add variety to the
flour used in dough (All Purpose Flour and 1st Class Flour), type of diet. Baked goods such as breads and pastries have a shelf-life in the
onion in filling (Onion bulb, spring onion), method of cooking onions range of (2 to 5) days, while others, such as biscuits and some types of
(frying and sautéing) for 7 and 5 minutes respectively, amount of sugar cake and pastries, have a shelf-life of several months, when packaged
in the filling (834 grams, 668 grams), amount of salt in the filling (25 correctly [4]. Flour, shortening, eggs, liquids, leavening agents and
grams, 12.5 grams), amount of oil used in the filling (225 grams, 168 sugar are the basic ingredients of baked products. Working together,
grams), amount of skimmed milk (70 grams, 50 grams), baking time these ingredients function to form the final structure of the baked good.
(40 min, 30 min), baking temperature (200°F, 180°F), kneading time of The amount and nature of these ingredients in the recipe determine the
dough (10 min, 5 min) and proofing time of dough (10 min, 5 min). structural and sensory characteristics of the baked product.
Weights of ingredients were based on 1 kilogram flour used for dough
making. The main ingredients in baked goods are flours from cereals such
as wheat, maize, and sorghum. In general, all flours contain valuable
The test for physico-chemical characteristics of the product included amounts of energy, protein, iron and vitamins, but the degree of milling
moisture content, fat content, pH and total soluble solid analyses. The will influence the final nutritional. Many baked products incorporate
products were also assessed with its initial microbial load. For the high levels of fat, sugar, and sometimes fruit or nuts, and this will
optimized product, cost of production was calculated and analyzed and increase the energy content of the products content [4]. Baked goods
nutrient value was determined. include pastry such as onion-flavored hopia.
Definition of terms Hopia processing: Hopia is a flaky pastry with filling of mashed
Acceptability: It is a quality of onion-flavored hopia which is worth red and green beans, yam paste, bread crumb with winter melon,
accepting, satisfactory or, sometimes, merely adequate tolerable and green onions and pork backfat and the like [7]. Hopia produced in the
bearable [9]. It refers to the degree of like or dislike of the panelists Philippines have several fillings. Hopiang Mungo, baboy, ube and onion
towards the product. flavored are produced in the country.

Brix: It is the measurement in percentage by weight of sucrose in Procedure in making hopia includes making two dough and
onion-flavored hopia in pure water solution [10]. filling which uses All Purpose Flour [16]. In the making of the dough,
proofing to about 10 minutes is necessary to absorb excess oil. Oven
Central composite design: The most commonly used response should also be preheated to 375-400°F for 20 minutes and baked for 15
surface designed experiment and is useful in sequential experiments to 25 minutes.
because it can often build on previous factorial experiments by adding
axial and center points [11]. This design was used for the determination Flour: Flours provide structure, texture, and flavor to baked
of optimum regions to produce optimum quality onion-flavored hopia. products. Starch is one of the compounds in flour that strengthens the
baked product through the process of gelatinization, and is one of the
Moisture content: It is referred to as water content and is an factors that contributes crumb. A secondary function of starch is that
indicator of the amount of water in hopia [12]. it can partially break down by amylases to dextrin, malt and glucose.
Nutrient analysis: It is the determination of chemical composition These by-products add a slight sensation of sweetness; darken the crust
data of onion-flavored hopia. It is a basis for nutrition [13]. color, and making the mixture in texture [17].

Plackett-Burman design: A class of design that allows creating When flour is mixed with water, an elastic network forms when two
experiments with some number between fractional factorial designs proteins in flour, gliadin and glutenin, combine to produce the protein
and can be utilized in the screening of variable that may significantly complex gluten. As temperature rises during baking, steam along with
affect the sensory acceptability of onion-flavored hopia [11]. carbon dioxide and ethanol cause gluten to expand further. The baked

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 3 of 17

product’s structure sets when the heat from baking coagulates the According to Wheat Flour Council [18], all purpose is good for
proteins and gelatinizes the starch [17]. almost everything and can provide good results of baked products,
1st Class is bread flour, 2nd class is for cakes and pastry and 3rd class is
There are several types of wheat flour. Wheat Food Council [18]
for muffins, noodles and cookies that can give a chewy result. Third
classified flour as white flour, all-purpose flour, bread flour, cake flour,
class flour is cheaper than first class and can create a lighter product.
self-rising flour, pastry flour, semolina, durum flour, whole wheat,
In processing hopia, Shimabukuro [16] and other web sites articles
stone-ground and graham flour and gluten flour.
regarding hopia processing uses all-purpose flour.
White flour is the finely ground endosperm of the wheat kernel
Onion: Onion (Allium cepa) is an important commercial crop
while all-purpose flour is white flour milled from hard wheat or a
in the country. The onion plant consists of shallow roots, a bulb, and
blend of hard and soft wheat. It gives the best results for many kinds
green, tubular leaves. Onion bulbs usually are white, yellow, or red.
of products, including some yeast breads, quick breads, cakes, cookies,
Green onions are also available and is commonly used in culinary.
pastries and noodles. All-purpose flour is usually enriched and may
These green onions are sometimes called spring onions, scallions (as
be bleached or unbleached. Bleaching will not affect nutrient value.
are the related shallots leeks). Onions are commonly chopped and
Different brands will vary in performance. Protein varies from 8 to 11
used as an ingredient in various dishes, and may also be used as a main
percent. In this study, all-purpose flour was used as a variable.
ingredient in onion-flavored hopia. They are very versatile and can be
Bread flour is white flour that is a blend of hard, high-protein wheat baked, boiled, braised, grilled, fried, roasted, sautéed, or eaten raw in
and has greater gluten strength and protein content than all-purpose salads [19].
flour. Unbleached and in some cases conditioned with ascorbic acid,
In terms of nutritional value, spring onions contain many flavonoid
bread flour is milled primarily for commercial bakers, but is available at
anti-oxidants (carotenes, zea-xanthin, and lutein), plant fiber, minerals,
most grocery stores. Protein varies from 12 to 14 percent.
and vitamins that have proven health benefits. Spring onions contain
Cake flour is fine-textured, silky flour milled from soft wheat’s with healthy proportion of vitamin A-997 IU or 33% of RDA per 100 g
low protein content. It is used to make cakes, cookies, crackers, quick (World’s Healthiest Foods Organization, n.d). Onion bulbs also contain
breads and some types of pastry. Cake flour has a greater percentage flavonoids such as quecetin and anthocyanins [20].
of starch and less protein, which keeps cakes and pastries tender and
Onions (e.g. red onion) contains anthocyanin pigments, with at least
delicate. Protein varies from 7 to 9 percent.
25 different compounds identified representing 10% of total flavonoid
Self-rising flour, also referred to as phosphate flour, is a convenience content [21]. When sauteed, onion brings out sweet flavor [22].
product made be adding salt and leavening to all-purpose flour. It is
Sugar: Sugar is one of the important ingredients in baked products.
commonly used in biscuits and quick breads, but is not recommended
Sugar is added to contribute flavor and color of the goods. Sugar also
for yeast breads. One cup of self-rising flour contains 1-1/2 teaspoons
influences the volume, moistness, tenderness, color, appearance and
baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Self-rising can be substituted
caloric content of baked products [17]. Sucrose or common sugar
for all-purpose flour by reducing salt and baking powder according to
can also affect the colligative properties of water in food systems by
these proportions.
depressing freezing point and elevating boiling point and can delay
Pastry flour has properties intermediate between those of all- starch gelatinization. Sucrose can interact with ingredients to enhance
purpose and cake flours. It is usually milled from soft wheat for the retention of aroma and flavor of foods. Its humectant properties
pastry-making, but can be used for cookies, cakes, crackers and similar have been used to prevent moisture loss from baked products. Sucrose
products. It differs from hard wheat flour in that it has a finer texture can provide a yellow-brown color to food products, through thermal
and lighter consistency. Protein varies from 8 to 9 percent. degradation, alkaline degradation, and Maillard products [23].
Semolina is the coarsely ground endosperm of durum, a hard spring At oven temperatures, sugar chemically reacts with proteins in the
wheat with a high-gluten content and golden color. It is hard, granular baking product, contributing to the food’s browned surface. Maillard
and resembles sugar. Semolina is usually enriched and is used to make reaction or browning reaction is a process in which bread crusts,
couscous and pasta products such as spaghetti, vermicelli, macaroni cakes, pastries and cookies get their brown surfaces. During baking
and lasagna noodles. Except for some specialty products, breads are of breads, cakes, and cookies, Maillard reactions occur among sugar
seldom made with semolina. and the amino acids, peptides or proteins from other ingredients in the
baked products, causing browning. These reactions also result in the
Durum flour is finely ground semolina. It is usually enriched and
aroma associated with the baked good. The higher the sugar content
used to make noodles.
of the baked good, the darker golden brown the surface appears. The
Whole wheat, stone-ground and graham flour can be used browned surfaces in baked products do not only taste good but help
interchangeably; nutrient values differ minimally. Either grinding the retain moisture in the baked product, prolonging freshness. Pastries,
whole-wheat kernel or recombining the white flour, germ and bran cakes, cookies, quick breads and yeast breads require sugar for flavor,
that have been separated during milling produces them. Their only pleasing color, and tender texture, evenness of grain, moisture retention,
differences may be in coarseness and protein content. Insoluble fiber improved shelf life, and yeast fermentation [24].
content is higher than in white flours.
Shortening: Shortenings are fats used in the preparation of many
Gluten flour is usually milled from spring wheat and has a high foods. Fats tenderize (shorten the texture of) baked goods by preventing
protein (40 to 45 percent), low-starch content. It is used primarily for cohesion of gluten strands during mixing, hence the term shortening.
diabetic breads, or mixed with other non-wheat or low-protein wheat Oils used in the production of these baked products are generally
flours to produce a stronger dough structure. Gluten flour improves partially hydrogenated and often two or more stocks are blended in
baking quality and produces high-protein gluten bread. Gluten order to deliver the required performance characteristics including
contributes to the firming of the flour mixture [17]. storage stability, creamy consistency over a wide temperature range and

