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1 General Notes and Instructions

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1 General Notes and Instructions

Safety precautions
Check list
Maintenance schedule
Customer contact list & Complaint report

2 Drawings
Dimension drawing alternator 12124.5
Rotor drawing 86571.1

3 Circuit Diagram
Circuit diagram K811.1.231
Legend to circuit diagram K811.1.231

4 Operating Instructions
Three-phase synchronous electrical machines series DSG 29...144
Enclosure to operating instructions

5 Regulator Descriptions
Voltage regulator Cosimat N+

6 Bearings
RENK Slide Bearings Type EF with self lubrication
RENK recommendation for lubrication

7 Spare Parts
Drawings 1.2.2, 2.2.2, 3.0NS, 4.0.0oRT, 6.0obi, 0.2.0

8 Technical Data
Technical Data
Test report 8127281C002

H. Cegielski-FSA 12/2005
Your order: 8702088
Your project: Szczecin Sipyard B178-I/15,16,17, Poland
AvK Order no. 8127281C002
General Notes and Instructions
General Notes
Safety Precautions
Read this advice as well as additional parts can be found in the
the operating instructions documentation.
supplied prior to
commissioning or storage of The documentation, including the
the generator. operating instructions, are part of the
Any works on the generator have to be machine and have to be passed on to the
performed by qualified and trained next user in case the generator is sold or
personnel only. moved.
Any person, working on the generator
has to read and understand these 1.2 Liability and guarantee
operating instructions.
All statements and advice in the operating
instructions are made under consideration
1. General Notes of our present knowledge and experience.

1.1 Important notes for users The technical information

and data, described in this
In the following instructions you will find manual, is the correct state
important information and safety advice for of information at time of
transportation, installation and operation printing. We reserve the right to
for AvK generators of the series DSG and changes due to technical progress
DIG. without changing this operating
instruction. Accordingly, no claims can
AvK generators are designed for different be made from statements and
applications for the use on land as well as descriptions in this manual.
offshore. Series DIG is dimensioned for a
nominal voltage bigger than 1 kV, DSG for
a nominal voltage up to 1 kV. Please refer We will not be liable for any damages or
to the rating plate mounted on the breakdowns due to operating mistakes in
generator for design data and as well as in disregard of these instruction or improper
the data of the respective order. repairs.

Any works on the generator has to be We particularly point out, that spare parts
performed by qualified and trained and additional parts not supplied by AvK,
personnel only. The necessary have to be accepted by AvK. AvK will
qualification can be obtained by training or exclude any liability for damages that
courses through the manufacturer. result from the use of spare and additional
Technicians can obtain a special parts that have not been accepted by AvK.
generator training at AvK Germany. The installation or use of foreign products
may possibly change the constructively
The installation should preferably be given design of the electric machine in a
performed by an AvK service technician or negative way, and may restrict the safety
by a specially trained qualified technician. of persons, machine or other values.

The operating instructions are to be kept Any unauthorized modifications and

close to the generator and have to be changes on the generator are not allowed
available for the personnel at any time. for reasons of safety and will exclude any
liability of AvK for resulting damages. If
Please take notice of the safety transformers supplied by the customer
precautions in chapter 2. Further safety shall be installed in the terminal box, AvK
precautions are mentioned in the has to be consulted first.
respective chapters.
The preceding notes do not extend the
The order related data of the generator as terms of liability and guarantee of the
well as the operating instructions for general delivery terms of AvK.

General Notes
AH/e-04-2003/A page 2
Besides these safety notes all local valid
Manufacturer's Address instructions for safety and accident
prevention have to be followed.
AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstraße 17 Follow all warnings and
D-85053 Ingolstadt advice and act very carefully
in these cases. Inform all
Phone (+49) (0)841 / 792-0 persons working on the
FAX (+49) (0)841 / 792-250 generator about all work-safety
All rights reserved. Reprints
or copies - even extracts -
need the permission of AvK. 2.2 Signs on the generator

2. Safety Precautions At particular dangerous points on the

generator you will find safety notes. To
During transportation, installation, avoid damages to persons or values these
commissioning and maintenance, certain safety notes have to be followed very
works might have to be performed on the strictly.
generator, e.g. on feet support, shaft end,
bearings, terminal box, etc. The working
area and area of danger includes the Achtung!
surroundings of the generator and the Betriebsanleitung
prime mover. Im Klemmenkasten!
During normal operation, the working area Vor Inbetriebnahme unbedingt lesen.
should be limited to the operating and
monitoring devices of the switchboard. Caution!
Operating instructions are inside the
Despite taking into consideration all safety terminal box. These must be read prior to
precautions, the generator may be a commissioning.
source of danger, electrically and
mechanically. To avoid damages to The documents for the generator are in
persons and values, all safety precautions the terminal box
have strictly to be followed.

Beside all safety notes in the operating Transportsicherungen.

instruction the local safety precautions and Vor Inbetriebnahme entfernen
rules for the prevention of accidents have
to be followed. Transport Safety Devices
Remove prior to commissioning.
2.1 Description of symbols and advice During transportation the rotor is secured
against shifting. The transport safety
The following symbols are used in the devices have to be removed before
instructions to highlight particular points commissioning.
and actions:

Maschine nicht betriebsfähig!

Warning! Life in danger!
Machine out of order

Danger! This sign is mounted when the installation

of transformers in the terminal box is
necessary. The transformers have to be
installed prior to commissioning. In this

General Notes
AH/e-04-2003/A page 3
case the installation manual for the Unprotected machine parts
transformers is in the terminal box and in may cause severe injuries.
the enclosed documents.

All safety devices like covers, barriers and

E-Teile im Klemmenkasten protections have to be in place and must
be functioning perfectly at all times.
Spare Parts are inside
It is not permitted to operate
the generator with damaged
Spare parts that are delivered with the safety devices!
generator are in the terminal box. The
spare parts have to be removed.
2.3 Safety at site

ABSTANDSMAß-PROTOKOLL For operating the electrical machine the

AM GLEICHRICHTERTÄGER responsibilities have to be determined
clearly and kept, so that no unclear
Mounting-distance test-report is inside situation regarding safety may occur.
The generator must only be operated
when it is in an excellent state and
For the alignment of single bearing according to the design data. Any change
machines it is important to keep the that reduces the safety has to be reported
mounting distance between rotor and to the responsible person immediately.
stator on the NDE of the generator.
The respective report can be found on the Modifications on the
rectifier carrier at the NDE of the machine are only allowed in
generator. agreement with AvK and
these are to be performed
under supervision of qualified
ACHTUNG! personnel.
Vor Inbetriebnahme Öl einfüllen.
Menge und Qualität laut Beschreibung The way to the operating and monitoring
devices has to be free and must not be
Caution! obstructed by any objects.
Fill in oil prior to commissioning!
Please refer to operating instructions of Prior to commissioning and
the sleeve bearing manufacturer for during maintenance works, all
amount and quality. persons in the danger area
have to be warned. They must
Generators with sleeve bearings need oil be ordered to leave the area.
to be re-filled before commissioning. The
instructions from the sleeve bearing After completion of work, the generator
manufacturer are enclosed. must be checked by qualified personnel to
ensure it is in a safe working state.
2.2 Safety Devices
2.4 Safety precautions for maintenance
Special covers are mounted to protect
against mechanical danger (e.g. rotating Maintenance should normally
parts). Protection against electrical danger only be performed when the
is provided by covers and devices against generator is out of operation
over-voltage and over-current. It is not (except for the re-lubrication
allowed to change or dismount any safety of anti-friction bearings). The prime
devices or to put them out of order. mover has to be disconnected.

General Notes
AH/e-04-2003/A page 4
After completion of the maintenance work, They are only used as mounting device
it must be ensured that all protection and for these add-ons.
safety devices are back in place properly.
• The ring bolts can only be used for the
2.5 Special Dangers transport of the separate machine,
they are not designed to lift the
The operator of the machine complete unit (generator and prime
has to take care, that the mover)
rules for fire protection are
kept and the equivalent • For transporting the machine, the
agents for fire extinction are available following devices are permitted:
near the machine and ready for use.
- Cable and chains,
3. Shipping, Handling, Storage
that comply with the local regulations,
3.1 Safety precautions for transport that have a sufficient carrying capacity,
that are in an excellent working condition
Please comply with the local
valid regulations for It is not permitted to use
shipments. cables that are torn or worn.
Cables and chains may not be
knotted. Cables and chains
Warning! must not touch any sharp edges.
Never move loads over
persons! - Lifting devices: cranes
overhead cranes
• The shipment and the unloading of the
generator must only be performed by • Moving the machine over rough
personnel, who are familiar with the ground e.g. rails, by using a haulage
lifting cranes and corresponding car is not permitted. This may cause
devices. damage to the bearings and the
windings. This is especially important
• The lifting devices have to be designed for the moving of the machine within
for the weight of the generator the factory.
(Chapter 3.4).
3.2 Packaging
• Follow the shipping instructions
(pictographs) on the cover of the The material used for the packing of the
generator. generator is made of ozone-friendly
material – like wood. The packaging
• The generator must only be supported depends on the mode of transport used –
on its feet. The support on any other surface, water or air freight.
part is not permitted. That is why the When the transport time is for a longer
generator is delivered with a period, then the generator will be packed
transportation construction. in a protective covering against dust or
• For the lifting of the generator, ring
bolts are mounted on the generator 3.3 Checking for Shipping Damage
We recommend checking the
Ring bolts, that are mounted generator for shipping
on add-on pieces like e.g. the damages and complete
cooler top, must not be used delivery by the time of
to lift the whole machine! delivery.

General Notes
AH/e-04-2003/A page 5
If there are damages on the goods (open
damages) report these to the haulage
contractor at take-over. In this case, the
receipt should only be given under
reservation with a written statement
regarding the estimated amount of the

If damages that were not noticeable by the

time of delivery (covered damages), are
detected later, they have to be reported
promptly to AvK, latest 6 days after receipt
of the delivery.

3.4 Unloading the generator

The unloading has to be performed in

compliance with the safety precautions for
transport (see chapter 3.1) and the local
safety precautions and rules for the
prevention of accidents.

Please refer to the freight

papers and the data of the
respective order (Rating
plate) for the weight of the
The weight of the generator is also
written on the rating plate.

3.5 Storage of the generator

After unloading, the

generator and possible
boxes with loose parts have
to be stored until installation,
following the shipping instructions.

Wrapped parts and assessories must not

be unwrapped if the generator is stored for
a longer period of time.

The machine and packages have to be

stored in a safe place, dust-free and dry
(humidity < 75%). Avoid mechanical
vibrations and damages.

If it is planned to store the

generator for a longer period
of time, please contact AvK
for further information.

General Notes
AH/e-04-2003/A page 6
AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250
e-mail: infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

Dreieich branch
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
e-mail: infoavkdr@newage-avkseg.com
AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002
AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 2

Customer: .............................................................

Order No.: .............................................................

Generator Type: .............................................................

Operation Hours: .............................................................

Bearing design: Roller bearing o

Sleeve bearing o

Replacement of oil: o o

Bearing inspection performed: o o

I. Electrical Inspection

Pos. 1.1 - 1.19

II. Mechanical Inspection

Pos. 2.1 - 2.20

III. Test Run

Pos. 3.1 - 3.14

IV. Maintenance Result

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 3

Environmental Conditions:

a) Location: building o marine o

b) Atmosperic conditions: dry o high humidity o

dust o salt o

c) Ventilation: unrestricted o adequate o

restricted o inadequate o

Operating Conditions:

a) Site duty: single o parallel o idle o

b) Duty cycle: 24 hours o daily o occasionally o standby o

c) Load condition: inductive o non linear o

d) Operation: manned o unmanned o

Generator Conditions:

a) Dirt content: slight dust o light layer dirt o

thick dust o thick compact dirt o

b) Corrosion: none, very little o steel/iron o

copper o severe o (....................)

c) Engine: Type: ....................

Serial No.: ....................
Fuel: ....................

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 4

I. Electrical Inspection

performed Complaints
see page 11

o 1.1 Examination of cable entry and cable shoes o

to main terminal box

o 1.2 Examination of strain relief of connecting power cables o

o 1.3 Check of fixation of transformers installed o

o 1.4 Examination of cable entry and cable shoes o

to auxiliary terminal box

o 1.5 Check of strain relief of connection cables o

o 1.6 Insulation test of stator windings o

o a) Stator winding phase U against ground o

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

o b) Stator winding phase V against ground o

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

o c) Stator winding phase W against ground o

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

1.7 Insulation test of stator windings

o a) Stator winding phase U against phase V o

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

o b) Stator winding phase U against phase W o

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

o c) Stator winding phase W against phase V o

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

o 1.8 Resistance measurement of stator o

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 5

performed Complaints
see page 11

o 1.9 Check and re-tightening of all screws and nuts o

in main terminal box by dynamometric key

o 1.10 Cleaning and examination of insulators for cracks o

o 1.11 Re-tightening of contact screws and nuts on o

auxiliary terminal strip

o 1.12 Resistance measurement of auxiliary windings o

o 1.13 Insulation test of auxiliary windings o

o 1.14 Examination of anti-condensation heater o

............. V ............. A

o 1.15 Insulation resistance measurement of rotor winding

o a) Insulation measurement main rotor o

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

o b) Insulation measurement exciter rotor o

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

o 1.16 Resistance measurement of rotor o

o 1.17 Inspection of rotating rectifiers o

o 1.18 Inspection of stator end winding with endoscope o

o Inspection of stator end winding without endoscope o

o 1.19 Inspection of rotor winding with endoscope o

o Inspection of rotor winding without endoscope o

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 6

II. Mechanical Inspection

performed Complaints
see page 11

Sleeve Bearing Design

Oil lubrication system installed: o o

o 2.1 Check of oil level in sleeve bearing o

o 2.2 Check for leakage of sleeve bearings o

o 2.3 Inspection of sleeve bearing with endoscope o

o Inspection of sleeve bearing without endoscope o

o 2.4 Check of oil quantity of oil lubrication system o

o 2.5 Check of oil pressure of oil lubrication system: o

.................... mbar

o 2.6 Check of oil temperature of oil lubrication system o

o 2.7 Check of oil pressure inside the bearing housing o

.................... mbar

o 2.8 Check of lubrication ring o

o 2.9 Check for any corrosion on drive side and non-drive side bearing o

o 2.10 Oil viscosity used: according to ISO VG ................. o

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 7

performed Complaints
see page 11

Roller/Ball Bearing Design

o 2.11 Relubrication of roller/ball bearing according to operating instructions o

o 2.12 Removal of surplus grease o

o 2.13 Removal of old grease from bearing covers o

Additional Mechanical Checks

o 2.14 Inspection of abrasion of earthing brush o

o 2.15 Inspection of base frame for mechanical deviations o

Mounting of alternator / Check of feet fixation

o 2.16 Visual inspection of the drive coupling o

o 2.17 Check of inlet and outlet airducts for dust and dirt o

o 2.18 Check of inlet and outlet airducts for corrosion o

o 2.19 Cooler / leakage monitoring o

o 2.20 Check of drainage stoppers / drainage for condensation o


AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 8

III. Test Run

performed Complaints
see page 11

o 3.1 Check whether earthing switch is disconnected o

o 3.2 Check of bearing noise o

o 3.3 SPM bearing analysis: DE: LR .......... HR .......... o

NDE: LR .......... HR .......... o

o 3.4 Check of oil amount in sleeve bearings during operation o

o 3.5 Effectivity of lubrication ring o

o 3.6 Tripping of temperature protector for check o

of alarm and shut down

o 3.7 Vibration test / Vibration values (mm/s) o

DE: .......... Hor. .......... Ver. .......... Axi.

NDE: .......... Hor. .......... Ver. .......... Axi.

Frame: ............. Airduct inlet: ............. Airduct outlet: .............

