Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
To cite this article: Dejana Kosanović, Ivana Potočnik, Jelena Vukojević, Mirjana Stajić, Emil Rekanović, Miloš Stepanović
& Biljana Todorović (2015) Fungicide sensitivity of Trichoderma spp. from Agaricus bisporus farms in Serbia, Journal of
Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 50:8, 607-613, DOI:
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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B (2015) 50, 607–613
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0360-1234 (Print); 1532-4109 (Online)
DOI: 10.1080/03601234.2015.1028849
Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera “Torlak,” Belgrade, Serbia
Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia
Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
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Trichoderma species, the causal agents of green mould disease, induce great losses in Agaricus bisporus farms. Fungicides are widely
used to control mushroom diseases although green mould control is encumbered with difficulties. The aims of this study were,
therefore, to research in vitro toxicity of several commercial fungicides to Trichoderma isolates originating from Serbian and Bosnia-
Herzegovina farms, and to evaluate the effects of pH and light on their growth. The majority of isolates demonstrated optimal
growth at pH 5.0, and the rest at pH 6.0. A few isolates also grew well at pH 7. The weakest mycelial growth was noted at pH 8.0–
9.0. Generally, light had an inhibitory effect on the growth of tested isolates. The isolates showed the highest susceptibility to
chlorothalonil and carbendazim (ED50 less than 1 mg L¡1), and were less sensitive to iprodione (ED50 ranged 0.84–6.72 mg L¡1),
weakly resistant to thiophanate-methyl (ED50 D 3.75–24.13 mg L¡1), and resistant to trifloxystrobin (ED50 D 10.25–178.23 mg
L¡1). Considering the toxicity of fungicides to A. bisporus, carbendazim showed the best selective toxicity (0.02), iprodione and
chlorothalonil moderate (0.16), and thiophanate-methyl the lowest (1.24), while trifloxystrobin toxicity to A. bisporus was not tested
because of its inefficiency against Trichoderma isolates.
Keywords: Green mould disease, antifungal activity, cultivated mushroom.
Trichoderma isolates, while tea tree oil did not exhibit a them considering their morphology and mycelium growth.
significant antifungal activity.[2] The survey continued on Also, they were different from all known Trichoderma spe-
five more fungicides: carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl, cies.[2] The isolates have been maintained on potato dex-
chlorothalonil, iprodione and trifloxystrobin, which have trose agar (PDA) at 5 C in the culture collection of the
already been used against other fungal pathogens on Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection,
mushrooms before: Mycogone perniciosa, Lecanicillium Belgrade.
(Verticillium) fungicola and Cladobotryum sp.[18–22] Thia-
bendazole, which is used in mushroom production world-
wide, was not included in the survey because it is not
available for use in Serbia.[18] It is very important to deter- Selected pH values and light intensity
mine optimum conditions for pathogen growth, such as
pH and light intensity, in order to improve disease control. Trichoderma isolates were grown at 20 C on PDA (agar,
The aim of this study was to examine in vitro toxicity of Torlak, Belgrade, Serbia; dextrose, Torlak, Belgrade, Ser-
several fungicides to Trichoderma isolates obtained from bia; peeled potato). The medium was inoculated with
A. bisporus farms in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, com- mycelium agar discs (Ø 10 mm) taken from the edge of
pared to prochloraz. The impacts of pH and light on the 4 day-old cultures of each tested isolate and incubated for
growth of Trichoderma isolates were also evaluated. 72 h. The effect of pH, adjusted by 0.1 M HCl or 0.1 M
NaOH before sterilization, was studied over a range from
5.0 to 9.0. To examine the effect of light effect, the isolates
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Materials and methods were grown under constant neon light (λ D 533–725 nm)
or in the dark. Six replicates were made per isolate and
Isolates and growth conditions treatment.
