The Impact of Instagram "Call-to-Action" Buttons On Customers' Impulse Buying
The Impact of Instagram "Call-to-Action" Buttons On Customers' Impulse Buying
The Impact of Instagram "Call-to-Action" Buttons On Customers' Impulse Buying
Facebook, which enables users to organize, run, and track their H2a
advertising campaigns [12]. Visual Appeal
H4 H5b H7
2.2 Impulse Buying H1b
H3a Perceived advertisement content on promotional features and then excluded. Therefore, the sample size used for this study
positively affects perceived usefulness. was 163. All of them were Instagram consumers.
H3b Perceived advertisement content of promotional features The demographic data of all respondents are listed in Table 1.
positively affects perceived enjoyment. There were more female respondents (68.1%) than men (31.9%).
Most respondents lived in DKI Jakarta (68.1%). Teenagers and
This study would like to investigate whether the features on young adults between 17-25 years old (77.3%) were majority of
Instagram provide cognitive reactions to individuals. If the participants. There were 42.3% of respondents earning 1-5
individuals feel something useful from their shopping activities on million Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) or 70-350 USD per month. Most
Instagram, it means that they get the convenience of shopping participants accessed Instagram several times a day (84.7%), and
experience [28]. Another hypothesis is proposed: experienced Instagram shopping less than 5 times per month
H4 Perceived usefulness of promotional features positively affects (65%).
perceived enjoyment.
4.2 Measurement Evaluation
The emotional response of the individual becomes one of the In testing the model, structural equation modeling was employed
benchmarks for the next action of the users [7]. As the case of to investigate the relationship between endogenous and exogenous
online shopping behavior [27], Instagram provides the large constructs. The first analysis was established by measuring the
selection of stores, variety of products, as well as reviews from validity and reliability of each latent variable by using SmartPLS
previous customers, which can affect the mood of consumers. software. Reflective measurement of an indicator will be valid if it
Their good mood with the site can trigger perceived usefulness has a loading value (λ) above 0.5, if one indicator has a value
and impulse buying. Two other hypotheses are proposed: below 0.5 then the indicator must be discarded because it
H5a User perceived usefulness of promotional features positively indicates that the indicator is not good enough to measure the
affects user impulsiveness. latent variable appropriately. In this study all reflective indicators
have a loading.
H5b User perceived usefulness of promotional features positively
affects user urge to buy impulsively. Table 1. Respondents Demographic Data
with the presence of promotional ads on their Instagram feeds, 7. CONCLUSION
because most of them are indifferent to this promotion. Consumer acceptance of advertising campaigns using Call-to-
Table 4. Consumer Profiles Action (CTA) buttons in certain age groups only affects their
purchase intentions and has not yet reached impulse buying from
Characteristics Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 consumers. However, in the younger age group of Instagram
Gender Male Female Female promotional ads resulted in their impulse buying trends in online
Age 24 23 19 stores. The results show that the responses estimated with the
Occupation Banking Taxing Student stimulus of visual attractiveness and advertising content based on
Domicile Jakarta Jakarta Batam the S-O-R model should be given special attention.
Instagram shopping 3 years 4 years 3 years Hence, the experience of shopping at an attractive online store
experience visually can improve a positive mood that will result in a tendency
Marketplace 2 years 1 years 1 years to buy products impulsively. The advertising content displayed by
shopping experience Instagram to its users in the timeline can make it easier for them
to get information about the appropriate product.
Table 5. Online Seller Profiles This research can provide new insights on understanding the
reasons for consumer decision making before making a purchase.
Characteristics Seller 1 Seller 2 Seller 3 In addition, promotional advertising features on Instagram can be
Role Owner Owner Owner used as a competitive strategy by companies or industries with
Gender Female Female Male limited initial capital. Promotional ads on Instagram offer
Age 18 18 27 relatively cheaper cost, can increasing customer awareness and
Degree Under- Under- Post- impulse buy.
graduate graduate graduate
Business type Retail Retail Retail 8. LIMITATION AND FUTURE
Business 1 – 5 years 1 – 5 1 – 5 RESEARCH
running years years The trust issue on social commerce has not been discussed in this
Employee < 10 people < 10 < 10 study. In addition, most of survey respondents and interviewees
people people represent the younger generation so cannot be generalized. This
Instagram Yes Yes Yes study investigated only promotional advertisements on Instagram
business timelines containing Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons feature
Offline store No No No excluding Instagram stories with a swipe up feature that may also
Other None None Yes affect consumers’ impulse buying. Future research is expected to
marketplace analyze more about the factors that can increase the trust of
consumers on Instagram of online stores that have switched using
6. DISCUSSION Instagram for business.
The results of the confirmed hypothesis show that almost all the
stimuli given an affect the organism in generating an impulse 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
buying response. Results relating to the previous t-test revealed This study is funded by a PITTA Grant No.
that the stimuli provided by visual appeal can lead to perceived 1869/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2018 from the Universitas Indonesia.
usefulness and enjoyment. Whereas, advertisement content only
affects perceived usefulness. These two perceptions can produce APPENDIX A: Measurement Items
an impulsiveness response that leads to impulse buying. Product Availability [14]
There are two implications in this research for online stores on 1. Promoted ads on Instagram shows the variety of products
Instagram business profiles. Firstly, now Instagram begin to available to me
transform into a social commerce platform and Call-to-Action 2. Promoted ads on Instagram can easily find what I need
(CTA) buttons feature on promotional ads can help online stores 3. Promoted ads on Instagram can easily find what I am
increasing their sales by broadcasting an advertisement to an interested in
audience that does not even follow their online store account.
Visual Appeal [14]
Although most of the users' response is indifferent to promotional 1. Promoted ads on Instagram are visually pleasing
advertising features on Instagram, there is still an opportunity for 2. Promoted ads on Instagram display visually pleasing
online shop owners to get the attention of potential customers. designs
They can advertise their product by uploading photos or videos 3. The placement of promoted ads on Instagram are attractive
that are visually appealing, paying attention to the time when
uploading them. Ease of Use [14]
1. The information promoted advertising on Instagram can be
Promotional ads on Instagram still not be able to give users'
obtained in a simple way
purchase satisfaction, it’s because after the user click the CTA
2. The advertising information promoted on Instagram can be
buttons, there are some other processes to go through before they
obtained easily
successfully buy the product they want. Hence, perceived
3. Ads promoted on Instagram display relevant information
enjoyment cannot directly affect consumers’ urge to buy
obvious and easy to find
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