Dr. Finny Fitri Yani - COVID-19 - Great - Imitator-1
Dr. Finny Fitri Yani - COVID-19 - Great - Imitator-1
Dr. Finny Fitri Yani - COVID-19 - Great - Imitator-1
Is it MIS-C ?
Treat COVID-19
Fight COVID-19
Up date COVID-19 burden
Positif : 38.394.169
meninggal : 1.089.047 5 September 2020 16 Oktober 2020
Positif : 349.160
Meninggal : 12.268
Positif : 9.747
Meninggal :
5 September 2020 16 Oktober 2020
Anak positif : 18.112 org
0-5 tahun : 4575 org
6-18 tahun : 13.537 org
12 th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th 17 th 18 th
Covid-19 usia 0 - 5 th
100 Covid-19 usia 6 - 11 th
Total 179 60
Total 290 Anak
0 th 1 th 2 th 3 th 4 th
5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th 11 th
What this talk will cover:
Is it MIS-C ?
Treat COVID-19
Fight COVID-19
The Virus
Desde que la enfermedad t uvo su pr imer r epor te en Wuhan en Si nce the di sease was fi r st r epor ted i n Wuhan i n December
dermatologic manifestations- have been
2019, unti l i t wasappropriately
fi nal l y deter mi ned as a pandemi c i n M ar ch
zo del pr esent e año, se han ido esclareciendo los mecanismos de 2020, the mechani sms associ ated wi th ti ssue damage pr esent
daño t isular present es en losand related
pacient es toLaworse
con COVI D-19. afec- inoutcomes,
COVI D -19 pati ents have become cl ear er. T he pul monar y
i nvol vement has been wi del y char acter i zed and even though
Is it MIS-C ?
Treat COVID-19
Fight COVID-19
Case : MS/Perempuan/8 th
Is it MIS-C ?
Treat COVID-19
Fight COVID-19
Case : R/girl/16 yo EEG, ECG, Brain CT, Chest Xray
What this talk will cover:
Is it MIS-C ?
Treat COVID-19
Fight COVID-19
Therapeutic strategy
• Antiviral medication
• Monoclonal antibody
• Plasma Convalens therapy
• Multivitamins
• Vitamin D3
• Vitamin C high dose
• Zink
Antiviral medication
• Blockages virus into the host cells : Chloroquine &
• Inhibitor viral RNA synthesis : Remdesivir, Favipiravir (Avigan)
• Viral replication inhibitor : Liponavir-ritonavir (Aluvia)
Is it MIS-C ?
Treat COVID-19
Fight COVID-19
Strategy to fight COVID-19
• Individual strategy
• Community strategy
Individual risk management strategies to reduce the risk of
Rutin bersihkan
Pantau kesehatan anak Hindari kontak fisik (jaga Dapatkan sinar matahari mainan dengan
dengan buku KIA. jarak minimal 1 meter). pagi dari teras rumah pembersih rumah
tangga / alkohol 70%
Community & goverment strategy
focus for children/teenager
• Postponed to opening
school, especially in red
• Study training (Bimbel)
• Café
• Playground
Family Clusters
School cluster
‘Bimbel’ cluster\
“Resto/Café”’ cluster
Elaborasi Riwayat Kontak
• Sebagian besar anak 0 – 18 tahun memiliki riwayat kontak dengan
kasus positif, hasil dari ‘contact tracing’
• Sumber kontak : anggota keluarga positif Family Cluster
• Sumatera Barat : Extended family ayah, ibu, kakek, nenek, om,
tante, dll
• Tempat tinggal berdekatan
• Sharing kamar mandi
• Kebiasaan berkumpul di warung
Stigma Hilangkan