Composite Structures: Andjelka Stanic, Blaz Hudobivnik, Boštjan Brank
Composite Structures: Andjelka Stanic, Blaz Hudobivnik, Boštjan Brank
Composite Structures: Andjelka Stanic, Blaz Hudobivnik, Boštjan Brank
Composite Structures
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Article history: An economic-design optimization of cross-laminated timber (CLT) plate with stiffening ribs is presented.
Received 27 April 2016 For the structural analysis, an enhanced assumed strain (EAS) solid finite element is used. It behaves well
Revised 6 July 2016 for thin plates (with no shear locking) and delivers reasonable approximations for the transverse shear
Accepted 25 July 2016
stresses in layered composites. Eurocodes 5 (EC5) are followed in defining the optimization constraints,
Available online 28 July 2016
which include deflections, stresses and fundamental eigenfrequency. The gradient optimization is per-
formed. Analytical expressions for sensitivities are obtained by an automatic differentiation tool. The
result is an economic timber plate configuration that complies with the EC5 requirements. Numerical
Cross laminated timber
Ribbed timber plate
examples are presented in order to illustrate the approach.
Economic-design optimization Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0263-8223/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
528 A. Stanić et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 527–537
Table 1
Constraints and constraint functions.
of the CLT-rib connection. For this purpose one needs a solid or with h ¼ 0 . Regarding (7) and (8), we note that it is common in CLT
solid-shell element that: (i) is reliable for thin plate problems (no analysis not to distinguish between T and R [4].
shear locking), (ii) delivers reasonable approximations for the For EAS elements there is no unique way to compute the ele-
transverse shear stresses in laminated composite, (iii) captures ment stresses [10]. In this work, we compute them from W. Vector
well the ‘‘in-plane” bending, and (iv) is computationally fast of 2nd Piola–Kirchhoff stresses is
(allows using relatively fine meshes).
The solid element that complies reasonable well with the above S¼ ¼ ðTCTT ÞE ð9Þ
demands is presented in [9]. The element has 8 nodes, 12 enhanced
assumed strain (EAS) modes [10] and 8 Gauss integration points. and vector of Cauchy stresses r ¼ frxx ; ryy ; rzz ; ryz ; rxz ; rxy gT is
The basic assumption is decomposition of the displacement gradi- available after transformation r ¼ FSFT = det F, where r and S are
ent into the standard (displacement) part Hu and an enhanced part matrices with Cauchy and 2nd Piola–Kirchhoff stresses, respec-
e so that the deformation gradient is F ¼ Hu þ H
H, e þ I. The element tively. The Cauchy stresses in material coordinates are
does not exhibit shear locking for isotropic thin plate and
‘‘in-plane” problems [9].
rmat ¼ T1 r ð10Þ
The element was modified for ribbed CLT plate. The strain where r mat
¼ fr11 ; r22 ; r33 ; r23 ; r13 ; r12 g .
energy function for orthotropic material was implemented Once r is known at element Gauss points, the ‘‘in-plane” stres-
1 ses rxx ; ryy and rxy are extrapolated to the element nodes. Since
W¼ ðTCTT ÞE E ð5Þ the ‘‘in-plane” stresses are discontinuous in laminated composites,
we do not smooth them across the mesh. However, we smooth
where E ¼ fexx ; eyy ; ezz ; 2eyz ; 2exz ; 2exy gT is vector of the components rxz ; ryz and rzz (e.g. [12]) as they are in reality smooth through
of the Green–Lagrange strain matrix E defined as E ¼ 12 ðFT F IÞ, the laminated composite plate thickness.
and C defines the stress–strain relations in material axes, e.g. [11] The derived element is geometrically nonlinear. One can use it
2 31 as nonlinear (e.g. for buckling check) but in most cases its linear
mE212 mE313 0 0 0 version suits perfectly well the timber plate problems. To illustrate
6 m1 7
6 12
6 E1
mE323 0 0 0 7
its performance, results of two linear tests are presented below.
