Hon. ACS Letter IHIP
Hon. ACS Letter IHIP
Hon. ACS Letter IHIP
1o<rrrar, ri-giqrr i-<ura Fvnllc 6@rFfrdrr,
cft-{n rF{, fr- xoo oor
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d. rficqrg, an.r.*. Hr*nfr! rlrnqftIl.r GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA
Public Health Department
eru-{$s€fu{ 10th Floor, G.T. Hospltbl Complex Bulldino,
Dr. Pradeep Vyas, r.r.s. Nsw Mantraleye, Mumbol- ,{00 001.
Phone. 022-226173€€ Fa\ : 022-22617999
Additional Chief Secrotary E-mail : psoc.pubheallh@mahara3hFa.gov.in
DO No. Misc-2021/CR,469/Aa5
Date - 01 .'10.2021
Dear all,
As per the recommendations of Joint Monitoring Mission 2015, MoHFW / Gol has
launched a comprehensive information system called lntegrated Health lnformation
Platform (lHlP) to monitor emerging public health threats, disasters and mass events. The
system provides real time information on health surveillance from anywhere on any
electronic device. This is also important for our state, especially given the recent pandemic
and the outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging diseases, the platform can be used
effectively to draw useful information and ensure adequate preparedness.
ln this regard, the indicator based, weekly reporting system under IDSP is the first
disease surveillance program to be transitioned to a case based, near real time digital
reporting system under lHlP. The platform has already been launched and it is required to
ensure its implementation at all levels. The District Surveillance Units (DSUs) have been
trained on the portal and are responsible for ensuring its roll out at the district and block
1. As per the above reference, Gol asked to start implementation of lHlP from
1"t April 2021 .
As lHlP is being rolled out in all the states, old weekly IDSP portal will be
closed in phased manner. From 1"tOc|2021, Gol is closing old weekly IDSP
portal from 1't states in first phase. Maharashtra is not included in first phase
but likely to be included in the next phase. On this background we need to start
lHlP implementation on war footing.
3. Our state level trainings had been conducted in Aug 2019 & again in Feb- 21.
But due to Covid-19 pandemic lHlP implementation is delayed.
4. At district level you all need to ensure :
a. Training: Refresher trainings of field staff at every level should be
conducted as per the training need assessment & lHlP training status
needs to be updated on lHlP portal on priority basis.
It is recommended that you review the roll out progress of this important initiative
regularly and ensure necessary guidance is provided to the districts for its smooth
District Collector, District...... All
Chief Executive Officer, Zilha Parishad, District.... All
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