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s-20ph13 - AC Circuits

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AC circuits

Alternating Current
source supplying a sinusoidally varying voltage

amplitude and angular frequency

circuit elements: resistor R, inductor L, capacitor C

their response to AC? current in the circuit?

How to measure AC?

rectified current

rectified average current

(produces equivalent total charge flow)

Graetz bridge
(full-wave rectifier)
Root-Mean-Square (rms) Values

time-dependent physical (scalar) quantity

(average over time)

rms of a sinusoidonal AC

(again, over one full cycle)

AC Circuits

circuit elements:
AC source, resistor R, inductor L, capacitor C

useful tool
complex numbers
Review: Complex Numbers
imaginary unit j
complex plane

algebraic form
(x, y are real numbers)

real part imaginary part

polar form

absolute value

Euler's formula
Basic Operations:
conjugation and addition


Basic Operations: multiplication

multiplication by the
imaginary unit

rotation by

Analysis of AC Circuits: Idea
At any instant of time represent the AC by a complex number

Use the complex current in Ohm's law, formulas for potential

difference across inductor/capacitor, Kirchhoff's rules etc.

All physical (measurable) time-dependent quantities will be

associated with the real parts of their complex counterparts, e.g.

We will show that this time dependence of the current in the circuit
corresponds with sinusoidally varying voltage supplied by source

Why can we use this representation?

Resistor in an AC circuit

Ohm's law (macroscopic)

real parts


current and voltage in phase

Inductor in an AC circuit

potential difference across

inductor (watch the sign!)

real parts


voltage leads current by

(multiplication by j)
Capacitor in an AC circuit

complex quantity representing charge

corresponding (complex) voltage



voltage lags current by

(multiplication by -j)
(of what we know so far)

element voltage phase w.r.t. the current



RLC series circuit


Kirchhoff's loop rule

complex where
Complex voltage and its real (measurable) part

Our initial guess for the form of the current was correct.
Relation between current and voltage
(and between their amplitudes)

(real) impedance

inductive capacitive
reactance reactance
(XL) (XC)
Why does the representation with
complex numbers work here?
All relationships that we use here are linear functions of
the current (including voltages across elements of the circuit),
or involve the time-derivative/integral of the current
(which are linear operations as well).

The real part (physical, measurable)

and the imaginary part do not mix.
Inductive Reactance
and Capacitive Reactance
Notice that, the higher the
frequency is, the smaller the
capacitive reactance, and the
larger the inductive reactance

Z is minimum when compare

DC current
AC current
(holds also for rms values)
Discussion and Application
In the low-frequency limit, the main contribution
to reactance is due to the capacitor; whereas
in the high- frequency limit, it is mostly the
inductor that contributes to reactance.

Loudspeaker system

In order to route signals of

different frequency to
the appropriate speaker,
the woofer and tweeter
are connected in parallel
across the amplifier.

The capacitor in the tweeter branch blocks the

low-frequency components of sound, but passes
the higher frequencies; the inductor in the woofer
branch does the opposite.
Power in AC Circuits:
single element
Instantaneous power delivered to a single circuit element

Resistive element only:

current and voltage in phase
The average power delivered to the resistor

For pure resistance is always positive

Power in AC Circuits:
single element

One element (either inductor

or capacitor) only:

The current and the voltage

out of phase by

The average power delivered to inductor/capacitor is zero

Power in AC Circuits: RLC
If all elements are present, then the
current and the voltage out of phase by


The average power delivered

into the RLC circuit

power factor
in AC series LRC circuits

and phase lag

resonance peak

Z is minimum when
What happens at
resonance frequency?

we have

Re At the resonance frequency: voltage

amplitudes across inductor and capacitor
equal, but the phases differ by

Conclusion: The circuit behaves as if the capacitor

and inductor were not present. There is no
phase lag between the current and the voltage.
Driving a series LRC circuit with a sinusoidally-varying voltage
source, produces a sinusoidal current with the same,
frequency, but (in general) a non-zero phase shift.

The non-zero phase shift between the driving voltage and

the current is introduced by the capacitor and the inductor.
However, if the circuit is in resonance, the amplitudes of the
voltage across these elements are equal with a half-cycle
phase shift. Therefore, their contributions to the circuit's
impedance cancel out, and the current is in phase with
the driving voltage.

There is a strong current response to a sinusoidally varying

voltage at the resonance frequency: an AC LRC circuit can
be precisely tuned to respond to signals of specific frequency.

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