Output: ............. kW

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 9

performed Complaints
see page 11

o 3.8 Check of regulator functions at no-load operation o

a) Exciter current at rated voltage and rated speed:

I1-I1': ............. A

b) Exciter current at rated load:

I1-I1': ............. A

c) Supply voltage: UH1-UH2: ............. V

UH1-WH2: ............. V

WH1-WH2: ............. V

d) Under speed protection: H1 LED off ............. Hz

o 3.9 Check of parallel operation o

Check of distribution of load

Statics adjustment .......... %

o 3.10 Check of overcurrent and short circuit protection trip o

o 3.11 Check of differential protective trip o

o 3.12 Check of exciter monitoring system o

XE2 o
TO 109/110.1 o

o 3.13 Check of generator voltage in parallel operation o

grid voltage min.: ............. kV

grid voltage max.: ............. kV

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 10

performed Complaints
see page 11

o 3.14 Bearing and winding temperature after continuous o











AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 11

IV. Maintenance Result










o The operation of the alternator can be continued without immediate

elimination of the complaints.

o Electrical and mechanical checks were performed without any


o The alternator must be stopped immediately due to the complaints.

Date: ________________ ________________________

(Signature Customer)


AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG / Service Date: 22.07.2002

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250
e-mail: infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

Dreieich branch
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
e-mail: infoavkdr@newage-avkseg.com
AvK Deutschland GmbH und Co. KG Page 1 of 2

Suggested Maintenance Schedule for AvK Order No.:


Pos. A Components Frequency Maintenance Carried out by

1 General alternator check 12 month According to AvK Checklist. AvK

Pos. B Additional components Frequency Maintenance Carried out by

1 Rotor windings 12 month *) The insulation resistance must be checked with a megger AvK
when the alternator has reached ambient temperature.
2 Exciter approx. 25,000 h *) Remove any accumulated dust from the rotating rectifier AvK
and the exciter stator. Check if the electrical connections
are secure.
3 Rectifier assembly approx. 25,000 h *) Remove dirt adhering to the rectifier unit parts. AvK
4 Stator end winding approx. 25,000 h *) Inspect and remove deposits of dust, dirt and grease. Do AvK
not use any abrassive materials or fluids. Use only

Caution: In case of heavy winding contamination please

call the AvK Service Department.
5 Protection equipment 12 month *) Check mechanical and electrical connections according AvK
to the supplier´s specification / manual.
6 Space heater 6 month Ensure that the electrical heater is operating to prevent Customer
condensation. Check the power supply as well as the
insulation resistance.

*) Maintenance frequency depends on the operating conditions at site.

Maintenance-e.xls Service / Steller Date: 18.04.2000

AvK Deutschland GmbH und Co. KG Page 2 of 2

Suggested Maintenance Schedule for AvK Order No.:


Pos. B Additional components Frequency Maintenance Carried out by

7 Ball and roller bearings Grease relubrication acc. Check oil or grease for any contamination particles. AvK / Customer
to supplier´s manual
and/or name plate.

6 month SPM bearing analysis. AvK

8 Sleeve bearing: Oil ring 6 month Ensure that the oil ring is rotating freely and picking up Customer
enough oil when the shaft is turning.
9 Sleeve bearing: Oil seals 6 month Check for oil leaks. Customer

25,000 h *) The oil seals must be changed. AvK

10 Sleeve bearing: Complete check 50,000 h The bearing check must be done (according to supplier´s AvK
manual) and the oil seals must be changed.
11 Oil pipes and flanges 6 month Check for oil leaks. Customer
After the first 500 running hours it is recommended to
tighten the screws of the flanges again.
12 Sleeve bearing: Oil level monthly The oil level must be visible in the viewing glass. Customer
(Approx. one third of the diameter.)
13 Bearing earthing brush 3 month Check the earthing brush for abrasion. Customer
14 Dust filter 3 month *) At the appropriate intervals, the filters must be checked Customer
to establish their degree of contamination with dust and
15 Cooler 6 month Check the cooler elements and leakage detector. Customer
16 Complete alternator 100,000 h Review with manufacturer for recommendations for full AvK
inspection / overhaul.

*) Maintenance frequency depends on the operating conditions at site.

Maintenance-e.xls Service / Steller Date: 18.04.2000

Customer Contact List DA 7.5-1
Service and Warranty Claim Handling for AvK Alternators 1 von 2

Technical Service on-site (after warranty):

Products Countries Contact E-mail Phone Fax
All AvK
UK Sarah Nicholls Sarah.nicholls@newage-avkseg.com +44-(0)1780-484 ~767 ~104
All AvK Spain
John Johnson John.johnson@newage-avkseg.com Mobile: +34-(0)629183929
Products Portugal

All AvK France

Rene Moulin Rene.moulin@newage-avkseg.com +33-(0)16074 ~9843 ~9844
Products french speaking North Africa

All AvK Italy

Guiseppe Cinnirella Joseph.cinnirella@newage-avkseg.com +39-(0)2-38000 ~714 ~664
All AvK Denmark
Jan Jakobsen J.Jakobsen@newage.no +47-(0)22-9744~37 ~45
Products Finland
Baltic States
North America 001-763-528-7301-6
South America
All AvK Direct: 001-763-574 ~5000 ~5082
Mexico Gary O`Malley Gary.b.omalley@newage-avkseg.com
Products Central America TOLL FREE: (1) 800 ~367-2764 ~863-9243
Australia +61-(0)2-9680 ~2299 ~1545
All AvK
New Zealand Theo Dragonas Theo.dragonas@newage-avkseg.com
Products Mobile: +61-(0)412-886643
South Pacific
All AvK +41 317 408 282
Switzerland Martin Läderach laederach_interplan@bluewin.ch +41 317 408 280
Products Mobile: +41 7920 17561

Customer contact.doc AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
B vom 30.03.05
Stand: B vom 07.04.05
Customer Contact List DA 7.5-1
Service and Warranty Claim Handling for AvK Alternators 2 von 2

Products Countries Contact E-mail Phone Fax

Singapore Richard Lee, Richard.lee@newage-avkseg.com +65-(0)6794-3737/5 +65-(0)6898-9065
All AvK Anthony Tan Anthony.tan@newage-avkseg.com Mobile: +65-(0)979-192-57
Products Thailand Trisno Sumarlin Trisno13@cbn.net.id +62-214601685
Vietnam (Indonesia)
All AvK +86-(0)510-521 ~6212 ~7673
China Jason Xu Jason.xu@newage-avkseg.com
Products Mobile: +86-(0)139-5157-0763
All AvK +81-(0)354-415 ~588 ~590
Japan, Korea Darryl Hanna Darryl.hanna@newage-avkseg.com
Products Mobile: +81-(0)906-386-574
All AvK
India, Nepal R.K. Kapur Avkpower@del3.vsnl.net.in +91-(0)9811196343

Contact for Warranty Claims:

Product Countries Contact E-mail Phone Fax
All AvK +49-(0)841-792 ~163 ~195
Worldwide Norbert Steller n.steller@newage-avkseg.com
Products Mobile: +49-(0)171-221-9453

Issued Approved
am: 30.03.03 30.03.03

von: Norbert Steller Emilia Sandau

Service Manager Assistant Service Manager
Norbert Steller Emilia Sandau

Customer contact.doc AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
B vom 30.03.05
Stand: B vom 07.04.05
Customer Complaint Report FM 7.5-14

Kunden- Beanstandungsbericht Page 1 of 1

Distribution List: Customer => AvK Contact person, according to Customer Contact List DA 7.5-1 or
AvK Hompage www.newage-avkseg.com

1.0 General Complaint information

Allgemeine Daten der Beanstandung:

Customer Place of Complained

Alternator Einsatzort
Contact Person Customer Customer Fax No.:
Ansprechpartner Kunde Kunden Fax Nr.

Customer Phone No.: Customer Complain No.:

Kunden Beanstandungs - Nr.
Kunden Tel. Nr.

Customer email Type of alternator:

Kunden Email Generator Typ

AvK Order.- Nr.: AvK Serial No.:

AvK Masch. - Nr.:
2.0 Failure description / Fehlerbeschreibung

Defect Part
Defektes Bauteil

3.0 Immediate measure by customer/ Sofortmaßnahme durch den Kunden

Initiated (date) / eingeleitet am:

Successfully completed (date):

erfolgreich abgeschlossen am

4.0 Enclosures / Anlagen

Photos / Fotos others:

Dokumentenname: Revisionsstand:
7_5f14a.doc AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG A vom 09.10.03
Circuit Diagram
Seite 1 Legende zum Schaltbild Nr. Legend to Circuit Diagram No.
Page 1 K 8**.*.** K 8**.*.**

F1, F2 Schutzschalter für G3 Protection switch for G3

G1 Hauptmaschine Main machine
G2 Erregermaschine Exciter machine
G3 Hilfserregerwicklungen Auxiliary exciter windings
Q1 Schutzschalter Protection switch
31-32 Meldung 31-32 Signal

R11 Rotierender Varistor Rotating varistor

R12 Rotierender Schutzwiderstand Rotating protection resistor
R21 Vorwiderstand Serial resistor

T24 Spannungswandler für Regler Voltage transformer for AVR

T25-28 Spannungswandler Voltage transformer
T30, 31 Spannungswandler für G3 Voltage transformer for G3
T32 Spannungswandler für G3 mit integriertem Voltage transformer for G3 with integrated
Schutzschalter F1 protection switch F1
F1 - nur im Stillstand betätigen! F1 - only switch at standstill!
V1 Rotierende Gleichrichter Rotating rectifiers

X1 Hauptklemmen Main terminals

X2-6 Klemmleiste Terminal strip

U1 Spannungsregler Cosimat N Alternator voltage regulator Cosimat N

R3 Unterdrehzahlschutz R3 Underspeed protection
R4 Interner Sollwert R4 Internal voltage setting
R1 P-Anteil R1 P-Part
S1 I-Anteil S1 I-Part
R7 Statikeinstellung R7 Droop adjustment
R6 Statikwandleranpassung R6 Droop transformer adaption
R1 Sollwertpot. Generator Spannung (R = 500 Ω) Alternator voltage adjuster (R = 500 Ω)
T6 Statikwandler Droop transformer
' ACHTUNG: Bei Regler lose: Regleranschluß CAUTION: AVR loose supply:AVR connection
Drehrichtung rechts: Rotation clockwise:
Leiste X2 Regler Terminal X2 AVR
U ⇒ U U ⇒ U
V ⇒ V V ⇒ V
W ⇒ W W ⇒ W
Drehrichtung links: Rotation counter clockwise:
Leiste X2 Regler Terminal X2 AVR
W ⇒ U W ⇒ U
V ⇒ V V ⇒ V
U ⇒ W U ⇒ W

Schnellentregung: Quick de-excitation:

Brücken UH1-24 und WH1-14 öffnen Open bridges UH1-24 and WH1-14

Entregungsschalter: 220 V AC De-excitation switch: 220 V AC

(nicht AvK Lieferumfang) 10 A (not AvK supply) 10 A

---- Verbindungen außerhalb des Generators Connections outside the alternator

Erstellt am: 12.10.1998 Issued on: 12.10.1998
AvK geprüft von: Diegeler Checked by: Diegeler
Revision Nr.: 1 Revision No.: 1
Seite 2 Legende zum Schaltbild Nr. Legend to Circuit Diagram No.
Page 2 K 8**.*.** K 8**.*.**

Widerstandsthermometer PT100 Resistance Thermometer PT100
A1-12 Statorwicklung Stator winding
Phase U: 1, 4, 7, 10 Phase U: 1, 4, 7, 10
Phase V: 2, 5, 8,11 Phase V: 2, 5, 8, 11
Phase W: 3, 6, 9, 12 Phase W: 3, 6, 9, 12
A13, 14 Lager, B-Seite Bearing, NDE
A15, 16 Lager, A-Seite Bearing, DE
A20, 21 Generator Zuluft Alternator air inlet
A22, 23 Generator Abluft Alternator air outlet
A24, 26 Statorblechpaket Stator core
A27/28 Sekundär Kühlmittel EIN/AUS Secondary Cooling agent inlet / outlet
AR1-24 Überspannungsableiter Overvoltage arrester

C1 Entstörkondensator Interference Suppression Capacitor

Lagerschadendetektor Bearing damage detector

D1, 2 B-Seite NDE
D3, 4 A-Seite DE

H, H1-5 Stillstandsheizung Anti condensation heater

L1-4 Leckageanzeiger Kühler Leakage detector cooler

LW1-4 Luftfilterüberwachung Air filter supervision

SR1-6 Schleifring Slip ring

STW1-4 Drehzahlmesser Speed transmittor

Stromwandler Current Transformer

T8 für Stand-by-Regler for Stand-by-unit
T14-16 Für Messung (M), Schutz (P) For Measuring (M), Protection (P)
Kern Nr. 1: X5, 1-6 (M) Core No. 1: X5, 1-6 (M)
Kern Nr. 2: X5, 7-12 (P) Core No. 2: X5, 7-12 (P)
Kern Nr. 3: X5, 13-18 (P) Core No. 3: X5, 13-18 (P)
T17-22 Messung Measuring

PTC Temperaturfühler PTC Temperature Sensor

TF1, 3 Statorwicklung, Warnung Stator winding, warning
TF5, 7 Statorwicklung, Warnung Stator winding, warning
TF2, 4 Statorwicklung, Abschaltung Stator winding, shut down
TF6, 8 Statorwicklung, Abschaltung Stator winding, shut down

TF11, 13 Lager B-Seite, Warnung Bearing, NDE, Warning

TF15, 17 Lager A-Seite, Warnung Bearing, DE, Warning
TF12, 14 Lager B-Seite, Abschaltung Bearing, NDE, Shut down
TF16, 18 Lager A-Seite, Abschaltung Bearing, DE, Shut down

Thermometer Thermometer
TF20, 21 Lager, B-Seite Bearing, NDE
TF22, 23 Lager, A-Seite Bearing, DE
TF24, 25 Generator Zuluft Alternator air inlet
TF26, 27 Generator Abluft Alternator air outlet
WW1-4 Wasserdurchflußwächter Water flow indicator
Z1 Entstörfilter (Funkstörgrad “K“) Interference filter (R.I.S. degree “K“)

Erstellt am: 12.10.1998 Issued on: 12.10.1998

AvK geprüft von: Diegeler Checked by: Diegeler
Revision Nr.: 1 Revision No.: 1
Operating Instructions
Operating instructions
Three-phase synchronous alternators, series DSG 29 ... 144
with "COSIMAT C" or "COSIMAT N" voltage regulator

Before installing and starting up this machine, please read these instructions carefully.

Machine No._____________________________

Circuit diagram No. _______________________


1. Operating and maintenance instructions

1.1 Checking for damage incurred during transit
1.2 Transport and storage
1.3 Setting up the machine
1.4 Cooling the machine
1.4.1 Coolant temperature
1.4.2 Direction of cooling air
1.4.3 Quality of cooling air
1.5 Preparations prior to starting up
1.6 Machine drive
1.6.1 Belt drive
1.6.2 Coupling drive
1.6.3 Aligning the machine
1.7 Changing direction of rotation
1.8 Electrical connections
1.9 Starting up
1.9.1 Insulation resistance
1.9.2 Operating speed
1.10 Interference suppression
1.11 Operation
1.12 Maintenance
1.13 Bearings
1.13.1 Bearing types
1.13.2 Permanently-lubricated bearings
1.13.3 Regreasable bearings
1.13.4 Assembling the bearings
1.13.5 Dismantling the bearings
1.13.6 Monitoring the bearings
1.14 Dust filters and monitoring of thermal behaviour
1.14.1 Synthetic filter elements
1.14.2 Wire mesh filter elements
1.15 Drying out the machine
1.15.1 Drying out with integral ventilation system
1.15.2 Drying out by short-circuiting

2. Faults, causes and remedies for DSG machines with "COSIMAT C" and "COSIMAT
N" voltage regulators

3. Circuit diagram with voltage regulators "COSIMAT C" and "COSIMAT N

Note: detailed information on the regulator and circuit diagrams is given in the de-
scription and adjusting instructions for "COSIMAT C" and "COSIMAT N".

