TR Mchine Operation 1213
TR Mchine Operation 1213
TR Mchine Operation 1213
Section 2 The Competency Standards format was revised to include the Required
Knowledge and Required Skills per element. These fields explicitly state the
required knowledge and skills for competent performance of a unit of
competency in an informed and effective manner. These also emphasize the
application of knowledge and skills to situations where understanding is
converted into a workplace outcome.
Page No.
This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in 5-AXIS
CNC MACHINE OPERATION NC III. These units of competency are categorized into basic,
common and core competencies.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
lead in the effective dissemination and discussion of ideas,
information, and issues in the workplace. This includes
preparation of written communication materials.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Communicate 1.1 Relevant 1.1. Organization 1.1 Organizing
information communication requirements information
about method is selected for written and 1.2 Conveying
based on workplace intended meaning
workplace electronic
procedures 1.3 Participating in a
processes 1.2 Multiple operations communication
variety of workplace
involving several methods
topics/areas are 1.2. Effective verbal
communicated following 1.4 Complying with
enterprise requirements organization
1.3 Questioning is applied requirements for the
to gain extra information 1.3. Business use of written and
1.4 Relevant sources of writing
information are 1.4. Workplace communication
identified in accordance etiquette methods
with workplace/ client
requirements 1.5 Effective business
1.5 Information is selected writing
and organized following 1.6 Effective clarifying
enterprise procedures and probing skills
1.6 Verbal and written 1.7 Effective
reporting is undertaken questioning
when required
1.7 Communication and
negotiation skills are (clarifying and
applied and maintained probing)
in all relevant situations
3. Identify and 3.1 Issues and problems 3.1 Organization 3.1 Organizing
communicate are identified as they requirements for information
issues arising in arise written and 3.2 Conveying intended
3.2 Information regarding electronic meaning
the workplace
problems and issues communication 3.3 Participating in a
are organized methods variety of workplace
coherently to ensure 3.2 Effective verbal discussions
clear and effective communication 3.4 Complying with
communication methods organization
3.3 Dialogue is initiated 3.3 Workplace requirements for the
with appropriate etiquette use of written and
personnel 3.4 Communication
3.4 Communication electronic
problems and communication
problems and issues
are raised as they arise issues methods
3.5 Identify barriers in 3.5 Barriers in 3.5 Effective clarifying
communication to be communication and probing skills
addressed 3.6 Identifying issues
3.7 Negotiation and
1. Methods of May include:
communication 1.1. Non-verbal gestures
1.2. Verbal
1.3. Face-to-face
1.4. Two-way radio
1.5. Speaking to groups
1.6. Using telephone
1.7. Written
1.8. Internet
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Provide team 1.1 Work 1.1 Facilitation of Team 1.1 Communication
leadership requirements are work skills required for
identified and 1.2 Company policies leading teams
presented to team and procedures 1.2 Group facilitation
members based on relating to work skills
company policies performance 1.3 Negotiating skills
and procedures 1.3 Performance 1.4 Setting performance
1.2 Reasons for standards and expectation
instructions and expectations
requirements are 1.4 Monitoring
communicated to individual’s and
team members team’s
based on company performance vis a
policies and vis client’s and
procedures group’s
1.3 Team members’ expectations
and leaders’
concerns are
discussed and
dealt with based on
company practices
2. Assign 2.1. Responsibilities are 2.1 Work plan and 2.1 Communication
responsibilities allocated having procedures skills
regard to the skills, 2.2 Work requirements 2.2 Management skills
knowledge and and targets 2.3 Negotiating skills
aptitude required to 2.3 Individual and 2.4 Evaluation skills
undertake the group expectations 2.5 Identifying team
assigned task and assignments member’s strengths
based on company 2.4 Ways to improve and rooms for
policies. group leadership improvement
2.2. Duties are and membership
allocated having
regard to individual
domestic and
whenever possible
3. Set 3.1 Performance 3.1 One’s roles and 3.1 Communication
performance expectations are responsibilities in skills
the team 3.2 Accurate empathy
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 6
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
expectations for established based 3.2 Feedback giving 3.3 Congruence
team members on client needs and receiving 3.4 Unconditional
3.2 Performance 3.3 Performance positive regard
expectations are expectation 3.5 Handling of
based on individual Feedback
team members
knowledge, skills
and aptitude
3.3 Performance
expectations are
discussed and
disseminated to
individual team
4. Supervise team 4.1 Performance is 4.1 Performance 4.1 Communication
performance monitored based on Coaching skills required for
defined 4.2 Performance leading teams
performance criteria management 4.2 Coaching skill
and/or assignment 4.3 Performance Issues
4.2 Team members
are provided with
feedback, positive
support and advice
on strategies to
overcome any
deficiencies based
on company
4.3 Performance
issues which
cannot be rectified
or addressed within
the team are
referred to
personnel according
to employer policy
4.4 Team members are
kept informed of
any changes in the
priority allocated to
assignments or
tasks which might
impact on
needs and
4.5 Team operations
are monitored to
ensure that
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 7
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
needs and
requirements are
4.6 Follow-up
communication is
provided on all
issues affecting the
4.7 All relevant
documentation is
completed in
accordance with
1. Work requirements May include:
1.1. Client Profile
1.2. Assignment instructions
2. Team member’s May include:
concerns 2.1. Roster/shift details
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to solve problems in the workplace including the application
of problem solving techniques and to determine and resolve
the root cause/s of specific problems in the workplace.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Examine 1.1 Variances are 1.1 Competence 1.1 Using range of
specific examined from includes a analytical techniques
workplace normal operating thorough (e.g., planning,
parameters; and knowledge and attention,
product quality. understanding of simultaneous and
1.2 Extent, cause and the process, successive
nature of the normal operating processing of
specific problem parameters, and information) in
are defined product quality to examining specific
through recognize non- challenges in the
observation, standard situations. workplace.
investigation and 1.2 Competence to 1.2 Identifying extent
analytical include the ability and causes of
techniques. to apply and specific challenges in
1.3 Problems are explain, enough for the workplace.
clearly stated and the identification of
specified. fundamental
causes of specific
1.3 Relevant
equipment and
1.4 Enterprise goals,
targets and
1.5 Enterprise quality
OHS and
1.6 Enterprise
systems and data
1.7 Industry codes and
1. Parameters May include:
1.1 Processes
1.2 Procedures
1.3 Systems
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to work effectively
in a workplace characterized by diversity in terms of
religions, beliefs, races, ethnicities and other differences.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Develop an 1.1 Individual 1.1 Understanding 1.1 Applying cross-
individual’s differences with cultural diversity in cultural
cultural clients, customers the workplace communication
and fellow workers 1.2Norms of behavior
awareness and skills (i.e. different
are recognized for interacting and
sensitivity and respected in dialogue with business customs,
accordance with specific groups beliefs,
enterprise policies (e. g., Muslims and communication
and core values. other non- strategies)
