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National NCX-A Manual

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ACCESSORY POWER SUPPLIES 87 MODEL NCX-A MODEL NCX-D | NATIONAL RADIO COMPANY | Scanned by Lynn Bisha W2BSN Courtesy of the Antique Wireless Association’s Museum of Electronic Communications Bloomfield New York NCX-A POWER SUPPLY The NCX-A Power Supply is @ conservatively rated supply capable of providing all necessary power to ‘operate the National NCX-3 transceiver or other sim: ilar equipment. The supply is housed in a eray-hlue perforated cabinet with a front panel matching. the Styling of the NCX.3. Included with the supply is @ 4" <6" oval speaker which is mounted behind the front panel. The supply is equipped with @ power plug and. 3" cable so that it may be connected directly to the NCX-3 transceiver, with no other power or speaker connections required Referring to the schematic diagram, 117 VAC is supplied from the Tine cord through the power supply protection fuse, A. pair of switching leads is con: fected to the NCX:3 through Pins 1 and 2 of the cable and plug. A bridge rectifier using. diodes DI. D2. D3 and DA. swinging choke L1 and the filter capacitors C1 and C2 provide 700 volts de to the final amplifier tubes in the NCX.3. This high-voltage sup- ply is capable of supplying 700 volts at 50 to approxi mately 300 ma, at better than 29% regulation from minimum to maximum load. Tn order to. provide maximum effcieney in the NCX:A supply. the low voltage de is taken from the center tap of the high: voltage winding, The low-voltage de from the center tap is filtered by choke 12 and capacitor C3. It is Hropped_and further filtered hy resistor RS and RO fand it filter capacitor inside the NCX-3 transceiver, This provides 280 volts at 125 ma, at terminal 9 of plug PL. Resistor R8 is a 30,000 ohm bleeder resistor to prevent shock hazard, The output of the bias winding of TL is rectified by sliodes D5 and D6. ‘This rectified output is filtered bythe combination of resistor R7 and capacitor CA and provides 80 volts at approximately 10 ma. for Iiias purposes to terminal 3 of the power plug PL NCX-A SUPPLY RATINGS 117 VAC = 10%, 50.60 cycles/second 1.4 Amperes, 140 Watts receive 37 Amperes, 365 Watts CW transmit OUTPUT: High Voltage 700 VDC at 50 to 300 ma. Low Voltage 280 VDC at 125 ma, Bias Voltage 80 VDC at 10 ma, DIMENSIONS. BY" wide x 64%” high x 12” deep on 11%" feet. WEIGHT 24, pounds INPL NCX-D POWER SUPPLY The NCXD Power Supply is a transistorized self: oscillating DC to DC converter employing automatic reverse polarity protection and automatic short-circuit protection. ‘The NCX-D supplies 700 vide, 280 .vde, and —80 vde voltages from a 12 vde positive or nega: five ground power source Referring to the schematic diagram, QL and Q2 are 2NISI6 transistors operating in a self-oscillating citenit to supply 12 VAC power to the primary of the transformer. The power supply oscillator runs at 1 frequeney of 200 cycles per second instead of the tusal 400 cycles thus minimizing the annoying: whine dften associated with this type of power supply. Power is supplied to this transistor-osclator cireuit through contacts of the relay K1. The coil of the relay KV is Supplied with power when +12 v is applied through diode DI in series with the relay coil, TF the supply voltage is reverse connected to the NCX.D, diode DT will not conduct. Thus, relay KI cannot close and the power supply is protected against accidental reverse polarity The high voltage secondary. supplies power to a voltage doubling cireuit consisting of diodes D2, D3. 19 and M10 and filter eapacitors C2 and C3. "This cireuit provides 700 vde at 300 ma. to terminal 9 of the terminal hoard. Resistor R3 isa bleeder resistor across capacitors C2 and C3. The low voltage winding of the transformer sup: ilies power to a bridge rvetifier consisting, of diodes DIDS. D6 and D7. The output of this bridge rect fier. filtered hy the combination of LT and C4 sup- plies 280 vde at 125 ma. to terminal 8 of the tecminal hoard. Power supplied by the bias winding is reeti fied by diode D8 and filtered hy eapacitor C5 to sup. ply — 80 vde at approximately 10 ma. to terminal Bf the power supply terminal hoard. Terminal board tonneetion 3 is @ common Tead which provides a fzround return for each of the above-mentioned supply voltages INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The NCX-D power supply is furnished with four 10/32 threaded mounting holes on cach of two sides cof the power supply. The supply is rated for full power output at a maximum ambient temperature of 140° F, {60° C.). ‘The NCX-D may be