Implementing Secure Routable GOOSE and SV Messages Based On IEC 61850-90-5
Implementing Secure Routable GOOSE and SV Messages Based On IEC 61850-90-5
Implementing Secure Routable GOOSE and SV Messages Based On IEC 61850-90-5
11, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2971011
ABSTRACT Next generation power systems are active networks that handle two-way power flow. They
are equipped with extensive communication capabilities to perform dynamic monitoring, protection and
control operations. Synchrophasors provide a pseudo real-time representation of grid’s current state. Phasor
Measurement Units (PMU) placed in different parts of the grid periodically collect synchrophasor data. Then,
they send it to a Phasor Data Concentrator (PDCs) through Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS). The
entire system formed as PMU Communication Network (PMU-CN) is based on two available frameworks:
IEEE C37.118.2 and IEC 61850-90-5. As New York Blackout of 2003 showed that accurate and timely
delivery of phasor measurements is vital for secure grid operation. Attacks on PMU-CN may lead to
several consequences in the grid and cause physical damage. IEEE C37.118.2 does not specify any security
mechanism to mitigate security attacks. To address this gap, security mechanism specified in IEC 61850-
90-5 have been implemented using OpenSSL library. A novel toolbox called R-GoSV has been developed
to construct PMU messages with cybersecurity mechanisms. Thanks to this tool, custom messages have
been transmitted in the network to investigate their effectiveness. Finally, the performance evaluation of the
specified security algorithms in terms of computational time sis carried out.
INDEX TERMS Cyber security in wide area monitoring system (WAMS), routable-generic object-oriented
substation event (R-GOOSE), routable-sample values (R-SV), IEC 61850-90-5, OpenSSL library.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
26162 VOLUME 8, 2020
T. S. Ustun et al.: Implementing Secure Routable GOOSE and SV Messages Based on IEC 61850-90-5
reconnaissance, Man-In-The-Middle (MITM), replay and and R-SV messages which can be transmitted in insecure
Denial of Service (DoS), demonstrated in literature were wide area public network [18]. To ensure the security of R-
proven to compromised synchrophasor communication based GOOSE and R-SV, the security mechanisms recommended
on IEEE C37.118.2 framework [6]–[9]. Authors in [6] anal- in IEC 61850-90-5 standard are implemented in the session
yses the impact of Black Energy malware which involved layer. The developed R-GoSV toolbox can be used to generate
in several major cyber-attacks including coordinated DDoS secure R-GOOSE and R-SV messages which can be further
attack on Georgia’s finance, military and government agen- utilized for performing different tests and evaluating different
cies, fraudulent bank transactions and the Ukraine power grid. security mechanisms.
Different security vulnerabilities of IEEE C37.118.2 com- Rest of the paper is organized as follows: section
pliant PMU communication is documented in [7]. Node 2 describes about synchrophasor communication. Section 3
authentication vulnerabilities have been documented and a outlines the popular two communication frameworks: IEEE
certificate-based solution is developed in [8]. The impact of C37.118.2 and IEC 61850-90-5. Section 4 gives implemen-
data integrity attacks on the system and how wrong decisions tation details of the security mechanism specified in IEC
such as triggering protection elements based on falsified data 61850-90-5. It also reports Wireshark captures of the gen-
causes a major loss have been documented in [9]. The vul- erated secure R-GOOSE and R-SV packets. Finally, section
nerability of IEEE C37.118.2 compliant PMU against DoS 5 concludes the paper.
attack has been shown in [10]. Tests have been performed
by flooding legitimate and forged packets to PMUs and II. SYNCHROPHASOR COMMUNICATION
checking their unresponsiveness. In PMU networks high time Smart grid requires Information and Communication Tech-
synchronization is achieved through GPS, but GPS spoofing nologies (ICT) to perform monitoring, control and protection
attack may hamper it [11]. GPS spoofing may cause major operations effectively. Synchrophasor technology play cru-
damage to the system such as unintentional tripping of power cial role in this regard. It includes IEDs such as PMUs, PDCs
generators [12]. As IEEE C37.118.2 framework does not and a platform WAMS to perform the task. Synchrophasors
specify transport layer protocol to be used for transmission of are measurement values of electrical quantities captured at
synchrophasors, it has security impacts on TCP and UDP pro- different parts of the grid. They are complex representation of
tocols in transport layer communication among synchropha- sinusoidal voltage and current having magnitude and phase
sors and phasor data concentrators [13]. False data injection angle with timestamp synchronized with common precise
attacks and DoS attacks on TCP and UDP transport layer time source [19]. Hence, PMUs are connected to Global
protocols can be performed in Wide Area Monitoring and Positioning Systems (GPS) clocks or GPS antenna. GPS
Control (WAMC) system [14], [15]. time stamp provides higher accuracy and universal time.
