Power System Reliability Evaluation With SCADA Cybersecurity Considerations
Power System Reliability Evaluation With SCADA Cybersecurity Considerations
Power System Reliability Evaluation With SCADA Cybersecurity Considerations
Abstract—As information and communication networks are concerning the SCADA system is of vital importance [2].
highly interconnected with the power grid, cyber security of As the open Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system Protocol (TCP/IP)-based protocol is being developed
has become a critical issue in the electric power sector. By
exploiting the vulnerabilities in cyber components and intruding and deployed between the SCADA and other networks of
into the local area networks of the control center, corporation, the power system, more effective cybersecurity policies are
substations, or by injecting false information into communica- urgently needed. For instance, secure tunnels are required for
tion links, the attackers are able to eavesdrop critical data, power utilities, which are responsible for providing secure
reconfigure devices, and send trip commands to the intelligent control and management to their substation automation
electronic devices that control the system breakers. Reliability
of the power system can thus be impacted by various cyber systems [3]. However, improvement of the cybersecurity
attacks. In this paper, four attack scenarios for cyber compo- is a challenging task. The power system is composed of
nents in networks of the SCADA system are considered, which complicated physical components, and the ICT in power
may trip breakers of physical components. Two Bayesian attack systems has evolved into a highly intertwined network, which
graph models are built to illustrate the attack procedures and is remote access enabled and Ethernet-based. In addition,
to evaluate the probabilities of successful cyber attacks. A mean
time-to-compromise model is modified and adopted considering a number of vulnerabilities can be found in the standard
the known and zero-day vulnerabilities on the cyber compo- communication protocols of the power system, including
nents, and the frequencies of intrusions through various paths distributed network protocol (DNP) 3.0 and International
are estimated. With increased breaker trips resulting from the Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61850 [4].
cyber attacks, the loss of load probabilities in the IEEE reliability The security of the cyber networks is severely threatened
test system 79 are estimated. The simulation results demonstrate
that the power system becomes less reliable as the frequency of by vulnerabilities in the cyber components [5]. By exploiting
successful attacks on the cyber components increases and the either known or zero-day vulnerabilities [6] of cyber com-
skill levels of attackers increase. ponents in networks such as local area networks (LANs) of
Index Terms—Bayesian attack graph model, critical the SCADA control center, corporation, substation automa-
infrastructure protection, cyber-physical systems, cyber tion systems, or communication links between the control
security, power system reliability, supervisory control and center and substations, critical cyber components in the net-
data acquisition (SCADA) system. works can be manipulated. For instance, the root control
of the human machine interface (HMI) in the substation
I. I NTRODUCTION LAN can be gained by remotely penetrating into a substa-
HE INFORMATION and communication technol- tion LAN. Intruders may also inject false data into or modify
T ogy (ICT) is being more widely deployed by the
modern power grid [1]. Since the power system relies on
data on the communication links. The unauthorized trip signals
and reconfiguration messages can be specified on the intruded
the control and monitoring functions of the supervisory components, which may then isolate corresponding transmis-
control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, cybersecurity sion lines and generators [7], [8]. The complicated cascading
events may thereafter be triggered and exacerbate the opera-
Manuscript received April 14, 2014; revised August 28, 2014 and tion of power systems [9]. Thus, it is of importance to evaluate
December 18, 2014; accepted January 20, 2015. Date of publication the impact of cyber attacks on the power systems.
February 16, 2015; date of current version June 18, 2015. This work was
supported by the National Science Foundation under Award ECCS1128594 Vulnerabilities of cyber networks in the power system are
and Award ECCS1128512. Paper no. TSG-00320-2014. being evaluated for quantifying their impact. Petri nets are
Y. Zhang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer used in [10] and [11] for the vulnerability evaluation. In [10],
Science, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 USA.
L. Wang and Y. Xiang were with the Department of Electrical Engineering a vulnerability assessment framework is proposed by utilizing
and Computer Science, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606 USA. They the Petri net-based firewall and password models as protec-
are now with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, tion schemes. In [11], cyber-physical attacks against the smart
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53211 USA (e-mail:
l.f.wang@ieee.org). grid are modeled using a hierarchical method, which com-
C.-W. Ten is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, bines several small Petri nets of cyber and physical domains.
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 USA. In [8], by constructing a cyber-to-physical bridge, the cyber
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. attack vectors and the reliability effects on the power grid are
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2015.2396994 quantified and examined.