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 4 of 17

the ability to incorporate and hold air [25]. Fat also improves volume of statisticians Plackett and Burman [11]. The Plackett-Burman design is
baked product, adds flakiness, flavor, color, and a resistance to staling. suitably used to screen a large number of factors believed to be affecting
It also plays a role in heat transfer [17]. important product characteristics or attributes, and is generally used
during the initial phase of the study. Provided the interaction effects are
Shortening systems, including fats, oils, and surface-active agents, negligible, the Plackett-Burman design is effective for measuring main
are evolving for applications in chemically leavened and yeast-raised effects and clear other variables [33]. Main effects are clear of each other
baked products. The study of Inque et al. [16], reported that the but they are confounded with other higher interactions [11].
addition of a higher proportion of shortening improved the quality of
breads from dough. Mohan et al. [34] used Plackett-Burman Design (PBD) in order to
evaluate the significant parameters that have large effect on the product
Baking temperature and time: When heat is applied during development. It was cited as a linear approach that was considered
baking, the gases such as steam, carbon dioxide and oxygen, almost to be sufficient for screening. Plackett–Burman experimental design
immediately expand, creating a pressure that stretches the intricate, was a fractional factorial design and the main effects of such a design
elastic network of gluten. The baked product rises until the heat melts may be simply calculated as the difference between the average of
the fat, gelatinizes the starch, coagulates the flour, eggs, and/or milk measurements made at the high level (+1) of the factor and the average
proteins, and browns the outer surfaces by the caramelization of sugars, of measurements at the low level (-1).
the dextrinization of starch, and/or the Maillard reaction. Heat of
baking can also contribute to a shiny layer crust of baked products. Central composite design for optimization: A Box-Wilson Central
It is in the presence of moisture from vaporization which causes the Composite Design, commonly called 'a central composite design,' is an
dextrins to coat the crust with a shiny layer. experimental design, useful in response surface methodology contains
an imbedded factorial or fractional factorial design with center points
During baking, food is heated by the hot air, and also by the oven that is augmented with a group of 'star points' that allow estimation of
floor and trays. Moisture at the surface of the food is evaporated by the curvature. The Box-Wilson design [35] is the most widely used design
hot air, and this leads to a dry crust in products such as bread and many in industrial applications for searching optimum operating conditions,
biscuits. Oven temperatures for baking depend on the type, size, and i.e., optimal areas in contour maps [33].
shape of the product, and the nature of the ingredients [26,27].
According to Nazni and Gracia [36], Response Surface
Leuschner et al. [28] used 200°C baking time in their study on Methodology is a statistical technique that has been successfully used in
optimization of baking parameter of bread. According to Brown [17], the development and optimization of cereal products. RSM consists of
a preheated hot oven at approximately 425°F to 450°F is best for baking a group of mathematical and statistical procedures that can be used to
pies and puff pastries. Based on Food and Agriculture Organization study the relationships between one or more dependent variables and
[27,29], oven temperatures for baking are different. independent variables. The relative contribution of predictor variables to
product characteristics is evaluated and allows the optimum ingredient
Kneading: Kneading is a process of stretching and folding dough. levels. A Rotational Central Composite Design (RCCD) can be used
In doing so the gluten fibers are stretched and the consistency of the when a comparatively accurate prediction of all response variable
dough becomes smooth [19]. During kneading, the dough changes averages related to quantities measured during experimentation.
from a sticky mass to a smooth, stretchable consistency that is easily
molded, yet springs back to light pressure [17]. Sanchez et al. [37] studied optimization of gluten-free bread from
cornstarch, rice flour and cassava starch. A central composite design
According to Canja et al. [30], the ratio of height with diameter involving cornstarch/cassava starch ratio (X1) and rice flour/cassava
shows that the prolongation of kneading time leads to increasing the starch ratio (X2) was used.
bread’s volume. From the study’s results, it is been observed a significant
increase from 0.80 mm at the sample kneaded for 2 minutes up to 1.01 Saxena & Rao [38] used response surface methodology for
mm for the bread mixed for 20 minutes. Because it was obtained the optimization of ingredients and process conditions of tandoori roti.
highest test result for the bread mixed for 20 minutes, sample shows Balanced incomplete block design for sensory analysis: Balanced
that with the prolongation of kneading time is increasing the height and Incomplete Block Design compares treatments within blocks in order
the diameter of the bread. to minimize extraneous variation in the comparison. According to
Response surface methodology: Response surface methodology Gacula [33], a BIB design has the following parameters:
(RSM) is an effective statistical method for relating the relationship t=number of treatments,
between dependent and independent parameters. RSM is particularly
appropriate for product development work. In the scope of this k=number of experimental units per block,
study, RSM were used as a method to identify variables as it affects r=number of replications of each treatment, b=number of blocks
product acceptability and to determine the optimum ranges of the (panelists),
most contributing variables. The effectiveness of response surface
methodology (RSM) in optimization of ingredient levels, formulations X=number of blocks in which each pair of treatments are compared.
and processing conditions in food technology from raw to final products The basic BIB design is generally repeated p times to increase
such as varieties of cereal product have been documented by different the number of replications. Therefore, r, b, and A are multiplied by p.
researchers. RSM uses an experimental design such as central composite Cochran and Cox [39] gave an extensive tabulation of BIB designs [33].
design to fit a model using least squares regression analysis [31].
Plackett-Burman design for screening: The Plackett- Burman Materials and Methods
experimental design [32] is an orthogonal fractional factorial where N, Raw materials
the total number of design points, is a multiple of 4; thus, we can have
N equal to 4, 8, 12, 16, etc. [33]. The design is developed in 1946 by The raw materials for the standard formulation of onion-flavored