To address the cybersecurity issues in synchrophasor com- Geographically located PMUs periodically measures from
munication, a new framework for synchrophasor data com- different parts of the grid and sends these measurements
munication based on IEC 61850 standard was developed. to PDCs. The data fed to the PDCs can be used to view
IEC 61850 is a default standard for substation automation near real time snapshot of a grid and perform post incident
system in a smart grid. It offers time critical protocols such analysis in case of blackouts [20]. Figure 1 describes about
as Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) and WAMS structure where PMUs collects phasor measurement
Sample Value (SV) and information modelling based on and send to substation PDC, substation PDC forwards data
logical nodes to achieve interoperability among Intelligent to regional PDCs. Regional PDCs gather data from different
Electronic Devices (IEDs) developed by different vendors PMUs, combines data according to timestamps Further, then
within a substation. To achieve compatibility between syn- forwards to central controller PDC via Wide Area Network
chrophasor data transfer based on IEEE C37.118.2 with IEC (WAN). Generally, PDCs have local storage and verification
61850 substation automation standard, IEC 61850-90-5 was facility along with application functions.
introduced [5]. It has additional security features and speci- PMU operates in two modes: command and spon-
fies Hash based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) for taneous. In command mode, PMU communication with
message authentication. In [16] authors developed a gateway local or regional PDC is bi-directional and unicast in nature
and protocol converter for exchanging IEEE C37.118.2 and where PDC can send command signals to PMU to control
IEC 61850-90-5 synchrophasor data. However, in [16] cyber- its operation. Whereas in spontaneous mode, PMU commu-
security features were not considered. In [17], in addition nication with PDC is unidirectional and multicast in nature.
to IEC 61850-90-5 security features a Group Domain of PDC can receive synchrophasor from multiple PMUs or from
Interpretation (GDOI) mechanism based on key distribution regional PDCs to control center PDC. It accumulates data
technique is proposed to secure IEC 61850-90-5 synchropha- and send as one output stream. As shown in the Figure 1,
sor data communication. The main idea behind the theme is synchrophasor data is transmitted over an insecure public
to secure the synchrophasor communication by refreshing a WAN. The accumulated data at control center is used in
secret key periodically. visualization, monitoring, control and protection operations.
In this paper, a new toolbox called R-GoSV has been devel- IEEE C37.118.2 communication framework is used to trans-
oped using openSSL library that generates secure R-GOOSE mit data in WAN. As IEEE C37.118.2 doesn’t specify any
FIGURE 4. Protocol stack for PMU communication via wide area network
and local area network.
Figure 6. IP header fields consists of version, Type of Service UDP data fields are further extended with session layer
(ToS), Total length, Identification, Fragment offset, Time to related fields. Each data packet generated at session layer
live, protocol, header checksum, source and destination IP is treated as Session Protocol Data Unit (SPDU). According
addresses. Version field is of 1-byte that represents Internet to session protocol structure as shown in the Fig. 5, SPDU
protocol version either 4 or 6. In this implementation we starts with Session Identifier (SI), Length Identifier (LI) of
consider IPv4. Type of Service (ToS) field is 1-byte size and SI, Common session header as PI with value 0×80, Length
represents IP precedence and differentiated code point. Total Identifier (LI) of Common header and Parameter Value (PV).
length field is 2 bytes size which consists of the total length According to IEC 61850-90-5, SI has four possible val-
of IP header fields plus UDP Segment length which includes ues: 0×A0 (Tunneled GOOSE and Sampled Value packets),
UDP header and data. Identification field is 2 bytes size which 0×A1 (Non-Tunneled GOOSE Application Protocol Data
represents unique identification of each packet to be transmit- Units (APDUs)), 0×A2 (Non-Tunneled SV APDUs), 0×A3
ted in the network. Flags and Fragment Offset field is 2 bytes (Non-tunneled management APDUs). Further, PV consists
size deals with the issues related to packet fragmentation and of SPDU Length, SPDU Number, Version Number, Time of
defragmentation. Current Key, Time of Next Key, Security Algorithm and Key
Time to live field is 1-byte size represents the lifetime of ID. As shown in the Figure 7, SPDU Length is 4 bytes size
packet in the network. Protocol field is 2 bytes size represents and consists of total length starting from SPDU Number to
the protocol used in the data field of IP packet. In our imple- HMAC field. SPDU Number is 4 bytes size which represents
mentation we have considered it User Datagram Protocol unique identification of session packet and to detect duplica-
(UDP) as transport layer protocol. Header Checksum field is tion in packet at the destination device.