was in the range between 5.0 and 50.0 mg L¡1, and sensi-
50.00 mg L¡1, and trifloxystrobin 0.10, 1.00, 10.00
tive if the value was less than 5.0 mg L¡1.[26] A selectivity
and 100.00 mg L¡1.[18] The selected fungicide volumes
index for each active ingredient was calculated as a ratio of
were added to molten sterile medium (50 C). The fungi-
the ED50 mean value for each tested isolate of the pathogen
cide-amended media and fungicide-free media, used as the
and a corresponding estimate for A. bisporus.[19]
control were inoculated with mycelium agar discs
(Ø 10 mm) taken from the edge of 4 day-old cultures of
Trichoderma isolates and incubated at 20 C. Colony diam-
eter was measured after 72 h. Mycelial growth on the Statistical analyses
fungicide-amended media was measured as percentage Data were examined by one-way analysis of variance,
against the control. Three replicates per treatment and including a comparison of means by F-test. The test was
used to compare average colony diameters of each tested light (Table 4). Statistically significant (P < 0.05) increases
isolate under the influence of different pH values and in colony diameters were found for T. atroviride, T.
light. In all analyses, the level of significance was at least aggressivum f. europaeum, T. harzianum, and Trichoderma
P < 0.05.[27] Statistical data analysis was performed using sp. group 3 isolates. T. harzianum T10 showed the maxi-
the software Statistica for Windows 6.0 (Stat Soft Italia, mum growth both under neon light and in the dark (52.0
1997). and 54.0 mm, respectively). Trichoderma sp. group 1 T1
had only half of the colony diameter of the other isolates
after 72 h of cultivation both under illumination and in
the dark (17.3 and 18.0 mm, respectively).
8, which was particularly evident for the isolates of Tricho- lonil and carbendazim were 0.12–0.97 and 0.25–0.92 mg
derma sp. group 3. Growth exceeding 40.0 mm after 72 h L¡1. Most Trichoderma isolates were capable to grow at
was observed in T. atroviride T33, T. harzianum T10, Tri- 0.47 mg L¡1 iprodione concentration but growth was
choderma sp. group 3 T88 at pH 5.0, while a maximum inhibited by 3.75 mg L¡1 and higher concentrations. The
was reached by T. koningii T39 (44.3 mm) under pH 6.0. values of iprodione ED50 for Trichoderma isolates were in
Trichoderma sp. group 1 T1 was characterized by a signifi- a range of 0.84–6.72 mg L¡1. Growth of the isolates was
cantly lower colony diameter, regardless of pH value, good at thiophanate-methyl concentration 6.25 mg L¡1
ranging between 15.7 and 14.0 mm, which is the lowest and trifloxystrobin concentration lower than 10 mg L¡1.
growth observed (Table 3). Severely inhibited growth of Trichoderma isolates was
The data show faster growth of all tested Trichoderma observed at thiophanate-methyl concentration of 25 mg
isolates in the dark, compared to their growth under neon L¡1 and trifloxystrobin concentration of 100 mg L¡1.
group 2
Trichoderma sp. T37 0.30 (0.26–0.34) 0.71 (0.56–0.92) 3.08 (1.67–12.18) 20.00 (15.88–27.40) 33.67 (8.93–1061.95)
group 3 T69 0.32 (0.28–0.36) 0.23 (0.19–0.28) 1.03 (0.81–1.34) 21.67 (17.77–25.07) 21.47 (9.36–68.14)
T71 0.27 (0.23–0.31) 0.31 (0.25–0.38) 2.20 (1.96–2.54) 11.06 (9.85–12.39) 65.80 (29.14–238.27)
T86 0.31 (0.28–0.35) 0.22 (0.17–0.27) 0.89 (0.71–1.12) 10.58 (9.43–11.84) 25.74 (9.31–203.87)
T88 0.44 (0.40–0.48) 0.32 (0.24–0.43) 1.14 (0.83–1.70) 17.43 (15.63–19.43) 22.69 (5.91–1091.50)
T90 0.40 (0.35–0.46) 0.40 (0.34–0.47) 0.84 (0.75–1.08) 12.90 (10.46–16.68) 51.67 (18.37–298.37)
95% confidence interval (P D 0.05).
Thiophanate-methyl ED50 values ranged 3.75–24.13 mg T. harzianum T54 was the most sensitive to chlorothalonil,
L¡1, and those of trifloxystrobin 10.25–178.23 mg L¡1. T. artroviride T60 to carbendazim and Trichoderma sp.