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 5 of 17

hopia are presented in Tables 1 and 2. All raw materials were procured
by the Hospitality Services and Food Enterprise Office of Central
Mindanao University from their suppliers.
Onion-flavored hopia processing
The processing method used in this study was based from the
Hospitality Services and Food Enterprise Office, Central Mindanao
University’s standard procedure. In onion-flavored hopia processing,
all ingredients were weighed and the onions were fried or sautéed.
There were three major steps in producing onion-flavored hopia, which
include dough making, making of roll-in fat and making of filling.
In dough making, all dry ingredients were mixed except the salt, wet
ingredients were then poured at the center of the dry ingredients and
the salt was dissolved in the wet mixture. All ingredients were mixed
thoroughly, kneaded, proofed and stretched out. For roll-in fat, all Figure 1: Three level values of three variables (onion, flour and sugar).
ingredients were mixed and rubbed in the stretched dough. The
dough with roll-in fat was rolled and cut. In the making of filling, all oil used in the filling, amount of skimmed milk, baking time, baking
ingredients were mixed including the fried onions and the filling was temperature, kneading time of dough, and proofing time of dough. The
stuffed in the cut dough and was shaped spherically with flattened variables were chosen because they were identified as factors during the
bottom. The Ishikawa diagram for the production of onion-flavored conduct of preliminary runs. Tables 3 and 4 shows the Plackett-Burman
hopia is presented in Figure 1. design for 11 factors 12 runs.
Treatments and experimental design Central composite design for identifying the optimum region
The 12-run Plackett-Burman design was employed in the screening Central Composite Design was employed to determine the optimum
of variables for the production of onion-flavored hopia. The design was region of the three most significant variables that were identified after
made up to 11 factors or variables which included the following: type of variable screening. The design matrix of Central Composite Design
flour used in dough, type of onion in filling, method of cooking onions, included three levels in each variable. A maximum (+1), middle (0) and
amount of sugar in the filling, amount of salt in the filling, amount of minimum (-1) level for each variable were used. The factors and levels
that were used were flour (450 g, 500 g and 550 g), onion (63 g, 84 g
Product Degrees F Degrees C Time (minutes) and 105 g) and sugar (568 g, 668 g and 768 g). A total of 15 treatments
Cake 350 176 45-60 were used in the experiment (Table 5). Figure 2 presents the box design
Pastry 450 232 15-20 matrix for three-variable, three-level Central Composite Design.
Biscuits 425-450 218-232 10-15
Sensory evaluation
Bread 400 204 30-40
Table 1: Oven Temperatures for baking. The products from the treatments were evaluated based on its
aroma, color, taste, texture and general acceptability by semi-trained
Quantity Particulars panelists using 9-point Hedonic Rating Scale (Appendix A). Standard
Dough procedures for setting a sensory evaluation were followed as set by
500 grams 1st class Flour Amerine et al. [40].
168 grams Cornstarch The sensory evaluation for optimization utilized the Balanced
100 grams Refined Sugar Incomplete Block (BIB) Design for fifteen treatments by Cochran and
8 grams Salt Cox [39]. Table 6 shows the Plan 13.9 Incomplete block design for
150 grams Vegetable Oil fifteen treatments including the control.
200 grams Water
6 grams Vanilla Physico-Chemical tests
34 grams Lard
Moisture Content Determination: Onion-flavored hopia’s
moisture content was carried out following the methods set by Neilsen
1 kilogram 3rd Class Flour
[12] using Rapid Moisture Analyzer. Using a digital balance, ten grams
834 grams Refined Sugar
of cut hopia sample was placed on an aluminum pan. The heat control
84 grams Onion bulbs
program (with a heating range of 25 to 275°C) elevated the test sample
70 grams Vegetable Oil (for onion frying)
to a constant temperature. As the moisture was driven from the sample,
24 grams Salt
the instrument automatically weighed and calculated the percentage
264 grams Water
moisture or solids. The sample was analyzed in three replicates and the
225 grams Oil
mean was calculated.
50 grams Skim Milk
Roll-in Fat Fat Content: Fat content analysis was carried out following the
50 grams Cornstarch procedure of the Institute of Food Technologists [41]. Five grams of
34 grams Lard onion-flavored hopia sample was weighed and crushed between two
17 grams Oil sheets of foil with a hammer. Beakers were labeled, weighed and recorded
Table 2: Raw materials for onion-flavored hopia production. and the samples were placed in the beaker, weighed and recorded again.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 6 of 17

Pareto Chart of Standardized Effects; Variable: Color 11
Runs V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 Factor Screening Design; MS Residual=1.624234 DV: Color
1 + + - + + + - - - + -
2 + - + + + - - - + - + (4)Sugar -3.26702

3 - + + + - - - + - + + (2)Onion 2.853472

4 + + + - - - + - + + - (1)Flour 2.191797
5 + + - - - + - + + - + (10)Kneading 1.116576
6 + - - - + - + + - + +
(7)Skim Milk 1.033867
7 - - - + - + + - + + +
(9)Baking Temp .5376106
8 - - + - + + - + + + -
9 - + - + + - + + + - - (6)Oil-F .5376106

10 + - + + - + + + - - - (5)Salt -.454901

11 - + + - + + + - - - + (11)Proofing .2894826
12 - - - - - - - - - - -
(8)Baking Time .2894826
Table 3: Design matrix for 11 factors Plackett-Burman design (Gacula, 1993). (3)MCO -.124064

Variables Low (-) High (+)
Standardized Effect Estimate (Absolute Value)
V1- Type of Flour 1 Class Flour
All Purpose Class
V2- Type of Onion Spring Bulb Figure 2: Pareto chart for factors affecting color acceptability.
V3- Method of Cooking Onion Sautéing Frying
V4- Sugar (g) 668 834 Blocks (Panelists)
V5- Salt (g) 12.5 25 Treatments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
V6- Oil (g) 168 225 1 X X X X X X
V7-Skimmed Milk (g) 50 70 2 X X X X X X
V8 –Baking time (min) 30 40 3 X X X X X X
V9- Baking Temperature (F) 180 200 4 X X X X X X
V10- Kneading time (min) 5 10 5 X X X X X X
V11- Proofing Time (min) 5 10 6 X X X X X X
Table 4: Medium components for screening using a PB design. 7 X X X X X X
8 X X X X X X
Treatment Flour (g) Onion (g) Sugar (g) 9 X X X X X X
1 450 63 568 10 X X X X X X
2 450 63 768 11 X X X X X X
3 450 105 768 12 X X X X X X
4 450 105 568 13 X X X X X X
5 450 84 668 14 X X X X X X
6 500 84 568 15 X X X X X X
7 500 84 768 Control X X X X X X
8 500 105 668 t=16 k=6
9 500 63 668 r=16 b=16
10 500 84 668 λ=2
11 550 63 568
Table 6: Plan 13.9 Incomplete block design for fifteen treatments with control
12 550 63 768 (Gacula, 1993).
13 550 105 568
14 550 105 768 Where:
15 550 84 668
Weight lost from food=weight of beaker with raw food–weight of
beaker with dried food
Table 5: Different treatments of Central Composite Design for a 3 fractional 3

factorial experiments applied in the production of onion-flavored hopia. Weight of raw food=weight of beaker with raw food–weight of
Ten (10) milliliters of denatured alcohol was added to the sample in
the beaker. The sample was swirled for 1 minute or stirred with a glass Total soluble solids: The analysis of total soluble solids was analyzed
rod. The denatured alcohol was decanted into the Petri dish, making following the procedure set by Food Safety and Standards Authority
sure the sample remained in the beaker. Another 10 mL of denatured of India [42]. Five grams of sample was weighed into a tared beaker
alcohol was added to the sample, swirled and decanted. The alcohol in and was added with 45 ml distilled water. The mixture was heated to
the Petri dish was allowed to dry overnight in a well-ventilated area to boiling and allowed to boil gently for 2-3 minutes, and stirred with a
visualize the lipid that was extracted. The beaker with the sample was glass rod. The contents were allowed to cool and mixed thoroughly.
also allowed to dry in a ventilated room overnight, weighed and the fat After 20 minutes, the test solution was weighed then filtered through
content was calculated using the formula below. a filter paper. Two to three drops of the filtrate were placed on hand
refractometer prism. Cover plate was lowered. The line dividing the
∗ 100 = % light and dark parts of the surface in the field of view to the crossing of

