20 Encounters in The Ruins of The Elder Beings (Color V10) (Solar Blades)
20 Encounters in The Ruins of The Elder Beings (Color V10) (Solar Blades)
20 Encounters in The Ruins of The Elder Beings (Color V10) (Solar Blades)
20 Encounters
in the Ruins of the Elder Beings
Artwork: “Elder Being” by Publisher´s Choice Quality Stock Art (c) Rick Hershey
/ Fat Goblin Games
After I finished H.P. Lovecraft´s story “At the Mountains of Madness”, the GM in me dreamed about an
adventure that would take place in some (other) subterranean ruins of the Elder Beings. Another city or
outpost, perhaps smaller, or just the caverns that would lead to its entrance. As I was not able to create a
full-blown adventure out of my ideas, I rather created a set of 20 structured encounters. The difference to
(completely) random encounters is that some of them are preliminary encounters that will trigger certain
other as a follow-up (or will be triggered instead of their follow-ups). A simple frame was given for the
encounters, as well as stats for six creatures and two strange items.
This is the second incarnation of this product, the first had been written for Lamentations of the Flame
Princess (tm), this one was written to be compatible with Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells ™.
While I tried to include everything for an Overlord to turn this assortment of encounter ideas, non of this
is likely to make sense to somebody that is not familiar with H.P. Lovecraft´s “At the Mountains of
Madness” or the Elder Beings and the Mi-Go. Thereby, I only suggest this work of mine to fellow friends of
the Mythos. I assure everyone, that it is enough when the Overlord knows the aforementioned works: this
will be enough to deliver an interesting slice of cosmic fantasy to the players, even without the
fundamental dread of the unknown that was a feature in most of Lovecraft´s works.
While the ideas I share with you here are inspired by and rooted in the works of H.P. Lovecraft, I took my
own “artistic freedom” to change things here and there, and to fill up “gaps” with my own ideas. These are
all tailored towards creating a nice, enjoyable dungeon-experience with a “lovecraftian touch” rather than
strictly adhering to provided source material. Keep an open mind while reading this, otherwise you might
fall into a fit of nerd-rage.
The Works of Lovecraft in the Universe of The Outer Regions could have still underdeveloped
colonies at their fringes that have not managed (or
Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells cared to) explored all the unknown alien ruins that
are found there.
The works of H.P. Lovecraft were ground-breaking
for both horror and science-fantasy. The Mythos he
created describes a hidden universe of unfathomable How to involve the PC...
alien beings, with powers and machinations far
beyond the scope and reasoning of mankind. Many of
A couple of Star God Cultists could hire the PC to
his stories have elements of travelers and entities
take them to a certain location and then come along
from beyond the stars or other planes of existence, of
as guards while they explore some underground
artifacts not meant for mankind, of greater schemes
ruins in search for an old temple. The cultists would
and of civilizations that had their prime long before
pay half the money up front, the other half when
the first man had created the first tool.
they bring them back (and make sure that it is more
than the money the two or three of them could be
Some of these themes match well with the universe
sold as slaves for). Of course, the cultists would take
of Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells. The mysterious
the Mi-Go or Elder Beings (whoever they would meet
and unknowable Star Gods can easily be
first) as an ancient species favored by the Star Gods,
supplemented with the Outer Gods, without any harm
and treat them accordingly. The encounter with the
to established concepts. The consuming, entropic
Shoggoth could very well have the PC flee, to bring
and corrupting forces and spawns of the Void have
their charges back alive (and get the money for doing
many things in common with what glimpses
so). That, or a delusional cultist could mistake this
Lovecraft gave upon his visions of what may lie
for their god, and die a horrible death after falling
beyond our reality, and the theme of insanity and
down to the knees in worship.
degeneration are found in both works.
Thereby, adapting the Elder Beings and the Mi-Go to
A Mysterious Stranger could hire the characters for
the universe of SBCS is not a far step. One should not
an expedition to a certain place. When they arrive, he
integrate them as yet just another alien race, but as
offers even more money (in an esoteric currency or
something from afar, and perhaps even not from this
in form of a mighty artifact, or even in star dust) to
plane of existence but from another universe
have them come along. “I want to investigate this place.
There might be a threat that -has- to be dealt with.” The
stranger will turn out to be a Dark Sentinel. The
Sentinel is not really sure what to find in that place,
but knows that it is linked to the powers of the Void
Where to Place the Ruins... and wants to cleanse it.
If the characters try to follow the markings, the 07# Unstable Area
third encounter from now on will be 14# A Lost The area the characters currently move through is
Soul unstable, any loud noise (like weapons fire) may
result in a cave-in. A character may learn this with a
successful Intellect Test.
02# A Moaning Breeze
A gust of air moves through the subterranean place As soon as any loud noises are made, the cave ceiling
and blows into the faces of the PC. It is accompanied above the characters begins to groan and dust
by a low, moaning noise. After about a minute the drizzles down from cracks in the stone. The Overlord
phenomena repeats itself, just like the slow breath of may call for a Luck Roll: those who fail it must dodge
a chthonian titan. large pieces of rock that break off the ceiling above
them (Agility Test to avoid 1d6 points of damage).
