Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sciencedirect
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sciencedirect
Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Sciencedirect
Keywords: This paper proposes a general methodology for designing hierarchical control schemes for DC microgrids loaded
Communication link by constant power loads. This paper addresses issues when interfacing sources with a wide voltage range al-
Constant power loads lowing for any general choice for a power source. The control strategy consists of two levels. The lower level
Droop control consists of droop-based primary controllers. This controller enables current-sharing among paralleled sources
and also damps limit cycle oscillations due to constant power loads. The higher level is a secondary controller
Secondary control
which compensates for voltage deviations due to primary controller and performs voltage control of the mi-
crogrid. It also maintains the current sharing obtained in the primary stage. In the proposed secondary control,
high-speed communication links to the primary controllers is implemented. The stability conditions are ex-
plained using the equivalent circuit of converters. Using this approach, stability conditions can be derived for
microgrids of an arbitrary size and converter topology. The proposed control scheme is shown to be scalable and
robust. The results obtained for the three basic DC-DC converter configurations are compared based on a mi-
crogrid with a parallel configuration of buck-boost converters. Simulations and experimental results are pre-
sented to verify the validity of the proposed control schemes.
Corresponding author at: 25 Summer Ln, Hicksville, NY 11801, USA.
E-mail addresses: srinimahesh@utexas.edu (M. Srinivasan), akwasins@pitt.edu (A. Kwasinski).
A. Kwasinski is with University of Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA.
Received 29 September 2019; Received in revised form 17 May 2020; Accepted 19 May 2020
Available online 05 June 2020
0142-0615/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Srinivasan and A. Kwasinski Electrical Power and Energy Systems 122 (2020) 106207
Thus, the objective of accurate current sharing in addition to voltage is the DC-DC buck-boost converter. Higher order converters may
regulation is yet to be achieved. Some recent work in [23,24] try to have additional advantages. But they contain additional passive
address this issue by using non-linear droop characteristics. But some components which may increase converters failure rates [40].
non-linear droop characteristics may lead to unstable equilibrium Hence, each stage of controller design process and stability analysis
points in the presence of CPLs [24]. Nevertheless, using the methods is explained by considering a DC microgrid containing parallel buck-
proposed in [23,24] leads to steady state voltage deviation under high boost converters. This approach is shown to be scalable to micro-
load conditions. However, secondary control proposed in this paper grids of an arbitrary topology, converter configuration and in the
achieves zero steady-state error in the microgrid voltage even under presence of additional microgrid elements. To cover a wide range of
heavy loads source converter topologies, results obtained for the 3 basic DC-DC
A significant sub-domain of research on hierarchical control in- converter topologies are also compared.
volves interfacing renewable energy sources (RESs) and energy storage
systems (ESSs) to the DC microgrid. In this related area, the function of Each of the contributions mentioned in the previous paragraph are
secondary controller is mainly on efficient utilization of RES and ESS improvements over the work presented in the current literature. In
[25–27]. In this context in [25,26] ESS, solar, wind turbine generators [41], microgrid loads are assumed to be constant current loads. In this
are interfaced to a microgrid. The method proposed in [27] uses bat- paper, microgrid loads are assumed as CPLs which is more realistic. The
teries and ultracapacitors interfaced to a DC microgrid using converters. active damping method proposed in [42] only damps the limit cycle
In the methods proposed in [25–27], microgrid voltage is allowed to oscillations, whereas primary controller proposed in this paper per-
vary and is not tightly regulated. The method proposed in [28,29] uses forms current sharing as well as damping oscillations. In [43], load
additional ESSs with adjustable droops. In [30], a control scheme for current sharing is performed with the help of centralized communica-
minimizing the losses of the DC-DC converters in the microgrid is im- tion scheme and hence it is not autonomous. Since droop scheme is used
plemented. However, the main objective of secondary control in for current sharing in this paper, the primary controller is fully au-
[28–30] seems to be that of balancing the state of charge of the ESS. In tonomous which takes advantage in order to plug and play various
[31], the goal of secondary controller is the economic dispatch of microgrid sources. In [44], a low bandwidth based communication
sources connected to the microgrid. In [32] the objective of secondary scheme is used for current sharing among converters. If primary control
control is that of efficient charging of ESS. Even if some of the works relies on communication links, limit cycle oscillations in currents and
like [33,34] consider microgrid loads as CPLs, the source interfacing voltages are observed in the occasion of failure of such links. Local
converters are of buck or boost topology. Detailed quantitative analysis autonomous primary controller proposed in this paper, allows the mi-