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 7 of 17

the threads was taken. The refractive index value was then read. Prism Results of statistical analysis showed that three variables significantly
was rinsed between samples with distilled water and dry with a soft affected the color acceptability of onion-flavored hopia during the
tissue. screening process (Figure 3). Color acceptability was affected by sugar
(t =-3.27), onion (t=2.85) and flour (t =2.19). This may be because sugar
pH: The pH of the products was determined using a pH meter
helps to brown the outer crust of baked products through caramelization
following the method set by Association of Official Analytical Chemists
and Maillard reaction [17]. Onions may have contributed to the color of
International [43]. Five grams of sample was weighed and was added
onion-flavored hopia, because of its anthocyanin pigments. Red onions
with 45 mL distilled water. The sample was stirred thoroughly until the
used in the study have been found to contain considerable amounts of
mixture was homogenized. pH meter was submerged to the solution
anthocyanin pigments, with at least 25 different compounds identified
and pH value was read. The probe was rinsed with distilled water and
representing 10% of total flavonoid content [21]. On the other hand,
dried with a soft tissue. pH meter was periodically calibrated with
starch in flour can be partially broken down by enzymes (amylases) into
buffer solutions, pH 4.0 and 9.0.
dextrin, malt, and glucose. These compounds darken the crust color of
Initial microbial load determination: Determination of microbial baked product [17]. These results are in agreement with the findings of
quality was done. For dilution of samples, 25 grams sample was Buenaventura [45] on the effect of sugar on color acceptability which
measured into a sterile beaker containing 225 mL distilled water suggested that sugar produces color and flavor compounds through
and homogenized for 1-2 min and then formulated into 1:10 sample Maillard reactions. The findings of Frost et al. [46], implied that when
solution. One milliliter of 1:10 sample solution was absorbed with 1 ml flour was added the color of the product was favored by panelists.
sterile micropipettor and placed in sterilized test tube containing 9 mL
diluents distilled water and was mixed to make the 10-2 dilution. After Aroma acceptability
which, 1 mL aliquot was aseptically pipetted and transferred to the test Aroma is perceived when volatile molecules from food are
tube containing 9 mL distilled water and was mixed to make the 10-3
dilution. The procedure was repeated until a 10-5 dilution was obtained. Treatment Aroma Color Taste Texture
Each dilution was pour-plated aseptically by transferring 0.1 mL 1 6.90 6.67 7.03 6.90 7.07
aliquot to a cleaned and sterilized petri plates. 15 mL of sterilized and 2 6.97 6.70 7.13 7.10 7.07
cooled agar was added to each plate. The agar was allowed to solidify 3 7.00 6.90 7.17 7.10 7.20
for five minutes. Tape was applied to enclose the plates and plates were 4 7.00 7.07 7.17 7.13 7.33
turned upside down. The plates were labeled properly and incubated in 5 7.13 7.13 7.17 7.27 7.37
an inverted position at room temperature for 2 days. After 2 days, the 6 7.17 7.23 7.20 7.33 7.43
colonies were observed and plates with 30-300 colonies were counted. 7 7.27 7.27 7.20 7.33 7.43
Aerobic Plate Count (cfu/g) for each sample was calculated using the 8 7.37 7.30 7.30 7.37 7.50
formula below. The results were then evaluated whether it passed the 9 7.40 7.53 7.30 7.40 7.57
recommended standards of the Food and Drug Authority-Philippines 10 7.43 7.60 7.37 7.53 7.60
(Circular No. 2013-010 Baked Goods) shown in Appendix Table 10. 11 7.47 7.67 7.72 7.57 7.77
12 7.67 7.77 7.87 7.63 7.83
Aerobic Plate Count (cfu/g)=average cfu/plate X 1/dilution. Overall Response Mean 7.23 7.24 7.30 7.31 7.43
Nutrient analysis: Nutrient Facts Analysis of onion-flavored hopia
N=30 panelists
was determined at Department of Science and Technology-Region 10
Range of scores:
using gravimetric test method. Chemical analyses included moisture, 9-like extremely 6-like slightly 3-dislike moderately
total fat, protein, and ash. The procedure for analyses is shown in 8-like very much 5-neither like nor dislike 2-dislike very much
Appendix B. 7-like moderately 4- dislike slightly 1-dislike extremely
Table 7: Mean1 acceptability ratings2 of fifteen treatments used in variable
Statistical analysis: The Plackett-Burman design for screening of screening.
variables was analyzed using Statistica software version 10.0. Data from
the optimization study were analyzed using SAS System version 9.3 and
11 Factor Screening Design; MS Residual=1.577107
Statistica 10.0. DV: Aroma

Results and Discussions (7)Skim Milk 1.804623

(5)Salt 1.636751
Sensory Evaluation (Variable Screening Process)
(3)MCO -1.38494
Eleven variables were screened using Plackett-Burman variable (8)Baking Time 1.217072
screening to identify which among the variables significantly affected (2)Onion .8813277
the sensory acceptability of onion-flavored hopia. (10)Kneading .8813277
(4)Sugar -.797392
Color acceptability (9)Baking Temp -.545584
Color is a measurement of appearance and can influence panelist’s (11)Proofing -.377712
perception of the basic tastes [44]. The color acceptability of the twelve (6)Oil-F .2937759
treatments ranged from 6.67 to 7.77 which falls at “like moderately” (1)Flour -.125904
category with an overall response mean of 7.24 which is above the “like p=.05
moderately” category (Table 7). Treatment 12 achieved the highest Standardized Effect Estimate (Absolute Value)
color acceptability (7.77) and the lowest mean color acceptability of
Figure 3: Pareto chart for factors affecting aroma acceptability.
6.67 was achieved by treatment 1.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 8 of 17

transported through air to the nose [47]. The aroma acceptability of has a sweetening role in baked products. Sugar has sweet taste because
the different treatments ranged from 6.9 to 7.67 which falls at “like it is composed of fructose and glucose; and fructose is the most widely
moderately” category in the 9-point Hedonic scale with an overall occurring ketose and is known as the sweetest sugar (Figure 5) [50].
response mean of 7.23 which is above the “like moderately” category.
The highest aroma acceptability (7.67) was observed in treatment 12 Texture acceptability
which had all low values of eleven variables. The lowest mean aroma Texture acceptability mean ratings of onion-flavored hopia ranged
acceptability of 6.90 was achieved by treatment 1 (Table 7). from 6.9 to 7.63 which described “like moderately” scale with an overall
Figure 4 shows the pareto chart for factors affecting aroma response mean of 7.305 which was above “like moderately” (Table 7).
acceptability of onion-flavored hopia. Results of statistical analysis Highest acceptability rating was obtained by treatment 12 while lowest
showed that flour, method of cooking onion, sugar, baking temperature acceptability was attained by treatment 1.
and proofing time had negative (-) t values which mean negative effects Results of statistical analysis revealed that no factors significantly
on sensory acceptability. Skim milk, salt, baking time, onion, kneading affected the texture acceptability of the product. Sugar fell closely on
time and amount of oil had positive effects. Iligan [48] revealed that p-value 0.05 and had negative t value (-1.82) which means that low
positive effects mean that an increase of value of variables will also value of sugar was more preferred by respondents (Figure 6).
increase the sensory acceptability while a negative effect implies a
decrease in sensory acceptability rating of the product as the levels of General acceptability
the variables are increased. Iligan’s [48] finding also suggested that salt General acceptability overall response mean of baked onion-
has positive effect on aroma, which means that an increase of salt value
achieved higher aroma acceptability of the product. However, none
of the factors considered during the screening process significantly Pareto Chart of Standardized Effects; Variable: Texture
affected the aroma acceptability of onion-flavored hopia. This may 11 Factor Screening Design; MS Residual=1.61705
be due to the more or less similar aroma of treatments. The study of DV: Texture
Pacatang [49] had the same results on the effect estimate of the aroma
(4)Sugar -1.82364
acceptability where no variable significantly affected the production of
(2)Onion 1.657857
the processed food because of the similarity in aroma of the different
(1)Flour 1.409178
(9)Baking Temp .6631428
Taste acceptability (11)Proofing .6631428
(8)Baking Time .4144642
Taste is an important attribute of food products which determine
(10)Kneading .4144642
their acceptance or rejection [15]. For taste acceptability, mean ratings
ranged from 7.03 to 7.89 which had “light moderately” descriptor (Table (6)Oil-F .4144642
7). Treatment 1 had the lowest acceptability score while treatment 12 (3)MCO -.331571
obtained the highest taste acceptability score. This result was in line (5)Salt -.331571
with results of aroma and color acceptability. (7)Skim Milk -.082893