1949-3053 c 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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Several metrics have been proposed to quantify the impacts attack paths on the cyber networks of the SCADA system
of cyber attacks on the SCADA system. For instance, in [12], are discussed in Section II. In Section III, the background
an attack tree model is built, and potential attack scenarios knowledge on the MTTC model is briefly reviewed. In
are constituted by combining different attack leaves. In [13], Sections IV and V, two modified Bayesian attack graph mod-
a strategy of the quantitative risk reduction estimation was els and the MTTC models are described and analyzed. In
performed for the CS60 SCADA control system. The risk is Section VI, by using the attack graph and MTTC models, the
assessed by evaluating the mean time needed for a successful time intervals of successful attacks targeting various cyber net-
cyber attack on the SCADA system, and the risk is reduced works are calculated. Also, the loss of load probability (LOLP)
by patching the components and decreasing the number of values for IEEE reliability test system 79 (RTS79) [19] are
vulnerabilities. In [3], a testbed is built by simulating the pro- derived based on the MCS with the updated available inter-
cesses of cyber attacks in the control center and substations. vals of physical components, and this paper is concluded in
And by assigning various ratios to the cyber and power risk, Section VII.
a risk metric is defined to evaluate the relationship between
the occurrence of cyber attacks and the resulting impact on
the power service.
Cyber attacks have brought severe impacts to the power A. Architecture of the Cyber Network in the SCADA System
system. As a result, there are more uncertain factors which Fig. 1 illustrates a defense-in-depth security architecture of
may affect the reliability of the cyber-physical power system. cyber networks in the SCADA system.
For instance, the change of the network topology of the The SCADA system in the power system is used to monitor
power system will impact the flow, and the risk of the sys- and control distributed components from the control center to
tem may be increased [14]. A number of evaluations have substations. At the same time, the status information measured
been performed based on the characteristics of the physical from the substations is transmitted to the control center. By
system, but very limited quantitative work has been conducted collecting the field information, transferring it to the central
on the impacts brought by the cyber attacks on the power computer facility, and displaying the information to the opera-
system. In this paper, a mean time-to-compromise (MTTC) tor through the HMI, the SCADA system enables the operator
model [15] is extended and used to estimate the time inter- to monitor or control the entire power system in the control
vals for successfully intruding cyber components in control center.
networks. Breakers in the substations are then randomly The SCADA system is composed of both hardware and soft-
tripped when the false commands are sent by the penetrated ware. Typical hardware is known as components in the control
cyber components. In order to depict different attack paths, center, such as front end processors (FEP), engineering work-
Bayesian networks (BN) are used for modeling all potential stations, and various servers which can store and process the
attack steps in a network [16]. Two Bayesian attack graph data. The hardware also includes communication equipment
models [17], [18] are modified and used to quantify various such as radio, telephone line, and cable, which can be used as
attack scenarios in the cyber networks of the power system. the communication channels. And the distributed field devices
The first model is suitable for LANs of the control center, reside in the substations, which consist of the remote terminal
corporation, and substations. It is adopted to estimate the prob- units (RTU) and the programmable logic controller (PLC). The
abilities of successful vulnerability exploits to gain the root servers and FEP store and process the information sent from
privileges of control components. Various MTTCs consumed and to the RTUs; and the RTU or PLC controls the process
by execution of exploits are calculated by considering the of the field devices. The communication hardware allows the
ratio of exploits. The second attack graph model is applied information to transmit between the control center and substa-
to evaluate the probability of successful attacks on the com- tions. The software is able to tell the system about the time and
munication links between the control center and substations. information to be monitored, as well as the acceptable range
This model decomposes a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack of the parameter. The intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) in
against the communication links into multiple sub-processes. the substation communicate with the control center. They can
Security countermeasures are implemented in the model to also be polled by the local RTUs, and the collected data from
mitigate the damaging impacts of cyber attacks. And combina- IEDs can be transmitted to the control center [20].
tions of the MTTC consumed in exploiting the vulnerabilities The communication protocols used in the SCADA sys-
of each countermeasure are the time interval of cyber attack tem are different from those in the corporation network.
on the links. Bayesian attack graph models and MTTC model The SCADA system protocols include the Modbus/TCP,
are used to quantitatively estimate the probabilities and aver- EtherNet/IP, and DNP 3.0, and they are widely used in com-
age frequencies of the successful attacks on the target cyber munications between most control devices. However, these
components of the SCADA system. With cyber attacks occur- protocols are designed without adequate security considera-
ring on different scenarios, system breakers are forced to trip, tions. For instance, severe security vulnerabilities are found in
which leads to the prolonged outage of physical components. the Modbus/TCP protocol, and malicious codes such as worms
And the reliability analysis of the power system is performed can be installed in the network if no firewall is considered [20].
using the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). Thus, these protocols are only allowed to be used within the
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. networks of the control center and substations, and they are
A SCADA system network architecture and four types of not allowed to cross into the corporation network.