6 m13 7
6 E1 mE232 1
0 0 0 7
7 ð6Þ 3.2. Laminated beam test
6 0 0 0 1
0 0 7
6 G23 7
6 7 We consider three-layered simply supported beam with
6 0 0 0 0 1
0 7
4 G13 5 L ¼ 6 m, width B ¼ 1 m and t=L ¼ 0:1, Fig. 4. It is supported at its
0 0 0 0 0 1 t 3
G12 the middle axis and loaded by p ¼ 0:1L p0 at the top surface;
In (6), E1 ; E2 and E3 are the elasticity moduli in the longitudinal L, p0 ¼ 5 105 N/m2. It is composed of two isotropic materials:
transverse T and radial R directions of the timber lamina, denoted top and bottom layers have E ¼ 11 109 N=m2 ; m ¼ 0;
as material axes 1 ¼ L; 2 ¼ T and 3 ¼ R, respectively, Fig. 3. The G ¼ 5:5 10 N/m , and the middle layer has E ¼ 0:5 109 N=m2 ;
9 2
shear moduli in 12, 13 and 23 planes are G12 ; G13 and G23 , respec-
m ¼ 0; G ¼ 0:25 109 N/m2. As for the mesh, the span is divided
tively, and m12 ¼ m21 EE12 ; m13 ¼ m31 EE13 and m23 ¼ m32 EE23 are the Poisson’s into nL , the width into nB , and the height into nt elements.
rations (where mij ¼ eejjii ). Results for the meshes nL nB nt 2 f8 2 6; 24 4
The matrix T in (5) represents transformation between 1; 2; 3 6; 48 8 6g are presented in Figs. 5 and 6. They are compared
and x; y; z. For CLT, see Fig. 1, axis 3 ¼ z, and T for the Gauss points to the analytical solution for the 3-layered Euler–Bernoulli beam.
in CLT part of the mesh is [11] The computed rxx coincides with the analytical solution, and the
2 3 approximation for rxz is reasonable.
cos2 ðhÞ sin ðhÞ 0 0 0 sinð2hÞ
6 7
6 2
sin ðhÞ cos2 ðhÞ 0 0 0 sinð2hÞ 7 3.3. Laminated plate test
6 7
6 7
6 0 0 1 0 0 0 7
T ¼ Txy ¼ 6 7
6 0 0 0 cosðhÞ sinðhÞ 0 7 We consider 3-layered square plate (Fig. 7), which has span
6 7
6 7 a ¼ 20, thickness t, the 0 =90 =0 layers are h ¼ t=3 thick, and the
4 0 0 0 sinðhÞ cosðhÞ 0 5
sinðhÞ cosðhÞ sinðhÞ cosðhÞ 0 0 0
cos2 ðhÞ sin ðhÞ following supports
ð7Þ uy ð0; y; zÞ ¼ uy ða; y; zÞ ¼ 0; uz ð0; y; zÞ ¼ uz ða; y; zÞ ¼ 0
where h is the angle in xy parallel plane that represents rotation of x ux ðx; 0; zÞ ¼ ux ðx; a; zÞ ¼ 0; uz ðx; 0; zÞ ¼ uz ðx; a; zÞ ¼ 0
into axis 1 around þz. The matrix (7) is also used for the ribs part of
The top surface is loaded by qðx; yÞ ¼ q0 sin pax sin pay . The material
the structure, with h ¼ 0 , if the ribs are as in Fig. 3 (middle). If the
ribs are as in Fig. 3 (right), the transformation matrix for the Gauss data are: E1 ¼ 25 106 ; E2 ¼ E3 ¼ 106 ; m12 ¼ m13 ¼ m23 ¼ 0:25;
points in the ribs part of the mesh is G12 ¼ G13 ¼ 0:5 106 , and G23 ¼ 0:2 106 . Two plates with
2 2
cos2 ðhÞ sin ðhÞ 0 0 0 sinð2hÞ
6 7
6 0 0 1 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 sin2 ðhÞ cos2 ðhÞ 0 0 0 sinð2hÞ 7
6 7
T ¼ Txz ¼ 6 7 ð8Þ
6 0 0 0 cosðhÞ sinðhÞ 0 7
6 7
6 2 7
4 sinðhÞ cosðhÞ sinðhÞ cosðhÞ 0 0 0 cos ðhÞ sin ðhÞ 5
0 0 0 sinðhÞ cosðhÞ 0
530 A. Stanić et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 527–537
Fig. 3. Local axes in CLT layer (left) and timber rib (middle and right).