1.2 Differences are Christians, non- 1.2 Showing affective
responded to in a Catholics,
skills – establishing
sensitive and tribes/ethnic groups,
considerate foreigners) rapport and
manner 1.3Different methods of empathy,
1.3 Diversity is verbal and non- understanding, etc.
accommodated verbal 1.3 Demonstrating
using appropriate communication in a openness and
verbal and non- multicultural setting
flexibility in
communication. communication
1.4 Recognizing
diverse groups in
the workplace and
community as
defined by
divergent culture,
religion, traditions
and practices
1. Diversity This refers to diversity in both the workplace and the
community and may include divergence in:
1.1 Religion
1.2 Ethnicity, race or nationality
1.3 Culture
1.4 Gender, age or personality
1.5 Educational background
2. Diversity-related conflicts May include conflicts that result from:
2.1 Discriminatory behaviors
2.2 Differences of cultural practices
2.3 Differences of belief and value systems
2.4 Gender-based violence
2.5 Workplace bullying
2.6 Corporate jealousy
2.7 Language barriers
2.8 Individuals being differently-abled persons
2.9 Ageism (negative attitude and behavior
towards old people)
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to assess general obstacles in the application
of learning and innovation in the organization and to
propose practical methods of such in addressing
organizational challenges.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assess work 1.1. Reasons for 1.1 Seven habits of 1.1 Demonstrating
procedures, innovation are highly effective collaboration and
processes and incorporated people. networking skills.
systems in to work 1.2 Character 1.2 Applying basic
terms of procedures. strengths that research and
innovative 1.2. Models of foster innovation evaluation skills
practices innovation are and learning 1.3 Generating insights
researched. (Christopher on how to improve
1.3. Gaps or barriers Peterson and organizational
to innovation in Martin Seligman, procedures,
one’s work area 2004) processes and
are analyzed. 1.3 Five minds of the systems through
1.4. Staff who can future concepts innovation.
support and foster (Gardner, 2007).
innovation in the 1.4 Adaptation
work procedure concepts in
are identified. neuroscience
(Merzenich, 2013).
1.5 Transtheoretical
model of behavior
DiClemente, &
Norcross, 1992).
1. Reasons May include:
1.1 Strengths and weaknesses of the current systems,
processes and procedures.
1.2 Opportunities and threats of the current systems,
processes and procedures.
2. Models of innovation May include:
2.1 Seven habits of highly effective people.
2.2 Five minds of the future concepts (Gardner, 2007).
2.3 Neuroplasticity and adaptation strategies.
3. Gaps or barriers May include:
3.1 Machine
3.2 Manpower
3.3 Methods
3.4 Money
4. May include:
4.1 Preparation.
4.2 Discussion.
4.3 Clarification of goals.
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome.
4.5 Agreement.
4.6 Implementation of a course of action.
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See our pages: Verbal
Communication and Effective Speaking.
4.8 Listening.
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of effective
4.10 Rapport Building.
4.11 Problem Solving.
4.12 Decision Making.
4.13 Assertiveness.
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to use technical information systems, apply information
technology (IT) systems and edit, format & check information.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Use technical 1.1. Information are 1.1. Application in 1.1. Collating information
information collated and collating 1.2. Operating
organized into a information appropriate and
suitable form for 1.2. Procedures for valid procedures for
reference and use inputting, inputting,
1.2. Stored maintaining and maintaining and
information are archiving archiving information
classified so that information 1.3. Advising and
it can be quickly 1.3. Guidance to offering guidance to
identified and people who need people who need to
retrieved when to find and use find and use
needed information information
1.3. Guidance are 1.4. Organize 1.4. Organizing
advised and information information into a
offered to people 1.5. classify stored suitable form for
who need to find information for reference and use
and use identification and 1.5. Classifying stored
information retrieval information for
1.6. Operate the identification and
technical retrieval
information system 1.6. Operating the
by using agreed technical information
procedures system by using
agreed procedures
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to interpret Occupational Safety and Health
practices, set OSH work targets, and evaluate
effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health work
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Interpret 1.1 OSH work practices 1.1. OSH work 1.1. Communication
Occupational issues are identified practices issues skills
Safety and relevant to work 1.2. OSH work 1.2. Interpersonal skills
Health requirements standards 1.3. Critical thinking
practices 1.2 OSH work standards and 1.3. General OSH skills
procedures are principles and 1.4. Observation skills
determined based on legislations
applicability to nature of
1.4. Company/
work workplace policies/
1.3 Gaps in work practices guidelines
are identified related to1.5. Standards and
relevant OSH work safety
standards requirements of
work process and
2. Set OSH work 2.1 Relevant work 2.1. OSH work targets 2.1. Communication
targets information are gathered 2.2. OSH Indicators skills
necessary to determine 2.3. OSH work 2.2. Collaborating skills
OSH work targets instructions 2.3. Critical thinking
2.2 OSH Indicators based on 2.4. Safety and health skills
gathered information are requirements of 2.4. Observation skills
agreed upon to measure tasks
effectiveness of 2.5. Workplace
workplace OSH policies guidelines on
and procedures providing
2.3 Agreed OSH indicators feedback on OSH
are endorsed for and security
approval from concerns
appropriate personnel 2.6. OSH regulations
2.4 OSH work instructions Hazard control
are received in procedures
accordance with 2.7. OSH trainings
workplace policies and relevant to work
1. OSH Work May include:
Practices Issues 1.1 Workers’ experience/observance on presence of work
1.2 Unsafe/unhealthy administrative arrangements (prolonged
work hours, no break-time, constant overtime, scheduling
of tasks)
1.3 Reasons for compliance/non-compliance to use of PPEs or
other OSH procedures/policies/ guidelines
2. OSH Indicators May include:
2.1 Increased of incidents of accidents, injuries
2.2 Increased occurrence of sickness or health
2.3 Common complaints of workers’ related to OSH
2.4 High absenteeism for work-related reasons
3. OSH Work May include:
Instructions 3.1 Preventive and control measures, and targets
3.2 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous
3.3 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room
and operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
3.4 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace
the machine with a safer one)
3.5 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give
trainings on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related
topics, issue warning signages, rotation/shifting work
3.6 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use safety
guards to machine)
3.7 Use personal protective equipment
3.8 Safety, Health and Work Environment Evaluation
3.9 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of workers
4. OSH metrics May include:
4.1 Statistics on incidence of accidence and injuries
4.2 Morbidity (Type and Number of Sickness)
4.3 Mortality (Cause and Number of Deaths)
4.4 Accident Rate
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place
or in a simulated work place setting
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to interpret
environmental Issues, establish targets to evaluate
environmental practices and evaluate effectiveness of
environmental practices
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Interpret 1.1 Environmental work 1.1 Environmental 1.1. Analyzing
environmental practices issues are Issues Environmental
practices, identified relevant to 1.2 Environmental Issues and
Work Procedures Concerns
policies and work requirements
1.3 Environmental 1.2. Critical thinking
procedures 1.2 Environmental Laws 1.3. Problem Solving
Standards and 1.4 Environmental 1.4. Observation Skills
Procedures nature of Hazardous and
work are determined Non-Hazardous
based on Applicability to Materials
nature of work 1.5 Environmental
required license,
1.3 Gaps in work practices
registration or
related to Environmental certification
Standards and
Procedures are
1. Environmental Practices May include:
Issues 1.1 Water Quality
1.2 National and Local Government Issues
1.3 Safety
1.4 Endangered Species
1.5 Noise
1.6 Air Quality
1.7 Historic
1.8 Waste
1.9 Cultural
2. Environmental Indicators May include:
2.1 Noise level
2.2 Lighting (Lumens)
2.3 Air Quality - Toxicity
2.4 Thermal Comfort
2.5 Vibration
2.6 Radiation
2.7 Quantity of the Resources
2.8 Volume
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to build, operate and
grow a micro/small-scale enterprise.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Develop and 1.1 Appropriate business 1.1 Business models 1.1 Basic bookkeeping/
maintain micro- strategies are and strategies accounting skills
small-medium determined and set for 1.2 Types and 1.2 Communication
enterprise the enterprise based on categories of skills
(MSMEs) skills current and emerging businesses 1.3 Building relations
in the business environment. 1.3 Business with customer and
organization 1.2 Business operations are operation employees
monitored and controlled 1.4 Basic 1.4 Building
following established Bookkeeping competitive
procedures. 1.5 Business advantage of the
1.3 Quality assurance internal controls enterprise
measures are 1.6 Basic quality
implemented consistently. control and
1.4 Good relations are assurance
maintained with concepts
staff/workers. 1.7 Government and
1.5 Policies and procedures regulatory
on occupational safety processes
and health and
environmental concerns
are constantly observed.