Results of statistical analysis revealed that only sugar had significant p=.05
effect on the taste acceptability of onion-flavored hopia with a t value Standardized Effect Estimate (Absolute Value)
of -2.39.This implied that low value of sugar is more preferred by the Figure 5: Pareto chart for factors affecting texture acceptability.
panelists. Sugar affected the taste acceptability of hopia because sugar

Pareto Chart of Standardized Effects; Variable: Gen Acc

Pareto Chart of Standardized Effects; Variable: Taste
11 Factor Screening Design; MS Residual=1.346264
11 Factor Screening Design; MS Residual=1.578831
DV: Gen Acc
DV: Taste
(2)Onion 2.49831
(4)Sugar -2.39087
(4)Sugar -1.77153
(2)Onion 1.551967
(7)Skim Milk 1.589833
(6)Oil-F -1.38419
(1)Flour 1.226443
(7)Skim Milk 1.300297
(8)Baking Time .9539
(5)Salt .8808464
(9)Baking Temp -.317967
(3)MCO -.629176
(1)Flour .2097253 (11)Proofing .3179667

(9)Baking Temp .2097253 (6)Oil-F -.317967

(10)Kneading .1258352 (5)Salt -.136271

(11)Proofing .1258352 (3)MCO -.136271

(8)Baking Time .0419451 (10)Kneading -.136271

p=.05 p=.05

Standardized Effect Estimate (Absolute Value) Standardized Effect Estimate (Absolute Value)

Figure 4: Pareto chart for factors affecting taste acceptability. Figure 6: Pareto chart for factors affecting general acceptability.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 9 of 17

flavored hopia was 7.43 (Table 7) which was above “light moderately” more preferred in terms of taste and aroma and this was also the sample
descriptor. Mean values ranged from 7.07 to 7.83 where treatment 12 which was most preferred in terms of overall acceptability.
achieved the highest acceptability while treatment 1 had the lowest
Based from the results, a summary of the significant variables is
shown in Table 8. Sugar, onion and flour were identified as the variables
Figure 7 showed that only onion (t=2.49) significantly affected which significantly affected the sensory attributes of onion-flavored
the general acceptability of onion-flavored hopia. Onion contributed hopia. These variables were used in the optimization process.
to the taste and aroma of onion-flavored hopia. This might be because
onion brings out sweet flavor (i.e. a combination of taste and aroma) Sensory evaluation (optimization process)
when sautéed [22] which possibly contributed to favorable acceptability Color acceptability: Color plays a key role in food choice by
by the panelists. In baked products such as bread and other pastries, influencing food preference, pleasantness, and acceptability [52].
overall acceptability was influenced by taste and aroma. In the study of Color acceptability ratings of onion-flavored hopia as perceived by the
Oyetoro et al. [51], one sample formulation blend (coded as KAN) was panelists ranged from 6.96 to 7.67 which fall under “light moderately”
to “like very much” categories on the Hedonic Scale and with an overall
response mean of 7.332 which indicated higher color acceptability of
the product (Table 9). Linear and quadratic regression had significant
effect on the color acceptability of onion-flavored hopia. Flour, as a
single factor, significantly affected the color acceptability of the product
(Appendix Tables 1a-1c). This is because starch has a large function in
flour; it can be partially broken down into dextrin, malt and glucose
which could darken crust color. During baking, dextrins coat the crust
with a shiny layer in the presence of moisture [17].
Figure 8 shows the surface plots of color acceptability of onion-
flavored hopia showing the interactions of the three variables. Minimum
acceptability score (7.25) was obtained at values 536-560 grams flour,
60-110 grams onion and 560-758 grams sugar. Predicted value of color
General Significant
Factors Aroma Color Taste Texture
Acceptability Variable
Flour ns +* ns ns ns X
Onion ns +* ns ns +* X
MCO ns ns ns ns ns
Sugar ns -* -* ns ns X
Salt ns ns ns ns ns
Oil-F ns ns ns ns ns
Skim Milk ns ns ns ns ns
Baking Time ns ns ns ns ns
Baking Temp ns ns ns ns ns
Kneading ns ns ns ns ns
Proofing ns ns ns ns ns
significant ns
not significant
Table 8: Summary of the significant variables.

450 500 550
63 84 105 63 84 105 63 84 105
SUGAR 568 7.54
7.54 7.13 7.21 7.13 7.50
668 6.96 7.54 7.38 7.58
768 7.29 7.13 7.67 6.96 7.42
N=20 panelists
Overall response mean: observed=7.33
Hedonic Scale:
(c) 9-like extremely 6-like slightly 3-dislike moderately
8-like very much 5-neither like nor dislike 2-dislike very much
7-like moderately 4- dislike slightly 1-dislike extremely
Figure 7: Surface plots of color acceptability ratings of onion-flavored hopia
at constant (a) sugar, (b) onion, and (c) flour. Table 9: Mean1 color acceptability ratings2 of onion-flavored hopia as affected by
different levels of variables.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 10 of 17

Tables 2a-2c). The influence of flour in the product may be due to the
production of distinctive aroma when carbohydrates are heated. The
result is in agreement with the findings of Yildiz [23] where large
amount of flour, which means many glucose units when heated may
produce desirable or undesirable distinctive aroma in baked product.
Surface plots of aroma acceptability of onion-flavored hopia at
constant, sugar, onion and flour is shown in Figure 9. Results showed
that 528-560 g flour, 60-110 g onion and 560-780 g sugar achieved
minimum acceptability (7.25). The predicted aroma acceptability value
at the stationary point is 7.44 which form a saddle point. This predicted
value is generated from critical values of flour at 487.93 g, onion at
112.44 g, and 653.05 g sugar.
Taste acceptability: Taste is usually the most influential factor in
(a) people’s selection of food [54]. The taste acceptability ratings of onion-
flavored hopia ranged from 6.96 to 8.17 which values fall in “like
moderately” to “like very much” categories and with an observed overall
response mean of 7.41 which is above “like moderately” descriptor
(Table 11). Result of statistical analysis showed no factors significantly
affected taste acceptability (Appendix Tables 3a-3c). This may be due to
the similarity of taste of the treatments.
Figure 10 shows the surface plots of taste acceptability of onion-
flavored hopia showing the interactions of the three variables. Results
showed that high amount of sugar and onion in combination with
middle amount of flour yields higher acceptability. Sugar contributes to
sweetness of baked goods [17]. Critical values generated from canonical
analysis of response surface were 499.51 grams flour, 66.14 grams onion
and 644.38 grams sugar. Predicted value of taste acceptability at a saddle
(b) stationary point was 7.56.
Texture acceptability: Texture of a food is one of sensory factors
that determine the quality of food. Texture influences the crispiness
and/or tenderness of pastries [53]. Mean texture acceptability ratings
of onion-flavored hopia ranged from 7.04 to 7.58 with overall response
mean 7.38 (Table 12). These values corresponded “like moderately”
category. Statistical analysis revealed no factors affected the texture
acceptability of hopia (Appendix Tables 4a-4c). This shows the same
result with taste acceptability.
Figure 11 shows surface plots of taste acceptability of onion-flavored
hopia showing the interaction between the three independent variables.
High quantity of sugar (720-780 g), medium amount of flour (480-500
g) and almost all level of onion were preferred by panelists. Too much
flour can harden dough and decreases texture desirability [17]. Critical

