Transport and Communication - 2020
Transport and Communication - 2020
Transport and Communication - 2020
appropriate, developed and well-connected culverts under its control. Moreover, RHD
transport and communication system. In this has currently been operating about 96 ferry
context, for implementation of 7th Five Year boats in 42 ferry Ghats and 118 Pontoons on
Plan, Perspective Plan and keeping its road network throughout the country. At
consistency with the targets of SDG-2030, the present there is 417 km 4-lane national
government has significantly increased highways and several projects are
development initiatives. implementing for development of 95.28 km
4-lane highways. It may be mentioned here
A. Roads Communication that the length of road network under RHD
Roads and Highways Department (RHD) did not increase during last couple of years.
Under the management of Roads and However, the quality of different important
Highways Department about 21,596 km road segments has been significantly
highways of various types exists. Out of this improved through carrying out
highway network, 18 percent is National development/improvement works of various
Highway, 20 percent is Regional Highway standards as per requirement. The table 11.1
and remaining 62 percent is Zila roads. In provides a ten year time series data on RHD
addition, RHD has 4,404 bridges and 14,814 road lengths since 2010.
Table 11.1: Various Categories of Roads under Roads and Highways Department
Year National Highway Regional Highway Zilla Road Total
In order to develop a modern transport and component is TK.13,124.93 crore and project
communication system, a total of 178 aid is TK.3,348.69 crore. About 34.12 percent
development projects have been included in of total allocation is spent during FY2018-19
the Revised Annual Development Program (Up to February 2019).
(RADP) of Roads and Highways Department
for FY2018-19. Among them, 175 are There are six projects under the RHD which
investment projects and 3 are Technical will be implemented on PPP basis through
Assistance projects. An amount of participation of the public sector as well as
TK.16,473.62 crore is allocated for these private sector for the development of road
development projects. Out of this, GoB network. Among these six projects,
position of buses on the road in coordinated and modern transport system for
Nabinagar-Gabtoli route. Besides, Dhaka city and its adjacent districts. DTCA
introduction of ‘Vehicle Tracking jurisdiction covers Dhaka North City
System’ in all buses and trucks of BRTC Corporation and Dhaka South City
is under process Corporation, Gazipur City Corporation and
For skill development, 36,000 drivers of Narayanganj City Corporation as well as
BRTC will be provided 4-month long districts of Dhaka, Narayangonj, Munshigonj,
training under Skill for Employment Manikgonj, Gazipur and Narsingdi. Area of
Investment Program (SEIP) and region of DTCA is about 7,400 square
Procurement of 300 double-decker, 200 kilometers. As a matter of fact, DTCA plans,
AC single-decker & 100 Non-AC single- approves, coordinates and monitors the
decker buses and 500 trucks is processing transport related infrastructure projects within
under the project ‘Procurement of double its jurisdiction.
decker, single decker AC & Non-AC bus Progress of Important Activities of DTCA
for BRTC and procurement of Trucks for
BRTC’ finance by Indian Line of Credit Coordination of Transport System
(LOC). Dhaka Transport Co-ordination Authority
Board comprises of 31 members. Board gives
The financial statement of BRTC from
approval and direction for establishing
FY2009-10 to FY2018-19 is given in the
Multimodal Transport System in and around
Table 11.4:
Table 11.4: Revenue Target and Collection
of BRTC Strategic Transport Plan (STP)
(In Crore Taka)
Financial Operating Operating Operating In 2005, 20 year long term Strategic
Year Income Expenditure Surplus Transport Plan was formulated. Due to
2009-10 98.81 91.31 7.50
expansion of DTCA’s jurisdiction, rapid
2010-11 115.11 109.84 5.27
2011-12 173.60 171.90 1.70 urbanisation, improvement of living standards
2012-13 201.70 198.48 3.22 and so on, revised STP has been approved by
2013-14 243.11 233.53 9.58 the Cabinet on 29 August 2016.