2. Establish and 2.1 Good customer relations 2.1 Public relations 2.1 Building customer
maintain client- are maintained concepts relations
base/market 2.2 New customers and 2.2 Basic product 2.2 Individual
markets are identified, promotion marketing skills
explored and reached out strategies 2.3 Using basic
to. 2.3 Basic market advertising
2.3 Promotions/Incentives are and feasibility (posters/ tarpaulins,
offered to loyal customers studies flyers, social media,
2.4 Additional products and 2.4 Basic business etc.)
services are evaluated ethics
and tried where feasible.
2.5 Promotional/advertising
initiatives are carried out
where necessary and
1. Business strategies May include:
1.1. Developing/Maintaining niche market
1.2. Use of organic/healthy ingredients
1.3. Environment-friendly and sustainable practices
1.4. Offering both affordable and high-quality products
and services
1.5. Promotion and marketing strategies (e. g., on-line
2. Business operations May include:
2.1 Purchasing
2.2 Accounting/Administrative work
2.3 Production/Operations/Sales
3. Internal controls May include:
3.1 Accounting systems
3.2 Financial statements/reports
3.3 Cash management
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the competencies required to apply safety
practices in the workplace.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify hazards 1.1 Hazards are identified 1.1 Shop safety 1.1 Identifying hazard
correctly in signs, symbols 1.2 Identifying safety
accordance with OHS and alarms sign and symbol
principles 1.2 Safety
1.2 Safety signs and precautionary
symbols are identified measures
and adhered to
2. Use protective 2.1 Appropriate 2.1 Shop safety 2.1 Selecting
clothing and protective clothing signs, symbols appropriate
devices and devices correctly and alarms protective
selected and used in 2.2 Safety clothing and
accordance with OHS precautionary devices
requirements or measures
industry/company 2.3 Housekeeping
policy 2.4 Machine tools
2.5 First aid
3. Perform safe 3.1 Safety procedures for 3.1 Shop safety 3.1 Checking tools
handling of tools, pre-use check and signs, symbols and equipment
equipment and operation of tools and and alarms 3.2 Operating tools
materials equipment followed in 3.2 Safety and equipment
accordance with precautionary 3.3 Handling tools
industry/ company measures and equipment
policies 3.3 Housekeeping
3.2 Tools, equipment and 3.4 Machine tools
materials handled 3.5 Engineering
safely in accordance materials
with OHS
requirements and
industry/ company
1. Hazards May include:
1.1 Cluttered tools and materials
1.2 Slippery floors (caused by oil, grease or any liquid)
1.3 Exposed electrical wires
1.4 Sharp edges
1.5 Machine without guards or with exposed moving parts
1.6 Uncollected chips or other wastes
2. Protective clothing and May include:
devices 2.1 Safety glasses/goggles
2.2 Safety shoes
2.3 Overalls
2.4 Cap
3. Injuries May include:
3.1 Burns/scalds
3.2 Fractures
3.3 Cuts and abrasions
3.4 Poisoning
3.5 Foreign bodies in the eye
3.6 Concussion
3.7 Shock
4. Type of fires May include:
4.1 common combustibles (wood, cloth, paper, rubber and
4.2 Flammable liquids (gasoline, oil, solvents, paints, etc.)
4.3 Energized electrical equipment (wiring, fuse boxes,
circuit breakers, appliances, etc.
4.4 Combustible metals (magnesium, sodium, etc.)
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the competencies required to read and
interpret drawings and sketches.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Drawing 1.1 Drawing technique may include
1.1.1 Perspective
1.1.2 Exploded view
1.1.3 Hidden view technique
1.2 Projections
1.2.1 First angle projections
1.2.2 Third angle projections
2. Tolerance May include:
2.1 General tolerance
2.2 Angular tolerance
2.3 Geometric tolerance
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to select
and cut workshop materials.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Determine 1.1 Plans/ drawings are 1.1 Shop safety 1.1 Interpreting plans
requirement interpreted to practices and drawings
produce component 1.1.1 Safe working 1.2 Determining
to specification habits sequence of
1.2 Sequence of 1.1.2 Safe handling operation
operation is of tools,
determined to equipment
produce component and materials
to specification 1.2 Blueprint reading
1.2.1 Standard
symbols and
1.2.2 Assembly
and details of
1.2.3 Dimensions
1.3 Measurement
1.3.1 Linear
2. Select and 2.1 Materials are 2.1 Shop safety 2.1 Selecting
measure materials selected according practices materials
to the 2.1.1 Safe working 2.2 Measuring
requirement of the habits materials
operation 2.1.2 Safe 2.3 Using measuring
2.2 Materials are handling of tools
measured to tools,
required level of equipment
accuracy using and
measuring tool materials
2.3 Measuring tools are 2.2 Blueprint reading
used according to 2.2.1 Standard
manufacturer’s drawing
specification scales,
symbols and
2.2.2 Assembly
and details of
1. Plan/drawings May include:
1.1 Dimensions
1.2 Tolerance
2. Materials May include:
2.1 Ferrous
2.2 Non-ferrous
3. Measuring tools May include:
3.1 Steel rule
3.2 Pull-push rule
4. Cutting May include:
tools/equipment 4.1 Hacksaw
4.2 Power hacksaw
5. Safety procedure Safety involves the handling of:
5.1 Equipment
5.2 Tools
5.3 Materials
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the competencies required to perform basic
calculations using the four fundamental operation.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Perform four 1.1 Simple calculations 1.1 English and metric 1.2 Performing
fundamental performed using four system of calculation using
operations. fundamental measurement four fundamental
operations. operation
1.2 Simple calculations
performed involving
fractions and mixed
numbers using four
fundamental operations
2. Perform basic 2.1 Simple calculations are 2.1 English and metric 2.1 Identifying die
calculations performed involving system of material
involving fractions and decimals measurement requirements
fractions and using the four 2.2 Determining
decimals fundamental operations. production
2.2 Decimal are converted volume
into fraction (and vice 2.3 Identifying
versa) accurately design
3. Perform basic 3.1 Simple calculations are 3.1 English and metric 3.1 Performing
calculations performed to obtain system of calculation
involving percentages from measurement
percentages. information expressed in
either fractional or
decimal format
4. Perform basic 4.1 Simple calculations are 4.1 English and metric 4.1 Performing
calculation performed involving system of calculation
involving ration ratios and proportion measurement
and proportion using whole numbers,
fractions and decimal
5. Perform 5.1 Simple calculations are 5.1 English and metric 5.1 Performing
calculations on performed on algebraic system of calculation
algebraic expressions using the measurement
expressions four fundamental
5.2 Simple transposition of
formulae is carried out to
isolate the variable
required, involving the
four fundamental
1. Four fundamental May include:
operations 1.1 Addition
1.2 Subtraction
1.3 Multiplication
1.4 Division
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Select and use 1.1 Measuring tools 1.1 Types, purposes 1.1 Selecting
measuring tools are selected and and accuracy of measuring tools
used according to measuring 1.2 Obtaining
the level of accuracy instruments accurate
required. 1.2 Capability of measurements
1.2 Measurements measuring 1.3 Determining
taken are accurate instruments measuring
to the finest 1.3 Part dimensions technique
graduation of the and tolerances
selected measuring 1.4 Techniques for
instrument. measuring
1.3 Measuring dimensions
technique used is 1.5 Care and storage
correct and procedure of
appropriate to the measuring tools
device used.