in [35] showed that microgrids with diverse sources can achieve high crogrid to still operate, although, possibly, in a suboptimal state, even
availability. In order to maximize the range of source voltages that when communication links fail. Under light loaded conditions, micro-
could be interfaced, converters capable of providing wider output vol- grid voltage level may still be acceptable. Methods to perform voltage
tage ranges may be required [36]. Further, microgrid stability condi- regulation of DC microgrid locally have been proposed in literature in
tions derived in [18–22,25–34] only pertain to the respective systems [45]. However, this could eventually lead to instability due to differ-
considered and it may not be generalized. In this paper, a single bus DC ences in sensor parameters [39]. In this paper, secondary control is
microgrid is considered which is consistent with the existing approach implemented using a controller area network (CAN) communication
[37]. In addition, a single bus microgrid also minimizes the effect of protocol [20] which performs voltage control of the microgrid from a
system damping. In a recent work [38], connecting lines, filters and single location. Additionally, in a recent work [23] while performing
resistive loads have been considered, which may partly aid in damping stability analysis, converters are modeled as voltage sources in series
CPL oscillations. This paper does not consider such damping elements with a resistance, which may lead to model inaccuracies. Such simple
and hence the proposed control scheme entirely damps the limit cycle models do not provide any information regarding the effects of con-
oscillations. In addition, the system efficiency is higher than that in verter parameters on microgrid stability. In this paper, a detailed model
[38] because there is no power dissipation in added passive elements. of source converters is considered and no state variables are neglected.
In the later part of this paper, connecting lines have been considered in Even though [46] mentions that buck-boost converters are used as
order to show that the proposed control scheme works well in the source interfacing converters, it assumes that CPLs fed by such con-
presence of other circuit elements. verters are inherently stable. Further, no information regarding the
This paper presents following novel contributions. converter model seems to be available in [46].
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a general metho-
1. Hierarchical control schemes are proposed for DC microgrids with dology for designing the primary and secondary controllers for a DC
CPLs instead of linear loads. microgrid containing non-isolated DC-DC converters is presented. In
2. The primary controller performs dual functions of current sharing as Section 3, equivalent circuits of the converters are used to obtain sta-
well as damping limit cycle oscillations due to CPLs. bility conditions. Further, stability of the proposed control scheme is
3. The secondary controller performs voltage regulation. The integral also studied. Simulation and experimental results are presented in
control gains of the secondary controller are designed such that Section 4 to verify the proposed control strategies. In each of the sec-
current sharing obtained using primary control is maintained. Thus, tions, DC-DC buck-boost topology is used to describe the results derived
this paper addresses complementary issues listed in [22]. and the results obtained for the three basic DC-DC converter topologies
4. Secondary control is implemented using a controller area network are compared.
(CAN) communication protocol [20]. This ensures better accuracy in
current sharing and avoids instability due to racing condition in the
event of multiple controllers trying to regulate microgrid voltage 2. Controller design and analysis
5. Stability conditions are derived using a computationally simpler Consider a system of m parallel-connected source converters sup-
approach based on the converter equivalent circuit model. The plying power to r CPLs [47] as shown in Fig. 1. The source converters
proposed approach is scalable in terms of microgrid size and number are assumed to be operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM).
of power sources. The average state equations for such a system are
6. This paper addresses issues when interfacing sources with a wide
voltage range allowing for any general choice for a power source.
The basic DC-DC converter configurations that satisfy this condition
M. Srinivasan and A. Kwasinski Electrical Power and Energy Systems 122 (2020) 106207
so that the control laws are symmetric. Calculating the system ja-
cobian, A we obtain
A(m + 1) × (m + 1)
1 m+1 (E + x
1 ) ∂g 1
⎡ L1 ∂x 1
… 0 (g
L1 1
− 1) ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥
⎢ (Em + xm + 1 ) ∂gm 1 ⎥
⎢ 0 ⋯ Lm ∂xm Lm m
(g − 1) ⎥
=⎢ 1 ⎥
⎢ m
⎢ ∑ Cj
( ∂g
1 − g1 − x1 ∂x1
1 ) ⋯ m
∑ Cj
(1 − g m − xm m
∑ Cj xm +1 ⎥
⎢ j=1 j=1 j=1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
∂xm ) ⎥
⎦ (6)
It can be observed from (6) that in order for all the m + 1 eigen-
values to lie on the left half of the s plane (LHP), one of the necessary
conditions is that trace of A must be negative. Hence,
Fig. 1. A system of m parallel buck-boost converters supplying r CPLs. ∂gj
∂x j (7)
⎧ f1 (x, E, P , d) From an implementation standpoint, the simplest means to ensure
⎪ f2 (x, E, P , d)
f (x, t ) = that (7) is satisfied is by providing a proportional negative feedback of
⎨ ⋮
⎪ f (x, E, P , d) the inductor currents of the respective converters.