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In Fig. 1, cyber networks are constituted by the corpora- A hardware firewall is used with an isolated DMZ. The
tion network, primary and backup control center networks, authentication server and the security server are combined in
and 24 substation networks with different degrees of automa- the DMZ of the control center. The authentication server is
tion which are able to communicate with each other. The installed, and this is because separate authentication mech-
control center controls and monitors the operations of a num- anisms should be provided to users of the corporation and
ber of transmission or distribution substations. Intercontrol control center network. Due to the limited security in the
center communication protocols (ICCP) is implemented as communication protocols in the SCADA, authentication is
the communication protocol between two control centers [1]. always forbidden in the remote commands [20]. To resume
DNP 3.0 over TCP/IP is used for communicating control the authentication mechanism in the SCADA system, the
commands and measurements between control centers and authentication server is added, and the process of verifying
substations. The protocol used in the substation is IEC 61850. the user identity is provided for the remote access control.
The cyber security strategy includes policies of firewalls, the The security server is the one with the patch and antivirus
generation of demilitarized zones (DMZ), and the allocation of management [20]. With the security managements in the seg-
intrusion detection systems (IDS) along with effective security mented DMZ, the controlled and secure updates of the traffic
policies [20]. The policies of the firewalls in this architecture can be provided to the control center. The malware which
are strict to both communications in and out of the control attempts to intrude into the control centers may be dif-
system. For instance, inbound information to the control center ferent from those in the corporation network, and efficient
should be blocked, and all communications to the devices in antivirus products can be selected for the control center
the control center should go through the DMZ. Also, outbound protection.
communication through the firewall should be limited to the The equipment in the DMZ such as DNS servers and web
crucial information. As security requirement is the highest on servers are able to receive requests from external networks,
the control center network, countermeasures with the highest while the firewall of the corporation LAN allows the network
strength are taken within it. to receive only requested data from the external networks.
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to intrude into the HMI and obtain its root privilege if he A. BN and Attack Graph
is able to successfully intrude into the substation LAN 1. Attack graphs represent the dependences among vulnerabil-
The HMI provides the operation and supervision of the ities and potential sequences of attacks [17]. It is a directed
substation [23], thus the attacker is able to directly send the graph composed of predefined nodes as vertices, and the
trip commands to the IEDs when the HMI is controlled. Some directed relationships as edges. The BN are widely used to
malicious data traffic can be prevented from flowing into the model the attack graphs in a probabilistic manner, which
substation LAN if the firewall is well configured. However, is effective in quantifying the process and impacts of cyber
malicious packets disguised as regular packets are allowed to attacks [18]. BN is composed of a pair G, N, where G rep-
flow into the network by following the firewall rules. resents a direct graph, N is a set of parameters in the network.
LAN 2 deploys a more complicated and secure architec- ai and aj , which are nodes in the networks, are connected
ture by separating the substation network into two virtual by a directed edge. It indicates the value of aj is influenced
LAN (VLAN)-based substation networks [22]. An Ethernet by the value of ai . It is considered ai is the parent of aj .
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that an attacker is able to execute each exploit independently, CPT TABLES OF THE E XPLOIT AND THE C ONDITION
and it is denoted as p(vi |Si = T, Ni = T, Li = T) [17].
For the known vulnerabilities, p(vi |Si = T, Ni = T, Li = T)
denotes the probability of the successful execute on each
exploit when preconditions are satisfied. Since this probability
requires the intrinsic difficulty of exploiting the vulnerability,
CVSS scores are used to reflect the nature severity levels of the
vulnerabilities [25]. Since the CVSS score ranges from 0 to 10,
in order to normalize the values of the probabilities, it is
assumed that the probability of successful independent exploit
is obtained by
CVSS(vi )
p(vi |Si = T, Ni = T, Li = T) = (2)
where CVSS(vi ) is the score of the vulnerability which
evaluates different configurations of the network.