2. Clean and store 2.1 Cleaning of devices 2.1 Types, purposes 2.1 Determining
measuring tools undertaken and accuracy of proper care and
according to measuring storage of
standard operating instruments measuring tools.
procedures. 2.2 Capability of
2.2 Care of devices measuring
undertaken instruments
according to 2.3 Part dimensions
manufacturer’s and tolerances
specifications. 2.4 Techniques for
2.3 Storage of devices measuring
undertaken dimensions
according to 2.5 Care and storage
standard operating procedure of
procedures. measuring tools
1. Measuring tools May include
1.1 Steel tape
1.2 Steel rule
1.3 Straight edge
1.4 Combination square
1.5 Steel square
1.6 Divider or trammel
1.7 Caliper
1.8 Protractor
1.9 Vernier caliper
1.10 Micrometer
1. Workshop policy Shop policy and procedure in regard to:
1.1 Housekeeping practices
1.2 Maintenance and storage of cleaning equipment
1.3 Use and storage of cleaning chemicals
2. Work area May include:
2.2 Work benches
2.3 Walkways and aisles
2.4 Fixtures and other working surfaces
3. Tools and May include:
Equipment 3.1 Drill Press
3.2 Pedestal Grinder
3.3 Surface plate
3.4 Layout and marking tools
3.5 Cutting tools (hacksaw, chisel, files)
3.6 Inspection and measuring tools (templates, vernier
caliper, micrometer, straight edge, gages, etc…)
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Perform 1.1 Problems involving 1.1 English and 1.1 Performing
calculations right triangles are 1.2 metric system of trigonometric
involving triangles performed using the 1.3 measurements function
trigonometric 1.4 Geometrical
functions. 1.5 shapes
1.2 Problems involving
non-right triangles
are performed using
sine and cosine
2. Calculate taper 2.1 Convert the units of 2.1 English and 2.1 Calculating taper
the conical taper so metric system of of work
that all units are the measurements
same. 2.2 Geometrical
2.2 Visualize a cross shapes
section of the cone
with the length being
the height and the
diameter being the
2.3 Taper of work
calculated correctly
using appropriate
1. Trigonometric May include:
functions 1.1 Sine
1.2 Cosine
1.3 Tangent
1.4 Cotangent
1.5 Secant
1.6 Cosecant
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Select and use 1.1 Angular measuring 1.1 Types, purposes and 1.1 Selecting angular
angular tools are selected accuracy of angular measuring tools
measuring and used according measuring 1.2 Obtaining
tools to the level of instruments accurate
accuracy required. 1.2 Capability of measurements
1.2 Measurements measuring tools 1.3 Determining
taken are accurate to 1.3 Techniques for measuring
the finest graduation measuring angles techniques
of the selected and tapers
1.3 Measuring technique
used is correct and
appropriate to the
device used.
2. Maintain 2.3 Measuring tools are 2.1 Types, purposes and 2.1 Maintaining and
angular adjusted and accuracy of angular adjusting
measuring maintained to the measuring measuring tool
tools required accuracy instruments accuracy
utilizing 2.2 Capability of
manufacturer’s or measuring tools
worksite procedures. 2.3 Techniques for
measuring angles
and tapers
3. Clean and 3.1 Care and storage of 3.3 Types, purposes and 3.1 Storing and
store devices undertaken accuracy of angular cleaning of
measuring to manufacturer’s measuring measuring tools
tools specifications or instruments
standard operating 3.4 Capability of
procedures. measuring tools
3.5 Techniques for
measuring angles
and tapers
3.6 Care and storage
procedure of
measuring tools
1. Angular measuring May include:
tools 1.1 Bevel protractor
1.2 Gage blocks
1.3 Sine bar
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Select and use 1.1 Appropriate gages 1.1 Types and 1.1 Selecting
fixed and are selected and application of appropriate
adjustable gages used to undertake fixed and gages and
the required adjustable gages measuring
comparison or 1.2 Gage limits and instrument
measurement using accuracy 1.2 Obtaining
standard operating 1.3 Techniques for accurate
procedures. measuring measurements
1.2 Consistent and components 1.3 Determining
accurate measuring
measurements techniques
obtained conforms to
drawing specification
1.3 Measuring technique
used is correct and
appropriate to the
device used.