1. Operating and maintenance instructions

1.1 Checking for damage incurred during • cooling air can enter and exit freely
• exhaust gas and heated cooling air cannot
Immediately after receiving the machine, inspect it be drawn in by the machine.
for damage incurred during transit. The transport or
delivering company must be notified of possible
complaints immediately, or at the latest within seven
1.4 Cooling the machine
days of delivery (covered by warranty).
1.4.1 Coolant temperature

1.2 Transport The machine is normally built to run at a cool-

ant temperature of up to 40°C and at an instal-
During transit and storage, the machine must not lation height of up to 1000 meters above mean
be supported on the terminal box or air entry hood, sea level. Coolant temperatures higher than
or exposed to any sources of damage. stated on the machine’s data plate will result in
power loss.
Store preferably at a constant temperature in a dry,
well ventilated room where the machine will be At a coolant temperature of 45°C, up to 96 %
protected against sudden impact. of the nominal power can be drawn off; at 50°C
up to 92.5 % is permissible.
If transported over long distances, it is advisable to
protect the machine against the effects of the If the machine is ordered to run at coolant tem-
weather by sealing it in a plastic cover together with peratures of higher than 40°C, this is shown on
a quantity of desiccant (moisture indicator), so that its rating plate together with the alteration in
it remains dust-free and air-tight. power rating.

Machines with plain or taper roller bearings and 1.4.2 Direction of cooling air
machines in a stored condition are supplied with
The machine is cooled by an integral fan de-
additional transit protection.
pendent on the direction of rotation,
On dual-bearing versions with deep-groove ball mounted on the shaft. It draws cooling air from
bearings, the bearings are pre-loaded and are the non-drive end and expels it at the drive end.
supplied without an additional transit keeper.
If it is intended to use forced cooling on special
This transit keeper should never be removed until versions, either alone or to support the integral
the machine has been set up in its future operating fan, the direction of airflow and rotation must
position on site. be correct here too (see dimensions sheet for
Install the transit protection again if the machine is,
for instance, to be shipped on or stored as a sepa-
rate unit after trials. Important:

For transport as a complete machine set, take the The distance between the fan inlet
necessary safety precautions, for instance support the or outlet on the machine and any
machine set on anti-vibration elements or attach tran- nearby wall must not be less than
sit keepers. the minimum dimension, otherwise
ventilation will be obstructed.
1.3 Setting up the machine Minimum distance (guide value):
1 x diameter of machine

The installation site must comply with the machine’s

enclosure rating and be sufficiently large for cooling
and maintenance purposes. 1.4.3 Quality of cooling air

When setting up the machine, make sure that: To extend the service life of the machine, and in
particular its windings and bearings, it is ex-
• the relevant operation and maintenance safety
regulations are observed

tremely important that neither contaminated nor replaced by new ones (since they will have be-
aggressive cooling air be allowed to enter it. come too hard for re-use).

An air filter can be installed if requested by the

customer, or can be retrofitted provided sufficient
space is available.

Belts that are tensioned too tightly

1.5 Preparations for starting up can put the bearings at risk. For this
reason, establish the correct belt
Pull the protective lacquer coating off the end of the tension with the belt manufacturer
shaft and the flange, or remove it with solvent. or the plant that supplied the ma-
Never clean it off with emery cloth. Comply with the chine, and have checks carried out
relevant regulations on environmental protection on site.
and safety.

There is a threaded hole on the shaft, to which a 1.6.2 Coupling drive

puller can be attached for installing and removing
discs or couplings. Hammering is not permitted, as The machine rotor is balanced with a half
this can damage the bearings. key. The grooved drive elements must therefore
be balanced accordingly.
If the machine is delivered with transit keepers in
position, remove them. The coupling must be dynamically balanced to
an accuracy of ≤ Q 2.5 according to VDI
If the machine is of single bearing design, its rotor 2060.
is delivered attached to the shaft flange and the
housing by a steel hoop to prevent axial displace- The sensitive anti-friction bearings require the
ment and is located in position radially between the couplings, belt pulleys etc. to be tightened by
shaft and fan housing by an angle bracket. The special devices. If this is not possible, heat the
steel hoop must be removed before assembly. parts to 80°C. They can then be pushed on
easily, provided the bore corresponds to toler-
Make quite sure that the angle bracket and/or any
ance class "H". Ensure that the drive elements
keepers are removed from the gap only after the
are securely located after tightening. They must
rotor has been centered on the drive shaft flange.
be securely clamped against their mechanical
Failure to do so can result in damage to the exciter
machine and the B-bearing.
If the hub of the drive elements is shorter than
the shaft end, this difference must be compen-
1.6 Machine drive sated by a spacer bushing to prevent imbalance
and uneven running.
1.6.1 Belt drive
1.6.3 Aligning the machine
If the machine is driven by a belt, the machine must
be ordered specifically with bearings and bearing Precise, careful alignment of the machine en-
lubrication to match the higher loads. Most belt sures that it runs with a minimum of vibration,
driven machines have roller bearings on the input thus extending the service life of the machine
side. and in particular of the bearings. Only flexible
couplings of low radial rigidity should be used.
The rotor must be ordered with balancing by
half key, and the grooved belt pulley must be Even slight errors of alignment can
dynamically balanced on a smooth mandrel. The rapidly result in damaged bearings.
belt must run smoothly, without jerking.
It is vital that all the feet are fully in contact.
Desired balancing accuracy: ≤ Q 2.5 according to Uneven surfaces cause stresses in the bearings
German VDI 2060 standard. and must be compensated for by attaching
sheet metal strips. Once the machine is aligned
When flat-type belts or V-belts which have already correctly, secure it with dowel pins.
been in operation for a fairly long time are re-
moved for maintenance purposes, they must be

When aligning a machine of single bearing design • Local electricity supplier’s guidelines re-
which is not flanged onto the drive motor, it is im- garding protective measures
portant to comply with the reference dimen-

sions specified on the dimension sheet.

• Phase sequence or direction of rotation of
This will ensure a uniform air gap beneath all poles
machine field as stated on rating plate.
and the correct axial position of the rotor.
When connecting the cable, make sure that no
To prevent damage to the crankshaft or drive mo-
mechanical forces can act on the machine’s
tor’s plain bearings, it is essential to observe the
connecting terminals.
manufacturer’s assembly instructions.
Unused cable sockets in the terminal box must
be protected against dust and moisture, and
1.7 Changing direction of rotation closed so that they cannot turn. Take up slack at
all screw contacts and nuts.
The machine’s fan is of a directional pat-
tern. If current surges or vibration are to be expected,
secure the cables with cable clips or racks. If the
Note that the rotary field also changes with a rever- plant is set up on flexible mountings, ensure
sal in the direction of rotation. adequate slack in the cables.

If the machine is to be used in parallel operation, 1.9 Starting up

the plug connections for measuring lines U and W
on the "COSIMAT C" and "COSIMAT N" regulator 1.9.1 Insulation resistance
must be changed over. The rotary field will change
After a long period out of use or in storage, the
at the main terminals.
machine’s insulation resistance must be meas-

1.8 Electrical connections We recommend that the bearings be regreased

before the machine is started up.
The machine must be connected up according to
the accompanying circuit diagram. Installation is Before starting up, measure the insulation resis-
permitted by a qualified electrician only. tance of the winding between phases (if the star
point is separate) and between phase and earth.
Comply with the following points: All parts not subjected to the measuring voltage
must be earthed.
• VDE safety regulations or those of the local
safety authorities

When measuring the insulation resistance, all con- 1.10 Interference suppression
nections (main connection, measuring connection
and protection or suppression circuit) must be dis- The machines comply with radio interference
connected from the winding. The suppression ele- requirement "N" as stated in German VDE
ments and measuring leads must be disconnected 0875.
during high-voltage insulation tests and tests with
Note that the standard of interference suppres-
insulation measuring appliances.
sion is related to the quality of earthing.
Do not drop below the following specific
insulation resistance values (at 25°C) on
windings that have been in operation for 1.11 Operation
lengthy periods:
With nominal voltage < 1000 V During operation, current-conducting and rotat-
Insulation resistance ≥ 0.5 MΩ/kV ing parts must be sealed with the covers pro-
vided for this purpose.
Measurement must be carried out using 500 V
direct voltage or a crank indicator with a direct Increased vibration may result from insufficiently
voltage output. Due to the capacitive charge in the accurate alignment, poorly fitted foundations or
winding, the measuring unit indicates the correct frame, or weak mountings.
insulation resistance value only after several se-
conds have elapsed.

Earth the winding immediately after the measuring 1.12 Maintenance

voltage has been switched off.
Before starting work on the machine, make sure
If the insulation values are too low, first check the that it is switched off and take action to prevent
terminal insulation for dirt and moisture. Clean or it from being switched on again. All work must
dry them as the case may be, and repeat the meas- be performed by qualified staff only.
urement. Damp windings can lead to current leak-
If there is moisture or dust in the terminal box, it
age, flash-over or breakdown.
must be removed above all from the surface of
If insulation resistance on new, cleaned or the insulating parts. The reason for the accumu-
repaired windings is less than that stated lation of moisture or dust must then be estab-
below, drying out is needed (see Item lished and rectified.
1.15, Drying out the machine).
Brushless machines are maintenance-free apart
On low-voltage machines with a nominal voltage from their regreasable bearings and the dust
below <1000 V, insulation resistance should not filters, if fitted.
be less than the following values:
However, make sure that the air inlets and out-
4 MΩ at a coil temperature of 25°C lets are not obstructed during operation.
1.5 MΩ at a coil temperature of 80°C
Like any other machine, the alternator should be
1.9.2 Operating speed handled with care.
The machine’s speed must correspond to the value
stated on its rating plate. The machine must run
smoothly, both at no-load and when under load. If 1.13 Bearings
the drive machine runs at reduced speed, the volt-
age regulator’s underspeed protection cuts in and 1.13.1 Type of bearings
de-excites the machine.
The standard version of the alternator is fitted
Irregular running will lead to deviations from the with deep-groove ball bearings. High capacity
nominal ratings. roller bearings or a combination of them. The
B-side has a fixed bearing, the A-side a floating
The machine is voltage-regulated and maintains a bearing.
voltage accurate to ± 1,5% for the "COSIMAT C"
and to ± 1% for the "COSIMAT N" in any condition The deep-groove ball bearings are axially pre-
between no load and full load, even if its speed loaded in relation to each other by spring ele-
fluctuates by ± 5%. ments; this ensures smoother running and re-
duces the negative effects of external sources of
vibration on the bearings. This does not apply to
roller bearings.

1.13.2 Permanently lubricated bearings Initial greasing quantity and regreasing quantity
at each lubrication point in grams (guide values
Size 29, 36 and 43 machines are normally fitted only:)
with deep-groove ball bearings acc. to DIN 625,
version 2 Z, on both sides. The bearings are filled
with high grade bearing grease by the bearing Type Lubrication Re-Lubrication intervals in hours
manufacturer and sealed on each side with two points for machine running speed of:
cover plates. Quantity in g

The expected operating life is approx. 25,000 op-


Single bea-
erating hours at a machine speed of 1500 rpm.


The bearings are lubricated for life. On machines





of a single-bearing design, bearing operating life
must be expected to be 30% shorter.
52 30 3100 2500 2000 1300
1.13.3 Regreasable bearings 62 40 2800 2200 1800 1100
74 70 2600 2000 1600 1000
Size 52, 62, 74, 86, 99, 114, 125 and 144 ma- 86 70 40 2500 2000 1500 1000
chines with relubricating devices normally bear a 99 80 60 2500 1500 1200 800
plate on which the following information is stated: 114 100 60 2000 1500 800 600
125 100 60 2000 1000 800 600
• Relubricating interval in hours of operation 144 100 60 1800 900 700 500
* In the case of double bearing the amount of grease
• Type or specification of anti-friction bearing stated in the “double bearing” column is to be injected into
grease each of the grease nipples.

Before regreasing, clean the nipple so

that dirt cannot enter the bearings.
Type of anti-friction bearing grease
Using a medium-sized manual grease gun (approx.
capacity 500 g), approx. 1 g of grease can be fed On delivery, the bearings are lubricated with
in per stroke at the tapered lubrication nipple (AM 8 high-grade, lithium-soap grease of grade 3
x 1 DIN 71427). consistency (NLGI-KL anti-friction bearings). The
grease channels between the lubricating nipple
Where possible, apply grease when the machine is and bearings are filled with anti-friction bearing
running, unless this represents a hazard for the grease before leaving the factory.
operating personnel.
Alternatively, the following types of lithium-soap
anti-friction bearing grease can be used:

Regreasing interval • Shell Alvania G3

Bearings must be regreased in accordance with • SKF/Alfalub LGMT 3

the regreasing interval stated on the alternator
plate, but at least once a year. • Esso Unirex N3

• Mobil Mobilgrease 532

Relubricating quantity
• Texaco (DEA) EP 3
A- and B-side bearings must each be regreased
These greases are of grade 3 consistency and
with the amount of grease stated.
comply with DIN 51 825.
After about three regreasing operations, remove Recommendation:
expelled grease. Always regrease the bearings with the same
selected brand of grease.
After about five regreasing operations, keep apply-
ing more grease until fresh grease is visible at the
outlets. Then run the machine if possible at half 1.13.4 Assembling the bearings
speed for one hour and then at the nominal speed.
Bearings must only be renewed by a
Check the temperature of the bearings and com-
qualified person working in a dust-free
pare with those temperatures obtained before re-
environment, on a clean surface and
using clean tools. The grease and bearings

must be kept free of impurities, otherwise they will 1.14 Dust filters and monitoring of
wear out faster and possibly even fail. The bearing thermal behaviour
components must be arranged as shown in the
illustration (see spare part drawing). The grease To prevent the windings from overheating when
regulating disk should be rigidly attached to the the filters are dirty, three temperature sensors
shaft. are installed in the stator winding. Their trip
mechanism must be installed in the switch cabi-
When changing bearings, install type-approved net.
bearings only, and maintain the correct amount of
bearing play (usually "C3"). Do not remove new In addition, probes can be installed to allow the
bearings from their packs until just before they are degree of contamination at the filters to be
installed. Do not wash the bearings, as the anti-cor- measured directly. Their trip mechanism must be
rosion agent applied to them is intended to mix with installed in the switch cabinet. Cleaning must be
the similar agent in the anti-friction bearing grease. performed at regular intervals even if the ma-
Clean the old grease off the parts of the bearing chine is protected against excessive tempera-
that are to be re-installed. tures by integral coil temperature monitoring
When fitting the bearing, heat it to about 80 -
100°C in an oil bath, oven or by an inductive On machines with integral dust filters, please
method. Make absolutely sure that it is lo- note the following:
cated centrally and remains in positive
1.14.1 Synthetic filter elements
contact with the shaft shoulder.
These are dry filters and must be cleaned at
Once they have cooled down, pack the bearings
regular intervals. These intervals vary depending
with grease.
on the rate at which dirt accumulates. Cleaning
The inner and outer bearing covers must each be may be performed using compressed air, water
filled with grease to 2/3 of their full capacity. at temperatures up to 50°C, or cleaning fluid.
Comply with the relevant environmental and
1.13.5 Dismantling the bearings safety regulations. However, it is often more
economical to change the filter mat.
During shaft production, the bearing seat and the
bearing stop shoulder on the shaft are subject to 1.14.2 Wire mesh filter elements
particularly stringent quality control. This is essential
to maintain the accuracy of shape needed to keep These are wet filters and are supplied dry. Be-
the bearings fully operational. fore starting up, apply a thin film of oil or "Visci-
nol" to the filter plates. Dirty wire mesh filters
When dismantling the bearings and bearing rings, it should be cleaned using compressed air or
is therefore important to handle the bearings and suitable washing agents (soda or "Purinol") and
bearing rings with particular care, otherwise the wetted again when dry.
bearing seats on the shaft could become damaged.
Use a puller to remove. Heat the parts evenly to a
temperature of app. 80°C all round.
1.15 Drying out the machine
1.13.6 Monitoring the bearings
If the insulation value between the winding and
The first indication of damaged bearings is usually the core or between windings is less than that
a notice-able change in running behaviour, or stated in Item 1.9.1, the machine needs drying.
noise, vibration or temperature if bearing damage
1.15.1 Drying out with integral ventilation sys-
has reached an advanced stage.

In many cases it can be dried suitably using its

Recommendation: own ventilation system, but it should not be live
Monitor the bearings by measuring transmitted while this is being carried out. On the "COSI-
noise and vibration at regular intervals, and com- MAT C", the plugs should be disconnected at
pare the readings with those taken on previous terminals UH1 and WH1. On the "COSIMAT N"
occasions. voltage regulator, the connections UH1-UH1’
and WH1-WH1’ must be opened. If no im-
provement in the insulation resistance is regis-
tered after a running period of app. two hours,
the alternator must be dried out by shorting.