Since various services are available to the communication
among components in the LANs of SCADA system, it is
assumed that the scores of known vulnerabilities are ran-
domly distributed, which implies a random CVSS(vi ) score
is calculated and given to p(vi |Si = T, Ni = T, Li = T).
Although they are discovered by cyber attackers, zero-day
exploits are executed on vulnerabilities not publicly known,
thus it is difficult to find the differences between zero-day
vulnerabilities. With the specific configuration of CVSS met-
rics and scores, a zero-day vulnerability is considered as a spe- achievability of the privilege. These probabilities are randomly
cial vulnerability with an unavailable remediation level, an assigned with values between 0.8 and 1.
unconfirmed report confidence, and the zero-day vulnerability Also, “OR” relationships should be satisfied when the nodes
has neither high nor functional exploitability metric [17]. And are privileges or connection conditions as their preconditions
based on the characteristics of the zero-day vulnerabilities, are one or several vulnerabilities. This relationship is satisfied
the vulnerability metrics are assumed as local AV, high access because privileges or successful connections can be gained
complexity, and multiple authentications [17], the BS of the if any related vulnerabilities are exploited. For instance, the
CVSS is calculated as 0.8. Thus, the exploit of zero-day vul- condition user(1) is reached through the disjunction over the
nerability is assigned with a fixed nominal probability, which exploits Dos, 0, 1 and Exec, 0, 1. With the probability of
is the BS over 10. The probability of successful exploit on successful exploit of each vulnerability leading to its goal
a zero-day vulnerability is condition, the probability that the attacker can successfully
reach the target condition p(c) is calculated with the overall
p vi |Si = T, Ni = T, Li = T = 0.08. (3) probability formula
Preconditions of the vulnerability are considered in the sec-
ond step. The BN-based attack graph is built. Except for the p (ci ) = p ci = T vj · p vj (6)
node representing an initial condition of the graph, a CPT is j=1
developed for each node of the graph and the post-probability
where n indicates the number of the vulnerabilities leading to
is calculated accounting for the CPT [16]. Table I repre-
one target condition ci , which represents a higher privilege in
sents the CPT tables of the condition user(1) and the exploit
the following analysis.
ssh, 1, 2. Since one exploit is able to be executed only if all
In the third step, the probability of a successful exploit
preconditions are satisfied, the “AND” relationships should be
leading to its goal condition is calculated. Each exploit to
satisfied if the node is the exploit to the vulnerability. Thus, the
the vulnerability in the minimal attack sequences is denoted
exploit ssh, 1, 2 is reached by the conjunction over the con-
as p(vi ∧ c), where c is the goal condition. With the total
ditions <1, 2>, user(1), and ssh(2). The probability of known
probability of successful exploit to vulnerability leading to
vulnerability p(vi = T) (or p(vi )) and zero-day vulnerability
the goal condition, a backward traversal is performed from
p(vi ) by considering preconditions are denoted as
the target condition to its preconditions, and the probabili-
CVSS(e) ties of the preconditions (i.e., p(vi )) are estimated. The ratio
p(vi ) = × p(Si ) × p(Ni ) × p(Li ) (4) of each prevulnerability to the target vulnerability is rep-
p vi = 0.08 × p (Si ) × p (Ni ) × p (Li ) (5) resented by assuming the attacker will always choose the
easiest exploit [15]. In this assumption, the probabilities of
where p(Si ), p(Ni ), and p(Li ) indicate the probabilities of avail- n prevulnerabilities to the target vulnerability are sorted in
ability of service, successful connection of two devices, and a descending order. Each probability of the successful exploit
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⎨p (vi = T) × p
(c = T | vi = T), i=1
p (vi ∧ c) = p (vi = T) × i−1j=1 p vj = F
× p (c = T | vi = T, v1 . . . vi−1 = F), 2≤i≤n
(7) The probabilities of successfully achieving the sub-goals
and overall goals also depend on the implementation of secu-
where i indicates different numbers of the prevulnerabili- rity countermeasures. The difficulty of achieving the sub-goals
ties leading to the target vulnerability. Prevulnerabilities that is influenced by the strength of countermeasures Aj . It is
are easier to exploit will have higher probabilities of being applied on various sub-goals Bi on the communication links.