2014-15 234.07 230.51 3.56
2015-16 266.36 258.31 8.05 Clearing House
2016-17 262.55 267.60 -5.05
2017-18 253.18 256.10 -2.92 In order to ensure hassle free and seamless
2018-19* 164.47 164.75 -0.28 travel by different modes of transport:
Source: BRTC * Up to February 2019
Metrorail, Bus Rapid Transit, Bangladesh
Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority Railway, BRTC Bus, Marine Transport of
(DTCA) BIWTC and Non-government contract buses
Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority etc. by using SMART card under e-ticketing
(DTCA) was established on 2 September system, clearing house at DTCA office has
2012 to provide a smooth planned, been established in May 2014. Name of
Smart card has been fixed as ‘Rapid Pass’. As Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development
a clearing house, an agreement has been Project (MRT) Line-6:
signed with Dutch Bangla Bank Limited on Although MRT Line-6, the first Metro-rail in
25 January 2017. In the meantime, 65,000 Bangladesh from Uttara-Motijheel being 20.1
Rapid Pass have been procured. Honorable km long with 16 stations and capable of
Prime Minister inaugurated ‘Rapid Pass’ carrying 60,000 passengers per hour in both
through video conferencing on 04 January ways, was planned for implementation during
2018. Rapid Pass has been introduced for the period of 2012-2024, through a special
BRTC buses on Abdullahpur-Motijheel and arrangement under the direction of the
Gabtoli-Nabinagor routes, for HR Transport Hon'ble Prime Minister, a revised plan for
buses in Hatirjheel circular route and for implementation is approved from the 3rd
Dhakar Chaka buses on Uttara-Motijheel and phase at Uttara to Agargaon by December
Gulshan Circular routes. Introduction of 2019 and the works of the rest for Agargaon
Rapid Pass to collect toll at various toll plaza to Bangladesh Bank will be completed by
in the country is under process. December 2020 as an early commissioning.
Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited The progress for implementing the revised
(DMTCL) plan the Metro-Rail Construction is ongoing
In order to alleviate Traffic congestion and to
improve the environment in Dhaka MRT Line-1 and MRT Line-5 (Northern &
Metropolitan City and its adjoining areas, a Southern Route):
government owned company naming Dhaka MRT Line-1 comprising of 31.241
Mass Transit Company Limited (DMTCL) Kilometers is divided into two parts. They
has laid out the following time bound action are: Airport Route and Purbachal Route.
plan to build a network of 6 Metro Rail Activities are running to complete
systems by 2030. The time bound action plan construction works of both the routes by
is given in the Table 11.5: 2026. DPP preparation for construction MRT
Table 11.5: Time Bound Action Plan, 2030 Line-5 (Northern route) project by 2027 with
of DMTCL a view to build 19.6 km long lines in
Name of the Phase Probable Type combination of underground and elevated
MRT Line Completion lines and 14 stations in between Hemaetpur
Year and Vatara is ongoing. In order to build 17
MRT Line-6 First 2024 Elevated
MRT Line-1 2026
km lines with 17 stations in between Gabtoli
MRT Line-5; Second 2027 and Dasherkandi under MRT Line-5
Northern Route Elevated and (Southern route) project by 2030 pre-
MRT Line-5; Third 2030 Underground
Southern Route
feasibility study have been started from 5
MRT Line-2 2030 May 2018 with the assistance from the
MRT Line-4 2030 Underground development partner.
Source: Road Transport and Highways Division.
MRT Line-2 and MRT Line-4 the side of Bangabandhu bridge. Now, it is
possible to communicate with north-west
In order to build about 40 km lines in
region from Dhaka within very short time.
combination with underground and elevated
Apart from the road and railways facilities,
in between Gabtoli and Chattogram road
other facilities like electricity, gas and fiber
under MRT Line-2 project, a G2G
optic telephone line have been established
Memorandum of Assistance (MoA) was
through this bridge.
signed between the government of Japan and
the government of Bangladesh on 15 June Construction of Bangabandhu bridge
2017. The total length, route alignment facilitates the increase of agriculture
underground and elevated part of the production to a great extent in northern region
alignment, depot, station numbers and and farmers are getting the fair price of their
location will be determined after the products. Furthermore, industries have
completion of the Pre-feasibility Study. The flourished in that region too. The bridge is
underground MRT or Subway (MRT Line-4) significantly contributing in economic
has been planned, which will be constructed development through reduction of poverty.
beneath the existing Dhaka – Narayangonj The revenue earnings for the period of
railway route. To conduct the Pre-Feasibility FY2009-10 to FY2018-19 (up to February)
Study for MRT Line-4, a development from this bridge are shown in Table 11.6.
assistance agency is currently being sought.
Table 11.6: Description of the toll collected
Bridges Division from Bangabandhu Bridge
(In Crore Taka)
Bridges division is responsible for Financial Target Revenue Collection rate
implementation and maintenance of bridges Year collection (%)
and tunnels (which are 1,500 meters and over 2009-10 230.00 243.93 106.00
in length), flyover, expressway, causeway, 2010-11 260.00 267.66 102.94
2011-12 312.21 304.66 97.58
link road and so on. The main activities of
2012-13 335.40 325.20 96.96
‘Bangladesh Bridge Authority’, the only 2013-14 358.98 323.38 90.23
organisation of Bridges Division, are as 2014-15 365.13 349.08 95.60
follows: 2015-16 391.97 402.43 102.66
2016-17 456.68 484.42 106.07
Bangabandhu Bridge
2017-18 539.48 543.80 100.80
To ensure integrated communication system 2018-19* 566.44 376.00 66.37
between two regions divided by the Jamuna Source: Bangladesh Bridge Authority,* Up to February 2019.