450 500 550
Figure 8: Surface plots of aroma acceptability ratings of onion-flavored
hopia at constant (a) sugar, (b) onion, and (c) flour.
63 84 105 63 84 105 63 84 105
568 7.58 7.38 7.50 6.92 7.29
acceptability at saddle stationary point is 7.41 with critical values of (g) 668 7.50
7.08 7.29 7.42 7.46 7.33 7.08 6.88 7.25
499.68 grams of flour, 94.42 grams of onion and 637.98 grams sugar. 768 7.58
N=20 panelists
Aroma acceptability: Aroma is an important sensory criterion
Overall response mean: observed =7.30
when people evaluate a food product for quality and desirability [53].
The aroma acceptability ratings of the different treatments ranged
Hedonic Scale:
from 6.88 to 7.58, which falls at “like moderately” category in the 9-like extremely 6-like slightly 3-dislike moderately
9-point Hedonic scale with an overall response mean of 7.30 which is 8-like very much 5-neither like nor dislike 2-dislike very much
above the “like moderately” category (Table 10). Quadratic regression 7-like moderately 4- dislike slightly 1-dislike extremely
showed significant effect on aroma. Flour as a single factor significantly Table 10: Mean1 aroma acceptability ratings2 of onion-flavored hopia as affected
influenced the aroma acceptability of onion-flavored hopia (Appendix by different levels of variables

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 11 of 17





Figure 10: Surface plots of texture acceptability ratings of onion-flavored

hopia at constant (a) sugar, (b) onion.

(c) 450 500 550
63 84 105 63 84 105 63 84 105
568 7.54
Figure 9: Surface plots of taste acceptability ratings of onion-flavored hopia SUGAR 7.38 7.08 7.25 7.58
at constant (a) sugar, (b) onion, and (c) flour. 668 7.38 7.54 7.13 7.42 7.25
768 7.46 7.58 7.79 7.04 7.29
N=20 panelists
FLOUR (g) Overll response mean: observed =7.38
450 500 550 2
Hedonic Scale:
ONION (g) 9-like extremely 6-like slightly 3-dislike moderately
63 84 105 63 84 105 63 84 105 8-like very much 5-neither like nor dislike 2-dislike very much
SUGAR 568 7.58 7.21 7.25 7.21 7.54 7-like moderately 4- dislike slightly 1-dislike extremely
668 7.54
(g) Table 12: Mean1 texture acceptability ratings2 of onion-flavored hopia as affected
7.21 7.13 7.58 7.75 7.21 6.96 7.38 7.46
768 8.17 by different levels of variables.
N=20 panelists
Overall response mean: observed=7.41
values were found to be at 501.16 g flour, 56.20 g onion and 639.69 g
Hedonic Scale:
sugar. Predicted value at a saddle stationary point was 7.47 (Table 13).
9-like extremely 6-like slightly 3-dislike moderately General acceptability: The general acceptability ratings of the
8-like very much 5-neither like nor dislike 2-dislike very much different treatments ranged from 7.01 to 7.57 with an overall response
7-like moderately 4- dislike slightly 1-dislike extremely mean of 7.38 (Table 14). These values fall at “like moderately” category
Table 11: Mean1 taste acceptability ratings2 of onion-flavored hopia as affected by in the 9-point Hedonic scale. Linear and quadratic regression of flour
different levels of variables.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 12 of 17

Critical Values
Predicted Value at
Response Flour (g) Onion (g) Sugar (g)
Stationary Point
Aroma 487.93 112.44 653.05 7.44S
Color 449.68 94.42 637.99 7.41S
Taste 449.51 66.14 644.38 7.56S
Texture 510.83 -58.39 769.18 7.71S
General 496.55 67.64 654.80 7.62S
n=20 panelists
s=stationary point was a saddle point
Hedonic Scale:
9-like extremely 6-like slightly 3-dislike moderately
8-like very much 5-neither like nor dislike 2-dislike very much
7-like moderately 4- dislike slightly 1-dislike extremely
Table 14: Critical values of sensory qualities of onion-flavored hopia (from
canonical analysis of response surfaces).

color influenced the acceptability of the product [52]. Flour may have
provided structure, texture, and flavor to the baked onion-flavored
hopia. This can be supported by the finding of Brown [53] who pointed
out that starch in flour strengthens the baked item and is one of the
factors that contributes to crumb.
(b) Figure 12 shows the surface plots of general acceptability of onion-
flavored hopia showing the interactions of the three variables. A
combination of high amount of sugar, medium level of flour and low
amount of onion were preferred by panelists with higher acceptability
ratings 7.5-7.75. The predicted general acceptability value at the
stationary point is 7.62 which forms a saddle point (Table 14). This
predicted value is generated from critical values of flour at 496.55 g,
onion at 67.64 g, and 654.80 g sugar.
Summary of optimum conditions and predicted values of
sensory qualities of onion-flavored hopia: Table 14 shows the
summary of critical values of sensory qualities of onion-flavored
hopia with the predicted values at saddle stationary point. According
to Laurente [55], the stationary point is the common point where
the three independent variables met as estimated by response surface
Figure 11: Surface plots of general acceptability ratings of onion-flavored
hopia at constant (a) sugar, (b) onion, and (c) flour. regression. Results showed that optimal values ranged from 449.51 g to
510.83 g flour, -58.39 g to 112.44 g onion and 637.99 g to 769.18 g sugar.
Only onion has values outside the experimental ranges used. Thus,
FLOUR (g) further modification on values of onion can also be considered for
450 500 550 further study. The predicted acceptability ratings of the different onion-
ONION (g) flavored hopia products ranged from 7.41 to 7.71 which fall within the
63 84 105 63 84 105 63 84 105 “like moderately” category in the Hedonic Scale.
568 7.46
7.57 7.39 7.39
7.48 Physico-chemical analysis
768 7.26 7.43 7.80 7.01 7.35 Moisture content: In a food system, moisture is the amount of
N=20 panelists free and bound forms of water [56]. Moisture content of the different
Overall response mean: observed=7.36 treatments ranged from 14.65-17.40% (Table 15). The response was
Hedonic Scale: found to be affected by the cross product interaction of sugar and onion
9-like extremely 6-like slightly 3-dislike moderately (Appendix Tables 6a-6c). Sugars with the interaction of onion are
8-like very much 5-neither like nor dislike 2-dislike very much hydrophilic and create barriers to the moisture of food. Sugars uptake
7-like moderately 4- dislike slightly 1-dislike extremely moisture and retain food moisture in food [57]. According to Fennema
Table 13: Mean1 general acceptability ratings2 of onion-flavored hopia as affected [58], sugars also create hydrogen bonding to water and they can modify
by different levels of variables. and control mobility of water/moisture in food systems.
had significant effect on the general acceptability of onion-flavored The predicted percent moisture value at the stationary point is
hopia. Flour was the only factor which significantly affected the general 16.26 which forms a saddle point (Table 16). This predicted value is
acceptability of the product (Appendix Tables 5a-5c). This result generated from critical values of flour at 494.55 g, onion at 78.77 g, and
was similar to the findings in color acceptability. This indicated that 666.96 g sugar.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 13 of 17