t ¼ 0:01a and t ¼ 0:25a are analysed. The meshes are of E2 100E2
u¼ ux ; w ¼ uz
nx ny nz 2 f8 8 6; 12 12 6g elements (Fig. 8), where nx ; q0 tr 3
q0 tr 4
and compared to analytical solution [13]. The results for u are pre- The EC5 [2] defines the load-case-dependent design moduli and
sented on Fig. 9 (left). For the point ðx; y; zÞ ¼ ða=2; a=2; t=2Þ, the strengths. For ULS; SLS; xLS and vLS, the design moduli are
computed displacements for thin plate are w886 ¼ 0:417 and ðÞd ¼ ðcÞk and the design strengths are ðÞd ¼ kmod ðcÞk , where ðÞk
w12126 ¼ 0:420, while w ¼ 0:433 [13]. For thick plate one has
In this section, we define the load cases relying on Eurocodes. 4.1. Ultimate limit state (ULS)
We consider the self-weight, characteristic permanent action g k ,
and characteristic live load ql . They are applied as uniform surface Let us assume the medium-term load-duration class [2]; in that
loads on the top surface of the mesh. The surface load due to self- case kmod ¼ 0:8 and cM ¼ 1:25. The stresses computed for the ULS
weight is g l ¼ ðqCLT V CLT þ qribs V ribs Þ=A, where q is material density, design load qd;ULS ¼ 1:35ðg l þ g k Þ þ 1:5qk should not exceed the
V ¼ V CLT þ V ribs is structural volume (recomputed at every opti- design strengths. Table 2 and Fig. 11 illustrate how the stresses
mization step) and A is plate area. are checked. We assume that the rib is glued to the 1st and 2nd
Fig. 9. Plate t ¼ 0:25a. Left: u at ðx; yÞ ¼ ð0; a=2Þ. Right: plate (t ¼ 0:01a): rxz at ðx; yÞ ¼ ð0; a=2Þ.
532 A. Stanić et al. / Composite Structures 154 (2016) 527–537
Fig. 10. Plate t ¼ 0:25a. Left: rxz at ðx; yÞ ¼ ð0; a=2Þ. Right: ryz at ðx; yÞ ¼ ða=2; 0Þ.
Table 2 and the FLS design strengths are calculated with kmod;fi ¼ 1; cM;fi ¼ 1,
Stress control (see Fig. 11).
and the coefficient for GLT kfi ¼ 1:15, see [14]. The plate with the
Control zone r
aj ; a 2 fULS; FLSg
reduced dimensions is loaded by the accidental load combination
1, 2, 3 ra ra jra j jra j for fire qd;FLS ¼ g l þ g k þ 0:30qk .
tens:=comp: : f a 11 ; f a 22 ; shear : f12=3
a ; f a 23
t=c;0;d t=c;90;d V;d V;R;d
4 jra11 j
f m;d
4.3. Serviceability limit state (SLS)
5 r
j a11 j r
j a12 j
f am;d f aV;d The SLSload case is used to check the maximum deflection. The
6 jra12 j design material properties are obtained with cM ¼ 1. The maximal
f V;d
computed deflection for qd;SLS ¼ g l þ qk is checked against the
z;d ¼
allowed one uSLS 300
layers of CLT (numbered from the bottom); a simplified version
4.4. Load case for modal analysis (xLS)
exists with rib glued to the bottom face of CLT.
t1 Control zone 1
t2 t
Control zone 2
3 Control zone 3
hr Control zone 4
Hr Control zone 5
y Control zone 6
t1 t1
t2 t t2 tred
t3 t3,red
hr def hr,red
z z
y y
Fig. 12. Cross-section for ULS (left) and effective cross-section for FLS (right).
deflection is less than uvz;dLS ¼ 1 mm. We apply F d;v LS at the top The gradient-based optimization method will find any opti-
surface node with the maximal SLS deflection from the previous mum, either local or global. In this work no special algorithm has
optimization iteration. For this load case, cM ¼ 1. been applied that would be helpful in finding the global optimum.