Kalia’ roads over Payra river have been locomotives, wagons and new coaches and
completed. PDPP has been approved for modernization of signaling system and level
these three proposed bridges costing of crossing gates, bring reform in railway and
TK.1,944.24 crore taka. It is expected that collection of Diesel Electric Multiple Unit
construction of these bridges will start soon (DEMU).
after availability of finance. Achievement records of Bangladesh Railway
Moreover, Feasibility study is going on for 5 during the tenure of the present government
other bridges; over Payra river in Patuakhali- since 2009, Bangladesh Railway has
Amtoli-Borguna road, over Karkhana river in constructed 330.15 km railway line, 295
Bakergonj-Baufol road, over Meghna river in bridges, 91 new station buildings and
Bhulta-Araihazar-Nabinagar road, over converted 248.50 km railway line into Dual
Bishkhali river in Borguna-Pathorghata road Gauge. Moreover, during that period,
and over Tetulia and Kalabodor river which 1,135.23 kilometers of railway line, 644
connect Barishal with Bhola. Construction bridges, 117 station buildings, Modernization
work of these bridges will start in time. of Signaling System at 90 stations,
rehabilitation of Signaling System at 9
B. Railway Communication
stations, 430 passenger coaches and 277
The present government has created a wagons have been rehabilitated. 46 (20 MG,
separate Ministry named as Ministry of 26 BG) locomotives, 270 passenger coaches,
Railways (MoR) on 04 December 2011 to 20 sets of DEMUs, 516 freight wagons and
ensure improvement of railway sector in 30 brake vans have been procured to improve
Bangladesh. The improvement of rail rolling stock fleet and included 127 new train
communication and transport services has services in different route and extended 38
been included as a priority sector in the on going train service.
national document on 7th Five-Year Plan and
In order to meet the growing demand of
Perspective Plan Vision-2021 and more
passengers, projects have been taken for
budget has been provided for the
procurement of 100 MG and 40 BG
development of the railway than any of the
locomotives, 550 MG and 150 BG passenger
past. Total Number of 230 projects cost of
coaches to resolve rolling stock crisis. After
TK.5,53,662.00 crore are included for the
adding these resources to Bangladesh
implementation of six stages from July 2016
Railway as well as after accomplishment of
to June 2045 in newly approved railway
Railway Master Plan 2016-2045, service of
master plan.
railway will be improved significantly and
Bangladesh Railway has around 2,955.53 thereby Bangladesh Railway will transform
kilometer of network which connects 44 into modern mass transport system.
District and almost all the important places of
Table 11.7 presents year wise data on overall
the country. Necessary steps have been taken
performance of Bangladesh Railway over the
to renovate existing rail tracks, purchase of
period from FY2009-10 to FY2017-18.
Table 11.8: Income and Expenditure of work on Evicted Foreshore Land and
BIWTA installation of 315 pontoons of various sizes
( In crore taka)
Fiscal Income Actual Profit/Loss in different launch landing stations and river
Year Expenditure (+-)
2009-10 185.87 191.05 -5.18
ports after having minor and major repairs
2010-11 237.53 239.10 -1.57 and other development works have made the
2011-12 290.78 272.91 +17.87
2012-13 349.09 329.40 +19.69
transportation of passengers and goods safe
2013-14 320.04 377.61 -57.57 and easier.
2014-15 358.02 382.31 -24.29
2015-16 500.80 518.88 -18.08 Bangladesh Inland Water Transport
2016-17 614.46 699.67 -85.21
2017-18 625.35 689.33 -63.98
Corporation (BIWTC)
2018-19* 500.28 519.61 -19.33
By operating 177 vessels BIWTC is working
Source: BIWTA, Ministry of Shipping. *Up to February 2019.
BIWTA performs development and to provide reasonable and service oriented
maintenance dredging in every year for developed transport system. To improve the
smooth transportation of passenger and cargo. service quality, BIWTC has constructed 19
The volume of development and maintenance ferry, 2 Inland Passenger Vessel (M.V.
dredging during the period from FY2009-10 Bangali & M.V. Madhumoti), 12 Water Bus,
to FY2018-19 is presented in Table 11.9. 4 Sea-truck, 4 container transport vessels and
Table 11.9: Development and Maintenance overall 41 commercial marine vessels as well
Works of BIWTA as 12 ancillary marine vessels (including
Fiscall Dredging Quantity (lakh cubic meter) pantoons), i.e. in total 53 marine vessels are
Year Development Maintenance Total deployed for service with a cost of Tk.423.13
Dredging Dredging
2009-10 5.04 34.92 39.96 crore.