1.15.2 Drying out by short-circuiting on the "COSIMAT C" or at terminals I1 and
K1 on the "COSIMAT N".
a) Short the main terminals U, V and W via a
current transformer and current meter (for app. Important: connect the positive pole
1.2 x nominal current) while the machine is at to I1 and the negative pole to K1.
a standstill.
d) Run the alternator at its nominal speed
b) Pull off plugs at terminals I1 and K1 as well and adjust the short circuit current at the
as UH1 and WH1 on the "COSIMAT C". rheostat to app. 1.2 x nominal current (see
performance data plate).
Open bridges I1-I1’ and K1-K1’ as well as
UH1-UH1’ and WH1-WH1’ at the "COSIMAT Continue to dry the machine until its insulation
N" voltage regulator. resistance has risen to a sufficient level. We
recommend measuring at approx. 2-hour inter-
c) Use a 12 V or 24 V battery and rheostat to vals.
feed in exciter current at terminals I1 and K1

2. Faults, causes and remedies for DSG alternators with "COSIMAT C" or "COSIMAT N"
voltage regulator

Fault at alternator Cause Remedy

1. Voltage too low. 1.1 Input speed too low. Check whether LED H2 on regulator
lights up. If it does so, then the under-
speed protection has tripped; increase
the speed until the LED goes out.

2. Nominal voltage does not re- 2.1 Setpoint potentiometer is defec- Check voltage setpoint potentiometer
spond to adjustment at R1. tive. at terminal s/t for signs of interruption.
Rectify the interruption.

2.2 Sensing leads wrongly con- Examine sensing lead connections U,

nected. and W on "COSIMAT C" or U, V and
W on "COSIMAT N". Check whether
the machine’s nominal voltage lies
within the rated voltage range.

3. Alternator voltage too high, can- 3.1 Setpoint potentiometer is defec- Examine the voltage setpoint potenti-
not be brought down by adjust- tive. ometer for a short circuit. Renew the
ment at R1. setpoint potentiometer. Check the
potentiometer leads for a short circuit.
Rectify the short circuit.

3.2 A sensing lead is broken. Rectify the fault.

4. Severe voltage collapse when 4.1 Input speed drops under load. Check the regulator of the drive ma-
under load. chine.

4.2 One of the fuses on the cooling Check the fuse on the inside of the
body is defective on the "COSI- cooling body; renew if necessary (10 A
MAT N". super quick acting).

4.3 Rotating diodes are defective. Check rotating diodes V1 and over-
voltage conductor V3; renew if neces-

5. Alternator does not respond to 5.1 Input speed too low. Less than Check the speed regulator of the drive
excitation. 50 % of nominal speed. motor. Check the power transmission
to the alternator.

5.2 Remanence voltage of auxiliary Briefly excite the machine by attaching

exciter is too low (less than 6 % a 4.5 V battery with its positive pole at
nominal voltage) I1 and negative pole at K1.

5.3 No voltage at auxiliary exciter Check whether windings UH1-UH2

winding UH1-UH2 or WH1- and WH1-WH2 are interrupted in the
WH2. stator of the auxiliary exciter. Rectify
the interruption.

5.4 Fault in regulator circuit. Check whether the external connec-

tions on terminals I1, K1 UH1 and
WH1 are in place. On the "COSIMAT
N", check the bridges also.

5.5 Fault at regulator connections. Check input and output connections of


Fault at alternator Cause Remedy

5.6 Regulator fuse has blown on Check the regulator fuse on the inside
"COSIMAT N". of the cooling body and renew if nec-
essary (10 A super quick-acting).

5.7 Power stage transistor is defec- On the "COSIMAT N", replace the
tive. regulator’s power stage. On the "CO-
SIMAT C", replace the entire regulator.

5.8 Regulator is defective. Replace the regulator

5.9 Rotating rectifier is defective. Check rotating diodes V1 and over-

voltage conductor V3; renew if neces-

6. Oscillating voltage in separate 6.1 I-share too low. Set switch S1 to a higher number, and
operation. move R1 slightly in a clockwise direc-
tion if necessary.

7. Alternator voltage fluctuates at 7.1 Loose contact in one regulator Check the leads that connect the regu-
irregular intervals. input lead. lator. Check the connections on the
machine’s terminal board. Re-tighten

7.2 Blockage at mechanical regula- Check the speed regulator on the drive
tor on drive machine. motor. Rectify the fault.

8. Oscillating reactive output in 8.1 Droop setting is too low. Move R7 slightly in a clockwise direc-
parallel operation. tion.

9. Excessively high reactive current 8.2 I-share too low. Set switch S1 to a higher number.
output in parallel operation.

9.1 Droop setting is too low. Move R7 slightly in a clockwise direc-


9.2 Transformer connections k/l are Open the bridge.

incorrect, e.g. bridged by switch.

9.3 Are the secondary connections at Swap over the k/l connections, "k"
terminals k/l correct or not? must be the white lead.

9.4 Droop transformer not installed Install droop transformer in phase "V",
in phase "V". check direction of rotation.

9.5 If "COSIMAT C" is installed sepa- Check the sensing lead. There must be
rately, sensing leads U/W may a right-handed field on "COSIMAT
be wrongly positioned (U/V/W N".
on "COSIMAT N").

10. Excessively low reactive current 10.1 Droop setting is too high. Move R7 slightly in an anti-clockwise
output in parallel operation. direction.

11. Active load not equally distrib- 11.1 This is affected by the drive ma- Check the drive motor (regulator, fuel
uted. chine only, i.e. determined by supply etc.).
the drive machine regulator. The
alternator’s regulator affects
only the reactive output and
therefore the distribution of the
reactive load (see 8., 9. and

Please contact our Service Department if you have any problems. Our experienced spe-
cialists will be glad to help you. If possible, inform us of your findings by telefax or tele-

Telefax: +49 (0) 841/792-195 Telephone: +49 (0) 841/792-163

3. Circuit diagrams
Circuit diagram for DSG 29 and 36 with "COSIMAT C" voltage regulator (No. Z 2811.001)

3.2 Circuit diagram for DSG 43 with "COSIMAT C" voltage regulator (No. Z 2811.003)

3.3 Circuit diagram for DSG 43...74 with "COSIMAT N" voltage regulator (No. Z 2817.001)

3.4 Circuit diagram for DSG 86...144 with "COSIMAT N" voltage regulator (No. )

F1 Schutzschalter für G3 Protection switch for G3
G1 Hauptmaschine Main machine
G2 Erregermaschine Exciter machine
G3 Hilfserregerwicklungen Auxiliary exciter windings

R11 Rotierender Varistor Rotating varistor

V1 Rotierende Gleichrichter Rotating rectifiers

X1 Hauptklemmen Main terminals

X2-6 Klemmleiste Terminal strip

U1 Spannungsregler Cosimat N Alternator voltage regulator Cosimat N

R3 Unterdrehzahlschutz R3 Underspeed protection
R4 Interner Sollwert R4 Internal voltage setting
R1 P-Anteil R1 P-Part
S1 I-Anteil S1 I-Part
R7 Statikeinstellung R7 Droop adjustment
R6 Statikwandleranpassung R6 Droop transformer adaption
R1 Sollwertpot. Generator Spannung (R = 500 Ω) Alternator voltage adjuster (R = 500 Ω)
T6 Statikwandler Droop transformer
' ACHTUNG: Bei Regler lose: Regleranschluß CAUTION: AVR loose supply:AVR connection
Drehrichtung rechts: Rotation clockwise:
Leiste X2 Regler Terminal X2 AVR
U ⇒ U U ⇒ U
V ⇒ V V ⇒ V
W ⇒ W W ⇒ W
Drehrichtung links: Rotation counter clockwise:
Leiste X2 Regler Terminal X2 AVR
W ⇒ U W ⇒ U
V ⇒ V V ⇒ V
U ⇒ W U ⇒ W

Schnellentregung: Quick de-excitation:

Brücken UH1-24 und WH1-14 öffnen Open bridges UH1-24 and WH1-14

Entregungsschalter: 220 V AC De-excitation switch: 220 V AC

(nicht AvK Lieferumfang) 10 A (not AvK supply) 10 A

Zubehör Accessories
Widerstandsthermometer PT100 Resistance Thermometer PT100
A1-12 Statorwicklung Stator winding
Phase U: 1, 4, 7, 10 Phase U: 1, 4, 7, 10
Phase V: 2, 5, 8,11 Phase V: 2, 5, 8, 11
Phase W: 3, 6, 9, 12 Phase W: 3, 6, 9, 12
A13, 14 Lager, B-Seite Bearing, NDE

H Stillstandsheizung Anti condensation heater

---- Verbindungen außerhalb des Generators Connections outside the alternator

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250
e-mail: infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com


AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

Dreieich branch
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
e-mail: infoavkdr@newage-avkseg.com

Enclosure to Operating Instructions
Advise for Commissioning
Generator with vibration
absorbers on foundation

The relative movements between the gen-set and

By connection of the cables it must be ensured that
the foundation have to be compensated for by a
no forces have an effect on the machine connection
sufficiently long free cable length between the cable
terminals. The same counts for the time during
fixing on the gen-set and the foundation.

If shock load or vibrations are to be expected, the

cables should be fixed over the cable clips and the
cable platform.

By elastic mounted gen-sets (see picture above)

sufficient 'free cable length' should be ensured to
compensate the movements of the diesel/gas motor.
In order to ensure that the movements do not have
a negative influence on the connection terminals,
the cable must be fixed with max. 300 mm distance
from the terminal box screw fitting. This cable fixing
has to be connected rigidly to the gen-set in order
to avoid relative movements between the cable
fixing and the terminal box.

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 2

Generator with vibration
absorbers on frame base

By connection of the cables it must be ensured that In order to ensure that the movements do not have
no forces have an effect on the machine connection a negative influence on the connection terminals,
terminals. The same counts for the time during the cable must be fixed with max. 300 mm distance
assembly. from the terminal box screw fitting. This cable fixing
has to be connected rigidly to the gen-set in order
If shock load or vibrations are to be expected, the to avoid relative movements between the cable
cables should be fixed over the cable clips and the fixing and the terminal box.
cable platform.
The relative movements between the gen-set and
By elastic mounted gen-sets (see picture above) the foundation have to be compensated for by a
sufficient 'free cable length' should be ensured to sufficiently long free cable length between the cable
compensate the movements of the diesel/gas motor. fixing on the gen-set and the foundation.

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 3


Using the Protection switches Q1, F1, F2

Cable connection acc. to DIN 46200
The purpose of these switches is to protect the
voltage transformers T24 (Q1) and the auxiliary
Elastic parts, such as spring washers, can be used
exciter winding (F1, F2). In case of failure, these
in the electrical connection, however, only on one
switches will lead to a quick de-excitation of the
side of the clamped conductor. If necessary,
additional washers are to be used. The other side is
for current conduction, why only washers or security
These switches are not to be used for de-exciting
locking plates of copper-zinc-alloys must be used.
the machine during operation or maintenance!
By electrical connection with eyelet rings, the eyelets
have to be protected by washers on both sides
Open star point
against bending.
The voltage transformer T24 has to be disconnected
and the cables sufficiently insulated! De-excite the
De- excitation
machine as described above.

Open the bridges UH1-24 and WH1-14 on the No tests are to be performed with open star point!
terminal strip X2. De-excitation with extern switch The correct connection of the power cables can be
takes place on these terminals, too. checked with appropriate equipment.

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 4

Maintenance for earthing brush

All brushes and holders must be checked for free

Optimum maintenance and care for earthing movement. Blocked brushes may lead to damage.
brushes is the base for smallest brush wear. The
maintenance of brushes must take place after Worn out brushes must be renewed in time, so that
certain intervals that depend on the alternators size damages at the contact surface on the shaft can be
as well as load and ambient conditions. avoided. New earthing brushes do not need grind-
in (other than slip rings).
Brushes are subject to wear and tear and must be
cleaned by air (pressure or suction) from time to Using brushes bigger than the original size is only
time. Routine check every 3 months is possible after agreement with the supplier.
recommended by AvK to ensure about operational
behaviour and suitable changing intervals.

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 5

Maintenance of Earthing Fault

Optimum maintenance and care of ht e brushes Note:

and slip rings is the base for smallest wear. The
maintenance must take place in certain time The Earthing Fault Monitoring is mounted on the
intervals. The frequency of the maintenances NDE of the machine.
depends on alternator size as well as on load and
ambient conditions. Attention:

Maintenance works must be performed only during

Brushes are subject to wear and tear and must be
standstill of the machine.
cleaned by air (pressure or suction) from time to
time. Routine checks every 3 months is
recommended by AvK in order to estimate the
necessary time intervals during the actual operation
Electrical Machines with two shaft
All brushes and holders must be checked for free
Bearing currents by electrical machines with two
movement. Blocked brushes may lead to damage.
shaft ends must be avoided.
Worned out brushes must be replaced in time in
AvK recommends an insulated coupling mounted
order to avoid damages on the slip rings and to
on the NDE.
ensure the perfect function of the Earthing Fault
Monitoring. New brushes need grind-in with the
Another possibility is that all bearings of the NDE
slip rings. The use of larger brushes than originally
aggregate are insulated.
mounted is only possible after agreement with the

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 6

Anti - condensation heater:

The anti condensation heater is to be connected

according to correct rating and supply voltage.
Please refer to rating plate of the machine.

Control of the anti – condensation heater should be

done that the heater

- is switched on after the machine has stopped,

- is switched off before starting up the machine.

Tubular heater type RHK T + H art. no.

100870 and 100872


2 heaters type RHK dia. 8, 5mm x 500mm long

assembled into two brackets made of stainless steel
as per our drawing no 31522, heaters wired in
parallel by brass brackets, silicon insulated
connection cable 3000mm long.
Number of heater elements is according to required
heating power.

Technical data of the heaters

Heater sheath: Chrome-Nickel-Steel AISI 321

Heater wire: NiCr 8020, Mat. no.: 2.48869

Insulation material:
pure magnesium oxide, highly compacted

threaded bolt M4 with silicon insulated cable


Diameter of heaters: 8,5mm ± 0,15mm

Straight length of
heaters: 500 ± 2 %
Wattage per heater: 500 Watt ± 10 %
Total wattage (4 heaters):1000 Watt ± 10 %
Voltage: 230 Volt
Dielectric strength: 1250 V
Final test: per standard
DIN EN 60 335

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 7

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 8
Bolting torque for fixing screws

If no further indications are made , use the

following bolting torque for connections of fixing
screws and fixing nuts:

screws screws
property class property class
8.8 4.6
M4 3,0 1,1
M5 3,5 2,2
M6 9,0 3,7
M8 18 9,0
M10 45 18
M12 50 31
M16 110 75
M20 250 150
M24 440 255
M30 980 510
M36 1730 890
M42 2700 1450

starting torque in Nm

Values according to VDI 2230 calculated

considering the maximal admissible surface
pressure under the screw head and a frictional co –
efficient µ ges = 0,125

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 9

Dust filter made of metal fabric


Design of the filter

The frames and the plates of the filter are fabricated

• Constructional steel with zinc coated mesh wire
• Stainless steel with stainless steel mesh wire
alternatively depending on application

Type of filter

B1 according to DIN 24185 / part 100

EU2 according to DIN 24185 / part 2

Medium degree of deposition 65 = 80 %


The maintenance intervals depend on the local dust

accumulation. The dust protective filter plates have
to be cleaned with the usual commercial detergents.
Cleaning with high-pressure cleaning devices is
also possible.


Do not wet the filter plates with oil!