mounted in many locations inthe sutomobile, such as in the trunk, under the seat, against the firewall or under the dash. An extremely convenient location for the NCK-D is atop or alongside the steering column, secured by means of radiator clamps around the column and attached to the 10/32 mounting holes in the supply Consideration should be given to the distance of the NCX-D supply from the battery terminals, Table 1 lists various recommended wire sizes which may be used to supply 12 v power to the NCX-D supply. This table also. gives the voltage drop-per-foot for both cables when the NCX-D supply is running at full power capacity. The power supply may be located some distance from the transmitter or transceiver since the remote switehing leads do not carry full primary de power to the supply. Since each installation varies depending upon the automobile, the location of the supply, and the opera tor’s preferences, it is not practical to supply a wired ceable'to connect the NCX-D supply to its transmitter or transceiver load. Figure 3 shows the connections necessary to supply power to the NCX:D supply, and from the NCX:D supply to the NCX-3 transceiver. A connection from terminal 6 of the supply to pin 4 of the power plug should only he used if the automobile battery has a negative ground. If your automotive system has a positive ground, a lead from pin 4 of the power plug should be run to pin 4 of the NCX-D supply.” This is shown in the alternate dotted line conncetion for positive ground power sources, as well as the necessary jumper from the grounded input ter ‘minal to common ground on the harrier strip. NCX-D 794” wide x 44" high x 5%" deep WEIGHT 5 pounds ALL READILY AVAILABLE RESISTORS AND CAPACI NCX-D SUPPLY RATINGS INPUT: 120. volts at 5 amperes — receive ft 28 amperes — CW trans OUTPUT: High Voltage — 700 vde at 50 to 300 ma. Low Voltage — 280 vde at 125 ma, Bias Voltage — —80 vde at 10 ma. FUSES A momentary short circuit of the 700 volt outpt cau the NCLD power supply te sop vail, Nahar wil be done't the weet Normal operation weil acege when the short cutis removed." Tn ad {Won the 280" volt output and the 80 volt eutpt circuits are fused by #43 panel lamps. Momentary short civeuit of either of these outputs wll reult fatlre of U1 or L2. Thee lamps ay be replaced by rer hep cov of Ge ERD cp The cry poe int of the NCX-D supply protected vn dow blow primary power fuser type MDX-40, Bo not replace with other than the recommended typ. TABLE 1 VOLTAGE DROP/FOOT (CABLES) - 019 aso = ose y 0.076 nray TORS ARE OMITTED FROM THE FOLLOW. ING PARTS LIST, BUT ARE COMPLETELY IDENTIFIED ON THE SCHEMATIC. PARTS LIST NCX-A POWER SUPPLY NCX.D POWER SUPPLY PART PART. DESCRIPTION NUMBER DESCRIPTION NUMBER Plug, Jones, Female onze 2NSS4 Transistor Stetin Relief Bushing” AS08021 -BNISIB Transistor s Capacitor, Eleeteoltie, 40 afd C1587 Transformer, Trantor Power ‘Bsoo12 450" VDCW Reiter Silicon, 400 PIV. Capacitor, Bletrlytc, 0 afd coms ‘Slniar to INU90 180° VDCW Tubular Relay, 12 VDC sons Capacitor, Fleralyie. 80. afd Cronts ——Bwe 40. Ampere = ‘A50017 350) VDCW Tubular Fuse Holder AS0018 Face Holder - Resistor, 3 chim, 10- wate 851093 Traneformer, Power = Revisor, 100" ohn. 5 watt 51092 Choke, Swinging Terminal, 12 VDC Reed ASOp21-1 Choke, Fiker ‘Terminal, 12. VDC Black 2 50021 2 Rectier, Silicon, 10) IV Terminal rip, Barcier : 30506 ‘Similar to IN2859 Capucttor, Electeaytiy 40 wl 3001521 Rectifier Silicon, 500 PIV 450° VDC Tabula ‘Sinar t0 INS Capacitor. Electrol - 1500152 Resistor, 7300 chm, 3. w © 10% BITA36.13, 4380 VDC Tabiar esintor, 30,000 ahi, 5 w = 105% BIH361$ Capacitor, Bletralyte, 10 afd : Bs00153 Resistor, 350 ohms. 10'w + 109% BrTa36.1 150 VDC. Tabutr Vine. Coed 18221325 Capacitor, Fletrfytic, 50 ald Bs08154 Cable, 8 — "Conductor 5877 33" ve Front’ Panel, Complete DSO8I52 Heat Sink, Transistor - A30022 Speaker. 6” oval C2 Gree, NEXD ‘Bs0923 Cabinet, Complete ‘D508708 Cover, NCX D Sugpiy — S092 Foot, Extension ‘ASRS Fetminal Boord, NOCH Suiy 50925 Foot, Ruber ‘ASKS 126V INPUT POWER COM WTR SWITCH GND (GND) WTR 80 260 760 (GND) VOLTS FOR NEGATIVE BATTERY GROUND ‘USE TERMINAL 6(BOLD LINE CONN) OF NCXD SUPPLY FOR HEATER SUPPLY WHEN THE NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMI- NAL_1S_ GROUNDED. FOR POSITIVE BATTERY GROUND USE TERMINAL 4 (DOTTED LINE CONNECTION]OF NCx 0 SUPPLY FOR HEATER SUPPLY WHEN POSITIVE BATTERY TERMINAL 1S GROUNDED. 4700¥_sHiVv to ST HEATER owns we SwiTon -soveuss [% To sPxR 5 2 an § zt jecove+ | g z ae ° . TO SPKR: CONNECTOR ENO. (WIRES ENTERING FROM REAR) Figure 3. NCX-D Wiring Connections

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