2010-11 25.54 40.16 65.70
2011-12 24.47 43.61 68.08 To expedite commercial activities of BIWTC
2012-13 56.03 44.65 100.68 3 river cruiser, 3 internal passenger travel
2013-14 47.02 57.90 104.92
2014-15 120.15 50.77 170.92 ship, 4 coastal passenger travel ship, 8 sea
2015-16 178.22 104.79 283.01 trucks, 6 K-type ferries, 6 utility ferries, 2
2016-17 158.79 117.37 276.16
2017-18 211.89 134.98 346.87 tankers, 2 firefighting cum salvage tugs, 1
2018-19* 110.24 126.76 237.00 cabin cruiser cum inspection boat as well as
Source: BIWTA, Ministry of Shipping, * Up to February 2019.
to increase efficiency of dockyards 2 high
In addition to the above dredging activities, capacity Slipways will be constructed under
BIWTA procured 28 technologically the project ‘Procurement of 35 commercial
advanced dredgers and 83 ancillary vessels. and 8 ancillary marine vessels and
Besides, procurement of 2 high-powered construction of 2 Slipways’ with a cost of
salvage vessels, moodernization of 2 river Tk.1,319.71 crore.
Ports (Dhaka River Port, Barisal River Port),
Table 11.10 shows the income and
installation of 118 new pontoon (up to
expenditure of the organisation since
February 2019) in different ferry ghat, launch
FY2009-10 to FY2017-18.
ghat, wayside ghat, development of 20 km
walkway and other infrastructures with allied
Table 11.10: Income and Expenditure of container was 10.81 days, in FY2018-19
Statement of BIWTC (from July 2018- January 2019) it comes
(In Crore Taka) to10.88 days. In FY2017-18 the average turn-
Financial Income Actual Net
Year Expenditure Profit around time of container vessel at Jetty birth
1 2 3 9 was 2.55 days, in FY2018-19 (from July
2009-10 200.13 150.10 28.73
2010-11 211.99 153.81 32.08 2018- January 2019) it comes to 2.86 days.
2011-12 229.68 183.48 19.28 Average growth of import-export trade of
2012-13 272.21 216.13 56.08
2013-14 297.35 235.08 62.27 cargo in 2017-18 was 12.58 percent and in
2014-15 326.72 269.43 57.29 container it was 8.88 percent. In 2018-19
2015-16 359.18 310.96 48.22
2016-17 356.95 329.71 27.24
(form July 2018-January 2019) the growth
2017-18 371.91 287.36 84.55 rate of import-export trade was 7.50 percent
Source: Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation.
and 5.97 percent respectively.
Chattogram Port Authority (CPA)
Despite of various obstacles, the performance
As the principal sea port of Bangladesh, of CPA is increasing day by day comparing
Chattogram Port Authority handles nearly 92 with the modern ports of the world as per
percent of international trade of the country. international standard. Chattogram Port has
Port activities are increasing day by day with already got reputation in the world shipping
the increasing trend of export-import of the sector. In the survey of one of the oldest
country. At present the container handling shipping related international news magazine
growth of CPA is 14 percent. Increasing trend ‘Lloyd’s List’ Chattogram Port secure 98th
of exports of garments and other goods are
position in the year 2009 and in the last
handled by Chattogram Port Authority.
survey Chattogram Port achieved 70th
Considering the enormous importance of
position. So Chattogram Port has forwarded
Chattogram Port on total economy of the
28 steps ahead within last 10 years.
country, the present government has taken
Table 11.11 shows the income and
massive development programs to add more
expenditure of CPA
dynamism in the operating activities of the
Table 11.11: Income and Expenditure of
Port. To Maintain navigability in front of jetty
pontoon, outer bar area and at Karnafully (In Crore Taka)
navigational channel, an average of 10 lakh Fiscal Year Rev. Rev. Rev. Surplus
Income Expenditure (Before Tax)
cubic meter maintenance dredging usually 2009-10 1155.35 624.78 530.57
performed on yearly basis. As a result foreign 2010-11 1453.15 634.13 819.02
and domestic ships can navigate safely. As 2011-12 1529.92 652.62 877.30
2012-13 1570.37 803.00 767.37
per international standard one of the main
2013-14 1634.32 815.65 818.67
performance indicators of any port is to keep 2014-15 1876.82 860.95 1015.87
Turn-Around time of vessels at a minimum 2015-16 2029.25 1065.83 963.42
level. 2016-17
2407.65 1352.54 1055.11
2017-18 2647.64 1419.05 1228.59
In FY2017-18 the average turn-around time 2018-19* 1972.32 873.96 1098.36
Source: Chattogram Port Authority, *Up to February 2019.