Observe the instructions for pollution

The following detergents can be used when

cleaning mechanically:

Calgonit / Somat / Topmat 760 (or equivalent)

If only a manual cleaning is possible, use the

following detergents:

Rivonit / RG 1083 (or equivalent)

Regular checks and cleaning of the dust

protective filter system is indispensable for
the safety in operation of the electrical

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 10

AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 11
AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250
e-mail: infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

Dreieich branch
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
e-mail: infoavkdr@newage-avkseg.com
AnB / e / 20-10-2003 / B Page 12
Regulator Descriptions
Description and adjustment instructions
”COSIMAT N+” voltage regulator
for DSG and DIG alternators
Description of ”COSIMAT N +”
1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Brief summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 General diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Adjusting elements and their effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Optimising the regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3. Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1 Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Monitoring alternator voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.4 Desired value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.5 Droop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.6 Control amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.7 Additional functions of the ”COSIMAT N+” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.7.1 Underspeed protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.7.2 Protection functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.8 Power stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4. Transfer function of the ”COSIMAT N+” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5. Special functions and additional equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.1 Stand-by and emergency manual switchover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2 Additional modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

6. Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7. Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

8. Diagrams of connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
8.1 Assembly for DSG alternators 52 – 74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
8.2 Assembly for DSG alternators 86 – 125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
8.3 Assembly for DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN ≤ 11.5 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8.4 Assembly for DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN > 11.5 kV . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8.5 De-excitation circuit on the ”COSIMAT N+” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
8.6 Monitoring field current and voltage on the ”COSIMAT N+” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

9. Connections, adjusting elements and displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

9.1 Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
9.2 Adjusting elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.3 Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

10. Start-up of the ”COSIMAT N+” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

10.1 Basic setting and visual check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10.2 Desired value setting range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10.3 Regulating parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10.4 Underspeed protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10.5 Droop adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

11. Important notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

11.1 Protection concept for external mounting of regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
11.2 Mounting the regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
11.3 Excitation build-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
11.4 Code switch S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
11.5 Droop switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
11.6 Changing the direction of rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11.7 Synchronous motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11.8 Protection fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11.9 Drying out the alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11.10 External power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
11.11 400 Hz alternators and converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
11.12 Checking the insulation voltage of the electric machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
11.13 Exchange/replacement; ”COSIMAT N/N3” by ”COSIMAT N+” . . . . . . . . . . . 32
11.14 Malfunctions, causes and remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

12. List of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

1. General With the use of additional modules it is possible to intervene
in set-point and actual value formation via the ”COSIMAT N+”
The ”COSIMAT N+” is a compact voltage regulator designed signal inputs:
to control synchronous alternators both in single and parallel
operation. There are a large number of additional modules available for
a wide variety of control applications e.g.
In single operation, the alternator voltage is held constant
irrespective of power, frequency and temperature. ● cos phi regulation of a synchronous alternator or motor

When operated in parallel with the mains or with other or

alternators, a stable reactive power is produced.
● Limitation of start-up current when connecting up a large
Via its power stage, the ”COSIMAT N+” adjusts the excitation asynchronous motor to the alternator
current to match the operating conditions.
The main features of the ”COSIMAT N+” are:
● Cable compensation via load current detection or mea-
● Integrated measuring transformers for three-phase meas- sured value of the external alternator voltage.
urement of the alternator voltage up to 500 V AC
(external conductor voltage). Its additional modules make the "COSIMAT N+" suitable for
various applications on test rigs, in power-train technology
● Stable reactive power thanks to current-voltage vector etc. (see 5.2 Additional modules).
measuring system (droop). A load-relieved current trans-
former is required in alternator phase ”V”.

● Internal and external alternator voltage set-point ad-


● PID control amplifier with large adjustment range.

● Disproportionate drop in desired value when alternator

operates at underfrequency.

● Permanent monitoring of the actuator and time limit on

the max. possible excitation current.

● Internal protection devices trip whenever a fault occurs,

thus separating the excitation field from its energy source.

● Compact construction with interchangeable power


● Fully potted in to protect it from environmental effects.

● Long life thanks to high-quality components.

2. Brief summary
2.1 General-arrangement diagram

Figure 1 – General-arrangement diagram

2.2 Adjusting elements and their effects

Figure 2 – Adjusting elements

2.3 Start-up

Figure 3 - Start-up

2.4 Optimisation of the regulator It is not necessary to adjust the D parameter in order to
optimise the control properties. It is generally determined just
To optimise regulation, it is necessary to connect loads to the once, in accordance with the size of the alternator. In the case
alternator. of alternators > 1 MVA, switch S2.4 is switched to the ON
To allow the trend of the control property following a change
in the P or I parameter to be evaluated, the load connected To decide whether the D parameter should be increased
must be reproducible. beyond this, it is necessary to take specific measurements of
the alternator voltage and at the output of the regulator.
The factor with the greatest general significance in achieving
an optimum regulating system is an overshoot amplitude xm Satisfactory optimisation of the regulator will normally be
which is as small as possible. The essential criterion in the achieved by the free adjustment of the P and I parameters.
evaluation of the regulating process with respect to time is the
settling time taus.

To follow the trend of the control property, use an oscilloscope

to monitor the manipulated variable.

The "COSIMAT N+" regulator allows ”free” adjustment of the

P and I parameters. The D parameter can be switched over
in two stages using code switch S2.4.

Figure 4 – Characteristic quantities of the regulating system

Figure 5 – Trend of the control property

3. Functional description
3.1 Block diagram

Figure 6 – Block diagram

3.2 Power supply 3.3 Monitoring alternator voltage

Power is supplied to the "COSIMAT N+" by means of The "COSIMAT N+" measures alternator voltages from 90 to
so-called auxiliary excitation voltages, which are produced 500 V AC (external conductor voltage) within two selectable
in the alternators. The excitation energy and the supply ranges by means of an internal three-phase measuring trans-
voltage for the "COSIMAT N+" are derived from the auxiliary former.
excitation voltages.
To measure higher voltages, corresponding voltage transfor-
In the case of AvK alternators in Series DSG and DIG with mers must be connected in series.
UN ≤ 11.5 kV, the "COSIMAT N+" is supplied with power
via two single-phase auxiliary windings, which are inserted Signal input N allows intervention into the internal formation
into the main stator. The windings are designated UH1/UH2 of the actual value.
and WH1/WH2.
The secondary AC measurement voltage of the measuring
The voltages UH1 and UH2 are offset by 90° with respect transformer is converted into a DC voltage, smoothed, condi-
to WH1 and WH2 and are 80 V AC ± 20 % at the nominal tioned and output as an actual value to the regulator circuit.
voltage of the alternator.
The measured value which is produced corresponds to the
In the case of AvK alternators belonging to Series DIG with arithmetic mean of the rectified three-phase AC measurement
UN > 11.5 kV, the "COSIMAT N+" is supplied with power voltage.
via a two-phase auxiliary exciter machine. The windings are
designated UH1, UH2, UH3 and WH1, WH2. Three-phase measurement allows for asymmetric loads.

The voltages UH1 and UH2 are offset by 90° with respect Note:
to WH1 and WH2 and are 80 V AC ± 20 % at the nominal For non-linear loads (static thyristor converter or rectifier),
speed of the machine. additional module TF (RC – low-pass filter) is recommended
as a measuring adapter. High non-linear loads may
The above-mentioned auxiliary exciter windings UH1 and require overdimensioning of the alternator.
UH2 and WH1 and WH2 are plugged into the correspon-
dingly designated terminals of the "COSIMAT N+":
3.4 Desired value
Special application
Three-phase auxiliary exciter machine The desired value for the "COSIMAT N+" is taken from a
If a three-phase auxiliary exciter machine is used, the winding temperature-compensated reference source.
terminals are designated UH1-VH1-WH1. The external con-
ductor voltage is 3 x 75 V AC ± 20 % at the nominal speed The signal input ”n” allows intervention in the internal formation
of the machine. of the desired value.

Special application The reference voltage reaches the set-point potentiometer R 4

External power supply mounted on the front end of the "COSIMAT N+". This
The "COSIMAT N+" can also be operated with a constant potentiometer allows coarse adjustment of the alternator
external voltage. It is generally supplied via a three-phase voltage over a wide range (= ”approximate” desired value).
transformer (Yy 0) with a secondary voltage of 3 x 75 V AC
± 20 %. The nominal power should be at least 500 VA. In parallel operation of the alternator, the reference voltage
is influenced by the droop-measuring system (see 3.5 Droop)
and, in the case of underfrequency, by the underspeed

A set-point potentiometer can be connected to the "COSIMAT N+"

Caution: for external adjustment of the desired value.

If the auxiliary excitation voltage is taken This potentiometer is used for fine adjustment of the alternator
from a constant "external" power source (e.g. voltage (= ”exact” desired value).
the mains), the supply must be switched on
only after the alternator has been started. The adjustment range is limited to ± 5 % to ± 10 % around
When switching off the alternator, the the nominal value, depending on the potentiometer used.
supply should be switched off before the
machine comes to a halt (see 11.10 External The ES additional module allows the adjustment range of the
power supply). external set-point potentiometer to be extended from remanence
to the nominal voltage.

If the ES module is used on AvK alternators, the regulator If, when the alternator is connected in parallel, the fixed mains
system must be provided with an external power supply. This forces it down to a figure which is 6 % lower, the reactive
must be decided on a case by case basis, depending on the current is inductive and equivalent to 100 % of the nominal
application and the excitation system used (auxiliary excitati- alternator current.
on windings or auxiliary excitation machine?)
In parallel operation, regulation of the synchronous alternator
is made possible by the droop sensing signal.
3.5 Droop For stand-alone operation, adjustment is performed on the test
rig using a reactive load. The droop effect is set to 3 %.
Once an alternator has been connected in parallel, voltage
regulation is no longer possible because the system voltage The droop sensing signal in the "COSIMAT N+" influences
is fixed. The slightest fluctuation in the system voltage would the desired value and is produced by means of a geometrical
lead to the alternator producing reactive current > IN. addition of the external conductor voltage U-W and a
current-dependent voltage signal from the V phase.
To stabilise the alternator reactive current it is therefore
necessary to have a measured variable which is dependent In AvK synchronous machines, the corresponding current
on the reactive current and incorporates the magnitude of the transformer is located in phase V. The K side of the transfor-
current and the reactive power (inductive or capacitive). This mers points towards the alternator’s main winding (see Figure
measured variable is introduced at the addition point (com- 6 – Block diagram).
parison point of the desired value and the actual value) of the
control amplifier circuit. Internally load-relieved bushing-type transformers are used.

This produces a static droop control characteristic, which The outlet end of the secondary connections ( = potted end
represents the relationship between: of the transformer) is the primary-side K point (= current input).

the change in the alternator voltage in relation to the nominal The wire marked in white is the secondary-side k point.
voltage and
the change in the alternator reactive current in relation to the The secondary connections k and I of the droop current
nominal current. transformer should be plugged into the correspondingly mar-
ked terminals of the "COSIMAT N+".
The droop is represented by the slope of the characteristic
curve produced i.e. is the quotient of the above ratio. In the case of alternators for parallel and stand-alone opera-
tion, the measuring input k – I can be short-circuited by means
In the "COSIMAT N+" a linear droop characteristic is gene- of a switch for stand-alone operation. This gives better voltage
rated. The droop effect can be adjusted from 0 to 6 % using stability (see 8. Diagrams of connections, 11.5 Droop
the potentiometer R 7. switch).

Example: The droop sensing system of the "COSIMAT N+" is matched

In the case of an inductive reactive current of 100 % of the to the nominal current of the alternator by means of potentio-
nominal current of the alternator and with the droop set to 6 %, meter R 6.
the alternator voltage is reduced by 6 %.


For the droop sensing system to function

correctly, the "COSIMAT N+" requires a
clockwise rotating field at its measurement
voltage terminals. If the direction of rotation
is reversed, measuring leads U and W
should be interchanged.

3.6 Control amplifier

The control amplifier of the "COSIMAT N+" has a PID

characteristic. The parameter of the I section can be varied
in steps from 1 to F using switch S 1. During this process, the
integration time constant increases.
Figure 7 – Droop characteristic

kink point” is set to 0.95 x fN. Above the kink point, voltage
Caution: regulation is constant.

Switch position 0 is not allowed; never pass The voltage reduction is delayed by about 2 seconds to
through 0. eliminate the effect of transient drops in the speed of the drive

The parameter of the P section can be varied by means of In exceptional circumstances, the underspeed protection fun-
potentiometer R 1. During this process, the adjustment range ction can be deactivated by means of code switch S2.2 (see
shown in Figure 8 should not be exceeded. 9.2 Adjusting elements).


For standard applications of the "COSIMAT N+",

the underspeed protection function must be
active and correctly set. Code switch S2.2
must be in the ”ON” position.

The underspeed protection function is active on 50/60 Hz

alternators. For other nominal frequencies, the UF module
should be used or the alternator should be deexcited when
being shut down.

Figure 8 – P adjustment range

Further adjustment in the clockwise direction leads to hunting,

while further adjustment in the anticlockwise direction leads
to control errors.

The D parameter can be changed by switching code switch

S2.4 to the ”ON” position. This increases the effect of the D
parameter, as required by larger alternators (DIG and DSG
74 ... 125).

The D parameter can furthermore be varied at the ”D-Opt.”

optimisation points. At the specified polarity, a capacitor can
additionally be soldered in.

When installing additional D-section capacitors, it is important

to note their polarity (electrolyte capacitor) and nominal
voltage (= 35 V DC). The maximum recommended value is
150 µF.

Figure 9 – Underspeed protection

3.7 Additional functions of the "COSIMAT N+"
3.7.2 Protective functions
3.7.1 Underspeed protection
The auxiliary exciter windings (see 3.2 Power supply) have a
While a drive machine (motor or turbine) is warming up, the very high short-circuit capacity. If the actuator is faulty, the
alternator is operated at underfrequency. To prevent overexci- high short-circuit power involved may cause severe damage.
tation and thermal damage in the exciter system, the "COSI-
MAT N+" allows frequency-dependent reduction of the To prevent this damage, the "COSIMAT N+" has two protecti-
regulator’s desired value or alternator voltage in accordance ve functions which monitor its actuator and prevent overloa-
with a linear function (see Figure 9 – Underspeed protection). ding of the exciter system:

The point at which the voltage drops is defined by a corre-

sponding frequency value set by means of R3. The reduction
for underspeed is indicated by H1. Before delivery, the ”U/f

Time limitation of the maximum excitation cur- 3.8 Power stage
The power stage of the "COSIMAT N+" provides an excita-
When the actuator is fully on, the excitation current tion current that corresponds to the output signal of the control
reaches a maximum. amplifier.

If this state is allowed to continue, the exciter system will A MOSFET transistor is used as the actuator, with pulse width
be damaged. modulation, i.e. the turn-on time varies but the switching
frequency remains constant.
However, the fully-on state only occurs in the case of
compensating processes or short circuits at the main The excitation energy is taken from the rectified supply
terminals of the alternator. voltage, the rectifier circuit being located in the power stage.
It allows the rectification of two single-phase or three-phase
The monitoring system of the "COSIMAT N+" limits supply voltages (see 3.2 Power supply).
maximum excitation to 8 to 10 seconds.
There is a short-circuit thyristor in the DC circuit. The protective
After this, the protection circuit isolates the exciter field circuit of the "COSIMAT N+" switches this thyristor on if faults
from the source of excitation energy by tripping the occur in the control circuit. The resulting short-circuit current
protection fuses. trips the two protection fuses on the front plate of the "COSI-
MAT N+" and the exciter field is isolated from the source of
Checking the direction of action of the control excitation energy.
amplifier and the actuator
This feature monitors the positioning transistor for short 10 A super quick-acting
circuits. 32 mm x 6.3 mm ø
IEC G 144.400
Short-circuiting of the positioning transistor leads to maxi-
mum excitation. The control amplifier tries to counteract
this but has no effect on the faulty actuator. The actuator
and the control amplifier act in opposite directions and Caution:
the fuses trip immediately.
Replacement fuses must be of the above type.
The following circumstances also lead to maximum excitation The power stage may suffer permanent dama-
and can trip the fuses: ge if the wrong type of fuse is used.

● Faulty sensor leads

The power stage is located on a profiled heat sink. It is
● Deactivated or incorrectly adjusted underspeed protecti- plugged into the regulator and screwed into the substructure
on function of the "COSIMAT N+".

● Short circuit in the I1 / K1 exciter lead To ensure adequate cooling for the power semi-conductors in
the power stage, you must follow the instructions in Chapter
● Faulty exciter rectifier in the "COSIMAT N+" 11.2 Mounting the regulator.