reached. Reaching a sub-goal with the influences of countermeasures
can be quantified as a CPT. It is assumed that known and
B. Bayesian Attack Graph Model of Communication Links zero-day vulnerabilities are randomly given on each coun-
termeasure Aj denoted using blue and red colors. When the
The second Bayesian attack graph model estimates the prob-
conditional probability of the successful attack on the sub-
ability of successful intrusion on communication links [18].
goal is denoted as p(Bi = T|A1, A2 , . . . , An ), the probability
MITM attack is launched to the communication link, thus no
of the successful attack on the sub-goal Bi influenced by its
privilege of the device is needed to reach it. The model is
security countermeasures is
illustrated in Fig. 8 and is composed of three layers. The first
layer is composed of the countermeasures, which is denoted
by Aj . The second layer represents the sub-goals Bi , which p (Bi ) = p Bi = T Aj · p Aj . (9)
are denoted by circle nodes. By bypassing or defeating corre-
sponding countermeasures Aj , the sub-goals are to be reached. It should be noticed that the success of sub-goal Bi is not
The overall goals are composed of the third layer. The sub- only influenced by exploiting vulnerabilities on the counter-
goals Bi leading to their corresponding overall goals need measures Aj , but some sub-goals Bi are also influenced by
to be all successfully reached, so that the overall goal can the success of overall goals Cm . For instance, the sub-goal
be achieved by the intruders. Circle nodes labeled as Cm B7 (i.e., generating a valid new message) is influenced by the
represent the overall goals, which can be quantified as the usages of countermeasures A7 (i.e., signature cryptography)
probability of successful unauthorized operations on the target and A9 (i.e., remote password), as well as the success of over-
communication link. all goal C1 (i.e., eavesdrop messages). This is because the
The middle layer depicts the sub-goals of the attacks, which new information may not be generated correctly if the con-
are composed of sub-processes of the attacks such as accessing tents of messages being transmitted are not eavesdropped and
the network and intercepting the message. The connections analyzed.
between goals and sub-goals are expressed by AND or OR The nodes representing countermeasures, sub-goals, and
relationships. In this model, the overall goal Cm is achieved overall goals are listed in Table II.
through an AND relationship of its sub-goals from B1 to Bn . Only if cyber attacks disrupt the integrity of the data trans-
This is because all sub-goals should be achieved so that the mitted to the IED relays, it may lead to faulty operations of
connected overall goal can be reached. For instance, in order to the system breakers and impact the reliability of the power
achieve C2 , both B2 and B3 should be reached. The probability system. Since eavesdropping and traffic analysis are primar-
of Cm is denoted as follows: ily related to the activities which support the faulty operations
n on the devices rather than the operations for tripping break-
p (Cm = T) = p (Bi = T). (8) ers directly, they are not considered as the ultimate goal of
i=1 the cyber attacks against the communication links. While the
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faulty operations that manipulate state data and reconfigure of vulnerabilities and exploits
the relays are able to trip the circuit breakers, C3 , C4 , and C5 E
are considered as the overall goals of the attack targeting the P 1 = 1 − e−V × S . (11)
communication links.
Since it is assumed that the attackers are familiar with at
least one available exploit and vulnerability, the time con-
V. MTTC E STIMATION OF C YBER ATTACKS ON P OWER sumed by compromising the familiar vulnerability is similar
S YSTEM AND R ELIABILITY A NALYSIS for attackers with different skill levels [15]. As at least one
A. Compromise Time Model of Vulnerabilities exploit of the zero-day vulnerability is directly available to
By considering the severity of the cyber vulnerabilities, the the attackers, the mean time for exploiting the zero-day
modified MTTC model in [15] is applied to estimate the aver- vulnerabilities in the process 1 is also 1 day.