⎩ n Constraint 4: Duty ratio constraint. Since 0 < dj < 1 in (5), the
P = P1 + P2. .....+Pr following control laws can be used for the primary controller in (5).
d = [d1, d2, …dm ]T , E = [E1, E2, …Em ]T , x = [x1, x2 , …x n ]T (1) kOL, j Ej − Rdj xj
dj = Ej
where x is the state vector with components given by the inductor
kOL, j Ej
currents and capacitor voltages. It is assumed that there are n state = Vnl, 0 < kOL, j < 1
1 − kOL, j (8)
variables in the system with n = m + 1. The instantaneous duty cycle
and source voltage of the ith converter are given by di and Ei, respec- where Vnl refers to the no load voltage of the DC microgrid, kOL,j and Rdj
tively. To ensure stable operation of source converters, consider the are the open-loop duty ratio and virtual droop resistance of the jth
vector of duty cycles, d in (1) to involve state variables feedback. converter respectively. The control inputs of the jth converter given by
Hence, let (8) are conveniently referred to as the primary control inputs dj,pri. The
equilibrium point obtained using the control inputs (8) is given by
d = g (x) (2)
Xeq,pri. The individual components of Xeq,pri are given by [X1eq,X2eq…
From a control standpoint, the individual components of g(x), X(m+1)eq]T. Strict droop controllers enable current sharing at the cost of
namely g1, g2…gm may be any linear or non-linear functions of x. poor voltage regulation. This can be remedied by adding secondary
However, from the system and implementation standpoint, there are control inputs containing integral control terms [17]. The overall con-
several constraints to be taken into account while deriving g(x). The trol inputs are then given by
aim of this section is to take into account each of these constraints and
kOL, j Ej − x j Rdj + ki, j ∫ (Vnl − x m + 1) dt
arrive at a feasible option. dj =
Constraint 1: The chosen state feedback maintains the asymptotic Ej (9)
stability of the corresponding equilibrium point, Xeq. The stability of where ki,j is the integral control gain of the j converter. The equili- th
Xeq is estimated by linearizing the equations about the equilibrium brium point obtained using the control inputs (9) is given by Xeq,sec.
point [48]. As an example, consider the system shown in Fig. 1. The The individual components of Xeq,sec are given by [X1eq,sec,X2eq,sec…X(m
average state space equation for the system is T
+1)eq,sec] . To obtain the expressions for equilibrium points, current
sharing ratios and integral control gains in terms of other state vari-
⎧ Lj dt = dj Ej − d′j x m + 1 ables, consider the case where m = 2 without loss of generality. For a
f (x,t ) = m
multi-converter system such as the one in Fig. 1, the variation of mi-
⎨ (C1 + ...+Cm ) dxm + 1 = ∑ (d′j x j ) − P
⎪ dt xm + 1 crogrid voltage with load power is of considerable interest. Consider the
⎩ j=1
dj = 1 − dj , j = 1, 2, ...,m system equations (3). At Xeq,pri, the LHS of (3) is zero. To obtain X1eq
and X2eq in terms of X3eq, we do the following. The control input (8) is
x = [x1, ...,x m , x m + 1 ]T = [iL1, ....,iLm, vC ]T (3) substituted in the first equation in (3). The variables x1, x2 and x3 are
where d1, d2, …, dm refer to the instantaneous duty cycles of the m replaced by X1eq, X2eq and X3eq respectively. Writing X1eq and X2eq in
parallel converters.Constraint 2: The duty ratio function of one con- terms of X3eq in the first equation in (3), we can obtain
verter cannot include the feedback of inductor current of another kOL, j Ej2 + Ej X3eq (kOL, j − 1)
converter. This is important to ensure the plug and play operation of the Xjeq = , j = 1, 2
Rdj (Ej + X3eq ) (10)
microgrid sources [40]. Hence
dj = gj (x j , x m + 1), j = 1, 2. .,m Writing X1eq, d1′ , X2eq, d 2′ in terms of X3eq in the second equation in
(3) and ordering terms according to powers of X3eq, we can obtain
Constraint 3: The primary controller is fully autonomous [16] This (11).The equilibrium point, Xeq,pri can be obtained in terms of Rd1, Rd2,
means that primary controller of a converter can only include a feed- E1, E2, kOL,1, kOL,2 and P by solving the following quartic equation.