The most obvious ‘remedy’ to that problem is to start the optimiza-
5. Optimisation procedure tion process from various scattered points of the design space. This
can improve the probability to compute the global optimum (or at
The gradient method, see e.g. [15], has been used to solve the least a close local one).
above defined optimization problem. For the considered structural
problem, the finite element analyses (i.e. the structural response 5.2. Derivatives for sensitivity analysis
computations) are quite costly computationally, especially when
one chooses to use the geometrically nonlinear version of the The basic ingredient of the structural shape optimization is con-
above described finite element. On the contrary, the sensitivity nection between the mesh and the design variables /. Since we
analysis is computationally cheap, because the number of design deal with simple structural geometry, this connection is easily
variables is low and the analytical expressions were derived for established and does not require usage of e.g. design body concept
the derivatives by using a direct differentiation approach [16]. [18,19]. The coordinates can be straightforwardly described with
Thus, the preferred optimization method is the one with the lowest the design variables Xð/Þ and the derivative d/
can be easily
number of needed structural response computations. In this view, obtained.
the gradient-based methods are clear favourites, since they For the gradient optimization method, the gradient of U with
demand smaller number of finite element analyses as the respect to the design variables must be evaluated
stochastic methods (like genetic algorithms).
@U X
@ Ui ð/Þ
¼ wi ð14Þ
5.1. Procedure outline @/ i¼1
@Rint Ne @Rint;ðeÞ dRext Ne dRext;ðeÞ and j
@/ ðeÞ
at the element Gauss points and extrapolate those values
¼ A ; ¼ A ð19Þ
@/ e¼1 @/ d/ e¼1 d/ to the element nodes. The derivatives at a mesh node with respect
@u @r
to / can be taken from @/ and ð@/ ÞjðeÞ .
where A is the finite element assembly operator and Ne is the num-
ber of elements in the mesh. The element contribution to the vector The analytical expressions for d/
; i – 6, are thus available. On
of internal forces is the other hand, the U6 entry x1 is not available as x1 ð/Þ. The finite
difference is used to approximate its derivative
Rint;ðeÞ ¼ BðeÞ;T S ðeÞ det JðeÞ dndgdf ð20Þ
dx1 1 ðlÞ
ðeÞ @E
¼ x 1 / x 1 /ðlÞ
D /ðl1Þ
where is the bi-unit cube, B ¼ j
¼ BðXð/Þ; uð/ÞÞjðeÞ is the ele-
@u ðeÞ d/ D/ðl1Þ
ment strain–displacement matrix (which depends on u for geomet-
rical nonlinearity), S ðeÞ ¼ TCTT E jðeÞ ¼ SðXð/Þ; uð/ÞÞjðeÞ is the 6. Examples
element stress vector, and JðeÞ ¼ @X j ¼ JðXð/ÞÞjðeÞ is the element
@n ðeÞ
Jacobian matrix related to the element mapping from We present two numerical examples. We assume the timber
quality class C24, which is mainly used in commercial production.
X ¼ fx; y; zg to n ¼ fn; g; fg . The derivative
T T @Rint;ðeÞ
The characteristic material parameters are given in Table 3
Z !
int;ðeÞ T
@R @B dX @S dX dðdetJÞ dX
¼ S detJ þ BT detJ þ BT S dndgdf
@/ @X d/ @X d/ dX d/
jðeÞ Table 5
Example 1: supports (see Fig. 13).
Edge Displacement constraints
The derivative d/
can be obtained in a more straightforward
ðx; zÞ ¼ ð0; 0Þ ux ¼ 0; uz ¼0
manner, since the only design-variables-dependent loading is the ðx; zÞ ¼ ðL; 0Þ ux ¼ 0; uz ¼0
self weight. ðy; zÞ ¼ ð0; 0Þ uy ¼ 0; uz ¼0
Once @/ is obtained from (17), one can compute ðy; zÞ ¼ ðB; 0Þ uy ¼ 0; uz ¼0
ðx; zÞ ¼ ð0; hr Þ ux ¼ 0; uy ¼ 0; uz ¼ 0
¼ 0; ¼ 0; uz ¼ 0
@S @S @u @S @E ðx; zÞ ¼ ðL; hr Þ ux uy
j ¼ ; j ¼ TCTT j ¼ TCTT B jðeÞ ð22Þ
@/ ðeÞ @u @/ jðeÞ @u ðeÞ @u ðeÞ
Table 3
Characteristic material parameters.
Elastic moduli Shear moduli [GPa] Poisson
[GPa] coefficients
E1 11 G12 0.688 m12 0.09
E2 0.37 G13 0.688 m13 0.36 3
E3 0.37 G23 0.050 m23 0.38
Table 4
Characteristic strengths.
