PR 1051
PR 1051
PR 1051
Keywords: inspection, certification, equipment, well pulling boist, mobile flowline, pressure
vessel, wellbead, piping, audit, contractor, mobilisation.
This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any
part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise)
without prior written consent ofthe owner.
Inspection and Certification of Equipment Procedure
Signed: .
Robbert de Weijer, OTW
Head of Well Services
The following is a brief summary of the four most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.
2 Proced u re 3
2.1 Scope 3
2.2 Procedure Descri ption 3
2.2.1 General 3
2.2.2 General Requirements for Well Services Equipment 3 Inspection and Certification 3 Pressure Contai ning Equ ipment. 4 Lifti ng Equipment 4 Documentary Evidence 4
2.2.3 Pressure Test Bay 4
2.2.4 Well Test Equ ipment 5 Pressure Vessels (Separators, Surge Tanks) 5 Wellhead Equipment (Choke Manifolds, Data Headers, SSV's, etc) 6 Piping (Chicksans, Flowlines, etc.) 6 Lifti ng Equi pment \ 7
2.2.5 Well Pulling Hoist Equipment... 7 General 7 Inspection Requirements 7
2.2.6 Wireiine Equi pment. 8 General 8 Inspection and Certification Requirements 9 Pressure Control Equipment 10 Wireline Management System 10 Wirel ine Tools 10
2.2.7 Mobile Flowline and Accessory Equipment. 10 General 10 Material Specification II Equipment Identification II Inspection Requirements 12 Documentation 13 Inspection Detai Is 13
2.2.8 Audit of Contractor's Equipment 15 Initial Mobilisation Audit 15 Certificates and Other Documentation 15 Callout Mobil isation 16
2.3 Identi fied Hazards/Threats 17
2.4 Roles and Responsibilities 18
2.4.1 Equipment User 18
2.4.2 Contractor 18
2.4.3 PDO Well Services Representative 18
2.5 Related Forms and Reports 19
2.5.1 Inspection, Testing and Certification Documentation 19
2.5.2 Two-Monthly Hoist Inspection Report 19
2.6 Related Business Control Documents 19
2.7 Review and Improvement 19
2.8 Step-out and Approval 20
A ppendices 21
A Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations & Definitions 21
Equipment used in Well Services operations is mostly either pressure containing and/or load
bearing. As such, it is essential that this equipment be maintained in a fit-for-purpose
condition in order to prevent failure and accident that could result in danger/injury to
personnel, threat to well integrity or damage to Company assets.
It is a requirement by local regulations and safe Company practices that the equipment is
subject to regular inspection and certification to verify that it is safe to use.
Most of this is covered by relevant International Codes and Recommended Practices (see
Related Business Control Documents in section 2.6 below). Whilst limited in their guidance
on specific mobile flow line equipment, the various components related to good oil field
practices have been extracted and incorporated in this procedure.
This procedure sets out to establish the standards and certification required for initial
acceptance of Well Services equipment, and the periodic inspections and re-certifications
required to ensure that the equipment continues to perform safely and within specification
during Well Services operations conducted on PD~ operated wells.
It provides the basic framework for a Safety Management and Inspection (SMI) System that
contractors who perform Well Services operations on behalf of PD~ shall apply to ensure that
the equipment supplied and used by them is maintained in a satisfactory and safe condition.
This Well Services Procedure document wil1 be distributed to all PD~ Section Heads who
have interfaces with the Well Services Operations, all Well Services Supervisors and
Contractor Supervisors.
The document is structured in line with the latest template available for standard documents
within PDO's Document Management System.
This section 1 gives general information about the type of document and section 2 contains
the details relating to the specific subject matter.
Section 2.2 gives a description of the process of Inspection and Certification for equipment
used during Well Services operations on a PD~ operated well.
Section 2.3 identifies the hazards that are prevalent in the process covered by this procedure
and indicates the respective Hazard Register reference sheet, which illuminates the controls to
be applied.
Section 2.6 lists related standards and guideline documents that should be used in conjunction
with this procedure.
Section 2.8 describes the steps to be taken to seek and obtain step-out approval in the event
that circumstances prevent compliance with this procedure.