● Extreme overloading of the alternator (short circuit) if this

has not been switched off after 8 to 10 seconds.

The protection device integrated into the "COSIMAT N+"

responds to a large number of defects and faults.

Additional module ER1 can be used to limit the excitation
current when the alternator is operated in parallel.

4. Transfer function of the "COSIMAT N+"

Figure 10 – Equivalent control circuit diagram

There are three ways of influencing the control parameters in The time constant of the input low-pass filter is:
the "COSIMAT N+”:
TP1 = 3.62 ms
Potentiometer R1 (500 kΩ) for changing the P parameter. At
the right-hand stop, R1 is 0Ω. The time constant of the output low-pass filter is:

Switch S1 for changing the I parameter in 15 steps (from 0.22 TP2 = 0.268 x T2
to 3.85 µF) each of 0.22 µF (C1).

Code switch S2.4 for increasing the D parameter from 10.1 µF

(S2.4 = OFF) to 32.1 µF (S2.4 = ON) (C2).

The individual parameters in the equivalent circuit diagram

(see Figure 10 – Equivalent control circuit diagram) can be
calculated as follows:

T1 = R1 x C1
T2 = 6,8 kΩ x C2
T3 = 22 kΩ x C1

TI = T1 + T2

TD = T1 x T2
T1 + T2

K1 =2,56 T1 + T2

K2 = 716,1 ms x K1

K3 = 1 = 0,066

5. Special functions and additional
5.1 Stand-by and emergency manual switchover

Where higher availability is required, there are ”stand-by”


Stand-by circuits contain two "COSIMAT N+" voltage regula-


The alternator is regulated by one of these regulators (main

regulator). If this regulator is defective, it is possible to switch
to the second (stand-by) regulator.

Stand-by circuits are available in either manual or automatic


Manual stand-by circuit (SB1)

In the event of a malfunction, a changeover switch permits

the stand-by regulator to be selected.

The changeover switch switches over all the signals apart

from the sensing voltage and supply connections UH2
(VH1) and WH2.

Automatic stand-by circuit (SB2)

The stand-by circuit monitors the main regulator.

Common operating variables with respect to the response

of the regulator allow fault detection and switchover to
the stand-by regulator.

The stand-by regulator operates in simulated control

mode and is likewise monitored.

The switch between the two regulators can take place

during the operation of the alternator and can be perfor-
med manually, by means of a test function or, in the case
of a malfunction, automatically.

5.2 Additional modules

The following list provides a summary of the various additional

modules for the "COSIMAT N+".

cos phi regulator

FUNCTION: The power factor (cos phi) is held constant

irrespective of fluctuations in system voltage or load changes.

APPLICATION: Parallel operation with fluctuating mains.

Limitation of the excitation current by means of ER1 additional

Figure 11 – Additional module COS

Reactive power regulator with single-phase

FUNCTION: The reactive power is held constant irrespective QPF

of fluctuations in system voltage or load changes.

APPLICATION: Parallel operation with constant reactive

power output.

Figure 12 – Additional module QPF A

cos phi trimmer

FUNCTION: The power factor of the regulated alternator is

the same as that of the total current or of the currents of the
other alternators (depending on current transformer connecti-

APPLICATION: Parallel operation with alternators without

linear voltage droop.

Figure 13 – Additional module QPF B

Reactive power trimmer with single-phase

FUNCTION: The reactive power of the regulated alternator

is the same as that of the other alternator.

APPLICATION: Parallel operation with alternators without

linear voltage droop.

Figure 14 – Additional module QPF C

Automatic stand-by switchover
(see 5.1 Stand-by and emergency manual switchover)

FUNCTION: Automatic switchover to the stand-by regulator

in the event of regulator faults.

APPLICATION: Requirement for higher availability and ope-

rating reliability (e.g. on ships).

Figure 15 – Additional module SB2

RC – low-pass filter
(Type TF1-50 for 50/60 Hz)

FUNCTION: Reducing the ripple effect in the voltage sensing

signal of the "COSIMAT N+".

APPLICATION: Non-linear alternator loading by rectifier

bridges or static converters.

Figure 16 - Additional module TF1

Extended adjustment range
(incl. 10 x potentiometer)

FUNCTION: External adjusting range from remanence to

nominal voltage.

APPLICATION: Various test applications in the construction

of transformers and electrical machines, run-up of large
electric motors (pump motor).

Figure 17 – Additional module ES

U/f characteristic module

FUNCTION: Frequency-dependent regulation of the alterna-

tor voltage in accordance with a linear function. Different
gradients can be selected.

APPLICATION: Variable-frequency operation of shaft alterna-

tors on ships. Reduces the speed dip when there is a jump in
the active load.

Figure 18 – Additional module UF

U/f characteristic module with extension

FUNCTION: Frequency-dependent control of the alternator

voltage in accordance with freely selectable function. Ope-
ration with controlled inner field voltage down to 0 Hz.

APPLICATION: Control of the alternator voltage as a function

of any measured variable (using standardised measured-value
signal) and freely selectable characteristics. Used for driving
asynchronous winding motors and for testing transformers.

Figure 19 – Additional module UF3

Current limitation

FUNCTION: Limitation of alternator current to predetermined


APPLICATION: Run-up of large electric motors.

Note: No effect on the switch-on peak in the case of direct
switch-on of motors or transformers.

Figure 20 – Additional module SR2

External actual value detection

FUNCTION: Regulation to externally measured voltage. If the

measuring lead breaks, it switches over to voltage measure-
ment at the alternator terminal.

APPLICATION: Providing the consumer with highly accurate

voltages over long input leads.

Figure 21 – Additional module EI

Detection of DC voltage actual value

FUNCTION: Electrically isolated measurement of a DC volt-

age actual value.

APPLICATION: Voltage regulation of a synchronous alterna-

tor to the rectification value of an output-side bridge-type

Figure 22 – Additional module UDC2

Cable compensation

FUNCTION: Raising the alternator voltage as a function of

the current.

APPLICATION: Compensation of cable voltage losses by

way of the load current, specifically when there is no possi-
bility of access to the external measuring point.

Figure 23 – Additional module KP

Controlling exciter current limiter

FUNCTION: Secondary regulation of the exciter current to a

selected over- and under-excitation value.

APPLICATION: Protects the alternator in cos phi-regulated paral-

lel operation with a ”soft” mains when using "COSIMAT N+" and
COS module.

When used with QPF, controlling limitation of the exciter

current cannot be used. In that case, it would be necessary
to employ contact indication in the event of the exciter current Figure 24 – Additional module ER1
limits being over- or undershot.

6. Technical data

GENERAL DATA Type : fully potted aluminium housing incl. power stage
Maintenance : maintenance-free
Rated switch-on time : continuous operation
Installation position : mount with longitudinal axis vertical at
convectional cooling or longitudinal axis
in air flow direction at fan cooling
Installation clearance : 3 cm all round
(see 11.2 Mounting the regulator)

MEASURING CIRCUITS Alternator voltage

Nominal voltage : 90 ... 250 V AC / 250 ... 500 V AC
Frequency : 50 ... 400 Hz
Power consumption : 4 VA / 6 VA

Droop current sensing

(Voltage input)
Voltage at IN : 3 ... 7 V AC
Power consumption : 0.15 ... 0.35 W

AUXILIARY CIRCUITS Supply voltage : 2 x single-phase 80 V AC ±20 %

1 x three-phase 75 V AC ±20 %
Power consumption : depending on excitation requirement
Nominal frequency : 50 ... 1200 Hz


Intermediate circuit voltage UZK : 85 to 130 V DC
(dependent on the supply voltage)
Continuous excitation current : 7 ADC (continuous)
Minimum field resistance RIK : 5Ω (cold)
Minimum required
field time constant τIK : 0.06 s
Short circuit exciter current : 20 ADC for 5 seconds
(at RIK = Ω5 and UZK = 100 VDC)
Protective fuse : 10 A-FF / 250 V – 6.3 x 32

ACCURACY Control accuracy : ±1 % at 0 to 60 °C

±5 % speed fluctuations and
apparent power 0 ... 100 %

TESTS Vibration test : German Lloyd category 2

EMV : CE-compliant in accordance with EN50081
and EN50082

AMBIENT CONDITIONS Storage temperature : - 40 ... + 70 °C

Operating temperature : -25 ... + 70 °C
(Special version "COSIMAT N+T"
- 55 ... + 70 °C)

WEIGHT AND INSTALLATION Height x width x depth : 121 x 115 x 162.5 mm
Fixing : 4 M6 bolts, washers and circlips
Weight : 2 kg

7. Dimensions

Figure 25 – Dimensions

8. Diagrams of connections
Legend for diagrams of connections

F1 Circuit breakers for G3

Operate only when stationary

G1 Main machine

G2 Exciter/excitation windings

G3 Auxiliary windings/Auxiliary exciter machine

R11/V3 Rotating varistor

T24 Voltage transformer for regulator

Must be disconnected if the star
point of G1 is open

T32 Voltage transformer for G3

with integrated circuit breaker F1
Operate F1 only when stationary!

V1 Rotating rectifier

X1 Main terminals

X2 – 6 Terminal strip

U1 "COSIMAT N+" voltage regulator

R3 Underspeed protection

R4 Internal desired value

R1 P component

S1 I component

R7 Droop adjustment

R6 Droop transformer matching

R1 Desired value potentiometer alternator

voltage (R = 500Ω)

T6 Droop transformer

8.1 Assembly for DSG alternators 52 - 74

Figure 26 – Internal mounting, DSG alternators 52 – 74

Figure 27 – External mounting, DSG alternators 52 – 74

8.2 Assembly for DSG alternators 86 – 125

Figure 28 – Internal mounting, DSG alternators 86 – 125

Figure 29 – External mounting, DSG alternators 86 – 125

8.3 Assembly for DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN ≤ 11.5 kV

Figure 30 - Internal mounting, DIG medium-voltage alternators with U N ≤ 11.5 kV

Figure 31 - External mounting, DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN ≤ 11.5 kV

8.4 Assembly for DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN >11.5 kV

Figure 32 - Internal mounting, DIG medium-voltage alternators with U N > 11.5 kV

Figure 33 - External mounting, DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN > 11.5 kV

8.5 De-excitation circuit on the "COSIMAT N+" 8.6 Monitoring field current and voltage on the
If a de-excitation circuit is fitted, the bridges on the double
terminals UH1/UH1’ and WH1/WH1’ should be removed. The "COSIMAT N+" is provided with double terminals I1/I1’
Switch contacts should be connected to the double terminals and K1/K1’ to allow the exciter field to be connected. Bridge
to de-excite the alternator when they open (see Figure 34 – I1/I1’ must be removed to allow the field current and voltage
De-excitation circuit). These de-excitation contacts must meet to be monitored (see Figure 35 – Field current/field voltage
the following specification: monitoring).

Current carrying capacity:10 AAC The measuring range for field voltage monitoring is 150 VDC;
Voltage carrying capacity:160 V AC for field current monitoring it is 10 ADC. Rotary coil or
moving-iron instruments are recommended. Under certain
The switch elements used must have dust-protected contact conditions, digital instruments may give false readings.
chambers. Ensure that contact resistance is low – the contacts
must be sensitive to low-level signals. Note:
In the case of AvK alternators (DSG 86 – 125, DIG),
there are connecting terminals for monitoring the field
One of the factors which determines the build-up of
current and voltage on terminal strip X2.
excitation is the quality of these contacts.
On AvK alternators (DSG 86 – 125, DIG), connecting
terminals for de-excitation are provided in the auxiliary
terminal box (see legend of the order-specific circuit

Figure 34 - De-excitation circuit

Figure 35 - Field current/field voltage monitoring

9. Connections, adjusting elements and Monitoring droop current:
9.1 Connections
4.8 x 0.8 mm flat plugs and/or 2.5 mm2/4 mm Ø screw
Voltage supply:

UH1 Caution:
UH2 (VH1)
WH1 Measuring input k – I is not a current input;
WH2 standard transformers should be load-relieved
4.8 x 0.8 mm flat plugs and/or 2.5 mm2/4mm Ø screw

Supply can be 2 x single-phase (80 V AC ± 20 %) or The droop current transformer must be installed in the "V"
phase of the alternator.
three-phase (75 V AC ± 20 % external conductor voltage).
Internally load-relieved droop current transformers are
2 x single-phase = UH1-UH2, WH1-WH2
used in AvK alternators.
three-phase = UH1-VH1-WH1
At the nominal current of the alternator, a voltage of 3 to
For de-excitation circuits, the bridges on the double
7 V AC is required at the terminals k – I (see 3.5 Droop
terminals must be removed (see 8.5 De-excitation circuit
and 6. Technical Data).
or order-specific circuit diagram).
Connecting leads to the transformer must be shielded if
the regulator is installed externally. Connecting leads to
the short-circuit droop switch (see 11.5 Droop switch)
If there is an external power supply (e.g.
should be shielded in all cases. The shield should be
from the mains), it must not be switched on
earthed at one end on the "COSIMAT N+" (see 8.
until after the alternator has run up. It
Diagrams of connections).
should be switched off before the machine
has come to a halt (see 11.10 External
power supply).
Exciter field:

I1 – K1
Measuring alternator voltage:
4.8 x 0.8 mm flat plugs and/or 2.5 mm2/4 mm Ø screw
U-V-W 250 to 500 V AC terminals as double terminal.
U-V-W 90 to 250 V AC
If the regulator is mounted externally, the I1/K1 field leads to
6.3 x 0.8 mm flat plugs the alternator must be run through a separately shielded cable
The shield should be earthed at one end on the "COSIMAT N+"
(see 8. Diagrams of connections).
A clockwise rotary field is required. If the
alternator rotates anticlockwise, U and W
should be interchanged (see 3.5 Droop).
External set-point potentiometer

The specified voltage ranges relate to the nominal exter- s–t

nal conductor voltage of the alternator. For higher volta-
ges, appropriate measuring transducers with a design 4.8 x 0.8 mm flat plugs and/or 2.5 mm2/4 mm Ø
rating of 10 VA should be connected on the input side screw terminals as double terminal.
(see 3.3 Monitoring alternator voltage).
The value of the set-point potentiometer determines the
The applicable voltage range should be taken from the adjustment range:
order-specific circuit diagram. For DIG alternators with
UN >1 kV, the range 90 – 250 V AC is generally chosen. 250 Ω = about ± 5 %
Consult AvK before initial start-up if required. 500 Ω = about ± 10 %

The rated power of the potentiometer must be at least 1 This potential is not connected when the "COSIMAT N+"
W. A multiple-turn potentiometer must be used (see 3.4 is used for standalone operation.
Desired value).

If the regulator or the set-point potentiometer is mounted 9.2 Adjusting elements

externally, the set-point lead must be provided with its
own separate shield. The shield should be earthed at one Underspeed protection
end on the "COSIMAT N+". If the regulator is mounted
externally and the set-point leads are longer than >10 m, R3
a motor-actuated potentiometer should be used near to
the "COSIMAT N+". 25-gang trim potentiometer

Control inputs: Adjustment of the frequency-dependent lowering of alter-
nator voltage (see 3.7.1 Underspeed protection).
M/m Direction of action:
n Left-hand stop = beginning of reduction at >50/60 Hz.
Right-hand stop = beginning of reduction only after
4.8 x 0.8 mm flat plugs and/or 2.5 mm2/4 mm Ø about > 30 Hz.
screw terminals.
In special cases, the underspeed protection can be
A number of additional modules from the "COSIMAT N+" deactivated by means of switch S2.2 (see 9.2 Adjusting
equipment range can be connected to these control elements).
inputs (see 5.2 Additional modules).
This is necessary when regulating a DC voltage by way
of additional module UDC or in some cases when using
Caution: external UF modules.

Only AvK additional modules must be used

at the control inputs. 20 mA standard si- Desired value:
gnals must not be used at these inputs.

The inputs have the following functions: 25-gang trim potentiometer

N Access to the internal actual value circuit Function:

M/m Reference point for additional equipment Adjusting the alternator voltage (see 4.3 Desired value,
n Access to the internal desired value circuit 10.2 Desired value adjustment range).