Strength [MPa]
Compression f c;0;k and f c;90;k 24.0 and 3.0
Tension f t;0;k and f t;90;k 14.0 and 0.5
Bending f m;k 24.0
In-plane shear f V;k 2.5 0 50 100 150 200
Rolling shear f V;R;k 0.8
Fig. 14. Example 1: Uð/Þ during optimization.
br er = 2 m
L = 2.95 m
Table 6 in the Table 4 (the values are from [20], except for f c;90;k ; f t;90;k and
Example 1: results in cm (V is in m3 ).
f V ;R;k that are from [1]). The material density is q ¼ 420 kg/m3 [1].
/i /min
i Initial value Optimized value We choose g k ¼ 0:25 kN/m2 and qk ¼ 2 kN/m2 as defined in [22,23]
t1 1.5 4.5 3 1.50 for plates in residential building.
t2 1.5 4.5 3 1.50
t3 1.5 4.5 3 1.50 6.1. Example 1: CLT plate with 3 ribs
br 2.5 20 15 3.49
hr 6 40 20 38.35
We consider plate-structure with L ¼ 2:95 m, B ¼ 6 m (Fig. 13)
V 1.86 0.91 and three ribs. The CLT has 3 layers with thicknesses t 1 ; t2 and t3
(counted from the top) and 0 =90 =0 orientations. For boundary
conditions see Fig. 13 and Table 5. The design variables are thick-
nesses of the layers and height and width of the ribs. They are nor-
malized by hr initial value in order to be numerically comparable.
The weights in Eq. (2) are set to 1.
Fig. 14 shows how Uð/Þ changes during the optimization. Sharp
function increases are noticed at constraint violations. The results
are presented in Table 6. The optimized CLT thicknesses are the
Fig. 15. Example 1: optimal configuration. minimal allowed. The optimized height of the ribs is quite large
due to its important contribution to the bending stiffness. Fig. 15
shows optimized configuration. The active constraint functions
were U2 ð/Þ; U4 ð/Þ and U5 ð/Þ.
7. Conclusions
Fig. 16. Example 2: geometry. A robust optimization procedure for a civil engineering prob-
lem, which can be stated as ‘‘find an economic design of CLT plate
(with stiffening ribs) that complies with the EC5 timber code
(E1 ; E2 ; E3 ; G12 and G13 values are from [20], the value for G23 is demands” has been presented. The proposed procedure is based
from [4] and the values of Poisson’s coefficients are computed from on the use of penalty function, which allows for an easy inclusion
CLT experimental data [21]). The characteristic strengths are listed of different constraints. For example, an inclusion of the dynamic
Table 7
Example 2: supports (see Fig. 16).
x¼0 uz ¼0
x¼L uz ¼0 80
ðx; zÞ ¼ ð0; 0Þ ux ¼0
ðy; zÞ ¼ ð0; 0Þ uy ¼0
ðy; zÞ ¼ ðB; 0Þ uz ¼0 60
vibrational response of the plate-structure into the optimization
could be handled by yet another constraint function (and the 20
dynamic finite element analysis).
The finite element analyses were performed by modified solid
element from [9] that produces reasonable through-the-thickness 0 20 40 60 80 100
transverse shear stresses distributions and accurate through-the-
thickness distributions of displacements and in-plane stresses. In Fig. 19. Example 2: objective function Uð/Þ during the optimization.
further studies, one might consider improving its capabilities or
replace it with a solid or solid-shell element designed for lami-
nated composites, e.g. [24].
For the optimization problem discussed, the gradient-based
methods [15] are more efficient than other, since they require
smaller number of finite element computations of structural
response. Such an optimization problem may be solved in its orig-
inal form (by handling the constraints as they are, see e.g. [18,19])
or by packing all the constraints into a modified objective function
(with a suitable penalty function), as is the case in the present
work. Here, a general advice what is better is hardly available
and the choice simply depends on the problem at hand. We used Fig. 20. Example 2: optimized volume with respect to number of ribs.
the latter option because it helped us to define and run the opti-
mization problem.
We note that due to the 3d finite element modelling the compu- plate. However, they are not extremely large even if one uses the
tational times can be relatively large for a fine mesh and large nonlinear version of the finite element.
Table 8
Example 2: summary of optimisation runs. The one with the most economic final design is bold.
N ti;init br;init hr;init V init t1;opt t2;opt t 3;opt br;opt hr;opt V opt
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