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A Long Essay

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A long essay with maximum 2500 words will account for 50% of your final mark.

topic of the long essay is:

“Discuss the challenges faced by the developing countries

in the context of international trade for goods and services
in the process of globalization.”

Read carefully, Section 4.1 and Section 5 for guidance in constructing your essay.

4.1. Guidelines for Writing Essays

• Final year students are expected to undertake comprehensive research before

writing their essays though you should try to be selective in the use of the
research material.

• Essays must have an appropriate formal structure; i.e. introduction, main part,
conclusions. Discussion, ideas and evidence should be organized around the
main theme of the essay.

• Essays must have an appropriate contextual structure; e.g. logical consistency,

an integrated presentation, a logical flow of discussion, statements
substantiated with evidence, no disconnection between different paragraphs
and sections, a focus on key issues.

• Avoid writing your essay in a pure summary form. Try to present the debate in a
critical and original way.

• Essays must be typed, and proof-read to avoid minor errors regarding

punctuation, spelling, grammar. Every paragraph should have, at least, three
sentences and every section, at least, three paragraphs.

• Slang, colloquial words, contractions (e.g. won’t, didn’t) not to be used.

• When ideas and findings of others are presented an appropriate academic style
of citation should be adopted; e.g. (Obstfeld, 1998:22).

• Each essay must have a full bibliography in alphabetical order at the end.

• A strict vigilance is maintained in this module against courseworks that are

products of academic misconduct (e.g. plagiarism and collusion). Do not risk
your degree for a week’s comfort.
In order to achieve your best results you may wish to visit the electronic resources
on the website of ASU (Academic Skills Unit) which can help you with Harvard
Referencing, Essay Writing, Report Writing and various other skills to improve your

Classification Grades A1 to A3:

Thorough understanding of key concepts/theory integration of theory and practice;
Focus on key factors/processes as specified in question;
Evidence of wide reading with critical understanding; evaluation of contrasting
Independence of thought and argument;
Well-structured flowing argument; clear, concise and correct writing;
Good academic referencing and presentation.

Classification grades B1 to B3:

Some integration of theory and practice;
Attempt to address key aspects as specified in question;
Evidence of own reading beyond class material knowledge;
Understanding of contrasting viewpoints generally;
Clear development of own argument; generally clear and correct writing;
Adequate referencing; good presentation.

Classification grades C1 to C3:

Some relevant references to theory and practice;
Use of relevant material but not precisely related to question understanding of class
Some evidence of own thought;
Some coherent argument but weakness in overall structure/clarity;
Word count stated/ achieved;
Inadequate referencing; moderate presentation.

Classification grades D1 to E2:

Some relevant material;
Some knowledge of practice but little theoretical base;
Tendency to unsubstantiated statements/assertions;
Some understanding of class material but no further reading;
Little evidence of own thought;
Poorly structured and presented with little coherent argument.
Fail: Little understanding even of class material; No structure; badly written and

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