age time interval that one vulnerability can be exploited by Since processes 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive, the proba-
attackers. The actions of intruders can be divided into three bilities that the attacker in process 2 are 1 − P1 and 1 − P1 ,
statistical processes. Process 1 illustrates that the attacker has respectively when the vulnerabilities are known and zero-day
found one or several exploits to one or several identified types. The mean time consumed in process 2 is estimated as
vulnerabilities. In process 2, no exploits are available to the 5.8 days for one attempt of exploit [15], so the mean time in
attacker, although one or several vulnerabilities are identified. process 2 is
It can be found that processes 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive. t2 = 5.8 × ET (12)
In process 3, the attacker found neither vulnerabilities nor
exploits, thus vulnerabilities or exploits are probed in this where ET is the expected frequency of attempts to search
process by attackers. Although process 3 is parallel to the for new exploits, which is influenced by the skill levels of
previous two processes and runs continuously in reality, it is attackers. The expected number of attempts is
assumed that this process occurs when processes 1 and 2 are ⎧ ⎡ ⎤⎫
V−AM+1 i
unsuccessful. ⎣i × V − AM − j + 2 ⎦
ET = k × 1 +
In [15], the probability that an attack is in the process 1, ⎩ V −j+1 ⎭
i=2 j=2
which is represented as P1 , is estimated by the search the-
ory. The search theory has been used in the physical security (13)
systems [26]. The probability that an attack is in process 1 is where AM is the average number of the vulnerabilities needed
estimated as follows: to create or find one exploit. k is the skill level factor, which
P1 = 1 − e−V×E/S (10) is k = AM/V. The proof of (13) can be found in [15], which
identifies ET as a statistical frequency of the exploit attempts.
where V is the number of known vulnerabilities in the compo- A larger value of the skill level factor implies that more vul-
nent being examined. It is assumed that one vulnerability exists nerabilities are exploitable by the attackers. When k becomes
in one service entity, thus the number of reachable services is larger, the associated frequency will decrease. That is because
also V. E is the number of available exploits, it is influenced as k increases, the number of vulnerabilities on the component
by the skill levels of attackers, values of E are set as 50, 150, of interest V is fixed, the average number of the vulnerabili-
250, and 360 when the levels of attackers are novice, beginner, ties needed to create or find one exploit AM will be increased.
intermediate, and expert. These values of E are given to indi- In (13), the value of the vulnerabilities that will not be used
cate the different attack levels, and various values of E may V − AM will be decreased, which makes the number of iter-
be given if more detailed attack levels are needed. S is the ations in (13) decreased dramatically, so that less mean time
total number of vulnerabilities in the target cyber network. will be consumed in the attempts of exploit searching.
Since information on the vulnerabilities in cyber networks In process 2, the time of the successful exploit develop-
of power system is limited, the value of S is hypothesized ment is only influenced by skill levels of attackers. Whether
based on the national vulnerability database. In this paper, S is this vulnerability is known or zero day has no impact on the
assumed to be 7000, which can be updated when the vulner- number of attempts because vulnerabilities are known by the
ability database of power system network becomes available attacker in the process.
with the wider smart grid practices. The mean time of exploit Process 3 continues until new vulnerabilities or exploits
consumed in process 1 is estimated as 1 day in [15] since both are searched. In [15], the occurrence of new vulnerabili-
vulnerabilities and exploits are available. ties or exploits is considered as a constant rate, and the
If no known vulnerabilities are found on the component, mean time between vulnerabilities (MTBV) is estimated as
zero-day vulnerabilities will be searched or exploited by the 30.42 days. Since different types of vulnerabilities are consid-
attacker to access the target device. S indicates the properties ered in this paper, two MTBV values are assumed. The MTBV
of components and database, and the numbers of zero-day of the known vulnerabilities is specified to be 30.42 days
vulnerabilities and exploits are denoted as V and E , respec- and 5.8 days as time intervals of vulnerability and cor-
tively. Since 491 zero-day vulnerabilities are found in [27], responding exploits announcements. More time is needed
with the same skill levels of attackers, values of E are set for discovering zero-day vulnerabilities. Since it is found
as 55, 164, 273, and 393. The probability of exploiting the that the average lifetime of zero-day vulnerabilities is about
zero-day vulnerability is calculated by changing the numbers 130 days, and about half of its lifetime is needed to discover
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new vulnerabilities [15]. Thus, the MTBV of the zero-day sum of portioned MTTC of each exploit leading to the goal
vulnerabilities is extended as 65 days. Since about one month post-condition.
is needed to sell one zero-day vulnerability with correspond- Given the attack graph G(V C) and one goal condition c,
ing proof-of-concept exploit, the mean time of creating an the MTTC of this goal condition is
exploit of zero-day vulnerability is extended to 32 days [17].
vi ∈V T(vi ) · p(vi ∧ c)
Thus, the lifetime of the known vulnerabilities in process 3 is MTTC (c) = (20)
estimated as follows: p(c)
1 where T(vi ) is the MTTC needed on exploiting the vulnera-
t3 = − 0.5 × 30.42 + 5.8. (14) bility vi . p(vi ∧ c) is the probability of successful vulnerability
exploit leading to the goal condition, which is calculated
While the lifetime of zero-day vulnerabilities in process 3 is by (7). p(c) represents the probability that the goal condition
1 is reached successfully [17].