Based on the presented data, medial ED50 values were cal- group 3 T90 to iprodione. Toxicity of thiophanate-methyl
culated for all tested isolates per fungicide (carbendazim and trifloxystrobin was inferior to them. T. artroviride
0.41; chlorothalonil 0.39; iprodione 2.14; thiophanate- T33, T. aggresivum f. europaeum T85, T. harzianum T52
methyl 12.42) in order to define the selective toxicity of Trichoderma sp. group 1 T1, Trichoderma sp. group 2 T63,
fungicides to the pathogen and host (A. bisporus F56). and Trichoderma sp. group 3 T71 and T90 were resistant
to trifloxystrobin.
Previous ED50 quantification of fungicide toxicity to A.
Discussion bisporus F56 had enabled determination of a selective tox-
icity beteween the pathogen and A. bisporus.[18,22] In our
The results indicate that pH values higher than 7 decrease previous study, prochloraz manganese had demonstrated
Trichoderma spp. growth and that the tested isolates pre- high toxicity to all Trichoderma isolates as its ED50 values
ferred pH 5–7. The findings were consistent with our previ- were below 1 mg L¡1.[2] The medial ED50 value of pro-
ous study demonstrating that Trichoderma species on chloraz manganese for the Serbian Trichoderma isolates
oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) grew better under acidic- was 0.16 mg L¡1, its toxicity to A. bisporus F56 was
to-neutral conditions.[28] Generally, neon light had an 2.97 mg L¡1, and the selective toxicity to the pathogen
inhibitory effect on the tested isolate growth, which agrees and the host 0.05.[2,18] Carbendazim toxicity to A. bisporus
with other reported data.[29] F56 was 16.58 mg L¡1 and it demonstrated the best selec-
According to criteria of Gea et al.,[30,31] the tested tive toxicity of 0.02 among the tested fungicides.[18] Chlor-
Trichoderma isolates from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina othalonil showed a moderate selective toxicity of 0.16,
were sensitive to chlorothalonil, carbendazim and ipro- having ED50 to A. bisporus F56 2.39 mg L¡1. Iprodione
dione (except two isolates) since their ED50 values were and thiophanate-methyl, having the respective toxicity to
less than 5.0 mg L¡1, weakly resistant to thiophanate- A. bisporus F56 of 2.14 and 12.49 mg L¡1, had the worst
methyl (except one isolate) with ED50 higher than 5.0 mg selective toxicity of 1.24.[22] Trifloxystrobin toxicity to A.
L¡1, while as many as seven isolates were resistant to tri- bisporus was not tested because Trichoderma isolates
floxystrobin, its ED50 exceeding 50.0 mg L¡1. The isolate were weakly sensitive or resistant to that fungicide. The
612 Kosanovi
c et al.
commercial A. bisporus strains cultivated across Europe optimum concentrations for control of green mould dis-
since the 1990s seem to be more tolerant to fungicides in ease, and excluding the least effective ones.
vitro than earlier ones.[32]
Chlorothalonil, iprodione and carbendazim have also
been highly effective against Serbian Cladobotryum den- Conclusions
droides, while Lecanicillium fungicola var. fungicola iso-
lates have shown weak resistance to iprodione.[18,20,22] After in vitro testing of five fungicides: iprodione, chloro-
However, thiophanate-methyl was characterized by low thalonil, carbendazim, trifloxystrobin, and thiophanate-
activity against Serbian C. dendroides isolates, and triflox- methyl, carbendazim was shown to be the most effective
ystrobin was not toxic at all.[18,22] against Serbian Trichoderma isolates. Carbendazim was
Trifloxystrobin belongs to strobilurins, the site-specific the least toxic fungicide to A. bisporus and, besides pro-
compounds carrying a high resistance risk. Their mode of chloraz manganese, had the best selectivity to the patho-
action, based on inhibition of mitochondrial respiration, is gen and the host. The strobilurin fungicide trifloxystrobin
assumed to be easily overcome by fungi as in the studies was ineffective as a growth inhibitor of the tested Tricho-
concerning Trichoderma and Cladobotryum.[19] It have derma isolates. As previous studies had reported, the fungi-
been found that carbendazim and prochloraz were effec- cide prochloraz manganese has the highest antifungal
tive against T. harzianum from Croatia.[15] Carbendazim effect on the causal agents of green mould. The Tricho-
toxicity against Trichoderma from Pakistan has been con- derma isolates tested in this study preferred acidic-to-neu-
firmed in in vitro studies.[33] Earlier studies have also tral conditions, pH 5–7, and growth in the dark.
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