2. Perform surface 2.1 Surface texture are 2.1 Types and 2.1 Identifying die
texture measured according application of material
measurements worksite procedures. fixed and requirements
2.2 Measurements taken adjustable gages 2.2 Determining
are within the level of 2.2 Gage limits and production
accuracy required. accuracy volume
2.3 Techniques for 2.3 Identifying design
measuring parameters
3. Clean and store 3.1 Care and storage of 3.1 Care and storage 3.1 Cleaning and
measuring tools devices undertaken to procedure of storing
manufacturer’s measuring tools measuring tools
specifications or
standard operating
1. Gages May include:
1.1 Gage blocks
1.2 Telescoping gages
1.3 Center gages
1.4 Thread gages
1.5 Dial bore gages
1.6 Height gages
1.7 Radius gages
1.8 Go-no-go gages
1.9 Depth gages
2. Measurements May include:
2.1 Linear dimensions
2.2 Diameters
2.3 Depths
2.4 Fits
2.5 Tapers
2.6 Threads
2.7 Radius
2.8 Squareness
2.9 Surface texture
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge and skills required in
performing preventive and corrective maintenance such as
inspection and repair of hand tools, cleaning and lubrication
of machine parts and changing drive pulley and belts.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Inspected Inspected machine parts include:
1.1 V-belt
1.2 Bearing
1.3 Gears
1.4 Clutch
1.5 Drive pulley
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Start the computer 1.1 The peripheral 1.1 Computer 1.1 Connecting
devices are properly functions peripheral
connected 1.2 Basic parts of a devices
1.2 Power is checked computer and 1.2 Logging in and
and the computer various hardware logging off
and peripheral components properly
devices are switched 1.3 Keyboard layout
on and functions
1.3 Proper logging in and
logging off is
successfully done
1.4 The operating
system features and
functions are
accessed and
1.5 Navigated Hardware
configuration and
other system
features are checked
2. Arrange and 2.1 The desktop screen or 2.1 Keyboard layout 2.1 Changing
customize desktop Windows elements are and functions desktop screen
display/ Windows changed as needed 2.2 Computer or windows
settings 2.2 Desktop icons are functions element
added, renamed, 2.3 Basic parts of a 2.2 Adding,
moved, copied or computer and renaming,
deleted various hardware moving, copying
2.3 The online help components and deleting
functions are 2.4 Storage devices desk top icon
accessed or used as and file concepts 2.3 Accessing online
needed 2.5 Basic software help function
2.4 Desktop icons of operation and 2.4 Opening and
application programs functionalities closing desk top
are selected, opened icons
and closed 2.5 Displaying
2.5 Properties of icons are properties of
displayed icons
2.6 Computer or desktop
settings are saved and
1. Peripheral device May include:
1.1 Mouse
1.2 Keyboard
1.3 Monitor or visual display unit
1.4 Printer
1.5 Scanner
2. Computer May include:
2.1 Laptops/notebooks
2.2 Workstations
2.3 Servers
2.4 other personal computer devices
3. Application programs May include:
3.1 User programs
3.2 Database programs
3.3 Word processors
3.4 Email programs
3.5 Internet browsers
3.6 System browsers
3.7 Spreadsheets
4. Operating system May include:
4.1 Windows
4.2 NT
4.3 Mac OS
4.4 Linux
4.5 Solaris
4.6 Unix
5. System features May include:
5.1 Memory size
5.2 Disk capacities
5.3 Video cards
5.4 Usbs
5.5 Modems
5.6 1394 and lan connectors
5.7 Sd and pc cards
5.8 Wireless and infrared connections.
6. Online help functions May include:
6.1 An instruction manual, or a portion of the manual,
integrated and accessible from within the program or
software being used
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge and skills required to
write 5-axis CNC program based on drawing specifications.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
in the
Range of Variables
1. Determine job 1.1 Drawings are 1.1 3D Drafting 1.1 Interpreting 3D
requirements interpreted to produce 1.2 3D Machining drawing.
component according 1.3 Technical 1.2 Determining of
to specifications. drawing sequence of
1.2 Sequence of CNC 1.4 Application of operation
machining limits, fits, 1.3 Selecting cutting
operations (tool tolerances and tools
pathing) are surface texture 1.4 Calculating cutting
determined to produce 1.5 Sequence of speed and feed.
component according operation 1.5 Filling up job
to industry standard 1.6 Different types sheets
1.3 Cutting tools are of cutting tools 1.6 Applying safety
selected according to 1.7 Calculation of procedures
the requirements of speed and
the operations feed rate
1.4 Cutting speed and 1.8 Procedure in
feed rate are filling up job
calculated based on sheets
cutting tools and work 1.9 Appropriate
piece specifications. Fixtures
1.5 Process / operation 1.10 OSH Rule No.
sheets are filled up 1080 –
with relevant machine, Personal
work piece, fixture, Protective
tools and measuring Equipment &
instruments to be Devices
used. 1.11 OSH Rule No.
1.6 Safety practices are 1150 –
applied according to Materials
OSHS. Handling &
1.12 Air pollution
1.13 Noise pollution
1.14 Quality control
3. Edit 5-axis CNC 3.1 Program is 3.1 Procedure in 3.1 Simulating and
program simulated and simulation and editing tool
edited if required editing of tool movement
according to movement 3.2 Saving program in
standard 3.2 Procedure in saving machine files
operating files to the machine 3.3 Copying proven
procedures 3.3 Procedure in program
3.2 Program is saved copying saved 3.4 Applying safety
to the machine proven program on procedures
file according to separate folders or
standard files
operating 3.4 Occupational
procedures 3.5 safety and
3.3 Proven program
3.6 health practice
is copied and
3.7 OSH Rule No. 1070
saved to backup
– Occupational
program files
Health &
according to
3.8 OSH Rule No. 1080
– Personal
3.4 Safety practices
are applied
Equipment &
according to Devices Air pollution
3.9 Noise pollution
1. Drawing May include:
1.1 Dimensions and symbols
1.2 Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
1.3 Limits, fits, tolerances and surface texture
2. CNC machining operation May include:
2.1 Point machining unit/C-axis point machining unit
2.1.1 Right hand counter boring (RGH CBOR)
2.1.2 Right hand back boring (RGH BCB)
2.1.3 Reaming
2.1.4 Tapping
2.1.5 Boring
2.1.6 Back boring
2.1.7 Circular milling
2.1.8 Counter bore-tapping
2.1.9 Boring of through hole
2.1.10 Boring of step through hole
2.1.11 Boring of non-through hole
2.3Turning unit
2.3.1 Bar-materials machining
2.3.2 Copy-machining
2.3.3 Corner-machining
2.3.4 Edge-machining
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge and skills required to
set-up 5-axis CNC machine, cutting tools and workpiece.
ELEMENT Bold and Italicized terms REQUIRED SKILLS
are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare machine 1.1 Power up machine 1.1 Machine set up 1.1 Powering up of
according to manual 1.2 Types of oil and machine
operating procedure. coolant 1.2 Checking of oil
1.2 Oil and coolant level 1.3 Units of air and and coolant types
are checked hydraulic 1.3 Checking the air
according to pressure and hydraulic
manufacturers’ 1.4 Machine datum pressure
specification reference point 1.4 Determining
1.3 Air and hydraulic 1.5 Procedure in datum reference
pressure are selection and 1.5 Selecting and
checked according mounting of mounting work
to manufacturers’ work holding holding devices.