The phenomena is just that: a natural (but perhaps
scary) underground air current.
08# Chthonic Mist
A strange, thick white mist wafts through the area. It
03# Slime Trail is moist, cold and reflects the light so that the
The ground in front of the characters is coated by a characters will be unable to see further short
thin layer of milky, translucent slime that forms a distance. The mist is otherworldly in nature, and
trail, about two feet wide. most disquieting to mundane beings. It is impossible
to rest in the mist.
If the characters don´t head back where they
came from, the next encounter is going to be 09# This rules apply till the end of next encounter.
Pale Slugs
09# Pale Slugs 14# A Lost Soul
1d3+1 Pale Slug creatures move into the characters Somebody or something runs towards the characters
way. They will have to deal with them, unless they in the dark. After a moment a tall and lanky man
want to turn back. comes into sight. He wears dirty, sturdy clothes, his
eyes are bloodshot and he storms towards the
nearest character (no matter what). Once in reach, he
10# Albino Stinger grabs him with his huge hands.
The characters will hear the buzzing of an insect. It
will remind them of a hornet, but much louder. If the characters do not slay him outright the
When they look around for its source they will not maddened adventurer, whose name is Hector, will
find it a first (see Albino Stinger). grab a character with shaky hands and hoarsely yell
“we must flee! WE MUST FLEEEE!!” and tries to drag
the PC along. Hector is a merc and was part of a hired
11# A Colony of Albino Cave Bats team to investigate the ruins, but is unarmed now
If encounter 06# Ablino Cave Bats has not happened yet, and scared out of his wits. If he cannot convince the
run 06# now and 11# as the following encounter. characters to flee with him (or drag one of them
along) he will just run off into the darkness. He and
The ground the characters walk over is covered in his team (whose nature is up to the Overlord) met a
guano, and a whole colony of Albino Cave Bats hangs Rogue Shoggoth. He was the only one who was able to
from the ceiling high above. There are dozens of flee, and dropped everything he had with him while
these creatures, and as the PC look up the first of doing so. Everything he says is “all are dead!” and
them drop down from their resting places like dive “we must flee!”. This will only change after 1d6 turns
bombers. Loud noises and the presence of bright or after he left this place. If the characters search
light will have a small swarm of the Cave Bats harass him (after they restrained or killed him) they will
and even attack the characters till they leave the find an empty pistol holster, a length of rope slung
place. Running through the area before the bats around his torso, two spare clips for a heavy pistol,
begin to attack takes an Agility Test at a some other personal gear according to the situation
disadvantage , as the whole ground is slick with and a small blade in his left boot.
When the characters head into the direction Henry
came from, use 15# A Carcass in the Darkness (The
12# Unnerving Relief bodies of adventurers) as the over-next encounter.
One wall is covered from floor to ceiling in a relief
that shows something that is hard to grasp. It looks
like hundreds of writhing forms, dotted with tiny 15# A Carcass in the Darkness
stone marbles and engraved with irregular cavities,
that snake and wind along and above another, that The characters will find one or more dead bodies
swallow each other... or do they regurgitate? While (d6).
the forms and patterns are highly complex the work
itself looks shoddy and somehow unfinished and 1: The half-dissolved mass of a Rogue Shoggoth lies in
unpolished. A character that studies the relief and a pool of its own, foul liquids. The stench is horrible.
passes an Intellect test will gain advantage on the Characters may not get closer to the carcass or cross
Willpower test to avoid Sanity loss in an encounter the area unless they pass a Willpower or Phsyique
with the Shoggoth. test.
HD: 2
Quick Little Beasts: Melee attacks against an Albion Quick Little Beasts: Melee attacks against an Albion
Cave Bat are made at a disadvantage and Difficulty: Cave Bat are made at a disadvantage and Difficulty:
1. Ranged attacks are made at Difficulty: 3. 1. Ranged attacks are made at Difficulty: 3.
Slow Beasts: Any kind of attack against a Pale Slug is The Mi-Go Outpost inside of the Red Mesa
made at an advantage .
100 German Neo-Romantic Starship Names
Acidic Attack: the creatures deal 1d3 damage in 100 Names for Androids & Other Artificials
melee, and each successful attack continues to do 1
point of damage each round if not cleaned off. Once 100 Names for Starships in Private Hands
per combat, a pale slug may make a ranged attack 50 Glitches & Drawbacks for Androids
with an acidic spit (1d6 damage; 2 points of damage
per round afterwards) at up to short range. 50 Names for SciFi Conflicts
50+50+50 Names for Dudes & Dudettes
99 Exotic Sounding Names
99 Names for Giant Mecha & Robots
99 Names for Space Colonies and Fringe Worlds
99 Names for Space Stations
SciFi Ammo Tracker
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