Treatment Flour Onion Sugar Moisture TSS

Fat (%) pH
No. (g) (g) (g) (%) (°Brix)
1 450 63 568 15.70 14.72 6.43 2.67
2 450 63 768 16.56 17.44 5.63 3.00
3 450 105 768 14.65 18.00 5.53 3.40
4 450 105 568 17.15 12.00 5.50 3.40
5 450 84 668 16.99 11.72 5.40 2.70
6 500 84 568 15.70 11.18 5.43 3.60
7 500 84 768 15.28 7.00 5.33 3.27
8 500 105 668 15.27 11.48 5.30 3.33
9 500 63 668 16.27 10.95 5.50 3.27
10 500 84 668 16.84 12.18 5.67 3.60
11 550 63 568 15.78 11.29 5.60 3.07
12 550 63 768 17.40 8.07 5.83 3.33
13 550 105 568 17.19 7.39 5.83 3.27
14 550 105 768 15.75 8.68 5.63 3.27
(b) 15 550 84 668 17.05 10.19 5.53 3.20
Table 15: Physico-chemical characteristics of onion-flavored hopia.

Critical Values
Predicted Value at
Response Flour (g) Onion (g) Sugar (g)
Stationary Point
Moisture 494.55 78.76 666.96 16.26s
Fat 549.50 92.17 620.98 8.72s
pH 483.57 97.00 711.43 5.29m
TSS 474.11 205.50 711.76 3.64s
s=stationary point was a saddle point
m=stationary point was a minimum point
Table 16: Critical values of physico-chemical qualities of onion-flavored hopia
(from canonical analysis of response surfaces).

gliadin and glutelin that forms gluten when mixed with water. These are
(c) proteins in the dough. According to Zayas [59], proteins have binding
properties with oil and fat. Fat absorption is mainly attributed to the
physical entrapment of oil or fat by proteins. Predicted value of fat at
a saddle point was 8.72% with critical values of 549.50 g flour, 92.17 g
onion and 620.98 g sugar (Table 16).
pH: pH indicates the hydrogen ion concentration in a food system.
On the basis of pH, foods can be grouped as high-acid foods and low-
acid foods [56]. The pH values of different treatments were near to
neutrality which ranged from 5.30-6.43 (Table 15). Results of statistical
analysis showed linear regression of flour, onion and sugar, quadratic
effects of flour and cross product interaction of onion and flour and
sugar and flour significantly affected the pH of onion-flavored hopia.
Flour, sugar and most vegetables (e.g. onion) are low acid foods and
contribute to the low-acid, high pH of onion-flavored hopia (Appendix
Tables 8a-8c).
Figure 12: Optimum regions at constant (a) sugar, (b) onion, and (c) flour. According to Ade et al. [60], knowledge of the hydrogen ion activity
of a food product is useful in assessing the extent by which spoilage due
to enzyme and micro-organisms can occur. The measurement of pH
Fat content: Fats and oils make up 95% of food lipids. Food lipids is important in assessing the effectiveness of the preservation and in
are used as shortening, emulsifiers, and to increase the palatability by monitoring performance during processing.
improving flavor and texture of food [41]. The different treatments
of onion-flavored hopia had fat value of 7-18%. Results of statistical Predicted value of pH at a minimum stationary point was 5.29.
analysis showed that the linear regression of flour had significant effect Critical values were found at 483.57 g flour, 97.00 g onion and 711.43 g
on the fat content of onion-flavored hopia. Flour was the only factor sugar (Table 16).
which significantly affected the fat content of the product (Appendix Total soluble solids: Total soluble solids are solids that are
Tables 7a-7c). The result might be due to the oil and lard added to dissolved within a substance and is used to measure sugar content
flour in making the dough of onion-flavored hopia. In dough making, [12]. Total soluble solids of different treatments ranged from 2.67 to
shortening (e.g. lard) was added to make pastry crumbly. Flour has 3.60 (Table 15). Results of statistical analysis showed that the quadratic

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 14 of 17

regression of flour significantly affected the total soluble solids of color and 7.4 for taste, texture, and general acceptability (Tables 9-13)
onion-flavored hopia (Appendix Tables 9a-9c). Abbas et al. [61] stated which corresponded to “like moderately” category of Hedonic Scale.
that TSS indicates soluble solid content of sugar and flour, and high TSS Figure 13 shows the estimated optimum regions of variables based
has been associated with high sugar content. Predicted value of total on the contour plots generated. The shaded regions correspond to the
soluble solids was found to be at 3.64 and stationary point was a saddle levels of variables at which the minimum acceptability of the product
point (Table 16). is 7.25.
Initial microbial load: The different treatments were subjected At constant sugar, approximately 545-560 grams of flour and 80-
to microbial evaluation to determine their initial microbial quality. 110 grams of onion were found to be the optimum region. This implied
Table 17 shows the plate count of fifteen treatments and results were that panelists preferred high amount of flour and onion in hopia. At
compared to the recommended standard set by the Food and Drug constant onion, optimum region were found at 540-560 grams flour
Administration [62] (Appendix Table 10). The acceptable level of and 560-720 grams of sugar. This result connotes that high amount
microorganisms in terms of aerobic plate count, cfu/g is 104-5 while 106 of flour in combination with low to medium high sugar value was
is the level which when exceeded would cause the lot to be rejected [62]. preferable by panelists. The superimposed contour plot shown in Figure
Based on the results, only treatments 1, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 15 had 13c shows that the optimum region at constant flour falls in 103-110
acceptable level of microbial load. The other 9 treatments reached the grams of onion and 560-700 grams amount of sugar. This implies that
level which when exceeded in one or more samples would cause the lot high amount of onion with low to medium high sugar was preferred by
to be rejected as this indicates imminent spoilage. panelists (Appendix Tables 12a and 12b).
Results showed that treatment 8 had lowest microbial load among As cited by Brown [17], flour provides structure, texture and flavor
the 15 treatments and which had higher amount of onion (105 grams) to baked products while onion contributes to the taste and aroma.
and medium amount of sugar (668 grams).Onion has antimicrobial Sugar contributes to sweetness, texture, color and appearance of baked
properties which might have influenced the lower microbial load of products. Too much sugar may cause too sweet product and/or may not
the product. This result is in agreement with the statement of Ray [56] be acceptable to consumers. It can also lower volume, produce coarse
that some spices have antimicrobial properties and acts as inhibitors grain, gummy texture and an excessively browned crust baked product.
in food. Sugar can also inhibit microbial growth because it binds with
water making it unavailable for microbes. This is also supported by Based on data mentioned above, optimum regions fall into high
Ray [56] where the low Aw value is obtained by adding water-binding amount of flour and onion but low to middle level sugar. Thus, the
solutes and hydrophilic colloids. optimized formulation was between 544-560 grams flour, 103-110
grams onion and 560-700 grams sugar. Among 15 treatments, treatment
Moisture content and initial microbial load was correlated and 13 (550 grams flour, 668 grams sugar and 105 grams onion) was found
results showed that moisture content and initial load of onion-flavored to have values within the optimum values.
hopia had significant relationship with correlation coefficient value
r=0.698 (Appendix Table 11). This means that there is direct relationship Verification: The optimum formulation was verified by performing
between two variables. Moisture is a measurement of both free and sensory evaluation involving the most favorable formulation and a
bound form of water. Microorganisms require water for growth. Thus, treatment that falls outside the optimum region. Treatment 13 as the
high moisture content may lead to high microbial load [56]. optimum formulation is composed of 550 g flour, 105 g onion and 568 g
sugar; and Treatment 2 as the formulation outside the optimum region
Optimum region: In order to determine the levels of flour, onion
and sugar that could produce optimum quality, contour plots were
generated for two variables at a time with the third variable considered
Mean responses for all sensory attributes had 7.3 for aroma and