Proper initial and subsequent routine inspection of Well Services equipment is essential to
prevent equipment failure resulting in possibly injury to personnel, equipment damage, loss of
well control etc.
It is a requirement by local legislation and PDO safety regulations that this equipment has up-
to-date certificates and inspection records to prove that it is safe to use.
The majority of equipment used during Well Services operations is owned by the Contractor
conducting the operations on behalf of PDO under the terms of a service contract. The
requirements expected of the Contractor shall normally be written into the scope of services
terms of the service contract
All equipment used in Well Services Operations, either contractor owned or supplied by PDO
shall be subject to regular visual inspection.
All load bearing and pressure containing equipment shall be inspected and certified/re-
certified, on an annual basis as a minimum, by a Company approved inspection agency in
accordance with:
m PDO ERD-07-01 "Code of Practice for the Inspection of Static Equipment".
All equipment that has been exposed to hostile environments (extreme temperatures,
chemicals, corrosive environment, etc.) shall be re-inspected and re-certified before re-use
The Contractor shall keep inspection records of all equipment on the basis of a unique code,
which shall be clearly marked on the Equipment by means of a plate, stainless steel strap or
other wise (see section below).
Tests shall include hydraulic pressure testing and ultrasonic wall thickness examination
similar to that given in section 2.2.6 below for mobile flow lines and accessory equipment.
All pressure testing of equipment shall be conducted in a dedicated test bay, or alternatively
and underground dedicated pressure test cellar to ensure the safety of personnel.
For WPH hoist draw works and mast additional inspection requirements shall apply as
detailed in section below, which relates to:
ill DRS 130-05 PDO "Drilling Equipment Inspection Manual".
The Contractor shall also submit to the Company for approval a Hoist Drill Line Replacement
Programme. This shall be either a periodical complete line replacement programme or a 'slip
and cut' programme. Either programme shall be based on routine visual inspections and/or
'ton-mile' concept and shall include a statement on maximum service life of the drill line.
The Contractor shall maintain documentary evidence and/or computer records In an SMI
system or similar, of all such tests.
Documentary evidence together with the regulations, procedures and standards of the tests
shall be subject to audits by the Company.
All hydrostatic pressure testing of equipment shall be conducted in a dedicated pressure test
bay that meets the following specifications:
• It must have four external walls independent of the main workshop (or other similar
building) structure.
• All walls shall be of sufficient height to contain flying debris in order to protect
personnel, outside the test facility, from injury.
• Doors and observation windows shall be capable of withstanding a direct impact from
within the facility.
• Pressure lines form the test pumps shall be secured to the walls of the test bay - loose
lines shall be kept as short as possible.
• Test bay floors shall be adequately drained to allow work to continue in a relatively dry
and clean environment.
• High-pressure test pumps shall be enclosed within the test facility (if possible) with only
the control panel externally positioned.
The pressure test bay shall also be equipped with a fail-safe warning system with flashing
lights to alert personnel that equipment is under pressure test. The system shall automatically
dump the pressure on the equipment as soon as the test bay door is opened. Energising the
system shall be dependent upon the locking of the door, without which pressurisation shall be
unable to commence.
An acceptable alternative to a walled room test bay will be an underground pressure test
cellar, provided that the above criteria, as appropriate, are complied with.
Acceptance of any pressure vessel shall be contingent upon delivery of a valid certificate from
a competent certifying body (e.g. ABS, DNV, Bureau Veritas, L1oyds) verifying that it has
been designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirement of:
m ASME "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code of Practice", Section VIII, Division I.
Certificates shall also verify that all materials used in the manufacture conform to the
requirement of the following. Full traceability of materials is required.
m PDO ERD-80-02 "Materials Selection - Sour Service"; and
m NACE MR0175-90 "Standard Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials For
Oilfield Equipment".
All pressure vessels shall be fully certified that they have undergone all non-destructive
testing as required under ASTM code and in accordance with:
m PDO ERD-07-02: "Methods for Non-Destructive Examination".
Specifically, all welds shall undergo 100% radiography and the radiographs shall be
independently certified as conforming to the requirements. Magnetic particle inspection shall
be performed on all welds and independently certified.