t3 = − 0.5 × 65 + 32 (15) For the LANs of the control center, corporation, and sub-
stations, the MTTC of intruding into the network is the sum
where 1/k indicates the vulnerability rate, which is scaled by
of all MTTCs of goal conditions. Suppose n − 1 goal condi-
V/AM based on the portion of the vulnerability/exploit pairs
tions are needed before the final condition (root privilege) is
used by the attack level [15]. The MTBV is multiplied by 1/k,
reached, the total time needed to control the target component
and subtracted by half in (14) and (15). This is because the
is represented as
fault cycle often starts at its midpoint. And a complete lifetime
of the process 3 is satisfied by adding the mean time to create
the exploit, which are 5.8 days and 32 days for known and MTTC = MTTC cj . (21)
zero-day vulnerabilities.
The overall compromise time is estimated by considering For the attack graph model of the communication links,
the time consumed by all three processes. The time T indi- the MTTC is calculated with a similar approach. In order
cates the average time interval that one known vulnerability is to calculate the MTTC of intrusion targeting the commu-
exploited nication links, the ratio of each exploit to vulnerability on
the countermeasures is also needed. The ratio calculation fol-
T = t1 P1 + t2 (1 − P1 ) (1 − u) + t3 u(1 − P1 ) (16)
lows (9) by substituting vi and c into Aj and Bi . Since the
where t1 , t2 , and t3 are the average values of the processes 1–3. sub-goal Bi is achieved by exploiting vulnerabilities on the
P1 is the probability that the attacker is in process 1. countermeasure Aj , the MTTC for realizing the sub-goal is
u indicates the probability of the unsuccessful process 2. It is
vi ∈V T Aj · p Aj ∧ Bi
denoted as follows: MTTC (Bi ) = (22)
p(Bi )
(1 − k)V V ≥ 1
u= (17) where T(Aj ) is the MTTC of exploiting the known or zero days
1 V=0
vulnerability on the countermeasure Aj . Based on the AND
where V is the number of the known vulnerabilities in the relationship of sub-target Bi and Cm , attackers may reach Cm
examined component, and k is the skill level factor. by exploiting n connected sub-target Bi one-by-one, thus the
The average time interval to exploit one zero vulnerability MTTC of each overall goal is denoted as
is represented as
T = t1 P 1 + t2 1 − P 1 (1 − u) + t3 u 1 − P1 (18) MTTC (Cm ) = MTTC (Bi ). (23)
where 1 indicates the probability that the attacker is in pro-
cess 1 as the vulnerability is the zero-day vulnerability. u is Since any of C3 , C4 , and C5 is able to realize the injection
denoted as of control commands to the substations [18], the least time
spent in reaching one overall goal is used as the MTTC of the
(1 − k)V V ≥ 1
u = (19) attack on communication links.
1 V = 0
where V is the number of the zero-day vulnerabilities in the C. Reliability Analysis
examined component of the network. If cyber attacks successfully intrude into the cyber compo-
nents of the SCADA system, such as HMI in the control center
B. MTTC of Attack Paths in the SCADA System or substations, trip commands can be sent by intruders to IEDs
With the models of MTTC of each vulnerability exploit and in substations and severe impacts may be resulted in, includ-
the attack graph, the MTTCs of the goal conditions in various ing unauthorized or faulty tripping of generators, transmission
networks or links are calculated. Since the initial conditions are lines, and loads. Further, considering the random behavior of
preconditions that have no vulnerabilities to exploit, the MTTC the intruder and the potential isolation action of IDSs, the
of an initial condition is set as zero. The post-conditions are consequence of each cyber attack can be stochastic. In order
goal conditions that can be reached by exploiting correspond- to represent this stochastic consequence, a random number of
ing vulnerabilities, thus the MTTC of a post-condition is the breakers in the target substation are assumed to be tripped
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exploited. The attack path between the intruder (host(0)) and Fig. 11. MTTC of attack on the LAN of the control center.
the application server (host(2)) shows the processes to gain
the root privilege of the application server in the control cen-
ter LAN. Since it is the attack on the control center, zero day
exploits are preferred to prevent being detected. It is assumed
that two zero-day vulnerabilities are exploited in the histo-
rian (host(1)), which are <Dos, 0, 1> and <Exec, 0, 1>. And
one zero-day vulnerability <ssh, 1, 2> is found in the appli-
cation server. The root privileges of the application server can
be obtained by exploiting the vulnerability <bot, 2, 2> to ele-
vated from the user privilege. It is assumed that the exploit
<bot, 2, 2> of the application server is a known vulnerability.