Remarks as compared to
Treatment Number Plate Count (cfu/g)
Standard (FDA, 2013)
1 2.5x104 APC Acceptable
2 2.9x106 APC Exceeded
3 3.8x106 APC Exceeded
4 2.2x106 APC Exceeded
5 3.1x106 APC Exceeded
6 9.1x106 APC Exceeded
7 1.2x107 APC Exceeded
8 1.8x104 APC Acceptable
9 1.0x107 APC Exceeded
10 3.8x108 ESPC Exceeded
11 4.4x105 APC Acceptable
12 7.4x105 APC Acceptable
13 4.9x105 APC Acceptable
14 1.9x106 APC Exceeded
15 5.2x105 APC Acceptable
Figure 13: Nutrition facts of optimized onion-flavored hopia.
Table 17: Initial microbial load results.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 15 of 17

is made up of 450 g flour, 63 g onion and 768 g sugar. Treatment 13 had based on a 70 pieces yield sold at five pesos per piece. The unit price per
17.19% moisture and acceptable initial microbial load of 4.9 × 105 APC. ingredient was based on the wholesale price. The computation covered
the production cost, and overhead. The net profit was 124.09 Php.
Sensory acceptability ratings of the two treatments were compared
to its predicted ratings. Table 10 shows the paired t test of the predicted Nutrient facts analysis: Table 20 shows the results of nutrient
and observed values of the optimum formulation and treatment analysis of the optimized onion-flavored hopia. The optimized hopia
outside the optimum region. Results revealed that all sensory qualities was found to have 15.92% moisture content. According to Cauvain et
observed values of the optimum formulation were highly significant al. [63], moisture of pastries ranges from 5% up to around 17%.This
than the predicted values (p<0.01). This result was in agreement means that the moisture content of the optimized onion-flavored hopia
with the findings of Iligan [48] that sensory attributes had improved is within that moisture requirement of pastries. Moisture of foods is an
acceptability values than the predicted and this likely happened because important factor in food texture, taste, appearance, stability of foods,
the panelists evaluated the product thoroughly since there were only microbial quality, preservation and resistance to deterioration [12] and
two treatments evaluated. the eating qualities of pastries are characterized largely by their dryness
or crispness.
Treatment 2 which had formulation values outside the optimum
region was also evaluated (Table 18). Results showed that aroma, color, Ash content of onion-flavored hopia is 1.22%. Ash content
taste and general acceptability were not significantly different indicating represents the total mineral content in foods. According to Food
that the prediction value computed was accurate and precise. In Standards Agency [64], ash of flaky pastry is 1.5%. This means that
contrast, texture acceptability was significantly lower than the predicted the ash content of the optimized onion-flavored hopia is closed to the
value at p<0.05. Lower observed texture acceptability rating may occur standard. Ash of onion-flavored hopia may be contributed by fats, oils,
due to the fact that panelists had keen evaluation of the two treatments. shortenings and flour added to the product. Fats, oils and shortenings
vary from 0.0 to 4.1% ash, while flours vary from 0.3 to 1.4% ash [12].
Cost of production: Table 19 shows the cost analysis of the optimum
treatment. The cost of production was 196.75 PhP and was calculated The optimized onion-flavored hopia was found to have 5.87% crude
protein. This value is due to the all-purpose flour used which has 8 to
Sensory T13 T2 t- 11% protein [18]. Based on Food Standards Agency [63], protein of
Predicted t-value Predicted
Qualities Observed Observed value
flaky pastry is 6.7%. Hence, protein content of onion-flavored hopia is
Aroma 7.32 8.03 0.06** 7.26 7.53 0.19ns
closed to the standard value.
Color 7.15 8.08 0.07** 7.46 7.73 0.16ns
Taste 7.48 8.13 0.08 **
7.69 7.48 0.22ns Total fat of onion-flavored hopia is 9.47% which was a result of
Texture 7.20 8.28 0.04** 7.58 7.25 0.13* the addition of shortening and oil. The standard fat content of flaky
Gen. Acc. 7.09 8.34 0.03** 7.41 7.48 0.35ns pastry is 33.2% [63]. This implies that the fat of onion-flavored hopia
T13=550 g flour, 105 g onion, 568 g sugar is relatively low.
T2=450 g flour, 63 g onion, 768 g sugar
ns=not significant Table 21 shows the caloric content of onion-flavored hopia and
= significant at α=0.05 the percent daily value. The calories (in kilocalorie) were based on
= highly significant at α=0.01
100 grams and were calculated from total fat, total carbohydrates and
Table 18: Predicted and observed values for the sensory qualities of onion-flavored proteins which are the source of energy. The optimized onion-flavored
hopia from two selected treatments for verification of optimum region.
hopia was found to have 378.79 calories.
Cost Unit Price Amount Used Cost The nutrition facts label was created based on 1 piece (45 grams)
Production Cost serving size and at 10 servings per pack. (Appendix Figures 1 and 2a-2e).
3rd Class Flour 29.2/kg 1 kg 29.2
Sugar 49.6/kg 568 g 28.17 Summary and Conclusion
Onion Bulb 120/kg 105 g 12.6
The study was conducted to optimize the formulation of onion-
Oil 50/kg 265 g 13.25
flavored hopia. Eleven variables were screened by 11 factors-12
All-Purpose Flour 38.4/kg 550 g 21.12
Cornstarch 34/kg 218 g 7.41
Vanilla 0.16/g 6g 0.96 Parameters Result
Egg 5.83/pc 2 pcs 11.66 Moisture Content 15.92%
Salt 5.6/kg 32 g 0.18 Ash 1.22%
Skim Milk 106/kg 70 g 7.42 Crude Protein 5.87%
Lard 57.75/kg 68 g 3.93 Total Fat 9.47%
Water (estimate) 564 g 5.00 Table 20: Nutrient analysis results.
Overhead Cost
Amount of
Fuel 50/hr 0.75 hr 37.5 Result of
Food Nutrient % Daily
Electricity 50/hr 0.17 hr 8.35 Food Nutrient Chemical Analysis
per Serving Value
per 100g
Water for washing (estimate) 10.00 Size
Total Cost 196.75 Calorie, kcal 378.79 170
Cost per piece 2.81 Calories from fat, kcal 85.23 40
Gross Profit 153.25 Total fat, g 9.47 4.0 7
Less: Labor 38.875/hr (29.15) Total carbohydrates, g 67.52 30 10
Net Profit 124.09 Protein, g 5.87 3
Table 19: Cost analysis of optimized onion-flavored hopia. Table 21: Caloric content results.

J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

Page 16 of 17

runs Plackett-Burman design. Sensory evaluation was conducted Recommendation

to determine what factors can significantly affects the sensory
characteristics of onion-flavored hopia. Sugar, onion and flour The following are recommended in order to have a broad study on
significantly affected the color acceptability of the product while sugar the optimization of onion-flavored hopia:
significantly affected the taste acceptability and onion significantly 1. Shelf life determination of onion-flavored hopia
affected the general acceptability of the product. These three variables
were selected for further optimization. 2. Other variables such as type of shortening and other types of
flour may be considered during screening for further study and
The three identified variables (sugar, onion, flour) were further
tested to obtain optimum acceptability by employing Central Trained panelists may be used for sensory evaluation and the
Composite Design which produced 15 treatments. Each variable has quality description of sensory characteristics may be evaluated.
minimum, medium and maximum level values. The following levels of References
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ISSN: 2157-7110
Citation: Dumandan MS (2018) Formulation Optimization of Onion-Flavored Hopia. J Food Process Technol 9: 757. doi: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000757

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J Food Process Technol, an open access journal

Volume 9 • Issue 10 • 1000757
ISSN: 2157-7110

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