An ultrasonic wall thickness map shall be supplied showing that the wall thickness is in
accordance with the approved design including additional thickness to allow for corrosion as
specified in the ASME code Appendix E. This additional thickness shall be 1/8" for the
pressure vessel and 1/10" for all associated piping.
All pressure relieving devices shall be supplied with certificates of conformance, including
relevant set pressures and relief capacity, to the requirements of:
m SlEP DEP "Pressure Relief, Emergency Depressurising & Flare Systems"
Pressure vessels shall be pressure tested using water or water/glycol mixture as follows:
1. Raise pressure to maximum working pressure (MWP) and hold for minimum 15 minutes.
11. Bleed down to atmospheric pressure.
iii. Raise pressure again to MWP and hold for a further 15 minutes.
All pressure vessels shall undergo annual inspection and re-certification by a competent
independent authority (e.g. ABS, DNV, Bureau Veritas, Lloyds or similar organisation
authorised and approved by PDO). Testing and certification required is as follows:
• Ultrasonic wall thickness test;
• Pressure test to MWP;
• Relief valve set pressure test certificate.
If for whatever reason, a pressure vessel should undergo any repair involving welding, this
shall be done in conformance to the requirements of the ASME code. All welds shall undergo
inspection and the pressure vessel shall undergo a pressure test similar to that detailed above,
except that the test pressure shall be 1.5 times MWP.
Acceptance of choke manifolds, data headers, surface safety valves and wellhead connections
shall be contingent upon delivery of a valid certificate of conformance to:
m API Spec 6A "Wellhead and Xmas Tree Equipment",
and that all materials utilised conform to:
m NACE MR0175-90 "Standard Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials For
Oilfield Equipment".
All Non-destructive and pressure testing shall be performed in conformance with the above
specification and:
m PD~ ERD-07-02: "Methods for Non-Destructive Examination".
All wellhead equipment shall undergo annual inspection and re-certification conforming to
API Spec 6A, including radiographic inspection and ultrasonic examination as applicable for
wellhead equipment.
Pressure testing shall be to MWP unless the equipment has been subject to modification
involving welding, or other physical change, when the subsequent first pressure test shall be
to 1.5 times MWP.
All piping and accessories shall conform to the requirements of section 2.2.6 below, regarding
the acquisition, certification, annual and bi-annual inspections and re-certification:
For each item of WPH equipment in use, a properly completed, authorised inspection
certificate shall be available on the WPH site for verification purposes. If no valid up-to-date
certificate can be presented, the equipment shall not be used.
For identification purposes each item shall have a unique serial number stamped on it.
Inspection reports/certificates shall refer to this number.
The inspection requirements in this procedure are largely based on the following and modified
where necessary to suit the equipment in use on WPH's:
W DRS 130-05 PDO "Drilling Equipment Inspection Manual".
The inspection requirements and proper procedures for testing of WPH equipment are
indicated in the following tables, which in tum refer to Testing Technique Data Sheets in the
Drilling Standard Instructions. Test frequencies for critical area NOT inspections are also
indicated together with the required frequency for fully disassembled.
The Testing Technique Data Sheets, together with the relevant NOT procedures, are also
contained in the Hoist Equipment Inspection Requirement Manual, held in the Well Services
Section Head office in Marmul. An additional copy of this manual will be made available to
WPH Contractor Supervisory Staff on request.
Pressure test to MWP after re-assembly, except after weld repairs when test to 1.5
times MWP. Refer to section 2.2.6 below for testing procedure.
Equipment used for PDO wireline operations either belongs to PDO or to the wireline
contractor, depending upon size. The Wireline Contractor is responsible for ensuring that this
inspection and re-certification is conducted accordingly.
Most of the equipment used is pressure containing, e.g. BOP's (wireline valves), crossovers,
lubricators, stuffing boxes, circulating head valves, pumping tees, well head connectors,
BPV's, etc.