back signal of its own inductor current. Hence let’s assume that
fpri (X3eq ): a4 X34eq + a3 X33eq + a2 X32eq + a1 X3eq + a 0 = 0 (11)
dj = gj (x j ), j = 1, 2. .,m (5)
M. Srinivasan and A. Kwasinski Electrical Power and Energy Systems 122 (2020) 106207
Table 1
Primary control results for the 3 basic topologies [59,60].
Quantity Buck Boost Buck-boost
Vnl Consider the ratio of the input currents of the converters similar to
0 < X3eq,min ⩽
2 (14) (16). Rewriting X3eq = Vnl-Vdr (Vdr is the droop voltage), substituting for
For stability considerations, the parallel buck-boost operation can Vnl from (8) and simplifying
be restricted to lie in the region 2
⩽ X3eq ⩽ Vnl
Iin1, pri
E1 (1 − kOL,1) Rd2 ( E2
(1 − kOL,2 ) )
− Vdr
Iin2, pri
2 (15) E2 (1 − kOL,2) Rd1 ( E1
(1 − kOL,1 )
−V ) dr
The primary control inputs (8) enable current sharing according to
X1eq Since kOL,2 < 1 and kOL,1 < 1 and considering
qI share =
X2eq (16)
M. Srinivasan and A. Kwasinski Electrical Power and Energy Systems 122 (2020) 106207
> Vnl > Vdr , j = 1, 2
(1 − kOL, j ) (22)
then, from (22) and (15), Vdr can be neglected in (21) and the fol-
lowing approximation can be made.
Iin1, pri E2 (1 − kOL,1)3Rd2
Iin2, pri E1 (1 − kOL,2)3Rd1 (23)
The vector of input currents in the secondary stage is given by
Iin,sec. The individual components of Iin,sec are given by [Iin1,sec,Iin2,sec]T.
For calculating Iin,sec, we follow the same procedure that we did in
order to calculate Iin,pri but in Fig. 3, we use values from (18) instead of
(17). Calculating Iin,sec, from (18) it yields
k PR
i,1 d2 OL,1 k
Iin1, sec ⎤ ⎡ Vnl (ki,1 Rd2 (1 − kOL,1) + ki,2 Rd1 (1 − kOL,2)) ⎤
Iin,sec =⎡ =⎢ ⎥
⎣ Iin2, sec ⎥
k PR k ,2
⎦ ⎢ V (k R (1 − ki,2 d) 1+ OL ⎥
⎣ nl i,1 d2 OL,1 ki,2 Rd1 (1 − kOL,2))
⎦ (24)
Equating (23) and (24) to equalize the shared current (at the con- Fig. 4. Control architecture for the DC microgrid.