feet plinth area is constructed for storage of 2011-12 42.08 31.91 10.17
import cargo. The operational activity of 2012-13 47.78 35.82 11.96
Payra Port was inaugurated in August 2016 2013-14 61.31 51.06 10.25
by introducing ship to ship cargo transfer
2014-15 70.52 47.38 23.14
system. In FY2017-18, 9 seagoing foreign
2015-16 83.20 55.36 27.84
vessels landed at Payra port and it handled
1.72 lakh metric tonnes of goods. 2016-17 111.51 75.02 36.49
shipping keeping liaison with IMO, ILO, crore and ‘Development of Maritime
UNCTAD and other related organisations. Legislation of Bangladesh’ with an estimated
The department imparts training following cost of Tk.4.12 crore. Moreover, a new
International Maritime Standard. project named ‘National Ships & Mechanized
Boats Database Management and capacity
The main sources of revenue incomes of the
Building’ has also been proposed to the
Department are: registration and survey of
government for implementation. After
ships, conducting competency examination
implementation of these projects the overall
and issuing certificate to the seafaring officers
maritime safety and security of inland, coastal
and crews, examination fees, light dues,
and oceangoing vessels will be strengthened.
issuing seafarers ID cards, manning agents
licensing fees, penalty for contravention of Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC)
shipping laws etc. The statement of incomes Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC) has
and expenditures of this organisation is been playing an important role with an aim of
shown in the Table: 11.14. providing safe and efficient shipping services
Table 11.14: Income and Expenditure of in international sea routes and carry out all
the Department of Shipping forms of activities connected with from
(In Crore Taka) various foreign trade countries through
Fiscal Year Target of Actual Expenditure ancillary shipping. Despite the limitations of
Income Income
2009-10 9.25 11.67 4.63 resources, BSC is able to acquire a total of 38
2010-11 10.25 12.55 5.53 ships through continuous efforts and
11 patronization of the government since
2011-12 12.71 13.26 5.54
5.5414.63 establishment. At present there are 7 vessels
2012-13 14.26 12.95 14.63
in BSC fleet.
2013-14 15.26 14.43 10.12
BSC has undertaken a number of
2014-15 15.99 18.21 9.33
development projects to acquire a number of
2015-16 17.29 29.03 11.63
vessels of different types and sizes by 2021.
2016-17 19.72 33.46 16.37 Among these, six new vessel procured by the
2017-18 37.49 38.98 16.56 finance of China government will be added to
2018-19* 24.32 19.12 11.04 the BCS fleet by 2019. Besides, procurement
Source: Department of Shipping* up to February 2019 process of 2 new chemical/crude oil tanker, 2
To ensure maritime safety, security and to new mother tankers, 10 new bulk carriers, 4
facilitate rescue operation as a mandatory new cellular container vessels, 2 new Mother
requirements of international conventions, the Bulk carriers (specialised for carrying coals
Department of Shipping has undertaken two etc.) and 2 new Mother Product Oil Tankers
development projects named ‘Establishment (specialised for carrying diesel etc.) financing
of Global Maritime Distress and Safety by loan of various countries/development
System and Integrated Maritime Navigation partners as well as procurement of 2 LNG
System’ with an estimated cost of Tk.455.95 carrier are under process.