This equipment shall be subject to inspection and certification/re-certification before first use
and shall also be re-inspected and re-certified at periodic intervals. Equipment that has been
subjected to over-pressure or exposed to hostile environments (extreme temperatures,
chemicals, corrosive environment, etc.) shall be re-inspected and re-certified immediately,
before re-use
A third party inspector shall inspect and certify new equipment. Full documentation shall
include, but not be limited to material physical/chemical properties, hardness and full material
The following actions shall be carried out with a certified inspection system or certified third
1. Visual inspection of external surfaces for wear, cracks and damage.
2. Visual inspection of internal surfaces for erosion.
3. Magnetic particle inspection of welds.
4. Pressure test to rated working pressure.
Note: The test pressure/working pressure ratio may be varied as per manufacturer's
Equipment that has been subject to modification (especially involving welding) shall be
pressure tested immediately afterwards to the same pressures as the Initial Acceptance Test,
according to recognised industry standards.
All pressure tests shall be conducted using water or water/glycol mixture, as follows:
1. Raise pressure to test pressure and hold for minimum 15 minutes.
ii. Bleed down to atmospheric pressure.
iii. Raise pressure again to test pressure and hold for a further 15 minutes.
All pressure control equipment (lubricators, control heads, BOP's, etc.) shall be tested as
above to ensure it performs its designated task within specification. In addition to this all
lubricator sections shall be drifted to check full bore.
A semi-permanent record of this testing, in the form of a metal band with test date, test and
working pressure of the item shall be attached to each item of equipment. The band shall also
indicate if the item is rated for HzS use.
All pressure control equipment shall be identified with a unique serial number to ensure
control and record keeping. Marking shall be done in a manner that does not reduce the
maximum rated working pressure of the item.
Pressure testing of items containing sealing elements (BOP rams, stuffing boxes grease
injection control heads) shall be performed in two stages:
In order to prove the integrity of the wireline, the contractor will implement a wireline
management system as detailed in:
m PR-1034 "Wireline Operations", section 2.2.7
All wireline tools shall be maintained and inspected as per the manufacturer's best practices,
design and maintenance instructions (BDMI). This will include regular visual inspection,
critical dimension checks and tool maintenance.
Mobile flowline and accessory equipment has wide usage within the oilfield where high-
pressure non-permanent flow paths for well fluids, kill fluids, stimulation fluids, and
workover fluids are required. Areas of use include well testing, well stimulation, well control
and workover operations.
The mobile flowline and accessory equipment referred to in this procedure includes:
• mobile flowline joints;
• chiksans - loops and swivels;
• manifolds and crossovers;
All mobile flowline equipment shall be rated for 70,000 kPa (10,000 psi) maximum allowable
working pressure (MA WP) and sour service except for the flowlines used for interconnecting
well testing equipment downstream of the choke manifold that need only be rated for 35,000
kPa (5,000 psi).
All hammer unions fitted to mobile flowline equipment shall be of figure 1502 design and be
butt-welded or integral forged.
The Exploration Well Test Units have mobile vent and flare lines that are made from used 3Yz
inch and 4Yz inch EUE tubing with 3 inch and 4 inch figure 602 hammer unions with MA WP
of 14,000 kPa (2,000 psi).
All pumping equipment from the check valve to the Xmas tree shall be rated for 70,000 kPa
(10,000 psi) MA WP and sour service. Equipment from the pumps to the check valve need not
meet the HzS requirement.
The WPH kill pump has a maximum pressure rating of 21,000 kPa (3,000 psi) and is
protected by a relief valve. Therefore, the MA WP rating for WPH kill lines and any wellhead
that the WPH will rig up on is 21,000 kPa.
All equipment shall be fitted with safety snubbing lines through clamps. These lines shall be
of sufficient strength to withstand impact load if failure of equipment occurs and shall be
inspected as lifting equipment.
New equipment shall be purchased against design and fabrication codes such as ANSI B31.1
or similar recognised specifications. All equipment shall be suitable for sour service in
accordance with:
m NACE MR0175-90 "Standard Sulphide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials For
Oilfield Equipment".
All equipment shall be identified by means of a stainless steel band, attached to individual
items, containing the following information:
• identification number;
• working pressure;
• sour service (if applicable);
• date of last full inspection.
The steel band shall be at least 20 mm wide, free moving and of such construction that it
cannot be removed from the item without cutting.
All equipment shall have its base colour denoting the equipment pressure rating.