2 bytes to handle errors in the IP header fields. Source and Version Number is 2 bytes that represent session protocol
Destination IP addresses are 4 bytes size each and represents version number, which is 1 in this case. In IEC 61850-90-5,
the address of source and destination devices in the network security information is provided by KDC (Key Distribu-
where to where the packet should be traveled. UDP segment tion Center) protocol. Security information such as Time of
consists of Source and Destination fields, Length, Checksum Current Key, Time of Next Key are 4- and 2-bytes sizes
fields followed by UDP data fields. Source and Destination respectively. Time of Current Key is the time the present
port fields are 2 bytes each representing port numbers of key being used by the communicating devices whereas Time
source and destination devices on the network in which UDP of Next key is the time period between old and s new keys
connection is established. Length field is 2 bytes size consists being used in the encryption and authentication. Security
of total length of UDP segment which includes UDP header Algorithm field is 2 bytes size and represents the type of
and data. Checksum field is 2 bytes size for error checking of encryption algorithm such as AES256-GCM and the type
UDP header. of Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC) algorithm
Figure 8 shows a testbed where computers are connected
to a router via two different LANs. Laptop computer1 in
LAN1 runs R-GoSV toolbox and sends into the network and
laptop computer 2 is LAN2 runs Wireshark sniffer tool that
captures generated packets.
R-GoSV software tool generates IEC 61850-90-5
R-GOOSE and R-SV packets with full stack of IP, UDP,
Session layer followed by GOOSE and Sample Value Data.
FIGURE 7. Session layer fields of IEC 61850-90-5. Figures 9 and 10 shows the R-GOOSE and R-SV packets
captures. Wireshark shows all the require fields staring from
ethernet, IP, UDP and Session headers. Security Algorithms
field consists of zero values indicating that there is no encryp-
such as HMAC-SHA256 for message authentication. The tion and no digital signature algorithms were implemented
most significant byte is used for representing encryption to either R-GOOSE or R-SV packets. Hence the length of
algorithm whereas least significant byte is used for message HMAC field also contains zero value.
authentication algorithm. As shown in the Figures 6 and 7, secure R-GoSV software
Key ID field is 4 bytes length that represents unique library first construct R-GOOSE and R-SV packets by adding
identification of key generated by KDC. After this session headers of ethernet, IP, UDP and Session layers followed
header information, session user information fields consist of by constructing GOOSE or SV frame formats according
payload length, payload and signature fields are encountered. to IEC 61850-8-1 and IEC 61850-9-2 respectively along
Payload length is 4 bytes length which covers session user with implementation of encryption and authentication secu-
information except signature fields as shown in the Fig. 7. rity algorithms at session layer. Authors have implemented
The IEC 61850-90-5 R-G OOSE or R-SV payload fields AES256-GCM algorithm for encrypting R-GOOSE or R-SV
consists of payload type, simulation, APPID, APDU length APDU fields and HMAC-SHA-256, with 256-, 128- and
and GOOSE or SV protocols defined by IEC 61850-8-1 and 80-bit truncations, AES-GMAC-128 and AES-GMAC-64 for
IEC 61850-9-2 respectively. IEC 61850-90-5 specifies pay- generating digital signature to achieve message integrity
load types such as 0x81 (Non-Tunneled GOOSE APDU), and authentication. Table 2 lists the size of R-GOOSE and
R-SV messages after appending the authentication signatures 32 bytes. Whereas, the AES-GMAC-64 is comparatively
for different algorithms. Among the different algorithms, small with 8 bytes signature length. Table 2 also shows
HMAC-SHA-256 results in largest size with signature length the computational times required for generating the signa-
FIGURE 11. Wireshark capture of R-GOOSE with IEC 61850-90-5 security specifications.