major achievements of the commission are Table 11.16: Financial Position of CAAB
given below: (In Crore Taka)
Fiscal Revenue Revenue Total Net
National River Conservation Commission Year Income Expenditure Expenditure Profit
has established bridge among ministries, (Revenue
and others)
departments and agencies to play active 2009-10 642.02 265.31 416.81 225.21
roles for conserving all rivers and 2010-11 653.89 316.87 623.84 30.05
waterbodies 2011-12 731.05 378.54 838.44 (107.39)
2012-13 795.21 330.34 644.53 150.68
Detailed data has been collected by river
2013-14 1150.29 423.33 976.86 173.43
conservation committees at division, 2014-15 1410.32 497.67 1277.22 133.10
district and upazila level. This will create 2015-16 1504.17 506.85 1256.76 247.41
2016-17 1518.14 571.56 1424.17 93.97
concrete river based database which will
2017-18 1659.65 594.16 1766.04 (106.39)
be used for researches of rivers to 2018-19* 948.34 444.50 981.88 (33.54)
formulate policy of river conservation Source: Civil Aviation Authority * Up to February 2019
It may possible to revive 46 km of Boral
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited
river due to the initiative taken for flow of
water from Padma river to source of At present, Biman Bangladesh Airlines
Boral river at Charghat, Rajshahi Limited, the national flag carrier, is operating
Primary survey by the commission has flights to 7 domestic and 15 international
been done for reclamation of Second destinations. These include 2 destinations in
Channel of Buriganga and the SAARC countries, 4 destinations in the
To identify boundary of all the rivers of South-East Asia, 8 destinations in the Middle
Bangladesh, especially 5 rivers East and 1 destination in Europe. Year wise
surrounding Dhaka (Buriganga, income and expenditure of Biman during
Shitalakshya, Balu, Turag and FY2009-10 to FY2018-19 is shown in Table
Dhaleswary) all disctrict commissioner 11.17
have been motivated. Table 11.17: Income and Expenditure of
D. Air Transport (In Crore Taka)
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh Fiscal Year Revenue Expenses Net Profit/Loss
(CAAB) Income (+/-)
2009-10 2948.03 2994.05 -46.02
At present Civil Aviation Authority of
2010-11 3343.93 3568.09 -224.16
Bangladesh (CAAB) operates 3 international 2011-12 3823.67 4417.88 -594.21
airports, 7 domestic airports and 2 Short 2012-13 3951.89 4237.52 -285.63
Take-Off and Landing (STOL) ports. Out of 2013-14 3816.94 4102.56 -285.61
2014-15 4772.79 4448.65 324.13
these, 8 airports are in operation. Due to 2015-16 4965.53 4730.03 235.50
inadequacy of passengers, no flight is 2016-17 4551.52 4504.63 46.90
operating at 2 other domestic airports and 2 2017-18 4931.64 5133.11 -201.47
2018-19* 3175.12 2938.33 236.79
STOL ports. The financial position of CAAB
Source: Biman Bangladesh Airlines Limited, * Up to December
during the period from FY2009-10 to 2018.
FY2018-19 is shown in Table 11.16.
At present, Biman has a fleet of 13 aircraft, and Revenue Integrity Systems. For network
which includes 4 (four) 777-300ER, 2 (two) extension, Biman is planning to extend its
787-800, 4 (four) 737-800 and 3 (three) services to prospective new destinations like
Dash8-Q400 aircraft. In order to modernize Guangzhou, Colombo and Male’ from
the fleet, Biman signed two Purchase Summer Schedule 2019.
Agreements with the Boeing Co., USA in
E. Information and Communication
2008 for purchasing 10 brand new aircraft.
Under the agreements, 8 aircraft have already
been delivered and the remaining 2, 787-8 Communication Technology
aircraft are scheduled to be delivered in July Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
and September 2019. To extend services in Commission (BTRC)
the domestic and regional sectors, Biman Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory
acquired 2 aircrafts in 2015 and 1 aircraft in Commission (BTRC) is functioning with a
2018 on long term dry lease basis. Biman is in view to providing reliable, affordable and
the process of acquiring 2 wide-body aircraft modern telecommunication services for the
on short-term wet lease basis for operation mass people. To facilitate ‘connecting the
during the Hajj season 2019. In FY2017- unconnected’ through quality
2018, Biman carried a total of 25.88 lakh telecommunication and information
passengers and 30,970 tonnes of cargo. In technologies at an affordable price by
2018, Biman also carried 64,871 Hajj introducing new technologies, BTRC is
Pilgrims out of total 1,27,208 Hajj pilgrims of working in implementing the national dream
Bangladesh. of ‘Digital Bangladesh’. BTRC is playing an
In order to inform the flight schedule and important role to expand internet and
other information to its valued passengers, broadband connectivity throughout the
Biman introduced SMS (Short Message country by effective utilization of public and
Service) in August 2015. To facilitate the private sector resources. Currently, the
passengers, options have been introduced for penetration of phone users is encouraging
purchasing tickets using mobile phones side- with the total number of subscribers exceeded
by-side the traditional options of using travel 15.75 crore in January 2019. The number of
agency and on-line systems. Options have internet subscribers exceeded 9.14 crore by
also been introduced for settlement/payment the same time. The price of internet
of ticket price using Bkash/Rocket. Biman bandwidth has been reduced by more than 90
attained capability to perform ‘C’-Check for percent in last 9 years and as a result,
777-300ER and 737-800 aircraft and to broadband internet in penetrating at a high
perform repair and technical services of up-to rate. Due to business friendly policy, many
‘A’-Check for Dash8-Q400 aircraft. Besides, domestic entrepreneurs invested in
steps have been taken to optimise Biman’s telecommunication sector in last few years.
revenue earnings and reduce sales cost Bangladesh has moved to 4G mobile
through introducing Revenue Management technology in February 2018. The first ever
Table 11.19: Number of Subscribers of Different Mobile Operators (up to January 2019)
S.L Operators Subscribers (In million)
1. Grameen Phone Ltd (PG) 73.06
2. BanglalinkDigital Communications Limited (kanllalnnk) 33.69
3. RobiAxiata Limited (Robi) 46.90
4. Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd (Teletalk) 3.88
Total 157.54
Source:Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) .* up to January 2019.