• for 70,000 kPa (10,000 psi) rating this shall be BLACK with a 1 metre WHITE band in
the centre of each joint;
• for the 10,500 kPa (1,500 psi) with the exception of Well Test vent and flare lines, the
base colour shall be BLACK.
All equipment having a service rating for HzS shall be painted with a 10 cm circumferential
ORANGE band; for flowlines at their mid length, and at the pin end for all accessories.
A third party inspector shall inspect and certify new equipment. Full documentation shall
include, but not be limited to material physical/chemical properties, hardness and full material
• visual inspection;
• ultrasonic wall thickness measurements;
• magnetic particle inspection of all welded/forged sections;
• hydrotests;
• material certification to NACE MR0175-90 as in section above.
For PDQ owned equipment, full inspection for all equipment re-certification shall be carried
out annually by PDQ, or a recognised third party, and comply with API Recommended
Practices or simi lar codes of practice.
For Contractor owned equipment, full inspection carried out by the contractor with a certified
inspection system or certified third party.
Chiksans, manifolds, check valves, plug valves, etc., shall be disassembled during full
inspection to visually check all parts and to replace elastomers. Valves shall be function and
leak tested at rated working pressure.
A six-monthly inspection of all equipment, limited to visual and wall thickness checks, shall
be carried out by PDO or a recognised third party. This inspection may be carried out at work
Additional monthly visual recorded inspections of all equipment shall be performed by the
user as part of routine planned maintenance.
Note: Any equipment unable to meet the inspection requirements shall be immediately
removed from service.
The user shall also keep service and inspection records of each PDO owned item in EPMARS
and copies of re-certification and interim inspection documents on file, available for
immediate inspection.
Service companies shall maintain similar records to the above, available for immediate
inspection by PDO whenever required.
Items 2. to 6. above shall be carried out on all equipment, this inspection may be carried out
on the work site.
Items 2. to 5. above shall be carried out on all equipment, this inspection may be performed
on site.
All pipe shall be inspected for erosion, cracks and damaged threads. The pipe shall then be
checked with the ultrasonic wall thickness tester at each end and the middle, to ensure that the
wall thickness is within the limits given in ANSI B.31.3, e.g. for 4130 low alloy steel sour
service pipe rated for 70,000 kPa WP and 300 F: 0
2" 0.220"
3" 0.330"
On parts where wear limits are not known, the limit for allowable wall thickness shall be
taken as 20% of the new wall thickness.
All valves shall be visually inspected for erosion, cracks and damaged threads. The valves
shall then be operated and sealing surface check for pitting and repaired as necessary.
The male sub end shall be checked with an ultrasonic thickness tester and the unit pressure
tested to working pressure.
Check valves shall be visually inspected for erosion, cracks and damaged threads. Check
valves must be stripped down and the sealing mechanism checked and repaired as necessary.
The valve body and the check mechanism must be pressure tested alternately to working
pressure. The male sub end shall be checked with an ultrasonic thickness tester.
The discharge arms shall be removed Manifolds, the unions disconnected and they shall be
checked internally, using a light, for excessive erosion.
The complete manifold shall be checked externally for any signs of cracks or wear on union
ends. The manifold shall then be checked with an ultrasonic thickness tester and pressure
tested to the MWP.
Loops and swivels shall be visually inspected for erosion, cracks and damaged threads. The
swivels shall be disassembled and the parts checked with the ultrasonic thickness tester to
limits shown below:
The wear limits for segmented male subs shall be used to check Tee's Y's laterals and
machine crossovers.
The Company shall, as and when notified by the Contractor that the Initial Mobilisation is
complete, conduct an audit of equipment and personnel at the field base or any other mutually
agreed location.
The Contractor shall, to facilitate such an audit, ensure that approvals, documentation and
certificates as given in section below, are obtained and the equipment and personnel
are mobilised well in advance of the Commencement Date.
The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Company for the following certificates and
documentation. Approvals shall be a necessary condition for satisfactory mobilisation.
• Certification of all pressure containing or load bearing equipment and manufacturer's
certificates on all equipment.
• Personnel and job descriptions.