verter input) in the primary and secondary stages we obtain
ki,1 = ki kOL,2 E2 (1 − kOL,1 )3 circuit respectively. Using (29), the condition given by (27) can be
ki,2 = ki kOL,1 E1 (1 − kOL,2 )3 written as
where ki is the integral control constant which is common for all the 1 1
∑ τi, R − L
τR − C
converters. Table 2 provides the results regarding the secondary con- i=1 (30)
troller for the 3 basic converter configurations. A control diagram for an
m parallel converter configuration is given in Fig. 4. If the CPL and droop resistance are located on different sides of
transformer as in Fig. 3, they have to be referred to the same side of the
3. Stability conditions transformer by multiplying by the appropriate voltage transformation
ratios. The physical significance of the condition (30) is that the rate of
3.1. Circuit analysis of stability conditions rise of current in the input R-L circuits should be greater than the rate of
rise of current in the output R-C circuit. Calculating Det(A) in (28) re-
The system’s characteristic equation calculated at Xeq,pri is given by sults in a series circuit comprising of an equivalent voltage source,
source and load impedances of the microgrid. Evaluating the stability
det (s I - A) = s n + an − 1 s n − 1 + ………+a1 s + a0 (26) condition for the circuit described above yields the Middlebrook cri-
where the coefficients an-1, ….a1, a0 are real numbers. Among the terion, which is used for verifying stability of converters with CPLs
necessary conditions to ensure local asymptotic stability, those that can [13,50]. The Middlebrook criterion applied to microgrids, can be re-
be obtained directly using the A matrix (without calculating its eigen- stated as follows [47,51]. Microgrids power distribution architecture
values) are given by the following equations [48]. consist of cascaded converters. In microgrids, the equilibrium point
stability is determined by the ratio of Zs/Zl where Zs is the output im-
an − 1 > 0 ⇒ trace (A) < 0 ⇒ ∑ A i, i < 0 pedance of the source converters and Zl is the input impedance of the
i=1 (27) load converters. Equilibrium point stability can be ensured if Zs/Zl does
not encircle −1 + j0 point. In a conservative sense, stability can be
det (A) < 0 if n is odd ensured if |Zs| < |Zl| at all frequencies [47]. It has been mentioned in
a0 >0 ⇒ ⎧
⎩ det (A) > 0 if n is even (28) [40] that in the case of a DC microgrid, the source and load impedances
th consist only of resistive terms. Observing from the microgrid terminal,
where Ai,i is the i diagonal element of A. To explain the condition
equivalent source and load resistances can be calculated and the sta-
given by (27), consider the following. The primary controllers are de-
bility condition given by (28) can be stated as
signed so a virtual resistance is added in series with each converter
inductor as shown in Fig. 3. Thus, |Rsource | < |RCPL| (31)
⎧ Rdi 1 where Rsource is the equivalent source resistance and RCPL is the line-
= τ , 1⩽i⩽m
∂ 2x i ⎪ Li i, R − L
arized resistance of CPL.
|Ai, i| = = P 1
∂t ∂x i ⎨ = τ ,i=n The stability criteria listed in (27) and (28) are examined for system
⎪ (∑m
q = 1 Cq ) Xμg , eq
2 R−C
⎩ (29) in Fig. 1. Consider the characteristic polynomial for the A matrix given
by (26). Following the steps explained in the previous paragraph and
where Xμg,eq is the equilibrium value of the microgrid voltage, τi,R-L and
calculating the condition given by (27), we obtain
τR-C are the time constants of the ith R-L circuit and the output R-C
Rdq ⎛ Xμg, eq ⎞ P
Table 2 ∑ ⎜1 + ⎟ >
M. Srinivasan and A. Kwasinski Electrical Power and Energy Systems 122 (2020) 106207
Table 3
Stability results for the buck and boost topologies [59,60].
Condition Buck Boost
a2 > 0 m R
P ⎡ m Rdq ⎤ P
Lq Xμg, eq ⎢ ∑ >
q=1 ⎛ m ⎞ 2 Lq Eq ⎥ ⎛ m ⎞ 2
⎜⎜ ∑ Cq ⎟⎟ Xμg , eq ⎣q = 1 ⎦ ⎜⎜ ∑ Cq ⎟⎟ Xμg , eq
⎝q = 1 ⎠
⎝q = 1 ⎠
a0 > 0 m m 2
1 P Eq ⎤
∑ ⎡
∑ > 1 P
Rdq 2 >
q=1 Xμg , eq 2
Xμg ⎢ Rdq ⎥
, eq q = 1
Xμg , eq
⎣ ⎦
Fig. 6. Augmented microgrid with additional elements.
m 2
⎛ 1 ⎡ Eq ⎤⎞ > P
∑ ⎜R ⎢ E + Xμg, eq ⎥ ⎟ 2
dq ⎣ q ⎦⎠ Xμg , eq (33)
q=1 ⎝
Table 3 provides the stability results corresponding to (27) and (28)
for the buck and boost configurations.
M. Srinivasan and A. Kwasinski Electrical Power and Energy Systems 122 (2020) 106207
M. Srinivasan and A. Kwasinski Electrical Power and Energy Systems 122 (2020) 106207
Fig. 12. Experimental results for parallel buck-boost converters transitioning Fig. 14. Experimental results for line regulation of parallel buck-boost con-
from open loop to primary control. verters.
M. Srinivasan and A. Kwasinski Electrical Power and Energy Systems 122 (2020) 106207