specification devices 1.6 Applying safety
1.4 Machine zero point 1.6 OSH Rule No. procedures
is checked and set 1070 –
to required position Occupational
according to Health &
standard operating Environmental
procedure Control
1.5 Work holding and 1.6 OSH Rule No.
clamping devices 1080 – Personal
are selected and Protective
mounted according Equipment &
to standard Devices
operating 1.7 Air pollution
procedures. 1.8 Noise pollution
1.6 Safety practices are
applied according to
1. Work May include:
holding/fixtures 1.1 Chucks
and clamping 1.2 Precision vise
device 1.3 Parallel bars
1.4 V-blocks
1.5 Angle plates
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge and skills required to
perform 5-AXIS CNC machining operations
ELEMENT Bold and Italicized terms
are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Operate machine 1.1 Close machine guard 1.1 Machine safety 1.1 Conducting
according to safety procedures dry run
standard operation 1.2 Procedures in 1.2 Editing
procedures conducting dry run program
1.2 Dry run is conducted 1.3 Procedures in editing 1.3 Operating of 5
in accordance with program axis CNC
the desired tool path 1.4 Procedures in machine
movement operating 5 axis CNC 1.4 Applying
1.3 Program is edited machine safety
according to tool path 1.5 OSH Rule No. 1070 – procedures
movement if required. Occupational Health
1.4 Operate 5 axis CNC & Environmental
machine to produce Control
component to meet 1.6 OSH Rule No. 1080 –
the desired Personal Protective
dimensions, Equipment & Devices
tolerance, fits, limits 1.6 Air pollution
and surface finish 1.7 Noise pollution
according to job
1.5 Safety practices are
applied according to
2. Monitor machine and 2.1 Program parameters 2.1 Procedures in 2.1 Checking
tool movements are checked based checking machine machine
on computed data parameters parameters
2.2 Air pressure level is 2.2 Procedures in 2.2 Checking air
maintained checking air pressure pressure
according to 2.3 Procedures in 2.3 Maintaining
machine operating maintaining cooling cooling
manual system system
2.3 Cooling system is 2.4 Procedures in 2.4 Maintaining
maintained maintaining tool machine
according to sharpness lubrication
viscosity 2.5 OSH Rule No. 1070 – system
requirements Occupational Health 2.5 Maintaining
2.4 Cutting tool sharpness & Environmental tool life
is maintained Control 2.6 Applying
according to work 2.6 OSH Rule No. 1080 – safety
procedures Personal Protective procedures
2.5 Safety practices are Equipment & Devices
applied according to 2.7 Air pollution
OSHS. 2.8 Noise pollution
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 87
ELEMENT Bold and Italicized terms
are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Check and measure 3.1 Machine guard is 3.1 Procedures in 3.1 Opening of
work piece opened according to opening machine machine
machine operating guard guard
manual 3.2 Procedures in 3.2 Cleaning and
3.2 Work piece is cleaning and de de burring
cleaned and de burring work piece work piece
burred while on the 3.3 Procedures in 3.3 Checking and
fixture according to inspecting work piece measuring
standard operating 3.4 OSH Rule No. 1070 – work piece
procedure Occupational Health 3.4 Applying
3.3 Work piece is & Environmental safety
inspected and Control procedures
measured 3.5 OSH Rule No. 1080 –
according to drawing Personal Protective
specification Equipment & Devices
3.4 Safety practices are 3.6 Air pollution
applied according to 3.7 Noise pollution
1. 5 axis CNC May include:
machine 1.1 Table/table (5 axis milling)
1.2 Table/tool (5 axis turn-milling)
1.3 Tool/tool (5 axis rotating head milling)
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge and skills required to
perform post- 5-axis CNC machining operation.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Conduct post 1.1 Work piece is 1.1 Procedures in 1.1 Unloading of
CNC operation unloaded from unloading work work piece
the fixture piece 1.2 De burring of
according to 1.2 Procedures in work piece
work deburring work 1.3 Inspecting
instructions piece and
1.2Work piece is 1.3 Procedures in measuring
cleaned and de inspecting and work piece
burred measuring work 1.4 Applying
according to piece safety
work instruction 1.4 OSH Rule No. procedures
1.3 Work piece is 1070 –
inspected and Occupational
measured Health &
according to Environmental
drawing Control
specifications 1.5 OSH Rule No.
1.4 Safety practices 1080 – Personal
are applied Protective
according to Equipment &
OSHS Devices
1.6 Air pollution
1.7 Noise pollution
2. Submit work piece 2.1 Operator is sign 2.1 Procedures in 2.1 Signing out
out the signing out operation
operation sheet operation sheet sheet
according to 2.2 Submission of 2.2 Submitting
workplace operation sheet report and
procedures and inspected work piece
2.2 Work piece and work piece 2.3 Applying
operation sheet 2.2 OSH Rule No. safety
are submitted to 1070 – procedures
immediate Occupational
supervisor Health &
according to Environmental
work place Control
procedures 2.3 OSH Rule No.
2.3 Safety practices 1080 – Personal
are applied Protective
according to Equipment &
OSHS Devices
2.4 Air pollution
2.5 Noise pollution
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 91
ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Shut-off machine 3.1 Machine is shut- 3.1 Procedures in 3.1 Shutting off
and perform house off according to shutting off machine
keeping manufacturer’s machine 3.2 Cleaning and
operating manual 3.2 Storage of tools storing of tools
3.2 Tools are and materials and materials
maintained and 3.3 Tagging of 3.3 Tagging defective
stored based on defective tools tools and
established and machine machine
procedures 3.4 5S of good 3.4 Performing good
3.3 Defective tools house keeping house keeping
and machines 3.5 Waste 3.5 Managing wastes
are tagged and management 3.6 Applying safety
reported 3.6 Environmental procedures
according to laws to post
work place activities
procedures 3.7 OSH Rule No.
3.4 Good 1070 –
housekeeping is Occupational
performed Health &
following 5S Environmental
3.5 Wastes are Control
disposed 3.8 OSH Rule No.
according to 1080 –
waste Personal
management Protective
procedures and Equipment &
environmental Devices
regulations 3.9 Air pollution
3.6 Safety practices 3.10 Noise pollution
are applied
following OSHS
1. De burr Tools may include:
1.1Bush burr
1.2 Air motor
1.3 Sand paper
1.4 File
1.5 Oil stone
1.6 Surface plate
These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing
training programs for 5-AXIS CNC MACHINE OPERATION NC III.
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to accompany
their curricula.
Course Description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skill and attitudes of 5-AXIS CNC
MACHINE OPERATION NC III in accordance with industry standards. This covers
competencies that a person must achieve in writing 5-axis CNC machine program, setting-up
5-axis CNC machine, workpiece and cutting tools and performing pre and post 5-axis CNC
machine operations.
Upon completion of the course, the learners are expected to demonstrate the above-
mentioned competencies to be employed. To obtain this, all units prescribed for this
qualification must be achieve
3.4 Implement • Identify extent and causes of specific • Group • Case Formulation 1 Hour
action challenges in the workplace discussion • Life Narrative
plans and • Use of range of analytical problem- • Lecture Inquiry (Interview)
communicate solving techniques • Demonstration • Standardized test
results • Formulate clear-cut findings on the • Role playing
nature of each identified workplace
• Discus strategies on devising,
communicating, implementing and
evaluating strategies and techniques in
addressing specific workplace
4. Work in a 4.1 Develop an • Show understanding of cultural • Small Group • Demonstration or 1 Hour
diverse individual’s diversity in the workplace Discussion simulation with oral
environment cultural • Recognize norms of behavior for • Interactive questioning
awareness interacting and dialogue with specific Lecture • Group discussions
and sensitivity groups (e. g., Muslims and other non- • Brainstorming and interactive
Christians, non-Catholics, tribes/ethnic • Demonstration activities
groups, foreigners) • Role-playing • Case studies/
problems involving
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 99
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
• Demonstrate different methods of workplace diversity
verbal and non-verbal communication issues
in a multicultural setting • Written
• Apply cross-cultural communication examination
skills (i.e. different business customs, • Role Playing
beliefs, communication strategies)
• Show affective skills – establishing
rapport and empathy, understanding,
• Demonstrate openness and flexibility
in communication
• Recognize diverse groups in the
workplace and community as defined
by divergent culture, religion, traditions
and practices
4.2 Work • Explain the value of diversity in the • Small Group • Demonstration or 1 Hour
effectively in economy and society in terms of Discussion simulation with oral
an Workforce development • Interactive questioning
environment • Discuss the importance of Lecture • Group discussions
that inclusiveness in a diverse environment • Brainstorming and interactive
acknowledges • Discuss the importance of shared • Demonstration activities
and values vision and understanding of and • Role-playing • Case studies/
cultural commitment to team, departmental, problems involving
diversity and organizational goals and workplace diversity
objectives issues
• Identify and exhibit strategies for • Written
customer service excellence examination
• Demonstrate cross-cultural • Role Playing
communication skills and active
• Recognize diverse groups in the
workplace and community as defined
by divergent culture, religion, traditions
and practices
• Demonstrate collaboration skills
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 100
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
4.3 Identify • Explain the value, and leverage of • Small Group • Demonstration or 1 Hour
common cultural diversity Discussion simulation with oral
issues in a • Discuss the inclusivity and conflict • Interactive questioning
multicultural resolution Lecture • Group discussions
and diverse • Describe the workplace harassment • Brainstorming and interactive
environment • Explain the change management and • Demonstration activities
cite ways to overcome resistance to • Role-playing • Case studies/
change problems involving
• Demonstrate advanced strategies for workplace diversity
customer service excellence issues
• Address diversity-related conflicts in • Written
the workplace examination
• Eliminate discriminatory behavior • Role Playing
towards customers and co-workers
• Utilize change management policies in
the workplace
5. Propose 5.1 Assess work • Show mastery of the following practical • Interactive • Psychological and 1 Hour
methods of procedures, concepts (e.g., 7 habits of highly Lecture behavioral
applying processes and effective people, character strengths • Appreciative Interviews
learning and systems in that foster learning and innovation, five Inquiry • Performance
innovation in terms of minds of the future, adaptation • Demonstration Evaluation
the innovative concepts and transtheoretical model of • Group work • Life Narrative
organization practices behavior change) Inquiry
• Demonstrate collaboration and • Review of
networking skills portfolios of
• Show basic skills in research evidence and third-
• Generate practical insights on how to party workplace
improve organizational procedures, reports of on-the-
processes and systems job performance.
• Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
virtues applied
7.2 Set OSH work • Discussion in actions plans that are • Lecture • Written Exam 1 Hour
targets necessary in achieving the OSH target • Group • Demonstration
Discussion • Observation
• Interviews /
7.3 Evaluate • Practice evaluating safety data • Lecture • Written Exam 1.5 Hours
effectiveness (Historical or Simulated) • Group • Demonstration
of Discussion • Observation
Occupational • Interviews /
Safety and Questioning
Health work
8. Evaluate 8.1 Interpret • Discussion Environmental Issues • Lecture • Written Exam
Environmental environmental regarding • Group • Demonstration
Work Practices practices, - Water Quality Discussion • Observation
1 Hour
policies and - National and Local Government • Demonstration • Interviews /
procedures Issues Questioning
- Safety
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 104
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
- Endangered Species
- Noise
- Air Quality
- Historic
- Waste
- Cultural
• Updating of existing occupation
1.4 Perform first aid • Determine possible injuries in the • Lecture-Discussion • Written
work place. • Demonstration Examination
• Describe recommended first aid • Interaction • Observation
treatment according to injury • Video presentation
• Practical Exercises • Oral Questioning
1.5 Use fire • Select fire extinguisher according • Lecture-Discussion • Written
extinguisher to type of fire. • Demonstration Examination
• Interaction • Observation
• Video presentation
• Practical Exercises • Oral Questioning
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 107
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
2. Interpret 2.1 Interpret technical • Determine components, • Lecture-Discussion • Written
working drawing assemblies according to drawing. • Practical exercise Examination
drawings and • Explain critical dimension, • Interaction • Oral Questioning
sketches tolerances, and instruction • Demonstration
according to drawing.
2.2 Prepare freehand • Describe the sketch drawing of a • Lecture-Discussion • Written
sketch of parts part • Practical exercise Examination
• Determine critical dimension, • Interaction • Oral Questioning
datum points on the sketch • Demonstration 16 Hours
• Explain the instruction in the sketch
2.3 Interpret details • Determine components, • Lecture-Discussion • Written
from freehand assemblies on the sketch • Practical exercise Examination
sketch • Determine critical dimension, • Interaction • Oral Questioning
datum points on the sketch • Demonstration
• Determine material requirements
on the sketch
• Explain standard symbols in the
3. Select/cut 3.1 Determine • Explain plans and drawing • Lecture-Discussion • Written
workshop requirement interpretation according to • Practical exercise Examination
materials specification. • Interaction • Oral Questioning
• Know and obtain the sequence of • Demonstration
operation according to specification
3.2 Select and • Determine materials according to • Lecture-Discussion • Written
measure requirements of operation • Practical exercise Examination
materials • Determine measuring tools to be • Interaction • Oral Questioning 8 Hours
used according to specification • Demonstration
4.3 Perform basic • Know and obtain percentages from • Lecture-Discussion • Written
calculations information using simple • Practical exercise Examination 22 Hours
involving calculation • Interaction • Oral Questioning
percentages • Demonstration
5. Measure 5.1 Select and use • Determine Measuring tools to be • Lecture-Discussion • Written
workpiece measuring tools used according to the level of • Practical exercise Examination
(basic) accuracy required • Interaction • Oral Questioning 8 Hours
• Determine appropriate measuring • Demonstration
6. Perform 6.1 Organize work • Determine workshop policy to work • Lecture-Discussion • Written
routine area area • Practical exercise Examination
housekeeping • Interaction • Oral Questioning
• Demonstration
6.2 Clean work area • Describe work shop policies and • Lecture-Discussion • Written 8 Hours
procedure in specific work area • Practical exercise Examination
• Describe signage’s displayed in the • Interaction • Oral Questioning
work area • Demonstration
• Know how to clean and used tools
and equipment according to
manufacturer’s specification
7. Perform shop 7.1 Perform • Know how to calculate problems • Lecture-Discussion • Written
computations calculations involving right triangle using • Practical exercise Examination
(Intermediate) involving triangles trigonometric function. • Interaction • Oral Questioning
• Know how to calculate problems • Demonstration
involving non-right triangle using
sine and cosine rules.
10 Hours
7.2 Calculate taper • Know how to calculate taper using • Lecture-Discussion • Written
appropriate formula • Practical exercise Examination
• Interaction • Oral Questioning
• Demonstration
8. Measure 8.1 Select and use • Determine angular measuring tools • Lecture-Discussion • Written
workpiece angular according to level of accuracy • Practical exercise Examination
using angular measuring tools • Determine measuring techniques • Interaction • Oral Questioning 8 Hours
measuring to the device. • Demonstration
8.3 Clean and store • Explain Care and storage • Lecture-Discussion • Written
measuring tools according to standard operating • Practical exercise Examination
procedures • Interaction • Oral Questioning
• Demonstration
9. Measure 9.1 Select and use • Determine Appropriate gages • Lecture-Discussion • Written
workpiece fixed and required • Practical exercise Examination
using gages adjustable gages • Know and obtained accurate • Interaction • Oral Questioning
and surface measurement according to drawing • Demonstration
texture specification
comparator • Determine measuring technique of
the device
9.2 Perform surface • Determine surface texture • Lecture-Discussion • Written
texture according to worksite procedure • Practical exercise Examination 8 Hours
measurements • Obtain measurements according to • Interaction • Oral Questioning
level of accuracy • Demonstration
9.3 Clean and store • Explain care and storage according • Lecture-Discussion • Written
measuring tools to standard operating procedures • Practical exercise Examination
• Interaction • Oral Questioning
• Demonstration
10. Perform 10.1 Perform • Know how to inspect machines • Lecture-Discussion • Written
preventive inspection of according to worksite procedure • Practical exercise Examination
and corrective machine • Prepare statue reports according to • Interaction • Oral Questioning 8 Hours
maintenance worksite procedure • Demonstration
11.5 Print information • Know how to install printer program • Lecture-Discussion • Written
and ensure correct printer setting • Practical exercise Examination
• Interaction • Oral Questioning
• Demonstration
11.6 Shut down • Know how to properly shut down • Lecture-Discussion • Written
computer computer and peripheral devices • Practical exercise Examination
• Interaction • Oral Questioning
• Demonstration
1.3 Edit 5-axis CNC program • Explain editing of program • Lecture • Written
• Perform simulation • Practical / examination
• Explain procedure in saving Demonstration • Demonstration
program to the machine with oral
• Explain of downloading of questioning
program to machine directory
1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery shall
be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.
e. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into account
but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as the primary source
of evidence.
2.2 Enterprise-Based:
Trainees or students who wish to enter this training should possess the following
Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 20 trainees for
5-axis CNC machine operation NC III:
QTY Description QTY Description
1 unit 5 axis CNC machine, Spindle 1 unit Overhead/LCD Projector
speed 16,00 rpm, spindle motor
output 26 kw, x and y axes travel
900 mm z axis 660 mm or 5 axis
CNC training machine
1 unit Power Hack saw, 230 watts/ 220 1 set Table with drawer and chair
volts, single phase
1 unit Air Compressor, 5HP with dryer 1 unit Precision vise
1 unit Air Conditioner, 3 tons capacity
QTY Description QTY Description QTY Description
25pcs 150 grit sandpaper 25 800 grit sandpaper 25pcs 250 grit sandpaper
20 Aluminum dia 30mm 20 Aluminum Plate 200 Water base soluble
pcs. x100mm pcs. 50mm x 50mm x liters coolant
5 pcs. Right hand tool 5 pcs. Paint brush 50mm 5 kgs. Rags
holder width
1 box Right hand carbide 2 pcs. Left hand tool holder 2 pcs. Neutral tool holder
5 pcs. #3 center drill 1 box Left hand carbide 1 box Neutral carbide
inserts inserts
1 set Drill bits, Dia.1/8” – 5 pcs. #2 center drill 1 set Drill bits, Dia. 1mm
Dia 1/2” – Dia. 12mm
1 pair Magnetic v-block
5- Axis CNC Machine Operation NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (05/21/2019) 120
QTY Description QTY Description
Reference books
2 pcs. Depth gage 1 set Steel Pin block, 1 pc. Surface gauge
micrometer, 0- 25 mm 0.1 mm – 10 mm comparator, 0 .40-
18.0 Ra(um)
1 pc Digital Height Gage , 1 pc Granite surface 1 pc Sine plate
300mm plate
500mm x 500mm
Training center may enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with an
institution/company with appropriate equipment and facilities.
• Holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate Level I (NTTC Level I) in 5-Axis CNC
Machine Operation NC III
• Must be 3D CAD/CAM literate
• Must have at least 2 years job/industry experience in CNC 5-axis machining
4.1.2 Individuals wanting to be certified will have to be assessed in accordance with the
requirements identified in the evidence guide of the relevant unit/s of competency.
4.1.3 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Candidates who have gained competencies
through informal training, previous work or life experiences may apply for recognition
in a particular qualification through competency assessment.
4.1.4 The industry shall determine assessment and certification requirements for each
qualification with promulgated Training Regulations: It includes the following:
4.1.5 The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:
in the
workplace (MSMEs)
Receive and Enhance occupational Adopt
Solve/address Access and Apply
respond to Work with self- Support safety and entrepreneurial
routine maintain environmental
workplace others management Innovation health mindset in the
problems information work standards
communication skills policies and workplace
Practice Exercise
Solve/address occupational efficient and Practice
Participate in Work in Develop Contribute to Present
general safety and effective entrepreneurial
workplace Team career and workplace relevant
workplace health sustainable skills in the
communication Environment life decisions innovation information
problems policies and practices in the workplace
procedures workplace
Write basic CNC milling Set-up CNC milling machine, Perform basic CNC milling Write advanced CNC milling
machine program workpiece and cutting tools machine operations machine program
Weld Carbon Steel Plates Weld Carbon Steel Pipes Weld Alloy Steel Plates Using Weld Alloy Steel Pipes Using
Weld Carbon Steel Plates Weld Carbon Steel Pipes Weld Alloy Steel Plates Using Weld Alloy Steel Pipes Using
Perform bench work (Basic) Turn workpiece Mill workpiece Grind workpiece
Weld Alloy Steel Plates Using Weld Alloy Steel Pipes Using
Machine Die Components Fit and Assemble Dies
Test and Try Die Machine mold components Implement surface finishing Fit and assemble mold
1. 5-axis CNC The automation of machine tools that are operated by precisely
(Computerized programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, as opposed to
Numerical Control) controlled manually via hand wheels or levers
3. Work piece A system of coordinates taking this point as reference is called the work
coordinate system piece coordinates system
4. Machine Zero The position located at the farthest possible distance in a positive
direction along the X-, Y-, and Z-axes. This position is permanently set
for each particular CNC machine
6. Mode A machine state that determines the way it executes manual and
automatic commands
7. Optional Stop A code that pauses the program if the appropriate switch is selected on
the machine. Optional Stop allows the operator to inspect the machine
between operations
10. Part Programmer The person responsible for the creation of a part program. The part
programmer translates the work piece design into program instructions
for the CNC machine
11. Proving Out Running a program one block at a time in order to check for accuracy
and proper tool set-up
12. Cycle Start The control used to begin a program or continue a program that has
been previously stopped
13. Cycle Stop The control used to pause a program. Cycle Stop pauses tool feed but
does not stop spindle movement
15. Edit Mode The mode that allows an operator an operator to make changes to a
part program and store those changes
16. Emergency Stop The control that automatically shuts down all machine functions
17. Feed rate Override An override that allows the operator to adjust the feed rate of the tool
during operation. The override functions as a percentage of the
programmed value
18. Handle Mode The mode that allows for the manual operation of tool movement via the
hand wheel. Some machines may have a combined handle/jog mode
19. Rapid Feed Rate An override that allows the operator to reduce the rate of rapid tool
Override movement during operation. A rapid override may be 25% of the original
rate or less
20. Rapid Mode The mode that allows for the manual movement of machine components
at high rates of travel
21. Tolerance The unwanted but acceptable deviation from a desired dimension
22. Tool Offset A stored value that compensates for variations in tool length. Each tool
requires an offset, which is measured from the turret or spindle position
23. Zero return The control that automatically locates the turret or spindle in the
machine zero position
Revision Document (TESDA Circular/
Qualification Title Resolution No./
No. Types* Implementing
00 Document Created 5-axis CNC 2019-30/
Machine Operation 05-21-2019
Legend: *Description Types
- Document Created
• MESCO Inc.
Pasig City
Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City