• Safety plan and documentation, including certificates showing that all personnel have
been instructed in and have satisfactorily passed all safety procedures and drills.
Where equipment and personnel required for a Callout have not been audited as per section above, in particular call off equipment and associated personnel and replacement
equipment and personnel, all such equipment and personnel shall be separately audited by the
Company prior to mobilisation to the well site.
For each Callout, the Contractor shall be responsible to provide principal equipment and
personnel detailed in the Callout Order and to ascertain and to provide all additional
equipment and personnel deemed necessary to satisfactorily execute the required service at
the well site.
The following hazards or threats have been identified as being prevalent during the process
covered by this procedure. These are assessed and the controls to be applied are given in the
Hazards Register, which forms section 5.2 of the "Well Services Safety Case, Rev 1",
October 1994 and the "Additional Sheets for Well Services Safety Case for Hoist", March
Hazard Register Refs. followed by 'a' (e.g. H-03.005a) refer to the "Additional Sheets for
Well Services Safety Case for Hoist", March 1996.
The equipment user, be it PD~ or Contractor, is responsible for ensuring that all equipment
used is fit-for-purpose and properly certified.
The user is responsible to offer the equipment for full inspection at an earlier time than
normally scheduled when it has been used under severe conditions i.e. high gas flow rates,
sand production, high H2S and CO2 concentrations etc.
The user shall co-ordinate inspection, testing and maintenance of equipment with other
relevant parties and maintain full documentation.
The Contractor is responsible for providing equipment as required by the service contract that
satisfies the standards detailed in this procedure with regard to:
• identification tagging;
• material specifications;
• inspection and testing;
• certification.
The Contractor shall keep certification and inspection/testing records of all equipment,
including manufacturer's certification, design and material specification certification, which
shall be made available to the Company as required.
The Contractor shall maintain documentary evidence and/or computer records in an SMI
system or similar.
The PD~ Well Services Representative shall conduct audits of equipment and respective
documentation at the field base or any other mutually agreed location, as required.
The Contractor shall keep all certification and inspection/testing records of all equipment on
the basis of a unique equipment code (see section above).
The Contractor shall submit a Well Pulling Hoist Inspection Report, in a format approved by
PDO, every two months giving details of the routine inspection carried out on the hoist.
For a complete listing of all business control documents, related to Well Services Activities,
refer to the following document, which should be used in conjunction with this procedure:
m PR-1042 "General Operational Safety", Section 2.6.
As this document is a live working document, it will be reviewed on a continuous basis and
updated to incorporate any major amendments as necessary resulting from changes in current
activity and/or changes in responsibility effected by reorganisation within PD~ as soon as
practicable. It will be formally reviewed on an annual basis and any improvements and/or
minor amendments will be incorporated at this stage.
Any person discovering discrepancies or inadequacies in this document should report them to
the CDFP, Well Services, for inclusion in the next update, using the 'User Feedback Form'
included in this document as Appendix B.
Well Services Operations are conducted following close liaison between the PDO Well
Services and the Contractor, who is bound by service contract
Well Services work, by its very nature, is open to several hazards and it is therefore necessary
to exert stringent controls on the quality of equipment used in order to minimise the risk and
consequences of failure.
However, it is recognised that deviations from standard procedures are required under special
circumstances and in order to rectity unplanned occurrences.
Any deviation requires authorisation by the CFDH or authorised delegate, who will discuss
the circumstances and consequences with the Contractor concerned, prior to giving his
ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
CDFP Corporate Discipline Focal Point (currently Corporate Well
Services Functional Engineer)
CFDH Corporate Functional Discipline Head
EDMS Electronic Document Management System
EPMARS Exploration & Production Administration & Reporting System
EVE Externally Upset Ends (tubing)
ID Identification
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NDE Non-Destructive Examination
NDT Non-Destructive Testing
SMI Safety Management and Inspection (system)
SSC Sulphide Stress Cracking
UWT Ultrasonic Wall Thickness
WP Working Pressure
WPH Well Pulling Hoist
Any user who identifies an error, inaccuracy or ambiguity in these Operations Procedures
documents is requested to advise the COFP, Well Services (UOWI1), by returning this page
(or a copy) with their comments.