Direction of action:
Circuit earth: Left-hand stop = minimum alternator voltage
Right-hand stop = maximum alternator voltage

The circuit earth is likewise used as reference potential Caution:

for a number of ”controlling” additional modules.
Before the "COSIMAT N+" is started up, R4
This potential is not connected when the "COSIMAT N+" must be turned to the left-hand stop position
is used for stand-alone operation. (see 10. Starting up the "COSIMAT N+"). A
regulator which is checked and delivered
together with an alternator is already preset.
Load earth:

P component:
The load earth is used for connecting the internal interme-
diate circuit capacitors.
Additional external capacitors can be connected between
the second Z connection tab (MINUS) and terminal I1 1-gang trim potentiometer

Function: Direction of action:
Varying the proportional component of the control cha- Left-hand stop = maximum compensation value
racteristic. Right-hand stop = minimum compensation value

Direction of action: At nominal alternator current, R6 should be used to carry

Anticlockwise = small P component out trimming to 2.5 V AC at the measuring points
Clockwise = large P component ”MP-STATIK – DROOP”. If the alternator load current is
less than the nominal current, this may be trimmed to a
The recommended adjustment range shown in Fig. 8 – proportional voltage value.
P adjustment range must not be exceeded (see 10.3
Regulating parameters).
Code switch:
I component:
4-pole dip switch


Switch position ”0” is not permitted. Switch FUNCTION ON OFF

S2.1 none ./. ./.

16-stage code switch Activation and
S2.2 deactivation Active Not
Function: of underspeed active
Varying the I component in the regulating characteristic
(see 10.3 Regulating parameters). Reduction of
S2.3 actual value Nominal Reduced
Direction of action:
Left (1 <- F) = small I component Increasing the
Right (1 -> F) = large I component S2.4 D-parameter Increased Nominal

Required basic setting:
AvK DSG alternators up to size 62:
1-gang trim potentiometer
S2.1 = no function
S2.2 = ON (underspeed protection)
S2.3 = ON (actual value smoothing)
Adjustment of the droop effect.
S2.4 = OFF (D parameter)
Direction of action:
AvK DIG, DSG 74 – 125 alternators
Left-hand stop = no droop effect (0 %)
parallel operation not possible.
S2.1 = no function
Right-hand stop = droop effect 6 %
S2.2 = ON (underspeed protection)
S2.3 = ON (actual value smoothing)
If the direction of rotation is reversed, sensing voltage
S2.4 = ON (D parameter)
connections U and W must be interchanged.

9.3 Displays
Droop matching:
Underspeed protection:
25-gang trim potentiometer
yellow 5 mm Ø LED
Matching the various alternator nominal currents and
current transformer ratios to the droop monitoring system.

H 1 lights up when the desired value or lowering of alternator g) Is the field connected with the correct polarity?
voltage in the case of underfrequency is active (3.7.1 Under-
speed protection)
10.2 Desired value setting range
Once all the basic settings and visual checks have been
carried out, the alternator can be started up.
The regulator is set during the testing of the
alternator at the factory. See test protocol a) Run up alternator to nominal speed.
and order-specific circuit diagram.
b) Set external set-point potentiometer to the central position.

c) Adjust nominal voltage using R4.

10. Starting up the "COSIMAT N+"
d) The alternator voltage can be adjusted around its
10.1 Basic setting and visual check nominal value using the external set-point potentiometer.

Before start-up, the following basic settings of the "COSIMAT N+"

voltage regulator must be checked: 10.3 Regulating parameters

R3 right-hand stop position a) If the basic settings of R1 and S1 (see 10.1 Basic setting
R4 left-hand stop position and visual check) lead to continuous periodic fluctuations
R1 central position (stability limit), adjust R1 slowly to the left.
(in the case of DIG, DSG alternators, 1/4
rotation anticlockwise from the central position) b) If there is temporarily a tendency towards weakly
damped hunting in the event of load surges, adjust S1 one
S1 Pos. 4 or two positions to the right.
(in the case of DIG, DSG alternators Pos. 6,
at 600/750 rpm Pos. 9)
S2 S2.1 = no function 10.4 Underspeed protection
S2.2 = ON
S2.3 = ON a) 50/60 Hz alternators to 0.95 x fN.
S2.4 = OFF (ON in the case of DIG and DSG
alternators from size 74) b) In the case of 50/60 Hz alternators, turn R3 slowly in
the anticlockwise direction starting from the right-hand stop
R7 Central position position until H1 lights up. Then turn it slowly in the clock-
R6 Left-hand stop wise direction until H1 goes out.

After basic setting, the following visual checks must be carried c) Run the alternator up to nominal speed.

a) Have the sensing voltage connections (U, V, W 10.5 Droop adjustment

90...250 / 250...500) been correctly selected?
a) Load the alternator with nominal current. Measure the AC
b) Do the sensing voltage connections possess a clockwise- voltage at the droop sensing points ”MP-STATIK-DROOP”.
rotating field? (If rotation is anticlockwise, interchange U Adjust to 2.5 V AC using potentiometer R6.
and W).
b) For partial loading, the calibration value can be reduced
c) Is the supply voltage correctly connected (2 x single- proportionately.
phase UH1/UH2 and WH1/WH2; three-phase UH1,
VH1, WH1)? c) If a stronger droop effect is required, R7 (percentage
droop) should be turned clockwise starting from its central
d) Is the excess current circuit breaker in the alternator position.
switched on?
e) Is the droop transformer installed in the V phase? Where a number of alternators are run in parallel, the
droop device must be at the same setting in all the
f) Is the k – I phase position of the droop current transformer "COSIMAT N+" regulators and be active!
correctly connected? (In the case of external installation,
check from the alternator to the regulator).

Recommended droop settings: to flow freely through its power stage. Note the installation
position marking ”UNTEN” (= BOTTOM) (connecting
3% Parallel to the mains (If the mains supply is not leads towards the power stage). At fan cooling, the longitu-
stable, the setting may have to be increased). dinal axis of the "COSIMAT N+" has to be in air flow
direction. Deviating mounting is only suitable after checking
2% Parallel operation with identical alternators. by AvK.

6% Parallel operation with different alternators whose There must be a 3 cm clearance all the way round between
regulators do not have a linear droop. the "COSIMAT N+" and any structural elements that might
hinder flow (cable ducts, plates). This rule does not apply to
1% Parallel operation with different alternators which laterally mounted additional modules.
also have "COSIMAT N” or ”N+" regulators.

11.3 Excitation build-up

11. Important notes
At the nominal speed, the auxiliary excitation windings on
11.1 Protection concept for external mounting DSG and DIG alternators must produce a remanent voltage
of regulator of at least 10 V AC in order to ensure a satisfactory excitation
The following protective measures must be taken if the regu-
lator is installed externally in the switching station: However, problems with excitation build-up may also be
caused by dirty de-excitation contacts or a field connection
The sensing line U-V-W is to be laid using short-circuit-proof of incorrect polarity.
cable (1.5 mm2) from the alternator terminal strip X2 to the
switching station. AvK recommends the installation of a In the case of alternators which have been stationary for a
three-phase circuit breaker with a thermal tripping current of prolonged period, it may be necessary to introduce an
approximately 0.5 A. If this circuit breaker is tripped, the external excitation voltage. To do this, a 4.5 V or 6 V battery
alternator must be de-excited and stopped immediately. is briefly connected by its positive terminal to I1 and by its
negative terminal to K1 at nominal speed. In the case of
If the regulator is installed externally, the connecting leads for two-phase auxiliary excitation machines, the battery should
the external set-point potentiometer, the droop current transfor- be connected to I2(POSITIVE)/K2(NEGATIVE).
mer, the droop switch and the I1/K1 exciter line are to be
provided with separate shielding. The shields must be earthed
at one end on the "COSIMAT N+". 11.4 Code switch S2

Protection concept: For standard applications of the "COSIMAT N+", the following
The exciter system should be protected from excessive exciter basic settings must be made before start-up at code switch S2
currents and voltages by a field discharge switch or relay. (see 9.2 Adjusting elements):
This switch or relay should be connected as shown in the
relevant order-specific circuit diagram. The tripping criteria AvK DSG alternators up to size 62
will be determined by the protection required by the alterna- S2.1 = no function
tor. S2.2 = ON (underspeed protection)
S2.3 = ON (actual value smoothing)
Where the alternator is operated in stand-alone mode, an S2.4 = OFF (D parameter)
overvoltage protection system must be installed in the swit-
ching station. In the case of operation in parallel with the AvK DIG and DSG 74 – 125 alternators:
mains or other alternators, an overcurrent protection system is S2.1 = no function
to be added. S2.2 = ON (underspeed protection)
S2.3 = ON (actual value smoothing)
DSG/DIG alternators with auxiliary windings: S2.4 = ON (D parameter)
DSG and DIG alternators with auxiliary windings are fitted
with an excess-current circuit breaker F1. This protects the Any differences from these settings must be agreed with the
auxiliary windings from excessively high thermal loading e.g. manufacturer beforehand and taken into account in the way
as the result of an external short circuit involving the auxiliary the alternator is operated.
exciter voltage UH1-UH2 or WH1-WH2.

11.5 Droop switch

11.2 Mounting the regulator
If alternators are to be used for both single and parallel
The "COSIMAT N+" must be mounted with its longitudinal operation, better voltage stability can be achieved in single
axis vertical in case of convectional cooling to allow the air

operation if the k – I inputs of the "COSIMAT N+" are it is installed in the synchronous machine and the way the
short-circuited (see 8. Diagrams of connections). droop current transformer is connected to the "COSIMAT N+"
remains the same (see 8. Diagrams of connections).
The lead between the droop switch and the regulator must be
screened. For motor control, a cos phi controller (COS module) is
required additionally.
The screen must be earthed at one end on the "COSIMAT N+".


In parallel operation, the switch must be


11.6 Changing the direction of rotation

To enable the droop sensing system to exercise the correct

effect, the "COSIMAT N+" requires a clockwise-rotating field
at its measuring voltage connections.


If the direction of rotation is reversed, in-

terchange sensing leads U and W.
Figure 36 – Modes of operation of a synchronous machine
The desired direction of rotation should be specified
when ordering the alternator. This is important with 11.8 Protective fuses
regard to ventilation.
When the protective fuses are tripped, they must be replaced
with fuses of the same type.
11.7 Synchronous motors
Fuse type:
Synchronous motors operate in a similar way to synchronous
alternators in parallel operation. The direction of the active
10 A super quick-acting IEC G 144.400
power is rotated through 180° relative to the alternator (see
Figure 36 – Operation of the synchronous machine).
Starting from cos phi = 1, this has the following implications
for the reactive power: The power stage may be permanently da-
maged if slow or medium time-lag fuses
● Given a rising exciter current (overexcitation), the synchro- with a rating equal to or higher than 10 A
nous machine becomes a source of reactive power. are used!

● Given a falling exciter current (underexcitation), the synchro- Two spare fuses are mounted on the underside of the "COSI-
nous machine becomes an acceptor of reactive power. MAT N+" (see 7. Dimensions).
When used as a generator, the synchronous machine is taken
as the reference point; where it is used as a motor, the mains 11.9 Drying out the alternator
are taken as the reference point.
If, because of inadequate insulation resistance, the alternator
When used as a generator, the synchronous machine supplies has to be dried out at nominal current by the short-circuit
”inductive” reactive power to the mains when overexcited. method, the "COSIMAT N+" should be disconnected from
the supply and exciter field connections.
When used as a motor, the synchronous machine draws
”inductive” reactive power from the mains when underexcited. The alternator is dried out by applying an external source of
The droop system in the "COSIMAT N+" operates with the
correct direction of action whether the machine is being Further information on how to dry out the alternator can be
operated as a motor or a generator. The direction in which found in the alternator instructions.

11.10 External power supply must be connected to the correspondingly named connecting
terminal of the "COSIMAT N+".
If the auxiliary exciter voltage is taken from a different,
”external” source (e.g. the mains), the supply must not be
switched on until the alternator has started up.
When shutting down the alternator, the supply must be
switched off before the machine comes to a halt.

The switch-on and switch-off point of the supply should be set

to 0.95 x fN using a frequency relay (BF1).

The double terminals at connections UH1 and WH1 can be

used to switch the supply on and off (see 8.5 De-excitation


When the alternator is stationary and an

auxiliary exciter voltage is applied, the
exciter current flowing is at its maximum!
The protective circuit of the "COSIMAT N+"
will trip the protection fuses on the front
plate after about 8 seconds.

11.11 400 Hz alternator/converter

On 400 Hz alternators < 100 kVA (as single machines or

converters), switch S2.3 must be set to the "OFF" position.

11.12 Checking the insulation voltage of the

electric machine

Before checking the insulation voltage of the electric machine,

the following connections of the "COSIMAT N+" must be

Measuring voltage U, V, W
Supply UH1-UH2, WH1-WH2
Exciter field I1-K1

The supply and measurement connections of additional regu-

lator components must also be disconnected.

All disconnected or interrupted connections should be isolated

in the appropriate manner.

11.13 Exchange/replacement; "COSIMAT N/N3"


On AvK alternators of series DSG, DIDBN, DIDBH and DIG,

sizes ...74-86-99-114-125, switch S2.4 on the "COSIMAT
N+" should be switched to the ”ON” position. Switches S2.2
and S2.3 should be switched to the ”ON” position. Switch
S2.1 should be set to the ”OFF” position.

The sequence of terminals WH1 and WH1’ has been

reversed on the "COSIMAT N+". The connecting cable WH1

11.14 Malfunctions, causes and remedies

Malfunction Cause Remedy

Alternator voltage is too low. Input speed too low. Check whether LED H1 on regulator
lights up. If so, underspeed protection
device has been activated, run up al-
ternator to nominal speed.

Measuring leads incorrectly con- Check measuring-lead connections U,

nected. V, W on the regulator. Check whether
the nominal voltage of the alternator is
within the voltage range indicated on
the "COSIMAT N+".

Alternator voltage is too low and can- Set-point potentiometer or its con- Check set-point potentiometer or its
not be adjusted with the set-point po- necting leads are disconnected/inter- connecting leads. Rectify fault.
tentiometer. rupted.

Alternator voltage is too high. Broken measuring lead. Rectify fault.

Measuring leads incorrectly con- Check measuring lead connections U,

nected. V, W on the regulator. Check whether
the nominal voltage of the alternator is
within the voltage range indicated on
the "COSIMAT N+".

Alternator voltage is too high and can- Set-point potentiometer or its con- Check set-point potentiometer for short
not be adjusted with the set-point po- necting leads have a short circuit. circuit. Change potentiometer. Check
tentiometer. set-point leads for short circuits. Elimina-
te short circuit.

Severe voltage dip upon loading. Input speed falls upon loading. Check regulator of driving machine.

Defective protection fuse. Check protection fuse on the regulator

and exchange if necessary.

Rotating diodes defective. Check rotating diodes V1 and surge

voltage protector V3 and R11 and
exchange if necessary.

Alternator does not respond to excitati- Input speed too low. Less than 0,5 x nN. Check the speed regulator of the input
on. machine. Check the power transmissi-
on to the alternator.

Exciter protection switch has tripped. Switch on the protective switch again.
If it trips once more, search for the fault
and repair it.

Malfunction Cause Remedy

Alternator does not respond to excitati- Remanence too low. Alternator with auxiliary winding:
on. Briefly connect positive terminal of 4.5
or 6 V battery to I1 and negative
terminal to K1 (at nominal speed).
Alternator with two-phase auxiliary
exciter machine:
Briefly connect positive terminal of 4.5
or 6 V battery to I2 and negative
terminal to K2 (at nominal speed).

DSG, DIG alternators: With alternator standing still!

Interruption in the auxiliary exciter win- Check windings UH1/UH2 and
dings. WH1/WH2 for interruptions using an
ohmmeter. Eliminate faults.

DIG alternators (UN ≤ 11,5kV): With alternator standing still!

Interruption in the auxiliary exciter Check windings WH1/WH2 and
machine windings. UH2/UH1/UH3 for interruptions
using an ohmmeter. Eliminate faults.

DSG, DIG alternators: With alternator standing still!

Interruption in exciter windings I1/K1. Check windings I1/K1 for interruptions
using an ohmmeter. Eliminate faults.