FIGURE 12. Wireshark capture of R-SV with IEC 61850-90-5 security specifications.
tures for different algorithms. The R-GoSV programs were 61850-90-5 PMU protocols have much higher computational
executed on a system with Intel Celeron(R) processor with power than the relatively old system selected in this paper
4 GB RAM. The latest commercial IEDs supporting IEC [24]. Hence, it can be safely assumed that if the computational
TABLE 2. Communication delays and message size of R-GOOSE and R-SV specifying encryption and authentication as an essential
for different security algorithms.
security requirement. Furthermore, it specifies AES-GCM
algorithm for encryption of data to protect from accessing
by unauthorized party and HMAC algorithm to achieve
message authentication. In this paper, a new toolbox has
been developed by implementing an openSSL library. It
constructs packet format based on IEC 61850-90-5 standard
to transmit GOOSE and SV based on IEC 61850-8-1 and IEC
61850-9-2, respectively. Additionally, it encrypts data using
AES256-GCM algorithm and HMAC-SHA256 for message
authentication. The computational delays experienced for
different security algorithms is analyzed and it is found
the computational delays for all the algorithms is within
the acceptable limits. Real network message exchanges are
TABLE 3. Computational time for encryption/decryption of R-GOOSE and captured in Wireshark sniffer tool.
R-SV. Implementation of encryption and message authenti-
cation algorithms can mitigate data integrity attack so
that it protects the grid from causing huge loss. Fur-
thermore, utilizing the developed R-GoSV toolbox, future
research can be focused to implement security mecha-
nisms to mitigating several types of attacks such as Denial
of Service attacks, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attacks etc.
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European Union Energy Initiative (EUEI). His research interests include
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pp. 1–5. Dr. Ustun is a member of the IEEE 2800 Working Groups and IEC
[16] S. R. Firouzi, L. Vanfretti, A. Ruiz-Alvarez, H. Hooshyar, and F. Mah- Renewable Energy Management Working Group 8. He is an Associate Editor
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value and routed-GOOSE protocols for IEEE C37.118.2 compliant wide- INFORMATICS. He is a reviewer in reputable journals and has taken active roles
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[17] R. Khan, K. Mclaughlin, D. Laverty, and S. Sezer, ‘‘Design and implemen-
tation of security gateway for synchrophasor based real-time control and
monitoring in smart Grid,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 11626–11644, 2017. SHAIK MULLAPATHI FAROOQ (Member,
[18] R-GoSV. Accessed: Feb. 2, 2020. [Online]. Available: IEEE) received the B.Tech. and M.Tech. degrees
61850security/R-GoSV in computer science engineering from Jawahar-
[19] M. S. Almas, L. Vanfretti, R. S. Singh, and G. M. Jonsdottir, ‘‘Vulner- lal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad,
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Sep. 2018. Vemana University, Kadapa, India. He was a
[20] R. Pourramezan, Y. Seyedi, H. Karimi, G. Zhu, and M. Mont-Briant, Visiting Researcher with the Fukushima Renew-
‘‘Design of an advanced phasor data concentrator for monitoring of dis- able Energy Institute, AIST (FREA), Japan, from
tributed energy resources in smart microgrids,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., September 2018 to December 2018. He is also
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[21] Communication Networks and Systems for Power Utility Automation— tems Engineering, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College (Autonomous),
Part 9-2: Specific Communication Service Mapping (SCSM)— Tirupati, India. His research interest includes cryptography, cyber physical
Sampled Values Over ISO/IEC 8802-3, Standard IEC 61850-9-2:2011, systems, cybersecurity in vehicular networks, and power systems.
[22] IEC Standard for Communications Networks and Systems for Power
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(SCSM)—Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engi-
8802-3, Standard IEC 61850-8-1-2011, 2011.
neering from Jamia Millia Islamia (a central
[23] S. M. Farooq, S. M. Hussain, S. Kiran, and T. S. Ustun, ‘‘Certificate
university), New Delhi, India, in 2018. He is
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currently an AIST Postdoctoral Researcher with
61850 and IEEE WAVE standards,’’ Electronics, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 96,
2016. the Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST
[24] Data Sheet-SEL 3555 Real Time Automation Controller (RTAC). Accessed: (FREA), Koriyama, Japan. His research interests
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[25] G. Li, J. Wu, L. Guo, J. Li, and H. Wang, ‘‘SDN based dynamic and curity in power systems, substation automation
autonomous bandwidth allocation as ACSI services of IEC61850 commu- systems, IEC 61850 standards, electric vehicle
nications in smart grid,’’ in Proc. IEEE Smart Energy Grid Eng. (SEGE), integration, and smart grid.
Oshawa, ON, Canada, Aug. 2016, pp. 342–346. Dr. Hussain was a recipient of the IEEE Standards Education Grant
[26] S. M. S. Hussain, M. A. Aftab, and I. Ali, ‘‘IEC 61850 modeling of approved by the IEEE Standards Education Committee for implementing
DSTATCOM and XMPP communication for reactive power manage- project and submitting a student application paper from 2014–2015. He is
ment in microgrids,’’ IEEE Syst. J., vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 3215–3225, a Guest Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS.
Dec. 2018.