Bangladesh Telecommunications Company (.bangla) and .bd domain registered are 1,038
Limited (BTCL) and 48,975 respectively.
BTCL had 16.28 lakh telephone line capacity Optical Fiber Network Development Project
and 6.18 lakh telephone connection (290 Upazila) of BTCL costing Tk.625.00
throughout the country at the end of February crore was ended by June 2018. In total, 349
2018. At the same time, 256 Kbps to 1.5 Upazilas in 64 Zilas have been connected
Mbps unlimited ADSL internet service was through 8,900 Kilometer optical fiber cable
subscribed by 16 thousand customers. GPON under this project. High speed wireless
based internet service of 2-10 Mbps internet broadband connectivity all over the country
speed over optical fiber got 1,535 customers. are being constructed by another project
Number of Leased line subscribers of bulk named Broadband Wireless Network for
bandwidth was 2,259 at the end of June 2018. Digital Bangladesh (4G, LTE) costing
BTCL is providing data and internet service Tk.957.00 crore. In addition, BTCL is
by total 130 gbps bandwidth (120 gbps from implementing various projects to modernize
submarine cable and 10 from terrestrial). telecommunication infrastructure.
BTCL has so far connected all 64 zilas and Table 11.20 shows the revenue targets,
471 upazilas and 1,212 Union Parishad revenue income and expenditure of BTCL
through 23,500 Km optical fiber cable. Up to during the period from FY2009-10 to
February 2019 number of Bangla domain FY2017-18.
Table 11.20: Year wise Income and BSCCL is playing important roles regarding
Expenditure of BTCL the following issues:
(In Crore Taka)
Revenue Reduction of Internet Bandwidth Price
Fiscal Year Target Expenditure
2009-10 1583 1241 1343 Up gradation of the SEA-ME-WE-4
2010-11 1566 1640 1976 submarine cable
2011-12 1760 2186 2203
2012-13 2498 1761 1756 Connecting the Country with the second
2013-14 1306 1005 1385 Submarine Cable
2014-15 848 821 1106
2015-16 784 1242 1578 Growth of Bandwidth Utilization
2016-17 982 1258 1442
2017-18 1148 1260 1652 Bandwidth Lease to North-Eastern
Source: BTCL. provinces of India.
Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Since its inception from 2008, BSCCL has
Limited (BSCCL) always been a profitable Company and
After the establishment of Bangladesh playing an important role by contributing to
Submarine Cable Company Limited the government’s revenue income. But after
(BSCCL) in 2008 under the Ministry of Posts, the introduction of ITC companies in the year
Telecommunications and Information 2012, Bandwidth usage of BSCCL was
Technology, despite the initial bandwidth reduced resulting in the decrease of revenue.
capacity of BSCCL with SEA-ME-WE-4 This type of short time shortfall has been
(SMW4) submarine cable system was only overcome through befitting guidance of the
7.5 Gbps, by participating to up gradation government and reduction of bandwidth
programs and connecting with the (SEA-ME- price, BSCCL has regained its market share
WE-5) submarine cable system it stands at by proving maximum demand of the Country
around 1,800 Gbps. BSCCL is currently and become able to increase its revenue
supplying almost 65 percent of the country's income. Table 11.21 shows year wise revenue
Internet bandwidth, which is about more than income of BSCCL during the period from
650 Gbps. FY2010-11 to FY2018-19.
Table 11.21: Income and Expenditure of Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited
(In Crore Taka)
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19*
Revenue Earned 83.78 121.45 124.84 75.37 54.07 61.86 103.67 140.50 91.04
Net Profit (before tax) 54.48 83.13 109.59 48.81 13.90 17.87 38.95 29.39 30.39
Net Profit (after tax) 22.43 74.48 87.21 36.23 12.91 16.55 31.82 7.33 23.60
Source: BSCCL* up to December 2018
Bangladesh Post Office assistance from its post offices and other
Bangladesh Post Office (BPO) renders its organisations.