The Bayesian attack graph of the corporation LAN is illus-
trated in Fig. 10. Due to the configuration of the firewall,
the direct communication from the external networks is only
available to the web server (host(1)), thus the attacker should
first execute the exploit <http, 0, 1> on the web server. Then, Fig. 12. MTTC of attack on the LAN of the corporation.
by exploiting the FTP vulnerability, the attacker is able to
breach the FTP server, and access to the database server from
the FTP server. If the second firewall is not well config-
ured, the attacker is able to intrude into the database server
through the web server by exploiting the zero-day database
vulnerability. Thus, there are two paths from the web server
to reach the database server. By calculating the probability
that each exploit (<ftp, 1, 2>, <DB, 2, 3>, and <DB, 1, 3>)
is successfully executed, the MTTC of the intrusion into
the database server user(3) can be estimated. In the attack
sequence, only vulnerability of the database server is assumed
as the zero-day vulnerability, it is because the database server Fig. 13. Bayesian attack graph of substation LAN1.
is isolated and protected, the attacker should look for the
advanced vulnerability to prevent the detection.
The MTTCs taken in reaching the target components of different levels, which are all less than attack intervals on the
the control center and the corporation are illustrated in control center. Although the total number of the exploits of the
Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. In Fig. 11, it is found that attack- corporation LAN is more than exploits in the control center
ers with four levels (novice, beginner, intermediate, and expert) LAN, only a single type of zero-day vulnerability needs to
take about 1039, 401, 163.5, and 44 days in attacking the be exploited. The total MTTC consumed in controlling the
control center LAN. It is observed that as the skill levels of database server is still less than that needed for intruding the
intruders increase, less MTTC of the attack is needed to gain target component of the control center LAN.
access to the root privilege of the application server. The Bayesian attack graph of the substation LAN 1 is illus-
MTTCs of gaining the control privilege with four skill levels trated in Fig. 13. The user privilege can be gained by bypassing
on the database server are illustrated in Fig. 12. Compared one firewall and executing two exploits of the vulnerabilities
with the MTTCs of exploiting the control center LAN, the on the targeted HMI. It is assumed that the executed exploits
MTTCs of intrusion to the corporation are about 734, 289.6, in the HMI are one zero-day exploit < ssh, 0, 1 > and one
120, and 39.3 days respectively needed by attackers of four known day exploit <ftp, 0, 1> respectively.
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Fig. 14. Bayesian attack graph of substation LAN2. Fig. 16. MTTC of attacks on 24 substation LANs.
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ATTACK S CENARIOS ON D IFFERENT N ETWORKS larger than those resulted from attackers with lower skill levels.
It is illustrated in Fig. 18 that all LOLP values represented by
the green line are larger than those represented by the yellow
line. This indicates that attackers with higher skill levels will
bring higher risks to the power system. It can also be seen
that LOLP values of the fourth scenario are larger than the
previous three scenarios, which is due to the small MTTCs of
the substations.
In this paper, two modified BN-based attack graph models
are utilized to evaluate the probabilities of successful attacks
on the power system. By considering different cyber attack
paths and skill levels of attackers, MTTCs of successful attacks
against various cyber networks or communication links are
evaluated. It is found that as more known vulnerabilities are
exploited, smaller MTTC is resulted in. Also, less attack time
is needed for attackers with higher skill level. The LOLP
values are simulated by applying the MCS in IEEE RTS79,
where the trips of generators, transmission lines, and loads
are increased due to the influence of increased probabilities of
successful attacks. It can be seen that as a smaller MTTC of
the attack on the target cyber component is needed, the power
system becomes less reliable.
In the future research, more cyber-attack scenarios in the
cyber-physical power system will be considered and analyzed.
More attack targets and countermeasures such as IDS will be
incorporated into the Bayesian and MTTC models and the
integrity of the model will be improved. A more comprehen-
sive and realistic probabilistic model describing the impacts
of cyber attacks will be investigated. Additionally, other fac-
tors that may affect the reliability of the power system will be
analyzed along with the cyber attacks, and their impacts on
the overall system reliability will be evaluated.
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