DIG alternators (UN > 11.5 kV): With alternator standing still!
Interruption in exciter windings I1/K1 Check windings I1/K1 and I2/K2 for
and/or I2/K2. interruptions using an ohmmeter. Elimi-
nate faults.

Fault in regulator. Check protective fuses and exchange

if necessary. Is the regulator receiving
excitation release and are the bridges
present at the double terminals I1/I1’,
K1/K1’, UH1/UH1’ and WH1/WH1’?
Check and eliminate fault.

Fault in the regulator connections. Check all regulator connections, input

and output leads. Eliminate faults.

Regulator defective. Exchange regulator.

Rotating diodes defective. Check rotating diodes V1 and voltage

surge protector V3 and R11 and
exchange if necessary.

Periodic fluctuations in the alternator Incorrect regulator setting. Adjust R1 carefully in the anticlockwise
voltage when operated singly (stability direction and turn S1 one or two steps
limit)! to the right.

Malfunction Cause Remedy

Alternator voltage fluctuates at irregular Temporary interruption in one of the Check connecting leads to the regula-
intervals. regulator supply leads. tor. Check connections at the terminal
board of the alternator. Tighten all con-
tact screws and nuts.

Mechanical regulator of the driving Check speed regulator of the driving

machine is sticking. machine. Eliminate fault.

Reactive power output too high in par- Droop set too low. Adjust R7 slightly in the clockwise di-
allel operation. rection on the "COSIMAT N+".

Transformer connections k/I have Open bridge.

been bridged by the droop switch.

Phase angle connection (k/I) of the Check connecting leads from the alter-
droop current transformer has been nator to the regulator. Interchange k/I
wrongly positioned. if necessary. The white secondary con-
nection of the droop current transformer
is ”k”.

Droop switch is not in alternator phase Install droop transformer in phase ”V”.

Measuring voltage connections U, V, Check the sensing lead. "COSIMAT

W wrongly positioned. N+" requires a clockwise-rotating field.
Interchange U and W if necessary (in
the case of anticlockwise rotation).

Reactive power output too low in par- Droop set too high. Adjust R7 slightly in the anticlockwise
allel operation. direction on the "COSIMAT N+".

Measuring voltage connections U, V, Check the sensing lead. "COSIMAT

W wrongly positioned N+" requires a clockwise-rotating field.
Interchange U and W if necessary (in
the case of anticlockwise rotation).

Active load not equally distributed. This is affected by the driving machine Check the drive motor and its regulator.
The "COSIMAT N+" affects only the
reactive power.

We reserve the right to make technical changes.

12. List of figures

Figure 1 General arrangement diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Figure 2 Adjusting elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Figure 3 Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Figure 4 Characteristic quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Figure 5 Trend of the control property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Figure 6 Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Figure 7 Droop characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Figure 8 P adjustment range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Figure 9 Underspeed protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Figure 10 Equivalent control circuit diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Figure 11 Additional module COS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 12 Additional module QPF A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 13 Additional module QPF B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 14 Additional module QPF C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 15 Additional module SB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 16 Additional module TF1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 17 Additional module ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 18 Additional module UF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 19 Additional module UF3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 20 Additional module SR2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 21 Additional module EI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 22 Additional module UDC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 23 Additional module KP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Figure 24 Additional module ER1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Figure 25 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Figure 26 Internal mounting, DSG alternators 52 – 74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 27 External mounting, DSG alternators 52 – 74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 28 Internal mounting, DSG alternators 86 – 125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Figure 29 External mounting, DSG alternators 86 – 125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Figure 30 Internal mounting, DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN ≤ 11.5 kV . . . . . . . . 23
Figure 31 External mounting, DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN ≤ 11.5 kV . . . . . . . . 23
Figure 32 Internal mounting, DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN > 11.5 kV . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 33 External mounting, DIG medium-voltage alternators with UN > 11.5 kV . . . . . . . . 24
Figure 34 De-excitation circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Figure 35 Field current/field voltage monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Figure 36 Modes of operation of a synchronous machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250
e-mail: infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

Dreieich branch
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
e-mail: infoavkdr@newage-avkseg.com
Bearings RENK
Spare Parts
Ersatzteile: 1.2.2 Spare Parts: 1.2.2

1 Gleitlager AS Sleeve Bearing DS

2 Lagerschild AS Endshield DS
3 Luftblende AS Air baffle DS
4 Maschinendichtung AS Seal Retainer DS
5 Statorgehäuse Stator housing
6 Maschinendichtung BS Seal Retainer NDS
7 Erreger-Stator Exciter Stator
8 Lagerschild BS Endshield NDS
9 Gleitlager BS Sleeve Bearing NDS
10 Dichtungsträger Seal Carrier
11 Luftblende für Hilfserreger Air baffle for aux. exciter
12 Hilfserregergehäuse Aux. Exciter
13 Hilfserregerstator Aux. exciter stator
14 Montagedeckel für Hilfserreger Service Cover
15 PT100 B-Lagerschild PT100 Endshield NDS
16 Stillstandsheizung Anti Condensation Heater
17 PT100 A-Lagerschild PT100 Endshield DS
18 Bürstenhalter für Rotorerdung Brush holder for Rotor Grounding
19 Kohlen für Rotorerdung Brushes for Rotor Grounding

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich
www.newage-avkseg.com Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY
infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Ersatzteile: 2.2.2 Spare Parts: 2.2.2

1 Ventilator Fan
2 Ventilatorbuchse Fan hub
3 Passfeder für Wellenstummel Key for shaft end
4 Passfeder für Ventilatorbuchse Key for fan hub
5 Rotor komplett Rotor complete
6 Spulenhalter Coil holder
7 Passfeder für Erreger-Rotor Key for Exciter Rotor
8 Passfeder für Hilfserreger-Rotor-Buchse Key for Auxiliary-Exciter Rotor-Bushing
9 Erreger-Rotor Exciter Rotor
10 Wellensicherungsring für Erreger-Rotor Circlip for Exciter Rotor
11 Hilfserreger-Rotor Auxiliary Exciter Rotor
12 Wellensicherungsring für Hilfserreger-Rotor Circlip for Auxiliary Exciter Rotor
13 Passfeder für Hilfserreger-Rotor Key for Aux. Exciter Rotor
14 Buchse für Hilfserreger-Rotor Bushing for Aux. Exciter Rotor
15 Gleichrichterträger Rectifier Carrier
16 Rotierender Gleichrichter Rotating Rectifier
17 Überspannungs-Ableiter Overvoltage Arrestor
18 Wellensicherungsring für Hilfserreger-Rotor- Circlip for Aux. Exciter Rotor Bushing

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich
www.newage-avkseg.com Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY
infoav kin@newage-avkseg.com Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Ersatzteile: 3.0NS Spare Parts: 3.0NS

1 Klemmkasten Unterteil Terminal Box lower part

2 Isolator Insulator
3 Wandler Transformer
4 Kupferschiene U1, V1, W1 Copper Bar U1, V1, W1
5 Kupferschiene Sternpunkt Copper Bar Star Point
6 Isolatorbefestigungsbolzen Insulator Fixing Bolts
7 Statik Wandler Static Transformer
8 Klemmenkasten Deckel Terminal box cover
9 Muffe Oberteil Bushing upper part
10 Abschlussplatte Endcover Plate
11 Muffe Unterteil Bushing Lower Part

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich
www.newage-avkseg.com Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY
infoav kin@newage-avkseg.com Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Ersatzteile: 4.0.0 oRT Spare Parts: 4.0.0 oRT

1 Hilfsklemmenkasten Auxiliary Terminal Box

2 Deckel für Hilfsklemmenkasten Cover Auxiliary Terminal Box
3 Reihenklemmen Terminals in a Row
4 U-Schiene U-Bar
5 Abschlussplatte Gland Plate

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich
www.newage-avkseg.com Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY
infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Ersatzteile: 6.0 obi Spare Parts: 6.0 obi

1 Kupferschiene Copper Bar

2 Kupferschiene Copper Bar
3 Kupferschiene Copper Bar
4 Kupferschiene Copper Bar
5 Überspannungsableiter Over Voltage arrestor
6 Kabelbrücke Cable link
7 Rotierende Gleichrichter Rotating Rectifier
8 Halterung Holding device
9 Gleichrichterträger Rectifier Carrier

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich
www.newage-avkseg.com Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY
infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Ersatzteile: 0.2.0 Spare Parts: 0.2.0

1 Dichtungsträger Seal Carrier

2 Labyrinthdichtung mit Wurmfeder (außen) Labyrith seal with Garterspring (outside)
3 Ölablauf Oil Outlet
4 Gehäuse Unterteil Housing Lower Part
5 Gehäuse Oberteil Housing Upper Part
6 Ringschraube Ring Bolt
7 Ölschauglas (Gehäuse Oberteil) Oil inspection glass (upper part of housing)
8 Gleitlagerschalen Sleeve bearing Shells
9 Schmierring Lubrication Ring
10 Labyrinthdichtung mit Wurmfeder (innen) Labyrinth seal with Garterspring (inside)
11 PT 100 PT 100
12 Ölschauglas (Gehäuse Unterteil) Oil inspection glass (lower part of housing)
13 Sichtthermometer Thermometer
14 Kühlschlange Cooling Coil
15 Ölablassschraube Oil drain plug

AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich
www.newage-avkseg.com Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY
infoavkin@newage-avkseg.com Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Technical Data
Technische Daten / technical data DSG 114 K1-10

Nenndaten / nominal data

Leistung SN: 2000 kVA cos ϕ: 0,80
rating power p.f.
Spannung UN: 450 V Strom IN: 2566 A
voltage current
Frequenz f: 60 /s 10 polig Drehzahl n: 720 /min
frequency poles speed

Reaktanzen und Zeitkonstanten / reactances and time constants

xd: 1,42 p.u. xq: 0,71 p.u. Td0': 2,00 s
xd': 0,203 p.u. xq': 0,71 p.u. Td': 0,29 s
xd'': 0,160 p.u. xq'': 0,176 p.u. Td'': 0,018 s
x2: 0,168 p.u. x0: 0,048 p.u. Ta: 0,056 s

Wirkungsgrad / efficiency
1/4*PN 2/4*PN 3/4*PN 4/4*PN
η [%] p.f.=0.8 93,20 95,70 96,20 96,20
η [%] p.f.=0.85 93,30 95,83 96,40 96,45
η [%] p.f.=0.9 93,40 95,95 96,60 96,70
η [%] p.f.=1.0 93,60 96,20 97,00 97,20

Kurzschlußdaten / short circuit data

Ik'': 16038 A Anfangskurzschlußwechselstrom (3~) / initial short circuit current ( 3~) 6,25
iS: 40819 A Stoßkurzschlußstrom (3~) / max. peak current (3~) 15,91
Ik : 7698 A Dauerkurzschlußstrom (3~) / sustained short circuit current (3~) 3,00
Mk2: 215,5 kNm Stoßkurzschlußmoment (2~) / initial short circuit torque (2~) 8,12
Mf: 463,4 kNm Max.Fehlsynchronisationsmoment / max. faulty synchron.torque 17,47
MSN: 26,53 kNm Nennscheinmoment / rated kVA torque= 1,00
MN: 21,22 kNm Nennmoment / rated torque 0,80
dU': -16,9 % Transienter Spannungseinbruch bei Nennlaststoß / TVD at rated load application
dSmax.<= 1478 kVA Max. Laststoß bei p.f.0.2 mit dU'<=15% / Max. load application at p.f.0.2 for TVD<=15%

Sonstige Daten / other data

Trägheitmoment J: 362 kgm * Gewicht m: 10400 kg*
moment of inertia weight
Kühlluftmenge QL: 2,6 m /s Kühlmitteltemp.: 45 °C
cooling air volume cooling medium temp
Schutzart: IP 23 Isolationsklasse: H
enclosure with air inlet filter insulation class

Bemerkungen / remarks
AvK NO. 81 27280-81-82 C002 *exact values see valid drawing

Temperature rise according to F

Voltage/Frequency range according to EN60034-1,zone A Classification: GL 45°C

03.05.05 Ga

Alle Angaben sind gemäß VDE 0530, IEC 34 All data are in accordance to VDE 0530, IEC 34
Technische Daten selbstregelnden Drehstrom-Synchrongenerator 1.1
Rev. 0
technical data for self regulating three phase alternator
Type: DSG 99 L1-10 Projekt: Cegielski AvK-Order: 81 27280-81-82 A002

Leistungsdiagramm / Capability diagramm


active power P (p.u.)





























leading reactive power Q (p.u.) lagging

Wirkleistung Cos phi 0,95 Cos phi 0,9 cos phi 0,8 cos phi 0,6 cos phi 0,4 cos phi 0,2

AvK Datum / date : Kontrolle TBR / controll TBR :

Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG 03.05.05 Gamo
Bunsenstr.17 85053 Ingolstadt
Technische Daten selbstregelnden Drehstrom-Synchrongenerator 2.1
technical data for self regulating three phase alternator Rev. 0

Type: Projekt: AvK-Order:

DSG 99 L1-10 Cegielski 81 27280-81-82 A002

Inversstrom / negative sequence current I2/IN = f(t)

1,2 I22 t = 20 p.u.
I2 / IN [p.u.]

I2 (∞) = 0.08 p.u.
0 t [s]
100 101 102 103 104 105 106

Type rating for this application and requirements:
SN/kVA 1499 Kriterien für Inversstrom:
IN/A 1923 Criterias for negative sequence current:
UN/V 450 Kurzzeitbetrieb
fN/Hz 60 Transient operation: (I2/IN)2*t <=20s
nN/rpm 720 Dauerbetrieb
power factor 0,80 Continuous operation: I2/IN <= 0,08 p.u.
Protection IP23
cooling air °C 45
temp.rise F

AvK Datum / date : Kontrolle TBR / controll TBR :

Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG 03.05.05 Gamo
Bunsenstr.17 85053 Ingolstadt
Technische Daten selbstregelnden Drehstrom-Synchrongenerator 3.1
lill~ technical data tor seit regulating three phase alternator Rev.°
Type: Projekt: AvK-Order:
DSG 99 L1-10 I Cegielski 81 27280-81-82A002

Überlastbarkeit / overload capability I/IN= f(t)

-. .-. -. --. ~~.
.~._.- ---
4,5 - -'~'-. . , -- ~ --. - .~.._._.

=-_.: "- : ::=1==-- , --=; 1 ! '-H+

~~,-- --~
- - -.-
3,5 ----. "i .--c, , ~_.~-~ , ,

1- - -- ....- ~--


- , --- -,. --- ~.~. -.
2 ,
, I
1 --I L .-J-1'
---'-" .- - .-- '-' ----.

'' ,- '. t-=r IT; .1., ---+ iTUJ'
10° 5s 101 30s Hf 103 60 min 104
t [s]

SN/kVA 1499 Strom/Zeit Kriterien:

IN/A 1923 Currentltime characteristics:
UNN 450 (I/lN)~*t =45s
fN/Hz 60 1,5*INtür 30s
nN/rpm 720 1,1*INfür 1 hin 6 h
power factor 0,80
Protection IP23

cooling air oe 45
temp.rise F

AvK Datum / date: Kontrolle TBR / controll TBR:

Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG 03.05.05 Gamo

Bunsenstr.17 85053Ingols!ad!
Technische Daten selbstregelnden Drehstrom-Synchrongenerator 4.1
technical data for self regulating three phase alternator Rev. 0

Type: Projekt: AvK-Order:

DSG 99 L1-10 Cegielski 81 27280-81-82 A002

Short circuit decrement curve ( symmetrical short circuit current envelope Ik`` )



Ik``/IN [ p.u.]

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
t [s]

Bemessungsdaten: Short circuit decrement curve without AVR

Type rating for this application and requirements: and with AVR (min. value at 3phase short circuit =300% In for max.5s)
SN/kVA 1499
IN/A 1923
UN/V 450
fN/Hz 60
nN/rpm 720
power factor 0,80
Protection IP23
cooling air °C 45
temp.rise F

AvK Datum / date : Kontrolle TBR / controll TBR :

Deutschland GmbH & Co.KG 03.05.05 Gamo
Bunsenstr.17 85053 Ingolstadt

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