service throughout the country by 9,886 Total revenue income and expenditure of
offices. BPO provides services with BPD during Janurary of FY2018-19 is
Tk.193.08 crore and Tk.478.93 crore. In ensure connectivity for people at every corner
FY2018-19, Bangladesh Post Office of the country; to make the public service
transmitted letter and parcel of 55.43 lakh available at the doorstep of the citizens and to
(December 2018), deposited savings work together by providing required facilities
certificates of Tk.9,876.19 crore (up to to IT industries – remembering these four
February 2019), sold stamps of Tk.18.33 pillars multiple activities started to fulfill the
crore and revenue stamps of Tk.20.91 crore. dream of digital Bangladesh. ICT division has
undertaken various initiatives,
Midterm Reform Work Plan of BPO:
projects/programs as well as implementing
To convert all post offices as ICT based
post office
To automate all the functions of post Bangladesh Hi-tech Park
offices Bangladesh Hi-tech Park Authority was
To establish one ATM machine and POS established under ‘Bangladesh Hi-tech Park
machine in every business hub Authority Law-2010’ in order to promote
To establish e- Business, m-Business and IT/ITES based hi-teck industry, creation of
logistic mail management center in every tech based employment, and building a
post office conducive environment for investment. After
To initiate domestic and international its inception the authority is working to
commercial postal service establish hi-tech park/software technology
To extend post office saving bank and park at different places in the country for
postal life insurance socio-economic development through
To introduce Business mail, Ad mail ensuring employment for countless youths
logistics mail and hybrid mail service and creating skilled human resources.
To create IT based entrepreneurs in rural In the first phase, the authority established 28
areas hi-tech park/software technology park
To establish post e-center in rural areas throughout the country. Meanwhile,
and thereby provide digital mail service to construction of ‘Sheikh Hasina Software
the public Park’ at Jessore, ‘Janata Tower Software
To introduce e-commerce service and Technology Park’ at Kawran Bazar, Dhaka
To provide social safety net allowances and ‘Sheikh Kamal IT Training and
through postal cash card. Incubation Center’ at Natore have been
Information and Communication Technology
completed. Honorable Prime Minister
inaugurated ‘Sheikh Hasina Software Park’ at
For building Digital Bangladesh with a view
Jessore on 10 December 2017 and Sajib
to implementing vision 2021, Information
Wajed Joy, honorable advisor to HPM on ICT
and Communication Technology (ICT)
inaugurated ‘Janata Tower Software
Division is working ceaselessly. To make the
Technology Park’ at Kawran Bazar, Dhaka
people, especially the youths, skilled in ICT
on 18 October 2016. At present, 48 and 18
for implementing Digital Bangladesh; to
crime and explanation on laws related to 18,434 government offices and 893 video
cyber-crime, learnt how to safely use conferencing systems are being monitored
social communication media and how to by NOC. Free wi-fi zones at 17,288
escape from cyber-crimes, got contact government offices has been built
numbers of related offices for held and National information and Communication
how to make complains. technology development phase-3 (Info-
Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) Sarker, phase-3) project is implementing
to provide high speed internet connection
During the last decade Bangladesh Computer
in 2,600 unions through optical fiber and
Council (BCC) has undertaken various
in 1,000 police offices through Virtual
initiatives and projects to implement digital
Private Network (VPN). Meanwhile,
Bangladesh reflecting four pillars- ICT
1,806 Unions have been connected to
infrastructure development & Connectivity,
optical fiber cable network. The rest 794
development of skilled human resources, e-
Unions will be connected by June 2019
government and development of ICT
Software quality testing lab has been
industry. Most of the initiatives become
constructed at BCC. It has included
successful. Some of the successes mentioned
hardware testing works also. As a result,
it will be easy to ensure standard of
National Data Center (Tier-3) has been
software and hardware in the country
established at BCC. Meanwhile, data
Innovation and entrepreneur development
center including sub-stations has been
academy along with office of IDEA
expanded and uninterrupted service is
project has been built at BCC which will
providing from the data center. To make
establish system of innovation culture and
data center sustainable in the long term a
business model has already been Digital services along with high speed
prepared. Data storage capacity has been internet infrastructure have been introduce
increased to 3 petabytes in Maheshkhali, a coastal island of the
National Data Center (Tieer-4) is being country under the project ‘Digital Island
constructed Bangabondhu hi-tech park in Maheshkhali’. Under the same project
Kaliakoir, Gazipur. A building of 2 lakh education, health, agriculture and e-
square foot and machines & equipments commerce service is being provided.
has already been constructed. Operation
of this data center is expected to start by
June 2019
For network management, Network
Operation Centre (NOC) has been
established at BCC. Under Central
Monitoring system of National e-
government Network, 17,288 out of